Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 25, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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A tut dim.
(( $0 I), pennlty
$0.03, Inter
at $o j
Wbi H M. J Hhiiw a Annex l
rK" I'll'. I"' block l"X
ID 32, prnully $0 ., Inlmnnt
II ox
Hhaw'a Annex In Oregon
III. block N; nil M .11
nlly 1003, lulrirat I" .Oil
Hhnw a Aiinr to I Mcicon
1 1. IiIim k ; tnx l) 32
kllV HI Oil. Illtflrnat $n :i
, pcll-
Hhuw a A n in In Oregon 411 y.
,,l li!. hlmk ; li l'32. pen-
nllv $0.0)1, Inliirrnl $)" Oil
Hhuw'n Annex ,i Orrgnn Clly,
III. I'I'm k . UK ll 32, pn-
nllv I" OH. Intrrrnl $o nil
Mrlwriultt. W. I.-Mhnw'aj Annex
to Oric"M City, Inl 17. blmk I;
tux lii.1l. pnmlty $0113, Inter-
rnt $'0.1
Muck, M. JHlmwn Annrx
iiroKiiii I'lly, Inl IX. blmk Hi ln
in Hi, penully $) 03, Internal
Hlmw'a Annex Ik Oregon
Inl 19. block ; tnx $" 31.
' nlly 10 0J. Inlrrrnl $n 01 .
' Shawn Annrx In orrunn
Inl 211. k I; Inx l 12.
.iiv Id n't. Internal to ol .
I'll y.
i" li
cit v.
, pnll-
Hhnwn Annrx In iit'KHim City,
Inl I, blmk 9; ln fill, pnnnlly
$0 0.1, Interest 0 0S
Hhnw'H Annrx l Orrgnn I'Hy,
,,l 2, blmk V, In 1.3 1. prnnlty
0 03, Interest $0 11
filmw'n Annrx In Orrgnn City,
nt I, hi'" k ; tnx U 12, prnnlty
$0 01, llitrrenl $0,111
Hlmw'a Annex In Orrgnn City.
nt 4, block ; lii $0.31, prnnlty
$0 03, Internal $0 09
dimwit Annex in Oregon Clly,
b. block . tn to il, iietmliy
$0 01. Interest $oii
Hhnwn Animx to Orrgnn City,
..l , I, I.m k V; tin $0 31. pehttlty
$0 03, Intrrrnt 10 03
Hhuw'n Annrx In Orrunn Clly,
lot 7, hlmk I; titi ln.3:', penally
$0 03, Intrrrnt $0 03
Hhaw'a Annex lo Orrgnn Clly.
Inl I. blmk i Inl $0 3J, penalty
- $0 03. tntrrrat $0 Oil
Hhaw'a Annex In Orrgnn City,
Inl ii. hlmk Hi tux $0.32, penalty
$0 03. Intrrrnt to UJ
Hhuw'n Annex in Orrgnn
Inl 10. block Ii tnx $0 lit
nlly 11 03. Intrrrnt 0 03 .
Hhaw'a Anni-X In lirricnn
lot II. liliHk ; ln $0 .JJ,
nlty to ol. Inure"! o 03 .
Hh.w Ami"! In (lrnn
, pen-
. n-
j"l 12. hl'M-k ; Inn l'i nt. in
nlly 1 0 0.1, liitrrni)! o 01
Hlmw Aniiix In Ori-Ki'n ("Uy.
nl 13. Mock ; Im I'lli, pi-
Hy 10 03, llllnrXDl $o OS
Hlinw Antix In drxKnti City.
"t 14. liliM-k : lux I" 32, oii.
It y 0(U. Iiilnrvnl $0 03 . . ...
Hlmwx AntifX In (irt-Knii City,
Inl ir, McM k : lii $'i 32. (pii.
nlty 10 03, lntrNt
nlinw'a Atmrx In Ori-Knii City.
Inl 111 lil.H'k I: tnx o 32, lTl-
nlty 10 03. Iiittiroxl o oj
Hliaw Annri In l)rr.in Clly,
Inl 17. IiIim k Ii t'i l'i .12, rif
nlty 0 03. InterrM 10 on
hh Aiiiipx In (iri-tfim City,
Inl IH. I'liM-k S; I'll $ 31. lu-
Blty $0 on. Iiilr.rt o 03
Him ' Annrx In llii-inii Clly,
Int IV. til'ii'k : tnx I" .11
nlty to on. luinrot o 03 ,
Hhnw Annf In (Uricn
Inl 20. I.I'm k V; tnx to II
nlly l'i 03. Intnrxnt l' 0
Hlnw Aniiri In (irrumi
i prn-
Inl I. 1.1". k l'i: tin to 111,
nlty $0 02, iiiIitk"! to 02
Hlmw Annrx In Orrnn
Int 2. I.Iim k 10; tnx to 20,
nlty 10 02. Inti-mnt In. o j
Hhnw Aiitirx tn iri-K"'i
f Til y.
Int 3. hl'M-k 10: lax ti 1,
nlly to. 02. Iiiiirfnl in 02 ,
Hhnw Annrx In (irrirnn
Inl 4. hi." k 10; tnx 0 20
nlly 10.02, IntKri'iit to. 03 .
Hlmw Antiox In Ori-uun
cil y".
, pen-
Inl l, hl'M k 10; Inx 10 20,
nlly 10 02. liUKi-rnt l'i 02 .
Hhnw h Ann In (lrvnn
Int . I.I'H k 10; lux $0 20,
nlly $0.02, Inlerfnl $0 02 .
Hhnw Annrx In Orxunn
Inl 7. t.lix-k 10; Inx $0 l,
, peil-
, petl-
, 'l-
nlty 0 02. Intpronl $0 02 .
Hhuw'n Anni-x In nriiin
Inl X. hl.R h lo; tux $n 20,
nlty 10 02, lniiTiMi n 0 2 ,
Hhuw'n Annrx In Ori'K'in
Int II. I.I'm k 10; Inx to 20
nlty to 02, liitirrni to 02 ,
Hhnw n Annrx In (irrunn
. pii-
I prn-
Int l'i. Iilm'k 10; lux l'i 20, l"ii-
nlty to 02, Inlriml 10.02
Hhuw'n Annrx In Orritmi City,
lot II. 1I. ii k 10; lux $'i 20, I'oli-
nlty to. 02, Inlrrrnl o.02
Hhuw'n Annrx In irrnn
Inl 12. I.I'M k 10: tux t'l 20.
nlty 10.02, Inlrrrut n 02
Hhuw'n Annrx In Orrunn
Inl 13 I.I.m k in. tux $0 20,
nlty 10.02. Ihtrrriit il.02 ,
Hhnw'u Annrx In (Irrifnn
Int 14. Mo. k 10; tux n .20,
nllv 10 02. Inlrrrnl to 02 .
Hhnwn Annrx In t)rrnn
lot 13, Murk 10; tnx $0 19
nllv $0.02, Inlrrrnl 0 02 .
Hhnwn Annrx In OrrX"n
, pen
cil V.
