Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 25, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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(ClllitlllUi'il limn ,tf,. si,
A, Id. In I'urllitiiil, In! I, hi. irk w,
tin on, iiinilly lull I, Ininr-
at ln.iil
Mliillinrii Add In I 'in I liiinl. lui
I, lilurk i; I ii il I.!, priuilty
foul, Interest I'lnl
Mliillinrii Add. In rnrllunil, lot
I. block U, tin $0.12, pmuilty
f n III, llitnlral n III
it I II t )m il n A. hi III 1'nr lliiml. lot
4, Mmk ll, tax imi, penalty
in ill, Interest $o.nl
lllnlhnrn Add In I'm 1 1 ii ml. lot
ft I. lin k II: in In l.i inn, nil v
-tool. Inlrrrat (l III
MInthnrii Add In rnrllniiil, Int
41. Iilm k U, Im n U. pmulty
ll(ll, Interest il. ul
Mliillinrii Ailil In I'm tliinil, Int
41., hlmk , Inx $" 12, prnnliy
Jnol, Inlrrral $0.01
IIiiIIhiiii A.I.I In I'nitlntid, lot
4.,, Mink II, lua I n. I.', imiittlty
t (l. Iiitrreat 10.01
Vlnll..irn Ail. I tn I'm Hun. I. lot
47. Iilm k II, tnx $0.13, penally
$.1 01. Illlrtrat ll III
Mlnthnrn A. LI In Pntlliilid, lot
. Mmk V; l 12, penally
ll 01, IllllTI'.t H (I) .
llsndrlrkn. It. J. -Mlnthnrn A. 1.1.
In I'nrtlninl. Int 25. Iilm k I 2 ;
In i n l. iimmlty 'I(I2, Inter-
eat tool
Mlnlhiirii A.I.I In Portland, lot
' til. Iilmk 12; Im I'M'.', penalty
I. 102 Inlermt .1. 0 J
Mini horn A 1. 1 In I'm Hull. I, lot
H. Iilmk II. tnx l"l, penalty
.i 03, Interest f'l 0J
Mlnlhuiti A. 1:1 In I'nrlUhil. lot
SH. Iilm k 12; tux o I. prnnliy
$nfl2. internal loo:1
Mlnthurn Add tu I'nrtlnnil, lot
"i, Iilm k IS; line n l. pennlty
fo '.'. Interest 0 0?
Mliillinrii Ait. I tu fiirllniiil, lot
in. Iilm k K'; tun I" 19. pennlty
$0 02. Inlrrral n o'.'
M int linrii A. 1.1 to Portland, lot
II. hlmk 12; tin o IH. prnnlty
n 02. Intrrrat H 02
Mliillinrii Add In l'iirllnn.1, lot
1:1 Mm k 12; Int I'l I . prnnlty
to 02. Interest 10 02
Mlnlliniil Ailil. In Portland, lot
II. Iilm k 12; ln I'l 19, prnnlty
.l 111'. Intrrrat l "2
Mliillinrii Ail. I tn 1'iirllniul. lot
II l.l.i, k 12: Inx 10 l:i. penalty
, 02 lliterrnt I'l 0.'
Mlllllinr" Ailil In I'nrllllll.l. Int
IT,, lilm k 12. tn I" 19. prnnliy
U(I2 llllnrnt 10 02
MlnllxiMI All. I tn 1'nrtlnnd. lot
14, Iilmk 12, fix M l', prnnlty
to 02. Inl'i.mi I'l 02
Mlnllmrii Ailil to I'urllilli.l. I"t
17. lilm k 12; tin I'l U. penalty
, o:: inti'roi-t n "2
Mliillinrii A.I.I tn I'nrllmiil. I"t
S l.l.i, k 12. tux I'l 1. pnmlly
$.i02. Inlrmm l' "2
Mliillmrii A.I.I m I'.irlliui.l. Int
yi 1,1,., k 12. im I'l 19. penalty
il (I.:, Intrle t 0 02
MHillmrit A.I.I I'l l'nrlliui.1. lot
5 4.1 1,1,., k 12, Im I'l I'l. i.iMinlty
s t" :: Interest it oj
' Mliillinrii A.I.I tn rnrllninl. Int
f 41, I. In. k 12; tn I" 1 1. pennlty
.i'ii2, Inti-rfil iioj
Mliillinrii A. 1.1 In Purtliind. Int
42 l.lm k 12: Inx I'l I'J. penally
fit u'' llilcrcal I" 02
M' nil, o III Add. In 1'iirllllll'l. Int
4 I ,1 t. k 12, Im I'l l'J. I'lMinltV
il II.' Inlrtrat I" "2
AVi-il. n't. J II Mliillinrii Add I"
(..111 III. I. Int 14. Murk II. MX
.l 14 irliiilty I'l 02, Itllrrrat
J II II.' f
Mliillinrii A.. I t" Portland. Int
15. I. Imk IJ. tm I" 19. i"'iiiilty
.l II" Intrrral I'l 02
Mliilli.'in Add in 1'urtlillnl. Int
III. I, link 13. lax I'M. I'rlinlly
I'l";'. Inlrrrat $0.02
Mlnllmrii A.M. m Pnrtlnnd. I't
17 blink n. tin I'l 1, penalty
n 0 2. Interest 0 o?
Mliillmrii AiM In I'nrtlnnil, l"t
H, Iilm k 13. t 1 I. pennlty
n o;' Intrrrat I'l 02
Mliillmrii Ailil. tn I'nrtlninl. Int
1 9. I. Im k 1.1. t I" I'J. prnnlty
.l 02. Intrrrat 0 02 . . . .
Mii.u.orn Ami. tn Portland. l"t
VII, Iilmk 11. ln penalty
u 02. Inlrrrat I" 02
Mliillinrii AiM to I'nrtlnnil, lot
l. lilm k 11; t l' I'J. I'rnnlty
il 02. Intrrrat 'l 02
MiMliurn AiM in I'ortlnnil. lot
22. 1. 1. iik 13; tm l'.l. i.riuilty
o 02. Inlrrrat 0.02
Mliillinrii A.M. tu I'nrlliwiil. lot
21 Mm k 13: l 11.1. priinlty
n 02. Inlrrrat I" "2 . ',
Mliillmrii Ail.l. In rnrtlmnl. lot
1'4. I. Imk 13; ln I" 1. l'nnlt y
J, l 02. Inlrrrat 'l 02
Mliillmrii A.M tu I'nrtlnnil. lot
Iilmk 13. tn I" l, pninlty
0 02. Intrrrat n "2 .
OrrKim Liinil 'n - M Intlmrn A'1'1.
In rnrllunil. lot 19. Mu.'k 14;
tin o r, iirmilty I'l 02. Intprrat
In 0 2
M Intlmrn AiM t' I'nrtlnnil. Int
20. I, I, i. k 1 1 ; lot I'l l:', pi-nnlty
n 02. Inlrrrat I'l .02
Mlnllmrii AiM. In rnrllunil. lot
Mmk 14. t lrt l. P'-nnlty
.i 02. Intrrrat 1 02 ...........
