01WQON CITY KNTEIU'RIK ' Kill HAY, JANUARY 8, 1901 HIMMlYd IIP MlVrS! lllJillml U i inlJSun Vl'OKI'CNN of Wtllk III MlnliiKlMsliIrL ' It it l the ling inlaiiN Ncrf Year Mum her Hud lu May f Clarkimim Ceuniy. Appended In h review of thn progies ol development work wt IIih MolalU milling dintrlrl a ll crcd In thn Now Year's Issue nl IIih (.regnnlan ; Actual development ol thw MolalU nilnliiK district was nnlv commenced In particsi lllilii Uih year Jipil closed, Sur face prospecting ol Him properties ha lawn carried on since the early hlstorv ol thH country, Iml la-cause ol lurk of thoroughness nothing satisfactory or en CourutfliiK ' diclomid, Possessed ol tli( Idea I Iml lbs itiounl ulna ol IIih south eastern ilihtilrt ul tli county roniitin considerable, mineral wisllh, local pn pector ol experience have within the laid 12 mouths init'lH a searching eiami nmliin ol them. Uih result have al ready iuatlllcd thn suspicion that were enleitained. An linn lieen stated, luperflcia proaj pr cling baa Umiii followed in Clackamas county lor irh hall century, lint lain ohl inilinr )Ixi-ki him-elf In discussing Dm situation recently, "there in not n pro eel hole wilhui tint county Hint In large enough I 1 secrete a horse tml buggy." Th tiiinuiiccmcnl within thn last hall year tlmt local and Portland parlies have discovered rich ledge ! unknown wealth caurcd genuine exclu iiihiiI nml rciii'Wi'il in hihm In iIih iiiiiiIiik IniliiHtry In (Inn comity. Htilmroiiciiily i in I in r iliHcovcry nml niuioiincHiiii-ii'. inmlc colireriilliK properly in thn lirnr Vli inily of the claim Hint waa propncliMl ly thn rnlrcliniKh ln Iit, ! Una city h ullo wiliif Hich ailvmlixnl lacta, I hi Uml ol proiiilainit iiuni'inl ilcponim m rapiilly ii'IochIciI ny iiiiiiihk mrii liotn nil purta of thn Norlliwtt. '1'liH work ol llcvf loo inciil, whilnclitirMv prcliiniiniry, ia aalialiii loiy ainl linn liilliiHiirf .1 llm in- Iiti'rIi'iI iinrlica lo ilolcrmiiiH on llm tliuroiiili w nkliiit ol lln clninu, ninl ln will Iih iIuiih ilinltiK IIim wimcr. Two tMlniidiiji'n with Inrun cnpiial liH'k Iiuvh U'l'ii lorini-'l lor ncuvii work. (Inn ol II.PHH own anvcrul inioea on )l creek tlmt nutiMiil into M inon couniy 8 unpli'a ol un iimi kiU'I to Iimvh ntan)vl fiinn '-'" tiiri. Tim other conipniiy'a liiililinttN y I v ll;iinriiit! prniniao. A rn cent hk,iv of (ire lukeii I rum 1 1 1 i cum- imny'n clinni" itv ttic I 1 1 w 1 1 1 reanlix : .owed! uraile, $1(1 o; nexl ur.le7.').H4 , lull leal ncrona llm lc.it'". I'll!) 'S-i , lower hull ol nlruliiin, IVit KI; nelecieil lll plea, ('.'773 III. I'lm leiliie forniationa r paimcinlly Invurnliln. When liral ex plored, it waa aiiiMiei Hint llm renin Collninteil hugely ol hnwi ore, llllt allhaH (jilelil ill vemijiillolli allow lre4 lilllli or to llm extent ol nh iul IK) per I'eul., Willi tint depuaila cxiM eilnilv rich. Mniinir on n limileil acaU liaa h en rnrneit on in I lie county lor yearn, lull the piuilili't Iihm never lieen conaiilerHil aullii'leritlv liirue lo conaliluie ml imliin try ileaerviiiK ol mention. Willi the ini tial iliKi-iiveru H Hint linve heeti liutn nml the Ion II. lent helief in Ihe lid'uineiieaa nil pimalhle eKtelll ol thn ileMMila, mill InK will h exieiiaively cmrieil on in t'lackniniiH futility. The atraln in which the ilepoaita have been niieurttieil, aru la-lleveil liv many In he n lolitiinmlion ol Hie ilecliledly rich itiitiernl counlry ul the aoutlinrn pari ol Ihe nmttt. Iron ore ol excellent iiinlily anil In nhtiinlniicH ia to he foiiml tlirntiulioiit the county, hut thin iinluetry hicknde velopuii'iit. (Ill TAX IX .HAIIK. Wunii-ii'a ( lub Huiiu to llioc a Turk Anil Fxpef lornt liiir (lidliiniice. Tho On-Kon Cily council, it a npccinl liiei'tiii Im-t Tiie.ulay nitlld, niHile the niiuitl lax levy ol 4 nulla lor muuicipitl