, pen-
Inl Id. liliu-k 10; Inx o 20,
nlty $0.02, Inlrrrnl $0 02
Hhnwn Annrx In flrrifnn
Inl 17. Murk 10; tnx n 20, wii-
nlty $0.02, Intrrrnt In 02
Hhnw n Annrx In drrumi City,
lot IX. Mo, k 10: tnx $o In, rn.
nlty 10.02. Inlrrrnl $0.02
Hhuw'n Annrx In Orrunn City,
Int III. Iilnck 10; Inx to.20. lrn-
nlty $0.02. Inlrrrnl 10.02
Hhnw'H Annrx In (irrifnn
li.l ao. Iilm-k 10; Inx $0.20,
Itv $0.02. Inlrrrnl $0 02 ,
Hhnwn Annrx In (irriinn
lot 1, Mock Hi tnx $0.19
nlly $0.02. Inlrrrnl $002 ,
Hhuw'n Annrx In Orrunn
cil y.
, Pf
Inl '2. Iilmk Hi tux 10 20,
nlty $0.02. Inlrrrnl 0.02 .
Hlmw'n Annrx In Ort'Knn
Int .1. Iilmk II: Inx $'1.20,
nlty $0 02. Intrrrnt 0 02 . . ,
Hhnwn Annrx tn Orrirnn
, prn-
Int 4. I'I'M k 11: tnx t'l 19,
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt $o 02 .
Hhuw'n Annrx In Orrirnn
Inl f.. hlmk Hi lux $0 20,
nlly $0.02, inlrrrifl $0.02 .
Hhnw'H Annrx In Orrirnn
, pen-
Int t. I.l'i'k II: Inx $0 19,
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0 02
Hhuw'n Annrx tn Orrunn
Int 7, Mm k 11; tnx $0 20,
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt to. 02 .
Hlmw'n Annrx tn Orrunn
Int K. Iilm k 11: tnx to 20,
nllv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.03 ,
Hlmw'n Annrx tn Orrunn
Int 9, hliM-k 11; Inx $0.20
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02 ,
Hlmw'n Annrx tn Orrunn
, prll-
, prn-
Int 10, Mmk Hi tnx J0.20,
nllv tn n-' intrrrnl 10.02 .
Hlmw'n Annrx to Orrunn C Ity,
lot II, blm k 11: tnx $0 20, pnn
Hllv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02 ......
Hhuw'n Annrx tn Orrunn City,
Int 12. blork Hi tnx $'.20, pen
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02
Hlmw'n Annex tn Orrunn City,
lot 13, block 11: tnx $0 20, pen
nltv $0.02, Intrrrnt $0.02 ......
Hlmw'n Annrx In Orrunn Clly,
Int 14. block Hi tnx $0.20, pen
nltv $0.02, Intrrrnt $0.02
Hlmw'n Annrx to Orrunn Clly.
Inl 111. block 11: Inx $0,111, prn
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02 ......
Hlmw'n Annrx tn Orrunn City.
Int 1. block 11; tnx $0 20, prn-
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02 ,
Ulmo'i Annrx lo Orrunn
lot 17. block II: tnx $0 19,
, pmi
ClVy, nllv $0.02, Intrrrnt $0.02
Hhuw'n Annrx to Orrunn
lot 18. block 11: tnx $0.20,
nltv 10.02, Intrrrnt $0.02
Hlmw'n Annrx to Orrunn
Int 19. block 11: tnx to. 20,
nllv 10.02, Intrrrnt 0.02
Hhnw'H Annrx to Orcitnn
lot 20. block 11; tnx $0.20, pen
nltv 10.02, Intrrrnt o.irj
Hhnw'H Annex to Orrunn City,
lot 1, block 12: tnx to 20, pen-
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt 111.113 ,
Hlmw'n Annrx to Orrunn
Int 2. block 12; tax $019,
nltv $0.02, Intrrrnt 10.02 ,
Hhnw'n Annrx to Orrunn
, pon-
lot 3. block 12; tnx $0.20,
nltv $0 02, Intrrrnt to.o'i ..
Klrnkr, I.'rrrl Hlmw'n Annrx to
Orrunn Cltv. lot ft. block 12: tnx
$0.19, penalty $0.02. Intoront
$0.02 ;
Muck, S. J. Slinw'n Annex to
iirnn niv Inl . block 12: tnx
10 20, pcnnlty $0.02, lnterent
(1 ft9
Sliaw'n' Annex to Oregon City,
A nit. dun.
lot 7, block 13: till $0 19,
nlty $0.02, Intrrrnt $0 02 ,
Hlmw n Annrx lu orricm
Inl W, III", k 12; Inx In 20,
nlty $0,112. Inlrrrnl I II 02 .
KIhiw'h Annrx lo Orrunn
bit o. blm k 12; Inx M It)
nlty 0 02. Intrrrnl In 02 .
Hhnw n Annrx tn (irrunn
, pn-
Int 1 1. Mm k 12; tnx In 20. nrn
nlly $0 02, Intrrrnt In u2
Hhnwn Annrx In Oirunll City,
lot 12. I.I.m k 12; lux u 19, pril-
nlly $0 02, minimi in. "2
Hlmw Annrx In Oiruoil City,
Int I I, I.I.m k 12; tnx tn 20, prn-
nlty 10.02, Intrrrnl to 02
Hhnwn Annrx lo Uri'Knn Clly,
Inl 14. blin k 12; Inx to 20, pen-
nny in ii:, unrrrMt inn; ,
Hhnwn Annrx In Orricm
Inl U, block 12: Inx In I'J,
nlly I0.U2, Intrrrnl n o:
Hhnwn Annrx to Orrunn
Int il, I.l'i'k 12: tux 10 20
nlly 0 02, Intrrrnl u ui ,
Hhuw'n Annrx to Orru'in
Inl 17, hi'" k 12; Inx In III, pcn
nlty 0 02, Inlrrrnl 10 112
Hhnw n Annrx In Orrunn
Im h. hln, k 12: tux in 20,
nlly 0 03, Inlrrrnl 10 02 .
Hhnwn Annrx to Orrunn
lot 19, hi.,, k 12: tux to 20,
nlly 10.02, Inlrrrnl ni2.
Hlinwx Annrx In Orrunn
. pr li
cit y,
, pen
cil V,
Inl 20. I'l.lik 12: lux 10 20,
nlly to 02, Intrrrnt In 02..
Hhnwn Annex to Orrunn
Inl 3, blm k II: tnx In 20,
nlty to. 02. Inlrrrnl n02.
, pn
Ilnmirr, Auuunl Hlmw n Annrx
In Orrunn City, Int 4, lilo. k 13;
tnx o.20, pnmlty 10 02, Inter
nal In 02
Muck, H. J -Hlmw'n Annrx to
Oir(iin City, Int ti, Iilm k 13; tux
$0 02
pnmlty $0.02, Intrrcnt
Hlmw'n Annex to Orrunn
lot 6. I.I.m k 13; tux 0 20,
pe li
nlly $0.02, lnterent 0 02.
