Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 25, 1903, Image 1

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    BO Curry X
Oregon City Enterpris
VOMJMK ::7. NO. 7.
- ' L . A-jrW-VA
I'uMic confidence in Ktmcu
liitivi; HwtiritieH Iimh recently
ri:i: ivi (l oint of tli'! grufttctit
nliockn in tlio hihtory of fi
nunre. Ah burnt a biiblile, ho in
nlinoHt it day millions; of dol
larn wire Mivi'pt nwiiy, carry
ing ninny hii'lrcln of invest
or, to ruin.
U'ull Street' woo in the
wine man's warning.
The entire Ktock market
lian Ix-come demoralized dur
ing tlm laHt year and tlic pub
lic linn liown a decided din
inclination to invt'Ht in the
clans) of Htockn there ollered.
On the other hand, heavy
investment are daily being
mado by most connervativi)
interentH in Heleet real entate
atcoiiHtaiitly increaniiig'iricu
l irst kV-MJcncc llullt in (ilnds'onc, iHoj.
Never hin tli Htahility of Ileal Kntiit" been more forcibly einjdiaHizeil than by the nharp
contrast of value which tlu-M- market cohvuImohh reveal.: over againxt the purely Fj-eculative,
lluettmtiiig and lictitiotm, stand Ural Estate, nolid, Htibrlantial a very Gibraltar of Htahility
the innxt pronounced example of a commodity unaffected by the gunty winds of Wall Street or
the unHcrupuloiiH iniuiipuliitioim of overcapitalized jnglem.
Today, an never before, the country over is money being transferred from wild cat securities
and placed in REAL PROPERTY.
Ah land value inevitably increase hand in hand with population, the wise buyer of today
will Iki the rich man of tomorrow. Test th matter and buy a couple of
Choice High Class
Residence Lots in
In The
Grand Opening Sale
l(X lots of your own nelection, at $100.00 per lot, without interest or taxed. 2-' per cent in
tercut guaranteed on the investment.
Make your nelection at an early day and before prices advance.
Gladstone is a part of Oregon City ord a suburb of Portland, on the
Oregon Water Tower nnd Railway line, and Southern Pacific Railroad.
Full information mailed to any addrens.
H. E. CROSS, Sole Agent
Oregon City, Oregon
A Second Jar of Money
I5e Given Away.
Anard r I'D Will He Made Feb
ruary 22. The (onteft Ik
KironiliiiC 1.1 rely.
I,.nnit Tltlcunnd IiikI Office
lUmlnennii Hpeclitlty
Will practice in ll Courts of tlie State
Room j, Wrinhnnl HMg.
0p Court House, Onon Citv, Oregon
tT(Tor rmiruTT rriimiiHUB.
Ortirt nei to Ort'ienu IMtT Kti'-'iri .
(' i;o. c. Hint wn Kl.l..
Orei!m City. - - Oregon
Will (.-nti'lir In nil tin ourt T the !.
Olllif In Cmillflil hnll'ling.
Xvivn J
y i i. - a
I . -XM
Tim Kiiterprine wislieit iH many red
erH Mifrry CliriMlm. At a lutor (Into,
Wfliiiitoii'i ilirtliiliiy, Fehrua'y 21,
thin paper will kivh wuy to iUreaderH
jar of money. It in eme of Hue"" ami
takp tbe prixH. The jar in on exhibition
In the uliow window of Howell and
Jonea' ilruir tor.
I'avmeiit ip( Biibi'cription money on
the Kmerpriwi i the only i:ondition tliat
In re'iiirrd ot peroiia deniriri to partiei
pnte iii the eonti'Bt. For every $1.00
I ho I ih paid on BiihHiription to ttiia ner
the Hiil.hciilier in enlitleil lo one kiikhh a
to tlin aiimiiiit of money the jar contain.
It maltera not whether the payment
cover back mioeriilioii or uaya for the
par a year in advanc e, you Kt a (jueBi
anyway. Thin anaiiKeinent makei the
coiitent lair foi all old HiihaiTiliera as well
an tlicme wiio may now become aubfciih-
era to the paper.
Another condition that makes the coa
tee! abnuliuttly fair ia Ihe fact that the
amount of money contained in the jr ia
unknown to anybody. The Knttroriise
placed the bulk of the money in the re
ceptacle and the balmice in unknown
denomination and a'nounl. waa ueo
iled therein by Mr. V. Schuebel, the at
lorney ol OreKon City, and neither knows
the amount in the jir, which baa been
fei urelv sealed. On Monday afternoon,
February '11, l'J04, the seal will le broken
and the money counted by Mr. Schuebel
ho will make the aard ot the money
anionic the aueeei'sful !UeSM;r. The
manner of dintribution will be as follows :
60 per cent to the person KueHnintc
neaiect as lo ihe amount of money in the
jrj 5 per ?nt to the second beet
KueHMcr and 6 per cent each to the next
five pernons uueeaitig closest as to the
amount in the jar.
