Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 15, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Oregon City, Oregon
There lire n f'rrit minv hungry hearted
women wliu would nlli-inl a Imliy mile i(
halite were ever olli-red fur atlc, hefaliac
thrre me nrr.it 111:111 v wives who love
children uinl have lii'tii told by physi
cian tli.it tlirv 1 nil nt-vrr ho to uurae
chill of tlirir own.
Some of ttn-tf women who have used
Dr. pierec'a I'uvoiilc l'it-rriitioii for the
cure of wiitmiiily ilU have hern made
happy mother n result of the cure of 1
wom.iiilyili i.Mv. himI the building up of
tlic gi-IU-ral health.
Inn'tor I'lerre' Favorite Prescription
make wetik women ntrnng nml able
women well. It eil.iltlishr rr(iilnrity,
drim weil, eniiiK drain, heuU liill.iinina
tlnii mill uheiation 11ml cure frinale
I wtol to vntl soiiir tlmr agu to get ttif.irntft.
thai sUmi mv air "mi Wit M'irv Is Plan-
ty. i't III v-le I Vs "I was t'onl.lril wtlh
frmalr w,tL'i-H iinl (mill llif-lvril imwrr
flow V'Sl n.viini mi- l'i lukr lt.Hl.it I'lntr'a
lavilllr I'l rH.-t ..: ,.i 1111.I i.oldrn M.-llill 1 M
cover y ' I l-m.k two l-llli-. ol -f'avurllr- I'lr
'tlpllotr mtl f 1 II ill'l Itlr l-i.wl t li.ul
iMfrti mitillr.l loin vi-io .'ii-l tin.l Ho rliil.ltrn ;
How I (nit lv Ills! o.ll ll -on I I lrwl n It N
lltllp lirtliV l'V. l-i'U I'l.v I -I't Tif li'-l Ul
GimI itttil yolit liicle.nir I pi.n t your hiciIkIo
kilt itiv
Y"U call puMLIi t)u I, tie: if you ivMt "
I'HI'.K. Dr. I'let -"'h C'ttllMlnll S-'lti-t
Medical Adviser it n , on reo-ipt
of tnmp to jmv exten-1 1 1:1 i-.lin '(,.
Send onr-i-riit at.nup fur the 1kU in
patter covers, or tl nl.tn i ; f.u t!i riolli.
(tumid villi. nr. A'liin r-t I'r. it '.
Buffalo, N. Y.
IB. -
New To-Day.
rate. lUlKIK A (iHlKKITH.
OllU-eii over iUnlliiK' trug "tore.
per rent.
Hi lll'IIKl..
Krin nenirity.
tl AND
the Wuinlmnl HuilJIiiu) Iivn the clioic
Mtrily, uburlmn mul countrv prop
erty for lunillimt price.
nor Koatl, InrlutlliiK two bucn. A J
dreaa, ttiii( lowest price, Ulnf Ar
lie, C'tliliiiit, WmthitiKton.
Jin 16.
miiiiHof money helominu to tirivnle
IniliviiliiHli which 1 sin suthorlMiil to
losn, on Ionic tbne t U mid 7 per cent
Cohi ol losn will be mailt very reHon.
bin. II. K. Ckom, sltorney tlw.
or Isily in esi h county to msii
unit liueiruen for an old uaUhliiihed
Imimn of lolitl llumicUl xtHtiilillkC. A
mntinht ull(J ekly lmy of
$IH IH) paIiI by check each Monday
with all pipeline direct (mm head
quarter. Money advanced (or ex
lieiiHtt. KncloH atldrewied envelope.
MaimKer, 3ti0 Caxtou IUiIk., Chicaico.
Feb 1.
ieT8-v ar-w
Local Evcr.
Anna U. Olaon and II. C. lliuinen were
granted s marriage llcne thi week
Two million Amurlcana uirer tho tor-
turinic panic of tlypepia. No need to.
Burdock Blood Bitter cure. At any
druK store,
Whether or not you belonic to the
Maonic fraternity, yon hhmild attend
the (arcs "Are You s Maaon?" which
will lie given at Sbively'a tomorrow
Mrs. K. K. ISarchua, of Portland, will
onen s cIkhs in oil painting work on
exhibition at Howell A Jone' drug
atnre, where she will meet anvone inter
ested on Wednesday, Jan. 20, lietween
2 and 3 o'clock.