Hhnw n Annrx tn Orrunn
bit , blm k 13; Inx In 20
nlly 10 02, Inlrrrnl u 02
Hhnw n Annex to Orrunn
Int 7, blmk 13; lux In .20,
nlty 10.02, Intrrrnl In 02
Hhnwn Annnx to Orrunn
en y,
, pen
cil y,
, pen
City, .11
Im K, blmk 13; tux in. 20,
nuy in. o:, iiiturrni
Hhnwn Annrx to Orrunn
Inl 9, blink 13; tux 0.2I),
nlly to. 02 liilerent 0 02,
Hhuw'n Annex to Orrunn
, pen
cil V.
lot 10, blmk 13; tnx to. 19, pen-
nity lo o.-, intrrrnl in 02
Hlmw'n Annex In Orrunn Clly,
Int II, Iilmk 13; lux $n.20, pen
nil y tO 02, lnterent In 02
Hhnwn Annex In Orrunn Clly,
Int 12, block 13; lux n. l'i, prn-
nliy 10 02. Intrrnnl o.U2
Hhnwn Annex tn Orrunn Clly,
Inl 13, blmk 13; tux o.20, pn-
nliy $0 02, Inlrrrnl n 02
Hhuw n Annrx In Orrunn Clly,
Inl 14. Iilmk 13; lux I'l.iiO, pen
nlly 10.112, tlilnrrnl lu.02
Wiinll 11. Muthrw Hlmw'n Annex
lo Orrunn Clly. lot 1.',, Iilnck U;
Inx to 111, penully In, 02, lnter
ent In 02 ,
Hhuw n Annex to Orrunn
bit 1A, blmk 13; tnx 10 20
nlty n 02, Inlerrnl In (12,
Hhnw n Annrx In Otcunn
. pen-
lot 17. blmk 13. lux 10.20. pen-
nliy 10.02, Inlerrnl 0U2
Hhuw n Annex to Orrunn City,
bit in, blm k 13; tux l'i 20, pen
ally $0.02. lnterent 10 Oi
Mmk. H. J. Hhnwn Annex lo
Orrunn City, lot 1, blmk 14; tux
$11 19, iieimlty $0.02, Intrrrnt
$0 02
Hlmw'n Annrx tn Orrunn City,
lot 2, blmk 14: lux 0.2, pell-
nlly 10.02. Intnrenl 0 02
Hlmw'n Annex tn Orrunn Clly.
Inl 1, block 14; tnx $11.20. prn-
nlly $0.02, Intnrenl 0 02
Hhuw'n Annex to Orrunn City,
Int 4. blmk 14; tux 101V, pell-
nliy 10.02, lnterent $11.02.
HhHwn Annrx to Orrunn
lot li. blm k 14: lux o 20,
nlty $002. Intrrrnl $0.02.
Hlmw n Annrx tn Orrunn
Inl H. blmk 14: tux $0.20,
, pen-
nlty $0.02, Intrrrnt $0.02.
Hhuw n Annrx to Orrunn City,
lot 7. blmk 14; tnx $'.19, pen
ully $0.02. Inlorent $0 02
Hhuw n Annex In Orrunn City,
Inl X, bl 01 k 14; tX $0;o, pen
alty $n.02, Intrrrnl 0 02
Hhuw'n Annrx tn Orrunn Clly,
Inl 9. blm-k 14: tnx $').:0. prn-
nlty $11.02, lnterent $n.02
Hhuw'n Annex tn Orrunn City,
bit 10. blm k 14; tnx l'i 20, pen-
nlty $0.02. Inlrrrnl $n 02
Hlmw'n Annrx tn Orrunn Clly.
Inl 11. blm k 14: tnx t 20, pen-
nlty $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02
Hlmw Annrx In Orrunn City,
hit 12. blmk 14; tux $'20, pro-
nlty $0.02, intrrrnl n 11
Hlmw'n Annrx In Orrunn
Inl 13, block 14; tnx $0.20,
nltv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annrx lo Orrunn
Inl II, block 14: tnx M 20
nlly $0.02, Intrrrnt to 02.
Hhnw'H Annex lo Orrunn
, pen
. pen-
Inl If., hlmk 14: tnx M.20,
nlly 10.02. Intrrrnt fn.02
Hhnw n Annex lo Orrunn
lot I. block 14; lux 10.20. pen
ult V $0.02, Intrrrnt $0 02
Hlmw'n Annnx to Orrunn City,
lot 17, block 14; Inx I" 20, pen-
nliy $0.02. Intrrrnt 10.02.
Hlmw'n Annrx lo Orrunn
lot IX. blm k 14: tnx t'l 20,
nlty to. 02. Intrrrnt $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annrx lo Orrunn
Inl 19. blm k 14: Inx t'l. 19,
, pen
ClVy, .24
nllv 10.02. lnterent $0.02.
Hhnwn Annex lo Oreunn
lot 20, blm-k 14: tux $0.20.
nlty $0.02, lnterent $0.02.
Hhnwn Annex to Oreunn
lot 1, block U: tnx $0.19,
nllv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annrx lo Oreunn
, pen-
, pen-
lot 2. block 15; tnx to.'.'O,
nlly t'l. 02, Inlerrnl 10.02
Hlmw'n Annrx to Orrunn
lot 3, block IS; tnx $0.20,
nllv $0.02, Inlerrnl 10.02
Khiiw'n Annex to Oreunn
lot 4, blmk IS; tnx $0.19.
nllv $0.0!, lnterent $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annex lo Orrunn
lot 6. Iilnck 15; Inx $0.20,
, pen-
, pen-
' City,
nllv $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annex to Orrunn
lot , hlm k IS; tux $0.20,
nlty $0.02, Inlerrnl $0.02.
Hhnwn Annrx to Orrunn
lot 7. block IS; tnx $0.19,
nlty $0.02, lnterent $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annex to Oreuon
lot 8. block IS; tnx $0.20,
nlty $0.02, lnterent $0 02 ,
Hhnw'n Annex to Orrunn
lot 9, block 16; tnx $0.20, pen
nlty $0.02. lnterent $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annex to Oreunn
lot 10. block IS: tnx $0.19
nllv $0.02. Interest $0.02.
Hhnwn Annex to Oreuon
. P'n-
lot 11. block IS; tnx $0.20, pen
nlty $0.02. lnterent .ii-.
Hlmw'n Annex to Oreuon
lot 12, block IS; tnx $0.20
nlty $0.02, lnterent $0.02.
ui.div'i Annex to Orruon
. pen-
ir. 11 l.lnck IS: tnx $0.19,
nltv $0.02, lnterent $0.02.
Riintv'n Annex to oreuon
lot 14. block IS; tnx $0.20,
nlly $0.02. lnterent $0.02.
fihim'i Annex to Orruon
lot IS. block IS; tnx $0.19,
nlly $0.03. lnterent $0.02.
Hlniw'n Annex to Oreuon
lot 10. block IS: tnx in.20,
nlty $0.02. lnterent $0.02,
uimai'i Annex to Oreuon
, pen-
1 pen-
Int 17 block IB: tnx $0.20,
nltv $0.02. lnterent $0.02 .
ui.nui'M Annex to Orruon
lot IS. block IS; tnx $0.20, pen
alty $0.02, lnterent $0.02..... .
Hhnwn Annex to Oreuon City,
lot 19. Mock 1R: tnx $0.30, pen-
nlty $0.02, lnterent f0.02
ui. ,.' AnneT to Orrirnn
I... "ft hlnck IS: tnx $0.20,
nltv 10. 02. Interest 10.02.
Hhnw'H Annex to Orejm
lot 1. block 1: tnx $.r.'0,
nlty $0.02. lnterent $0.02,
ui.iw'm Annex tn Oreunn
im 2. blmk lfi: tnx $0.20, pen-
nliv $0.02. Interest $0')..
Hhnw'H Annex to Oreuon
1... t hlnck 1: tnx $0.20
, pen-
' 'city.
nltv "$0.03. Intrrrnt $0.02.
