Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1904)
OHKflON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JANUARY 1, 1904. 8 nsunin Silt pork is a famo N ( fashioned remedy for . suiiiptioii. " Eat pleniv pork," was the advice to tl.. consumptive 50 and 100 years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott's Emulsion is the mod ern method of feeding tat to the consumptive. I 'or!; is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most rcrne.l of fats, op-'rially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this wav, which i; often th-? only way, is half the batile, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There i some thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hvp.iphos phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased luns. A fp.nipb will be sent five irxn request. Fe t'-a? t' 'i picture In the To-m i 1 a Li'.jjI is on the wr.i;-pir cf c-.ty boltie of K:uul-.on v:'u buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl St., N. V. 59c. and $1; n3 druggists. EFFICACY CF THE ONION. Apply It Outside b:iJ lualdr and Cmre a 1J. The idea of nu onion cure may no trlke the faaey of Uie aesthetic. How ever, the exi rience of those who have tried it is that It works wonders In re-1 To:in a racked system to Its norma) tale a?ain. There are three kinds ot os s in the oniuu cure, or three onion Ui'"s. us jo.: rh iosp to put it. One Is a 4it t f onions, the other Is onion plas ters and the third Is onion sirup. It is claimed by those who believe In t!i o';fon cure that n bad eo!d can h' krrV'n up if the patient will stay i'l and feed on a liberal diet of onions. It ned not be an exclusive diet, but a lilieral one. For Instance, an onion cure breakfast Includes a poach d e(.'K on toast, thre tablespoou tuls of fried onions and a cup of coffee. Lr.!;' i.eou of sandwiches, made of Bos ton l.rown bread, buttered and filled With finely chopped raw onions, sea ommI with salt and pepper, makes the fecoml meal on the schedule. For sup (.r the onions may be fried as for IrcfUf "t and eaten with a chop and a ta': d potato. Tlie strange efficacy of onions Is well known to the sinijers of Italy and Spain, w-ho eat them every day to im prove the quality of their voices and kec; them smooth. Onion plasters are preserllied to break up bard coughs. They are made of fried onions placed between two pieces of old muslin. The plaster is k"pt quite hot until the pa tient is snugly in bed, when it is placed en the chest to stay overnight. Onion lrup is a dose that can be bought of any druggist and Is claimed by some to be unequal as a cure for a cold in tb? ehest. All this is probably quite true. For to be done up with onions, both Inside a,n'l out, would be enough certainly to Iase out any self respecting cold Table Talk; Wtalttlrr and Bin Admirer. t'vw poets had 0iore admirers among women than WhitUer had, and this ad Kj'rntioD frequently took personal form. One day his sister, in her slow, Quaker fashion, was describing these erup tions. "Thee hast no Idea," she said, "nt the time Greenleaf spends in trying to lose these people on the streets. Soiiietlm-8 he comes home and says, TV'ell, sister, I had hard work to lose Urn, but I have lost him.'" To thla ITbittler pathetically added, "But I can mever lose a her." He Wanted the Shoes. "Here, waiter!" said Mr. Meddergraas to the attendant In the city cafe where ke w-as breakfasting. "I see you got Ome 'fried soles' on this here bill o' ye. Bring 'em on. I think them was tin uppers I pot fer griddlecakej a oifnute ago." Judge. Katnral Infereaca. "It Was very affecting when I asked tf Binks for his daughter. Why, I wbi myself." "Did he kick as hard as all that?" SUcago Tost The state of New Hampshire get asore than fli.OOO.OOO each season fron