Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 15, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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A Great Agency
We Have Secured Control fop
This City ot th Fulton Com
pounds, the Only Things Known
to Medicine That Cure Kidney
Diseases In Both the Primary
end Secondary Stae,
Tto ktaneva aretiot sensitive and th disease
is sometimes fastened sad already chromr
villi lb very nrst symptoms. lilt hu huug
a eight to ten months tt 1 surely chronic, lu
either eis whj takeehanceai Why not tske st
(rst th only thing- known that cures kidney
aisesa in the ctuvult) si well aa la prlnmr
stagca. The Pell esse cited below, iij permis
sum, la especially valuable, lor lu Insurability
wis doubly conilrmsd by consulting physicians,
and after recovery under the Ku I ton Compounds
Ihe recovery wan also doubly attested,
l in May 1st, the son ot K. (.'. Pell, the
Kanas'er ol the 1'scifle Coast Htscutt Company
01 Second and Folsom streets. San Francisco
was declared by the family physician to has
ehrouie kiduey disease and incurable. Another
Bhvsiciau was called In and oonrirmi! the
diagnosis- Tne whole txxly was swollen with the lollowing described real property,
niif.kiff'n Nti.r..
In the Circuit Cou.t of the State of Ore
son, tor lh County of Clackamas.
J. II. Heller, Plaintiff,!
John 1'. Vernier atitl S.
I.on Farmer this wife)
1. M. F.ckcrson, V.
T. Itigdir" mid I. ids
0 Cranston, I
Detetidants. j
Statu of Okriion, (
l Ol'NTV or VtACK.-iMlS,!
Hy virtue of s judgment order, decree
hint an execution, duly issued out ol and
under t lie feat of the above entitled lourt,
in the above entitled cause, to tne duly di
rected aid iiatcd Ihe 12th day ol January,
l'.HH, upon a judgment rendered and en
tered in said court on the ltth day of Jan
uary, in favor ol J. II llciier, Flam
till, and against Johu I. Fanner and S.
I.oti Far ertliis wile) I. M ticker-ton. W.
T. Kigdon and I. Ida C. Cranston, Defend
ants, lor the stun of J -l,iOo, with, interest
thereon at the rale ol ti per rent per annum
from the 11th day ot January, 1: KM, and the
f u rt her sum of $7500, as altotney's fee,
and the further stun of $ 1 S. 75 costs and
disbursements, and the cons ot and upon
this writ, commanding me to make sale ot
An ordinanc aitlnoriying a louse of ft strip
of laud IS feet hy 40 loot In Railroad Av
enui', below the hi nit and opposite lllock
'.Mot Oregon City, Oieitnn, and authorus
tug and directing; Hie Mil) or and Recorder
to execute said lease.
OitKioM City mis oiipun isroruitta:
Whereas 0. W, Church, desires to lease
(rorc Oregon City lor a term ol live veaia a
strip ol (ami IS iVet by 111 leet In Railroad
Avenue below the hltill and opposite lllock
20 of Oregon City, Oregon, parlu'iilatly
ileseriPeil as unions:
.oloe lor 1'iibllriillun
rursuant to a judgment order, decree and
an en'cutlnn Issued out of the Circuit
Court of the Hiatn nl Oregon for the Cuiinly
of Clackamas and dated the llth dav of
December, l!lo:t, upon a judgment and de
cree ot Inrcclnsiire duly rendered lu siil'l
Timber Land Act, Juno ,1, 1S7S.
United Stiitoa Laud OHiee. )
Oregon City, Or., Oct. I'll, llHW t
Notice la heioby stiviu that in cninpli-1
unco w ith tho 1 1 v I m i 1 1 1 h o the act of j
congress ni junc ,(, iM.N, entitle,! ".n I , rl upon the J.Sih day ol Noven r, 11 M.
act mr toe sum hi uiui.er Iiiiiuh in tni In a sull wherein Merman llnlinan, Jr ,
states) of California, Oregon, Nevada 'was plalutilf and Leonard Decker, Jr.,
and Washington Territory," aa extended I Fliiibclii I.. Ilecker, H. R. Jcsnip, Sophro
in all the 1'iihlif l and Slates by act ol j ''ia Jessup. J . .iir, Alia M. Laher, H.
August 4, 1S02. Michael Kn.ll.ol K'y, 1 '-l"'-". ."y HLM-liei... J. tt . Alex-
(hi. i ' . . . . . i ander, Marv K. Alensudcr, Filsnn I.. I.ane,
!."i.i..y in via. aaiuae, Biaie in l-icgou, , ,, ... ...
