Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1904)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JANUARY 1, 1904. A Quart Baby, Now and again tlirre ii au item in the tifwapuM-re concerning the birth of ny baby so annill 1 lint a (imrt cup lolila It comfortably. If the m title tola nil tlie liu'ts It woulil prujmbly tell also ii( h inotlirr who in weaknivs mid misery had looked forward to the buby's advent with shrinking and fear. To have line, healthy chililren the Biothrr mutt be hculthy, and it ia the common testimony of mother that the line of Dr. Pierre's l:Hvorite I'rracrip. tioii not only pro motes the mother's health but alto gives her ttrength t'j give her chilil. " l nvorite Pre scription" arcom- pliahrs thrae result by tranquilixing the ni'rvri, promot ing a healthy appe tite, anil giving re freshing llrei. It incrcusea physical vigor and givet great mntrlilur claatlcity, ao that the hahy's advent ii practically pninlraa. It Ik the beat of totiica for nutting mothers. "I ylnilly rmiminmil I)r, Flrrre'a Faorlte Prroiiplliiii ." willr. Mri, J. W ;. Hlrphriia uf Mila, Nurtliiiiiila-ilaiHl Ci., Va. "Hrfme my thlnl lllllr Ix'V wu l'n I t.x.k ( Kill If 11 the fmrat cliilil aut hm tcu from liltth, and .uflrrrri very mm h lr limn I evrr tint twfijre. 1 uuhraiutliu !y 3itvit e:i-tant niulliara to Mac Hie 'I'avunt? I'n iiln.n.' M Dr. Pierfi now feci fullv witrrmited In offering to pnv v leg:'' """ey of the I Tiiitl St.iti-m for miv r.iw of lucurrheA, I'cm I- Wruktu-ai, I'ionp. tit, or Fulliux 01 Wonili w'm li It cm Hot cure. All If ittka in u (i'r mill reasonable trill uf hi tnr"t, of cine. Dr. Pierce Common ! : M I .'1 Ad iter, contiiiniiifj l pn;!!' , in nt hi on receipt slumpa n )'' elf. i " '"' mailing "" . Scud ; I m.- "hi r imp for the cloi i-lmiin I m duinc, i.r imiIv ji stamps for the Imm'h i:i '1P'r '"''" AddrtM Dr. K. V. I'irrci-, ImiII.iIj. N. Y New To-Day. MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST rate, llmio.t A UHirriTii, UK. V. 8. SEAM ANN, PHYSICIAN Ollire over Harding drug alore. MUSKY TO -LOAN AT 6 AND 7 er rent. Farm security. U'Kkn A Hl'lll'llltl.. LOST nuMEWHKKE ON TIIK WAY or at the I'onureKttional church Wed nesday evmi.nK, Dec. 23, a brawn bear fur. Kinder pleate leave at Enterprise olllce. UKIIUKS A GRIFFITH (OFFICES IN the Weinliard Building) liave the clioio et city, luburban and country prop erty for smallest price. MUSKY TO LOAN-I HAVE BKVEUAL aumt of money helonulng to private Individual! which I am authorized to loan, on long time at 6 and 7 per cent. Com of loan will be niade very reaaon able. II. E. Chow, attorney at law. FOR 8AI.Fi Seven-year-old horaa, rub ber-lired bugKy,,aa good at new, and liarncM, and nine frenh milk cow. II. Hnnreicha, Maple Lane, Oregon. January 1. DON'T FORGET THE GRAND MAS qiierade ball at the Armory given by Turney'i orchestra New Year's Night. Five grand prizxi. Admianion Genta in in auk 76 centt, Uitien in :n" free; Gentlemen epwtulors 60 cent, ladiea 26 cents. WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY GEN tleuitn or lady in each county to man age hutineaa for an old eiUhliatied lioune of solid flnanclal standing. A Htraiiiht Inina fide weekly sslary of $18 00 paid by check each Monday with all expenae direct from head quarters. Money advanced for ex penaex. Enclose addreeaed enveloe. Manager, 3tH) Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Feb 1. Personal Mention W. A. Dimick spent Christmas with relatives at Hubbard. i Miss Dollie Pratt is visiting this week with friends at Eugene. Captain J. T. Apperson was a visitor to Albany last Haturday. MiHsCelia Goldaniith spent Sunday with relatives at Eugene. Rev. J. K. Elmer, of Canby, was visitor to this city Monday. Mrs. Grant B. Dimiek spent the Christmas season with relatives at Hub bard. diss. Beers, of Salem, spent the Christmas season with friends in this city. Guy Kellogg baa gone to Lewieton, Idaho, to accept a position in a grocery tore. Mrs. Martin, of Astoria, ia visiting in Oregon City, the guest of Mrs. C. W. Wright. Mrs. George A. Harding has for sev eral weeks been seriously 111 at her borne lo this city. T. M. Leabo, secretary of the barberV Union, was In the city from Portland last Saturday. Fielding 8. Kelly, after a visit with his parents in this city, baa gone to Japan on a business trip. Miss Delia Young, of Sellwood, was this week the guest of her aunt, Miss Grace M. Marshall. Misses Retta and Vira Utoart have re turned to Albany after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Norris. Mr. Bentley, of Marquam, was