sWtpmer boarders. k?vU often triumphs, bat bctw oo fjtffm. Hoox. Mm SIAMESE BELIEFS. ; Soma Poollir Nitttoi. of a Very Suprratttlnua I'rnplr. "l'ho Siiii:irsi mvtt Nt'i v superstition , triple." Kniost Yoini.;, iiutlior o' "K;r m i-f the W'low Huh " many pvll!!;r ephlll;l f'.' i-i f nit -,i 1 '!k.I' Thumb'!. f..r i;i--tamv. is -tln sky crying." They ! li l.inv ll :it In the- realms nbovo Is ti , I .".i: i. pci.uit, whoso w nv hns a violent k '.l li.iivriain temper. Wlifii thoy MUiir f 1 the o 1:o of his vohv cninos in Ions. loIH: tunes from tho cloud. If ho Is ery ji'.i.ui.v he throws his hatchet at tiis unruly spouse, ami when tills pou-1 ih'MUs weapon strikes the llnorof heav en tli thunderbolt falls through nul comes to eiuih. "l-'ttllln "tars are accounted for bj tho fact that the angel occasionally Indulge In toroli throwing nt one ntv other. When those same beings nil In sist upon gonitis Into the hath lit once the water splashes over the side, ami It ruins. The winds that sigh lu the n!ght are the vohv of babies thai have lost their way in their travels to the lanl beyond the grave. "When a Siamese ilies he Is not burled, hut Iks uopse. fully ilroel ami then wrapped In a winding sluvt. Is placed hi u sitting posture in a copper urn. A tuhe Is plaeeil in his mouth, and through this a mixture of quicksilver mil honey is poui'-tl into the body. Id this way It is k pt for a loin; time, of ten for years. Ken:ually It Is hurtie-il, and the ashes an' earel'u'ly preserved. The souls of those whose Initios at least are not burned are supposed to become slaves of a horrid taskmaster with a head like a dog. a human hotly and the temper of a tiend. He si;s for nil time with his f-o; In the utvs of hell, ami it Is the duty of his slaves to keep those Ores from growing too hot. To do thli they must carry water In open wicker baskets through all eternity." ENGINE ROOM HEROES. Wondrrfnl and lrlloa Kral That Are Performed at 9ca. Nobody who has not been to sea can Imagine all the things that can happen to a ship's machinery nor proierly estl mate the cleverness and Ingenuity used up In repairs. The youth who leaves his shop full of wonderful and costly machines has another complete educa tion waiting fjr him nt sea In the won derful tilings that can be accomplished In time with a plain, ordinary hammer and chisel, rather woruout file and a great deal of Ingenuity. I should like to have been aboard that steamer dis abled In the Ked sea where they took a boat davit, straightened, it out In a rivet forge, made a new boiler feed pump piston rod out of It and went on again, or, better still, on the ship that lost a propeller nnd the end of her tall shaft off the west coast of Africa, to replace which they were obliged to move her cargo, pump her forward compartments full to sink her bow and raise her stern out of water, dniK the broken shaft, several tons In weight out through the long alley (too low and cramped to stand up ln. plug up the bole behind it, drag in the spare shaft and couple It up and lower the new propeller down over the stern, all while she kicked and wallowed In a heavy sea, and finally had to lower the chief engineer over after the propeller, where he sat tied to a flimsy staging making all fast and secure while the vessel Jounced him up and down In the sea till he bled at the nose and ears and the crew kept the sharks at bay with pistols and boat hooks to prevent them from eating him up before he fin ished the Job. That was seventy-two hours In which the young nnd aspiring engineer might learn a host of valuable and Interesting things. Benjamin Brooks in Scrlhner's. Cleaned and Ileatored. There Is a certain lady who Is ad dicted very strongly to the art of mak ing up. Whnt she does exactly Is a nivtcrv to all but herself and her I maid, but the effect Is precisely as if she had a thick coat of enamel or ! lacquer nil over her face. A good i deal of discussion has ensued as to I whether this is renewed every day after ablutions. On this point a dear friend of hers observed: "Of course not. The e.tpense would be enormous. Depend on It when she wants to wash she goes to some place where they clean old pictures." London Tatler. Katnral Wonders. "Why Is a river the greatest freak of nature?" 