OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1903 WOIIK OF I'OHI AI. I Kl'A K I M KMT Hum liiirri'NtltiK Hxuri i Cunrrnilin' Volume of llmlneM Handled. Tlilrlv-onn rallrusd trains, each one mini III length, mi ry Ink 7Io,IXK),0IK) , pounds of ciirrH,ndcni a a dlnUnce fu,iiI In UIIJ time ll.ti rlrciiinlcrencH til, llii eaith Hi (tut ciHHtir lu ll In lh grrphir manner III which M, (1. t'uninir i.U' I il l 'r tin' niiigliHIlde el lilt) msUI pmT v iif III 1 1 1 In country in lliu imiiihiiI Iftimt ol World's Wink. There ia an average ul silly one. letters, thirty nn newspaper or perlodlcale, iiml liiurti'i'ii li kiigc I ariled mill delivered for every inn n woman ami child la Untie miy branch ' the national government I lint t ui! lies the pentiln mum closely in their daily live? Yet, a Mr. CiinniH' pmn utit, Ihete la tiu Federal department over which Hit' people, have lti control, none In Hi" management of which they Km It considered. In lint ultimate analy ia, I Im runt ml ol th m1 nlllce di'urt incut la In the hsml ul Interest, Like other departments, the postal lias Iwen built lip by successive addition to meet Increasing demand. TIik ui uHlilxnliiiii it based upon a Imlky volume ol laws that ha grown from tlm simple enact ment of 1711-1 to It" present dimension. Change of organisation, attempt at y sternal ir.ution must Im tiy law, but the law tniiat Im parsed liy emigres. In CQNgruss, tlm authority on postal inattiTa It tli house committee on ot oMce ml fxiat mad, mill In that committee la the ultimate oltlrial aiilhnilly In tlm poat-ollli'ii department. Heads ol de partment may iigget, IIib postmaster general may rn uiiiiim'IhI, lull It la tlm house committee that tiinat art licfnre liytliiiiK ran be ilotin. The house com mlUee la the ultimate olllcial ailtlinrlty , but behind tlm there ta a higher iower. "Kvrry plan that ha ever la-en pre aeu'ed to congrena lor linjim vl nn tlm postal service, aaiil lii(li mt-olllce olllelal. "ha lieen ciiituiiy.ed liy lliter rala lo you suppose tun ran have a re Vltion of tint present rales paid rallroaila a long aa tome ol tlm moat prominent ienator and congressmen arti identified with liaiiRHrtatioii liiletesls, or estate llali a parcels-post aa long aa T. (' I'Ult, president lit the lulled Mate Kxprea Company, Is ('tilled Male senator T" 'Mm Hiat ollice depart incut ronilurtN flll Ittlllll'liaK llUlllCS. Till HMIll MV nearly l;HI.I)(Ki,li(KI lor t tin service each yfr In llii' lot III ol piwlauii. Tlm inoiii.y Oi'li'r ilfpailniiMit liumlli'il morn than .;l:l,IHMl.()i'(l la-t Viar Tliroilifliont Hip Country am 7ft,U24 liranrln-a ol lh Of n IrulolltiD. At all lionra il tlm tiny ami lualit, III i-Vfry roimty III fvrrv atalt. mull la ahiaitimt, (laalilnx, J tf tftnif , rravl- ii If along, Yi't Una iinuii'iiaii tiuauii'i-a la roinlucKul it limit any tmaineac oigaii Uatlon tu liamllit It. At tlm Imail tlm rMMla Hyalriii, ami lnow I'm Merit Sya ti-m, ImiiIi arrve to rrmliir It Ini-Hirii'iil. An arnlataiit poalmaati-r atati'il that "if a mull attrmla rloai ly lo In work Im ran Irani to manage mm ol llnai ilrpart Inriita In aUiiil lour Vrara." Yet lour yeara la tlm term ol ollire ol the liraiU ot tlm iMMlal ileiiartmeiit. Tlieir ilutlra roiiRtal almoat exiliialvely in aflixing llii'ir aignaltirea tu alarki ol iluriimenta attrateil onlv hy tlm Initial! ol aoiiin an!) Otdlliale. '( Iiitb liaa Imen a little more rara in ilila iliriHlloti aime the "A. W. M." ol Mr. Mai hen, or tlm "H. W. H." u( Mr, Heaven waa all powerlul, tint the upervl Ion n atlll ilelerilve. I'nder the civil aervlre law autxinlinaln ia re tnovulile only lor Inelllrienry or ni'gliTt. So long aa lie iIih noi antag oiiimi an Inlnreat liia lierlli ia aa(o, ao "not loo much eal" haa lHoome the watrlmoM. A furtlmr amirre ol weak n.'ha ia the Illogical ilivialon of atithorily. The iiiiierintemlence ol the ei lorremunt ol Urn poatal lawa ia In the department ol the attorney-general; tliearcnunt are i audited in the treasury ilepartnient. The rountriea of Kuroie have much to ; tearh ua in the Mwtal huaineaa. In a ' (human city there la a poMt-oflicw every lew hiinilreil yarda. A network of under ground luhea connect all but the very arnalleat. Ordinary mail goea Crom ata tion by wagon, but a ecial delivery Btamp, coating leca than eight cent, will ramie til nieaaage io on aiun iy unm anywhere In the rity. A rarrier dull vera It Immediately ami waita lor an anawer. Meaaage ami anawer in Herlin take alxiut two boura. One may aend a poatal money-order with a meaaage written on the bark, and a meeeetiger will deliver it and pay the money on the apot. Of tbe parrel-poet, Mr. Cunnill aaya "I know a reaide'it ol Herlin who baa a package ol meat mailed to him every Saturday from a point one buijdred and illly miletaway In Hileaia lor a little more ihan twelve tenia the rate lor a twenty-pound par-cel.'