Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 01, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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, JANUARY 1, 1901 , !
tmnrTiiTrvrTrr i
Correspondents are requested to re
ew their work. We will supply all
cessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
Merry Christmass and Happy New
Year to Tim Entkkf-biss and us corra
Fine weal ner (or the timeol year;
mercury 40 ; have not fed our out cattle
as yet, and they are in good order.
The Springwater people" had a Christ
mas tree well loaded and a good pro
cram, and Santa Clause distributed three
dollars worth of candies and nuts, mostly
lor the little folks.
Ou the evening of the 26th the young
people of the neighborhood gathered in
at J, A. Shibley's and had an enjoyable
time singing music and games.
On the 23d two of our most substan
tial and well known young people, Mr.
Charles Bard and Miss Floesie Howell,
were united in marriage at the parlors
of the Electric hotel m Oregon City by
Kev. W. Bruce. All of Springwater.
May the bride and groom have
A look of kind troth and a word of
good will.
It's the magical helps on lite's road.
With rugged road to travel it Bhorteos
a hill;
With a burden they lighten the load.
Mrs. Geo. Bowdish's baby died last
The 0. W.P.4R Co. has laid out
townsite near the high bridge on the
Clackamas river.
A Prisoner 1b Her Own House
Mrs. W. H. Layha, of 10 1 Agnes
Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for several
years been troubled with severe hoarse
ness and at times a hard cough, which
she says, "Would keep me in doors for
days. I was prescribed for by physicians
with no noticeable results. A friend gave
me part of a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy with instructions to
closely follow the directions and I wish
to state that after the first day I could
notice a decided change for the better,
and at this time, after osing it for two
weeks, have no hesitation in saying 1
realize that I am entirely cored."" This
remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding.
Union Hall.
William Draper has been-working the
road for James Adkins the past few
John Burns made a business trip to
Canby last Tuesday.
The Lamm brothers and Otte Striker
furnished the music for the entertain
ment Christmas Eve at this place.
O. Adkins and wife are home on a
vi-it with their relatives and friends.
Wilmer Fisher's little boy is very low
with brain fever. '
Mrs. Mary Strejc, of Portland" came
np to spend Christmas with her parents
oi ims place.
O I . . . i ...
ceverm irom nere auenuea the oance
at Mr. Wallace's; of Mulino, Christmas
Miss Mary Likes, of Oswego, is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. John Burns, at the
present lime.
John Burns and wife and Miss Likes
visited at Mr. John Thomas' last Sun
day .
School Beport.
Following is the report of school dis
trict o. 40 Needy, lor the month ending
December 25, 1903: No. of pupils re
maining enrolled 44 ; No. of days taught,
19; average daily attendance, 40; No.
of cases tardiness, 7. Those who were
neither absent nor tardy during the
month are August Stuwe," Peter Price,
Julius Suagle, Editii Johnson, Clarence
Johnson. Visitors present during the
month were Mr. Carlson, Kev. Gilmore,
Mollie King, Echo Kinzer, Stella Kinzer,
Garret Ackerson, Wilda Elliot, Alhert
Elliot, J. D. Hitter, director. Visitors
always welcome.
Kobkht GS-tiier, Teacher,
We wish the editor and the readers a
Happy New Year.
Old St. Nick was very good to the boys
and girls here.
Our echool has a week's vacation.
The masquerade at Thompson's hall
was a decided success. The best repre
sented couple was Wilda and Alhert
Eliot, who represented a couple ot In
dians, and carried off the prize-
The Odd Fellows dance was largely at
tended and all report a good time.
Andy Thompson is home on a visit.
Percy J. Ritter, of RuBselville, spent
Xmas at home.
John and Eddie Herman,- from Ante
lope, ae visiting friends and relatives
No appetite, loss of r'-ength, nenroaa
Bess, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of
the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol
ewes Indigestion. This new discovery repre
sents the natural Juices of digestion as they
Wst In a healthy stomach, combined with
fltu .1. mt Ln. m Inl. a.J . .... -
Bmr..rfiM if iw,.r. r,. a. . !
duly cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this
famous remedy cures all stomach troubles
by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes Unlet;
tSe stomach.