..'. AnneT to Oreuon
In, 4. block In; tnx $11. 20.
nlty $0.02. lnterent t'l.fl..
Hhnw'H Annex to Oregon
lot S, block 1H; tnx $.1.19,
nlty $0.02. Interest $0.1,2.
Hhnw'H Annex to Orruon
lot 8. block 16; tax $0.20,
City, pen
City, pen-
Ami dim.
nlly $0.02. Inlerrnl $0 02
Hhuw'n Annrx to Orrunn
lot 7, hlmk ID; Inx $1 20,
nlly IOI12, Inlrrrnl H02.
Hlmw n Annrx In Orruon
bit 8, blm k l'i; tnx $0 III,
nlty 10.02, Intnrext nn,
Hhuw'n Annrx In Orrunn
, pen
cil V.
, pen
cil V.
Inl 9, block ID; tnx n.20, pen
nny III.HJ, inirrrni 91111
Hhuw n Annrx tn Orrunn ( Ity,
Int in. block 11, lux to. 19, p.'U-
nlly $0,112, lulnrent $1102
Hhuw'n Annex In Oi.'Uoii 1 ii
Int 1 1, hlnck in; tux l'i .20
nlly 10.112, Intercut $0.02.
Hlmw'n Annex In Orrunn
lot 12. block 11; lux t'i.20
nlly IO.112, Inlerrnl f ' '
Hhnwn Annex tn Oreunn
Inl 13, block ID; lux 10.20,
nlty $0112, Inlrrrnl $0 02.
Hlmw n Annex tn Orrunn
bit 14, blmk 14; lux $0.19,
nlty 10.02, Inlerrnl $0 .02
Hhnwn Annex In Orrunn
cil y.
Int IS, block IA; tux n.20,
nlty 10.112, Intrrrnt 10 02.
Hlmw'n Aniirx In Orrunn City,
Int Hi, block 11; tux to 20, pen
alty $0.02, Intrrrnt 0 (12
Hlmw a Annrx to Orrunn City,
bit 17. blmk 1A; tnx t'l. 20, pen
ully $0.02. Inlrrrnl 10.02
Hlmw'n Annex to Orrunn Clly,
Int 18. block IA; tnx tn "0, pen
ally $0.02. lnterent lull;
Hlmw a Annrx to Oregon City,
Inl 19. blmk l: tnx to. ill, pcn
nlty 10.02, lnterent t'l 02
Hhnwn Annex In Orrunn Clly,
bit 20, block II; Inx to 20, pen-
nlty 10 02, Inlrrrnl $0.02
Hlmw'n Annex lo Oreuon City,
lot 1, blm k 17; Inx lo.u, pen
nit y $0 02, Inlrrrnl 90.02
ONrll, W. P. -Hhuw'n Annrx to
Orrunn Clly. Inl 2, block 17; lax
$020, pmmlly $0.02, Inlaient
$0 02
Mmk, H. J. Hlmw'n Annex to
Oreuon Clly, lot I. blek 17; tux
$0 20, penully $0,02, lnterent
Hlmw'n Annex to Orrunn
lot 4. blmk 17: Inx $0.19,
nlty $0.02, Inlerrnl $002.
Hhnwn Annrx to Orruon
Inl 6, blmk 17; tnx $0.20,
nlly $0 02. lnterent $0 02.
Hlmw n Annex lo Orrunn
Inl t. block 17; tnx to.'.'O,
nlly 10.02, lnterent 0 02.
Hlmw Annex lo Oreunn
, pen-
, prll
V'l'ly, , pn
City. ,24
Inl 7, blmk 17; Inx $0.20,
nny 10.(12, liilerent $0 02
Hhuw'n Annex to Oregon
lot 8, block 17; Inx to no, pen-
nlty $0.02, Inlorent $0.02
Hhnwn Annex lo Oregon Clly,
lot 9, blmk 17; Inx $0.20, pen-
nny iu.ii:. iniereni in. Hi.
23 I
Hlmw n Annex lo Oregon
lot Id. blmk 17; tnx $0 .20,
ulty $0.02, liilerent 90.02
Hhnwn Annex lo Oreunn
Int 11, block 17; tnx $0.20,
nlty 90.(1 J. Iniereni IO.02
Hhnwn Annex to Orrunn
Inl 12. blmk 17; tnx 10 20, pen
mi 1 y xu.uz, lnterent 10.07
Hhuw'n Annex to Oreunn Clly,
Int 13. block 17; tnx I0.20, pen
alty $0.(12. Intrrrnt to (12
Hhnw n Annrx to Orrunn City,
lot 14. block 17; tnx to 20, pen-
lllty 10.02. lnterent $9 02
Hhnw'H Annex lo Orrunn Clly,
lot IS. block 17; lax $0 19, pen
ully $0.02, Intrrrnt $0 02
Hlmw'n Annex to ftrrgnn
Int I A, blm k 17; tnx $0 20,
nlty $0.02. Intrrrnt $0 02
Hhuw n Annrx to Orrgnn
lot 17. blmk 17; tnx $0.20,
nlty $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02.
Hlmw a Annrx lo Orrrnn
lot IK. block 17; tnx $0 19. pen-
nlty $0.02. lnterent $0 02
Hhuw'n Annex to Orrgnn City,
Int 19. block 17; tnx $0.20, pen-
nlty $0.02, lnterent $0.02
Hhnw n Annex to Oregnn City,
lot 20. blmk 17; tnx $0,211, pen
nlly $0 02. lnterent $0 02
Warren. Krnnk Hhuw'n Annex to
Oregon Cltv, lot 2. block 18;
tax $0.20. penully $0.02. lnter
ent $0 02
Mmk. S. J Hhaw'n Annex to
Oregon Clly. lot 3. blm k 18: tnx
$0.20, penully $0.02, liilerent
Hlmw'n Annex to Oreunn City,
Int 4, blm-k IX; tnx $0.19, pen
ully $0.02. lnterent $0.02
Hlmw'n Annex to Oreunn
bit D. block IX; tnx to 20,
nlly $0.02. Intrrrnt 10 02.
Hhnwn Annex to Orrunn
lot , block 18; tnx tn.20,
, pen
City, pen-
nlly $0.02. Intrrrnt $0.02,
Hlmw'n Annrx to Orrunn
lot 7. blmk 1X; tnx $0.20,
nlty $0.02. Intrrrnt $0 02,
Hlmw'n Annrx lo Orrunn
Int 8. blmk IX; tax $0.20,
nlty $0.02. Intrrrnt $0 02,
Hhnw'H Annrx to Orruon
lot 9, blmk IX; tax $0.20,
, pen
cil y.
, pen
City. .24
nlty $0.02. Intrrent $1102.
HIiuw'h Annex lo Oregon
lot 10. blmk 18: tnx $0.20,
nllv 10.02. Inlerext $0.02
Sclniebrl. Aunea Mt. Pleasant
Add. to Orrunn Cltv. Inl 4. block
3: tax $9.30. penalty $0.93, lnter
ent to. vt
Jotmnn, Mrn. C. H. South Oregon
citv, iso. 1, lot 7, iuock 5; tnx
$0.41. penully $0.04, lnterent
Houth Orrunn City, No. 1. lot 8,
block 6: tnx 10.44, pennlty $0.04,
lnterent III 04
Houth Orrgnn Clly. No. 1, lot 8.
block D: tax $0.41, penully $0.04,
lnterent $0 04
South Oregon City, No. 1, lot 9.
blm k S; tux $0.41. penalty $0.04,
lnterent $0 04
South Orruon City, No. 1. lot 10,
block 5; lux J0.tr,. pennlty $0.04.
lnterent $".04 .