- The Kngllali poat-ollire aendi twidve-word telegraphic meaaagee all over Ureal Itrilain and Ireland lor twelve renla, condutt a parrela-poet and a aav ingabank. All ol this paya. The United State gives no aurb aervlre, and the de llrlt in the poatul department laat yar wda four millions of dollara. It would be ImiKiaaible In any city in this country to semi a letler, receive an answer, send again and receive a second answer, as ran be done in London, In a day. A four pound package mailed from San Fran limo to New York coats 04 cents; a ten pound package from Oermany to Sao Franrlaco coals a trllle; in the reverse di rection, prohibitory letter pontage rates would lie charged. A dress-suit case was mailed Irom New York to New Haven at a coat ol S.li8; if it bad gone by way of tiermsny it would have coat $1.06. PUKSIDKNT K00SfcVr:i.r TOM) HIM reived wlthVelrome In I It in rlty, where many Intereated rlulinania reanje, At the Oregon City Land Ollire there am pend ni prunab y two hundred raaca In which flnal proof to limber ami alone land entries have been made hut under the inalriiiMlnna ol the department nl Waahtiigtnri theait proofa Iiuvh Ixo-n held U, ami in many caaea rejected. Un der the new policy, patent will laatm to all lumla on whlrli valid proof baa hern made, Ol tlieliOOraaea tending in the lix al I.uml ollire, at leaat I Oil were rrlerred to HpKclul Inapeclnr llubba fur re-examina I tiuu w ith the result that the great major ity, under tlm technical ruling ol the de partment at Waahtngtnn, wasellher held no or rejected altogether. In the great majority ol the caea there waiahaoliitelv no itieation aa to the grnuineneas and validity ol the proof olb-rn-l bv tlm claim ami hut iimhir the ruling ol Hitchcock it waa up to the Inspector to act adversely to cluunaul' intereala. While the en forcement ol llitclicm k'a ruling operated morn iinlalrly againat the b"iia fide set tler aa againat the lurgn sHciilalor orror IHiratlon, still It served two good pur p'stea, nninley: It preventeil many fraud ulent entries Irom being pushed lo patent and has given the examining inspector an opportunity to thoroughly look Into every entry and satisfy hlmiil( at to it regularity. ( HCIIIT TO HI A I K. Contintiod Irom I'aga 1 ( 10 YOU WANT A 000 II MA II Hllrltrock SiiHnemlH Arlillrnry Knllnc Coiicernliik" l.iinil Eulrlea. ZThrougli the intervention of Senators Mitchell and Fulton, I'resident Koose vrlt Iiiih rauscd Secretary Hitchcock to revoke his recent severe ruling with refer ence to the practice that has been in vogue Inr more than a yi'Hr paHt of sua penning, all entries made under the tim ber and stone land act of Oregon, Wash ington and California. This action was taken hv Hitchcock at the direction of I'resiilcnt Koosevelt following Hn inter view that waa had with Senators Mitchell and Fulton, of this state, who showed to the Chief Kxecuiive that the enforcement of the hard ruling of the department waa working an inexcusable hardshipon bona lido settlers. Under the now policy all timber entries will be examined lyaspe- rial Kent within the ninety lay period required to elapse before llnal proof is made. . The announcement of Secretary Hitch cock's revocation ol his policy was re- Tbe legislature C included Its w irk ami adjourned aine die at 11:15 o'clock Wednesday night. Until house passed the hill appropriat ing $KK),(XI0 for securing a right ol way lor the Ceiilo canal, ami also a number ol hills ol minor importance. Killing of Chinese pheasant has been prohibited until VMM. Ten per rent baa been flxsd aa the maximum rate o( inteiest to be charged upon property sold for taxes. No person, extent the petson paying the same, will ls permitted to maintain a suit to recover fees pnl tu county re ronleia under the invalid lee law. A law liasheen parsed xrmitilng own era of water rights to condemn and ap propriate the property ami water rights ol others lor a public use, Tbe total rtK of the session baa been about f7ri0l, lor the payment of which an appropriation waa made. Salariesol circuit judges In Multno mah county have been raised (ruin $;ttKsJ lof KKKIa year. Salaries ol district at tornet ami deputies in the eighth ami ninth judicial district have hnen changed, entailing an additional cost of $ UK) per year. The new barrack at the Soldiers' Hume at ltoiiurg will bo lur- : liiahed at a cost ol I'.TiCO Owner of stalliona are given alien upon mares lor the value ol service. The car shortage hill, which required! railiuada to supply car w ithin a specified time after demanded, lulled to get the i necessary number ol vote in tbe lower I house, where it originated. I The house passed a hill making gam-1 bling a leluny pnnishahle by impr ison- meiit in the ieiiilentiary, tiut the ineaa urn did nut reach the senate. Kay'a flat alary bill passed the bouse, but tailed in the senate. The legislature memorialized c ngrea In lavor of the itrowulow road bill which, II passed, will bring an appro priation of I'.'MJ.OOO to Oregon, and also in favor of Increasing salaries ol rural mail carriers from fOOO to SU0 per year. A hill appropriating 40,000 for Indian war veterans, to make up a deficiency, tailed to get through t tie house, MASON'S (L LLII II ATE AT UASqi'ET Mtiliacrlhe For Enterprise and Orrro man and (Jet (Inr Free, l)o you want a map of the I'arillc Northwest? The F)uterprise has made n arrangement with the Oregoriian by which we ran liirnisb a valuable msp to gether with the KntcrprisH and the Weekly Oregoriian lor one year each, all lor the remarkably low price ol The coat ol the map alone I f2.n0. The Ftiterprise ha the exclusive right ol in troducing these map into this ci illity on a clubbing oiler. Sample ol tlm map may Im seen at the Knlernriae ofllce and all orders sent in by mail will receive prompt attention. The map ia one ol the best and moat lervlreable we have ever seen. It 1 a wall map and comm-Is of four pages. Its dimeiiainns are 'JHi&l Indie. The first page contain a map of the world in con nection with which I shown the com imratlve time ami distances. All ol the 1'nited Slate possesion are indicated by Hags. Thia page also shows the arm and Hags ol the various nation of the world. I'age two ia devoted to large sized map of the stale ol Oregon and Washington, each state being ihown by llaeif. On the reverse tide of this page i given considerable siatistical matter concerning the twu itute. In one col umn is arranged in alphabetical order all ol the counties in each state together with tl e location in the state ol the par ticular county together with the total population ol that comity. Following the list of the counties is given tbe name in alphabetical order also, ol every city, town and postolllce in each state, the name of the county in which it is located and also the section of the state and the population of each. There is a!o shown on this page the new seal ol tbe State ol Oregon a adopted hv tne legislature last winter, together with some descriptive matter showing the resai-la in which the new dill'er Irom the old. Five sepa rate map are shown on the third page. They are Alaska, Kritish Columbia, the Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Inland ml the minor United States possessions in the Pacific Ocean. The (uurtti page hows a map of the United State, Idaho ft Headquarters For 6 Holiday Goods The Gift Buyer Who Comes To Us Makes No Mistake Every 1'urchane from our Beautiful Stock means, a Merry Christmas for gome one THE PLEAS!N3 SELECTION THE GMD QUALITY THE REASONABLE PRICE n hint Tin 1 is and You will delieht in our New Stock because it ia in clone touch with the times anticipates your Every Want in Gift Making. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY Good things Plenty of them Suitable for old and young. Come and get the very best and save in the buying. HDHffiS BROS. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR Oregon City's Big Cash Store Loo I Lodge lias Wiped Oat a Debt of hercral Years' Stundlng. In cnlehration ol the iatiufactlon of all outatanding indehtedneaa, Multnomah Iodge No. 1, A. K. A A. M., of tins city, heing the oldest Maaonic Lodge went ol the Miaaourl river, held an elaborate banquet laat Saturday evening at ita hall in thli city. A number ol the pioneer memliera of the Maaonic order in thia atate were iu attendance, including: K. X. Matthieil, of llutteville, and Win. Harlow, ol Harlow, both of whom have been (or mure than fifty years members of Multnomah Lodge. Among t hone pres ent wbo have belonged to the order lor 46 years, were Captain George I'eaae, CaptaiiuJ. T, Apiwrson, (jeorge Clatk and V. W. Uanong. I'receeding the banquet the election ol officer took place with tbe result that the present corps of officers waa retained lor another year. They are: K. C. (ianong, W M.j James Lynch. 