Mr. S. S. ttafl. of Rjvantwoed, W. Va., wnr
I troubled with tour Momach (or lul Trg
ado! carad and ara now satac H la auk
kx habr."
Kodol Digest What You Est
ottMoaJr. tl.00 Slza hcMlrf 7H tlmMtbaMd
alia, which ceils far 60 cents,
bv I. a DattITT OO., OHIOAOQ
Sold by U. A. HARDING, Druggist
Mr. Anders was able to be to Grange
last Saturday,
Walter Shriner, of Kelso, was the guest
of Leo Wills Sunday ami Monday.
Mr. Wagoner, of Saleiu, is the guest ot
his son, 1'. Wagoner, for the preeeut.
Immanuel Krighaum, of Salem, is the
guest of Cauaid Kruhaum for a few
John Stevens and wife were up from
Portland to meet relatives and friends of
their childhood.
John Fage and family, of Tarkplace,
visited her mother, Mrs. C. 1'orier,
Xmas week.
Mrs. Tom Yocum goes to visit her
mother at McMinnville this week, tier
mother is in poor health.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Yeai to the Oregon City Enterprise and
its many readers and reporters.
Ed Bates daughter Maud and husband
from near the Blue mouutaius, were on
a visit for a few days to her parents.'
We are having quite nice weather.
Some fog a little more than usual (or up
here. We have bad as mauy as 0 day
of fog tbia winter.
The new bell was aounded Xmas night
but ia not up yet aa there baa to be a
belfry built to bold it aa the building la
old and unsafe for a bell.
Gideon Elaworth and wife gladened
their old time friends of Uartiold, by a
visit Xmas week and were the guests of
Gideon Krighaum for a few days.
Our neighbor, W. P. Nile, was buried
at the Zinn cemetery Monday. He
leaves a wife and one daughter. He was
aged 48 years and was a member of the
Woodmen. A large number was out to
show their respect.
Correction Your correspondent wrote
the name Mrs. Anna Davis Paterson,
which should have been Hayes. As no
harm was intended, we hope no otTence
was taken at the mistake in names.
The O. W. P A. Ry. Co. gave its pass
engers quite a Ctirisimas treat in the
way of a rule fu a box car from Boring to
lazadera with the swilch engine Christ
mns Eve., the passenger engine being
disabled at Cazadera.
There were a number of family re
unions in Garfield Christmas week. 1
will write the names and number in the
family and number of years elapsed
since last all the family were together:
Wm Davis, 14 in family, 12 years; Mr.
Duns, 9 in family, 7 years; Mrs. C
Porter, 5 in family. 2 years ; Ed Bates, 5
in family, 3 years; J. C Tracy, 7 in fiira
ily, 2 years; It. G. Palmateer, 7 in fum
ily, 3 years.
Garfield Grange No". 317 elected officers
Saturday and as so many .succeeded
themselves In office, I will just say, do
not think there were only those eligahle.
The rest of the Grangers had too much
to no ana coma not attend regular so
put those in that they knew could have
time to attend. There were 48 votes
cast so were not short of material yon
see, so don't think for a moment that
the Jones' and Smith's are all the people
here in Garfield as there are no Smith's
or Jones' here
Garfield-had two Christmas trees and
entertainments as announced ana were
both a graud success. About all the
difference in the two was one tree stood
stalionarv in the corner and had two
rows of popcorn on the exposed side,
whilu the other was a revolving tree so
all sides could be seen and had a row of
popcorn around it and there were plenty
of prcents on both trees, both useful
and suggestive. There were representa
tives from Cherryville, Mrs. K. Behee
and family, Bull Bun; Asa Thomas and
family, Springwaier; Mr. Gtitridge,
Lower Curnnsville; Edgar Hiple and
family, Kelso; Sid Elswurth and wife,
Parkplace; Mr. Page and family, Cur
rinsville; Hales, Linn, Ely, Shanklins
and otheis Also some from the state of
Washington. John Stevens and wife, of
Portland, and young Duns, of Columbia
Slough, were present at our entertain
ments. A car load of wood got the start of
those managirig it one day last week. It
was backed up and not properly secured
till the passenger car and engine ran
down a ways and when the engineer and
conductor saw it coming for them down
grade, they lit out. As they passed
Alspau's siding, two ladies were taken
aboard in too great a hurry to get their
turkeys on board, and awav thev sued
i to avoid the on coming car of wood, The
engine and passenger ran to Boring, the
wood car running like mad, climbed
near Boring when the momentum was
lost. It ran back and stopped on the
double bridges over Deep Creek. It was
s beautiful sight to see it spin over the
track and no one hurt.
