Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 08, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondents are requested lo re
aew their work. We will supply U
Bevtsiy stationery. The new from
your neighborhood should appear in
these column every week.
School commenced yesterday (ter a
lew days vacation.
Prof. P. Coleman and con Ralph hav
gone to (.lermantown. Ohio, to vn-it the
Professor's lai her, who is quite ill.
Miss M. Swauby, of Cortland, is home
with her sis:er, Mr. L, Wang.
Boin, to Warren Kendall and wi.e, a
eou, on Monday morning.
Canhy Lodge, No. 150, I O 0. F.. in
stalled officers at the renumr meeting
last Friday night, as tollows: A. 11.
Knight, noble grand; li. A. Pedtuau,
vice grand; E. I Sias, secretary, and A.
Kocher, treasurer.
Alter a two weeks' vacation. E. Roth,
G. Cumming and H. Tliouipsou retim
ed to the State Agricultural I ol.ege at
CorvalliM last Monday.
Born, on Monday, January 4, liX'4, to
Mr and Mrs. Porter a pair ot iwm a
boy and a girl. The boy die. I .-non after
birth ; the little girl is alive and wl at
last account.
Otto Evans, his sister Emilia and
Christian I lansen, will h-a.e In-re this
Wednesday morning for Soirti.m Call
fornia. Tiiey expect to rem .in away
some time.
E. Dedman, of Clackamas, made a
short visit to his brother, the do.t.u,last
Mis C. Stevens has returned Port
land, aftvr spending the l.oii.Us lieie
with relatives and fiiend.
Theci'y council met in riiui.ir ses
sion to the city hall Moudax mgnt Ja
Evans was appointed eniel ! p-iwe,
Wm. Kn itflit. recorder, ,.n. Ad.in
Knight, steet superinteii'lent. I tira
ham, councilman, K. M.i.a and A
Kit!, OepU'y police. A c miiin'ee ot
three. E. 1 Sias, E. C. Siilili and A. J
Kllight Weie appointed M I II cti.t.e
curtain and scenery for the new U:e
After the scenery is in place, CmiiI') nl
have tin li.iest equpiH-d opera huise lav
twten New Era and Barlo.
A Vel-l'tK ket Iw tur
Never in the way. no trouble to carry,
easy to ake, pleasant and nevei failing
in result-are Ue Witt's Little F.arly Ri
ers A vial of these little pins in the
vest-po. ket is a certain guarantee main-t
headache, biliousness, torpid liver anil
all of the ills resulting from cnnsnpttion.
They tunic s.nd streng hen the liver. Sold
by Geo. A. Harding.
Mac Erickson who has be-n ill is able
to atteml school strain.
Fred Wallace baa gone back 10 Oak
Point. "
The revivals at the Grange hall have
a large aitendance.
Charley Barker is visiting his sister,
Mrs. Maiming at present.
Agnes Wallace was visiting in High
land this w.ek.
Mr. and Mrs. Jselhy spent th evening
at the Woodside house this week.
Hizel Erickson is on the tdrk li't.
"When the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.'
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's Emul
sion. It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
ause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treatment
We will send you
the penny, . e., a
sample free.
Be core that thit picture In
the form of a label is on the
wrapper ot every bottle, of
tmulMon yon buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c.andf1.so; all druggists.
i .
... J .. ,-rm
Ininr- " " '
Mrs. Frank I.ucaa has been unite ill,
but is some better at writing.
Miss Sheba Child returned Saturday
evening front a week's visit with her
parents in Brownsville, Oregon.
Park place rchool reopened Monday,
January 4, after the holiday vacation.
with t'rol. McCann at its head. He has
suthcienily tecovered from his late ope
lation lo he able to resume bis school
woik. All welcome him back again
Charlie Childs, who has been visiting
his grandiateuts, .Mr. and Mrs. U'Keu,
of Gladstone, during the holidays, re
turned to McMiiinvills Monday, where
he it taking college vourse,
The cantata giveu Under the auspices
nf the Union Sunday-school la-( Wednes
day evening was a pronounced success
in every way. The proceeds, which net
led (20 ), Went towaids the purchase of
scenery for the assembly hall.
Little Miss Taylor of Oregon City, de
serves much praise for the way in which
she deliveie.' her song, "Won't You
Buy My Fruit," on the stage in Park
place last Wednesday evening.
