OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY lf, 1001 CORRESPONDENCE fpondont are requested to re nt ' .'ir work. We wilr supply all necessary stationery. The news from y.-ir i i'L-liVirl'ivHI should appear in these columns every week. Kltloraito. Mr. Johnson is improving his hum by li..ii.;nc off some o( t lie extia rook. M Us Nellie Roberts, of Portland, and Fin .h'liee 8Knt Sunday with Mr. and V 'ohn Martin, of Prune Hill. V K. Jones spent Sunday with F. C. K::v:r''y, of Mulino. Tne club dance Wednesday night was O. iv. at Spence's. Mrs. J. P Kimmey and daughter Psrl, spent few days in Portland this we'k. .in Fit-k, of Meadow Brook, spent with Will Jones. 1 Buckner, of Beaver Creek, was visiting Lue this week. Miss Burns and Wallace called on Vera Kimmey Sunday. John Martin and family, of Prime Hi", visited at Ern Jones' Tuesday nut:!. The la estcut is the "Holy Boilers" at Miilino Grange hall. Its better than 10 cent show to tee them perform. Every one come. A Tmt-l'orket l-tor Never in the way, no trouble to carry, eftv to take, pleasant and never failing iu results are DeWut's Little Early Ris ers A vial of these little pills in the vet-t-poi ket is a certain guarantee againt be.idache, biliousness, torpid liver and all of the ills resulting from eonstip.ttion. They tonic and strengthen the liver. Sold by tieo. A. Harding. JUjile Lane Explanation Mote. Elinor Enterprise. At ti elastGrange rr-eiing it was voted to hold a Pie Social en Saturday evening, January 0th, and a cointn'ttee was appointed to look after the matter. After the meeting, iteems a inx tiwik it npon themselves to have a dance I hit evening at the hall, without authority from the Grange or permission fr in the trustees of the hall. When the trustees heaid of this, combined with the conduct of some at the last dance held ai the hull, they decided that it would not be wise to permit dancing that evening. T(ii was brought about solely by the conduct of the dancers and there is no OP" else to blame. The object of the Grange is educational : tl. cannot be tarried out except by work with and by the young. We wi-h verv respectable and intelligent young person to join us, and we will endeavor to interest, instruct and amase, "All -work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ind-ed. All play and no work makes jck a dull boy in need." The Grange is a trifle in debt, on the Tial! hut it doVB not wish to raie it from i tl.e young pople by turning Maple Lane G.a'i-'e Hall into a saloon or a dance bull. , . , 1 he irtilv commend Mr. Beard in the atind that'he took as spokesman for the trusif-es and think he should be sup posed by every well meaning person in the community who believes in good ed uction and good government. I am B'.rrv that some were so thoughtless as 10 d..-"im:e themselves by insulting Mr. B.ar I Saturday evening. C. W. Swallow. Loss of Flesli When you can't cat break fai, take Scott's Emulsion. Vh:n you can't eat bread ar.d butter, take Scott's Err.ulsion. When you have bzzn living on a milk diet and w;mt something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. B urc that this picture in the form of a label it on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE. chemists, 409 Pearl St, N. Y. 50c and $1 1 ill druyliU. 8 ij: lis .i ;s- I ..v.. Miull. Ernest Mnralt called on E. W. Horn schuh Sunday. I Misses Hanoi tiinltier and l.ydta Hornsehueh Hnt Sunday with .Miss Lottie llornshiili. I Mrs. W. 1. Hill, who has been visit- ing her parents at potest Grove, haa re l turned home. : Miss Latin Schuhel is home a!in. Miss Johanna Massinger visited tier parents a few days last week. I Wanted A detective to tind our pre ent supervisor, as we believe he is either I dead or skipped over the line as he lias not been seen working on the rod for i quite a while. We also ask our honorable county judge if he should get into the habit again to take a trip ea-t. be sure to take the Clark and Highland road and then let us know how he enjoyed the trip. A COMMI'MCATION. Editor Enterprise It was a very nice sermon the Miuhel item was giving to a certain church in the last week's Enter prise. I an very glad to kno that the boys got such a nice warning to keep away Irom tne iu o clock cliua-n. I would advise those who think thev are such promising voting men and ladies, as they were first called, to go to a training school. When thev bring their lady friends to church and are not capable of acting up to what they call tnemselves, I would rather advise them to go to some other place that is more suitable for that class of people. I don't hv all means think that the church is a place for them. 1 would not wish to be called a gentle man or a lailv and carrv on in the man ner these people did and have done dur ing the past vear, coming to the 10 o'clock church. Put don't worry, the church has too much of an honor to be called the German Congregational church than what thev have called it. Now it will not be necessary for you to appeal to any missionary to jump off at this place. 