Swltxer. I. J. South Oregnn City.
No. 1. lot 1, block 8: lux 10.69
penalty 10.07, Interest $0.08..
Smith Oreuon City. No. 1, Int 2.
blm k 8: tux 10.69, penalty $0.07,
lnterent $u.0A
Coll Inn, Kdwln South Oregnn
( Itv. No. 1. lot 11. iuock ; inx
$o.r,5, penalty $0.05, Interest
Wnlte. Allen Oregon City, lot 7.
block 13; Inx I4.a, penalty
$n.4(i, Interest $0.42
Wnlte. Anrnn K. Oregon City, lot
1. block 19: tnx 1:1.49. penalty
$0.3S. Interest $0.31 ( pnyment)
Oregon City, lot 2. Mock 19: tax
$2.32. pennlty $0.23. Interest
$1) 21 (1 payment)
Andrews. I H. Oregon City. Int
1, block 21; tnx 11.11, pennuy
$0.11, Interest $0.10
Oregon Clly, lot 2. block 21 : tnx
$1.1(1, penalty $0.11, Interest
Rons. II. W, Est. Oregon City.
north hair or lor 1. iuock 21;
tax $.1.35, prnnlty $0.33. lnter
ent $0.30 (1-9 delinquent)
Wllllnmn. C. O. T. Oregon City,
noutherly 37 reel or lot (, piock
27: tnx $48.82, penalty $4.88,
Interest $4.39
Ross. II. W. Est Oregon City,
north hair or lot . niocK zr.
tax $9.04, pennlty $0.90, Inter
est $0.81
est $0.81 (1-9 delinquent)
Cobrey, John, Est. Oregon City.
lot 2, blocK 4; tnx 111. ii.-, pen
alty $1.1. Interest $1.05
Oregon City easterly 40 fee,t of
lot 7. block 46; tnx $2.32, pen
nlty $0.23, Interest $0.21
Mulr Urothern Oregon City, lot
7. block dn; tnx xi.ib, penniry
$0.11. interest $0.10
Mrldrum. Jennie Oregon City,
lot 2, block AS: tnx $A.9"., pen
nit v $0.69. Interest $0.3
Tliaver. I.. E. Oregon City. SSx
34 fret n described In record of
deeds, Clncknmas county. Ore.,
book 67. pngo 4S7, lot 2. block
OS; tnx to.i'il, pennlty $0.00, In
terest $o.0S
Orei-iin Citv, 35 fort off of west
erly end of lot 1, block 91: t:'$c
$10.46, penalty $1.04, Interest
$0.9 1
Oregon Cltv. 35 feet off of enst
rrlv end of lot 6. block 98: tnx
$ 33. penalty $0.2.1. Interest
34x3", fret as described In rec
ord of deeds. Clncknmnn coun
ty Ore., book 67, pnire 467. lot
5. blmk !X: tax $'Vf.O. penalty
$0.06. Interest $0.05
Cm"" II V.. Oregon City, lot 3.
block 111: tax $6.97, penalty
$0 An, Interest $0 63
Macev. A. I. Oregon City, south-,
eristerlv SO feet of lot 1, block
122- tax $1.39, penally $0.13,
Interest $0.13
AmL dun.
Oregon Clly, nouiheanterly do
feel nf lot 2. b!-ek 122; tax
$0 42, pennlty lo.OI, lnterent
,24 $0.04 $0
teoiiurd. I,. Ii. Oregon Clly, lot
7. blmk I2K; Inx 4;,.3, penalty
.23 10 1.8, Iniereni $o.f,2 .2
lllickliee, JulneH-(irrgnn City,
lol t. block 147; tux 10.44, pen-
,24 ul'y to.lil. Intrrrnt lo.O.'i 66
Oregnn 1 Ity, lol 4, Iilmk 117;
tnx 5 8, prnnlty $0,;,X, Inter-
.23 "t 'U,2 t.tl
Orrgnn City, bit D, blmk 117;
tnx I'MA, pennlty 0.0l, Inter-
24 rnt to. (15 $6
Orrgnn Clv. lot A. block 147;
tnx I'M", penally $0.04, Inler-
24 ent i 0 , tS
llnucli, Mary A. Orrgnn City, lot
2. blmk 1 4 H : tnx 11.14, pennlty
21 to 81. Inlrrrnl 10.73 t.tt
Oregon Clly, lot 3. block 148;
tnx 12 32, penalty 10.2.1, Inter-
.23 est $0.21 2.7
, Hloper, .'. K Oregon '(.'It y. went
V rily half lot 3. blmk lf.8; tux
4 $1.74. penully $0.17, lnterent
" $01 1.07
(Half payment. )
24 Oregon City, wentrrly half lot
4. blm k 10H; tnx $A 98, penalty
$069. Intnrrnt $0.8 I. $0
J4 (Unit payment.)
Ilnniiln, Augusta Oregon City, lot
1, blm-k 172; tax 11.16, penalty
24 $0.11, Interest 0,IO 1.37
Oregon City, lot 2. block 172;
lux $1.17, penalty $0.11, Interest
21 $011 ,.. 1.3
Oregnn Clly, lot 3, block 172;
tux 12.32, pennlty $0.23, Inlereat
24 $0.21 i.7
Oregon City, lot 4. block 172;
lux $6.97, penully $0.19, Inlereat
,2$ $03
Chute, flreenleaf Oregnn City, lot
1. blmk 173; tnx tl.il. pennlty
10 15, lnterent $0.14 (1 payment) 1.80
,24 Oregon City, lot 2, blmk 173;
lux 9 1 HO, penu.il' $0 18, Interest
10 17 l payment) 2.21
Whltlork, W. T- Oregon City, lot
21 ti. block 173; tax 12.7. penalty
tO.28, lnterent 10.26.. . 3.32
Chute, Oreenleaf Oregon City, lot
2 7. block 173; tnx J! 40, pennlty
10 14. Interest $0.13 (i payment) 1.97
Oregon City, lot 8. block 173;
24 tnx $1.63, penalty $0 16, lnterent
$0.15 l payment) 1.1$
McCormlck. Johnson Oregon
24 Clly. lot 2, blm k 179: tax $139,
penalty 90.13, Interest $0 13 l.5
Oregon Clly. lot I. block 17;
H lux 9 1 .40, penalty 40.14, Interest
$ii.ll l.5
Oregon Clly, lot 4, block 179;
24 tax $1.86, penalty $0.18. Interest
I $0 17 2.21
Caulleld, E. O., truntee Park Add.
