OilGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1904 ff'urf jiff jumpnu y.'nfPTTi'i f,flLTg,jTy?yr"rgsLargg'1 mvm-zxzs J.u.u Curtuitm I'ilU.wa liliinki'tH Hug; Tovh Do'llri (iaiiK'M Cloukri Suita Mcii'm ClntliiiiK loy h' Clothing Ait (iimmIh Picturi-a Wiiints VrHllTH Cliiblnm'a Clonk Infunt'a Wear Coract Aprons Under Muslin Fancy l'illowij Yarn Night Holx-a Every , ARTICLE Reduced Mimi'h Suit Men' Overcoat Knit (lood Hoy a' Suit liova1, U'aiata Cniiifurtrra Hlankt-t Hnit I'awa Traveling, Tcli-acoiicH Hllifts. 1'illow CllHCH l' luiiiii Ih CliiMri-n's I'liilirweiir VrnpNTH Kul' r.l.iwn Sarijui'H Vottoti Waitd Silk Waist Stationery Jewelry WhU'Ihh Clock Tina VeiliiifH Adams Brothers Every Article Reduced Adams Brothers Golden Rule BazaaJ Adams Brothers Annual Clearance Sale Adams Brothers Cregon City's Big Cash Store AimmuisvI '(Dlssvrassios Sails We have determined to make our Fourth Annual Clearance Sale one long to be remembered on account of Low Prices. We wish to dispose of at least one-half of our stock before stock-taking time, February 1st, and to accomplish this, have marked goods at prices which Willi induce our patrons to anticipate their future needs. Shoes Our entire stock of Shoes has been reduced from 20 to 50 per cent Odds and Ends Sale See Our Bargain Counters r 4 Articles gathered from all deparments ry 4 2dQ and marked at Crockery and Glassware Any piece or set in our en tire stock at 20 per cent less than, regular prices. Cloaks and Skirts Any Cloak or Skirt in stock at a reduction of 20 per cent from reg ular prices. These are all new, fresh goods and latest styles. Regular Discount Everything in the store has been re duced at least 10 per cent, except Arrow Brand Collors, "W. B." Cor sets and "Black Cat" Hosiery. Goods with special discounts have been marked in plain figures. Shirt Waists A large stock of Cototn, Woolen, and Silk shirt waists to be closed out at manufacturer's cost Adams Brothers Golden Rule Bazaar Adams Brothers Golden Rule Bazaar not Adams Brothers Golden Rule Bazaar. Adams Brothers Golden Rule Bazaar Men'a Shirt Leather Good P.airg Suit Canes Vah (ioods Fhcfctrf Cottons Kheetinis Table Linen T5ath towl K annel Pictures Brie a Brae Silverware Carving Set Dress Goods Silks Velvets Black Drees Goods Laces Embroideries Dress Trim mings Every ARTICLE Reduced Buttons Neckware Ribbons Kid Gloves Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Hosiery Children's Hosiery Leather Goods Underwear Flannels Linens Cottons Sheets Billow Cases Calicos Ginghams White Goods Jewelry Stationery Ladies' Shoes lien's Shoes Children's Shoes Boots Slippers Men's Hats 1 ' mi - i FOR D1KKCT VOTE Law IMnflrd !)' Pln-rt nation Limikiip. No ml I'ndrr the Proiio.tMl Law, Nominating Tuner Will H Voted Willi llir People. The direct primary nomination law wliii'li Hi" advocates of tlm Direct Notnl nation League are endeavoring to plane before the. voters ol Oregon iiti'lcr me in itiative and referendum amendment to the constitution, contemplates a sweep- 1 1......... in tliH lriHHtlt method n( non.iiiBiii.il "laie, county, city ami emi gre Hhional officers. It means Ihe alioll tion ol II. b county and city convention in which the delegates chosen at the pri maries Ui.ci.Ih upon the nominees. T his woik ia to lie taken out o( the hands of a few and placed in those of H masses. Under the proponed law the adherent of each political party will nominal" their party candidates "y oirc v vo.v. this 'measure the selection of n I oitou States Henator is praclicullv made hy the direct vote ol the people. Thl" i accom plished throuuli sections of the proposed law providing for the nomination of Con giesnonal raii.lidiites at the ilireot pre marieH, and oilier clauses making it in cimilieiit upon the l.fL-ialiilure to Be'ect the parly ran.li.late having Hie majority of vote". ..... Under tlie proposed taw, any iiiiahlied voter may la-come a candidate, for nom ination to any office lie chooses, provided he can secure the signatures of H per cent of the voteranl l.ia district or precinct to a petition for liia nomination. If this much can be accomplial.ed, all tl.at ta lacking to make him Hie parly nominee is political activity and pull enonl to to net the muioaity ol the votes. The method preacril.ed hy the direct primary nominations law la tluain brief: Itefore the neneral election of atate, county, citv or ward