Commencing at a point t! feet Northerly 1 tuts 1 1 1 if duv hied in this ollice Inn en oi n j ji,lrKI) j, iiv,i c ! I'homtisiin -
statement No. ti:!21, lor the pniclmsn of j Thompson, nnlls II. I.ane, Oscar J. II.
the '4 ol ac'4 and hc'4 ol .,, of sec-I l ane. Thuuias J: Murphy, Harriet F.
t ion No, I'll, 'ti township No, ;i a, tango I Murphv, li, W. Oil tier t as administrator nl
No 'A ii. nml Mill ntler moof In mIiow tliui I 'he estate ol I'hochr tiilhert, deceased; It.
from Hie NoitluTlr line ol the allev in
I tdiH K '.'i ol Oienon City, treKon and '.'1 hi t
Kasterly Ironi the Kast lineol sanl block Ji.
and rmi liillir thence Southerly and parallel
j with the railroad stone wall 40 leet ; thence
! line IS leel; thence Northerly and rnlltl finibor stono than
10 ami i leei mini me nrsi course, ei leei ;
thence Westerly and at rich! angles to last
named tine IS fret to the place ol bcinnum,
for the purpose of erecting thereon a ware
house, and
Whereas the erection of a warehouse on
said laud will ill no nay mterlere with the
free and proper use of said Kailroad Av
enue as a street and will not interfere with
dropsy, aud a fatal termination looked for. Tha . ate in the county ot Clackamas, state of
Witon, to-wit:
l,ots numbered one ( I) and four (4) in
tract numbered seventy-three (7;i) 'n the
Kirst Subdivision of a portion of Oak Drove.
Now, Therefore, by virtue ol said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
compliance th the commands ot said
writ, 1 will, on Tuesday, the
at the hour of 11 o'clock A M al the front
door of the County Court House in the Cilv
of Oregon City, in said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to redemp
tion, to the highest bidder, for IT. 8 gold
coin cash in hand, all the right, tille and
interest which tke within named defend
ants or either of them, had on the date ol
the niortRage herein or since had in or to
the aboTe described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judc
ment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs,
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
.. L' i uiiL-L'r.' i . ..
lour, i;it
Fulton CAmpo.ind8 were then tururd to as the
Duly bope. On September IS tho dronsf had
disappeared and the boy was well, and after
double examinations the physieian declared the
recovery eomi'lete ard tcave Mr. Tell a written
report which lie now l,us.
Judne il A C.io iiiiss, the Police Judce of Sua
Fraucisco. al.- tt-.-st Hie recovery uuuer liis
own ooservmion f a friend of his who siso
rec'iv n.i whea me case (chronic Jlrlfhl's Ills-ea-'
of the kn.ticys) was well known to be tn
cur .tu..' i-cori. i lo ull meuicai authorities,
Co to i:o udicnt oi the Knlton Cotr.:-oi:n1s
nicoi. luc knew n r i i ii s that would cure kiilin-y
troubles a:tor tiny became chronic. Atx ul
nine-ie. tbs of nil esses are. eow cirable. eecn
a;t-r ta,-y huvr di'veloio tnlo the dreuded
cuviji.' i. :-..s of ItristsfN Lit sense and diabetes.
No ta: t-.n-ut.s are published or lnrited except
from cnrouiv cu-h-s iht. like the a love, are it
curable by ad other known mediclnrs. If youl
kidney trouble is recent Fulton's Kmal lm
pound will cure It quicliiy. If it Is of over sinhl
to ten months atandlujr tt is th only thing
known that will save your life. John J. Fulton
Co., Washington street, San Francisco, sols
compounders Fulton's Renal Compound for
right's and KMnev Dlseasew.il: for Diabetes.
1 1 40 Frew analyses made for patients, iseud
("r pamuhlax. Vii are lae exoluaiv aetata la
Dated, Oregon City, Ore.,
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the postofficeat Oregon City,
Oregon. Jan. 14, 1904:
women's list.
Bowdish Mrs G W Jones Miss Myrtle
Craig Mies Jettie McCann Mies H E
Botson Miss Floy Smith Mrs Roea
Etters Mrs Won Sutton Mrs Laura
Erickson MraV Thuby Miss
Farnbam Mrs Hougham Mies Emma
Flours Miss Marian Ward Mrs E E
Packages LolieMrsT, Onley Bessie,
Smith Mrs Roea.
men's list.
Austen Mr Willard Kiniwy G 8
Buckles A Marshall Clarence
Eaton Emmett E Merihew E L
Erickson J N Miller M L
Freeman Will Nelson Theodore
Gaucher Smith Albert 0
Goerti J V SpeitzerJrio
Keller G Eiickaon J N (Pkg)
Begin the New Year right by signing
for the hnlerprise, the best paper pub
lished in Clackamas county. The sub
scription price is (1 50 per year. If you
wish additional reading, we have a club
bing rate whereby we furnish the Weekly
Oregonian and the Enterprise for $2 per
year, or 2.25 including the World's map
that we are offering as a premium.
Cheapest lots in Oregon (Jity for sale.
Inquire at the Enterprise office. 0ct.2tf
Legal Notices.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of CUckamas.
Fred C. Seiaenspiner, Pltff.,1
vs. r
Elizabeth Beiaenspiner, Deft.)
To Elizabeth Beiaenspiner, defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon : Yon
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above
entiiied court and suit on or before the
27th day of February, 1904, and if you fail
go to appear and answer the complaint, the
piainuu win apply to me conn lor tne re
liet demanded in the complaint, to-wit:
A decree of the said court dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and now
existing between the plaintifl and defend
ant, and lor such other and further relief
as to the court may stem just and equita
ble. This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of the
said court, dated January 7, V.tA, which
order directs the publication ot this sum
mons not less than once a week for six
successive weeks.