purpoeca nnil n (urlher naaehHineiit ol 'J nnllr lor n perinanenl ntieel improve tiictit (ninl. Tli in Utter fund ia created in ncconliincH with IIih provinionn of a recent nnieiiiliiient lo thn city ehurter Unit waa ralilied hy the volera of Ihe city it Hie iM'ceuiher ejection. The tax laht year lor municipal purpoaen nmoiinted lo 7 tn i I In tint llm reduced levy thin year on an aaHCHMiieiit roll more than double that ol a year w w ill produce aure.itcr aiii'iiint of laxea. .Meiiilx-ia ol the Oregon City I.ewia A Clark ('lu)i preMeiited a petition to the council nekitiK Hint a tract ol land in the cily he purcliHHed at a cost ol $'.'.'00, Hie properly to he Improved and preserved an a piililic imrk. The matter wan re lerted to the finance committee. The local club Inn ititcrcnled itaelf in the matter ol improving the, appeal auce ul the cily. At Ihe miKiieMtion of Dr. J. V. t'o-vell, the retiriim memhernf the council from the Kirat Ward, .Mayor Dimick haH re (iiealeil the city attorney to prepare an ordinance, prohibiting rxpectoraiinK on Bidewalkn. The ordinance will likelyiie preacnted at the next meeting ol the council. NKW COl'MIL IIAlilYS WORK. Itfconlcr lurry, Chief llurns unit Oilier Cily OlIlciT Ite-t'ledciL A. Knapp, II. K. Straight, M. Chapman and M. Jiisliii, newly-elected memhera ol the Oregon city council, were aworn in and axHunicd llieir placea in that body at the regular minting Wednesday night. In the elei tion of the va'ioiiacily ollicera, KrcordiT Curry waa re-elected to succeed hiniHcll lor a fittli term. Mayor Ihiiiii k announced the appointment of the fol lowing heads ol dei,.rtiiieita: Chief uf i'olice, Chaa. K. Jiurna; Might 1'olice Ollicer, Kd8haw; alreet commiHaioner, John lireeu ; city attorney, (Joo. L. Ktory ; cily engineer, h, I'. Handa. Thene ap pointnieiita were all ratilied hy the coun cil. Chief llurns has nerved tlliciently a' chief of the police department in Ore City since 1HWI with the exception ol two yearn. Win. Hheahan wan elected presi dent of the council and Mayor IHmick waa authorized to appoint a npecial po lice ollicer whenever the servicea of euch an ollicer are deemed necessary. The council rejected the petition of the Wuman'e Club asking that the city pur chase at a cost of f-'')!M) a block of land belonging, to Capt. J. T. Apperson for a e'ty i''k "'tin w inch was ti be erected monument lo lh memory o( lr. John Mcl.onghllii, 1 1'ismn U iIiih Ilia members ol tliM routi Molllllil el' '"r llidiillnltcly postponing Ihe further Coiiide.ratlon uf 1 1 proposition ol Foil land iiiiiiM't lor Installing In thla t'hy i ntinihtir ol public fouii'mim, tli same Id I be used lor advertising purposes. All llltTOHHt (tf f',154 ill feCeiptS lor UlH yoxr IINi.'l, was shown In IIih minimi re, port of IIih Hoard ( I Wale' C Nmihii i ri l ri ers. Under 11 n 1ii pa I owntoaiilp mill itiiik mmd, the operation of this pub lic ulilily lor lail year, produced lo (tin city irollt of about tilOt'O. According lu IIih annual rt-port of City Iti'i onlcr (,'urrv, thn wnrfHliI exiieime ol the city (or IIXI.'I wan Hi 1114. 21 . while Uih receipts aggtetfated ir.M77.:il Ol I'm receipts, the saloons ol the. city uitl M1HK) In licenses. IN IIOXIU Of HHIKTII HIIITIItlAY. Oiegun Cily Odd I'd own llnlrf finnl. Centennial Kxerrlara. Kif'y yean ano laat Thiirailay night Oregon ld:e No. 3, I. . O. V., uf tliia city, wan oignniaed, ami in celehrailon uf Ihe aeiiii-ceritennlal, the Odd Keltown ol Oiegon Cily and vicinity on New Yenr'n j,-VH jj m,,r,i,f H exerclaei, conclud lug Willi a watch party, lly a coinci dence the night on which thn local lodge wan organized waa alo Thiirndnyt ur llm regular meeting night ol the Oregon f 'it v lodge. Hon. ('. li. Mooren gave a liiatorlcal nddreaa, and amonu the other apenkern waa County