in the city Monday on his way borne after a visit with relatives at Sellwood. Mrs. Tom F. Cowing, Jr. and daugh ter, are visiting with ber parent, Mr. and Mr. 8. Smith, atSilverton. Representative Chaa. Galloway, of Yamhill county, spent Christmas with fcis lather, Judge Wm. Galloway, of thin city, being en route lo hi home st Mo Miniivllle from Halem where he attended the special seislon of the state legisla ture. Miss Mionawilor visited this week with friend at Salem. "Jinks" McCown, of MeHford, it visit ing liis mother in Hi Is city. Klnneth Kenton, of Portland, visited In Oregon City Wednesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Htevens, of Ban Franulwo, are visiting their relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, of Corvallis, are the guest of Mr. and Mr. R. M. Davison. Mia Ova Marrs, of Mt. Tleasant, waa visitinu Iriends In this city during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dooliltle, of Hostile, are visiting this week with friend in Oregon City Tom Brown, who had charxe of the han-hery on Haluion river, was lo the city this week, A. Koi'hcr, a uhstantial business man of Canby, was a visitor in this city Wedneailay. f Mia CIsriKsa Fancher wa the guest of Mrs. Carrie Marri, of Mt. Pleasant, over Christinas. Mr Frank H. Smith and son, of Seat tle, were this woek the guests of Mrs. Bruce 0. Curry. W. D. Wealover, of Seattle, ia visiting In this citv the guest ol Ida brother, J. II. Westuver, ol the Courier. Mrs. A. Kocher and Mrs. A. W. Ca rinliera,o( t'.iiihy, were the guest of Mrs, W. M. Shank last Sunday. Rev. Erastus Smith, who tits charge nl a church in Portland, visited with Oregon City Irienda thia week. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Scnngall and fam ily, of Portland, spent Christinas with County Clerk Sleight and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lawrence, of Port land, were this week the guests of their daughter, Mrs. I.inwood b. Jones. Mrs. A. Goldsmith, of Euvene, is vis iting her daughters, Mrs. Max Bollack and Mis Ceha Goldsmith in this city. Miss Frances Myers, a teacher In the Oregon City public schools, spent the holidays at ber borne at forest urove. Eda Leona Townsend and Rov Woods obtained a marriage licenae at the olllce of the county clerk Monday afternoon. Karl I.uti, who for six months ha been ill with typhoid lever, has about recovered and (s again able to be about. Mis Florence Westover, who Is teach ing school st Falls City, Polk county, is eniling the holiday vacation with rela tives In this city. Miss Constance Holland baa returned to her home in Salem. Mia Holland was one of the bridesmaids at the Church-Albright wedding. Lee Harding has returned from East ern Oregon where he has for several months had a position as time keeper with Smyth A Howard, the contractors' Bud Selling, of Portland, visited in this city Wednestlsv evening. Mr. Sell ing is attending Yale Universliy and baa been spending the Christmas vacation with bis parents, Mr. and Mra. Ben Sell ing, in Portland. Prof. P. L. Coleman, principal of the Mackxhurg school, left Tuesday nigtit for Germantown, Ohio, in response to a message announcing the danueroua ill ness of his lather. Prof. Coleman is a nstive of Germantown. W. C. Wilson, a prominent farmer liv ing at Liberal, wa in the city Wednes day. Mr. Wilson reports that the Mol alia road is badly in need of repairs, and regrets that the nuances of the county are in such a condition that more exten sive work cannot be performed through out the county. R. Lee Westover, who for the last year has been associated with hi brother, J. II. Westover, a associate editor o( the Courier, leaves tomorrow for Raton. Ne Mexico, where he goes to investi- giite a newspaper proportion in which he may invest. If be is not satmlied with tiie outlook in the South, Bob may return to this city. While his many friends wish him unbounded sucueas wherever he may be, still they cannot but express the hope that a few short weeks will find him back to Oregon City. Ten Bet Yea (an. You can be a strong man or woman bv bn y i Die the great nerve tonic, Palmo Tablets, sold by Howell A Jones. Tbey make you sleep and grow lat. Drs. Beatie A Bealie Dentists. Rooms 10, 17, 18. Weihard building. C. W. Greenman yesterday began the preliminary grading for the Latourette street railway on the West Side. Under the terms by which the franchise was granted, Mr. Latourette is obi med to per form a certain amount of construction work during e.ich year of the life of the franchiie and tbe work inaugurated yes terday ia