The date of the first publication of this
summons is January 15. 1904,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor.
Votice is hereby given t.iat John Straus
has been appointed by the probate judge of
Clackamas county, Oregon, administrator
of the estate of Valentine Adams, deceased,
and all claimants against said estate are
hereby requested to resent claims duly
verified with proper vouchers to said ad
ministrator at Kelso, Oregon, or at the
office of his attorney at Oregon City, Ore
gon, within six months from this dale.
Dated January 14, 1M4.
Administrator of the Estate of Valentine
Adams, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator,
Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply at the next regular meeting of the
city council for a renewal of my saloon
license at my present place of business,
Main street, between Fourth and Fifth.
fan-15. M. RaMiio.
!?7iWe, CunrcCOLDI
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and pleasant to
nae. Contain no in
fo none drug.
It la quickly absorbed.
Give Belief at once.
It Opens and Cleanses
trie it am raasaffea.
Aiiava Inflammation.
Heals and Protects ths Membrane. Restores the
tnwia of Tat and riroell. Large 'e, 0 cents at
IrrufK-ulJ or by mail ; Trial fiiae, Id cents by mail.
iXV B&GX&sUia, M Warren Stmt, New York.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore
Item, for the County of Clackamas.
F. B. Madison,
Elizabeth B. Carson and J. G.
Carson, Defendants.
State of Oreiron,
County ot Clackamas, j ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, decree and
an execution, duly issued out of and under
the seal of the above entitled court. In the
above entitled cause, lo me duly directed
and dated the 7lh day of January, 1!HH,
upon a judgment made and entered in said
court on the 5th day of January, 11104, ia fa
vor of F. B. S'adison. plaintiff, and against
Llizabetb B. Canon and J. O. Carson. De-
lendants, for the sum of $75.00, with inter
est thereon at the rate ol ti per cent per an
num, ana tne tnrtner sum of WO.UO. and
and the further sum of JU.40 costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me out of the personal
prooerty of said defendants, and if sufficient
could not be found, then out of the real
property belonging to said defendants, on
and after the date of said 5th January, V,'H,
to satisfy said sum of $Uti.40 and also the
costs upon this said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
compliance with thecomruandsol said writ,
being unable to find any (rsonal property
of said defendants', I bad heretofore and on
the 21st day of November, l!i3, duly levied
upon and under attachment in the action
upon the following described real property
ol said defendant, situate and being in the
County of Clackamas and btate of Oregon,
towit: All of Lots numbered One and Four
in Tract Forty live; and lot numbered One
in Tract Filty Kigbt of the First sub-division
of a portion ol Oak Grove according to the
map on tile in the office of Recorder of Con
veyances of Clackamas County, State of
Oregon, and I will on Saturday,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front
door of the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City in saiu County and .State,
sell at public auction, subject to redeni.
tion,.to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold
coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named defend
ants, or either of them, had on the date of
said 21st November, 1903, or since had In or
to the above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said Plaintiff's iudK-
ment order, decree, costs and all accruing
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oreeon.
By E. C. HACKKTT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 15th,
the use d the alley in block -V, and
Whereas said 0." W. Church Is willing tu
pay to Oregon City tne sum u( $20 00 per
annum, in advance, as rental Inr said land
1 herefure the Mayor and Recorder of
Orewtn City are hereby authorised and di
rected to enter into a li u with said ti. W.
Church fur the City's interest in said des
cribed land Inr a term of live years to beg n
on the day of Jauiiary'ttsM,iiMin the fol
lowing terms: Twenty tt-V.OO) dollars per
year In advance each year of sai l lease. In
be paid in II. S. Hold Coin, and the further
consideration of the pay men t by said ti. W.
Church ol all assessments and taxes hii'h
may he levied against said property during
the term of this lease, and said lease to con
tain a clause requiring said ti. VY, Church
to use said premises lor a warehouse only
aud to keep the premises in a clean condi
tion and providing that tralliu along Rail
road Avenue and Irom Railroad Avenue to
the Alley in block 20 shall in no way be in
teriered with.
Read first time and ordered published at
a regular meeting or tlia Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, held January t), I'.sW
I In- Uiul sought ia luiiro Valuable for ita
(or Htiricultiiral
ptiip.. cs, ami in eataliliali tua claim to
sniil land lfore the register and teceiver
of t ti it ollice at Oregon t'Hv, Oregon, on
Thiiratlay, the 14th day of anuary, 1IK)4.
lie names aa witni'Ses:
II. M. Urownell, Oregon City, Oregon ;
W. 11, H. Samson, Oregon City, Ora
tion; J. , IMiipvr, tlingon (ity,(re-
gon ; I hoiuaa 1'iillv, ol Miuliel, Oregon.
Any ami all eriin claiming adversely
the alHive-descrilieil lauds are requested
lo file their claims in thia ollice on or
before aaid 14th ilav ol January, IlKM.
4ltllVt.4 i: Mt-
An ordidance making a levy equal to the
annual Installment upon the property as
sessed for the cost ol the improvement of
Seventh street and the laying of sewers In
Sewer sVstriet No. 2 of Oregon City, the
owne.-sof which have made application to
pav their assessments by installments.