We must again request our corres
pondents to send In their reports at least
a day earlier than they have been doing.
We were obliged this week to omit cor
respondence (rom six points in the
county simply because it was not re
ceived at the office in time to be naed.
Willio I. Clarke, o( Milwankie, who
illumined serious injuries shout three
weeks sgo by the caving in ol s gravel
nit in which he was working, has suffi
ciently recovered to be able to be shout
- ' 1 .1 l-l r'l...k., a,inti,ia.t
a again, in um uiifluitit vii o r.tn,B.,iU.,
the rnmnoiind fracture of his riiiht leg,
and bis many friends are pleased to lea rn
ol hia recovery.
'Are You s Mason?" an exceedingly
clever (area, will be presented at
Sluvely'a otaars house tomorrow, Satur
day, night by Mr. Juliua Calm and s
competent company of comedians. This
is reported at np-valley cities, where the
performance has been presented, to be
the best of Its kind this season and the
company is deserving of s good hnnae
tomorrow evening.
The suction sale of lot at Estacada
Tneailav ws largely attended. i One
thousand people were there and the bid
ding (or choice lota was at times lively.
Some ol the choicest lots were bid in st
s nremium ol 1310 which with the cost
ol the lot, $200, mads the property cost
$oo0. From the standpoint ot an invest
ment the project was s money-maker fur
the promoters who probably paid less
than $50 per sere (or the land which wa
platted Into lots and sold st (sbulous
prices ranging (rom 1250 to 500. This
is soiling land at the rate of about $3000
per sere. Senator Brownell, o( this city,
legal repreaentstive lor the Oregon
Water Power A Hallwsy company, wa j
on i tin ground t ii I Introduced Um bt !
ml i'iiixIikIkiI tl.o auction Willi ml -j
dresses, j
Tim Dickcn's Club entertained
Monilav afternoon lit tlm homo of Mm,
r. A. Mclirtd... !
Mr. Rii'l Mis. Chaa. II. Ctiiifirl'l willi
entertain tlit Dertltu-k Muhi-mI mull
Idlers' v Club luniglil. 1't .ui-mi v
Flinch will lH lye.l . j
llmlilv pain town ll Ut r if you've a
bottle uf lr. TllOlliaa' r.lfitllr Oil III Hi" j
Intuitu. Instant relief In ni i( liiiriiM,
null, spiiiln, Hi't'hlit In of n n v Hurt, 1
"I.illln Culiln" ni'ldiii'tfil Ihoiltmi l"
of live aaerilletl every yea-. Ir. WooiI'm
Norway I'lim Syrup cure huln colilit
cure hii( cold, loo, down tothevt-iy
VeiKi! ol cotmiiiiiption.
At 0 o'i'loi k Tuei-iUy uioridriKi Jhihi
ary U', Kminitt M. ICed and Karl I'elit,
( , . ( 1 1 f u,ih city, 'were married
at Hi.
III. ilr-
John'M Catholic church, rather
brand olllrlatinii.
Ilnv yon in it tie your ciii-m yet
Hie amiiiint of money coniaiiied in the
Kntertirif prir.ti money cnnieal Jar? If
not do o at once. The eal of the j.ir
will be broken on the allernoonof Waaii-
Dorothea Htinle, who uvh (;ackHiiiii
enmity a her reHiilence, and A liter t l;
link, of Clii-hali. VhlnKtoii, were
inarrietl in thi city, Fuduy, January H,
lal, Jnalict) uf thu I'eat-e I.I vy Stipp
Tho Cmnniercial Hanlc thi week
bloilitht a (oiecloaiiro suit attainat Onear
Mahler el al In recover I70 with iiiterenl
and coht. The forechfiire nf a moittfaiie
on :iU cn- of land in I .') r 1 w iind hUo
two head of horae and oilier farm pKip
erly la alao inked by the plaintiff1.
The regular meeting of Sola tlircle No
1C,7 Women of Wood'-mlt will lie called
at 7:15 Friday evening, Jan. 15, in older
to itet Ihroimh with the biiHinep and
illiliation by 8:30 and that lbs invited )
irueal may witnea the inatallalion of I
the ollher for the emu inn term.