1 should think it mure nec essary at the little white church in the woods as never was there seen a member of this church Iving on the streets of Portland in a manner I will not state publicly as there were seen of the members of the Evangelical church. Would you call that gentlemanly? Anyone that behaves as gentlemen and ladies ought to, is welcome at this German church. If visitors are not will ing to obey the laws of our church, they know what to do, especially people w ho pretend to be Christians and still come to another church to disturb. My Bible does nut teach me anything like that. iThe above communication was re ceived at the Enterprise office with the request that it be published. Since ths other side of the case was represented in the Si-linnet items a fortnight ago, the Enterprise in a spirit of fairness, gives the answer space in this week's issue. It is contrary to the policy of the Enter prise to give these nutters publicity, be ing of the opiniun that such controversies should he kept out of the papers. We trust that the contribution that appears above will prove the eliding of the pres ent unpleasantness in the Scbubel neighborhood, for this paer will re'use a further participation in the contro versy. Editob Entekfkisk ) A Prisoner In Her Own lloiie Mrs. W. II. Layha, of 101 Agnes Ave.. Kansas City, Mo., has for several years been troubled with severe hoarse ness and at times a hard cough, which she Says, "Would keep me in doors for days I was prescribed for by physicians with no noticeable results A friend gave me part of a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with instructions to closely follow the directions and I wish to state that after the first day I could notice a decided change for the better, and at t li in time, alter uxing it for two weeks, have no hesitation in saying 1 realize that I am entirely cured." This remedy is for eale by G. A. Harding. Springwaler. The Springwarer Grange will have an entertainment Saturday evening, the 23rd. Everybody invited. Mrs. Geo. Bon-dish's health is no better. George Gutridge is going East to visit relatives. John Stormer has bought two Jersey cows. Robert Hughes and wife was up from Mt. Pleasant to Springwater on a visit to friends. Charles Bard and wife look very cosy in their new botiBe. The Springwater Mill Co contemplates moving their mill over on the O. W. P. & Ry. Co.'s line so as they can ship lumber, as they can not get it over an impassible rosd. A. M. Sbibley is making another effort to get a road located from Springwater to the High Bridge on the Clackamas river. The Spring-vater Grange met the 9th and had their officers installed. Edwin Bates, pant master officiated. Plenty of rain and the roads are get ting most impassable. Who will we blame, the rain or the people that are howling about high taxes or the county court that will not assist us in repairing and making good roads? Our enter prising young merchant got stuck in the mud getting supplies out from town and bad to come home five or six miles to get another team to get out of the mud hole and was also detained so as to have to break the Sabbath and probably some other con mandment. Congratulation. John II. Cullom, editor of the Garland, Texas, New s, has written a letter of con gratulations to the manufacturers of J Chamberlain's Cough Remedy an fol lows : "bixteen years ago when our first child was a baby he was subject to ' croupv spells and we would be very un easy about him. We began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have never been I without it in the house since that time. We have five children and have given it i to all of them with good results. One good feature of this remedy is that it is. not disagreeable to tak and our babies ' really like it. Another is that It is not! dangerous, and there is no risk from giv-, ing an overdose. I congratulate ou npon the success of your remedy." For' tale by G. A. Harding. I MAKVUOIS IIKSJ LTS IS TRK.IV IM1 DROPSY. The (il eal llrepvy Specialist, rrnnkllii Mile-, M. It., II, Hill Send t' r M "Kill OKTKKATMKST HIKK. Prop-y is caused by disease of the heart, liver .n kidneys, and ita treatment has