Judge Itynii. Kol lowing (Iih apeeelimakllig a iMlnpiet wan nerved. Judge William Calloway wan the principal niieaker of the evening, and lew ever heard liiui apeak tietler Hun he did on thin occaaion. The Judge ia a g'Nrl am-aker at any lime, tint lie waa Juat a little above the avcrag" when lie ulknl to the O Id Kellown. llm addrena wna an nhln ell'urt and the fpeaker waa rewarded with liheral appluuae at ita ter mination. There are mime Inlereating riicuin- atnncen attending the charter under which the Oie.on Cltv Lodge ol (Id. I I'ellowa waa nrganixeil. Hot lor the elementa, the Oiegon ('itv Lodge would have tieeh the drat lodiie ol Odd Kellown to lie organized in the plate. The char ler for which reai.lenta of lliixi itv made application waa lorwnrded hy ntenmer Ironi Waahington, H C, hut before n landing could he efTni ted onthiHcoaat, Hie a'eainer in a gale drilled to the Sand H n il ia tiida, w here the charter waa cap tured hv a company uf 1 1 or i I ll I ll men, who proceeded to orgiimz" a lodge under Ihe charter. Where Hie wordn Oregon ('lly appeared in tin' dooflment, they were marked out with ink and Ihe name of llm Honolulu Lodge, Lnlerpriae No 1, Wn Inatnlleil. The charter an uiodiDed lantill letaiueil hv the Honolulu lodge. Ilelore I he proairfvtive Odd Kellown of Oregon City could nrrnre another char ter, Salem had gaii.edjiha.1 reconnitinn ami formed Chemekela Lodge No. 1. The re ault wan that Oregon Cily nuccei-ded in forming the third lodge o Odd rellown In ihe Mate. HIS LIKE ( ItlXIKII OCT. Mm Hiiiigej, uf Th Ih Cily, Meets Sail Di'Hih Nar I Iniinpn g. Win. Pungey, aged 04 yeain, of this died at liiitteville l uenlrtv night from the ell'. cln ol Injuries leceived during the afternoon when he wan struck by a full ing tree. I'uiigey, for more than a month, had been engaged at cutting wood near ( hinnpoeg and lute Tuesday afternoon was caught by a fulling tree nml aiillered a hioken leg and other seri ous injuries. Tim injured mull was taken to liiitteville w here he succumbed to hia injuries a lew hours later. The body wan I rough! lo this city Wednesday night by bout from lint t m ville. Interment took place Thursday in Mountain View cemetery. The deceai-ed is tmrvived by a wile, ami ten children. They are: Hubert lliingi-y, of Cnliloniia; Mrs. Anna l'ries ter, Mrs. Ida Iteatty, lis, Martha, James, Minnie, Nellie, Waller and Kd I'ungey, all of thin city. COl.m LEW KKIU'CH). Tax of 20 Mills Levied by County Court for Slate, County and School. The Clackamas county court on Wed nesday made Ihe annual tax levy. It aggregated '.II'1,. mills and ia made up ol the following items: For county purposes II nulls ; road. )i ; school, 5 ; Btate, 5. 1 tie levy for county purposes inexactly one-half uf the levy that waa made last year when an nstjcssincut of 12 mills was made nolely for county purposes. The road lax Inst rear, 11 mills, waa also dou ble that of this year, which ia but 4'g milla. Hut there ia an increase in Hie state and Hchool leviea. Willi an assess ment roll of greatly increased values, practically the same amount ol taxes In the aggregate will be raised. The total levy fi r municipal purposes in Oregon Cily is (I mills, and with a 2 mill tax for the city schools the Oregon t'itv property owner will this year be railed upon .to pay a total tax ol L'K'ji mills, as against 4tiJa mills a year ago. Wliiil' In n bailie? K very thing is in (he name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. 0. De- Witt & Co., of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve trom Witch Hazel that is a specific for Tiles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing Files, Eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt'a Salve baa no equal. This has given rise to numer ous worthless counterfeits. Ask for De Witt's the genuine. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. TitiiKK Coiti.ks Divohckd. Circuit Judge McBridrf granted three divorces Tuesday ss follows: Cbas. K. Dye vs. (iertrnde Dye: Llllie M. Took vs. James H. Took ; Eva Zeller vs. Fred Zellor. In the two last named cases the plaintiff were awarded the custody of the minor children. Terrible plagues, those itching, pester ing diseases of the skin, i'ut an end to niisorv. Doan'a Ointment cures. At any drug store. ,Y()U CAN GKT ITf ngb.pd and omocg: Nobody Is Hnrrt'd In Kiifer- p Ih I'iIp Contest. i VI w the Money Jar at II iwell k Jones' Drug M'.re ami Make Estimate. When you are down town atop a Howell A Jonea' drug store, view the F.nlerpriH money conlest j r and then ' come to the Enterprise ofllce, pay your I auhncripiion nnd inake nil estimate on ' the amount ol money the J r contains. Koine one In going to get the money when il ia divided on the afternoon uf Wnsuinglon'n birthday, February T!, next. Why should nut you share in the division? I'nyment of subscription money on the Enterprise Is Ihe only condition that is re cj ll i red ol persona desiring to particl pale in the contest. Kor every fLM that la paid on nilb-eriplion lo this puper the auhaciilier in entitled to one guess an lo Ihe amount of money the jar contain. It matter not whether Hie payment cover back nubicriptiou or Days for Ihe paper a year in advance, you get a guess anyway. Tin arrangement inakea the contest lair fin all old sobs, Tiber as well an thuee who may now become auh.ciib em to the paper. Another condition thai in ikes the con test absolutely fair in Ihe fact that Hie amount uf money contained in the J ir ia uiikion to nnylHidy. The F-nleiprise placed the bink ol the money in Hie re ceptacle and the Iml on e in unknow n denomination and n'li.iiinl, was li-po-iled therein by Mr C. Kchuebel, the at torney ol Oiegon V'Hy, and neil her knows the amount in the j ir, which ha been shi urely n-n ed On Momiay afiernoon, February l!2. I(m4. the seal will be hioken and Hie money counted by Mr. N hilebel w ho will make :ie award i f Hie money among IIih Hin-ressful nn sers The manner of distribution wri as I .llowa : 0(1 la-r cent to the person gue-ing lleaiest as to ihe aiiioiln' ol money in ihe jirj 25 per cent to the second bet gui'si-er and 6 per cent ea. h lu tin- next live peisona gue'sit g clns-st as lo the amount in the jar. A II guesaen must be forwarded or de-po-nti d at Ihe Enterpne i llice pte jun to 12 o'cI.h k noon, Monday, Kehinary 22, when the colite-t will -hii". M-i'e than one hundred guerre v i r j tin; I inn 7ii to f7H0 have been receiwil nnd eaeii week we are enli-ting m u y in -w mil Hcribers. I'ersoiia desnb.g lo gne--should lo'e no time ill inskitig their e liinale. Voilr chunce is jusl an g.uil a your neighbors nml some one in going lo win. Why not you ? As we have announced, the Knterpri-e had the inn-fortune a lew week h.o lo have stolen from the i lli.e mioitiei jir nl money that wna to have been given away on the same condillnni n w ill ibi one. The second jar is an exai-r coun terpart of the stolen vesel and edit ins approximately the same amount of money as did the original j,ir. Mib-crin-ers wlia ventured gtle-.ses on the (irsi jir w ill hsve the privilege of changing II. cr guesses if they will call at Ihe ulli.u or not i I y u -i of the change desired. The E lerprise npritks for itxlf. l is the only Hepuhhcan paper in tbecotintv. It contains every week a comp etc repoit ol Ihe news uf mtensl of the entire county and hn roiintir correcponiieiiee serviie is not duolicaied. It c intntus all of the news all ol the time mi l gives the same accurately and reliably. With two campaigns next year tin- county election in June and the gener t election in November- the