. OUKflON CITY KNTKKl'lUSE, DECKMRKH Oregon City Enterprise cm im rot my uitiii.il imitk. Published Evn-y IYiday. Subscription Hates. One rear W Six months 1 W Trial subscription, two months .'" A discount of "0 cents on all subscriptions for one Tear, 2" cents for six months, if paid in advance. APVKKTISINO KATKS OS AITIUAT10N. L. . - - - Subscribers will find the date of expiration stamped on their papers following their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no tify us and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postoflice at Oregon City, Oregon, as second clajis matter. THAT JOHNSON k ANDREWS' WARRANT. The Courier last week by insinuation, if not by di rect statement, said that County Judge Ryan had im properly gotten away with about 1 100 belonging to Johnson A Andrews, the contractors, who built the Tault at the court house last iummer. The records show that the bids for this contract were asked for to be paid for in cash, the contract waa let to be paid in cash and at the especial request of the contractors to whom the contract was let, the payments were to be made upon the certificates of the architect, and in or der to get the advantage of their bid, the court made arrangements whereby Judge Ryan was to pay the contractors upon presentation of certificates and at the meeting of the court warrants were drawn in pay ment of amounts paid out; these warrants by agree ment of all members of the county court were sold for 2 per cent premium, the whole amount of premium amounting to t3 to be deducted from warrant drawn in final settlement of contract, thereby giving Claeka mas county the lenefit of two per ctnt premium upon this contract. In this matter Judge Ryan simply carried out the wishes of the county court the mem bers of which thought it would be all right to make $6S on a transaction of this kind for the benefit of the county. At the time the transaction here referred to was made, county warrants of the most desirable character were only selling at one per cent premium '(j,.r f,.,..!,;). whereas it was only through the arrangement had with Judge Ryan that the sale of the warrants on a two rer cent premium basis and the saving to the erty were assessed in the same manner. I hat they, desire to bear their just proportion of the public ex penses, but, under the present practice, if they listed their property fairly, they would Ih compelled to pay more than their just share. That w hile they are will ing to do their part toward the- payment of taxed, yet they are determined to do no more, We find the jho pie unanimous in the desire for good government, and that they are willing to pay their just proportion for its uiaiutet a nee. "This notorious usungeof "tax dodging" has U'come a virulent ulcer upon our body olitic. An Oregon tax roll is the eighth great wonder of the world. Its study proves to one that conscience has often Ihmmi discarded, and that many must surely trust that their Maker on that final dav of judgment in casting up the final account of their deeds done on thin earth will forget to scan these tax rolls. The reckless manner j in which the properties owned are forgotten by many i when the assessorcalls on them is remarkable. While J it i true that people know quite generally that ; there is a habitual evasion of the assessment laws to a certain degree, yet few have but a faint conception of the extent to which this practice is carried, unless they personally examine the tax rolls. ; ''Our state has a law requiring publicity in the al lowance of bills against counties. This law waa en acted in 1 Sil, and requires that all bill presented to. or allowed by a county, excepting where tho charges are fixed by law, lobe published in a leading newspa per of such county. We have observed the practical effect of this law with considerable interest. This law saves every year many thousands of dol lars to each county of the state. "Exorbitant bills, such bills as political plums for favorites, and bills for other questionable private mo tives are now scarcely ever presented or allowed. The people keep posted upon the business of the county, and if they discover a bill allowed against the county which they deem to be wrong they institute proceed ings to stop its payment. County courts are made more careful in examining and paying bills. A jmt sou is made more cautious about the presentation of exorbitant or questionable bills, because he dcs not like to have it appear in print that he has attempted to defraud the county. Iut it appears to us that this law does not go far enough, and that it would !e more eflicient if it required the publication of all bills al lowed by a county. The people should know every thing for which their money is expended. The ex ception in this law, that bills in which the items are based ujion charges fixed by law need not be ptil lished, would seem to include all bills presented tui- The fee-bill sy.-tetn in the past has been a : WIS AIRES MERES . - . T SKILL SHDS $ ,S: xVJ 4. '- .'