In compliance with tbe terms of the agreement. Monday. December 28, Don Meldrum, of this city, and Misa Dorris Parker, of Baker City, were married at Baker City. The happy couple formed an acquaint ance at the state ' university last year that ripened into courtship and marriage as Indicated. The groom i the son of Mr. and Mr. Henry Meldrum, of this city, and has the best wishes of hi many Oregon City friend for much happiness in the relation he ha assumed. Tbe laughable farce, "A Box of Mon keys," will be presented by the young people of Mt. Pleasant, at the Mt. Pleas ant school house on Saturday evening, January 0, 1904. The proceeds will be devoted to the completion of the new sidewalk. Admission 25 cent. Re freshment free II Everybody come. For Trade. City property in Western Iowa ; 9-room house, electric lights, furnace, city and soft water, two blocks from P. O., town of 3000, for farm. Address J. O. Orem, Liberal, Oregon. OASTOIIIA. Btartth )VUt Von Haw aJwrntagl (Igtatars af FRANK BUSCH, In Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Wall and Sewing Machines Bring your Cash and see how far it FRANK BUSCH, THE V t7 v Local Ever). j Vb J. A A J. i ift ift. ift l iW Two million Amcrlcsn suffer the tor turing pangs ol dyspepsia. No need to. Burdock Blood Bitters cures. At any drug store. David Vanllouten, wha shot and killed a man named Young in Portland last Sunday night, waa for thirty months a resident ofthis city, removing thence to Portland. It' op to you to tell how much money ia contained in the Enterprise prize money contest jar. Send in youi guess at once, nut don't lotgel to accompany your estimate with the necessarr remit tance of $1.60 on subscription. Herman Lins, aged 69 years, died at George, Clackamas county, Monday, December 21. Death resulted from par alysis of the heart, and a widow and seven children survive. Burial services were conducted on December 24. Only a few days remain in which to suliscrihe for the Enterprise and the Weekly Oregonian and get that prize world's map. Think of itl You get the two papers for a year and the map thrown in for only $2.25, while the map alone retail for $2.60. Those in charge of the Columbia Hook A Ladder Company announce that they will have something unusually fine in connection with their annual ball on Washington's birthday, February 22. It will he the Fantastic Lancers. Mr. Harold Taylor and Miss Katherine Miller were married at the home of Mr. George Schooler, ol Gladstone, Thurs day evening, December 24, 1903, the Hev. Frank Mixsell, officiating. Both parties are from Benton county where tbey will make their home. Otis Boylau and Iva Smith, both of this city, were married in Ibis city Wed neaday' evening, December 30, 19'3. Hotu of these young people are widely known here where they . have many friends who wish them much happiness. They will reside in this city. Evangelistic services will open Friday evening, January 7:30 o'clock in the Congregational church at Ely, under the auspiecesof the M. E. Church, south. Rev. Henry Spiess, the presiding elder ol Halsey, Oregon, and other ministers will asHiet the pastor in conpucting the meetitins. Maaried, Monday, December 28, at the Congregational manse, Hilda Erickson, of Molalla, anil Wm. Turner, of Tacoina, Rev. E. S. Bollinger officiating. The brid is one of the well known young ladies of tbe Molalla country while tne groonc is employed in the Pierce county, Washington, treasurer' office. Marriage licenses were issued the lat ter part of last week as follows: Mollie A. Hinsand Chas. Hinkstore ; Catherine Miller and Harold Taylor; Nellie Eihel Eaden and Arthur F. Schinale; Lauia Gortlerand H. F. Walsh; Minnie Trim- bath and J. G. Beauheu; Hilda J. Erick son and Wm. Turner. "Little Colds" neglected thousands of lives sacrilied every year. Dr. Wood's Norwav l inn Syrup cures little colds- cures big colds, too, down to the very verge of consumption. The local volunteer fire department was called out Wednesday afternoon to extinguish fire at the residence occupied by J. M. Price on North Main street. A defective flue caused tbe blaze, which for a time threatened to do much dam age. Probably $50 damages resulted to the building which is owned by Edwin Richards. In seeking the origin f the blaze. Fire Chief Ruconich made a mis step and fell through the ceiling from tbe second noor to tne landing oeneatn, sustaining a slight injury to his leg. Drying preparations simply detev op dry catarrh they dry up th secretion, which adhere to the membrane and deooaa pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of oatarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, amok as and snuffs and use that which cleanse, soothes ani heala. Ely's Cream Balm ia suoh a remedy and will ours oatarrh or cold in the bead easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cent. All druggists cell the 60o. size. Ely Brothers, 68 Warren St., N.I. The Balm eurea without pain, doea not Irritate or cense sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surfioe, reliev Ing imtnsdlately th painful Inflammatio. With Ely' dream Balm yon are armed against Masai Catena and Hay Fever. 