Oregon Cnv does ordain as follows:
Section 1. Ilia', whereas certain tx-raona,
owners of property situate within the cor
porate limits of Oregon City, have been as
sessed for the cost of the improvement ol
Seventh street anil for the laying of sewers
in Sewer District No. 2, and said owners of
property so assessed have tiled with the re
comer their applications to pay aucn as
sessments by installments, under the terms
and provisions of an act of the legislature
ol the state of Oregon, known as the Ban
croft Bonding Act," ami providing, for the
payment ot 10 per cent of said assessments;
Wherereaa, In conformity with said law
and because of said applications, Oregon
City has issued its bonds equal to the ag
gregate sum of said assessment;
Now, therefore, pursuant to law, Oregon
City does hereby levy a special tax upon
each lot and parcel of land, assessed as
aforesaid, the owners of which have made
application to pay such assessments by in
stallments ol lo r cent of the amount of
such original assessments
Section 2. The special taxes or Install
ments levied by this ordinance shall be due
aud payable to the city treasurer ti ivom the
approval of this ordinance, and if the spec
ial taxes or installments tie not paid before
the hrst day of March, 11104, the same shall
be deemed to be delinquent taxes aud shall
be collected as such as provided by charter.
(Section 3. The recorder shall deliver a
certified copy of this ordinance, together
with a statement showing the amount due
upon each lot or parcel of land on Seventh
street and in said tower District No. 2, to
the city treasurer, which shall be his au- j
thorny and warrant for the collection ol
said special taxes or installments.
Section 4. The city (treasurer shall no
tify each person agamM whom such taxes
or Installments are levied, by mailing to
mm or tliem a notice, specifying the
amount of bis or their special tax, and the
time within which the same may be paid.
section o. Immediately alter the hrst
day of March, 1U04. the treasurer shall
make a report and return to the city
council, showing the amount of said spec
ial taxes collected aud the amount unpaid.
Mean n rst tune and ordered published at
a regular meeting ol the citv council of
Oregon City, held Jan 0. KsH
liKLCK C. C L It It i , Recorder.
Police lo 4'r-lltri.
Notice is hereby given that I hav.' been
appointed administralrix ol Hie estate of
John Keller, dcceaail, hy the County
Court ol Clackamas Coiiutv, Oregon. All
persons having claims against said estate
are lierehy iiolilled to ireent the same to
me for payment at the ollice ol (n-ore C
llromiell, my attorney, al Oregon City,
I 'renin, w ith proper vouchers therefore
williiu six miinlha alter the dale of tins
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 1st
day ot lleeemher, l: .'I.
Administratrix ol the estate ol John Keller
.Hotlrr of rtnal NrHlrnie-nl.
In the County Court of tho Stale
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah E.
Hughes, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the Final
Account of the Administratrix of the
tate of Sarah E. Iloghea, deceased, baa
been filed in said court fur settlement.
and that Monday, the 1st dv of ruhru
ary, 1!04, at ten o'clock A. M., tiua been
apHintod hy said court for the hearing
of objections lo eaul final account and lor
the aettltMiienl thereof.
DaUl Decetulier 8, l!k)3.
Administratrix of the Estate ol Sarah E
Hughes, deceased.
.Jotlr ol I'lual Nrlllrrarnt.
Notice is hereby given that llm under
signed, adminiatrutor of the Estate of
John Acker, deceased, has Hied his final
account in said estate in the County
Court ol the County of Clackamas, State
of Oregon, and the County Judge of said
County has apiuinteil Monday, the 1st
day of February, l!K)4, aa the day on
which said account shall m Nettled.
All persons interested in said entataare
hereby notified to file any objections to
said account on or before, said date in
said Court.
First publication Dec. 11, NrOX
Administrator aforesaid.
Att'y for Administrator.
Circuit Court, Clackamas County, State
of Oregon.
Winnifred Irene Baker, Plaintiff,)
vs J.
Joseph Baker, Defendant. )
To Joseph Baker, tbe above named de
fendant: In the name ol the Slate of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to appear and
answer tne complaint, nied against you in
the anove entitled court, in the above
entitled cause, on or before the last
day of the time pi escribed in tbe order
tor tbe publication of this Summons, which
said order was duly made and entered in
this suit, by the Judge of the above en
titled Court, to-wit: On or before the 27th
day ol February, A. D. 1!X.'4, and If you fail
so to appear and answer for tbe want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
lor tne rene: aemanoeu in said complaint,
which is, that the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you
and tbe said plaintiff be dissolved, for the
costs and disbursements of this suit and for
such other and further relief as to equity
may neeni just.
This Hummons is published once a week
in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper published regularly in Oregon
City, Clackamas Countv. Oreeon. bv order
of the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of
tne uircnit ocurt of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, made and dated on the
fjlb day of January, BJ04. That tbe date of
the hrst publication of this Summons is the
15th day of January, l'(04.
Attorney lor Plaintifl.
erdinance granting right of
H. Bonney tor telephone pur-
Hearing on Final Account,
In the County Court of the State of Ore-
eon, for Clackmas County.