A Vett-locket Doctor.
Never in the way, no trouble to carry,
easy to take, pleasant and never failing
in results are I)e Witt's Little Early Ris
ers. A vial of these little pills in the
vest-pocket is a certain guarantee against
headache, biliousness, torpid liver aod
all of the ills resulting from constipation.
They tonic and strengthen the liver. Sold
by Geo. A. Harding.
John Paine is the
brand new baby.
proud father
of a
The Xmas dance at Wm. Wallace's
wasO. K.
Miss Kittie Lyons, of Lyons, Ore., is
visiting with Veva Kimniey this week.
Frank Kiromev and Ed Jones were
hauling freight Monday.
Al Jones sold his beef cattle to Port
land butchers.
Miss Alinni Fanton it staying with
her sister at present.
Clyde Smith was breaking broncoes
Em Jones was up in the foothills at
'en'1' nK to business the middle of the
Well I linen we all had a way up time
New Year's Eve at Otto Stryker's dance.
Kittie Lon and Agnct Wallace took
dinner at Mr. Woodfcide's Sunday.
Well boi I (fO-sg "we'tins" that are
hachful like will atand pom how now
Leap year. Don't he backward girls,
became we were.
Ed JonM and wife gave grand Xmns
dinner. Everybody was there and all
had a splendid time.
An Eicitliia: Hunt lu Norlhenstei'ii
Thi t of County,
Editor Estertrisk Dear Sir : Think
ing you would like to have a few items
from this section, I will trv and give you
a few. The most important event is the
catching of two hears by O.io and Henry
Aschotf. While hunting cattle they came
to a big cedar tiee, with a hig hole up
about 20 feet. Henry thought he smelt
ed a mouse by the sign, so he got a stick
and poked in a crack and stirred up
some bears. He didn't know how many.
They tried to smoke them out, but
failed, and 'twas nearly dark and four
or five miles away; they got some
poles, stepped up the entrance, and
came home and started early next
morning with more help and axes.
When they got there the bear were
still in the tr. They cut a hole in the
tree and killed the old she bear and
caught the cub alive and unhurt, brought
it home and are going to make a pet of
it, and are having lota of fun with it.
Thid makes four bears, a wolf, a wildcat
and two dogs the Aaehoff boys have
caught this winter already. No telling
how many more they will catch,
Mr. Aschoffia building' a log cabin in
the regular old Tippecanoe atyle. It
will be a dandy when be gets it done.
A regular stem-winder Christmas was
observed in good style at triend Aa
chofFs. Mr. Harry Branihall and family stayed
over night at Papa Aschoff's, and sev
eral of the friends of the lamlly were in
vited and partook of the bountiful rep-tst
gotten op by Mrs. AschotT and her two
lovely girls, Misses Emma and Mageret
Congrrktulat loua.
John H. Cullom, editor of the Garland,
Texas, News, has written a letter of con
gratulations to the manufneturers of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as fol
lows: "Sixteen years ago when our first
child was a bahy he was subject to
croup spells and we would he verv un
easy about him. We began using Cham
berlain's Cough Re'iiedy in 1887, and
finding it such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup, we have never lieen
without it in the house since that time.
We have five children and have given it
to all of tiiein with good results. One
good (tat lire of this remedy is that it ia
not disagreeable to Uk- and our ha hies
really i'ke it. Another is that it is not
dangerous, and there is no risk from giv
ing an overdose. I congratulate ton
upon the success of your remedy." For
sale by G. A. Harding.