olllcera, anv person dcHirliiK to'hemme a candidate for elec tion to any ollice can.have hi name . .. . .. ..... ....... ol,n ha lot Of lllS pi.iceu upon in o iiuuiii.." i , party bv draltinu a iwtition aotting forth hia name and addreaa. the special meaa ores he advocates, and sending this to the Secretary ol State, County Clerk or City Recorder, as the caae may he. ac companied hy the signatures of 8 per cent of the voters ol the diatricU pre scribed by the new law. In this manner candidates practically nominate them selves lor nomination on the party ticket. The primary ballots of each party, bear iiiK the names of the candidates, are sub mitted to the voters at the primaries and i i. .... aai'iirinu the maturity otvoleaare declared the nommeea for ., .i ....i..M The tickets thus ...i ndd to the voter at lloinilia.B" "J l'- ' , . ,u : l ... i i..,.ii,in ami the ollicials are chocen the same aa nnilHr the present law. It is di-ainned to heller secure and pr-H tect the rights of political partu-i. It advoe ilea the id-a that the candidates lor ollice ah. mill be nominated directly hy the people of each party at the pri mary election. The second se'-tion of the bill sets the dale of primary noiiiinatiiiK elections as 45 days Iwloro lh K,,t,ral election. The hill prescribes that candidates can be named In this manner in all election", with the nception ol those to till vacan cies, I'.eMiileiitial elections, iniiiii 'ip.il elections in towns of le"s than 2iHH) in haliitanta and school elections. It pro vi.l.m .1. .it ii Henator to the Cultures of the United Slates may he nominated lluoiiuh the primary elections and other nllii'.-r of the state, district, county, ire ciuct, cjty, ward, deleuites to constitu tional conventions, and county central committeemen. Sections, 3, 4 and D relate to tlie method ol holding primaries, and vary hut slitfhtlv from the U'tltil metliod. Sec tions 7 to II preacrilie the method of lallvniK voles, mskinii returns, etc. ,iany of the sections of the bill are technical directions lor carrying out the law. the changes prescribed in these are minor ones shall be printed iion white paper, for the democratic Darty noon bine pajier, and for a third party non yellow paper. The next section describes in detail the form of the otlicial ballot. Section 24 provides that colored sample ballots shall be furnished for the use ol voters though they are not to be voted, and not counted il voted. The nomination of a candidate for the United Statca Senate is provided for as follows: At all K.-neral primary nominatinieh-c-lions neit preceding the election of a i., ( ur..K hv the Legislature ot Oregon there shall be placed upon the ollicial primary nominating ballots bv each ol the County Clerks and Clerki of the County Court the nstnes of all candi dates for the ollice of Senator in ConirreKS lor whose nominations petitions have ........ .into muflu U.ll I Hied under the pro- lH-'-U vieionsof this act, the votes for winch candidates shall he counted and certified to by the election judges and clerks in the same manner as the votes for other candidates; and records of the vole for such candidates shall be made out and sworn to by the board of canvassers of ........ n.mntv nf lIlB HtstU Hllll rcttU.U'll t) the Secretary of State, at the same time OF INTEREST TO I'LllAGulbE. County Superintendent Zinser Issues Circular Letter to Teachers. In 'section 11 of the bill a political i and tn like manner as they shall trans- rrtT - al..1 -I w . ... . 1 r, a 1 1 11 L ( ft 11 (I I ll lit?! f,r ollice applies to incorporated ciiioaof aKMaiid more inhabitants, it ,los not apply in these places in the case . i... .....t lrM..lential elec- Ol a FlHjc.a. pi".-""1. - . .... ., . . ..r nlui'ttona to till IK.n, BCIIUOl ein i--' vacancies. , . i.. .. i.n ion.,ihv tint its mnaninit can We discerned from a study of the imort ant am tioni prescribing the projKised '''Tbep'reamble of the bill seta forth that party Is defined as an afllliation of ele tors repn-BeniiiiK some political prin ciple or organization. It is provnie.l that each political party sliall nominaie all its candidates for public ollice as pre scribed in the provisions of this law, and In no other manner. 