M milium A.M to I'nrtlnnil. lot
bin. k 14; In I" I'J. prnnliy
n 02, Intrrnil 10 02
Vil,l..r Mia Kiinnlr Mlntlmrn
,,l In I'nrlliinil. I"! 21. Mm k
14. till I'l l. priinlty l"02. In
lrrrat 'l 02
WNhiniinn. V. Mlntlinrn A.M.
In I'nrlliinil. Int 2. t'lm'k 14;
tin I'll!', prnnliy I'l 02, Int'ir
iw.l H 02
Ilmka Knlr I - Mliillinrii Ailil. to
I'nrlliinil. lnl II. Iiln.k IN; !
.i l!i. prnnliy l' "2. Inlrroat
n 02
Mliillmrii AiM. In I'nrlliinil. Int
1::. Mmk 1.'.; tn I" .11, priinlty
n 02. Inlrrrat I'l 02
I'lillllpM, Mliillinrii A.M. t'
I'ortlmul. lot 1'.' M'"'k 1!:
In IV, prnnliy I'l 02, Intrrrat
n 02
firrnoii l.iiinl I'n -Mlnllmrii AiM.
In I'milnnil. I'.t 2.! Mu.-k I f. ;
In tn I'', prnnliy I'l .02. Intrr-
rl In 02
Mlnllmrii A'1'1. In I'nrlliinil. lot
:;; l,l,,,k 1.',. tn I'l l'.', p'-nnlty
u 02. IntiT'-it I" "2
I'll 1 1 1 i.M. K -Mliillinrii AiM. to
I'miiIiuhI. Int :i". I'lm'k I r. : In
Jn w, priuilly o.02, Inlrrrat
Jn u2
Mlnllmrii AiM. tn I'nrtlnnil. Int
;:i l. im k !.': in I" l'-'. l"'i""y
,ni2, Intrrrat l'U'2
Mlnllmrii A.M. In I'ml Inml. Int
2 Murk 1.'.: tn $" 1 . prnnlty
., ,, tn ir
Hi. .1.1
M... Ii
Mra. It. K. linn .nn-
A.l.l In I'lirtliinn, l"t I.
Ill; tin Ml'.', priwilty
Intrrral n.n"
il n"
Mintlmrn Ailil. to I'nrtlnnil. Int
::. Mmk 111; tn .!. prnnliy
In 02. Intrrrat l'V02
Mliillinrii Ail.l. tn I'nrtlnnil. Int
:i. Mmk H; to I'l.in. piinnlty
n n". Inlrrrat 0.02
Mliillinrii AiM. to I'nrtlnnil. Int
A. hloik 11; tnx I'l l!', prnnlty
t'V 02. Intrrrat $0.02
Wllann, llrrl-rrt-Mlntliorn Ail'l.
tn rnrllniiil. Int 3. M''-k 1'H
tin I0.1S, priinlty I'l. 02, intrrrat
10 02
Mlnllmrii A.M. to rnrtlitm!. Int
:i:i. Mmk Hi; tnx $0.19. prnnliy
$0 02, Intrrrat $0.02
Mlnthorn Arlil. to I'nrtlnnil. lot
40. Mork IS; tnx $0.19, prnnlty
$'I0'2. Intrrrat $0.02
Mlntlmrn A1i1. to I'ortlnnil, lot
41. Mork Hi; tnx 10.19. pennlty
$0 0'!. Intrrrat $0.02 ..........
Mlnthorn AiM to Portlnnil. lot
42. Mork Id: tnx $0.18, pennlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.02 ..........
Mlntlinrn Add. to l'ortlnnd. lot
41. .Mork 11; tnx $0.19, ponnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0 02
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
44, Mork 1: tnx $0.18, penalty
$0 02. Intftrrat $0 02
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
4T., Mork Is; tnx $0.19, pennlty
$0 02, Intrrrat $0.02
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
41. Mork ID: tnx $0.18, prnnlty
$0 02, Intrrrat $0 02
HrndrlrkR, R. J Mlnthorn Add.
to Porllnnd. lot t. block 17;
tnx $0.H, penalty 0.01. Inter-
in ii2. iniiirrai fn.uj
M liilli. ii n Add tu I'url Inn, I. Int
1. I, Imk 17; In 0.K, pminlty
o 02, Inlrrrat I'l. 02
Mini In. i n Add. In I'url Innd. lot
IK, Iilmk 17; In 10.111, penalty
10 02, Internal I'l. 02
Mlntlinrn Add. In I'nrtlnnil, lot
20. hlmk 17; In 10. IV. prnnliy
$0 02, Inlrrrat 0.02
Mliillmrii Add In I'urt land. Int
21. Mmk 17: tnx I'l I'J, pannlly
10 02. Intrrral II02
Mlntlmrn Add to I'ortlnnd, Int
22. Mmk 17: In 0 IH, prnnliy
n 02. Intrrrat 0 02
M I ii I Ii . .tu A.I.I In 1'orllnnd. lot
23. Mm k 17; In I'l l, prmilty
0 02, Intrrral $0 02 " . . ,
Mlnllmrii Add In I'ortlnnd. lot
24. l.l.i. k 17; In $0 1 . jmnitlty
III 02. Inlrrrat I'l 02
Wllaiin. Ilrrhrrt- Mlntlmrn Add.
tu I'ortliind, lnl :r.. Mork 41;
lux o in. prnnliy $0.02, Intrr
ral $o 02
Mliillinrii Add In I'nrtlninl. lot
2fi. Mmk 41; tin I'l l!, prnnliy
0 02. Inlvrent $0,112 .
Mlntlmrn Add. tu I'nrtlnnil, lot
27, Mmk 41; tin 0.19, prnnliy
I" 02. Intrrral H02
Mlntlmrn Add In I'urtliui.l. Int
2i. Murk 41; In I'l.l'.i. prnnliy
I" 02. Inlrrrat 0 02
Mliillinrii Add In 1'ortliind, Int
2'i. III. ii k 41; In to la, pinnlty
$0 02. Intrrral .MI2
Mliillinrii Add. to I'nrlliinil. Int
:i, Mmk 41, In I'l.lH. prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.02
Mlntlmrn Add In I'ortlnnil. lot
:il. Mmk 41; In ITU. i,..inlly
$" 02. Inlrrrat ll.02
Mllilliuin Add to I'ortlniid. lot
32. hlmk 41. to I'l. IS. prnnlty
I'l 02, Inlrrral il.ll
Mllilliuin Add tn i'lirtliind, Int
33, Mm k 41, tin I'l I'J, prnnlty
In '12. Intrrral $11,02
Mliillmrii Add. to I'nrtliind. lot
31, Mm k 41; tn I'l 19. prnnliy
n 02, Inlrrrat ()02
Mliillmrii Add tn I'ortlnnil lot
3.'.. Mm k 41; In I" IV irnnlty
$.1 02. Inlrrrat ll.0'2
Mlnllmrii Add lo 1'orllnnd. lot
3. Mork 41. In $n.1!l, prnnlty
I" 02, Inlrrri.l n 02
Mlntlmrn Add tu I'orltiiiid. Int
37. Mn.k 41; In I'l. la. prnnlty
I'l 02. Intrrrat $ 1 1 l 2
Mlntlmrn Add In I'ortlnnil. Int
31 Mn.k 41; tn I'l 14. prnnlty
I" 02, Inlrrrat .l II? . .