been veiy unsuccessful. After fifteen year of profound investi gation and experience, Dr. Franklin Miles has perfected a remarkable treat ment. It is composed of three impor tant treatments and is called the Grand Dropsy Cure. Among the chief symptoms of dropsy, are shortness of breath, swollen feet or ankles, limbs or body, and in bad cases cough, fainting and smothering spells. So remarkable are the cures effected by this new treatment, that the Doctor dtes not hesitate to send $3.75 Worth of his Urand Proosy Cure free at a trial. Every alllicted person should try a treatment w hich has cured hundreds of cases that had been pronounced incura ble by from three to eighteen leading phvsicians. Mr. tl. E. Cole, U Sherman Ave., Allegheney. Pa., writes: "I'nder your treatment Mrs Cole gained rapidl and n' w is as well as ever, though ill a dozen years and often at death's door. Her cae hud been given up as fatal by tl lo cal doctors." J. H. Ahrams, Benton Harbor, Mich., reports: "Iliad a serious heart trouble ami dropsy. Obtaining no relief from local physicians 1 conetilted Pr. Miles and now am well." Mrs. Edward Aikey, Forest Hill, Pa., states: "Mv home doctors did not help me and thought I would soon die. Since taking your Social Treatment can trulv say I am well." Mrs. P. W. Ctardner.Huniington.Ind. ; Mrs. M. P.. M 'Man, ol Rogers. O. ; Ju litis Keister, Chicago, and hundred of others were cured of dru)sy after being given up as beyond help. A thousand references to, and testi monials from bishops, clergymen, bank ers, farmers and their wives will be sent free on request. Send at once to Franklin Miles, P , I.L. B. (irand Pispensarv, 513 to b'l Main St., Elkhart, In. liana, for free treatment. Please mention this paper. Marmot. Follow ing is a report of the Marmot chool for the month ending Jan. H. Numter enrolled, 30; number dropied, 8; whole nninberof days attendance, 4:ti; whole number of days abaence, (; times i ard v. 8. Those who have been neither tardy nor ahseni during the month are: Eddie, Henry and Ivy TenEyck, Henry, Edith, Alexander and Minnie Von Helens. Calvy and Elvy Beebe and Carl Aschuff. JlKi. .11 A K Y CALVIN, Teacher. lsht:Wa Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all nearly all nfght loin:," writes Mrs. Chas. Apple- gate, of Alexandria, Ind.. "and could hardlv get any sleep. I had consump tion so had that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, hut, when all other medicines failed, tnree $1 bottles of Pr. King's New pis covery w holly cured ue and I gained 5S putinds." It s absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs, la grippe, bronchitis, and all thral anil lung troubles. Price 5 c amlfl. Trial bottl I free atCharinan A Co.'h drug store. DoYfr. It looks all ttle like we are going to have same winter; there was some snow on the grounil this winter. The health in this neighborhood is very bad. There are several down sick. Mrs. Eardman has been sick for some time and doesn't seem to get much bel ter. Mrs. Kitzmiller has had another very bail spell of rheumatism. Hlio is some better. Mr. Perry Kitmiller is at home on a visit from Lexington, Oregon. He ex pects to return in a few days. Mr. Bowman has gone over on the coast to visit his son . Working .Hlght and lny. The busiest and mightiest little thing that was ever made is Pr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, liHtlessness into energy, hrain-fag into mental power, They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 20c per box. Sold by Charman & Co. Mountain Road Nchoo!. Following is a report of school for the month ending Jan. 8, 1904. No. of days attendance, 400.J4. No. of days absence, .'i8Ji. No. of times tardy, 10. Fred Raker (ilmlva Halter. Mnrv Bernert, Joseph Bernert, Albert I'ernert, Carl Bernert, Hilda Kaiser, Louisa Zim merman and .Maoel Hodge wer neither absent nor tsrdv for the month. Ueepectmllv sobmitleu, 'II. W. Bakkk. CinliJ. Kirk Rebekah Lodge installed officers and initiated candidates last Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served during the evening. L. Wang is away from home on a com bined business and pleasure trip. Dr. Summers, of Oregon City, came up Sunday evening and witii Pr. Deduian visited Wilmer Fisher's little son, who is still very sick. Mrs. O. Knight was called to Portland last Wednesday to help take care of her son-in-law, Clyde Evans, who is very ill with stomach trouble. The saloon of II. Vorpahl was burglar ized last Sunday night. The thieves en tered by a side door end took five hun dred cigars and six bottles of whiskey. No trace of the thieves haa