1'..., tii.olin.l nf nnnont.eintr his CAil- illdacv for iioniiniition to any ollice by any person is as follows: The aspirant must send by registerc-i man to me rmr ri rw ol State. Citv Recorder, County Clerk or Auditor, a copy of his petition for nomination Binned by himself. This is all that is necessary for any member of any political party to become a can didate for any ollice tie may cnoose. u is then recounized a a candidate nnd il he can get enough votes from hia party the nominationjs assured. The petition raiiBt aet forth the name snd address of the aspirant and what of fice ha ia after, lie must aver that he will accept tne nomination if it is given him, and he may write a brief outline ol that he advocates. ii ... i .uiwlnluin lor a Legislative po sition he must state whether he will feel it his duty to vote lor tne canumaie ior i.u IT,., i.l Kintea Senate receiving the largest popjlar vote, or whether he will . ? ..... . J! I .U.. ....... II l.u leel at UOeriy 10 Ul-Tenaru niav - " tliinlia iliuru are reasons for it. After this has been done the candidate must Ket the Bi-natores of 8 per cent ot tne qualified voters ot tns uistrici upon n." petition. When this shall have been done hia name is entitled to go non the ollicial ballot oi nis pariy. Tlie mUlllOU Ol COIIIPIHUIK VO" n'li:ni- ae of signers necessary is prescribed as loiiows: vote cast bv a political party in each votinu precinct for Justice of the Supreme Court at the last preceding gen- '. .' -l.-l. L. I V. a I. .. i a n nilill-ll eral election si. an no um umn u.. the percental!" for petitions bIuiII be counted, and the percentage of signatures reiitiired snail in an im """i"'"-' as a .ercentage of that vote in each of the required number of precincts. Sections 18 to 21. inclusive prescribe .. .. .i.. nnmlnntion sliull IH3 inav mo public records, provide for the filhtiu of vacancies and oilier details of minor nn- mit other records and returns required bv this law. Under the provisions of this law, the candidate receiving his nomination in this manner is to be supported by the adherents of bis party in the Legislature. In relation to the canvassing of votes and giving certificates of nomination, it is provided that all returns in cases of state ollhers must be made to the secre- ! tary of state, t hese are to be opened in I lie presence ol tlie governor aim sm.o treasurer, and the voles counted. The candidate for each ollice receiving the highest number of votes is to be declared nominated, and the governor shall give him acertilicate. In case of a tie the n-nies are to be Biuniiioned before the secretary of a state and the tie de cided by lot. Section 31 amende the present law regulating the election of a United States senator, and Imposes upon the legisla ture the duty of selecting from the vari ous candidatea the one receiving the ma jority of votes at the general election. The section reads as follows : At all general elections next preceding the election of a senator in congress by the legislative assembly of Oregon, there shall be placed upon the ollicial ballot hv each of the county cleris and clerks honses when a-serubled to elect a sena tor in congress as now required bv law of congress ; and it ahull t) the duly ol eacti house to count the votes and an nounce the can Ii. late for senator having the highest number of votes, and there nnon each hou- shall proceed to the election of a senator as required by the act of congress and th constitution of this state, and it shall be their duty to then elect as such senator the said can didate having the highest number of votes. The law provides for the punishment nt .ntf inti7M lir elerk of election who shall be guilty ot vioihiiiu- any regula tion, and also prescribe- t lie method of contesting a nomination. After pre scribing regulations, the law goes oi to state that in the case there is only one candidate for nomination to any ollice by some political fur'y, his name snail not be placed upon me primary ihihh, but that when the retni-ns are canvassed he shall be duly declared the nominee of his partv, and his name shall be placed upon the otlicial ballot at the general plection. The selection of coininUteeinei) is pro vided for as follows : Tl.ere shall lie elected by each political Ta,iners and have iki.1 a nartv. .inhieci tu this law, at said pri- nrovided. further, that the applicant ....., nnnnnnlinj eletinn. A Committee I a. .all t.aua mm! an MVerxim of tifl rwr I 111 ni iiviiiiii ....... ---- - riioii ......w - - I man for each election i r--cinct or