24 lo Oregnn Cltv, lot 1, blmk 1;
lux $0.C9, penalty $0.07, lnterent
$0.06 $2
24 1'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
2. blmk 1: tax 10.70, penalty
$0.07, Interest $0.06 83
24 1'urk Add. to Oregon City, lot
3. blmk 1; tnx 10.69, penalty
$0 07, interest to. on 82
,24 I'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
4. block 1; tax $0.71, penalty
10. 07, liilerent 10 06 81
,24 l'ark Add. to w,gon City, lot
6, blmk 1; tax o.69, penalty
I 10.07, Interest 0.06 82
,24 l'urk Add. to Oregon City, lot
6. block 1: tax M.70, penalty
10.07. lnterent 10 06 83
,;j Turk Add. to Oregon City, lot
7. blmk 1: tux 10.69, penalty
t0.07, lnterent 90 OS 82
.24 l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
8. blmk 1; tnx 80.71, penalty
90.07, Intereat 90.06 84
.24 l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
9. block 2; tax 10.69, penalty
$0.07, lnterent $0.06 82
.21 l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
10. blmk 1: tax $0.70, penalty
$0.07. Interest $0 06 83
.24 Alklnnon. E. M. I'nrk Add. to Or
egon City, lot 1, block 2; tax
til A9 neiiAltv 10 07. Interest
.24 $0 06
l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
2. block 2: tnx 10.71, penalty
$0.07. lnterent $0.06
.24 l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
7, block 2; tax $0.70, penalty
$0.07, lnterent $0.06
l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
.24 8. block 2; tax $0.70. penalty
10.07. lnterent to OA
l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
.23 9. blm-k 8; tax 10.69, penalty
to. 07. Interest 10.06
l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
.24 10. blmk 2: tnx 10.70. Denalty
10.07. lnterent t0.06
Warren. Anna S. Park Add. to
.24 Oregon Clly. lot 9. block 10;
tax $1.63, penalty $0.16, Interest
.24 l'ark Add. to Oregon City, lot
10. block 10: tnx $1.62, penalty
10.16. Interest $0.15
.24 Cnutleld, K. (J., nssignee Buena
Vista Add. to Oregon City, part
of block C. 24-100 acres: tax
.24 $0.46, penalty $0.00, Interest
Howell, George T Creen Point,
.24 lot 2. block 4: tnx $4.19, penalty
$0.42, Interest $0.38
Mllev. Henry (Ireen Point, lot 4,
block 5: tnx 91.86. nenaltv $0.18.
11.0$ Interest $0.17 i
C.reen Point, lot 6. block 6; tax
$1.16. penalty $0.11, interest
10.10 l
.49 Mnrrs, Claudia Melea and bounds
in Oregon City as -descrinea in
recoid nf deed. Clackamas
.62 county, Oregon, book 60. page
X. i acre; lax 12.32, penalty
90.23. Interest 90.21
.49 Cnke. H. M and W. M. Undi
vided i lnterent meten ann
bnnnds In Oreuon Citv. 60x32
.49 feet front extending to railroad
limits and bounded on the north
bv block 29. Oregon City; tax
.64 941.85, penalty $4.18, Interest
Pnnuet. Josenh Metes and bounds
.82 to Oregon City as described in
record of deeds, Clackamas
county, Oregon, book 62, page
440; tux 1 i.sid, penally 41.9,
Interest 11.26
Elmer. Peter Fair lew Add. to
Oregon Citv. lot 20. DIock z
.65 tax 91.SS. penalty $0.18. Interest
Bellomy, B. S. Mountain View
6.53 I Add. to Oregon City, lot 8, block
4: tnx tl. lb. penalty iu.11, imei
est $0.10
4.15 Ferrln. Ella U Falls view Ada.
to oregnn iity. 101 z, oiuck ,
tnx $1.16. penalty $0.11. Interest
2.7 $0.10
Kell. Jienry as nescrioea in rec
ord of deeds. ciacKamas county,
1.87 Oregnn, book 76, page 316, lot
11, blocK li: tax u.a, penan
30.09. Interest $0.08
1.37 Moore, Celeste Falls View Add.
to Oregon i Itv. 101 o, oiocn ;u ,
tax $8.14, penalty $0.81, Interest
8. 98 RISKS. Inex T. Falls View Add;
to Oregon t-iiy. 101 1, mirvn.
tnx $3.49, penalty $0.35, Interest
68.09 Cobrey, Mary rails view Aaa.io
Oregon unv, 101 iz, unn . ..
tnx $5.82, penalty $0.68, Interest
Stevens. H. C Gladstone, lot 1,
block 6; tax 90.94, penalty o.u5.
Interest $0.08
Gladstone, lot 2. block 5: tax
$0.94, penalty $0.09, interest
$0.08 ;:'
Gladstone, lot 15. block 5: tax
$0.94, penalty $0.09, interest
tilAB . .
Cown. cornena uniisu.., mi
8. block 7: tnx $0.94.
to fin Intrrrnt 10.08
Gladstone, lot 7. block 7: tax
$0 94. penalty $0.09, interest
McCown. M. F. Gladstone, lot li.
block 9: tnx io.sh, penauy tn.vi,
Interest $0.08
McCown. Cornelia Gladstone, 101
13. block V. lax "., penuiiy
$0 09. lifterest $0.08
All of tracts in Gladstone lying
west of electric car track be
tween Clncknmns boulevard and
Clackamas river, as described in
record of deeds. Clackamas
cnuntv, Oregon, book 67, page
2S0: tax 9 4.70, pennlty $0.4i, in
terest ll!
Welsxe Krnncls Gladstone, lot
11, block 12: tnx $0.71. penalty
to ft7 Interest 10. I'd
Il.irrreives. Maria Gladstone.
1, block IS: tax $7.99.
$0.79. interest $0.1 2
Gladstone, lot 20. block IS; tax
90.94, penalty $0.09, interest
AmL due.
Hargrenvea, (Jro. E. fllndntono,
Int I, block 18; tnx $0.71, pen
ally $0.07. Intrrrnt $0.06
Olu'tstone, lot 2, blmk 18; tax
$0.70, penalty $0.07, Interest
Olndntone, lot 3, blmk
18; tax
$0.71. penalty $0.07,
Olndntone. lot 4, block
$0.70, penalty $0.07,
(Hailstone, lot B, blmk
$0.71, penalty $0.07,
Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Annnciatlon (ilndntone, lot 15,
blmk 20; tax $0.94, penalty
$0.09, Interest $0 08
Oroom, J. K. (Hailstone, lot 1,
block 28; tax $0.94, penalty
$0 09, Interest $0.08
Olndntone, lot Iilmk 28; tax
$0 94, penalty $0.09, Interest
Chune. Mary E. Olndntone, lot t.
block 28; tax $0.94, penalty
$0 09, Interest $0.08
Wells. E. N. Gladstone, lot 11,
blmk 29; tax $0.94, penally
$0.09. Interest $0.08
Davln, Tlille M. (Jlndntone, lot 15,
mock 7; lax 93.62, penalty
$0.35, Intereat $0.32
Olndntone, lot 16, blmk "A; tax
$1.1, penalty $0.11, lnterent
Crona, Y, U. Gladstone, lot 3,
block 79; tax $0.71, penalty
$0.07, Interest $0 06
Ranch, Wm. K. Olndntone. lot 1,
blmk 84; tax 93.06. penalty
$0.30, lnterent $0.27
Olndntone. lot 16. block 84; tax
$0.70. penalty $0.07, interest
Eksliand, M. and Ellen Edge
wood, lot 1. blmk 1; tax $0.47,
penalty $0.04, Interest $0.04....
Edgeood. lot 27. block 1; tax
$0.67, penalty $0.05, Intereat
Harding, O. A., trustee Edge
wood, lot 1, block 2; tax $0.69,
Penalty $0 06. Interest $0.06....