been found so far. Maple Lodge, D. of 11. , installed offi cers and had a very social time last tiane last Saturday night. Died At his borne one mile east of Canby, on Sunday, Jan. 10th, Mr. Huff, from cancsr of the liver. Deceased leaves three children, one daughter and two tons. COOOOOOCCOGOOCOOOOOOCOCOOCCOCOOOCOOOC o 8 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o We Sevy Agaiiv, CKoosc Yoxxr Druggist Carefully HOWELL St JONES RELIABLE DRUGGISTS CHAMBERS HOWULL LINN I;. JONGS OOOOOOOOOOCGCOCCCOOOCQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'rrrk. j Kain, rain, rain seems to be the order of the day. The Eagle Creek school has closed on account of smallpox in the Bracket family. Jo Bracket is about well but Mr. and Mrs. Bracket are sick now with the smallpox and Miss Dory has the varioloid. Mr. Looney's folks have the measles.1 Walter Deriglass, of Wasco countv, is visiting his parents and other relatives for a short time. The 1'resbyterian minister did not preach here yesterday on account of the smallpox. Mr. Howen sold his farm a few days ago. Elder L. O. Dix, of I'oilland, preached at the Douglass school house yesterday. A. J. Douglass and J M. Douglass both went to Portland lat week with hogs. It seems they prefer the old way of hauling their produce to market. Willamette. T. J. Oary was a I'ortUnd visitor Sun day. Elmer Thompson injured hit hand quite badly Monday. Bert Shipley cut his foot Monday while working at the camp. Jim Vaughan is working in Berts place while he is laid off with his foot. Harry Shipley visited in Portland Sat urday. Miss (iraee Harmon, of Portland, vis ited tier Bister, Miss Maggie Sunday. Frank Shipley is suffering with boils on his neck. Freddie I'esm is driving delivery wagon for li. H. Kogers. Jake Beam has bought the Butler place and moved on it Sunday. Mrs. Saunders has tieen suffering from neuralgia for some time. The Wednesday afternoon prayer service at Grandma Hickman's it a beautiful idea, well expressed. The Eighth Grade Club is preparing another entertainment for F'nday, the Hnd. Reboot Sepurt. Following is the school report of Dis trict No. 72, Col ton, Oregon. No. of days taught, 1!). No. of days absence, 23. No. of times tardy, .'t. Pupils who were neither absenr nor tardy during the month are, Nora and Mary Wright, Lena and Robert I'uU, Bessie, Maggie and Promise Phillips, Archie and Nellie Bonney, Lillie Carl son. Kuoy Countryman and Chester Trontt. Visitors during the month were Messrt. John Wright, A. Countryman, J. Putz, W. Bonney, Alvy Clark and Mist JesBie Phillips. Visitors are always welcome. Lnora Ointukb, Teacher. Wm. S. Crane, of California, Md., suf fered for years from rheumatism and Itmbago. He was finally advised to try Chamberlain's Paiu Balm, which be did and it effected a complete cure. For sale by O. A. Harding. Sign for the Enterprise and tha Week ly Oregonian before our price offer of a world' map txpirat. (?n DRUGGIST can do more harm or ood than most 7r' Fc0Plc ivc llim credit for. There are' different Gzr qualities in drugs just as there arc in dry goods, and- to the outsider all qualities go by the same name. The difference between pure, fresh, high-grade drugs and old, cheap, inferior drugs of the same name means the difference between keeping sick and getting well. When a doctor writes a prescription he means BEST quality. When some druggists fill a prescription they think only about DIG PROFITS. Don't take chances you know how dangerous errors are. Bring your prescriptions here and you will be sure of accuracy We do our own work, no boys behind our prescription counter. Only the best and purest drugs are used and our charges are based on what the drugs are worth not what wc think you will pay without protest. If we have your prescription business and are saving you money, why can't we save you more money by selling you your patent medicines, toilet articles, druggist sundries and in fact every thing you need in our line. Wc arc offering this week special prices on a big ship ment of hot water bulb syringes and Rubber Goods just received from A. M. Foster, Philadelphia, and thoroughly guaranteed. Get our prices. Katie Creek. W. II. Douglas, one of Wasco county ' progressive farmers, broimht some horses to Portland last week. After disposing of his horses he caaie to Eagle Creek to visit his father and mother, Mr. and Mr. J. W. Douglas. He started on ids return trip last Tuesday. 