Our locality is gropingin Ihe fog now:
and should you he out on the road with
out fug horn or compass (hot brick) it
will not require an over imaginative per
son lo arrive at the conclusion, that of all
the weathers the government cler fur
nishes u, this is the coldest bv fur ever
produced, in Alaska, Cape Horn, or
any where else, when the thermometer
only indicates the temperature at 30 de
grees above zero.
The K O. T. M. ball given here on
Xmas was pronounced a grand success,
The Xmas trees at the German church
and Teasel creek were all o. k.
C. W. Herman and lady friends, of
Abiqua, spent Christinas with the folks
at home.
Charles Scott and family, of Wood
burn, overtook Santa Claus at Mrs. M.
E Shaver's. They will return home
this week.
MissMattie Leavitt, of Vancouver,
is taking her holiday vacation with her
father. She is much pleased with her
school and expects to begin teaching
again nextJ.YIonday.
Carry Herman, o( the Bagby Lumber
ing Co., of Aurora, has been finite ill for
a week. His father has been down there
waiting on him.
T. M. Cross lias been on the sick list
for some time with a severe cold. This
weather does not agree with him.
Charles Thomas is around again, hav
ing almost recovered from hig throat
Isaac and Lester Gipson returned
home from the Upper Columbia, where
they have been carpeting for several
1-3 Congrnm St.
Portukd, Mains, Oct. 17, Wm.
I conniiier Wine of ( ardui mipuror
to any doctor's meflicino I erer n,"l
and I know whereof I iipi'ak. Ir.i'.
fered for ninx month wjm uppri'n.Ml
mxiwtrualion wh ch completely prnr
trattd me. Paina would nhoot through
my back and ide and 1 would nam
blinding headache. My limljn would
well u and I would fral no weak I
eould not atand up. I naturally felt
discouraged for I aeerned to be beyond
the kelp of phyioan, but Wine of
Cardui came a a (fod-ni'nd to me. I
felt a change for the belter within a
week. After nlne'ien days treatment
I menstruated without suffririnir the
agonies I usuallvdid and soon hecame
regular and without pain. Winn of
Cardui Is simply wonderful and I wih
that all suffering women know of its
good qualities.
Treasurer, Portland Economic League
Periodical lipadarihes tell of f... r
male weakness. Wine of Cardui t,
cures pormanpntly nineteen nut r.f
every twenty iy.wg r.f irrcjruliir N
.i.t-rn, utr-HUIlf MOV.'ll pillIiS Or
any femaie wfaknf. If you are
diKourapwj and doctor have
failed, that is the lrf-.t riiion in
the world you fchtmid try Wine of
Cardui now. liemi-fnber that
headaclits nu-an fi!mal weakness.
o . .... . .....
ij owh a i.w bottle ot wine of
rj Cardui Vi
L v -
----- - - un I,,,,
Begin your Xmas
those dainty articles of uso and orniihej
most appropriate
Goods and toilet
at the very lowest prices.
An elegant line of Perfumes, all the standard makf
zell's, Seeley's, Rugu's, Poernoi's, Lundborg's
plain and fancy
Yon can sample
We are especially long on Leather Goods, IIaicIii0mo CiKar Ca!,cs. Carcl
Cases, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Purses, Hill M)ks. Diaries, Music Rolls,
Etc., at prices as low as'quality will allow. !
Some of the Neatest packages of Stationery you ,,avo ever seen all sizes,
shapes and styles, at prices that aro notexorbity"1
Wo aro just like other business men, wo want iioro tra,' We want your
holiday trade. That is why we advertise, not to bo supped you
will come here simply because we askMt. CoiCmon mo indicates that
wo must do better
On the John Talhot propxrty In thin
vicinity a atone quarry has been opened
which produces a Kod material fur pav
in, curbing, etc. A crew ot men have
been at work lor several weeks irrtiini;
out blocks of stone to he shipped to Van
couver. The people and friends of the Metho
dint and Congreuatiniial churches tilled
the auditorium of the latter on C'liriKtmas
Eve, to liriten to a priram tciven hy the
children and youth of both Sunday
school. The program conflicted of mus
ical and liteiary ii.iinht.ra, all of which
were a credit to the performers. The
Christmas tree wan very prettily decor
ated and well laden with gifts. Santa
Claim appeared at the ritit moment to
atiperinlend the dlHtrihntion. We noted
the generous supply of candy and nuts
for old and young.