All (messes muHt be forwarded or de
ported at the Enterprise oflice previous
to 12 o'clock noon, Monday, February
Tl, when the content will close. More
than one hundred iiuesBes varying from
$73 to $7iH) have been received and each
week we are enliMting many new sub
scribers. I'ersons desiiinn to guess
should loe no time in making their es
timate. Your chance is just as good a
your neighbors and some one is going to
:n U'hv nnt vnll? .
As we have announced, the tnUrpnse
,m,i ilia miafnrtnne a few weeks auo to
have stolen from the ollice another jar of
nw.nav iliai n to have been niven
away on the same conditions as will this
one. The second jar is an exaci coun
terpart ol the stolen vessel and contains
approximately the same amount of
money as did the original jar. Subscrib
ers who ventured guesses on the first jar
will have the privilege of changing their
guesses if they will call at the office or
notify us of the change desired.
The K lerprise speaks for itself. It is
the only Republican paperin the county.
It contains every week a complete report
of the news of interest of the entire
county and its country correspondence
service is not duplicated. It contains
allot the news all of the time and gives
the same accurately and reliably. With
two campaigns next year the county
election in June and the general election
in November- the average citizen of
Clackamas county should keep informed
as to affairs in his county. He can re
ceive the best Bervice in this respect by
taking the Enterprise. We pride our
selves on our market report and see that
it is corrected everv week. The farmer
depends on a reliable market report and
by making corrections every weex we
are nreimred to supply bis wants in this
Legislator In Special Session
Work Expeditiously.
provision of the referendum amendment
to seciirn the consideration of their pro
posed law.
A meeting will be called soon when
permanent organization will he had of a
state Iirect I'fimary Nominations
league Under the provisions ot the
referendum amendment, a petition bear
ing Ihe names of 8 per rent of the legal
voters of the state must he filed with the
Secretary of Htate before the matter of
desired legislation can lie submitted to a
popular vote. When this showing has
been made, the propose'! law for which
the petition arks is placed on the official
ballet arid submitted to the people at the
next general election. In order to em
ploy the amendment at the approaching
June election, the requisite petition must
be fileil with the Secretary of State on or
befor February 1. The work of the ad
vocates ol bis measure is well in hand,
r u rrM i .t.n
rep.,riB ..-. u in-ii, u. iiiib ....J, -"'I ,,., -n,l Bvvnin, i.
,a been especially active in beh.lt of , vavo,,0, . ,Q 24 , a,,jollrn th tra
this amendment since he first presented -,. . . .
Old Tax Liw, With Ihe :00 Eemp
tion Is Re-Enacted. in Early
AilJ'iurmi t Will be Hud.
it in Ihe etate legislature. "I'etitions will
be circulated within the next ten days."
says Mr. U'Ren, "and we expect to get
the necessary number of signatures
within the prescribed time, to have the
proposed direct primary nominating law
submitted to a vote of the people of the
state at the election in June. The law
as contemplated has already been drafted
for submission to the friends of the
measure for criticism and suggestion.
Mr. U'Ken thinks there is no doubt but
that the proposed law will be almost
nnaniinnnslv endorsed bv the voters of
the state if they are given an opportunity
to pass on it. "I am certainly pleased
with the decision of the supreme court,
conclnded Mr. U'Ken. "for I consider
the success of the amendment another
progressive step in securing for the peo
ple a more popular form of government."
Several other proposed amendments
to the constitution were under consider
fli.n bv thi dir-Mct rtrimarv law advo-
....... ..... , j . 7 .
ca'es last Snmrner, among tbem being
one extending the veto power oi toe gov
ernor to the end that he might veto any
section of a hill or an item of an appro
priation bill or other bill that embraced
two or more items- Because ol toe late
ness of the hour in which to prepare for
submitting these various matters to the
people, each law or proposed amend
ment requiring a separate petition, it is
improbable that any other than the di
rect nominating law ill be tackled at
this time. This matter, however, will
be determined at the meeting of the
prospective members of the League that
will be held soon.
Ex-Governer Geer Sajs a Hen Is Ca
pable or Beth "Sitting" and
Land TUlei Kxaniined. Abstract Ma.le. . l
Heeds. Mortgages Drawn. Money Loaned
omen (ivxa
Hank of Oregon Cliy.
Oihuon City, Ok. ; jtij
w a. rt'R.n 0. Bchnnbdl
Attorneys at Law.
Jlcutfilicr 2ucWat.
Will practice In all courts, make collections
and settlements of Kstates.
Furnish al.straela of title, lend ynu money
and lend your money on lirst iiiorgage.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
If you need anything in tho way of Hardware, Crockery,
(ShiHH-wiiro or (itanite-ware, I can supply your wants. Call and
iimjMrt tny ntiok.
Complete, hue of new and second-hand FURNITURE earned. Let
me supply you w ith a house- keeping outfit
WALL PAPER ' tlie hest quality and latest styles at right prices.