'JJidn't know it was. Why Is it?' "A river has a head, but no feet Its mouth Is where its feet ought to be." "Pretty good. A mountain Is some what freakish also. We have all seen the foot of a mountain, but we never beard of a mountain's bead." "That's so. Still it must havo a bead, for It has ears." "Has ears? now's that?" "Certainly. Ild yon never see mountaineer?" Kansas City Journal. Waltlnar Time. Mrs. Feedum Why do yon more to Jarlly? Don't you know that time and tide wait for no man? Tattered Tucker Det may be all right about tide, lady; but I'm af eared dere's a bunch o' time waltln' fer me de next time I git Jugged. Kansas City Journal. Bravery. Ton spoke very admiringly of that man's courage." "Yes." "But be was never a soldier or fire man or a policeman." "No, but he eats mushrooms that b bas gathered himself." Exchange. Ideas are the result of thought, and 1 each new idea marks an epoch In the social and industrial advancement of tk worlds MaxweH'a Talisman. HI! IT ttll.l. WEVTIIKU nut lhra for Mmiih or January Unnpilcd 11) FoiuMSt Olllclal. 1 lie looowiiu data, t-MYci it peiiod . . 2 in-, loivo lieen eoinpilnl (10111 toe e-,u--i tuiieaii lecordsat I'oi timid, Or., 'I 1 e 1. out Jhiiiikiv : I'KXII'K ATl'KK Mo hi --r not ma. iriii culture, ol) l tt. The wannest niomli wnsthat ol 1S7.1, with an avenue 4."i.icg The coldesi nioiu vs- tlidol ISSfl. iih an average et i"J lea The highest teiiiiH-nitttte wan t3 deg 011 the 2jih, 1SSS The lowest tenipemlitip w.isSdi g i n the Kith, ltHS Average date on whielihts- ' aiiiin. (rosl occiii led in autumn, Nov. 1.) Average da'e on winch lasi "kimiw float occurred in spring. Maicli 17. I'KKCII'llATION iKaiu and Incited snow.) Average for the month, tl 70 inche- Average number of days with ,1)1 of an inch or more, L'O. The greyest nmntnly precipitation was 13.71 inches in ISM. The monthiy puvipitatiou a i U' inches in llie reiilcta amount oi precipitation recorded ill any L'4 consecutive hours wa ti Mi in. on llie Mh and ti ll. KSII. The greatest amount ot snotnil re corded in any 114 consecutive hours (re- ord extending to winiei ot IsSI-Sft only, a as !.0 inches on the - I, ISiH). CLOl'PS AND WKAIUKR. Avenue number ot clear days, 4; eartly cloudy d.iys, 7; cloudy days, L'O WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the south. The highest velocity o( the wind was M miles, from the south, on the Utlt, KSSO. Station: I'ortland, Oregon. Ite ot issue: Dec. L'S, HK.13 Hecord lor M venrs A. ll.'WDl.LABKK, Observer, Temporarily in t'lmige. Weather Hureau " it; !t Vi Her Terror ' I would cough neirlv hH nearly ah .ht liiim." tt'n Ms t'h :te. ol Ahxmul'ia. Ind.. "and coul rdlv ge ar.y rleep. I had colioiiilip on so hid that it I walked a hloi k I . U 1. 1 cough b igli'fully and spit blood it, wloh ,ill medicine fnped, r.e $1 h. tti-sof I'r. Kiuir'a New ) veiy wholly cured uie anil 1 gained V uinia " It's t"-olu'ely guaranteed ! oe cough-, la iiripp', hiutichiiis, ai l' ihrnat and lung tmuhlea. l'ri w 50 d fl. Trial bottl t tree at t'harinai i yo.'w drug a pie. Inside each pound package of Lion Coffee will be found a FREE game. 60 different games. All new. At Your Grocer's. 5 Carl A. PatzlafT Chas. M. Moehnke ! ci,y S i COMPANY Vj Sluivi b e r! CO o OO O CO: Seeds i Ati mart vleldmore vt all txptrilnnting- tA Annual