Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 15, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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MUs Nettie Blackmorc, Minneapolis,
tells how any young woman may be per
manently cured of monthly pains by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Younu Womkn:-I hud frcqwmt hoiwlachns of a -nvcro nature.
dark hjk,U beforo my ryes, and at my t11, '
uhlol.l Vny. A im-mluT o( tho lodra adywod nw to try lydU JU
P 'nk nam's Veritable Compound, but I only scorned RckkI advice and
S yd wu lioness, but bI.o kn at mo until I toufiht a
Kilo and atartod taking iU I soon bud tho bent reason fjLo world to
chanun my opiniunnf tho medicine, ti. each day my health InPed.'nd
final iv I was rntiroly without pain at my menstruation nodn. I am most
irau!lii."-Kiwi i liLACKMuuK, 2S Central Ave, Minneapolis, ALiiul
Painful Periods $
ro fitilckly i.n.1 permanently overcome by ...Vvof
Veir'tnll :i.iKun.l. The above letur la only one of lu "n" ot
thousand whl.-li prove tl.U Matrmrnt U, bo . ru-tloa
.H.vrr .train n.womanf;luU
ib nii'iiK.
the rHuae-iMTliu)MlllcauMea uy
mrnta. r tho dovrlopment ol a
Ji l'lukhaiu'a VeitcUblo Coiupounu ia gTiiariinio l" J
If there la anTthlnir alwut your caae
advice. wrlU freely to Mra. HnUhain.
coutldcntlal. Mie can aurely help you. lor no person m ab,Cm..- -from
.wider eaprrlruc In treatintf female Ilia, hhe ha. helped hundred, of
tho aanda of women back to healtlu Her addreaa la Lynn, Mas. and her
idv hSi "a fre. You are very foolish If you do uot acept her kind invitation.
. culty wuirn naa irouuicu uio ;ui
l-1 St and for which I had spent hundreds
11 A w THr of dollars in tho vain endeavor w rec-
V Jk - ' N. tify. iMy Ufo forces were being sapped,
&:(' S, J O- uid I waH daily loslnpr my vitality.
Vi t-WtS'r " Ljdla K. rinkham's ratable
VV Compound cured me comp.eU.-ly, and
I am now enjoying the best of health, and am most aS
too pleased to ? endorse such a great remedy."-Miss Jbnnik LEpwarw,
604 11 St, N. W, Washington, 1). C.
Mrs. lMiikhnin, whim ad.lress Is Lynn, Mass, will n"w"
f uUy mi without oust all letters addressed to her by sick women.
Oregon City Hnterprisej
Lost Ilia Fisokr. I'at Johnson, an
employe at the Willamette l'ulpV I'uper
Mills, received a oaiiiftll injury lat S.it
tirday uinrninn w hen hia hand became
eutaiip-led in the machinery and the tips
of the diils were cut oir.
inn the ubucnce from the city of J nilire
Mcllride'H Inmily whoapent the siiinmer
at their home at Peer's Island, tlieir
residence in this city waa entered by
thieves and considerable valuable diahea
carried away.
AnoTIIKH DlVciHCK (iltANTKD. .Indue
Mcllriile has ran led Kiiiiiih Minnie
May Murphy a divorce Irom Ilavid
Murphy. Tiio county commiKMioiiera'
court has udioiirned to meet on the lHth
inst when a list of jurymen for the en
euinu year will lie selected and judge,
and clerka of election appointed.
Koiiiikky at Mil.wAi'KtR. Theg nera
l.iiintiua uli.ru of Wixximrer'a at, Mil
waukie was entered by burglars Satnr-
Uv nil. hi unit robheil of a considerable I
quantity of goods. No money was taken
ml the principnl booty that was carried
away consisted of canned goods. It ia
believed that the robliery was committed
bv local characters.
Will Ubk Clackamas TiMimR.-Work-nien
are engaged in the vicinity ol Clack
amas station preparing logs for shipment
to Ht. Louis where the timber produced
therefrom will be oned in the construc
tion of s building In which will be placed
the exhibit from this state at the World's
Fair. Home of the finest limber, for
which Clackamas county is noted, is
found at Clackamas.
Chanosd Boms Boundaries. The
county commissioners' court at its ses
sions last week took op the consideration
of precinot boundary lines and made
some minor changes. No extensive al
terations were made in the boundary
lines of sny of the precincts nor are such
changes contemplated. At Friday's ses
sion a small fraction of the Milk Creek
precinct waa attached to that of Beaver
Creek and at the same time a portion of
Needy was annexed to the Macksburg
Vegetable mpouna.