In the matter of the estate of Charles Mo
Govern, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that John P. Mo
Donough, executor of the above entitled
estate, has fl:ed his final account in tbe
above entitled court and that the same has
been set by the court for bearing on the
15th day of February, 1II04, at the hour of
3 P, M. All persons interested in the said
estate are hereby notified to appear on tbe
said day and present any . objections thev
bave to the approval of tbe said account
and tbe discharge of the executor from bis
Dated Jannarv 13th. 1004.
Executor Of the estate of Charles McOov
ern, deceased.
Attorneys for Executor.
En itled an
way to W.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. it is hereby granted to W. H.
Bonney, his heirs and assigns, the riaht
to erect and maintain poles aud wires for
telephone purposes within the corporate
limits of Oregon City upon the following
Commencing at the intersectlna of Wash
ington street with the Oregon City and
Viola road, and running thence in a south
erly direction along Washington street to
its interaection with Fifth street; thence In
a westerly direction along Fifth .street to
Main street; thence along Main slreet to
the city limits on the north.
Section 2. The poles to be erected shall
be of cedar, as straight as possible, dressed
smooth and painted, anil be in ail respects
in conformity with regulations of city or
dinances respecting poles and ires on
Btreets in city limits.
Section 3. All poles shall be set at a uni
form distance of eight feet from the line of
tbe blocks on all streets, excepting when
the committee on streets and public prop
erty shall decide that some dillerent ar
rangements should be made. Hucb poles
shall be placed so as to not Interfere with
the rights of property owners, and incase
of a (impute in regard to settiag of same
with the owners of adjoining property, the
matter shall be adjusted ry the committee
on streets and public property.
Section 4. Oregon City hereby reserves
the right to alter, change or modify this
ordinance or any of its provisions, having
n lie regard to the rights ol the said W. 11.
Bonney, bis successors or assigns
Section. A failure to accept within twen
ty days, or a failure to comply with the
provisions or this ordinance at any time
hereafter, shall forfeit all rights granted
under il.
Bead first time and ordered published at
a regular meeting of the city council of
uregou uiry, t)regon, held January u, 1!)04.
liKLCK C. CUKKY, itecorder.
police ol Flaal Net llerarnt.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed administrator ol the Ksiate nl John
W. I ice, deceased, has hied bis final ac
count in said estate lu the county court
of tke county of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, and the county judge ol said county
has appointed Monday, rebruary 8, psil
as the day no w hich said account shall be
settled. All persona interested in said Ks
tate are hereby notified to hie any ohleo
Hons lo said account on or before said date
in said court.
First publication January 8, lllOt. Last
publication reb-narv f. 1 1104,
Administrator aforesaid.
Atty. fur administrator.
.(: for I'lihlicHt Ion.
(Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.)
U. S. Land Olfioe, Oregon City,
December 2. 1!03
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
congresa ol June J, 18H, entitled "An
act for the ale of timber lands in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the public land stales by act of All
gust 4, 1HU2, Alexander W. Courtney, of
Fortland, county ot Multnomah, slate
of Oregon, has this day filed in this oflice
his sworn statement No. 0342, for the
purchase of the n of section 28, in
township No, 5 8, range 3 e, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable lor its timber or stone
than for agricultural piirfioses, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the register and receiver of thin ollice at
n,DiH,n r1,'!., fk..,.,.n ni,.n,i i.
14th day of March, 1904.
He names as witnesses: J. D. Ktites,
C. II. Unborn, Hobt. Osborn, W. K.
Thomas, all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requesteil to file their claims in this of
fice on or before said 14th day of March,
Treasarer'a Notice t
"I now have money to pay conntv
warrants endorsed prior to April 1, 1901.
also road warrants endorsed prior to
July 1st, VM',. Interest will ceaae on
such warrants on tbe date of this notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, December 4, 1903.
Treasurer ol Clackamas County, Oregon.
Delinquent tax sale for 1902 taxea will
be conducted at the court house begin
ning at 9 o'clock a. m. Monday, January
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County, of Clackamas.
Lydia L. Schoonover, )
vs. Summons.
Bert J. Schoonover, I
To Bert J Schoonover, defendant:
In tbe name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in
tbe above entitled suit, within six weeks
from the date of the first publication of this
summons, which time expires on the 2th
day of February, l'JA, and if you so fail to
so appear and answ-r, the plaintllf will ap
ply te the Court for the relief prayed for lu
the 00m plaint, to-wit: A decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony existing between
plaintiff and Defendant, for the care and
custody of her child, lewis Schoonover,
and for such other and further relief as to
the Court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is published bv order of
Thos. K. Ryan, Judge of the County Conrt ' river; thence SOIIth 58 tifvrfHm ) minnUn
Af tl..Ula.i. nfl.aA,,n ... ' I - L - ... ! a lul -.1 t. . . ?. n
dated Deo. 22, I'M.
Date of first publication, Jan. 8, 1904;
and date of last publication. February 19
l&ot. W. H. POWELL,
Attorney for Plain til".