eostpill frc. to all applicants. D. M. FERKr t-u.. Detroit, Mich- Daily River Schedule . or OREGON CITY BOATS. DAILY SCHEDULE I K teamen Altona and Pomona for fla- lem and way points, leave I'ortland daily (except Sunday) at 6:45 a. m., leave Oregon Cily, 8 :15 a. m. ; returning, lesvo Salem, 7 . ro. ; leave Oregon City, 4 :M p. m. Oregon City Tranaportatlon C WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE has removed into the storeroom adjoining the post of See. We carry complete line of new itjd second hand stoves and furniture, igheet prices paid for all kinds of junk. Sugarman It Co. if r r ri ' 'M r ill i r m a ..m. f av a. a s m m a Tho Kind You Huvo Always lu uo for over 30 ycunt, All pouutorlVlts, Imitation and " Just-iw-Kood" nro link Eipvrlniciits that tritlo with and endanger the health of Iut'iuits and Children lixiiorlenco ni;uliiNt lpcrlincut. What is CASTORIA Cnstorln Ih a hnrnilcH. Bub.stltnto for Castor Oil, Pare goric Drojis and Soothlnjr .Njrups. It Im lMoa.siuit. It contaiim neither Oilmn, Jlorjihliio nor other Narcotic atibntance. Its ag in ltn piianintco. It dewtroj-H YVonim nnd allays Feverlshness. It cures Dlnrrhu'ii and Viiul Colic. It relieves Teethlnjj Troubles, cures Contliintloii nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho stomach and llowcls, givinir healthy and nutural sleep Tho Children's ruuuccu Tho Jlothcr's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI OKNTAUN ttOMMMV, Tf OREGON CITY F. S. BAKER PROP. Oregon City JVlaehine Shop BUCKLEIN & KLEINSHMIDT. Proprietors. General Machine Work of nil kiti'li 1 W.i urr in t. k a line ( Shallnm and 1'ulleyH neM and sei-mnl hmnl. Kirnt i l.i KiiKUie ami mill iiiji liinery. OnlffrH by Mail or Teleihun prnuitlv 11 led. At rear of I'iiie ' Iiir lw,ir store. Oregon City. Orccon. WM. GARDNFR & SON WATC HMAKERS O AND O JEWELERS.. All work given our prompt and careful attention. , . . Price s Reasonable C: PLUMBINC CHARCES are no higher than those in any othei trade, and ours are no higher than ser vice rendered demands. What we undertake to do in a thorough anil patrnfactory manner. There will not he found after our workman net through with a job any defective jointH. leaky pipes, loose connections or othei evidences of "scamped" work. Every part will be perfect, and look perfect, and when the bill comes in you'll not auk for any deduction. F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER cp rr so A ii Douirht, otnl which lin.1 Ikx'U m borno tlio Hltrniittiro of , and linn been iimdouiulor lilrt i r HotmlHnpor vision hIih o It Infancy. Allow no ono todeoclvo you In thin. Signature of HumiAV THT, MIWffOHM 0TV. PLANING MILL All kind of lUiililing Material, 8ash, Dtwirs MoulJing, Ktf. - OREGON CITY, ORE. 0 I'llll.ll' Itri'KI.Kt.o A. Kl.KlN-IIMIIlT o Court House Block ORECON CITY, ORE. BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be docelvel hy those who ad vertie .$'10.00 Hewing Machine for f 20.00. Thbt kind of a machine can. be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to (18.00. W( MAKE A VARIETY. THE REW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weukneHH of Hewing Machines. 'Die Double Feed combined with other strong iMiinta makes the New Home the bt Hewing Machine to buy. Write for CIRCULARS S shnwtnK the dlf fnrrnt Htylia pf Hewlna MiuihlnHi we manufacture and prlcii before purchasing THE M'H MZ SEWINS MACHINE (0. 28 Union Bq. N. Y., Ctilcogo, 111., AtlanU, Oa BL LouU.Mo., Dala,Tex.,Hna Franolaoo, Cal ro SALC IY C. S. CRANE, 350 Morrison 8treet, Portland, Oregon. Bign fur the Enterprise and the Week ly Oregnnian before our prire offer of a world's map expires. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY i in aM. a &!Roniimtnr I llrljUIUlUI Line Steamers Portland and The Dalles ROUTE At, I, WW UNI'INti 'ltail.'