A very pretty family ClirintmaH tree
was that of Mrs. Alice Cliai man. Ic
stood alight in tne hay window, a pleas
ant picture for the passerby. On Christ
mas niiiht, Mrs. Chapman entertained a
large company of Clackamas young peo
ple. MiiHic and games tilled the time
till a lute hour.
Dr. and Mrs. L. E. White, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene I lay ward and son, the
Misaes Georgia White, Sadie Smith and
Km ma Johnaon, all of Portland, spent
C'liriKtmas with ttie family of A. O. Ilay
ward. Mrs. Alice Chapman left Clackamas
on Monday for a trip to Seattle.
Mra. Cora Cramer, who has been seri
ously ill with typhoid fever, ia now con
sidered out of danger.
Herman Naae has greatly improved
the looks of his dwelling house bv rais
ing the ell part to another story, re--shingling,
Capt. and Mrs. Wilson entertained a
large family party numbering thirteen
guests, on ChriHtmaa day.
Milo Thompson and sister, children of
A. Thompson, are home for the holidays.
Mies Frances Johnson, of Logan, was
a visitor in the Ilayward family one day
last week.
lie v. H. A. Start preached what was
presumably his farewell sermon last
Sunday. It ia not yet decided who will
take his place.
Herbert Clark and sister entertained a
paity of young people Monday evening.
Misses Mabel Towers and Clara
Koerner, of Oregon City, are spending a
few days with Miss Lillie Hargreaves.
The Misses Hamilton. gave a party on
Monday evening, which was greatly en
Miss Ora Black la home from Willam
ette University for the holidays.
Mr. Brown, our popular atorekeeper,
is away this week. Miss Mattoon ia In
charge ot the store. j
Chas. Miller is drying the lumber for
a new house.
I'lty Known,
"Foryears fate was after mecontiria-
only,!' wriees F. A. Gulledge, Verbena,
Ala. "X had a terrible case ot plica,
causing l tumors, when an laiieil
I'.utklen s Arnica halve cured me.
Eonallf good for burns and all ache
and pains. Only 25c at Cliarman A Co. 'a
drng atore.
buying hero Wo i
and welcome Cm
articles are hero in (re
Here Arc a Few Sa
bottles, from 10c to $4.
thorn for the asking.
by you than other dealers, air
TtieXmis tree at the school limine
Thursday was a pleasant event. Aller
an appropriate ar,d interesting program
the pupils presiinted their teacher, .Mrs
Ada Moelinke, with a beautiful' lea set)
Mrs. Moehnke is doing excellent work
anil is dearly loved by her pupils.
Misses Carrie and I, a lira Slinbel, Kb
nore, Mildred mid Laura (iiiither. Nellie
Moehnke, Dell llliihm . Minnie ll.jlilan -
der and Lena (rroasmuller are spending
vacation at home
Henry Olnlher and
Karl D.tvetinort,
Xmas at Ihe for-
of Oregon City, spent
iner home.
Misses Lizzie and Vina Mochukn ami
brothers Herman are spending a few
days with friends at The Dalles.
Dave Moehnke is busy sawing wood
for the farmers in the vicinity.
A number of our young folks attended
the masquerade at Clerks CliNSlinas
Eve. All report a pleasant time.
Henry Ilettiuan still wears a smiling
P. MaHsinger lost a valuable cow last
N. F. Hill is keeping bachelor's hall.
Ilia nile is visiting her parents at Forest
Henry Hansen ia home again.
John Heft has purchased a new engine
for his sawmill.
The home of E. T. Uinther was a scene
of revelry Xmas day. A number ot young
folks, among whom were Will Huiimiin,
Chrfs. Otto, Fred and Wilt Moehnke,
Karl Davenport, Henry (iinllier, Nellie
Moehnke, Lyilia Ilornshuh, Elnare, Mil
dred and LauiaUintlmr. Singing, bust
and cbroconole were the order of the duy.