1904 The Bank of Wishes its friends and customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 1904 YOU CAN GET IT Nobody Is liarred in Enter prise Prize Contest. View the Money Jar at Howell k Jones' Drug Store and Make Estimate. When you are down town stop at Howell & Jones' drug store, view tbe Enterprise money contest jar and then come to the Enterprise office, pay your subscription and make an estimate on the amount of money the Jr contains. Some one I going to get tbe money wbeu it is divided on the afternoon of Washington' birthday, February 22, next. Why should not you share in the division? Payment of Bubecription money on tbe Enterprise la tbe only condition that ia required ot persons desiring to partici pate in the contest. For every $1.50 that is paid on subscription to this psper the subscriber ia entitled to one guess as to the amount of money the jar contains. It matters not whether the payment covers back subscription or pays for the paper a year in advance, you get a guess anyway. This arrangement makes the contest lair for all old subscribers ss well as those wtio may now become subscrib ers to tbe paper. Another condition that make the con test absolutely fair is the fact that tbe amount of money contained in the jar ia unknown to anybody. Tbe Enterprise placed the bulk of the money in the re ceptacle and tbe balance in unknown denominations and amount, was depos ited therein by Mr. C. Scbuebel, the at torney ol Oregon City, and neither knows tbe amount in tbe jar, which has been securely sealed. On Monday afternoon, February 22, 1904, the seal will be broken and tbe money counted by Mr. Scbuebel who will make tbe award of the money among tiie successful guesser. fbe manner of distribution will be as follows : 60 per cent to te person guessing nearest as to the amount of money in the jar; 25 per cent to the second beet guesser and 5 per cent each to the next five persons guessing closest a to the amount in the jar. All guesses must be forwarded or de posited at the Enterprise office previous to 12 o'clock noon, Monday, February 22, when the contest will close. More than one hundred guesses varying from $73 to $700 have been received and each week we are eiuieting many new sub scriber. Persona desiring to guess should lose no time in making their es timate. Your chance is just aa good as your neighbors and some one ia going to win. tvhynotyouT Aa we have announced, the Enterprise had the misfortune a few weeks ago to have stolen from tbe office another jar of money that waa to bave been given away on the same condition aa will thia one. The second jar is an exact coun terpart of the stolen vessel ana contains approximately tbe tame amount of I 1.1 l 1 C...L I money as am uie original jar. ouoscno ers who ventured guesses on tbe first jar will have the privilege of changing their guesse if they will call at the office or notify ua of the change desired. The Enterprise epeak for itself. It ia the only Republican paper in the county. It contain every week a complete report of tbe news of interest of tbe entire county and ita country correspondence service I not duplicated. It contains all of tbe newa all of the time and gives the same accurately and reliably. With two campaign next year tbe county election in June and the general election in November- the average citizen of Clackamas county should keep informed as to affair lo bia county. He can re ceive the best service in thia respect by taking the Enterprise. We pride our selvea on our market report and see that it is corrected every week. Tbe farmer depend on a reliable market report and by making correction every week we are prepared to supply bin want in tbia particular. THE HOUSEFURNISHER Oregon City, Oregon .' 