.v (itz-rt" "PiiIIcm City" "Uemiliktor" "Mctlnko" CoiiniM-iiiiK nt l.yln. W-h . with lh t'lilliuilnH Kivit anil Nurllierii H. fur Whkl.ii'ii, ilv.tViitiivllle. Unlilon ilnle mnl all V U kelst Vitllny Miliiln. Mkhhht IrHvi'S I'nrilsnil daily (r-il .v) fur Tlie IhIIih7 in. ,l '"" Th I tll, tl lilt l III. I mrmiier ronllei'H wild (! KAN. in al Ivle h.r lioh il.'inlitln "it.-iiiiii'r leave the I'uli'S il ilv vexn-' iiinhiv) for orllmul at 7 ::itl a in., arrives rnrllmul II I' in. J V It A N. luiiii leiivlim (IuIiI. ii'UIh at tl : in v i t itli 1 Im uli'iiiner lor I'lirl- In if I Kl.'illeiit inenln mwvimI nil it. 1 1 uteiiilierS ! un ni'i iiiiiiiioil t Iimik fur team slid M Hltill.H. I' nl iletulli"! inliitin itii'ii ( ritli'n, lieilh n-t.-i vl imiM. t.illr.uid ami tn"S r.iniiertMii nie or ! I iihi S. lc iluliiihl, ttiieiil. Alilei li.iti,iir II U. li MI'HI' I.I.. Miinait-r, I'm I Inn. I, (I e, 0. R. 8t H- Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific THREE TRAIN TO THE EAST DAILY - Thrash rullman standard ami Tour lat alerping ctira daily to Uinulia, Chii ago "jHiWaiic; tmirml alrt ning cara d.ily to Kan an t ily; through l'lillinnti tuuns iUrpliig cara (p-rKjiially roudurtrd) wcrkly to Chicago, Kaimun City, rri llu iug chHirlicata Irrcto the caat dally, 1'n.Mii 1'ortlaii'l TIM K HCIIKHUhKN Aaaivs Halt Uke. Hiuiver. Ft I Wiirlli.Oinalia.Kan M P- City, Ht bull". t'lilcaKii ami Kl. Salt Lake, lriivr, Kl. Clilrairn I'urlla n Ht'lH'ial tl:'.i) a in .Mlainlr Ki.rr. Wurlii.lhiialia. Kan- in, Hi a m. H.l.'lll in via limit iMg'im Hi. 1'ani City, Ht. buin. Clilcagu ami Kn. Kt Mnii Walla Walla, ll Ion, hiikani. Mln nrniiiiili, H'. I'nill. llillillli, MllaauKer, fi'ieagn ami Kl. II hi via Hixikanr a. ni. Hxccllrut Mrals Ocean and TROM Ileal Servici. River Schedule I'ORTLAND I p. m. All Hailing lale mil) jeel In ehangr. Knr an Krann.iMi Hall avrry ftilavt Oiiliimlila Rivnr Mfamrri Til Aa'nria a il Way Lanililim. I p 01. I Inily Ki HuiHlav. M .. in. bitinriluy I'l p. in 4 I', ill. V.i. Hun- lay. 70 Portia n d HOURS to Chicago No Chiingr of Cara. TUIcctn east via all rail or bout and mil via I'ort land. For drtuilrd information of rates, berth reservation etc, call or write to agent at warf. General Offices, II. C. CampiiSM., 1'ortlnnd, Ore. Manager. I, UwiB, Cumin 'I Ant., L'42 Alder Ht., I'urtluiiil, Ore. Write fur llie novel anil catchy Keaaide pamphlet, jilat ixaneil, telling all about Summer tiirls, Sea Her lieiila and HiuiHeta atHeaHide. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY THAINM. D'lv I Kx.' U'ly Hat. r.M. A.M. Elleetlvs Julyfi, IIIII2 U'ly IVIy A,M r.M. 9 40 8 : 8 20 8 00 7 64 7 411 7 38 7 28 7 17 7 02 (1 42 6 32 6 20 A 10 7 n H ixi, N lift! 0 0.r 8 20 II IM I.v Tortlahil .Ar . Oohls . . . Rainier .. .Pyramid.... .... Maygur .... Quinry .... . . . latnkanle . . ... Marnliland .. ....Went port .... Clllton .... Knappa.... . .. . Hveimen John Dav . . . II 10 10 (l.'i 0 62 9 36 M M 8 44! 8 Ml1 II 3fi II 40 9 27 0 611 9 17 9 ON 8 61 8 41 8 33 8 1(1 8 07 7 66 7 46 8 68: 10 0J OftjlO Ki, 0 III 10 21 9 37 10 31 III (10; 10 (IH 10 20 io :ci II 67 II 10 II 06 II ,'Hll Ar. . Amoria. . I.v 8KAMII1E MYIHION 11 36 a. 6 60 p. n II :) a. m. 8 16 a. m. 6 16 a. m. 2 30 p. 111 . 6 00 p.m. 9 40 a. m. . 7 40 a. m .. .4 OOp.m ..10 3d a. m . . 6 60 p. m ..12 30 p. m . . 7 20 p. m .. 1 30 p. m .. 50a. m AHTORIA SEASIDE CONNECTIONS. All trains make clone connections at Onble with all Northern I'acilln trains to or from the Kant or Hound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union Lie pot. At Astoria with T. R. it N. Co.'s boati and rail line, anil BteanierT. J. PnMer, to and from Ilwicoainl North Reach Points. Ticket otllne, 265 Morrison it., and Union depot. J. C. M A YO.Gen. Pass. Agt. Astoria, Or