W.liilhert. Malliida tiilhert, Dolhe l.llhn
llllbert, F.slitlla tiilhert, Oraut I'hegly,
la del 1'. 1 .111, Imogene llnldie, Wllhclm
Thielemann, WTIheluiinc Thielemann,
.leam tie Thielemann, William Martin Van
Huron and I. aura R, Van lliiren, were de
fendants, which Judgment la against the
said defendant limard Ilecker, Jr., and
(he said decree against all of the said iln
leiidanis, I will 011 Saturd.iy ibe 1 1 tt la day
of January, Illol, at the hour of '.':ii o'clock
In Ibe allerniMin ol sai l day at the Irnnl
door of the Clackamas County Court House
lu Oregon City, Oregon, sell at puhlic auc
tion to the highest milder, for cash In hand,
the premises in the said decree of loreclos
lite described, or sn much thereof as limy
lie hecessmy lo salisly Hie amount id
plaiullll'a JiidiMiieiil liereinalter ala ed.
The said pieuuaes being described as
A part ol tha Donation Laud Claim of
lieorge II rock and Kiiuice llrocg No. hi lu
township ;t south ol range 1 east ol Wlllanp
eite Meridian In Clackamas County, Ore
gon, more particularly described as billows,
Commencing al the northwest corner of
said donation land claim and running
thence easterly tracing the claim line to a
point tar enough so that a line running
south tberefroui and parallel Kith the West
iHiundary id said donation land claim to
the Willamette river will cut oil and en
close 2.1 acres of said donation land claim,
excepting therelrom tbe following described
tract: Commencing at tbe northwest cor
iierofsald donation land claim No. I'i and
running thence south along the claim line
MOM fret; thence east I.J.' feet; theucs
moth 1'lilMl li.rt; thence east (Ml feet more
or less to the claim line; llien. e north 4'U 7
feet on the claim line to the north line of
tap! claim ; thence west along Hie north
line ol said claim lo Ibe place of beginning
containing :'l', acres.
Thai I will oiler fur sale and sell the
above described premises lu parcels and In
the nrd- r following:
r'lrst: Commencing at the point where
the west boundary Hue tit the said donation
laud rialm ol lieorge and Funic linn k No.
t'l lu Clackamas County, Miate of Oregon,
intersects ihe Willamette river and running
thence eolith M deg. 'Si minutes east ISn.T-'
feet ; thence south 57 degrees M inlnules
east .!.' leei ; thence south 40 degrees ?
minutes east ! leet; thence north 2III.7H
leet to a pel lit .tut.7.1 feet east ol tha south
west comer of the said donation laud claim)
tneiio eaai ,tia.S7 leet; thence north am:
parallel with the west boundary of aula
donation land claim l!rJi,.oi fret: thence
weat ir.'.' leet to the west lie of th aanl
donation land claim ; thence north 011 said
weal line leet to a iKiint Mi.,M Wi
sou in 01 in northwest corner ol said claim
thence east U'."-.' (eet ; thane north .till M
leet; thence east Oil feet to the claim I ne
inence south ilegrees miiiul-a east on
claim line lo a point 1H70 b et east of the
west boundary Jin ot said claim: then,-.
south to a point 4105. Ul feet south aud 1II7U
leet east ot the northwest comer of said
claim, being the northeast comer of the
tract conveyed to I linrnas J, Murphy by J
11. i.aorr. luetic we-i 1UU.M reel nior or
less 10 tne Willamette river: I henr m
stream billowing the meanders of said rivi.r
10 trie place or lieglnulng. (Kxcepting
IKMlinn thereof descrilied as follows: Com-
niciii iug si a point 1 1'7 ir' ,n .,,1111. .,,,1
t..' Pet east of ibe northwest corner of the
iieorge aim r.uiuce llrock It. I,. C. known
as claim No. 40; running thence south
1 707. let leet lo a point; thence west Iils.7
feel to a point ; thence south :qil 7tl feet to a
ixilnt on tbe Willamette river; thence
southeasterly Pdl.ll leet Ui a point; thence
east 5.W feet ; them e north 4I.1.4.H leet to a
poiui; inence east i.i.,.u feHt Pi a point
mence north intu II leet to a point; thence
In a northwesterly direction pi the begin
ning aim containing ii acres.)
Second: Commencing al a point IK'i Id
feet south and IH7'. feet east of the north
west cornel of said donation laud claim
no -to oi lieorge ami hunice llrock, being
me immirasi corner 01 the tract conveyed
by J B. Litter and wife to Thus. J. Murphy
Ihence west Kkll.M feet, more . r less, to the
Willamette river; thence following the me-
anuria 1,1 nmu river soniri ,v degrees .'(0
minutes east via n et ; thence souih 21 de
grees 30 minutes east 2-U.2 feet Inr a begin
ning point of the tract to be described. Saul
beginning point being on tbe meander line
of the Willamette river; thence east m;w 74
feet; thence south I Hd 3 tret, more or less
to the Wlllametie river; thence billowing
the meander Imeol the Willamette river up
stream to the said point ol b.-glnmiig.