Mlntlmrn Add In I'ortpind. lot
41. Mork 41; In l.li. prnnlty
I" 02. Intrrrat 0.0?
Mlntlmrn Add. lo I'ortlnnd, lot
42. Mmk 41; In $0 19. prnnlty
$"02. Intrrrat $'M2
Mlntlmrn Add tu I'ortlnnd, Int
41. Mm k 41 . In $n I'J. prnnlty
$" 02, Inlrrrat $0 02 .
Mlntlinrn Add. tn I'ortlnnd. Int
44. Murk 41: In I'l IH. prnnlty
I" 02 Intrrral 10.112
Mlnthurn Add. to rurtlnml. Int
4!.. Mm k 41: In In IS. prnnliy
,i 02. Intrrrat 0.02
Mlntlmrn Add to I'ortlnnd. lot
41. Mork 41: tnx 10.19. prnnlty
$.102. Inlrrrat $0.02
Mlntlmrn Add. to I'ortlnnd. lot
47. Mmk 41: tin I'l. la. penalty
o 02. Intrrral 0.o;
Mllill.orn Add. to I'orllaml. lut
41. Mork 41: tnx $0 19. prnnlty
$0 02. Inlrrrat $0 nj
Oreic'in Ijind I'n Mlntlinrn Add.
tn I'ortlnnd. lot I. I, Imk 42: tax
$"19, prnnlty $0 0 2. Interent
$0 02
Ml nl horn Add to rnrllniiil. lot
2. Mmk 42; tnx $I.19. prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0 02
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
3. Mork 42; tnx $n.iH, prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrral $0 02
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
4. Murk 42; tnx $n.is, nrnnltv
$0 02, Intrrral $0.02
Mlntlmrn Add to I'ortlnnd. Int
r. Mmk 42; tnx $0.19. prnnlty
$0 02. Inlrrrat $.102
Mlnllmrii Add lo Pnrlliind. lot
5. Mork 42; tax $o 19, prnnltv
$n 02. Inlrrrat $0 02
Mlnthorn Add to Portland, lot
9. Mm k 42; tnx I'VIS, prnnlty
$0 02. Inlrrrat $0 02
Mlnllmrii Add tn Pnrllnnd. lot
10, Murk 42; in $0.19, prnnlty
$0 02, Inlrrrat $0 02
Phllllpa. R Mlnthurn Add. to
I'nrtlnnil. lnl 11. Murk 42; tnx
I'l II, prnnlty $0.n2. Intrrrat
$n 02
Mlnllmrii Add tu Pnrllnnil. Int
12, Mn.k 42; tnx $0.1 K, prnnlty
$0 02. Inlrrrat $.102
Orruon !,nnd Cn. Mlntlinrn Add.
tn I'nrlliinil. lot 13. Iilmk 42:
tnx $0 In. prnnlty $0.02. Intrr
ral $0.02
Phllllpa. Mlnthorn Add. tn
Porllnnd. Int IS. Murk 42; tnx
$'119. prnnliy $0.02. Intrrrat
$'l 02
Mlnthorn Add. tn I'nrtlnnil. lot
I'l. hlmk 42; tnx $i.S. prnnlty
10 02, Inlrrrat $11.02
Mlntlinrn Add. to Pnrllnnd. lot
20. Mmk 42: tnx $0.19, prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0 ,ii?
Mlnllmrii A.M. tn Pnrllnnd. lot
'21. Mmk 42; tnx $"19, prnnlty
$" 02. Inlrrrat $0.02
Mlntlmrn Add tn I'nrtlnnil. lot
Sr.. hlmk 42: tnx $" 19. prnnltv
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.0?
Mint horn Add. to Portland, lot
:in. Murk 42: tnx $".19, .prnnlty
$o.0J. Inlrrrat $' 02
Mlnthurn Add. to Pnrllnnd. Int
37. Murk 42; tnx I0.1S. prnnlty
$1102, Inlrrrat $0.02
Mlntlmrn Add. to Pnrlliind. lot
.is. Mmk 42; tnx $n.l'.i, prnnlty
$".02, Inlrrrat $0.0?
Mlnthurn Add. tn Pnrtlnml. lot
39. hlmk 42; tax $".1S, prnnlty
$" fl'2. Intrrrat $0.02
Mlntlmrn Add. In Portland. I. it
40. hlmk 42; tnx $0.1S, nninlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.0?
Mliillinrii Add. to I'nrtlnnil, lot
41. Mork 42; tnx $0.18, prnnlty
$0.02. Intrrrat $0.02
Erh, lrn Mlnthorn Add. tn Port
liind, Int 42. hlm k 42; tnx $".1,
prnnlty $0.02. Intrrrat $0.02 ..
Mlntlmrn Add. tn Pnrtlnml, lut
43. hlmk 42; tnx $').l!i, prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.02
Mlnthorn Add. tn Pnrllnnd. lot
44, Mork 42; tnx $0.19, prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.02
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
4f.. Mork 42: tnx $0.1H, prnnlty
$'1.02. Intrrrat $0.02
Mlnthurn Add. to Pnrtlnml. lot
41, Mork 42: tnx $0.19, prnnlty
$0.02, Intrrrat $0.02
Hnlley. M. J. Mlntlinrn Add. to
I'ortlnnd. Iind. tinlf of lot 6.
block 43: tnx $0 1.1, prnnlty
$001. Intrrrat $0.01
Mlntlinrn Add. to I'ortlnnd. iind.
half of Int 6, blnrk 43; tnx
$0.12. prnnlty $0.01, Interest
Dnffv, Thna. nnd M. J Mlnthorn
Add. to I'ortlnnil. hnlf of lot R,
blork 43; tnx $0.1,1, pennlty
$0 01, Intrrrat $0 01
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, hnlf
of lot 8. block 43; tnx $0.12,
pennlty $0.01. Intrrrat $0.01..
Wllnon ITrrhert Mlnthorn Add.
to I'ortlnnd. lot 1. block 44; tnx
$0 18, penalty $0.02, interest
go o
Mlnthorn Add. to rortlnnd. lot
2 block 44; tnx $0.1, penalty
$0.02, lnteret $0.01
A in t.
at (l.0$
Mlntlmrn A.M In I'url liuid, lot
U, Mmk 17: In I'l. la, prnnliy
In 02, Inlrrrat n.o'.!