district. ; Cpnt in a the bran. hea herein pre The committeeman il.ti elected shall he scribed and shall not fall below 70 per I the representative of nis political party ; ceIll j anv ono bra ich; provided, lor- j in and for auch precinct or district in all . Hier, that the appoeu.t has complied Ii.. r xiii'ruM.ati.a ill tliA: .Vli.iin Tt Ituo f 'iiin.orn Tn arfnnl ance with the Me leKi-.lativeenactu.eDt, the state board of education will issue state life diplomas on and -iMei March 24, 11KJ4, to teacliers wno nave tangiii nor less than six ypara successfully in the public schools of the ht-ie, at'd who hold 0i..,a .li.tlr.maa ratu tvii in 1-iinfU'O.lpnpA nvniw utv,u" -' , of having held stateC Ttilii-ates and bav- iiiis taugi.t lour years succesHiuuy in me pu olio schools of this state, and having passed an examination before a county superintendent, or a hoard of county ex- in Kinlr lr utt . .i il , i. ini nA4lf ion lllllll"l I" and physical geograi n ; provided, they passe. 1 an exam. tiano.i neore uib ruaic board of examiners at the time of hold ing examinations for sue certificates, viz., February and Aimu-it of each year, in the additional bram-hes of algehra, Knglish lilerature, Oreuon school law and general history, nnd present a rec nm mn. lotion from the hn.ird of count v examiners and have imid a fee of $10; ward or Biihihvisio.i comtnute-s inai may be formed. Ibe cominti'.eeman elected in each precinct or district In each cntintv shall con-tllllte the county with all tlie other law. inch teach rs unv at t i take an examinatio't tor a rcqmreinenta ol the eir discretion central committee of each said re"pective l nloraa in the additional nnliti.-nl nartv. Y.A-u coiu.nitteenian i Kehrnarv. l!H)4. and tl.e shall hold such position tor tlie term oi two years from the -late of the first meet ing of said committee immediately fol lowing their election. In fcsse of a va cancy happening on account of death, resignation, removal from the district or otherwise, the remaining members of said county committee may select a com mitteeman to fill the vacancy. state life di- braiicl.es in kin mtim.e r.o. I rrm urn - , nv. t. .... .. i cured at such examination will be placed to their credit and, 11 successful, a state i life diploma will be issued on March 24 I UKH. All such applicants must file with tl.u o,iiiuritilt.nilert nl ni.lie inat r.li-tion A 1 separate application on blanks furnished by him lot that pnrpo-e. Respectfully yours, J. 0 ZiNSEa, Supt. Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Irwin and family left for their home at Vancouver, W'asU ington, after a week's visit with hia biother, R E. Irwin and family, statioa airent at this place. Mrs. Ryan, who has been visiting her Bister snd family. Mrs. Edd Onle, left for her home in Eastern Oregon Tuesday. Miss Rosa and Emma Rueck came op from Portland Thursday, Dec. 24, and will spend a few weeks visiting relative! and friends at Barlow. S. Evans has sold his farm one mil north of Barlow to a gentleman frnra Portland, Mr. Dixcon and family. Wt understand he will take possession im mediately. We ejtend them a hearty welcome and hope they will like their new (.time. Mr. Evans is,, building a. very nice new house GjtfTiia loV-.jt' B low and will move jtjto it as soon aa completed. , The mask bali at Barlow Christina! night wat a dvcided success. A la'ga crowd was present and aorhe very pretty aud amusing costumes were diplayecl. Avon Jesse and .Miss Laura Ericksoi were the couple decided upon by the lady received a very pretty fan and l.a gentleman a nice umbrella, ai a prima. neirepilt' ems were eerveu afc tur i.rw Harlow hotel and it was nearly in or rung before they all finally departed for home tired and sleepy but very happy. Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Chilifft, of Osweeo, are visiting the lat'.er's parents, Mr. uai If-, fc- T? - J list Oue .lintile. One Minute Cough Curs gives relief in one minute because it kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane, causing the rough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflam mation and healBnnd soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strength nnd ii.a litn.iu a-M r.ta oft' iir'.e.inionia and if a harmle.