A Prisoner la Her Own House
Mrs. W II. Layha, of 10 1 Agnes
Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for several
ears been troubled with severe hoarse
ness and at times a hard cough, which
she savs, "Would keep me in doors for
days I was prescribed for by physicians
with no noticeable results A friend gave
me part of a (Kittle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy with instructions to
closely follow the directions and 1 wish
to state that after the first day I could
notice a decided cbanga for the better,
and at this time, alter using it for two
weeks, have no hesitation in saying 1
realne that I am entirely cured." This
remedy is for sale by U. A. Harding.
A number of young people left on the
out g"ing trains Saturday and Sunday
lor the various localities where they find
employment as students or workers
The grangers gave a dance on New
Year's Fe ut (iianne hall. There was
a fair attendance and fine ordei.
Mr. Garrett entertained a pleasant
cotnp my of young people on Thursday
evening, lo watch the old year out and
the New Ye.r in.
On Saturday evening, a crowd of vonng
people iruve a merry surprise to Miss
ora rii..innon. Taffy pulling and
giiues filled up the time until midnight
Mr and Mrs. King, of San Francisco,
were guests of Mrs. Capt. Wilson last
Mrs. Spurgeon returned from Portland
where she has been staying for seveial
weeks with the family of H. A. Siart.
The temperance address delivered in
the M. E. ch'irc!) hist Sabbath morning,
was well commended.
Logs from Clacaamas timber sre being
hauled to the station in readiness for
-hipment to St. Louis. We sre informed
that they will be used in building a pio
neer cabin or house for the Oregon ex
hibit at the St. Louis fair.
- CongTnf altillona.
John H. Cullom, editor of the Garland,
Texas, News, has written a letter of con
gratulations to the manufacturers of
t'namberlain's Cough Kemedy as fol
lows: "six'een years ago when our first
child was a baby he was subject to
croup" sjiells and we would be verv un
easy abcut him. We began using Cham
bfrlsin's Cough Kenedy in 18H7, and
finding it such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup, we have never been
without it in the house since that time.
We have five children and have given it
to all of them with good results. One
good feature of this remedy is that it is
not disagreeable to tak- and our babies
really 1'ke it. Another is that it is not
dangerous, and there is no risk from giv
ing an overdose. I congratulate you
upon the euccess of your remedy." For
sale by G. A. Harding.
Hagle Creek.
Bert Douglas and Will Sweeney left
for their homes at Stevenson, New
Year's morning.
George Udell, of Stevenson, Wash.,
was in this neighborhood on business
the first of the week.
E.G. Hunter and family moved to
Portland the first of the week.
S. A. Pnugias and wife visited with
friends at Hood iCiver during the holi
days. Mr. Hunter on the Baker place has
been plowing.
N. Stingley spent New Year's Eve at
Garfield. He is the roan that made the
music for the dance at the new hall.
J. W. Douglas attended the dances at
Sandy New Year's Eve.
A Bit of History.
Editor Enterprise, Dear Sir : Permit
me to say in your last issue I read the
story of Johnson's first tailoring, which
brings to my mind a bit ot his history,
which I learned during the Civil War.
A portion of Sherman's army, to which
I belonged, were encamped in the city
of Raleigh, '. C, when the news reached
us of Abraham Lincoln's assassination,
which so enrsued the soldiers that the
officers feared they would burn the city.
Consequently, guards were placed at
various places throughout the city, and
it fell to my lot to guard the property of
an old gentleman who seemed to be
quite intelligent and obliging. He con
versed with me freely and among other
things, stated that lie was a tailor and
bad taught Andrew Johnson his trade,
at the same time pointing out the old
building in which they worked. In con
clusion, he said that Johnson got into
trouble and ran away from the city and
that he was then about nineteen years of
age and did not know the letters' of the
He went to the town uf Columbia,
Tenn., where he married a lady who was
intelligent and wealthy. She educated
him and he afterward became governor
of Termessee, vice-president and subse
quently president of the United States.
His residence in Columbia was previ
ously pointed out to me.
Yours Respectfully,
J. A. Hickman, Aims, Ore.
The Misses Porter, teachers in the
Poitlatid public schools, were guests id
Mrs, Jas. lViwney Saturday afternoon.
Miss Irene Harmon, of Portland, re
turned home Saluidav after a pleasant
visit with her sister Miss Maggie.
The Pollock children returned home
Sunday alter standing their vacation at
Grandpa Shipley's.
Rev. Henry Wood held a very pleas
ant prayer service at the home of
Grs n.l in ilickmau Wednesday after
noon. A number of the Willamette ladies
met at the home uf Mrs. Donney Wed
nesday afternoon to organise a literary
Mis. tlarry Shipley Is In Portland
taking a course of treatment In osleop
athy for nervous trouble. Her many
friends hope" for a speedy recovery.