County Jnde Kyati report the my
lerloli dlaptH-arancn uf el(ht foldliin
table that helongetl to him. The plop
erty wa belli n atored temporarily al the
rear of t tie buililluic formerly occupied
by (ieorne Bro.' reatanrant, and ihe
ottter day when Ihe Odd Fellow dmired
the tle of the lable for banquet, it
wa thacovered the table hail llown.
Mayor (irant II. Diniick on Wednete
dav announced the appointment ol the
followiiiK atand'iiic council committee
for the Oreiion City council for the year
I'.Kl-l: Street ami public property, Shea
hin, Story nd Slraiirht; tlnance, Koer
ner, Chapman anil Straigut; health and
police. Story, Knapp and Jnatin; tire
and water, Maaon, Kelly ami Cliapman;
cemetery, Kelly, JiiNlin and Chapman.
Our correapomleiit Ihronifhnut the
county ate riiie,ed to entl In their
letter a day earlier than they have been
doiiiC, In order to inmre appearance in
curb week' inane. The (units of the
Knterpnae re now cloned promptly at
noon Thurailay and it i impo-mlile to
net Into Ihe (ortn correapondeiiee that
doe not reach tin office until Wednes
day evening or Thursday morning,
Dr. Koahaha, s native I'eraian. will
Itive a lecture at the Coiitcri-natioiial
chinch this Friday evening on 1'eisia.
The Dr. will appear in native continue
and part of the lecture will be illiiHtrated
hy stereopticon view. Till lecture ha
leen given in va-ioua parts of the stale
ami is very highly nken of. It i for
all, ami is given under the auspice of
the CoiigrenatieiiKl Juniors. AdmisKlon
1'5 and 16 cent. Lecture at 8 o'clock.
Chas. Smith, who renidv on Ihe West
Side, had an exciting expeiience about j
2 o clock n ediiesilay morning while on
his way home, At the Weal end ot the
sunpeiiHion bridge he observed two men
acting strati(cly and he returned to the
hnainesa district of the city and asked
Night Officers Shaw and Nohlett to ac
company him. Upon reaching the West
bank o( the river the two strsmcer wer
. , . ... ,
een a lew roils in advance, initrenarii
ipg the command to halt, the men took
to their heels whereupon the officer
fired seven shots at the fleeing figures
but no one was hurt.
Terrible plagues, those Itching, pester
ing diseases of the skin. Tut an end to
misery. Push's Ointment cures. At
any drug store.
'. CM. A. Notks. Last week the
Y. M. C. A. night school started its
work with a class in bookkeeping. Oth
ers will be taken up at once In short
hand, typewriting, arithmetic and rapid
calculations. This woik will he carried
on in the manner of a business college,
as lar as the facilities will permit, and
an ordinary student can become suffi
ciently prolific, by the first of May to
handle the hooka of any ordinary mer
ehandise establishment, provided, of
course, that hia other qualifications will
permit. Both beginning anil advance
will be taught, so that a student mar
enter either at the very bottom of the
course, or he may take up corporation,
I loose leaf system, voucher accounting
or banking. Hie rapid calculations w in
consist of short methods of figuring that
will frequently enable a person to ilo
within a lew minutes what might other
wise take him many more to accomplish.
Arithmetic will include anything from
the (undimental principles to algebra.
The I'ernin system of shorthand will be
taught, so that s student who should not
he able to complete the course can easily
do ao in Portland without losing the
time be ha already spent in studying it
or in learning an entirely new system.
Th ladies' svmnasium class met for
the first time o( the season Tuesday!
evening of this week with Josephine
Chase a Instructor This class willj
meet, eseh Tuesday and Thursday even-
ings. mere were a numuer m immu
member out sin! s few In their suite
Considering the lateness oJ the season,
there baa been s good ittendance in the
gymnasinui. snd it is hoped that s num
ber of games may yei on piayeu ami
outside team. A goodly nuuilwr of
bath sre taken , every week, and the
general attendance at the room is gooil.
Visitors are always welcome and will
Ind good reading at all time.
Subscribe for the Enterprise
In Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Wall
and Sewing Machines
Bring your Cash and see how far it
Personal Mention
E. B. Smith, of Salem, was In the city
Monday evening.
Mr. Ch. ('alt is seriously ill with
an uitrick uf neuralgia.