average cil z-n ol Clackamas' county should keen itilonne l an lo all'airs in hia county. Ile.o wi re ceive the best service in Hon rei ei t by taking the Euteriri-e. We p.ide our selves on our market report an.l see that it is corrected every week. The farmer depends on a reliable market rep. in and by making corrections every week we are prepared to supply his Wuiita in thi particular. niuai too uiti:.vr. Ilnailrrda f Ori Raa 4'lty Ilpiid T Find It Nu. The bustle and worry of business i en, The hard work ui:d stooping; o: work men, The wotnan'a household cares, Are too great a t-t'ain on the ki(ltieS. Kuckache, headache, Hidea be. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles fol low. A citizen telle) you how lo cure them all. J. Carson, of Portland, employed ul the Portlaud Luinber Co.. foot ol Lin coln St., who resides at Iltiti r irst St , says: I was feeling miserable with a de pressing lameness around tlie Mil .11 "I my hack all last summer. At tirsi I did not pay much attention to it, but it con tinned to grow woiph and limillv became so bad that I thought I wou.d baVd iol.iv oil work. To bend or move quickly caused severe twinges. I wa mien at tacked with dtzzv spells, specks appear ed before my eyes, and I list! no ambi tion or energy. In the morning I arose as tired as when 1 went to bed. In fact, I had all the symptoms of a verv severe case of kidney trouble. When I w as suf fering the worst I read about. 1) Jan s Kidney l'ills, and procured a box. I Boon noticed an improvement in mv con dition and the pain and sctii' g a.'ros my back soon disappeared. About sic weeks ago I wan laid n i dli a siege nl the grip for two weeks Symptoms of kidney complaint made tneir apne iram e again, and I resorted to Doi'i't Kidney rills a second lime. Thev just as thor oughly freed me of tiie trmihh as in the former case. 1 cannot express what a change thpy have made in me. 1 sim ply leel like a dlllerent m r"on. Plenty more proof like this Irotn Ore gon City people. Call a'. ('. 4 flimtley'e firug store and ask what his customers report. Kor sale bv all dealers. Price !0 cents. Foeter-Milbutn Co., ItnnMo, N. Y. sole agents for the United S'ates. r.eii'.ember the name loan s iml take no other. O -A. n v 0 ! , Bran th A ' :' ' Bc.v3 Hie l! .Terence In tho Rlrdn Shown lly Illelr Meal MullUlliK. 'I I, ili.Tcrenee In the iiiiture of th l.iiiil.lnl and oriole In strikingly exlilb Itul hi the style or their nests. Ihe l.iii'biid lia-'ii t u pul'tlcle of liuiiKlnil tlon, not en atom of the urtlstlc. Ills rlnipc, iiichs nnd voice decliinr It. He Is 1 1 it i-it IiimiIciI, straightforward nnd se rious MoiiiMwIint overlienrltlg, icrhllps,' nml I' tly, but huslm-SHllke unci rellneii lu nil his tastes, II In nest In himself avct nguln strong, plain, adequate, but, like Its builder, refined, Contrast the oriole's. Uomnuce, poetry and Unit lu di'Hcrlbable touch the light, easy, negli gent touch uf the artlst-ln every linn of It! Why, the thing waa actually woven of new mown liny- aa If one should build bis bouse of snmlnlwond : with all the scent of the hny field about IL I put my none near and took a deep, delicious breath. The birds had selected and nit the grass themselves and worked It In while green. Borne of It was slill nnctired, still soft and sweet with sap. One side, exposed to the sun through a leaf rift, bad gone a golden yellow, but the other aide, deeply ahad- ed the day through, waa yet jfrecn amL funking more slowly under the leaves.; And this nest was woven, not built np like the kingbird's; It was bung, not Middled upon the limb, susia-ndi-d from the slenderest of forks so that every little breeze would rock It Arid so, loosely woven, so deftly, slightly tleUI i National Magazine. I I Women on lh glaze. An attempt wits