The eighth grade gave a very pleasant
Longfellow- entertainment in the school
building New Year's night consisting of
recitations, aongs and tableaux.
Miss Nora and Harry Berdine enter
tained a few o' their friends Suuday
ltht:Wa Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all nearly all
ight long," writes Mrs Chas. Apple-
gate, of Alexandria, Ind.. "and could
hardly get any sleep. I had consump
tion so had thut if 1 walked a block I
would cough frightfully sn.l spit blood,
but, when all other medicines (ailed,
tnree $1 bcttlesof Dr. King's New Dis
covery w holly cured me and 1 gained 5S
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to
cure cough, la grippe, bronchitis, and
all throat and lung troubles. Price .VK
and $1. Trial bottl I tree atCharman
A Co.'s drug store.
Delinquent tax sale lor l'.K 2 taxes will
be conducted! at the court bouse begin
ning at U o'clock a. in Monday, January
(Julie a number are going to attend
Pomona Grange which meets at Oswego
Wednesday, the 13ih insl,
I. LeMuhieu was a Logan visitor last
Mr and Mrs. N. N. Robbins, of Ore
gon City, spent a week visiting on Ar
thurs Prairie.
The weather here seems good, when
we read of the mercury roosting 18 die
grees below zero in the East and here
they growl if it rains. We have had
roses in bloom all winter and onlv this
week we noticed a dogwood full of new
bloom buds.
Saturday about one hundred and fortv
people partook of a fine New Year's
dinner at the Harding Grange hall. In
the at ernoon the olli. -era elect were in
stalled by iH-p. W M., L. II. Kir. hem.
About 25 visitors were present. The oc
casion was also the birthday of two
inetntie'S, B. C Hawley, of Logan, who
has reached his "0th milestone, also
Miss Lulu Kirchem.
Impossible to fotesee an accident, Not
impossible to be prepare) for it. Dr.
Thomas' . Eclectic Oil. Monarch over
K. C. Kinimey has rented a house in
Mulino and will work for t. T. Howard
Clarence Mallatt is busy cutting wood
lor r . M. .Manning.
Miss Kittie Lyons has returned home
after a pleasant visit with relatives and
Jack Dodge's smiling face was seen in
our burg Monday,
John and Geo. Helvey and Al Jones
have gone to their stock ranch to do
some work.
It iB queer how some folks get lost
these moonlight nights.
Ern Jones made a trip to Portland
New Year's day.
Fred Sturges is very ill at present.
Curtis Helvey has been borne during
the holidays.
The dance at John Martin's Saturday
night was a grand success.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Stark, of Clarkes,
took New Y'ear's dinner with Al Jones
and wife.
"I dont think we er.nld ksop
noose with-iut Thedford'i Il)alr
fjraiifrht. We tiavj uNed it In the
family fornv.-r two yeari with the
beftt of re-mitt. 1 have tint had a
doctor iu lb'; lio'l-. for that lenVh
ot tune. !t adn'-tor in itielf ami
always r'-adv to n.Rlr? a pernor) wrli
and nappy ."-J AM LB II ALL, Jack
aonylliw, III.
Becane tlii prcat medicine
relieves stomvh pains, frees the
constipat: '! bowels and invigor
ates the torpid liver and weak
ened kidneys
is nerysnary in the home where
Thedford s Rlack-Drauqht is
kept. Families livinjf in the
country, mil, i from any physi
cian, have hi en kept in health
for years with tliU medicine as
their only doctor. Thedford 'a
black -Draught cures bilious
ness, (iy-pepxui. colds, chills and
fever, bud blissl, headaches,
diarrho-a, constipation, colic
and almost every olmr ailment
because the stomach, bowels
liver and kidneys to nearly con
trol the health.
-i i.PiiP.np i mi Mm j, ,m nun,,,, J
-- ' - lur - if -liilUMtelMIMT-r
Helpful Holiday
Begin your Xmas. buying here. We have a superb lino of
those dainty articles of use and ornament that mako the
most appropriate and welcome Christmas Gifts. Fancy
Goods and toilet articles are here in great variety and oil
at the very lowest prices.
Hero Arc ji Few Samples
An dopant lino of IVvfumos, all the tankrd makes Wright's rainier', Ia
zell'f, SwloyV, KuguV, IWrnoiV, Lumll.org'H, Kastnmn'M, ami others, in
plain and fancy hottles, from 10c to ft. lUilk goods fresh Ui'ih week.
Yon can sample them for the asking.