Clark fianong wai a visitor to Wheal
hind the first ol the week.
ri,..ii .In.lua McBride ws s visitor
j to Salem Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. M Michael, ol Baker
City, are visiting in this city.
Mis Dollie l'ratt ha roturned from a
visit with friends at Eugene.
Attorney Oeneral A. M. Crawford was
in the city Monday (rum Salem.
(ieorga Spies, of Viola, was a business
yisilor to Oregon City last Saturday.
Sheriff J. H. Shaver attended the auc
ion ale of property at Escatads Tues
day. Hon. H. O. VanDusen, master fish
warden, was in the city Monday from
Fred Oerher, a prominent farmer re
aiding near Logan, wa in the city yes
terday. Mr. II. W. Duff, of Portland, was last
week the guest ol Mra. J. K. Humphry
in this city.
Miss Mary Stewart, of Albany, visited
this week In this cily the guest of Mrs.
Irs U WisUart.
Emit Schubert, Ed Olds, T. E. Cone
and Ed Weixler, all ol Oak (irove, were
among those registering Tuesday.
Mr. J. II, Turney stid daughter. Ha
xel, left Monday night (or an extended
visit with relative at San Francisco.
Mr. J. M. Lawrence, ot Bend, is vis
iting at the home of her parents. Mr.
and Mr. C. 0. T. Williams, in this city.
W. II. Engle, of Molalla, was among
the representative citizens o( the county
who registered at the office of County
Clerk Sleight Tuesday.
C. E. Barney, formerly of this city,
has gone to Astoria, where he will ac
cent a position as stenographer in the
office of State Fish Warden H. U. Van-
Mr. Pickard, of Cottage Grove, was in
the city last Friday looking for a suita
ble house. Mr. Pickard expects to re
move with his family to this city in the
near future.
Mr. snd Mra. E. W. Miller, cfMichi.
van, were the guest Tuesday of Mr. and
Mr. C. B. Moores, of this city. They
were en route to Salem where they for
merly resided.
Frank A'tman, one of Canby'a enter
prising citizens, was s business visitor to
this citv last Friday. In the evening he
attended the Democratic banquet at
Willamette Hall.
Prof. A. T. Winches, principal of Ihe
Canbv nublic schools, was in the city
Wednesday evening to attend the hiatal
laiinn of officers of the local Knlghta of
Pythias lodge.
W. E. Ciriffithleft the latter part of last
week for Centralia, Washington, where
ho will locate. He was accompanied by
hia sister, Miss Oertrude, who will visit
for a time st Centralia.
Mrs. tieo. T. Russell, ol Oakland, Ore
gon, waa this week the guest of her
daughter, Mr. I. R. Wishart. Mra
Kusaell is returning to her borne from
an extended visit in the East.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Lock snd Mra.
Watts, ol (ireen county, Iowa, and Mrs.
Lydia Lock, of Chawelah, Washington,
were thia week the guests of Mr. Enos
Cahill. the Clackamas county treasurer.
George Kohler, of Canhy, wa in the
city Tuesday and in two way evidenced
the fact that he is s a ood citizen. He
enrolled his name as an Fnterprise sub
scriber snd placed his name on the reg
istration book at the court house.
You Bet Yon Can.
Yon can be a Btrontr man cr woman
bv bnyinn Ihe great nerve tonic, Pslmo
Tablets, sold by uoweil (X jouee. itiey
make you sleep and grow fat.
Dr. Beatie fc Beatie Dentists. Rooms
16, 17, 18. Weihard huilding.
The new term begin in the Oregon
1 City school Monday, January 18th, it
w hich time new classes wp;i ne tormeu in
Ihe first grade. Parents wishing their
children to enter thia class must lend
theiu during the first week of the new
term ss new pupils 'sre not received in
the first grade after the first week in th
term. A ddi a Class-,
City Superintendent,
Annual Itiporl f the llaaril of
Water fern iiillonr ol j
Oregon 4'liy. i
Oregon Cite. Oregon. Jan. 1. I
To th HoiK-rilil Mavor and t.'ity Conn-,
ell ol Ursgon ( iiy Oregon: (ieiillemeti :
Wit submit herewith o r semi-annual re- :
port emljoilyii g in it a talement in detail ,
uf our receipts and di-litmeinents lor xttt
pant six nioiitlm anil an inventory or stale-1
inent ol the p-oper-y. itu I lenienia anii nia-
If rials In our possession pertaining to the;
waterworks, together with the condition j
ami approximate value thereof, and the
amount of outs amling bonds and claim!
against said waterworks. 1
KZCEirr". , j
July, Water collection! $ KS0 76
August, water collection i'u io
September, aater collection 50
October, water collei'tiou .. JJ-ril "5
November, water collection 74 70
December, wier collection 75
Total paid City Treasurer
Balance asoutstauding warrant.