Mliillmrii Ailil. In I'urt Ininl. Int
10, Iilm k 17; tm I'l IX, pmiully
il 02, Inlrrrat l.(2
Mliillinrii Add. tn I'ortlnnd. lnl
11, Murk 17, In 0. I'J, prnnliy
I'l 02. Intrrral $o.o;'
Mlntlinrn Add. tu I'ortlnnd, lnl
12, Mm k 17; In $o.m, prnnliy
$0 02, Inlrrral n.02
Mlnllmrii Add. In fort limd, Int
13, Murk 17, In n. I'l, pennlty
I'l 02. Intrrrat n 02
Mlnllmrii Add. In I'url Intnl. Int
14, Mm k 17 , In 0, H, piiiiiiliy
I'l 02, Inlrrrat II.(2
Mlnllmrii Add In l',.l lliunl, Int
If., Mn.k 17, In n. iy, priinlly
$'02. Inlrrrat n.02
Mllilliui n Add. In I'm tliui.l, lot
I'l. Iilmk 17; In 10. IV, prnnliy
0 02. Inlrrral 0.02
Mliillmrii Add. In Portland, Int
17. Mink 17; In I'l. IN, inuiiilly
A int. due.
Mlnthorn Add. to I'ortlnnd. Int
3. hlmk 44; tnx $0.19, prnnlty
$0 02, Inlrrrat $0 02 23
Orrirnri l.iiinl Co. Mlnthurn Add.
In I'nrllini.l, nil of except lull
frrt ,rf n. ii Hi end of lui 19,
blnrk US; tnx $0.01, prnnlty
l"0 07
Mlnllmrii Add to Pnrllnnd, all
of rr,i loo frrt off mirth end
nf lui 2". I.Iim k CH; tnx 1 0.0'),
pennlty loot 07
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, nil
nf except loo frrt off north end
of lot 21, Murk UK; tax $0.0(i,
pennlty $0.01 07
Mliillinrii Add. tu Purtliind, nil
nf rxrrpt Ion frrt off north end
of lot 22, hlmk f,H; tax $0.01,
prnnlty $o.oi 07
Mlntlmrn Add. In Porllnnd, nil
of exn.pt loo frrt off north end
nt lut 2.1. hlmk 6K; tux $0.06,
pennlty $0 01 07
Mini hum Add. to Purtliind, nil
of rxrrpt 100 frrt off north end
of lol ii, hlmk r,X; tnx 10. OS,
prnnlty $0 01 07
Krb. Im-Mlnthurn Add. to I'ort
lnnd. lot 27. hlm k 9: tnx $0.19,
penalty p) 02. Interent 10.02.. .22
I'ryne, Chiirlen Mlntlmrn Add.
tn porllnnd. Int !. hlmk 70; tax
I'l IX, prnnliy $0 02, Interent
$0 02 22
Mlntlmrn Add. to Purtliind. Int
A. Murk 70; tax $0.19, pennlty
$0 02. Inlrrrat $0.02 It
Krb. lrn Mlnthurn Add. to Pnrl
lnnd. lut , block 70: tnx $0 18,
pennlty $0.02, Interent $0 02.. .12
Mlnthorn Add. to I'ortlnnd, lot
9, block 70; tax $0.l. pennlty
$0 02, Intrrrat $0.02 2$
Mlirlhorii Add. to Pnrllnnd. lot
10, blnrk 70; tnx 10.19, prnnlty
In 02. Intrrrat $"02 2J
Mlntlmrn Add. to pnrtland. Int
11, Mork 70; tax 10.19, pennlty
10 02. Intrrrat $0 0? 23
Mlnthorn Add. lo I'nrtliind, Int
12, Mmk 70; tnx $018, prnnlty
'$0 02, Inlrrrat $0 02 22
Mlnthurn Add. to Portland. Int
13, hlmk 70; tax $0.1H, prnnlty
10 02, Intrrrat 0 0? 22
iMnthlearn. Jnhn Mlntlmrn Add.
lo I'ortlnnd. lot 19. hlmk 70;
tax lnl". prnnliy 10.02, Intrr
rat $0 02 22
Mlnthurn Add. tn Pnrllnnd, Int
20. hlmk 70; tnx $0.19, penalty
$0 02. Inlrrrat 0 02 23
Mlnthorn Add. to I'ortlnnd. lot
21. hlmk 70; tnx $0 19. prnnlty
$0 02. Inlrrrat $0 02 23
Mlnthurn Add. to pnrllnnd. lot
22. hlmk 70; tnx $0.19, imnnlty
$0.02, Intrrral $0.02 23
Krb. lrn Mlnthorn Add to port
land. Int 32. blnrk 70; tnx $0.19,
prnnljy $n 02. Intrrrat $0.02.. .23
Mlntlinrn Add lo Purl land, lot
31. hlmk 70; tnx $0 18, prnnliy
10 0?, Inlrrrat 0.02 22
Mlntlmrn Add. tn Portland, lot
34. blnrk 70; tnx $0.1. prnnlty
$0 02. Inlrrrat $0 02 22
Mlntlmrn Add to Portland. Int
sr., Murk 7": lux $019, prnnlty
I" 02. Inlrrrat o 0? 23
Mlnthorn Add tn Portland, lot
30 blmk TO; tnx 1018. prnnltv
10 02, Inlrrrat 0 0? . J J
Irrron .nnd "oM lnl horn Add.
tn I'nrtliind. Int 3R. hlmk 70;
tnx o I'l. prnnlty 0 02. Inter
eat tn l2 23
Wrnthirf.ird I.. C Mlntlinrn
Add to Portland, lot 2. block
72: tax 10 19, prnnltv $0 02. In
trrrat 0.02 23
Mlntlmrn Add to Portland. Int
3 Mmk 72: lax $0.19, prnnlty
$0 0?, Intrrrat $0.0? 23
Mlnthurn Add. to Pnrtland. lot
4 blmk 72: tnx $0 19. prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0 0? ;j
Orrumi I.nnd f'n-Mlnthurn Add.
tn Porllnnd. bit r, hlmk 72: tnx
$0 18. prnnlty $0.02, Intrrrat
$o n; ;
Mlnthnrn Add. to PortlanJ. lot
. Muck 72: tnx lo.is, prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0 02 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Pnrtland. lot
40. block 73: lax $".19. prnalty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.02 JS
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
41. block 73: tax $0.18. prnnlty
$0 02. Intrrrat $U 02 JJ
Mlnthnrn. H. J. Mlnthnrn Add.
tn I'ortlnnd. bit 2. block 7B; tax
$0 18. prnnliy $0.02. Interent
$"02 2!
Mlnthnrn Add to Pertlsnd. Int
S, block 75; tnx $018, pennlty
$0 02. Interent $0 0; 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
4. block 7S; tnx 1018. penalty
$o n? Intereat 0 0? ;j
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd, lot
R. block 7r.: tnx $019. penalty
$0 02. Intereat 10 0? J
Oreicnn I.nnd Co Mlnthorn Add.