... ..,h IlMilac.
irr. K.; "
uimor. ""' ' " ,7
about which you would like pfc'
he will ireai your ievr
Detail ol Anotner wise. i
Dtkn Mna. Pinkham: Ignorance and
carolcRsnoKa is the caune of mot of the Buffer.
iiiK of vromen. I believe Uat If we yrorfrly
Uiideretood the laws of health we would aU be
well, but if the sick womcu only knew the
truth alout I-ydla I Plnkham't Vrifetable
C'oiniM.und, they would be saved much suller.
iiiK and would R(n be cured.
I used it for five months for a local dlffl-
K preilnci. AiliKil'i"' vm anunr
xea that were orilenil by Hie court,
hies not ellect the residein'e, with refer
ence lo voting, of m-ru limn a dozen
Wii.i, Ohoasizi! at (Iarkiki). County
Jmltte Ityan, as one of the ollirers of the
alale orjj.iiii.ation of Odd Fellow, will
form a lodxe of three linkers at (Uitield
on the niiiht of Satun'iiy the '.Mil inst.
There will be about thirty charier mem
tiers. Those alio ere interested in thn
organization of this lodue are recmested
to liear in mind the date ami make it
their business to be In attendance that
the orKanlziiiK of the (iarlield Indue may
not he longer delayed.
Was tiik HodV Koiihki)? lielatives
of the late Wni. Ptinney, of this city,
who lost his life near ClijunpoeK, last
Tuesdav, when he was cnuiiht bv a fall-
I intf tree, susiect that their kinsmen was
' relieved ol some money subsequent to
, the accident and before the body waa
turned over to them for burial. A local
j attorney has been employed to make an
' investigation of the circumstances anr
I rounding the accident and death of
! Dun gey.
pKi.iNg.UKNT Tax Salk. SherifTShaver
on Monday hegau the sale for duliixjuent
taxes of property assessed on the lltOU
roll. Only city property wai ollered for
sale the first day and there were few
bidders, the county buying the bulk of
the properly. The highest rate of inter
est ollered waa thirty per cent. Bidding
enlivened when the acreage property
olio red for sale Wednesday. The delin
quent roll in Clackamas county this year
is the lowest in yeara. With a tax roll
originally representing $170,000, there
remained uncollected lens than flilllH).
In tiik Divorck Court. Circuit Judge
McBride last Friday granted two divorces
aa follows: Kmma li. I'hillips ys. Geo.
B. Phillips; Kva (iarrick vs. Walter F.
Carrick. Sarah Clemens brought a suit
fur divorce from Matthias Clemens
whom she sllegee baa threatened several
times this month to kill herself and
children. The parties who were mar
ried in Ohio, in 1879, are now residents
of Oak Grove this county. Plaintiff rep
resents in her complaint that the de
fendant ia about to come into the posses
lion of a life insurance policy upon
which he can realiie 3500 and against
which there stands but a single claim of
$1500 for a debt. Hhe asks that he be
restrained bv the court from making sny
disposition of this Mjirv, that he lie or
(len d to y lo plaintill (III per montli
during the pendency of the mnl together
with attorney's lees.
Ciaims IU Wak lioinim). John
Ilickleniaii, an employ) in the Oregon
City Ktt4-il cleaning department, reports
tlmt he wa held up laul Friday night hy
twj unmasked men on the Southern
!') flu railroad truck at thn Intersection
ol Eighth street mid relieved of 128. The
victim gave the officers a good deanip
lion ol Him lontpada who ir believed to
be hoboes, hut no trace w found ol the
robbers who were wwn to fl lioin the
citv towHrdn I'ortlund. Following the
rohliery iiiniilwr ol liotxji wero tnkcp
into cimtody hut no evldnnce wn found
that would connect any of the men with
the hold-up.