made at I'.lackfrlart theater In 1!20 to Introduce French woufen on the stage, but without suc cess, and the appearance of Mrs. Cole man In I :i vi'ti.i ill's "Siege of Rhodes" lu lG'ill was of a private character. On Dec. 8, liKXi, an actress, whose name In not certainly known, took the part of Iiesdeinona at Kllllgrew'a thea tere lu Vere street, when a "prologue to liilfodiii-e ihe lirnt woman" was writ ten hy Jordan. Letters patent were granted by Charles IL. dated Jan. 15. wrj. to Kir William Davennnt. ami these recited that whereas women's parts bird for merly been taken by men. tq remedy thin abuse It was now "permitted and leave given" that all women's parts then, and for the time to come, should be performed by women. In I'cpys' Diary, under date of Jan. 3, l'liM. we find the record. "To the theater, where was acted 'Dej-'gars' Hash,' It being well done, and here the flrt time that ever I saw women come Upon the stage."-London Standard. lilliiMna; r.yrt. If yoti find yourself blinking yniv eyes rapidly wi.'.iout any cause stop the Imblt at once or It will crow Into n Incurable bublt that will make your eyesight fall early In life. Nnturnl blinking Is necessary to clear and moisten the eye. The average number of natural blinks Is about twenty ie minute. I'ut a nervous blinker witi w ink 100 times In a uilmue. The re sult of this will be an excessive de velopment of the eyelid muscles. 11 also Involves u counter Irritation, which acts on the optic nerve und ren ders the aljibt daily more weak and Ir ritable. Once contract this bublt and you will tlml yon cannot bear a stroni: ilu-lit or read small types, and the eyes wlil p"t wor" nnd worse. The symp toms tuny Indicate a teed of spootnelps IIotv Lnna Momiuttwea Lire. It Is not known Just how long mo qui toes can live, but their average life Is much longer than Is ordinarily sup posed. Thousands of them live thrott;:li w inter, liilM-muting or asleep In dark places In burns or bouse cellars. In sparsely settled localities, where they cannot find such places for shelter, they live through the winter In hollow trees, In caves and botes under upturn ed trws, and even though Uie tempera ture may fall fur Isdow freezing they are not winter killed, but on the ap proach of warm weather become active again. Mosquitoes are frequently seen flying about In the woods before the snow has wholly left the ground. Wil lain I.yman Cndcrwood In Popular Sci ence Monthly. Tnrnrd the Tnblen. An Irishman was called on to give evidence In a shooting affray. '"Did yon see the shot fired?" asked the mag istrate. "No," replied the witness, "but i beard it." Magistrate (sharply) That Is not sat isfactory, (lo down. As the Irishman turned his back he commenced to laugh, but was relinked by the magistrate, who added that It was contempt of court. Tat Ild yon see me laugh? Magistrate No. I beard you. rat That's not satisfactory. And the court laughed. Riitiikp nrvengr of a Gypsy Hsntt. A young Hungarian gypsy who Laa betrayed his party to the authorities after a robbery begged the tii.".gitrate at Magyar Hgres for protection, as his companions threatened to kill him. The man was given shelter, hut the imm was found empty on the following day. Eventually bis body was discovered In a field. The cye had been bunv'd out, the tongue excised and the man hanged hy the feet on two acadu tt'e; The body had been cloven In two. Writ Conneelei". Visitor I hear I must congratulate' yon on the engagement of your son. ; What an extremely nice looking girl, she Is! 1 Mrs. Nolonger Brown Yes. anrT'W well connected too. In fact. I've ho? i 1 told that h"r ancestors were relations of the Spanish armada. i Speaking of Imitation Jewelry, a dia mond on the finger Is worth a rasta ll Ihe ear. Philadelphia Itecord. Clearance Sale