In Pnrtlnnd. lot Is block 77: tnx
10 19. penalty $o.o;. Intereat
to 02 ;j
Mlnthnrn Add to Pnrtlnnd. lot
17. block 77: tnx $018. pennlty
$0 02. Intereat $0 o; ;
White. J. P Mlnthnrn Add. to
Pnrtlnnd. lot 38. block 84; tnx
$0 19. prnnlty $0.02, Intereat
$0.0; ;i
Orri-nn T.nrd To Mlnthnrn Add.
to Pnrtlnnd. lot 27. block 87; tux
1019. prnnlty $0.02. Interent
$0 02 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd, Int
7 block 89: tnx $0.18, pennlty
$0 02. Intereat 0 n? ;j
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
R. block 9: tnx $0.19. pennlty
$0 02 Inlrrrat $0.0? 23
Mlnthnrn d.l. to Pnrtlnnd. lot
. block 89; tnx $0.18. prnnltv
ion? intrrrat in.n" ".
Mlnthnrn dd. tn I'ortlnnd. lot
10. Murk 89; tnx $0.18. prnnlty
pill!. Intrrrat $0 0" 12
Mlnthnrn Add. to I'ortlnnd. lot
11. Mn.k 89; tnx JO 19. prnnlty
t" 0". Intrrrat 0 0" 23
Mlnthnrn add o Portland. Int
f. block 89: tnx 10 19. prnnltv
to n? Intereat tO.O ;3
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland. 1nt
13. block 89: tax to. 19. pomiltv
to 0" Intrrrat $0.0; 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
14. hlmk 89: tnx to.18. prnnlty
SO 0" Inlrrrat J0.0" 22
Mlnthnrn Add. tn Pnrtlnnd. lot
"7. block 9: tnx fo.18. prnnlty
ton" Intrrrat 8"0" 22
Mlpthnrn Add to Portland, lot
"8. hlmk 89; tax 10.19. prnnltv
too" intrrrat $0 0" .23
Mlntlmrn M In Pnrtlnnd. lot
"1. hlmk 89: tnx 10 18, prnnltv
$0 02. Intrrrat $0 0? 22
Mlnthnrn dd. to Portlnnd. lot
30. Mock 89: tax 80.19. prnnltv
too?. Intrrrat fo 0? 23
Mlnthnrn N.M. to Portlnnit. Int
"1. block 89: tar to. 19, pennltv
too". Inlrrrat $0 0" 23
Mlnthnrn Add. tn Portlnnd, lot
a?. Mock 89: tax $0.18, pennltv
too?. Intrrrat $0.0" 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
31. block 89: tax 80.19. prnnltv
$0.02. Intrrrat $0 0? '. .23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
31. block .89: tnx $0.19. pennlty
to 02. Intereat $0.0" 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
15. block 89: tnx $0.18, prnnltv
$0 0?. Interest $0.0? 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland lot
.11. block 89: tnx $0.19, penalty
10.02. Intrrrat $0.0? 23
Mlnthorn Add. to Pnrtlnnd. lot
37. block 89: tnx $0.19, pennltv
too?. Intrrrat $0.0? 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Pnrtlnnd. lot
38. hlm k 89: tnx $0.1a, pennlty
$0 0?. Intereat $0.0" 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
39. block 89: tnx $0.18, pennlty
$0 02. Interest $0.0? 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
40. block 89: tnx $0.19. pennlty
$0 02. Intereat $0 0? 23
Pout hart. A. M. Mlnthorn Add.
to Pnrtlnnd. lot 22. HlocK 90;
tnx $'1.18, penalty $0.02. Inter
est $0.02 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
23. block 90; tnx $0.18, pennlty
$00?. Interest $0.0? 22
Mlnthnrn Add. tn Pnrtlnnd. lot
24. block 90; tnx $0.19, pennlty
$0 02, Interest $0.0? 23
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
?K. block 90; tnx $0.19, penalty
$0 02. Interest $0.02 2$
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
18. block 0: tnx $0.18, penalty
$0 02. Interest $0.02 $2
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
J7, block $0; tax $0.19. penalty
A int. due.
$0.02, Interent $0.02 ...
Mlnthnrn Add to Pnrtlnnd. lot
2M, block 90; tnx 10.19, penalty
I'l 02, Interest $0.02 2$
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
29, blmk 90; In 0.I!t, penuliy
$0 02, Intereat $0.02 2$
Mlnthnrn Add. I Portland, lot
30, block do; tin $0 18, penalty
$0.02, Intereat $0.02 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd, lot
31, Mmk 90; tn $0.19, penalty
$0 02, Intereat $0.02 2$
Mlnthnrn Add. lo Potiinnd, lot
32, hlm k 90; tnx $0,111, penalty
$0 02. Interest $0.02 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
33, block 110; tnx $0.19, penalty
$0 02. Intereat $0,02 2$
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
34, block 90; tnx $0.19, penalty
$0 02. Intereat $0 02 2$
Mlnthorn Add. lo Portlnnd. lot
80, hlmk 90; tin 10.19, penalty
10 02. Inlrrrat 0.02 21
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd, lot
26, block 90; tnx $0.1$, prnalty
$0 02, Interest $0.02 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
27, block 90; tax $0.18, penalty
$0 02, Interent $0.02 22
Hatch. If. W. Mlnthorn Add. to
Portlnnd, lot 21, block 91; tax .