To Thy Kkv. Kknnichv. Circuit
JikIkh Mcllriile left Tutwday niRht for
llilhhoro, wliHre he pridod at the trial
of Itev. K. H. Kennedy, eharnJ with
the crime o) huriflary. Ki'Kiater Jrer
and M iK Kelly, a clerk in the Urc(on
City land ollit:, were iul)poenaed hy
the dclendmit clergyman aa witneiwta
In an attempt to prove an alibi In con
nection with the caae. Il ia the conten
tion of Kennedy that I viHitd the local
land olliue early on the inorniiiK follow
iiiK the alli'Ked hmiclary. He attempted
to prove the fact hy thehe witnenw-a,
who were prepared to teatify that the
aci-UHed mlninler called at the land of
tlee one morning, alxjut the time of the
Viu ltu kob Lira. Henry Kcliauh,
a farmer remiting- near the mouth of the
Tualaiiu, had a wild ride for life the
other day that'll will not aoon forxet.
Ienuiii( to crornt the Tualatin with tome
farm produce, the farmer decided to ap
propriate the une of the rait that la ued
by the xxl camp. The Tualatin, be
caiiHe ol many day i rainfall, waaarax
iiiK torrent, but the raltaman puahed
out Into the aire in and Del re he knew
it he waa heinx carried rapidly towards
the rapidi below. Miraculouily the
rait panned throuxh the rapida intact,
the iarmer cli!i(iiiK o (he rmlderlexa
floater. It waa a ride Schaub will never
forget, and one that be will not repeat
Eastshn Ktar Installation. Pioneer
Chapter No. '-'K, Order of Kastern Star,
Tueeday night conducted inntallation
ceremonies In this city. The inntallation
' f the newly-elected officers was con
ducted by Mra. T. F. Kyan, assisted by
Miaa Buchanan. Officers were installed
as follows: Worthy Matron, Fannie
France; Worthy Patron, Mr. Buchanan;
associate, Mrs. Henry Meldruiu ; conduc
tress, Miss Mvrtle Buchanan; associate
conductress, Mrs I). W. Kinnaird; sec
retary, Mrs. F'rma Jones; treasurer,
Miaa li. H. France; Ala, Kcho Kam-on;
Kuth, Mrs. C. Ganong; Father, Mrs. T.
F. Kyan; Martha, Mrs. K. I). Fields;
Fleets, Mrs. G. W. Church; organist,
Mrs. L. L. Porter; chaplain, Mrs. Julia
Frost; sentinel, A. W. France. Follow
ing the installation ceremonies a lunch
was served.
I'LAiNTirrs Win F'irst Kovku. The
pUintitl's in the injunction suit of Csp
taiu Lute Pease et al ag.insl F.rnest P.
Bauds scored a (mint in the circuit court
when Judge McBride overruled the
formal demurrer of the defense to the
complaint. Five day was allowed the
defense in which to make anawer. This
is the suit that waa brought by Pease et
al to enjoin Contractor Hands from es
tablishing a llali ladder over the Willam
ette Falls at this city. The fish ladder
was ordered by the slate le dslature and
for which an appropriation of $5000 was
made. It ia the contention of the plain
tills that certain fishing rights they pos
sess w ill le materially damaged by the
construction of the fish ladder which is
to be located at the scene of their fishing
Will Install Maciiinkry. At a meet
ing of the board of directors of the Mo
lallaCeutral Mining Company held in
this city last Saturday night, it was de
cided to install at once at the company's
mines on Ogle creek a two-stamp mill
having a capacity of Hi tons per 24 hours.
This action on the part of this mining
corporation found justification principally
in the returns of a recent assay of ore
taken from the mine by an expert. It
assayed as follows : lowest grade, $16.75 ;
next grade, $75.1)4; full teat across the
ledge $:S10.3:l; lower half of stratum,
$504.40; selected samples, $.773 31. It
ia the purpose of this company to pro
ceed with the thorough development of
its properties in Clackamaa and Marion
counties. The people of the Molalla
neighborhood have sufficient taith in the
enterprise that they have volunteered
$700 in labor to the construction of a road
that will make the mines more accessi
ble. Hi Took Watkb. The expression
"he took water" is frequently heard but
it generally implies an involuntary act
rather than a voluntary move on the
part of the individual. But an incident
happened at the woolen mill plant of the
Oregon City Manufacturing Company
last Thursday in which the young man
interested took pure aqua quite involun
tarily. Two young men, quite unsophis
ticated for lads ol their age, came into
town to take in the sights, stopping at a
lodging house near the woolen mill.