Mgewood, lot t. block 2; tax
$0.67, penalty $0.06, Intereat
a. ei
Edgewood, lot
3. block 2; tax
$0.67, penalty
$0.05, Interest
Nachand, H. E. and R. W. Edge-
wood, lot 4. block 2; tax $0.6 i,
penalty $0.05, Interest $0.05 ....
Harding, O. A., trustee. Edge
wood, lot 18, block 2; tax $9.66,
penalty $0.05, Interest $0.05
Edgewood, lot 19. block 2; tax
$0.70, penalty $0.07, lnterent
Edgewood, lot 10. block 6; tax
$0.71. penalty $0.07, Interest
Edgewood. lot
11, block 6; tax
$0.70, penalty
$0.07, Interest
Edgewood, lot
12. block 6; tax
$0.71, penalty
$0.07, Interest
Johnson, Mrs. M. E. Edgewood,
lot 17. block 6: tax $0.94, pen
alty $0.09. Interest $0.08
Harding. O. A., trustee Edge-
wood, lot 21. block 6; tax $0.71,
penalty 10.07. Interest 10.06 ...
Edgewood. lot 22, block 6; tax
10.70. penalty $0.07, Interest
Edgewood, lot 23. block 6; tax
$0.47, penalty $0.04, lnterent
Ainsworth, J. C. trustee Edge
wood, lot 11. block 7; tax $0.94,
penalty $0.09. Interest $0.08....
Edgewood, lot 12. block 7; tax
10.94, penalty $0.09, Interest
$0 08
Edgewood. lot 13. block 7; tax
$0.94, penalty $0.09, Interest
Edgewood. lot 14. block 7: tax
$0 70, penalty $0.07, Interest
Moore, Annie H. Went Olrjdstone.
Illl 11, ll.Wft 4., A 1'I.IV, 11VI1-
nlty $0.07, Interest $0.06
West Gladstone, lot 12, block
2: tax $0.71, penalty $0.07, In
terest $0.06
West Gladstone, lot IS. block 2;
tnx $0.70, penalty $0.07, Interest
Bellomy. I). S. WTest Gladstone,
lot 9. block 3: tax $0.71, penalty
$0.07. Interest $0.06
West Gladstone, lot 10. block 1:
tnx $5.64, penalty $0.56, interest
Bloomer. Wm. J. West Glad
stone, lot 17. block 11: tax $0.71,
penalty $0.07. Interest $0.06
Frost. J. C. West Gladstone, lot
12, block 12; tax $0.70. penalty
$0.07. interest $0.06
Alfred M. Gladstone
lot 122. J.A0 acres: tax
penalty $0.11. Interest
Cole. Mary A. Park Place, lot 13,
block 2; tnx $1.17, penalty $0.11,
Interest $0.11
Carnegie. Florence B. Apperson'n
subdivision of blocks s. 6 and 7
lot 1. block 5; tax $1.17, pen
alty $0.11. Interest $0.11
Moore. B. M. Park Place, lot 9,
block 7: tax $1.16, penalty $0.11,
Interest $0.11
Webber. George A. Subdivision
of block D. by J. A. Chase
of Park Place, west J ef lot E;
tax $3.53. penalty $0.35; interest
Rockwocd. O. A., estate Subdi
vision of hlock D by J. A. Chase
of Park Place, 1 acre adjoining
block 1; tax $8.22, penalty $0.82,
interest $0.74
Huerth. Mary E. Straight's Add.
to Park Place, lot 3. block 1;
tax $1.18, penalty $0.11, Interest
Straight's Add. to Park Place,
lot 4, block 1; tax $7j)5, penalty
$0.70, Interest $0.63
Pacific Potterv Co. Straight's
Add. to Park Place, lot 10. block
1; tax $1.17. penalty $0.11, In
terest $0.11
Straight's Add. to Park Place.
- 21
- 7
lot 9. block 2: tax $1.17, penalty
$0.11. Interest $0.11
Straight s Add. to Park Place,
lot 10. block 2: tax $1.18, pen
alty $0.11. Interest $0.11
Hlte. R. C. Clackamas Heights,
south I or block 60, 1.6O acres;
tax $2.82, penalty $0.28. interest
Campbell. Alice B. and John T.
Subdivision Clackamas Meignts,
lot 11. block 38 C: tax $0.47, pen
alty $0.04. interest $0.04
Subdivision Clackamas Heights,
lot 12. block 38 C; tax $2.12, pen
alty $0.21. Interest $0.19
Trnmpleasure. A. G. Clackamas
Heights, lot 2, block E30; tax
$0.47. penalty $0.04. Interest
Schlndler, O. Clackamas Heights,
lot 12. block H29; tax $0.47,
penalty $0.04. Interest $0.04
Campbell. I.uey M. Clackamas
Heights, lot 9, block K28; tax
$0.47, penalty $0.04, interest
Clackamas Heights, lot 10, block
K 28;' tax $0.47, penalty $0.04,
interest $0.04
Clackamas Heights, lot 11, block
K28: tax $0.47, penalV $0.04,
interest $0.04
Clackamas Heights, lot T2, blm-k
K28; tax $0.47, penalty $0.0.
interest $0.04
Clackamas Heights, lot 13, hlor-k
K28; tax $0.47, penalty $0.04,
Interest $0.04 .
Clackamas Heights, lot 14, block
K 28; tax $0.47, penalty $0.04,
Interest $0.04
Longcov. Hiram Clackamas Park,
lot 12: tax $4.00, penalty $0.40,
interest $0.36
Coleman. Mary A. ( lac Kama r
Pnrk, lot Id: tax ia.uo, peiimij'
$0.50. Interest $0 45
Pippell. Adnlph Clackamas Klv-
ersiae, west j 01 ui" .
acres: tnx $4.09, penalty $0.40,
interest $0.37
Her. Pavld C 22 25 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds.
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
V pace 413. section 4. township
3 'south, range 1 west; tax $4.00,
pennltv $0.4:, Interest $0.86....
Brolist. Sophia East i of west i
of southeast J. section 8, town
ship 3 south, ranee 1 e.
acres; tax $5.52, penalty $0.55.
Interest $0".'l ... ;
Baker. Mrs. Ida East of south
east i section 8. township 3
south, range 1 west, 80 acres;
est $1.43 18.91
acres nn described in record of
dredn Claeknmun county. Otu
gon. book Aii, page 397, section
9, township 3 south, range 1
west; tier $2.42, penalty 30.. 4,
Interest $0.22 2.11
Llchtenthuler. W. C. 13.80 seen
na described In record of deeds.
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
52, page 297, section 15, town
ship 3 south, range 1 west; tav
$A.fiA, penully $0.65, intercut
$0.59 7.J
Tooie, C. F. West i of northeast
), section 19, township 3 nout.i,
range 1 west, 80 a'-ren; tnx $6.90,
penalty $0 A9, Interest 10.12.... I.tl
ohnnon, Andrew 41 acres as de
tax 115.17. Denalty 81.68
scribed In record of deeds,
Clackuman county, Oregon, book
67, puue 154. and book 75, page
27A. section 30. township 3
south, range 1 went; tax t3.30,
penalty $0.33, intereut $0.30 U
payment) , 3.99 ,
Hardy. James 24 acres in J. W.