$0.19, penulty $0.02, Interent
$0 02 23
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
22. hlmk 91: tax $0.19, penalty
$0 02, Interent $0.02 2$
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
23. block 91: tnx $0.18, penalty
$0.02. Interent $0.02 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
24. Mmk 91; tnx $0.19, penalty
$0 02. Interent $0.02 2$
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
20, block 91; tax $0.19, penalty
$0 02, Interest $0.02 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
21, Mock 91; tnx $0 18, penalty
$0 02. Intereat $0,02 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd, lot
27. block 91: tnx toi9, penalty
10 02. Intereat 10.02 2$
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
28. block 91; tax $0.19, penalty
$0 02. Interest $0.02 23
Mlnthorn Add. to Pnrtland. lot
29. block 91: tnx $0.18, penalty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0 02 22
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
30. hlmk 91; tnx $0.18, penalty
$0 02. Intereat $0 02 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
31. hhK-k 91: tax $0.19, penalty
$0 n;. Intereat $0.02 23
Mlnthnrn Add to Portland, lot
32. block 91; tnx $0.19, penalty
$0.02. Intereat $0 02 23
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
33. block 91: tax $0.18. penalty
$0 02. Intereat $0.02 22 I
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
S8. block 92; tnx $0.19. penalty
$0 02, Intereat $0.02 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to I'ortlnnd. lot
19. block 92; tnx $0.18. penalty
$0 02. Intrrrat $0.0? 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, half
pnv, Int 40. Mock 92: tnx $0.09,
prnnltv $0 01. Intrrrat 10 01... .11
Nllra. J. Frank Mlnthnrn Add. to
Portland. I'd 13, hlrt 91: tax
$0.19, pennlty $0.02, Interest
l"0? 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, Jot
14. Mmk 91; tax $0.19, penalty
$0 02 Interest $0.02 23
Mlnthorn Add. tu Portland, lot
ir,. block !'; tnx $0.18, penalty
$0 02. Intereat $0 0? 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
11. Mock 91: tnx $0.19. pennlty
o 0;. Intereat $0 0" 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
17. block 91; tnx $0.18, penalty
too?. Interest $0.02 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
1, block 91; tax $0.19. penalty
$0 0;, Intereat $0 02 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Pnrtland. lot
19. Mock 91: tax $0.18, penalty
$0 02. Intereat $0.02 22
Mlnthorn Add to Pnrtland. lot
"0, block 91: tnx $0.19. penalty
$0.0?. Interest $0 02 23
nnxnrth. F. F Mlnthorn Add. to
Pnrtlnnd. Int 14, block 97; tax
1019. pennlty $0.02, Interest
l"02 23
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
IS. block 97; tnx $0.13, penalty
$0 02. Intereat $n.n; J
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portland, lot
11. blocv 7; tnx 10.13, penalty
to 02. Interest $0 0? 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
17. block 97: tax $0.19. penalty
$0 02. Interest $0.0? 23
Mlnthnrn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
18. Mock 97: tax $0.19. penalty
too;. Interest $0.02 23
Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot
19. block 97: tnx $0.18, penalty
$0 02. Interest $0.02 22
Mlnthorn Add. to Portlnnd. lot
1. block 98; tax to.19. penalty
$0 02. Interest $0 02 23
nrndhnrv. Mrs. F. Tt Mllwankle.
lot 3, block 37: tax 13.10. pen
nltv $0 81. Interest $0 28 3 69
Mllwaukle. lot 4. block 37; tax
$115 50, pennlty $1,55. Interest
$1.S 18 ii
Pyer. Francis W Mllwnnklii
He!-hts. nnd. one-third lot 8
block S3: tnx $012. penalty
$001. Interest 10.01 14
Clelohn. Tos-riblne Mllwaukle
Tlels-hts. !. 14. blnrk 35: tax
to 31. pennlty $0.03. Interest
$003 S7
Mllwnnkle TTelrhts. lot 11. block
35: tnx $0 19. pennltv $0.02. In
terest $0 02 21
Prnesrer. 7. Mllwaukle Helrhts.
lot 7. block 45: tnx $0.31. prn
nltv $0 01. Intrrrat $0.n; ju
Mtlwnnkle Ueleoia. Int 8. block
45: tnx $0 31 penalty $0.03, In
terest tool J7
MIlTcnukle ITelrhts lot 9. block
45; tnx toil, penalty $0.03. in
terest $0 01 37
Mllwnnkle ITelirhts Int 10.
blmk 45: tax $0 31. pennlty
$0 08. interea to n 3fi
MllwnnVlr HelRMs. Int 11,
blnrk 45; tax $0.31. pennltv
$0.03. Intrrrat $0.01 .37
Mllwnnkle Heights. lot 12.
block 45; tnx $0.31, pennltv
tool. Interest $0.0? .3d
Mllwaukle HelKhta. lot 13,
hlnck 45: tnx toil, penalty
tool, intereat $001 .37
MllwniiVie HelKhta. Int 14.
hlnck 45: Pi $0.31, pennlty I
$0 0,1. intrrrat $0.0.1 37
Watsnn. ri-inV J., truster Mll-
wnuHr llrluhts. Int ?. hlnck 51:
tnx $0 31. prnnltv $0.03, Intrr
rat $0 0" 31
Mllwanklr Hclrrhts. Int .1. blnck
51: tax $0 31. pennltv $0.0.1. In
terest $0 0? 3(5
Mllwaukle TIrlcrhts. lot 4. block
51: tar to il, penalty $0.0.1. In
terest $0 01 .37
Milwaukle TTHirhts. lot 5. block
51: tax $0 31. prnaltv $0.03 In- -
trrrst $0.03 37
Mllwnnkle TTeichts. lot 1. blnck
51: tnx $011. prnaltv $0.03. In
terest $0 01 37
Mllwaukle TTelrhts lot 7. block
f.1: tnx $0 31, pennltv $0.03, In
terest $0.0? 31
Mllwnnkle TTelirhta Int 8, block
51: tnx to.31. pennltv $0.01. In
terest to.O? 31
Mllwaukle TTelchts. lot 9. block
51: tnx $0.31, pennltv $0.03, in
trrrat tool 37
Mllwnnkle HelpMs. lot 10.
block 51: tnx $0 31. pennlty
$0 01. interest $o " 36
Merrick. W. TT Mllwaukle
ITrlr-hts. lot 1. blnck 51: tnx
$0.31. penalty $0 .03, Interest
$00? SB
Mllwnnkle TTelehts. lot blnck
51: tnx 80 31. penalty $0.03, in
terest $0 03 37
Mllwaukle HelKhts. lot 3. block
51: tax to il, prnnltv $0.03. In
terest $0 03 37
Mllwaukle TIrlchts. lot 4. block
53: tax $0 31, pennlty $0.03, In
terest $0 03 37
Mllwnnkle Heights, lot 5. block
53: tnx $031. penalty $0.03, in
terest $0 0? 36
Mllwnnkle Helchts. lot S. block
53: tnx $031, penalty $0.03, In
terest $0 0? $6
Mllwnnkle ITelirhts. lot 7. block
53: tax $0 31. penalty $0.03, In
terest $0 03 17
Allen. P. F Mllwaukle Helg-hta,
lot 2. block 58; tax $0.31. pen-
altv $0 03. interest $0.0$ 17
Mllwaukle Heights, lot I. block
IS; tnx $0 11, penalty $9.0$. In
tertest $0.01
Ami. due.
Rons. If. W.. Est. Canetnah.