Wo arc especially long on Leather Goods, Handsome. Cigar Cases, Card
Cases, Ladies' and Ccntlemon's Purses, Hill Hooks, Diaries, Music Holls,
Etc., at prices as low as quality will allow.
Some of tho Neatest packages of Stationery you have ever seen all sizes,
shapes and styles, at prices that are not exorbitant.
We arc just like oilier business men, we want more trade. We want your
holiday trade. That is why we advertise. It is not to he supposed you
will come hero simply because we ask it. Common senso indicates that
we must do better by you than ottier dealers, and this we certainly will.
Quite nimilxT ol tlio Hiirlow yng
people sltoiuletl tin' Sum Yi'ar's Imll st
t'ai.by Xuw Yesr's Kva. They reports,
vr-ry p!taHant tinif.
Mr. snl Mrs. tieo. Ziltr snd Mrs.
Henry Zieitler ml lioln nr tieornie,
spent New Years with relatives six)
frit-mis st Portland.
Mr. n(l Mrs." W. W. Irvin sn.l Miss
Clara Irvin, of Aurorn, weru ntllinif on
friends at Harlow Kridav. Miss Vevs
Tull aoniiiipauied tliein home for s, few
days visit.
I, , D. Hover was transactini! Imsim-ns
in Portland Friday.
K. I.imlliolm tins moved icilo the till
beitsou property on Main street.
Charlie Ocle is quite ill. Dr. B. K.
Gmisv, of Aurora, is in Bttendum e.
MiflN Winnified Freeman celehrated
her tenth hirthdsy rueM.lay. Twenty of
her yotinij friends met at her home Tues
day eveninu snd spent a very pleasant
evening in (tames snd other amusements.
She received quite a number of very
pretty and dainty presents. Kefresh
m.ints were served during the evening
and the little ones departed for home at
a lale hour after wirhinK Miss Winnifred
many more happy birthdays.
II. T. Melvin is she to ho around
acain after heinu ijuile seriously ill for
several days.
Miss Lena Sc-oins, of liiitteville, vis
ited a few days with her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Andrews.
Mrs. Wood, of Cortland, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kuitf.
Mo I'lty Hliowii,
"For years fate was after me continu
ously, "'wrlees F. A. (itilledite, Verbena,
Ala. "I had a terrible case of piles,
raiisinf? 24 tumors. When all failed
liucklen's Arnica Salvo cured me.
K(iially good for burns and all aches
and pains. Only 25c at Charman & Co.'s,
drtiK store.
Mrs. Jim Hall is reported improving
and will soon he at home from the hos
pital at Cortland.
Print finished H. R. James new hovse
last week in Cedaniale.
Miss Mina Tracy, of fiprinirwater, ac
cepted a position as clerk in the James
Bros.' store and commenced work .Mon
day. J. IT. James' fine new house is now
John Geaher's new house is inclosed.
The new road south from Ce.dardale to
Harry Htnith's is almost completed and
when completed will he a ood roatl.
Mr. John iertx:r and Will Baker have
donated nearly a month's work on this
T. N, Force spent New Year's with his
brothers at Vancouver.
Rile Garotf is out from Oregon City
rounding op the Dolan cattle.
H. Hargreavea is fitting his sawmill
with a new water wheel and other ma
chinery and will soon be in shape to saw
any and all kinds ot lumber.
Mr. Robert KnodKrasg, of Meadow
brook, came up Monday to look at the
Dolan cattle with a view of buying.
Babatrib for the Enterprise.
Many of our young folk railed on Mixs
F.lurru tiintlier New Year's Kve.
Miss Jessie Campbell is vNiting Itli
her friend, Miss l.izi Moehnke.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Schuehel took a
Hying trip to Oreuon City List Sunday.
Mrs. J. (irosstuiller Is on the sick list.
Miss Carrie Sclinelel, who baa been
visiiii'g her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (i. A.
Schuehel, Iihs relumed to Cortlsnd.
Miss F.lnont (iinlher bus returned to
Oolton to tench another term of school.
Jucoh (irossmiller made a business
trip to Cortland one day last week.
Homer Rowans was seen in our neigh
borhood Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hieiidm in called on
Mr. and Mrs Hanson Siimluy.
Mr. and Mr. Bryant, of Cortlitud.were
visiiit'g with Mr. and Mrs. Hanson a
few days last week,
Many of our young folks gave Chris
Moelmke a party lust Fiiday night, and
all report a gooil time.
Vorltliiff .MkIiI ml lay.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that was ever made is Dr. King's New
I,i In Cills. These pills change weakness
into strength, listlessness Into energy,
brain fag into mental power, They're
wonilerlul in hmlilinv up the health.