.VCj And wc arc anxious to dispose of our .stock, that's why wc arc .selling durinjj this overstock sale everything at prices that amazes the naked eye. Our prices arc so low that people who don't know us may suspect us of Mealing the goods. Wc don't want your money unless wc can give you perfect satisfaction. Wc believe wc can please you if you give us a chance. It will cost you nothing if you arc not suited. Our stock comprises all the latest creations in CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SMOKING JACKETS, ETC., Make your holiday purchases here and you will enjoy your Christmas dinner much better thinking of that nice sum you saved by taking advantage of our great offer. yi, ''0 1-4 h When You Soo It in Our ml Its So. J. M. PRICE Clothier ami Haberdasher Cor. 6th and Alain Sts Oregon City, Ore. regarded as a source of the greatest drain upon the public treasuries. Without the publication of such bills it allows the officer's construction of the law and county of fJS was accomplished. It may bo the style'tjie an,ount of his bill to uo urouesti-ned by the in Kentucky to mis-state things ana try ana make the public believe any political story that will tend to help the Democrats out of the hole but the Courier will find that this kind of politics will hurt much more than helD the cause of the minority part v. What the people want are the facts and if Judge Ryan has saved the county any money in this or any other contract, the Courier ought to be willing to so state it and not try to make the people believe that there was a graft going on. The Democrats must be reduced to des perate straits in their endeavor to gain control of Clackamas county affairs if they must mis-construe as a graft a transaction by which the county really profitted. This is on a par with a number of other Etories that our esteemed Kentucky Colonel has been giving circulation around town and some of them con cern the Enterprise. PUBLICATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL. In a recent issue the Oregon Law School Journal, published at Salem, advocated the publication of the assessment roll of each county prior to the time it is considered by the county board of equalization. The publicity that would attend this course, argues the editor of the publication, would prove an effectual remedy for "tax dodging." The Journal supports its position by the following editorial on the subject: 'We have for several years studied the subject of assessment and taxation and have observed the effect of many laws enacted by our legislatures for the pur poEe of bringing about a fair listing of all property eubject to assessment and taxation in this state. A great many taxpayers, in nearly all stations of life, have talked with u.s abtut the prevailing practice f evading assessment and the consequences that fol low. They generally consider that the present habit of prevarication in listing assessable properties is a mischief that most seriously retards our advance ment, and that it more than overcomes all our efforts made at the public expense and by private enterprise to induce immigration to our state. That our tax rolls show scarcely a tenth of the real value of our property, and as it is upon the amount of this low valuation of property, as shown on the assessment rolls that our tax rates are levied, our tax rates ap pear to be hi gh and exorbitant to people coming to the Pacific coast; and as a consequence many are de terred from locating in our .tate. "If all property were assessed and listed at its true ca-h value it would not require anyone to pay a great er sum than he now pays; but.on account of new prop people who pay the taxes to meet their payment. Nearly every county court of this state now jaunt with pride to the reduction of public expenses. Our county courts are almost without exception oonipo-ed of very ciirujietent men hut we cannot say that they are in any way more cometeiit thnn their predeces sors in ollice. We are therefore forced to t;;e conclu sion that the publicity required by this law in the pre sentation and allowance of bills has Wen the great factor that has brought iilxjut the present economy in public affairs. "In conclusion we will say that the newspapers of our state have always shown a public , spirit, and gladly furnished the news to their readers. The leg is'ature can place proper safeguards ujxjn this law which we propose niraiust the evasion of the assess ment law, by prescribing prices for publication, so that but little exjenso will be entailed in its operation." Merry Christmas ! THE Drills Watf CANBY PHARMACY Mcdiriiu', Clu'inicals los, Clocks, Spectacle l'irt CIjm i-iriii! All tiiKiii mi I Wurk Vimn!nl E. I. SIAS Cetitful IIoiiih 'lVli'lii!ie CAN I! Y, OUK'iON jMir COMMKKCMl. HA. Mi of oKK.iioN i:n y Iiun.u 'muni i niNoti. ntxiiau rtlt i ohii mln. Hllli 'lltrii'ltitcl. MakN '.)' TMtiTii. II u t til it'll. eifh.Mrv n all point, n '.he I'ullf"! Statr., Kumi iel limit Knn tl".K rr)lf"! .lllijrrt to I'hex't ll.lik (h-ii from li.a.mlr i. ' :. LATOfKETTK, Pr-M-nt F. J. MK VFH . If some of the leading Republicans of this county would spend a little more of their energy in trying to build up the party and help the Enterprise instead of continually finding fault, holding the Enterprise re Boonsible for all of the pie dreams our friend the Courier has, more headway would be made against the common enemy. If the Republicans, desire to have the support of a paper, they should evince a spirit of reciprocity and not be so willing to accept an infallible truths the reflections on this paper that may emanate from the Jesse Moore inflamed brain of the Courier editor while the same persons are equally prompt in denying as unreliable any editorial utter ances from the same source, reflecting on their re spective administration of county affairs. According to the Courier's ethics, an officer must not be permitted to leave the court house at all must have his meals brought to him. In a recent issue the Democratic paper had a epasrn because of the fact that Judge Ryan absented himself from his office for a short time last Fall. Instead of properly stating the facts in the case, the Courier asserts that Judge Ryan was gone from his office to the neglect of county business for the time, of two months. Such is