elKht-nlnllia paid, lot 3, hlmk
2; tax 10.28, penalty $0 02, In
terest $0 03 24
elKht-nlnths pnld, lot 4, blmk
2; tnx $0.83, penalty $0.08, In
trrrat $0 07 9$
Tn in en hit a in, Hnlnmon Canrmnh,
Int 6, hlmk 9; tax II. CO, penalty
$0.15. Intrrrat $0.13 1.71
t'nrirmnli. lot 7, block 9; tax
$5.00, penalty $0.50, interent
$0.45 (.95
Cnnrmali, lot 8. block 9: tax
$1.50, prnnlty $0.15. interest
$0.13 1.71
Draper, J, W. Canerntth, Int 1,
blmk 10: tnx $2.00, penalty
$0.20, Interent $0 18 2.38
f'Hriemnh. lot 2. block 10; tax
12.00. penalty 10.20. Interest
$0.18 2.3$
t'ariernnh. lot 3, block 10; tax
$2 00, penalty $0.20, Interent
$0 18 2.31
f'anemah, lot 6, block 10; tax
$2.00, penalty $0.20, interest
$0.18 2.3$
, t'nnemnh, lut 6, blmk 10: tax
$2 00, penalty $0.20, Interest
$018 2.8$
f'anemnh. lot 7, block 10; tax
$2.00, penalty $0.20, Interent
$0.13 2.3$
Canemah. lot 8, block 10; tax
12.00, penalty $0.20, Interent
$018 2,
Canemah, lot 5, block 12: tax
$2.50, penalty $0.25, interest
$0 23 2.9$
McMnhon. Richard Canemah, lot
2. block 22; tax $1.50, penalty
$0.15. Interent $0.14 1.79
Canemah, lot 4, block 22: tax
$1.50, penalty $0.19, Interent
$0.13 1.7$
Walte, Aaron E. Canemah (one
half payment) lot 4. block 25;
tax II. 2.". penalty $0.13, inter
ent $0.10 1.4$
Joaeph, Chas. Canemah, Int 2,
blmk 31: tax $1.50, penalty
$0.15, interent $0.14 1.79
Canemah. Int 3, block $1; tax
$1.25, penalty $0.12. Interent
$0.10 1.47
Cnnrmah. lot 4, block 31; tax
$1.25, penalty $0.12, Interest
$0.10 1.47
Kline, Ham'I Canemah, lot 5,
block 31; tax $1.25, penalty
$0.12, Interest $0.10 1.47
Canemah. lot t, block 31; tax
$1.25, penalty $0.13, interest
$0.10 1.4$
Joseph. Charles Canemah, lot 7,
Mock 31; tax $125, penalty
10.12. Interest 10.10 1.47
Olbbn. Thomas Cnnemah, lot 1,
block 32; tax $0 25, penalty
$0.03. Interent $0.02 30
Canemah. lot 2. block 32: tax
$0.25, penalty $0.03, Interent
$0.02 SO
Canemah. lot 6, Mock 32: tax
$0.25, pennlty $0.03, interent
$0.02 30
Cnnemah, lot 7, block S2; tax
$0.25, penalty $0.03, Interent
$0.02 10
Canemah. lot 8, Mock 32: tax
$0.25, penalty $0.03, interest
$0.02 30
Harsrrenves, Geo. E. Canemah,
lot 3, block 51; tnx $3.50, pen
alty $0.35, Interest 10.31 4.16
Canemah. lot 4. block 56; tax
$0.50, penalty $0.05, interest
$0.04 59
Trachael, Christian Canemah, lot
3. block C: tax 12.00. penalty
$0 20. Interest $0.18 2.S8
Rlnehart, Elizabeth Canemah. lot
1. block E: tax $o.K5, penalty
$0.03. Interest $0.02 30
Fractional block without num
ber between 61 and 62, Cane
mah. lot 2; tax $0.25, penalty
$0.0.1, interest $0.02 10
Fractional block without num
ber between 61 nnd 62, Cane
mnh. Int 6: tax $0.25, penalty
$0.03. Interest $0.02 SO
Fractional blnck without num
ber between 61 and 62. Cane
mah. lot 7; tax $0.25, penalty
$0.03. Interest $0.02 $0
Fractional block without num
ber between 61 and 62, Cane
mah, lot 8: tax $0.25, penalty
$0.03. Interest $0.02 SO
Fractional block without num
ber between 45 and 46, Cane
mah. lot 1; tax $0.25, penalty
$0.01. interest $0.02 30
Fractional block without num
ber between 45 and 46, Cane
mah. lot 7: tax $0.25, penalty
$0.03. Interest $0.02 30
Fractional block without num
ber between 45 and 46. Cane
mah. lot 8: tax $0.25, penalty
$0.03. Interest $0.02 10
Fractional block without num
ber between 35 and 36, Cane
mah, lot 1; tax 10.25. penalty
10.03, Intereat $0 02 10
Draper. Jno. W. Canemah, lot 5,
block I: tax 11.25, penalty 10.13,
Interest 10.10 1.48
Wadhams & Co. Osweito, block
6: tnx 12.97, penalty 10.29, in
terest 10.26 S.62
Coon. James O. I. 8. Co.'b 1st
Add. to Oswego, lot 12. block 8;
tax $1. OS, penalty $0.10, Interest
$0.09 1.27
Creek. B. F. O. t. S. Co.'a 1st
Add. to Osweito. lot 16. block
26; tax $4.78, penalty $0.48. In
terent $0.42 E.68
Canfleld. E. G., assignee O. I. &
P. Co.'s 1st Add. to Oswego, lot
8. block 28; tnx $0.64, penalty
$0.05. Interest $0.05 64
Itondau, C. O. I. & S. Co.'s 1st
Add. to OsweRo. lot 14. block
32: tax $1.08, penalty $0.10. In
terest $0.09 1.27
Mcltnln. Geo. O. I. & S. Co.'s 1st
Add. to Oswego. lot 9. block 34:
tnx $1.05, penalty $0.10, Interest
$0.09 1.27
O. I. & S. Co.'s 1st Add. to Os
wego. Int 12. blnck 34: tax $1.08,
penalty $0.10. Interest $0.09 1.27
O. I. & S. Co.'s 1st Add. tn Os
weftn, lot 13. block 34: tax $1.08,
pennlty $0.10. Interest $0.09 1.27
O. I. & S. Cn's 1st Add. to Os
wego, lot 14. block 34: tnx $1.08.
pennltv $0 10. Interest $0.09.... 1.27
Hnecker. C. F O. I. S. Co.'s 1st
Add. to Oswego, lot 11. block
49: tnx $1 OS, penalty $0.10, in
terest $0 09 1,27
Schenck. Warren R. O. I. S.
Co.'s Ex. tn 1st Add. to Oswego,
lot 5. block 51: tax $0.?7, pen
nltv $0 01. interest $0.02 32
Leslcr. Kittle O. T. S. Co.'s
Fx. to 1st Add. to Oswego, lot
6. block 51; tax $0.27. penalty
$0 03. Intereat $0.02 32
Floss, Alhln O. I. S. Co.'s Ex.