$ 4n 04
. 17217 3(i
Total $!203 40
Kieley & Mueller iliapnragiL lor
pressure regulator $ 4 50
T M Darling, lahor 20 00
Crane Co (i H E gale valve JI8,
I I C steam gague .50, cartage
2.rw 5 75
fraii A Co 1 butieitty valve $1.24
4 bran plugs LIV, 5 gate valves
$104 105 53
.1 D Kenner, .abor boxing pipe ti On
E sJurfus, la uor boxing pipes and
on pipes 45 00
It Wilkinson. Ubor - 5 00
t'bilip Bucklein. repairs 1 85 I
Oregon City Foundry, 40 gate
cover 22 36
Oregon t'itv Courier. 250 lelter
heads $2, in Inns reading $1 3 00 i
IVm Uoweil, salary July to Nov I
Inc 450 00
E A Titus, saiary July to Nov Inc 2.') 00 ;
J Sage, salary July to Nov Inc . 50 no!
iliinllv llroa. oil .i5 box tile .60... 1 lo
C H Dickey, labor 2 00!
Hrriotitm A- KHlillel, 10 9J '
Wilson & l.'oiike, ax $1, hammer
$1.25. 2i0 lbs cunipound $21 3125
The Oregon Iron & Sleei Co water
pi( vaiinua sizes 130 911
Stamps 1 00
W Uailke. labor 5 till
John ltittner, laborer work on... 37 80
U It Dimirk, hauling saw dust 2 6u
New telephone 11 20
F tl Gadke, 3t It galv pi IS 48
J Muller, installing telephone 2 40
C N Greeiiinan, freight advanced
& cartage 25 63
Gratton ,t Knight, belting 6 65
Joseph K Hedges, quarterly salary 25 W
Kleclric light" 33 00
Oregon Iron it Sieel Co. 30 length
4-inch pUHt 157 55
Oregon City Machine Hhopa, re
pair A pulley 17 35
E Store . rods, clamp it sharpen-
ing pick 33 20
Hurineinier A Anderson, spring... 1 00
J Dickelniau, labor 4 40
li P Hall, labor 15 00
K Williamson, labor 11 40
J Kellv, labor 1 00
K H Maiherry, labor 10 00
I) Har.ingloti, labor 5 00
Tom Gleason, labor 75
J Miller. K-p telephone 2 00
l'ope A Co, maierial work sun
dries 303 35
J L Waldron, labor at station 2 75
(ieo A harding, electric biilus 4 05
A Miiilstein, iron $4.50. solder 25c,
rivets liH labor $4 50 0 35
Freight cartage itrxpiess 1 4o
Oregon Ciiy Lumber Co, lumber.. 6 20
Wood 31 00
K H Matthew, labor 3 i0
C Toole, labor 10 60
0) Brown, labor 4 60
Williams Bros, hauling 4 50
B F Linn, cedar lumber 6 25
Oregon City Foundry. 6 gate covers 26 45
I) M hlriiisnu, oil iv soap 0 on
Telephone ( 00
Huutlev Bros, 53 gal machine oil 21 20
Oregon City Foundry. 12 gales ... 6 SO
T lonsrd Charmau com col 20t ti4
Envelopes 2 20
Interest on bonds 300 00
Inti-rett paid to date on warrants 3-vS 20
Warrants outstanding July, 1903
$ 2072 as
. lirj:0 42
Total $22203 40
Pumping station Including Humes
,4 wheels $ 8000 00
W iirihingion pump 5nU0 00
Piiiott pump 55li0 Oil
(Vorifiijal pump for settling tanks 000 00
Ce-.trifugal PiitiiD lor washing
lilieis 1. WO 00
Wat" mains on lull lTlv'H) 00
sier mains on Main St etc 8s) On
Water main on vtadison St etc. . . 310 00
K-.ervtiir at Kiyvil.e 7000(0
Ke-etvnir grounds Elyville 103't Oil
I el phone line " - I"! 00
T.m Is 275 W
I'li es.t liiungs 41 Si 75
Material on hand .'ttirt ,VI
Kitr pa-is ol machinery 735 On
Intake pipe lin 201 !si
Killer plant ground S7MI 00
I i.ter plant in
Kurt liure 7 50
l ank house 400 00
Claim pending; lor freight rebate
on caraliiiu K8 00
S72fii 30
tiros reoipt for 1!I02 were ...