Chris ami Laura washed the dinties,
Boys, keep away from the girls, espec
ially if you wish to enter the little white
ehnreh iiriiiullv known aa thn "tun
1 0'clfK:k" on the hill.
Several of our promising young men,
accompanied hy lady friends, entered
the church last Sunday night, and they
accordingly occupied the Name seats.
This, it seems, was more than the
"reigning spirit," namely, the preacher,
could stand. Ihe young men were or
dered to the other side, and complied hy
all leaving the building. All rejoiced
that they had been there and noted the
need of missionaries.
We would like to appeal to any mis
sionary, who Is traveling to some distant
heathen land, to jump oirat this place
and civilize and Chritiani.e the mem Iters
of the "ten o'clock" church.
Reaver Creek.
Cold weather seems to be the orderof
the day.
The ChriHtmaa tree at P.eaver Creek
was quite a success.
Several of the young people of Heaver
Creek attended the dance at Chirks and
report a good time.
Luke I n fly called on friends here
fjnnday evening.
Lutii Stevens is in our neighborhood
(i will Thomas is laid np with a bad
Elmer Landergon wag aeen on our
streets the other day.
JrXa superb line of
mAt that make the
ias Gifts. Fancy
t variety and all
Wright's Palmer's, La
Eastman's, and others, in
goods fresh this week.
,fl this we certainly will.
Everybody enjoyed a Merry Xmas
unr lillle lung.
Atkins camp will sgain start up with a
tiuw oua at I!lu i,,,!,!,.
Jiw Daniels returned ho.je s fw (lavs
9..Bv. .... nll iinii'iimie. limn.
Chas. and Ida Hovnton apen
Woodhurn with the-f parents.
j Mrs. Manning who has been
time lM , u "
JWillard Wight Is haulln
.in Cliy from hero.
g hay to Ore-
Kev. Illair Will Start r,,..!.,..!. ...
Ull Thursday night, December SI.
I inni ween,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Woo.ls.de spent
in Jay and Monday at Mulalla.
jine chicken dinner was all 0,
jr'jjgand Jitin Lamm were
Se Wallace'n'L"8 hlturday.
Fred Wallace, who I!. ',w"n "hsent
me time, spent the holiday'"' his
l as li
liirctits. . .. f
j Mr. Johnson died at the home ot his
gMmlson, V. Erickaon, last Sunday
Morning. He was 82 years. 2 months
and 2 days old. He has made his homo
aith his grandchildren Ihe past 15 years.
I'e ing of Hweedish descent he never
learned to speak Ihe English language.
Our greatest sympathy is extended to
the bereaved, lie leaves two great
grund children, a granddaughter and a
son to mourn Ida loss, besides many
dear friends. The remains were laid to
rest in the cemetery at Oregon City.
Howard Kccles and wife are spending:
this week In Portland with relatives.
Halaey Phelpa and wife, of Portland,
are visiting ttieir parents here during the
Mr. and Mra. I). Rridenstein and fam
ily of Sprlngwater have been slaying
with Mra. Fletcher the past few days.
Misa Cordelia Htetena of Portland has
been visiting old friends and ' relatives
hero since the day before Christmas.
Each ot the three churches had a tree
on Christmas Eve; the attendance was
very large at all ot them.
Mrs. O. Derry snd daughter, of Damas
cus, anil Mrs. W. A. Starkweather, of
Concord, spent the latter part of the
week with Mrs. G. Whipple.
Altera three weeka' stay in Dufur,
Eistorn Oregon, Mrs. H. A. Dedman and
fHinily, also her grandfather, Mr. Nolan,
have returned borne. .
V'H. II. Kvans has moved to the Itotb
plait, near the school house.
Mi. l Griflllh, of Oregon City, was
transacting business at Kiverslde yester
day. Mips Anna-Lou Sleight, of Oregon City,
ia standing her vacation at Uiverside
with )ier aunt, Mrs. Hayden.
four-year old son of Wilmer Fisher
ina mill is very low with typhoid
lighter of Mr. Linnaburg who died
ortland hospital last week, was
here for burial in the Norwegian
y Sunday morning.
in r
re Correspondence on page 7.)