They would occupy seats for hours at a
time on the porch at their lodging bouse
and gaze wistfully into the windows at
the woolen mill, watching the industri
ous young women at their work. They
vainly endeavored for several days to
trike up a flirtation with one of the girls
but were unsuccessful. Their persist
ence, however, had its reward last
Thursday afternoon, when one of the
girls responded to their efforts at flirta
tion. But one of the young men was
not satisfied with the recognition he had
received and dealred to forthwith estab
lish correspondence relations with the
object of his adi ration. Accordingly he
penned the girl a note which he carried
across the street and handed the blush
ing damsel through the open window.
With a smile of pleasant satisfaction be
returned to his station on the porch and
awaited results. Presently the recipient
of the note appeared in the window and
signalled her admirer, holding, osten
sibly in her band, a reply to his petition.
With bis heart presumably in his
mouth, the lad re-crossed the street and
with a look of great expectancy reached
for the message when the contents of a
pail of water from an tipper story win
rin vera emptied on his head and
ehoolders. 1 lis victim oi tne joks am
not linger longer for the not bat re-
paired to hi room for a chaise of ap
parel. He hun ninrn not attempted to I
renew the tlirlation. I.ada, sentiment-1
ally alllirti-d, will do well to -ek other j
vinima to wliom they may relate their
trouhlea for the lime ( the averKH ,
youriK woman at the woolen milla I" t"' j
much enitroaaod in her work to trifle,
with ani:h foola.
To Kniom Oi'kni.no or Road. Wm. j
A. CuiiniiiKhain haa hroui(lkt a atilt In ,
thn circuit court aimirmt Clackamas i
oiiiniy to enjoin ronatruetion of what la j
known aa the Cumiinutiam roan in t 4 i
r 4 e. The eatahliHliment of the road :
waa ordered by the county court by
I'.i'ii.niNi) or Hoad Enjoineo. Judue
Mi KrliU haa iinned an order enjoininK
the ollinala of Clackamaa county fioto
proceedimi with the conalruction of the
celebrated Kanton road, near thin city,
Until thn caae can be determined in tiie
court". 1'reacott Klhllei:h ia the in
terested property ownar, who Inatitiited
the injunction proceedings lo prevent tha
estahliHhment of the road, and the con
troveray has tieeu before thecourtiof
this county for five yeara.
OrricKa Instaixkd. Clackamaa
Granve, No. 21H, installed the following
ollii era, Haturday, the Ut.li inst. The in
stallation waa conducted by L. 11. Kir
chem, Deputy Mna'er of Logan: Master
elect waa absent. Overaeer, Miss Lillie
Street; Lecturer, Miss Annie Mooney;
steward, Thomas Mooney: A. S. Walter,
Chaphin, wa tbaunt; TfaHiirer, Mrs,
Mary Mooney; Kecretry, Mrs. Km ma
Jones; (iate Keeper, Arthur Htreet;
Ceres, Mra. Ora Imel; Pomona, Nellie
Imelr Flora, Uesaie Cappi; L. A. 8.,
Misa Jeaaie Jonei.
Features or tiik Akoonact. Among
the notable features of the Argonaut for
January 11th are "Jackson's Moral Scru
ples," a story by Marguerite Stabler, ol
a tirosueroua love affair with a Mexican-
Indian girl ; a New York letter from Ger-
l.li.ia Kfinnur Iff wlill'll is I ntpraM 1 1 nil V
set forth the change that haa come over
the habits of the extravagantly rich, who
are curtailing expenses; "Newspapers
snd Their Makers," a most readable ar
ticle, telling of the gres'est newspapers
of the country, of what contributed to
their success, snd of the personalities
behind them: a review of Ihe prepara
tions for and the production of Wagner's
"I'arisfal" in New York; a criticism of
the performances at the Orpheum and at
the Central Theatres by Josephine Hart
Phelps; and "Great Fires in Theatres."
a review of all such disasters since 1781.
Conflict In Road Law. Because of
au apparent conflict in the general law
relating to road districts and the appor
tionment of the road tax, the Clackamas
county court has referred the matter lo
the district attorney for an opinion. Un
der their respective charters, all incor
porated cities in Ihe county are desig
nated as road districts in themselves but
the general law that was enacted subse
quent lo the passage of the various city
charters provides that the districting of
a county into road districts and the levy
Imr and aiiDortionment of the road tax it
a matter exclusively within the junsdio-
tion of the comity court. No reference
of sny kind is made to cities which have
been road districts in themselves. It is
to determine the rights of the county
court that this matter was referred.