(Jr-ss receipt for PI3 were
$ !I0M 43
lmtts" 55
Iiii-lea- lor 1II3
.$ IJ54 l'J
Uomls bearing ti percent now due $10000 00
Bargains every day in Lace, Embroid
eries, Notions, Capes, Shoes, Pants, and
Stationery. sj,jj
Opposite Barlow's Grocery
The Bank of Oregon City
Wishes its friends and customers a
Happy and Prosperous New Year.
The People's
A 10-lb sack of Pure Buck
wheat Flour and a quart of
Genuine Maple Syrup for
75c. Why didn't I know
that before. I'll seud an
order at once.
You always get the best thats
going and itspromptly de
livered at
The People's
Floating debt at 0 per cent out
standing warrants 17217 3fi
2500 feet of 4 inch pipe have been laid
diirine the past year on Madison, 10th,
Jetlerson and 12th street and 300 feet of
4-inch PM on 14th street.
200 leet of i'i inch pipe have been laid on
Center street and aoout 200 feet of 1 inch
H hid rants have been added during the
vear hist past, and 1!) new tappings made
The whole plant is in first class condition
and is kept constantly in good repair.
Arrangements have been completed for
the removal of the Hume of the Oregon
City Mtg. Co. sufficiently far from the
pumping station to allow the construction
during the coining year of a wall for the
more nearly perfect protection of the prop
erty in the station.
Kespeclfullv submitted.
Becrelary .
Mrs. Gladden offers her services to
Ihe public in all lines of dressmaking.
Work guaranteed. Call on or address
Mrs. J. R. Oladden, Elv, Oregon.
Jan 1C.
will go.
Naturally induces trade. We
do not do busines on that
basis but do give value re
ceived for every cent you
spend at our store. Hero
are some bargains:
3-lb can Brandenstein's
Mocha and Java coffee . .
5 lbs Brandenstein's Caro-
head Rice
Good brand bulk Coffee, per
Green Java Coffee, per lb. .
Fine bulk Syrup, per gallon
A full line of the verv
in the grocery line at
The ELECTRIC Grocery
D, M. KLEMSEN, Prop.
Msin Street next to Albright's Market
Oregon I'Ur Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 75c per buehel.
Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard
wheat $4.75. Portland, $1.10 per tack ;
Howard's Best, $1.05 per sack.
Oats in sacks, $1 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled, $14($15 per
ton ; clover $11 ; oat, $12; mixed bay, $11 ;
cheat, $11.
MillBtutTs Bran, $19.00 per ton.
shorts, $20 50 per ton ; chop, $19.00 per
ton, barley, rolled, $23.00 per ton.
Potatoes Wc to hoc per sack.
Eggs Oregon, 25c per dozen.
Butter Kancb, 50c. ; separator, GOc. ;
creamery, 70c.
Oregon onions, 90c to $1.00 perewt.
Dried apples,6c to 7c per lb.
Prunes, (dried) petite, 3c per lb; Dal
ian, large. 5c per lb. medium, 3'.ic;
Silver. 4j2'.
Cabbage, 40 to 80c per dozen.
Apples, 40c to 5tc.
Cranberries 9c to 12c s quart.
Cauliflower, 40c to 80c per dozen.
Stock carrots, sacked, 50 cents.
Dressed chickens, 10 to por lb.
Livestock and dressed meats; beef,
live, $3.25 lo $3.75 per hundred. Hogs,
live 4.!' to 5 cts: hogs, dressed, 0c;
sheep, $2 50 to $2.75 per head ; dreved,
6c; veal, dressed. TM; lsmbs, liy , $2
per head ; lambs, dressed, 6c.