Men's) fine wool Underwear, $1.00 value for 7.3c Men' Wright's Health Underwear, cut to 72c I' lceced Underwear, cut to 37c lot h ample overMrts at 25 to 3: per cent reduction (loves reduced now 9c, 19c, 27c, 38c up Heavy leather Mittens cut to 55c 50c suspenders cut to 37c; 40c suspenders cut to 25c 25c suspenders cut to 14c and 18c Corduroy pant) cut to $1 33 50 pairs Men's Pants, cut prices, at $1.14, $1.37, $1.8H Men's all wool suits cut to $5.05, $8.07, $9.73 Our Clearance Prices on Good New Clothing are quite as low as the old stuff is at so called cost sales. Neckwear at 5c, 10c and 18c that sold at 15 to 25c Jewelry, both cheap and good, off Men's 40c wool socks 30c, 20c grade 14c Mines' wool hose, our bargain 20-center, now 15c Cotton hose for Children and Ladies, 9c up Corsets $1.25 Corsets at 89c; 75c grade 50c, and mkh" at unusual price of 3ic and 22c Millinery itbw at nominal prices French hats, 50c up; untrirnmed 10c up. Trimmed hats, 50o up 10c Itihhons up to No. 12 for 5c; Fancy Ribbon, Nos. 1! to 16 cut to 3c per yard Cut prices on Yarns, Dress Goods, Notions, etc Sample Shoes at to off price Rubbers odds and ends 10c j UK J E. C. HAMILTON THE RED FRONT OREGON CITY I 0 VOL' WANT A (iOOIi MAI'! Siilis'Tib'- Fur enterprise and Oreio i'iin a'id Get One Free. I). i you want a nisp of the Picitic. Northwest? The Enterprise has made an arrangement with the Oreonian by wliicn we can furni-h valuable iiotp to ueilier with the Knterprige and the Weekly Oiefonian for one year each, sll for ihe remark bly low pnee of f 2 25 The cost of ihe. map alone is f-.oO. The Knterpri-e has Hie exclusive right of in troducinit thesH mans into ttiiseuiuty on a cliihh.n offer. Sonples of the map may he seen nt the Enterprise office and all orders i-ent in by inuil will receive piompt aenlion. I'lie uiKp is one of tlm best and most serviceable we have ever seen. It is a wall inxp sod consists of four pages. Its dimensions are 28x3(1 inches. Tlie first page cnniiiius a map ol the world in con nection with which is shown the coiu "araiive limes and distances. All of the I'ni'ed States possessions are indicated riv flag-.. This page al-o sl ows the arms and Hags of toe various nations of the wor It. 1'aue two is devoted to large sized maps of the s'ates of Oregon and V ashing'on, each stnte being shown by itse.f. On the reverse Ride of this piige is given considerable statistical niat'er concerning the two slates. In oi-e col umn is arranged in alphabetiral order all of the counties in each statu together with l e l, alioi. in the t-tate of the par ticular county together with the total population of that county. Following the list of he counties is given the names it alt It tbeiieal order al-o, of every city, tow n and postollice in esch state, the name of the county in which it is located .nd also Ihe section of the sla'e anil the population of each. There is a.'so shown on this page the in-w seal of the State of Oregon s adopted bv toe legislature lai winter, together with Some descriptive mat'er showing the ret-pt-cts in which 'he new differs from the old. Five sepa ra'e mips are oliuwn on the thiid page. Thev nm Alaska, Britixh Columbia, the ll.iii:an Islands, 1 hilippine. Inlands and tlie minor United S'ates possessions m the Pacific Ocean. The fourth page shows a map of the United .States. Idaho and the minor possessions ol the United States in the Pacific Ocean, the map showing the last named land being larget and more useful I Iih u that on (he pre ceding page. Arranged in ulphabetic'a order on this page aru also the counties and towns of Ihe state of Idaho, together wiib their location and population. I he combination ol these maps is worth the 2 5H lor wliicn it retail. Ihevare printed on good !np paper and will last h lite time. Tne various rawing are richly colored and ti e map is h verv ciedilatue production. e will iurnifh these maps to Clarkamaft county people at 2. 