Only 2c per box. Sold by Charman A
Letter List.
The following is the list nf letters re
maining in the postoflice at Oregon City,
Oregon. Jan. 7, 1004 :
womkn's 1.1 ht.
Are lnlf.-t'Hltvl In 1iU.
A little umrH than a year ago the en
ergetic mpl of Mi. Cleassnt started a
fund lor a sideulk, to tie built from that
liHitiililul suburb to Oregon City. It
was iiniiieilialely ih'ciileil tiy the cotn
Initti e in ( Inirge to build a g K)d, sub
stantial three loot crusa lk', which was)
start i-d and b.is progressed rapidly.
The fond is now large enough to ex
tend Hie walk lo thecitv limits, hut thero
are several hundred feet before It will
join the city walk. While the Ml.
Cleassnt people ate atill willing lo mn
trilitite lo tins fund, they earnest ly so
licit the asm-taiu e ol the mi-rcliiitds ami
business men of Oregon City, and il is
onlvjilxl Hint the city authorities should
consider this maMer and do their purl.
t'oiitrihutious will be gratefully re
ceived by the cotniuiltee in charge, and
it is hoped that tlin city part of this walk
Il il V smin he completed.
The Ml. Cleasaiit residents dexiro to'
express their tliatika to all who have
rotitiitniled, and especially to Hon. T.
F. livaii ami Hon, N. K. I.aiig, who so
lilsirally aided in this enterprise.
Anderson, Miss (i
Oollins Miss N M
Clspp Mrs Kote
(Jiillin Mrs Susio
Hall Mrs John
Harlan Miss R
holmes Mrs M
Haynes Miss Marlon
Krnse Mrs Cetnr
Miller Mrs I.erlon
Miliner MrAMrsM B
Rohbins Miss I C
Stenbaidi Miss Sophie
Uolmes Mrs K A
mkn's list.
Adams F.x. Co Oleson Hank
Buckles A I'orter W
Brown Alex Scott Ray
CadyCC - Shepherd
Calger F.rnil Hoticiy Karnest
Churcti Taylor Tallman 11 A
Dowe T J Taylor T H-2
Faton 8 C Taylor C II
Furgerson R L Tatro Frank
Henry H M Wirt. T J
Jennings Kltner Wolfer J
Mct'armicke Win
Frrpeirml Bearlnnrra.
Would Be Sportsman I suppose cv
erybody must begin os r er n li
glnner, don't you know.
Gamekeeper To be snre, sir; lull
twne ornithine ft n good deal longer
than others.
Pitted lllm.
Amntetir Actor Oh, I don't 'wnnt to
tnko thnt chnnicter. I'll mnke an Idiot
of inysnlf, sure. , -
Manager Well, you said you wanted
an entry ptirt.
Rom fools nnd their money are part
ed only by death. Click.
Renieinher that tl.e pay lit of (1 .50
on subscription to the FntcipriHu,
whether it be delinipient subscription or
in advance, entitles yon to a giicsi as to
the amount of money in the enterprise
money jar. One guess for every ft.hO
that is puid. Here is a chance to get
your money back and be liberally com
peusnted for your time in estimating the
amount of money contained in the jar.
Fog has been ever present for a lonn
time and the lack of the usual gentle
down pour, raises havoc with the aver
age weblootcr cntiseipiently almost every
one s stilleriiiit with severe colds.
The holidavs passed off quietly anil
pleasantly with the usual number .of
Christmas trees public and private. A
feature of the Cluislmas entertainment
at the Baptist church was the first public
appearance ol our brass band, who
kindly consented lo give us the henetit
of their past month's hard study. They
did remarkably weland won words of
praise Irom all.
Mr. Gage slipped in reaching for a
wire nnd fell upon the edve of a box
breaking two of his ribs. They are quite
lame and sore.
Miss Kale Weed is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank Weddle.
Mr. Beiklu Is no better lie sits with
folded hands in utter darkness, as he has)
gone entirely blind.
Apples in this section are heller and
more free from worms than usual this
A few are still cutting wooil on the
hill to the east. If they keep on, Staf
ford will soon he taken by home-seekers
for a beautiful rolling prairie. Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Seeley were down from
their new home near Wood burn to spend
the holidays.
Bavr Cr.
Fino weather is the order of the day.
Abraham Thomas is home at present.
Mrs. P. W. Thomas is on the sick list.
A few of the It i' 'o oii..n,l,l n,,
dance at Highland.
Arthur 8taben is home from his trip. ,