Third: That certain tract described as
commencing at a point 4H III reel south
and 1H71I leeteastof tbe northwest corner of
the said donation laud claim No. 40- thence
running west KMi feel; thence south 4"0 ill)
leet; thence east 1M3 feel; thence north
101.20 leet; thence east 650 feet; thence
north 2'.!) feet to the place of beginning
,,'iitni in lift nijk mir.
fourth :
Ihence imrlh and puixllel with the weal
boundary ol said donation laud claim
IIOIIHI h'ct; thence west !.".! lent lulhw west
line of said claim, conlalolug 'J1, acres,
add being Ihe tract Inlcmlcd to he conveyed
by the aanl J, II. Laher and wile In K1U011
I.. I.ane,
To suiisly the judgment of pliiintlll
against the said defendant Leonard Ilecker,
Jr,, lor Ibe sum of $.ll'.".'.5i,,nnd the further
sum of f'J.si as altoruitv'v Ices, mid Ihe tur
ther sum nl '.! 7.1 plalnlllt'a cosla and dis
bursements, logelher wllh Interest on the
aald sums al the rain of II per rent per an
num from November '.'K, IIKt'l, all III I'mlcd
Stales gold coin, and also Ihe rust of mid
upon the said writ of execution,
Mierlll uf Clin kamaa coiinl v, Ore.
Commencing at a nolni t.er in
feet south and HL'2 feel east of th r,.7rn!
west corner of the (ieorge and Eunice
Brock D. L. C, known as claim No. HI
running thence south 17o7.h leet to a
point; thence west 3M.27 feet to a iioinf
thence south 2111.70 feet to a point on the'
Willamette river; Ihence southenslerly
100(1 feet to a point; thence east WW feel
thence north 413. 1M leet to a nolrit:
east 435.4.S feet to a point: thenc i,nh
1001.14 feet to a point; thence in a north
westerly direction to Ihe heirlniilnu .n.l
containing r2.25 acres.
Filth: I hat certain tract Intended to be
conveyed ny j. it. 1, slier anil wife to John
h. Hiirae, descrilied as follows: Ciumii,.,,.
ing at a point 4105 111 feet south and 1!J7
feet east of the northwest corner ol il. ..1,1
donation land claim No. 411: then bh.ui
I034.H feet to the Willamette river- ti,.,
followingtbe meanders of said rlJor .,,,,11,
35 degrees 30 minutes east 257.4 feet; thence
south 21 degrees 30 minutes east 2202 leer
thence east M3M.74 feet; theric.n south 1 101 3
reel to the Willamette river; thence follow
ing the meanders of said river south 05 de
grees east 100.11 feet; Ihence south 75 de
grees east 221. 4 feel ; thence south 53 de
grees east 270.1 leet; thence south 47 de
grees east 41.0 leet to tbesonlni
of the tract of land set ofr to Mary rl. Holl
man by decree of the circuit court of tbe
state of Oregon for the county of Multno
mah : thence north along the east line of
said last named tract 1X7(1 feet Iy, in. r.i..
of beginning, excejitiug therelrom, how
ever, that certain Iportinn thereof conveyed
to I.J. Murphy by the said J. B. Laher
containing six acres and bounded as fol
lows: Commencing at a ooiiit 41(11 III f.t
south and 10711 feet east of the northwest
corner or tne sain donation land claim No
40; thence west TO feet; thence south
420 20 feet: ihence eaat 2X3 feet; thence
north 101.20 feet ;thence east 550 feet; thence
north 259 feet to the place of beginning.
Sixth: Commencing at a noinr m, ih
west boundary line of said donation laud
claim No. 40, K'10.51 feet south of the north
west corner of said claim; thence south
tracing the claim line to the Willamette
4 o.yi i:nt xh m i:.
Department of the Interior, United State
Laud Ollice, Oregon Clly, Oregon, Pereui
her 5, I'si.l.
A siilllclent contest allldavlt having been
11 led lu thia olllne, Oct. 2, 1001, hy Jacob II.
Scbiulll, contestant, agalliat Iminrstead
enirt No. 12230, mad July 12, His, lor
Si1'1,, Section 20, township M H Range 1
F... hy l.esier H, Sabine, Conleslee, lu which
Il Is alleged Ihat couleatanl II Well ac
quainted with said tract of land and
"knows the jiresunt condition of th same;
also Ihat said Lester I.. Sahlu has aban
doned said land for more than six months
last jiast ; Ihat he has not resided upon,
cultivated nor Improved sal. I land lor mora
than six months Inst past ; that In fact, said
I .filer K. Sahlne has neer aipce making
said entry, resided Upon, millivaled or Im
proved any portion ol said laud lu any
manner whatsoever, nor has any nn done
so foi Mm, and Ihat aald alleged absnure
Irom the said laud was lint due In Ins em
plovment in tbe Army. Navy, nr Marine
I Corps of Ihe I'nlted Slates as a privato
I soldier, olbcer. seaman, or marine, during
in war witii npain, or miring any inner
war ill which the I'nlted Stales may be en
gaged," said parties are hereby nnlllmd lo
appear, respond and idler viileure touch
ing said allegations at 10 o'clock A M., on
January I'i, !:!. Pelore the Itenlsler and
Receiver at the Culled Stales Land Ollinn
lu Oregon Citv. Oregon,
The said conlealanl having In a priqwr
allldavlt, tiled Dvcnmbar 4, llltl, set forth
lacla w hich show that alter due diligence
personal service ot ibis notice cannot lw
made, It Is hereby ordered ami directed
that such notice lie given by due anil
proper publication,
ti Ei 1. W. II1IIKE, Ileielver.