false. The records at the court house show that Judge i: i. Green PIONEER tagfef- and Epf Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - R E A SO NA OLE JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley'H Drug Store, FORTY YHAKS LXl'KKIhXCE IN '.Jreat Hritain and America. HBLLOI tfl!iri telephot.t tin J Oregon, WiiKliii)jttnt.,Cili forma ninl Idaho D"t to oM-nitinii by th IV;f:c Mutton Telephon Com pany, covering towns. Quick, nrrurat, chp AH the sti lis faction of I In-rsonnl communication. Motaneti no effect to I rleitr understanding. knin nnd San Frnwc as iisily heard FjA f L.,.1 Oregon City office t Harding's Druir Store his department at the court house. While absent Judge Ryan also did ome good work in advertising the resources of Clackamas county throughout the states through which he passed. "" " Tiik Morning Astorian and the Daily News, of As toria, have been consolidated und are now being issued as an eight-page evening daily. Men who can write the Lord's prayer on a postage stamp and tho Declaration of I nrlr jxrude rico on a jMistal card apear from time to time, but nobody has ever succeeeded as yet in writing a president's message on one sheet of foolscap. A San Fkawisco woman, who is now suing for a divorce from a millionaire to whom she was married only a few months ago, advises young girls not to marry rich men. Hero is only another instanco of the fact that all the riches in Christendom will not insure happiness. W. II. DowMMi, of Sublimity, and Frank Lee, of Portland, have been anooirited bv Governor (!h:iriilier. lain as members of the state board of agriculture, to. tin's iitrency tho voimir neonle of the Oregon City '"f succeed Hon. W. H. Wehrung, of Ilillsboro, and J. II jschool nre alforded an opportunity for acquaint'"? Tiik Christmas senson 1ms arrived, and the Ento. prise desiren to In sjM'ak for each of its n aderi i n happy Christmas. At this tiinf of the year tlie sj-irii of 'more blessed tn give than to receive," find'1" pression in the making of gilt throughout ("hristct doiu. With the abundant crops of all kind tU were harvested this year nnd prosM rous conditio generally, thn peoplo of thin state are perliajn nio" happy and contented than in years before. Coim ii man Kki.i.v says the F.ntespriso lit tlie nap on the head last week when it attacked tho PP0'' tion to establish several public fountains inthccitj for advertising purposes. TIn venerable aldermen from the First ward declares that the promised to"11 tains would iirovo a nuisance. Mr. Kcllv is rigM,'"1 tho council will lieiit servo the city's intercuts M j promptly dismissing the proposition from it coniw cration. Rev. J. II. Heaven, pastor of the local flap"-4 church, is rendering n good service to the young pw pie of this community through the congress heK- centlv onriini i ll m.,1 id iw.w CfiMibll'tilll'. 1 Settlemier, of Woodburn. In the reorganization of Ryan held court in September and again in October the board for the ensuing year, lion. George Chain! ler, of Raker county, was elected president, and W. A. Moored, of Hal em, secretary. and that but ''A days elapsed from the time he left the city until he was again seated at his office. No I body's interests suffered because of the temporary ab- erties which would be added to the roll, which nowlsence of Judge Ryan nor do we believe that any other an unsuccessui auempi iasi wcck to roi the hank of escape taxation, many would not be compelled to payip-r.-on than the editor o"the Courier has found fault! Rrownsvillo is additional evidence that there is within as much taxes as they do now, Many frankly admit j with the situation. At the same time the Courier ed- J this state an organized bund of bank robbers. The tW thf-v Mnteh their conscience somewhat in jriviniritor fails to make a note of the fact that for several i daring of the lawbreakers was shown at two previous J ..I....... . . .. - ... C ...I .1 i ... . .... .'. . . i;tf ,.f ,.r,.,.i.rtr to tho ns-e-sor. and that 'weeks nnor to his hastem trio as well as tor some attempts, one m nun. u n.is Huecessnu, nun tlie on v practical k nowledt'e that is L'uiiiei 111 0. - - ' - "1 , J . . . . " " thev aim to omit from their list as mnch property as tim their neighbor, according to custom, will omit from : hou J.Ja naea--riiei.t. That thev woi.ld cheerful! v list alL ness ----- ... . 1 1 1 j i j tti their property at its true cas.h value H all other prop-; the vacation without lnteriering wun me nusiness ol win receive o.i.... tai nuum vtcicomo. tion indicates. tliemselves with tlie general government of affair"1 the United States and the other countries of llieworldi niiiiin.riMiin ....!..l. ......rn.in pltizen kD"" ' nun il tun t , none too much. At iU recent joint sion the juvenile legislators discussed Clilnnu.. ..I,., i;.... ...i ii... r.. I'll inn ol viiiii. rv 'jiii mum, mill uiii i' " , 1 U country to RushJii, Kngland and Manchuria. A ...... i... ..n I...lviee.l Ctdom At IIU'l-LillJ fcllU tll'r('lll IIMl'l'llIJ n " ICS- the that bin and Panama, involving international ,""' ,u lie the subject for debate. in a ii"" of the count" io following his return, Judge Ryan worked many ' way to deal with such individuals is to employ simi- I t,,,; tf"m al"' their governmentH, the young 1 ! urs over time in giving bis attention o the Urn- j lar tactics. P-y making an example of some of these I H'f ".i'10' "of' tho m cSyeonff iM of the county and made possible the taking of lawbreakers, when caught, wholesale wrongdoing Imjih iMiiirrrroV.'roii.i' it propitious inuugui ; vacation without interfering with the business of will receive a setback that would be welcome. tion indicates. :-