to 1st Add. to Oswego, lot 15,
blnck 138; tnx $0.54, penalty
$0.05. interest $0.04 63
O. I. A- S. Co.'s Ex. to 1st Add.
tn Oswrgo: tax $.12.94, penalty
$3.29. Interest $2.91 39.19
Senn. Wm. nnd Frank South Os
wrgn. lot 3. block 17: tax $0.54,
prnnlty $0.05. Interest $0.04... .63
Smith Oswego, lot 4. block 17;
tax $0.54, pennltv $0.05, Interest
$0.04 63
Cornell. E. W. South Oswego, lot
1. block 29: tnx $0.27, penalty
$0 03. Interest $0.02 82
Smith Oswego, lot 2. block 29;
tnx $0.J7, pennlty $0.03, interest
$0.02 32
Hahichnrst. K. IT., trustee South
Oswego, lot 4, block 31; tax
$'V44, penalty $0.04, interest
$0.04 52
South Oswego. lot 5. block 36;
tnx $0.44. penalty $0.04. interest
$0.04 52
Snuth Oswego, lot 1. block 31;
tnx $0.41. penalty $0.01, interest
$o.oi 50
Snuth Oswego, lot 7. block 36;
tnx $0.43, penalty $0.04, interest
10.03 60
Cophall. K A. South Oswego, lot
s. block .is: tax $0.83, penalty
10.04. Interest $0.04 61
South Oswego, lot 9. block 36;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, interest
$0.04 61
Lee. J. p... estate Snuth Oswego,
lot 10. block 36; tnx $0.43, pen
alty $0 04. interest $0.03 50
Smith Oswego, lot 11. block 36;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, interest
$0.04 61
South Oswego, lot 12. block 36;
tnx $0.43, renalty $0.04. Interest
$0 04 .61
Dickson. J. F. South Oswego, lot
IS. block 31: tnx $0.43, penalty
$0.04, Interest $0.04 "
Amt 4u.
Hnblghornt, R. H.. trustee South
Oswrgo. lot 14, blnrk 36; tax
$0.43. penalty $0.04. Interent
$0.04 51
Wilton, Nnncy Houth Oswego, lot
IT., blmk 36; tax 10.44, penalty
$0.04, interest $0.04
Wilton. Nancy South Oswego-, lot'
6, blm k 42; tax $0.44, penalty
$0.04. lntermt $0.04
Lee. J. p., estate .South Oswegoi
lot 6. block 42; tax $0.42, pen
alty $0.04. Interest $0.04
South Oswego, lot 7. Mock 42;
tnx $0.44, penalty $0.04. Interest
Houth Oswego, lot 8, block 42;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interent
Houth Oswego, lot 9, block 42;
tnx $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
Cornell, E. W. South Oswego, lot
1. block 45; tnx $0.42, penalty
$0.04. Interent $0.04
Houth Oswego, lut 2. block 45;
tax $0 44, penalty $0.04, interest
Houth Oswego, lot 3, block 46;
tax $0.42, penalty $0.04, Interest
Houth Onwego, lot 4. block 46;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Intereat
Houth Oswego, lot 5. block 45;
tax $0.42, penalty $0.04, interest
Houth Oswego, lot 14, block 45;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, interest
Houth Onwego. lot 11, block 45;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Intereat
Houth Oswego, lot 16. block 45;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, interest
Houth Onwego. lot 17, block 45;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
Houth Onwego, lot 18, block 45;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
Pearcy, Nathan South Oswego,
lot I, block 47; tax 10.44, pen
alty $0.04. Interest $0.04
Houth Oswego, lot 2, block 47;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, interest
South Oswego, lot 3. block 47;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
Houth Oswego, lot 4, block 47;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
Houth Onwego. lot 5, block 47;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04. interest
Houth Oswego, lot 6, block 47;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, interest
Houth Oswego, lot 7. block 47;
tnx $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
Houth Oswego, lot 8, block 47;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 9, block 47;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, interest
South Oswego, lot 10. block 47;
tax $0.44. penalty $0.04, Interest
Cornell. E. W. South Oswego, lot
1. block 59; tax $0.43, penalty
$0.04. Interest $0.04
South Oswego. lot 2. block 69;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
Houth Oswego, lot 3. block 69;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 4. block 69;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 5, block 59;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 6. block 59;
tax $0.42, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 7, block 69;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 8. block 69;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 9. block 59;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
Bouth Onwego, lot 10. block 69;
tax $0.42. penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 11, block 69;
tax $0.44. penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 12. block 69:
tax $0.43. penalty $0.04, interest
South Oswego, lot IS. block 69;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04. Interest
South Oswego, lot 14. block 59;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Onwego. lot 15. block 69;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, interest
South Oswego, lot 16. block 59;
tax $0 43, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 17, block 69;
tax $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 18. block 69;
tax $0.42, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 7. block B;
tax $0.43, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 10. block B;
tnx $0.42, penalty $0.04, interest
South Oswego, lot 11, block B;
tnx $0.44, penalty $0.04, Interest
South Oswego, lot 14. block B;
tnx $0 44, penalty $0.04, interest
Meyer. Ellen A parcel of land
containing 5000 square feet as
described in- record of deeds,
Clackamas county. Or., book 63,
page 451. block I: tax $2.70, pen
alty $0.27, Interest $0.24
Hahfghorst. E. H.. trustee Os
wego Heights, east i of block
4. 2.85 acres: tax $1.35, penalty
$0.13, Interest $0.12
Lee. J. P.. estate Oswego
Heights, undivided 3-16 inter
est of block 10; tax $0.48. pen
nlty $0.04. interest $0.04
Oswego Heights, undivided 3-16
Interest of block 15; tax $0.64,
penaltv $0.06. Interest $0.06...
Miller. Wm. Windsor, lot 1. block
3: tnx $0.7$, penalty $0.07, in
terest $0,07
Windsor, lot 2, block 3; tax
$0.78. penalty $0.07, Interest
Schwing. Ella Windsor, lot 8,
block 3: tax $0.78, penalty $0.07,
Interest $0.07
Carvell. Mrs. C. Windsor, west 1
of lot 7. block 3: tax $0.39, pen
alty $0.03. interest $0.03
Parker. Sarah C. and E. Wind
sor, lot 1, block 7: tax $4.52,
penalty $0.45. Interest $0.41
Windsor, lot 2, block 7; tax
$0.78, penalty $0.07, interest
$0 07
Windsor, lot 3, block 7; tax
$0.79. penalty $0.07, Interest
Smith. J. S. Windsor, lot 11,
block S: tax $0.S5, penalty $0.08,
Interest $0.08
Windsor, lot 12. block 8; tax
$4.30. penalty $0.43, interest
Sullivan, W. H. Windsor, lot 1.
Mock 11; tax 10.79, penalty
$0.07. interest $0.07
Hoffman. Gustave A. Windsor,
lot 9. block 15; tax $0.78, pen
alty $0.07, Interest $0.07
Windsor, lot 10. block 15; tax
$0.79, penalty $0.07, interest
Mrs. C Windsor, lot 5,
20; tax $0.79, penalty
interest $0.07
Brlsterfleldt. Anna Windsor, lot
3. block 21; tax $0.79, penalty
$0.07. interest $0.07
Hedges. W. A. Windsor, lot 7,
block 21: tax $1.76, penalty
$017. Interest $0.11
Windsor, lot .8. Mock 21; tax
$1.17, penalty $0.11, Interest
Flummer, Leonard V. Shannon's
Add. to Oregon City, lot 1, block
45: tax $1.67, penalty $0.18, in
terest $0.14
Shannon's Add. to Oregon City,
lot 2. block 45: tax $0.78, pen
alty $0.07, Interest $0.07
Shannon's Add. to Oregon City,