In the county court of the stale of Ore
gon, tor the pouutv of Clackamas.
In th matter of th estate of James K.
Clirrie, deceased.
Order to show cans why order of sal of
resl estate should not tx mad.
A. M. Crawford, administrator of the
estate ol James K, Clirrie, deceased, having
filed his pellilnn lierelu duly verified, prays
for au order lo sell Ihe eoiithaeat t of the
southeast tha east t of the southwest
4, and lot 4 ot section 30, tow nship il north
ol range (I west, of the Willamette Me
ridian, containing Ifl'.'.DO acres In Clat
sop county, Oregon, a portion of thereat
estate of aald lUcedeul, for the purpose
therein eel forth.
It la therefore ordered by the laid court
Ihat all th persona Interested lu lb estate
of said deceased appear belore the said
county court on Monday, lb first day of
February, 1!4, at lu o'clock In Ihe fore
noon of said date, at the court room of aald
county court in tbe court house at Oregon
Ciiy, Clackamas oounly, Oregon, to show
cans why an order should not be granted
to th said admlnlatrapir to sell said real
slate of lb said deceased al private aaie ;
and that a copy ol this order lie published
at least four successive weeks in Hit (Irerun
Cliy Knterprlte, a newspaper primed and
published in said city and county.
I'aitrl iiecemner JO, I'mj.
THOS. F. RYAN, Judge.
.Vll- to Orilltora
In Ihe County Court of the Htal of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
Notice la hereby given that th under.
signed liottlneii HiH-se, Jr., baa been dulv
appointed administrator of tbe F.stale of
(intllried Boese, Sr., deceased, and also ad
ministrator ol the estate of Khxabelli lb ise.
All persons having claims against said as-
tates or either ol them are hereby requested
10 pri-seiii same wnn proper vouchers with
in six months Irom this date to said sdtilln
Islralor at his residence at Damascus. Ore
gon, or at the ollice ol his attorney al Ore
gon Clly, Oregon.
Hated lleeemher 10, i'M.
Administrator of tbe estate of (iottfrierl
lloese, Sr., deceased, and of the estate of
P.lizaheth Boese. deceased
All y tor Adin'r.
.Kollce lor I'll bl IraMoii.
Department of the Interior. Land inll.-
at Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 4, !H.
nonce is hereby given that the following,
named settler has tiled nnIu- nr 1,1. i.,,....
lion to make final i.rimf I II alllilinrt f.f l.ia
claim, and Ihat said proof will be made he-
nire rtegisier aim Keceiver at Oregon City
Oregon, on
FUBRCARY 12, 1!0,
Jonathan Richmond : II. 1." N i-mi
for the SWi.; of NW',', N W' of HU't'i "sW
of HVi Sec. M, T. 2 S , R j K.
lie names Ihe following witnesses to
prove bis continuous resilience lltiftn nMil
cultivation of said land, viz:
John Belcher, of Salmon, Oregon; Wil
liam Slone, of Salmon. Oreeon- will Hint
Hall, of I'ortlnnd. Oriu'fiii Ui.,.. 11.1..11
of Marmot, Oregon. ' '
.Kollrc ol Final Arrounl.
Notice ia herer.v irivun 11, at 11.. 1
signed, administrator of the tau nr 1 ir
Rel ly, deceased, has filed his final account
In the county court of Clackamas county.
State of Oregon, and by order of said court.
Monday the l-iday ol February, pun, al
10 o clock A M., has been appointed frt,e
L'-TII"5 "f.'."J,Tt "t0 ""''I account
and the settlement thrreuf.
E Y 1 ey
Administrator of the estate of J. K. R-illy
deceased. '
easlti().,2 feet; thence south 57 rlevroo. v
minutes east 1!XU;2 feet; thence south 40
degrees 22 minutes east 122 feet; ihence
north 210.70 feet to a point 303. 73 reel east
of the south west corner of the said donation
land claim ;thence east 318.27 feet to a point
slLMiellll! "l ,"'""!'y, K'Ve". thl
slgned has been duly appointed as Admin-
a, ,rri,,'.r"","""lHc"U' ,'"re8sed, end any
and all persons bavuig claims against the
.t !.t 1 ? "i"'."' ,,r,'"ent """" 10 'he uud r
1.? ?l "'"''. Oreimn,
biln , ' w,'hi",1 months,, thedate
0 1 his no , ce. Dated this 30th day of De
cc nbe,, ilsii. MaIHIAS KANDI.K.
.l'cea'sed,,,0r0f C"tale '
Attorney fur Admr.
signed r Riven that the nnder-
fr.n r ?r ,. :"!'y ''"oi"""' Admin-
cease ., J'BM,at',0'J,,l,n
cease,), ,nd and (
Hihl.nd h" "n"""'K","l Administrator, at
mo nths of the dale or this notice.
Dated the 30th day of December IK13
. , , , , . HATHIAH KANDLE,
'"llil e"Ut4 0fJoun Soott,
O. B. Dialler,
Attorny lor Adsar.