8. A. Douglas and wife returned from a ten days' visit to tire Hood river coun try last week. Mr. Douglas is very much pleased with that part ol the state. Last week K. D. Burnetts brought four head of his cattle from the moun tains. The cattle were in very fair order, lie still has a few head out. J. W. Douglas, A. J. Douglas nnd II. S. liihson butchered hogs last Monday. Kev. Aloiuo Dix preached to a small audience at the Howlett school house house, No. 50, last Sunday. On account of ruin, Uro. Dix concluded to hold even ing service at the residence of W. J. Howlett. On account of smallH)x in the neigh borhood, Hn v. (irafensteln did not preach at the Eagle Creek school house lust Sunday. We hear that Joe Brackett has ho far recovered from the smallpox as to be nble to follow the plow. Last week our constable, It. E. Eor rister, accompanied by a lady, came out to Eagle Creek on the train. We expect a cigar, Ben, tieorge Udell has sold his farm to W. M. Wood, of Stevenson. Mr. Wood moved out last Wednesday. Ed Douglas and II. S. (iihson took two bmichgrass horses to Portland for a I ter Douglas Tuesday. They will be shipped to The Dalles. Mr. New has bought the Ernnk Sell man place. He will go into the chicken business. K. B. Gibson attended the sale at Estacada the 12th inst. School is progressing nicely in Dis trict No. 50 under the able management of Prof. Wm. Karr. Guy Woodla and wife were seen driv ing toward Dover Tuesday morning. Last Saturday and Monday Joe Cahill built a smokehouse for J. W. Douglas. Clackamas. Mr. and Mrs. Honiberger went down to Portland one dav last week to viait a sick friend. Charles Itoadarnel recently mire liaoo.l the property as the Mouth place. He is ousy cumnif down trees, grubbing stumps, and clearing for a garden spot, and expects to move into the house early in the spring. John Robinson is hauling lumber for a new house to be built on his property west of town. We are informed that the tchool board of this district hat purchased of Mr. Wolf about two irraa t.l l.n.l tween the blacksmith shop and the ores- W.MWI jiu, luouiarge iub cuuuren t play ground. The vacant lot bnlnmInir In (I, a r. , n - ri Kregational church, and hitherto used at a poiiooi pity ground, Wat recently par chased by Mr. Oarrison, who will fence and otherwise improve it. Them will hm nromn 1. IV,. w t. H .. ... uv K. , iu tuo m. j-Jt church Kahhath mnmino l. P.M i derbarg, at 11 o'clock. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mulliiu. Those who have leen ill with coldt are able to be around again. Miss Nellie Roberts visiting her cousin, Veva Kimmey, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimmey, and Mr. Kituuiey's mother and siatnr, Pearl, are living in C. T. Howard's house, for merly occupied by Mr. Vanover and family. Charley Daniels is working lor John Mulvany this week. E. M. Manning has been ill snmn time of asthma. Mr. Kraahier, of Portland, it working ' for Bill Adkins. Ered WihsIhMi, was visiting his sister, Mrs. Ida Dodge, of Meaduwhrook, Sun day last. Robert (ioueher, nephew of Dr. (tou cher, w ho came hero from the East some time ago, had the misfortune to cut hit knee while at work in the logging camp. The revivals at the hall have been iiitH exciting. The converts of this place were nine last week. Bros. John Hasio and Baker, of Woodburn, were present Saturday and Sunday evening. The card parly at Brother and Sister Hardesty's home Saturday evening was a grand affair. Mrs. Daniels and family, Mr. ami Mrs. (toucher, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Bayne Howard, Mr. Darnall, Mr. Zin ger, John Mulvany, Hudson Barclay and Agnes and Veva Wallace and Gusta Bowman were guests of II. Seltser ami Mr. and Mrs. .Sherman Sunday. Mulino seems to be noted for its smooth-faced young men, and not only the young men, the fever seemscontag ious, and some of the old want to look young. Mrs. Ashbyis visiting friends at Sa lem. The sad news of the death of Mrs. Hudershat, of Meadowhrook, was re ceived here a few days sgo. Our great est sympathy is extended to the bereaved rim.H. Rhnrwonil. It seems as though our rainy aoason. has set in. Gardner Bros, have moved their saloon into the Leo building, which they have had put in first-clash shape. Mr. Calfoldt has taken charge of the City Hotel and is going to open a saloon in connection. Ira Bonney, of Hubbard, was here on biiHiniiHi Saturday. He has purchased the Hayt' engine and expectt to build a mill at Needy, Ore, Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Reasoner, of Needy, were visiting at II. II. Eyraau'a one day last week. Mist Lora Bell it very bad with pneu monia, but ia gn'ting along nicely under the careful care of Dr. Saylor. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatort of