Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 08, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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KMnfj TrouMe Makes You Miserable.
i 4 V r
1.1 rrJ tv
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sura to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
1 PvT h E' kiJney, liver
L Kv&TJ and bladder remedy.
k, trti u iuiu'u ui uio nine
teenth century; dis
l covered after years of
rrjTj scientific research by
HJSS Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent money and blad
der specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
Urns back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst
lorm of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not reo
emmended for even-thing but if you have kid
rev, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you reed. It has been tested
In so many ways. In hospital work, In private
fiaCL-e, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has Froved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
s.;r.-.ple bottle sent free by mail, also a book
Hli;i more about Swamp-Root and how to
f n.l out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and
S-nd vour address to
Dr KiiineritCo.,Bing-If tV-V. Uua-"
ronton. N. Y. ThetgS
lefj .ir f:fty cent and rtr-m of swamp-Root,
ibllir siies are sold by all good druggists,
fcome eluvil Implements I!. poitod
Iu Clackamas Cuiiiitj.
In) ("ovements have been made very
generally in all of the school districts .If
the (iiuity during the year that has jmt
ended. Many oi tnen districts haw re
ported to County School Superintendent
Zineer the character of the iinpmve
uiHiitH nudu and tie lias com piled a li-i
of the same together with the name of
the district clerk making the report.
uieriiiieiident Ziuter tiag furnieheil the
Enterprise with a list of the fame which
is a follows:
District No. 1 made imnroveiuent9 to
the extent of $150 io fittin no a new
room and outride repairs. Maggie A.
jmn-on, MiiwaiiKie.
District No. 10 reports a new school
houe, painted inside and outside, new
iMtutiildings, fence and grounds cleared
Tillie Smith, Meadowbrook, Ore.
District No. 15 expended $555 fur a
Dew solicM house, with tower and bell,
wood, shed and other linpiovements.
All neatly painted. H. Hollumn, Beaver
Creek, 'Ore
District No. 25 spent $100 in clearing
.and fencing grounds, erecting suitable
oatou'ldings and . otherwise rendering
echoed more attractive. Mrs. Jane Baty,
Uolalta, Ore
District No 26 expended $170 .65 for
general improvement, including a tower
and hell. F. M. Unburn, CUckamas H.
-2, Ore.
Ditr:et No 33 enclosed the school
grounds with a snbsUntia! fence, re
plAr'ed the old woodshed by a nejt new
one, improved the grounds by planting a
inimb.-r of shade trees. Eli Fellows,
Highland, Ore.
District No. 39 reports an expenditure
of 430 for general improvements of
lione and grounds. J. M. Anderson,
Kelso, Ore.
Disnict No. 63 built a new school
Lome n an approved plan, con' in $S K).
K. . I. Bnwn, Oregon City. R. 1, Ore.
District No. 67 ppent $100 for an adJi
' tion wt'h bell-tower and bell. John de
Neui, Stafford, Ore,
District No, 72 moved the school houee
vto a better position, built a neat bell y
-and painted the whole. A. B. Couutry-
VniHn. f'rltnn. Ore.
JYiatrict No. 81 added a belfry and pnr-
chaed a bell, costine a total of $40 U
P. P,iirns. Canhv. Ore.
T)i-trint No 85 moved school hoase to
a better position in grounds ouilt an ad
dition with belfrv and bell, purchased
new furniture and painted house im-ide
and outside. W. . Hartneii, fciy, ure.
District No. 92 built a belfry, pur
chased a bell and erected a sixty-font
fliL's'aff with flag. L. B. Yoder, Hub
bard. R 2. Ore.
District No. 95 cleared the play ground
and purchased a nag. Feter bctnewe
tlarkes, Ure.
District No. 96 fenced and improved
grounds, painted school house inside
and outside, at a cost of $100. A. Rvp
czvnski, New Era, Ore.
District No. 97 fenced and greatly im
proved the grounds, interior of house
was tastefully decorated and made more
borne like by the skillful use of suitable
pictures W. W. Jesse, Barlow, Ore.
District No. 99 planted shrubs and
trees, and added a number of valuable
pictures to the school room. Geo.
Brook man , Lents, Ore.
Jt. District No. 62 enclosed the ground"
with a neat and substantial fence and
made the grounds more attractive by
thinning out the natural grove ot oak
trees Andrew Johnson, Newberg, K
2, Ore.
Jt. District No. 83 added some new
desks, stove, dictionary and other library
books. O. Andrews, GresbBm, Ore.
Other districts have made considerable
Irapiovenoente, bat have not sent in a
report of the same.
IlraUUy Tortured.
A case came to light that for persist
ent and uomerciful torture has perhaps
never been equaled. Joe Golobick, of
Colusa, Calif., writes. "For 15 years I
endured insufferable pain from rheuma
tism, and nothing relieved me though I
tried everything known. I came across
Ele trie Bitters and It's the greatest med
icine on earth for tbat trouble. A few
bottle of it completely relieved and
curnd me." Just as good for liver and
kidnev trouble and generally debility.
Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
Cbarman & Co", druggists.
VVm. S. Crane, of California, Md., suf
fered for years from rheumatism and
lumbago. He was finally advised to trv
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did
. .rd it effected a complete cure. For
le by O. A. Harding.
Sign for tli Enterprise and the Week
ly Oregonian before our prize offer of a
(world's map expires.
Tfc Work Thnt la 1 br th Cm
That nrr Satis.
The captain' authority over un ocean
liner, urn! eiu.;ll,, .'f course, hi ivsp.'iv
slbillty for her. extend only over tht
tunc when she is crossing the sea,
traction lly the responsibility eoases
When she approaches laud ou either
aide, for the pilot assume charge of
her navigation as soon a he vinet
aboard. When the ship arrive at iiei
pier, or as soon, to be exact, a she li
xvlihin hailing dis:anoe, the captain l
no longer In control. She Is thou mulct
the niiiliont.v of the marine tuipcrin
tendent. who is In command of th
piers and tuj; and harttor front oipiiiv
titent of the line and who takes chargt
of the Uookivjr - f all vessels.
To brim a ;;.tit liner to rest at her
pier is a ilelicate operation, 't he flow
of the tide, the headway imparted by
I her engines hof.e.-o they stop, the depth
' of the water, must all bo taken tntc
' consideration. lor the quarters are nar
j rw. and if she were to ram the plef
' it would mean a bad smashup. Hut
: with the sU:!l of Ions experience the
; superiiilend"f.:, l y voice and hand, eon
I trots the f.vut vessel perfiM tly. and
i with tii hci-'itii her and cables draw
i itlK her she glides Into her resting pltico
j as iiaieily and easily as a tinil child
slips beneath the covers at iiisht.
j l'racticaily. f'.' iu the moment when
: the liner is made fast she is turned
! over to the civw that never sail. Hot
; otticers rcr.iaiti e:i duty, and their work
j is as arduous ::nd almost a incessant
. Iri port as at sea. Hut the law requires
; that the clew i f each vessel shall K1
paid oil a:i 1 i'. 'harmed at the end of
every voy.. In the case of the liner
I they are a;;ain suited immediately, hut
durim; the p l while the vessel lies
in Hrt they are not olllclally otinneeted
with her. and th work which naturally
would fall to their lot Is erfoniiod by
the port crew. Earl Mayo In 1-oslio's
Weekll-. j
Let thr Tnunster I. earn to Stand I P
l or 1IU Itiicbti.
Have you forbidden your son to fljzht
under severe penalties? And have you
sent hl:;i to a public school hampered
by this injunction? This la the lufulll
ble result: Either he will tlht and
deny it to you. which is far more
blameworthy than tinhtinjj. or he will. (
if a strictly obedient boy. refuse to
flight or to resent imposition, and tliu
Rain the reputation of a "milksop" or i
"sissy." and hi school days will be
made miserable by the Injustice of this
stigma and l y the Indignities and nn-1
noyance t" which he will be subject"!
by his ma:e. If you find your Iwiy
quarrelsome and inclined to impose
npon other and younger boys pundsb
him a severely as you wish. I am
fully In accord with yon there, for n
quarrelsome, tyrannical bully Is a nui
sance In any school; but as long a
there are schools so long will there be
quarrelsome, tyrannical bullies, and
you and I. my dear madam, wish our
boys to take these bullies In hand and
thrash them. Now. Isn't that so? '
Io you suppose thnt Fatty was any
the worse for his fight with Fishy?
And when. In after years. Fatty be
came one nf the best football players
and cane rushers thnt Dartmouth col-)
lege ever boasted and ono of the best
business men in New Hampshire Is!
there any doubt that this fight had
some Influence a slight Influence, per
haps, but still an influence in produc
ing this development? And do you
suppose thnt he was any the less a
gentleman and a good citizen from
having learned to stand up for his
rights and to resent Improper Interfer- j
eriee with his affairs? Let your boy
learn, to box, to wrestle, to fence, and
so develop every muscle. I never yet
saw a boy who knew how to box
strike with a club, a stone or a dan
gerous weapon. Judge Henry A.
Shute in Leslie's Monthly.
Birthday Presents
Readers of the Enterprise
ON Monday al'tornoon, Washington's Birthday, February 122, 11)0-1, Tho Enterprise
will distribute a snug sum of money among its subscribers. Wo have placed
on exhibition in tho show window of Howell it Jones, tho druggists, a glass jar filled
with coin of all denominations and this money will bo given away to tho readers
of Tho Enterprise on tho afternoon of February 22, next. If you do not receive
a cash gift on your birthday, manage to share the distribution of this money on
Washington's anniversary.
Guess and Get the Money
The-best guetwr will not tho hulk of the money
hut in this contest all will have an ennui chance.
Payment of subscription money on The. Knterprioe
L the only requisite condition for thoxo deniriiin to
participate in the contest. In order that the old readers
of The Enterprise may have an oiiul chance to share the
division of the money with new suhserilnTS, it has lieon decided
to allow line lines, for each tl ot) in subscription that is paid
for The Enterprise, whether the payment Covers a deliii(tient
subscription or is paid for the pajn-r in advance.
Get Your Thinking Cap On
Homebody will get this monr-y. Why should not
you ? No ono knows the actual amount of money
on deposit iu the Jar. Tho Entrprise placed the
hulk of tho monev in the Jar and the balance, iu
various denominations, was deposited therein by a person not
connected with tho paper, the amount so deposited by each
being unknown to tho other. The seal of tho Jar will ho
broken on tliti afternoon of Monday, February 'J'J, l'.M) I, and
distributed among the successful guessors.
50 Per Ccpfc
making closest jrness as to
contents of the Jar.
J' i. r cent to the person
milk in the second closest
guess and 5 per cent each to
the next live persons guess
in closest to the amount.
In case of a tie, the amount
involved will tie divided.
The contest will positively
close at noon on Monday,
February '22, H04.
I Estimatk that the Prize Money Contest Jar of The
Oregon City Enterprise, on exhibition in tho show
window of Howell it Jones, contains $
Date .
Addreis ..
AH gneisea nuiRt he limited or delivered at tlii olllce wliere tliey will l
preserved until the close ol the content,
Now and make your guess.
If you already take the pa
per HtibserilHi for a friend
and get a chance on the
Prize Money.
If you cannot call at tho
ollico fill out the Coukhi
and send with II. .10 to tho
Oregon City Enterprise.
Guesses, must be received
at thin ollice before Friday
noon, January 1, I DO I.
THE ENTERPRISE IB THE ONLY REPUBLICAN Paper in Clackamas County, tho best paor printed in the County, the
official City and County paper and the paper you must read il you are to be informed weekly of tho events of interest in
Clackamas county. Subscribe for The Enterprise now and send in your estimate in tho prizo money guessing contest.
The subscription price of The Enterprise is II. .10 per year.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Danger For Timid Diner.
ll one were to stuuy me snnjeci anu
rigidly avoid eating all things that are
reputed to be had for one's health In
one way or another, It would probably
be difficult to keep starvation at bay.
The list of things which cannot be
eaten with safety by those who have
a tendency to appendicitis Is a very
long one. A prominent scientist de
clares that one of the deadliest sweet
meats is preserved ginger; hut pine
apple, fresh or preserved, is almost
equally risky, while oranges, figs, rasp
berries. In fact all fruit with pips, are
also very dangerous eating. To still
further limit onr dietary, there are a
number of other things which may not
be eaten by those who fear typhoid
fever. The oyster scare has led to sus
picion of all other shellfish, not only
lobsters and crabs, but even the hither
to considered harmless though nec
sary shrimp and prawns. St Jams
I) Iv
P M. '
7 no
8 20
8 38
8 44
8 .VI
8 08
!) 08
9 HI
U 37.
10 00
10 08
10 20
10 .'VI
JulyS, '.rl
A M. I
h mi l,v Portlw.d .Ar
9 Oft (iiible ...
tils . . . lUlnier . . .
9 : . . Pyramid .. .
9 4u MayKT ...
9 50 .... (uincy
10 0)... ''latskanie .
10 10 . . Marshland .
10 21.... Weitport . .
10 ... Clifton ...
11 ,r)7,.... Knappa...
II 10 .... Bvnii-en . .
II Oft John Dav . .
II :tn Ar. . Aamrla. .I.v
D'ly JlVty
A.M. I P.M.
II 10 40
10 0f! 8 3ft
9 ft2 8 20
9 .V.
9 27
9 17
9 08
8 5i
8 49
8 00
7 04
7 41
7 38
7 28
7 17
8 33 7 02
8 10 0 42
8 071 fl 32
7 OS! fl 20
7 4ft' 0 10
No appetite, lost of r'-enrth, nenrooa
mm, headache, constipation, bad breath,
pneral debility, sour rlsinga, and catarrh of
the atomach are aj due to ind Ideation. Kodol
evea Indigestion. Thl new discovery repre
sents the natural Juices of digestion as they
slst In a healthy stomach, combined vtta
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure doas net
aly curs Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this
iamous remedy cures all stomach treubUe
by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes lining
m stomach.
Mr. S. S. BaH ef Rmnawood, W. Va.. atrap-
I ni trooblad wtth sour stomach for tinotj rara,
Rodol eurai a lot wa ar now ataf " la miM
tar sab.''
Kodol Digests What Yoa let
rtUMaatr. tl.00 Slu holdlnf 7 ttmMUMtrhJ
sn. whlca seiU lor 50 ckU
rrapi-ad kf L O. OaWlTT OO.. OHIOAOO
Said by U. A. HAEDINU, Dmggist
11 3.5 a.
ft 00 p. n
11 30a. in.
8 1ft a. in .
6 15 a. m.
2 30 p. in .
5 00 p. in
9 40 a. in.
7 40 a. ru
4 00 p. m
10 30 a. in
6 50 p. iu
12 30 p. m
7 20 p. m
1 30 p. m
B 60 a. m
All trains make close connections al Coble
with all Northern Pacific trains to or from
the Kant or Hound Points.
At Portland with all trains leaving Union
At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.'aboatsSnd
rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and
from Ilwaco and North Beach Point.
Ticket ofHne, 205 Morrison at., and Union
depot. J . C. M A Y O, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria, Or
iato the storeroom adjoining the post of
Ice. We carry a complete line of new
and second hand stove and furniture.
Highest prices paid for all kind of junk.
Sugarman & Co.
The (f'and premium offer of the Enter
Driae and Weekly Oreonian for one year,
including a fine world' map, with sepa
rate map of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, all for the aura of $2.25, expiree
L.ii... i nevt iinla wa ran make
a ii ' . ,
satisfactory arrangements for it renewal.
Person demrinK to lake aavamaKe oi
the offer ghould end in their ubscrip
tion at once, for we can not guarantee
that the offer will hold good after New
Year's Day. The map alone i worth
$2 50. or more than the cost of the two
papers, including the premium.
R. L. Hoi nun, leading nndertaker
Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tf
Eabacribe (or th Enterprise
rr' 11 WIN
Do not lie ilccclvcl 1 v tlno who nd-Vi-rtisw
a fOO.IK) Kcv!ni Min hlno for
t-0.(X). ThiMkltid of aiimchiin'ciiii
be liiKht from iih or an v nfour
dculi-ru fmmfl.j.OOto 18.00.
The Feed dctt'nnlneH the Ktri'tigth or
wcuknt-wu of Hewing Machiinn. The
Double feed comMm-d with other
HtroiiK K)intH makea the .Vow Home
the Uwt hewing ilachhiu to buy.
sIiowIiik the Ait-fi-rent
ntyhn .if
h.wlMK Miu'liln.n
we nuiuufuctureand prhan bluri.-pun bioilnx
28 Union Hq. N. Y., ClilcJik'i, 111., Atlantu, (la.,
BU Louis, Mo., Dullaa,Tcx.,Hiin Frunclsco, Cal
ton sslc y
C. 6. CRANE, 350 Morrison Street,
Porttand, Oregon.
are no higher than thone in any other
trade, and oars are no higher than ser
vice rendered demands.
What we undertake to do in a thorough
and eatiefactory manner. There will
not be found after our workman get
through with a job any defective joint,
leaky pipe, loose connection or otbei
evidences of "scamped" work. Every
part will be perfect, and look perfect,
and when the bill comes in you'll not
ask for any deduction.
Portland and The Dalles
'Bailey Gatzert" "DuIIch City"
"Kcfrulator" "Metlako"
Connecting at l.ylii, WhhIi., with the
('iiluiiilna ltiverHiid Northern l(y f r
WttlikLiciiH, Italy, Ci-ntervllle, Uuldtin
dulu and all C'lickelat Valley (MjintH.
Steamer leaves Portland daily (except
Sunday) lor The DhIIdh 7 a. in. J arrives
Tlie Ilailes 0 :'M) p. in. ; eteamer connects
with C. U. & N. train at Lyle for (ol
dendale. Kteainer leaves The Dales
daily (except Sunday) for Cortland at
7:110 a. in., arrives Portland f) p. in,;
C. It. & N. train leaving Ooldendale at
0:15 connect with the steamer for Port
land. Excellent meslfl served on all steamers
Fine accommodations for team and
For detailed information of rates,
berth reNervations, railroad and stave
connection write or 'call npon K. Mc
donald, auent, Alder street wharf, or
II. C. CAMPBELL, Manager,
I'ortland, Ore.
Daily River Schedule
- or
Hteamera Alton and Pomona for Sa
lem and way points, leave I'ortland daily
'except Sunday) at 6:45 a. m., leave
Oregon City, 8 :15 a. m. ; returning, leave
Nalem, 7 a. m. ; lesve Oregon City, 4 :30
p. m.
Oregon City Transportation Co
O. R. & H-
Oregon Short Line
and Union Pacific
- DAILY- -
Through I'ulluiiin standard anil Tour
ist sleeping cars daily to Oiniiha, ('hicugo
Spokane; loiiriitt slt-eping enrs dully to
Kan-aa City; throngli I'ulluiiin touria
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kaunas City, reclin
ing chiiirsl(scata frceto the cust daily,
l'rom Portland
Dxrtar TIMK Hl'HKDDLKN ashivs
('lilnago- Halt l.nke, Denver. Kt.
I'ortland Worth.Oiualia.Kaii- .P
Hwlal , City, hi. Iiuis,
vi'JO a. m. ciilcanu and East.
K rilri'Jr H-' ''f, Denver, Kl.
. " Worth.Oiualia.Kaii. I0;!l0a.m.
Ing'on ChicBK Ks"1'
Ksst'oVall Walla Walla, Iwls
(i n 'on, Hpokane, Mill- . ,
0Jja" neaiN.il. 'Hi. Paul, 7:35 a. m.
Spokane JJululh, Milwaukee,
Chicago and East.
Excellent Meals.
Best Bervlcs.
Ocean and River Schedule
I p. m.
cost mors ykld mors
liv. all iptrlmsntlng
savs dlttHDOInlsisnti. l
vcara tha blandari MOf .
Soil by all dealers. I04
Bd Annual suiipsld Irs,
to all appllcann.
Detroit, Ulcb.
Dally Kx.
8 p. 111,
10 p. ni.
All Hailing dates sub
ject to change.
For an Franoiaoo
Hall every 6 days
Oolnmbla River
To Astoria and Way
4 p. m.
4 p. m.
Kx. Hunday,
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars. Tickets east
via all rail, or boat and rail via Portland,
For detailed information of rates,
berth reservation etc, call or write to
agent at warf.
General Offices, II. C. Campbell,
Portland, Ore. Manager.
L. Lewis, Comm'l Agt., 242 Alder St.,
I'ortland, Ore. Write for the novel and
catchy Seaside pamphlet, Just issued,
telling all about Summer Girls, Sea Ser
pent and Sunsets at Seaside.