-s and never falling cure in all ......... ..f r-ni,.ha i -nlrla ind Prnnn. of the county court the names of all Qne Minnte Coiuh Cure is pleasant to i: i..i.. r... i..u fl',,.a nf nentttnr in I ..Una ai,,t i.n ill ul'.ke for vounff lltlke, iii in i. t-.T t- . rt and old. Sold by tieo. A. Harding. PVh"i regard to official ballots, the law prescribe! that all Republican ballots candidates lor the office of senator in congress that have been nominated in . .ni.tlmrta nnw nr which mav hereafter he provided by law lor the Remember tliHt tl e payment of 1 50 nomination of state olhrere ol tlio state on aubscr.ption to tne f.ntetpnse. of Oregon, tl.e voles for which candi dates shall be counted and certified to by the election judges in the same man ner as the votes for other candidates; i .n......ia ..f tlm vnrn fnr anch randi- dates shall be made out and sworu to by the board of canvassers of each county of the stato and returned to the secre tary of state, who shall transmit dtipli- -ai n. es ol sue Ii returns to me legisla tive assembly at its next ensuing ses sion, one ol which snail ne a.uireseu iu the senate, and the other to tha house ot representatives of the state ol Oregon, ' ... -i- ii l .1 .i:.. 1 .... . one copy oi wo.i.h cumh w - -v him to Ihe president of the senate, a.id the other to the speaker of the house'of repreaenUtivei, after the organization ol such bodies, which officers shall open and lay the same before the separate Login and Stone. Rumor savs tl.e "stork" has been around 8tone lat-ly. left a daughter at the home os J. R Carr, and also Mrs. Urant Mumpower. Mr. Arthur Rcl.malle, of Stone, and Miss Nellie Caden were married Christ mas at the bride's home, Rev. A. Partch officiating. t Mr Peter A. Smith, of Portland, whose parents reside here, was also married and brought b s bride home to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. CI. tn Clark, of Couer IV- Alene are home oe a visit to their parent whether it lie delinquent subscription or in advance, entiti-s you to a gn-s a to the amount ot m ey mine r.u.erin.-. monevj.r. On- irn-sB for every $150 that is p.i.l H-'te is chance to get your mom . v hack ""l lineraiiy coin pensated for yotn- tune in e.-timatine the amount of mom y c in'i.ined in the jar. CASTOR I A Tnr Tnfnnts &nd Children. Be Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Cliristm w lull at the Grange hall was a irrand Rtitve attended and ad o iinmense crowd .r: a fine time. What's la a .ainc? Vifarvtliinir is in 'lie name when it comes to Witch II .id Slve. K. C. Oe 1 Witt & Co., of Cl.icsL'O, discovered some years axo ho '' make a saive ir.-ui Vilch Hazel it a- taa specilic for Piles Kor blind, ble- -ting, it. Ling and protrud ing Viles. Ecx , cn s. burn-, bruises and all skin ities ieWi:t's Silve baa i.o equal. Thi- ha g.ven iie to numer ous worthless te.'eit-. Ask f-r I) Witt's the griiuii.e. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Mrs. S. Evans. Thieves broke into Mr. Schmidt! meat market one night last week an 4 took about ten dollars worth of meat, be sides knives and several other article. It seems that the country is lull of mea loo isty to woric ana earn an nonest n iug and exist by begging and stealing from those who (to. Something shout be done to compel these people to work. ft. Evans was transacting business la Oregon City Tuesday. The Christmas t,ee at Columbia hall Phridlmna. Tva VMS wel I attended. 1 h tree was very prettily decorated aria1 many very pretty ana vaiuame presents hung from its branches. A very inter esting program was listened to and ap preciated by all. The cake walk by U....1P Xfuvritt ITriioiiian anil VI '.as i riss: Zee being the most interesting feature. Mrs. fc. Evans, who has been on the s ck list for tl.e past week or two, ta much better. ' Mrs. Granqnist and children, of Ore gon Citv, fpenf Christmas with her par ents, Mr. ami xrg. Miepparu ami i relatives. Mrs. ('has. Si limuit visited friend a Pot Hand Monday. , Now is a good time to sell your poa t vs if you have any more for sail-. H. (). l-'reeiiiHn is pay ing ihe highest mar ket pried lor ll.ein. The Enter.-r- e 1.50 per year. THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the to: y rigl.t to the Thorne system ol tictrac indexes, for Clack., u. as county, iil..ave llie only complete Bet of abstracts m the L-.oii.ry , can furnish informatio as r idle iu land tt once, on api tcali.'". Loans, investments,, real e'ale ahstra'-ta, etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Cu'l and investigate.