8. W.j J. 1'. Keating, J. W.: John Humphry, secretary; Linn E. Jones, treamirer. When the election had been concluded, i'aat Master C. W. Uanong, nn behalf of the lodge presented tbe present W. M., H. V. UanonK, bis son, with P. M.'s jewel. The banquet followed and for this spread IK) covers were laid. F. T. Uril titb, of this city, served as toaatmaater. The following toasts were responded to: It. 0. Uanong, "Financial Ktatemont" ; J.T. Apperson, "Karly Struggles"; J. II. Walker, "The Freedom ol Heing Out of Iebt"; F. K. Hammond. "The Ma sonic Man and Other Men"; Ueorge Clark, "The Cornerstone"; Captain I'eaae, "Trials of the W. M." ; J. F. Keating, "Masonry as I Have Found It"; J. K. Hedges, "Masonic Obliga tions"; T. F. Kvan, "Crossing the Kiver"; C. W. Uanong. "The Lodge I'aat and Fresent" ; W. E. Carll, "Ma sonic Charity"; (4. L. Hedges, "The l'eraonal Equation"; K. A. Miller, "The I'hiloHophy ol Masonry." llllfoiia olle revrulrl. Take a double dose ol ChHinbnrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diararhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the diie eaae appears ami a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds ol peo ple tine the remedy in this way with per feet success. For' sale by U. A. Ilard iof. An ideal Christmas present a box of cignrs, a meerschaum or briar pipe at The Favorite Cigar More, S. Oldstein, proprietor. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Prices Reduced Prices Redicd 1 Sal W r AVING REDUCED the price on our entire stock of Holiday Goods, we are satisfied that if you will call and examine our goods and get our prices you will look no further. Without a doubt we have the largest and most complete assortment of Xmas presents in the city, and for PRICES we will guarantee to save you money on every article purchased. Our stock of games, toys, books, knives and everything for the children at a GREAT REDUCTION CHAR.MAPJ egt CO CITY DRUG STORE Mi and the minor possessions ol the United States in the Faji6c Ocean, the map bowing the laat named land being larger and more useful than that on tbe pre ceding. pae. Arranged in alphabeticla order on this pse are also the counties and towns ol the state of Idaho, together with their location and population. Tbe combination of these maps is worth the $2.50 lor whlcn It retails. They are printed on good map paper and will last a lite time. The various drawings are richly colored and tbe map is a very creditable production. We will lurnish these maps to Clackamas county people at $2.25 and include with them a subscription to the Enterprise and the Weekly Oregonian for one year in advance. This is a rare offer and one that will probably not be duplicated again. Call at tbe Enterprise office and see tbe map or mail us your subscription anvway. You will be sure to be pleased with the premium vou will receive. Start the New Year off right by signing for the Enterprise, the beet county pa per, and the Oregonian, which lor gen eral news iB not equalled in this section. Send in your subscriptions at once. We cannot guarantee to prospective subscribers that this offer tor the Orego nian and the Enterprise with the map as a premium, will hold good alter Jan uary 1, next. So send in your subscrip tion at once and take advantage ol this unusually liberal offer that will probably not be duplicated again. Kodol Ij-hm-iii 're Digests all classes ol food, tones and utrengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Stomach Troubles, and makes rich, red blood, health and strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worno it titsoes. purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach, t'ov. U. W. AtkiiiHon.ol W. a. snys: "I have u-ed a number of bottles nl 'Kodol DvspepHiaCnre and haw found it to he a verv eltective Him, mueeu powerful remedy for stomach I recommend it to niy by U. A. Harding. ailments. I friends." Sold Bears the Signature of All the heiiB in Lot-an have joined the i union, it seems, and Irom present indi cations conks generally will nave lorus-; lis up eggless cuke recipe for Xmas. i Cheapest lots in Oregon ity for sale. Inquire at the Enterprise office. Oct. 2 1( Y. M. C. A. Notes. Tbe Intermediate basket ball team of the Oregon City Y. Si. C. A. will