Cared Alter Nuffcrlug 10 Years.
B. F. Hare, Supt. Miama Cycle A Mfg.
Co , Middletown, Ohio, suffered for ten
years with dyspepsia. He spent hun
dreds of dollars for medicine and with
doctors without receiving any permanent
benefit. He saya "One night while feel
ing exceptionally bad I was about to
throw down the evening paper when I
aw an item in theaVaper regarding the
merits of Kodol Dyspepi Cure. I con
cluded to try it aud while I bad no faith
in it I felt better alier the second dose.
Afler using two bottles I am stronger and
better than I have been in years and I
recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my
friends and acquaintances suffering from
stomach trouble." Sold by Geo. A.
Should Call for tub Map. Persons
subscribing for the Weekly Oregonian
and the Enterprise and wishing the
world's map as a premium, all for the
advertised price of $2 25, will please
either call at the Enterprise office for
the map or remit an additional 10 cents
to cover the cost of mailing the map.
When Ihe map is to be sent the sub
scriber by mail, the price of the two pa
pers including the map will be $2 35.
We would prefer that each subscriber
taking this combination would either
call at the Enterprise, office or send some
body fr his map, as it is liable to be
damaged in the mails. The original
arrangement by which this offer was
made expired January 1, but the offer
will he continued for a short time longer.
Those desiring this combination of pa
pera and the map as a premium, will do
well to send in their subscription at
once, as we cannot guarantee any defi
nite time that the offer will be available.
Aycr's Cherry Pectonl
quiets tickling throats, hack
ing coughs, pain in the lungs.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dues inflammation. It heals,
strengthens. Your doctor will
explain thisto you. He knows
all about this cough medicine.
"W hr mA AT.rt Cherry Pactoral la
our f.mily for a in for throat and lung
tronblM. sod w. think no mritetn. oqii.t. It."
Mum. A. roaaaoT, Appl.ion. Miaa.
..aoe..iT.n. i.e. araaoo.,
ll rtnu-
r io
Weak Throats
Ayer., pm, greatly aid recovery,
Purely vegetable, gwntly laxative.
The Kind Yon Have Always
la use for over 30 years,
J7 -
sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
f-CUCUti Allow no one to deceive vou In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and'Just-as-g:oKl"are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic)
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tie Kind You Hate Jtays BongM
In Use For Over 30 Years.-
tm etHT.ua eomwT. rr Hum imn, mtm om.
Oregon City
IVIaGhine Shop
General Machine Work of all kinds done. We carry in stock a line of Shafting
and Pulleysnew and second hand. First class Engine and Saw mill machinery.
Orders by Mail or Telephone promptly filled.
At rear of Pope's Hardware Store. Oregon City, Oregon.
n We are located in our large new store and with a J
larger and more complete stock of better goods, are a
jj better prepared than ever before to furnish you just
j what you want at prices lower than the lowest. jjj
2 m
i Tlie Pair Main St., OREGON CITY g
For Sale at
If room mm oolj tm tb. hanr uJ baMftt
dtTtmd from aa oat-of-toor lif. tbrj voala prcrta
taaurm with a niUhi. riKKAKH and aOof a
arud iporl. W. oiak. a larg. aad amd lis. of
JUafftag la prta. final
$2.50 H $150.00
Sold br tl dalm On ealaW ho.M to la
th. bud. of rrrrj em iatertod la SUOOT
1NU. aaadfurawpr-
J. Stevens Anns & Tool Co.,
P. O. BOX 3001
chicopee falls, mass.
I Loans.
Real property mortgaj loans. Ab
stracts furnished.
O. B. Dimick, Atty. at Law,
Oregon City, Or.
Bought, and which lias been,
has borne the slgnatnre of
has been made under his per-
Signature of
All kinds of Building
Material, Sash, Doors
Moulding, Etc. -
A. Kleinsumiot
aaa-aaa II Baa IMMrltll Ta CTTT71 PITTA'S!
MAS fl-5 UZZn BiindTBi
liia and Itching files. It attourbs the tumors, allays n
ttchinu at once, (fives instant relief. Every box ta warranted. So
nv aruinri1'' Mnii'Tiunni'iirewiv h11' w
per box. WILLIAMS HLFQ. CO., Propa., Cleveland. Ohio.
Pure & Mellow
Rich & Delicate
Sole Agency for Oregon City
ti. yslla lind Km Ha Bj?