1904 Oregon City 1904 Lt-tter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in tbe postofficeat Oregon City, Oregon. Dec. 31, 1903: women's list. Aldrage Miss Ling Miss Tillie Hcwdiah MrsUeo May Miss AdSv Chambers Miss A Scbwarzauer Miss M F Hartnell MiesE Shelly, Mrs Msry Hart Mra Mary Stevens Miss Ettie Lee Miss Jannie Vail Mrs Myrtle men's list. Behymer Jas M Jones Karl W Benson John Jones H W Blomberg Ed Livingstone 8 J Bulltrd Cbarle Parham Arthur Cook Edward Reilly John Cruishane W Russell Harry ' Erickson Victor Smith Arthur Gilbert M J Wood Willie Gordon W F TOM P. RANDALL, PM. Working: Night attid Day. Tbe busiest and mightiest little thing that waa ever made is Dr. King' New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlesaneas into enemy, brain-fag into mental power, They're wonderful in buildine up the health. Only 25c per box. Sod by Charman 4 Co. Basket Social and Dance. The New Era Grange will give a bas ket social and dance Jan. 9th. Every body cordially invited. A good time is guaranteed. Terrible plagues, those itching, pester ing diseases of the skin. Put an end to misery. Doan's Ointment cures. At any drug store. OASTOIIIA. fitanth Signature of TL. V J U... ii aa aa i ni Km ion nan always wop Development of the Walking- Stick. Probably the patriarch's stall was tbe first adaptation of tbe walking stick, and from Its first Inception to the pres ent day it has undergone almost end less changes. In 1701 footmen attend ing gentlemen were forbidden to carry words, these being replaced by a por ter's staff. Thirty year later gentle men were forbidden to .carry swords, but allowed to carry large oak sticks. Before many years varnished and pol ished woods with ornamental heads came Into use and In one form or an other bave held their own In public popularity. The Beam la The. "Remember." admonished the rev erend gentleman, "when you begin to notice the mote In your neighbor's eye there la pretty certain to be a beam In your own." "Thafa right," replied Slnnlckaon. "It make tne average man s wbole race beam to find a mote in his neighbor' eye." Exchange. Impossible to foieaee an accident, Not impossible to be prepared for it. Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Monarch over pain. THIS CLEAjfsnrci UXO HKALINQ CTKK FOB CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm bay and pleasant to taa. Contains BO la- furious drug. IttaqalckiTtbtorbtt, Gitm ttelxf at one. It Open! and Ctoaatta , l p a f tne aim runges. I II Ml H f. klU Baala and Protects tbe Membrane. Beatona Um neoMt 01 Taate ana emeu, uri XXnnMi or by nail ; Trial Site, IS omit bj nail. aXl &KnUMji&, M Wanes Btrtet, tie letfe, :atarrh Paper will go. HOUSEFURNISHER OREGON CITY ! "WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO" J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer j HAT! A 10-lb sack of Pure Buck wheat Flour and a quart of Genuine Maple Syrup for 75c. Why didn't I know that before. I'll send an order at once. You always get the best thats going and itspromptly de livered at J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer OREGON CITY SOMETHING for NOTHING Naturally induces trade. We do not do busines on that basis but do give value re ceived for every cent you spend at our 6tore. Hero are some bargains: 3-lb can Brandenstein's Mocha and Java coffee . . $1.00 5 lbs Brandenstein's Caro head Rice 50 Good brand bulk Coffee, per pound , .12 Green Java Coffee, per lb.. .15 Fine bulk Syrup, per gallon .58 A full line of the very best in the grocery line at The ELECTRIC Grocery D, M. KLEMSEN, Prop. Mein Street next to Albright's Market Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 75c per bushel. Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.75.' Portland, $1.10 per lack; Howard's Best, $1.Tj5 per sack. Oats in sacks, $1 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled, $14$15 Per ton : clover $10 ; oat, $11 ; mixed bay. $10 J cheat, $10. Millstuffe Bran, $19.00 per ton. ahorta, $20.00 per ton; chop, $19.00 per ton, barley, rolled, $23.00 per ton. Potatoes 60c to 70c per sack. Eggs Oregon, 27$c to 30c per doien. Butter Ranch, 60c. ; separator, 60c. ; creamery, 70c. Oregon onions, 90c to $1.00 per cwt. Dried applee,6c to 7c per lb. Prunes, (dried) petite, 3c per lb; Ital ian, large. 6c per lb. medium, 3c; Silver. 4. Cabbage, 40 toSCo per dosen. Applea, 40c to 60c. Cranberries 9c to 12c a quart. Cauliflower, 40c to 80c per dozen. Stock carrots, sacked, 60 cents. Dressed chicken, 10 to 12c per lb. Turkeya. dressed, 15c to 17'c per pound. Livestock and dressed meats ; beef, live, $3 00 to $3.50 per hundred. Hogs, live 4' to 6 cU; bog, dressed, 6tc; heep, $2.50 to $2.75 per bead; dressed, 6c; veal, dressed, 7c; lambs, live, X per bead ; lamb, dreeeed, 6c Take the Enterprise fifty-two week a year.