23 and include with them a subscription to the F.nlcrpiise and tne Weekly Oregnnian for one year in advance. 1 his is a rare offer ami one that will probablv no be ttnp icated again, (. all at the hnterprise oth.-e and see the man or mail us your subscription I anvwav. You w ill be Hire ro be pleaded I with the premium von will receive ! Start the New Year off rigM by signing! for the Enterprise, the best county pa per, and the Oregonian, which for gen-; eral news is not equalled in thi section j Send in your subscript ions at once. j We cannot guarantee to prospective: subscribers that this offer tor the Orego j iiiau and the Enterprise wi'h the map; aa a premium, will hold good after Jan-. uarv 1, next. S send in your subscrip tion at once anil take advantage of this nnusiiallv liberal offer that will probably j not be duplicated again. i I Delinquent tax sale for 1W2 taxes will , he comliic'ed attheconrt house begin : ning at 9 o'clock a. in. Mondiy, January 11. I I 5 100 lbs Stock Salt 50 lbs Fine Salt G lbs Arm it Hammer Soda ... 3 lbs same, bulk 10c, 8 lbs Fine hard wheat Hour '. Cffee 7c. 10c, 12k- to Compare our 20c ('ff e with 3-V und--s eb 51 )c 45c $1 05 20c Oranges and Lenvms Ic -ach 17 lbs Rice 9 lbs fine Mush $1.00 WHAT IS WEALTH? npelth and Ability to Work Drlltf Than Money nnd Worry. poe.i wealth consist In money, houses. U,nd-s. batik ito.-U. railroad bom'.. ei. alone? We think not. The yo.:n;; man starting' in life with no money, but villi gotsl digestion, good sleep, good iipaliU and ability to work in some profitable euipioyii.i tit. Las what the ayed .-apilaiist would he glad to ex change ail his millions for. What: cnu!pcii..iCo:i is money for llecples t'.ighw and painful days or the iuisi-cn'-imt of dissipatetl children? Which beings the greater happiness, tue glitior. s::o".v. jealousies and falsity of f.isi.i c.iaiiie liie- or the heartfelt f.'i' :i;!sl.:;i-i wl.!cli prevail s -ar;." ly In the l.otues of llic i:idu;r;'):i po r? hi ho'.v u:diy of t.io puhuvs oi' c:ir mil liomiirc vviil yoa liud groaici- !..;;..; noss in riii- parlor than iu the i;cii. :s? How 1:1a i;- i::il!:o:i:.irc will till you that thoy i,ro I.;;; -p 'er now ti.aii w..en starting l.i .il'.1 witbov.t a ilollarV On the I. hi of mountain we rocks and c atid snow. It is tiov. the valleys tiiat we tind the v!t! ; Let no in. u envy tho ? rici.e; himself u r t . J, taking all things account age. health, wife, cluit friends l:e is sure Le would be w i to exchc.ii;:; . George J. An0'eil in -Dumb Aiiiuals. TIi ijradlte Prlnunrr. "The i It:.: n1- us in ye." the police jus tice said. " -a burglary. What h::ve ye go; to s.:y V "As lo th it," replied the prisoner, a gect'.y ltKkijg man who appeared to have seen Letter (lays, "If by the term of "burglar you mean the oC'cuse which, acccrdins to English law and practice for centuries, has been clear!.. Ueiined us '"uouse breaking by night, the charge ti palpably ridiculous. Tin policeman a;Ic,res that he detected lo in the act of Lircikins into a lnr:e yes terthiy afterun'ii in b.'oad dayligltt. If, on the otlier naiul, tLe tena Is made to cover the Si.!u ull:i.v v. Ueti coinmitteu by day. wiiici, 1 believe, is your absurd American u;u ,-r.i.iii.iiu of the word in a le.:i sens-. I siiail have to concedi the corrcvtne.o ei' ti.e ci:; tge, your hon or, reserving, I -v.vc-vrr. the right to re gard with a s crude ji'.ri "Take "iu b: the pi.li.-e m up." Chicav.i .. ei-.-s of conteiiipt th ::co of liiis country." k 'lo 'is cell," fasi ed I'iUi- lot 'iui soher iiii:i:e. 7 Inside each pound package of Lion Uoffeo will be found a FREE came. 60 diflerent games. All new. At Your Grocer's.