Lad d n l. U. C. No. 40, an de
acrlhed In record of deeds,
Clackamnn county, Oregon, book
75. page 100, section 30, town
ship 3 south, range 1 went; tax
$7.2A, penalty $0.73, Interest
30.6A .7
Hodson, Emery 24 acres In J. W.
Ladd'a V. L. C. No. 40, n de
ncrlbed In record of deeds,
Clackuman county, Oregon, book
64, page 25. section 30, township
$ south, range 1 west; tax $6.24,
penalty $0.62. interest $0.56.... I.tt
Oelsy, Andrew, Helra of 7 acres
In John Anderaon s 1). I C No.
65, as described In record of
deeds, Clackamas county, Ore
gon, book N, page 94, township
3 south, range 1 west; tax $1.12,
penalty $0.11. Interest $0.10.... 1.ZS
Graham, J. W. 12.37 acre In
John Zumwalt'n D. L. C. Mo. 49,
an described In record of deeds,
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
M. page 17, and book 27, page
258: tax $1.92, penalty $0.19, in
terest $9.17 1.2
Tooie, C. T. 40 acres In Jeff
Shaw's D. L. C. No. 61, aa de
scribed In record of deeds.
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
64, page 134, bond for deed to
C. H. Epler, township 3 south,
range 1 west; tax $9.60, penalty
$0.96, interest $0.8 11. U
.86 acres In Thoa. Bailey's D.
L. C. No. 45. as described In
record of deeds. Clackamas
county, Oregon, book AO, page
112; tax $0.41, penalty $0.04, In
terest $0.04 19
Unknown 5 acres In southeast
corner of northeast ) or south
east i of section 1. township 4
south, range 1 west; tax $0.80,
rnalty $0.08. interest $0.07 II
acres in southeast corner of
southwest of southeast i of
section 1, township 4 south,
range 1 went; tax $0.80, penalty
$0.08. interest $0.07 IS
All that part of the west 1 of
the northeast i lying east of
Pudding river, section 13, town
ship 4 south, range 1 west. 20
acres; tax $3.20, penalty $0.32,
Interest $0.28 S-W
Zimmerman. C. All that part of
the east of the southeast 9 ly
ing east of Pudding river, sec
tion 13, township 4 south, range
1 west. 50 acres; tax $S.OO, pen
alty $0.80. Interest $0J?2 9.MT
Cathey, Dr. B. A. East i of north
east i except 2 acres as ae
scrlbed In recordof deeds. Clack
amas county, Oregon, book 59,
page 354, section 25. township 4
south, range 1 west. 78 acres;
tax $20.00, penalty $2.00, inter
est $1.80 21.10
Bonney. T. L. 44 acres in A. F.
Minier 8 V. U- U. No, 60. as ae
scribed in record of deeds,
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
30, page 142, township 4 south,
range 1 west; tax $7.04, penalty
$0.70. Interest $0.63 I. IT
Minier. Wm. G. 10 acres In A. F.
Mlnler's V. U C. No, so, as ae
scrlbed in record of deeds,
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
F, page 44. township 4 south,
range 1 west; tax $1.60, penalty
$0.16, Interest $0.14 1JI
Miller. Obed 40 acres as de
scribed In record of deeds,
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
63, page 385. section 1, township
5 south, range 1 west; tax
$7.54, penalty $0.75. Interest
$0.68 (4 payment) I. If
Yoder. Abraham 3 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds.
Clackamas county. Oregon, book
68. page 348, section i, township
6 south, ranged west; tax $0.38,
penalty $0.03. Interest $0.03 41
Snavely. Wm. N. 25.38 acres as
described in record of deeds,
Clackamas county. Oregon, book
65. page 396, section 14, town
ship 5 south, range 1 west: tax
$S.32, penalty $0.83, interest
$0.75 9.19
Heln. Iddo B. 1 acre In Thos.
Chase's D. L. C. No. 46. as de
scribed in record of deeds,
Clackamas county. Oregon, book
81, page 91; tax $0.16, penalty
$0.01. interest $0.01 H
Wetxler. Fred. Improvements on
B. Hoesley's D. L. C, land as
described In record of deeds.
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
W, page 108. township 1 south,
range 1 east: tax $7.75, penalty
$0.77. interest 90.70 .
Sargent. E. M. 12 acres in Hec
tor campoew s u. u. u. jno. ti,
as described in record of deeds,
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
33. page 123. township 1 south,
range 2 east: tax $10.95, penalty
$1.09, Interest $0.99 ll.M
Irving. Robert Northeast 1 of
northeast J. section s. townsnip
2 south, range 1 east. 40 acres;
tax $25.50, penalty $2.55, inter
est $2.30 30.18
Koshland, Frederick 30 acres as
described in record or ueeas,
Clackamas county, Oregon, book
47, page 54, section 6, township
2 south, range 1 east. 30 acres;
tax 310.20, penalty $1.02, Inter
est $0.92 12.14
Magone. Anasa Lot 1, section 14,
township 2 soutn, range 1 east,
30.10 acres: tax $1.35, penalty
$0.13, interest $0.13 1.10
Courtney. Patrick Northwest of
southeast J, section 11, townsnip
2 south, range 1 east. 40 acres;
tax $7.70. penalty $0.77, inter
est $0.69 91
Stone, B. L. 98 acres as described
in record of deeds, Clackamas
county, Oregon, book P. page
100, section 13. township 2
south, range 1 east: tax $19.04,
penalty $1.90, interest $1.71 22. tS
Northeast i. section 19, town
ship 2 south, range 1 east, 160
acres; tax $24.82, penalty $2.48,
interest $2.23 . 29.61
Stewart, Dell Lot 2, section 86,
township 2 south, range 1 east,
35.80 acres; tax $20.93, penalty
$2.09, Interest $1.8S 24.10
Strong, F. R. 3.06 acres In George
Crow's D. L. C. No. 49. as de
scribed in record of deeds,
.65 Clackamas county, Oregon, book
75, page 359, township 1 south,
mne-B 1 east: tax $2.07, penalty
.55 20.20. Interest 'US t.46
Bernhnrd, Sam .78 acres in Geo.
Crow's D. L. C. No. 49, as de-
.55 scribed tn record of deeds,
Clackamas county. Oregon, book
81. naue 157. township 2 south,
.65 range 1 east; tax $9.00, penalty
$0.90, Interest $0.81 1.T7
oith T s 50x272.60 feet In J.
A. Lewis' D. L. C. No. 64, as de
scribed in record of deeds.
Clackamas countv. Oregon, book
5.S5 67. page 432, township 2 south.
range 1 east: tax $0.39, penalty
90.03, interest $0.03
TAwnBunH .Tnhn Purt of J. A.
4.88 Lewis' D. L. C. No. 54, begin
ning at southwest corner or
Parker Hill Add. to Oregon City,
thence northerly 21 chains,
thence westerly 50 fret, thence
southerly 2 chains, thence east
erly 60 feet to beginning, town
ship 2 south, ranee 1 east: tnx
80.39, penalty o.uj, iniereni.
4.78 $n.03 ' :
Miller. Thomas 79.fi acres m
Samuel Miller D. L. a No. 58.
as described In record of circuit
court Journal, Clackamas coun-
S.57 ty. Oregon. No. 11. rg 3S9. ex
cept as descrlDeu in reconi 01
deeds. Clackamas county, Ore
gon, book 65, page 45, township