go down to Fortland on Christmas Eve to play with the Boys team from the asso ciation at that place. During tbe past two years these two teams have played (our games, of which Oregon City has won three. Both teams have improved a great deal since their last game, and it would be difficult to pick the winner thia season. On New Year's Eve the Port land team will play in Oregon City, and much interest is being manifested by the locals as to tbe outcome. Following the basket ball games there will be union watcb night service in tbe parlors of the association. This ser vice will be of a religious character, and the various pastors o( the city will par ticipate. All are welcome to this service and it is hoped that the rooms will be crowded to their full capacity. Immediately after the holidays classes be organized in bookkeeping, shorthand, arithmetic, etc.; also a gymnasium class for ladies. Much interest has been manifested in the association work thus far, and it is expected that notwithstanding the late ness of the opening there will be a good work carried on. rRealJHasyNft Save lots of If Money J Everything that's Beautiful Chlnaware, Crockery Glassware Fancy Holiday Ornaments and Novelties Dolls, Lamps, Clocks ttich Cut Olaas Dinner Sets Come before Parting with your Money & Oct our prices 9 1 Tea Co. 100 Mores Thai'5 ttii Reason i Main Street, South of 5th. Oregon City "IXITRABLE" HEART MSE1SE S00S CURED. Franklin Biles, M. D., IX. B., Will Send S3. 75 Worth or His Spec ially Prescribed Treatment Free to Afflicted Readers. blank, address Dr. Miles, Grand Dispen sary, 613 to 523, Main St., Elkhart, Ind. Mention Oregon City Enterprise in your reply. R. L. Holm n, leading undertaker Oregon City, Or-gon. March 27-tf To demonstrate tbe unusual curative powers of his New Special Treatment' lor diseases of the heart, nerves, stom ach or dropsy, Dr. Miles will send tree to any alllicted person $3.75 worth of his new treatment. It is the result of twenty-five years of careful study, extensive research, and remarkable experience in treating thou sands of heart, stomach and nervous dis eases, which so often complicate each case. So certain are the results of his New Treatment that he does not hesi tate to give all patients a trial free. Few physicians bave such confidence in their skill. Few physicians so thor oughly deserve the confidence of their patients as no false inducements are ever held out. The doctor's private practice is so extensive as to require the aid of (orty associates. His offices are always open to visitors. Col. N. (i. Parker, ex-treasurer ol South Carolina, says: "I believe Dr. Miles to be an attentive and skillful phy sician, in a field which requires the best qualities of head and heart." The late Professor J. 8. Jewell, M. D , editor of the Journal of Nerves and Mental Dis eases, of Chicago, wrote, "My all means publish your surprising results." Hundreds of "Incurable Cases" cured. Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago, wus cured ol beart dropsy alter five lending physi cians bad given her up. Hon. C . M. Buck, banker, of Faribault, Minn., j writes: "I had broken completely down. My head, heart, stomach and nerves j had troubled me greatly for years. Dr. MM....' Cno..tl Tia.tntont fMlr.it mu afl,.r ' .micro , t .,. .- . . physicians ol i.tucsgoanu SOMETHING for NOTHING Naturally induces trade. We do not do busines on that basis but do give value re ceived for every ,cent you spend at our store. Ilero are some bargains: 3-lb can Brandenstein's Mocha and Java coffee . . 5 lbs Brandenstein's Caro head Rice Good brand bulk Coffee, per pound Green Java Coflee, per lb. . Fine bulk Syrup, per gallon if 1.00 .50 .12 .15 .SO best A full line of the verv in the grocery line at The ELECTRIC Grocery D, M. KLEMSEN, Prop. Miu Street next to Alhrigbt's Market Daily r Schedule ORrUiOS CI 1Y BJAT; b!v Aminiiitt " Z. ' 1 . V;...i.. (.:,..! H.UI.V Miin.ri.R eisewnere uu coiuiueieij mum. 1000 references to, and testimonials , Steamers A.t..:. end loinoua l r from bishops, clergvmen, buikeis. farm- lem and wav miM-. leave 1 or: umd .1 ers and their wives will he sent free, j 'except Sili.n ! 0:4 . ... t.i , i These include many who have been Oregon City. v.l. a. m ; i--i " ...,i f,. k tn ",n ji,.iuna Inm I Salem, 7 a. m. ; :eav Or gm I i y, LUI TAt Unci II Vlll v wv w " J pronounced them Incurable. For free P- m- treatment, free Heart Kook andu. uestion i Oregon City TriiM.urtation fo - nly ,.ve i ve .'jQ J