Altention, Here's a Bargain
(WOO feet, l l4 inch first class Manila rope, In one piece, is offered for
sale at a bargain for a few days.
Main Street, Oregon City, i
Attorn kv at Law.
Justice of the l'eace.
Jagger Hldg., Oregon CVy
atooK city, "a0"
Will practice In all the courts ef the state. Of
(Ice, In o.ufiulii liuiidlw:-
Bnnswick llonso & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite uspension Bridge.
Only First Class ReBtaurant
In Town.
fnrnt.h Ah.tr.ct. ot Tills. Loan .Money, Tore
clos Morties.nd traniaot Osneral
Law Bntlaets.
Oregon & Washington State Fair Victories
.... ON BAKKtU r'LYlviuu i n uuro
Oregon Mute Fair 11M)2
1-3-3 on Cock Birds, 6 in Competition
ist on Hen, loin Competition
i-J 3on rullcts 40 in Competition
2nd on. . .Cockerel 21 in Competition
igton pen, it in Competition
1st in American Class
llitve won 1 t on pullets the past S
Tear. Ntoi-k for sale, egas In arason.
Washington State Fair l!l2
We only sent 3 pullets, I hen and I
Cock and won on everv entry but one
besides specials, including best pen In
the show. Prizes won 1st Cock, 1st
Hen: ist and and Pullet; 1st pen.
Exhibition Stock a peclalty Rome
grand pullet for sale. Eras 3.00
J. MURROW & SON, Oregon City. Oregon-
Supreme Court Snyg It Is for Legisla
ture to Determine Emergency.
.lav ihn atatn sunreme court rend
ered an opinion sustaining the validity of
the initiative and reterendnm amend
ment ami declaring that if tlie piovince
of the legislature and not of the courts to
determine when an emergency exists.
Under the construction placed upon its
language by the supreme court, me leg
islature can olace an act in effect imme
diately bv declarinn that the preserva
tion ol the public health peace or safety
requires that the act shall take effect at
once. The opinion was written by Jus
tice R. 8. Bean and consists of ot type
written paifes.
In summin up its conclusions upon
the initiative and referendum amend
ment to the Constitution, the supreme
court holds:
"First, that the initiative and referen
dum amendment was legally proposed
and auopieu.
"Second, that it is not in conflict with
the provisions of the Constitution of the
United piaies, juinotiuh 11 ocij
BtAte a republican form of government.
Third, that the question whether a
law is necessary for the immediate pres
ervation of the public peace, health or
safety, and consequently excepted from
the operations of the amendment, is a
legislative and not a jnuiciai question.
add Amendment is valid
i'.,..f.,loni in lha helief that the State
supreme court will sustain the validity of
the initiative and reierenuum amenu-mi-'Pt
to the state's constitution, the ad
vocates ol the direct primary nominating
system have been actively engaged in
preparing to take advantage ot the pnvi
I-ct...i of tlm amendment in event It was
declared valid by the apellate court
1 o.t .liilv when tha Multnomah circuit
decided adversely the suit in which was
involved the referendum amendment,
sixty of the prominent men of the state
had taken he preliminary steps for the
organization of a Hired Primary Nomi
nal ing League. They were not discon
certed at the failure of the amendment in
the Multnomah court and continued their
preliminary work with the result that
everything is now ready to complete the
orgatiization and invoke the initiative
1. Ilia nlrfivartv rcwpntlv fllirtAd
throng!) the columns of the Oregonian
by Mrs. Lizzie u jonnson.oi hub cuy,
. r rl, wider a Vien "aita" or "sets."
Hon. T. T. Geer, former governor, who
is now editorial writer on me eaiem
(statesman, decides in favor of Mrs.
Johnson "without recourse." He dis
rmwi nf the niiestion in tnis manner:
"Mrs. Lizzie G. Johnson, of Oregon
City, writes to the Oregonian lor a tech
nical answer to her query whether a
Inn "aita" or "sets." and that paper,
contrary to its usual readiness to impart
uselul lnlormauon, nas voucusaieu in
fair correspondent no reply. The ques
tion raised, however, is not one of gram
mar at all. Any farmer's wife in Amer
ipa ran tell von off hand that the hen
both sits and sets, and ehe knows more
about it than Murray, Clark, and all
their disciples combined.
"It seems no more than reasonable
compromise to Bay that the hen sits
orhnn aim lava her ee?s and sets while
engaged in hatching them. To sit is a
irrHceful act. The swan sits in the water
unit fnrrea the admiration of all bebold-
or Shu doesn't "set" on the water.
The verv form of expression in this
Ar.nnw.tinn ia rennunant. It isn't appro
priate. But she no doubt does "set" on
her eggs. 1
"To be more accurate and technical,
the two phrases, as applied to the aver
age barnvard hen, Bignify different
i..n,.inlniinila rather than anv oartic
ularacton her part. When, day after
day, she is engagea in umng ner ueoi
with eggs in anticipation of a forthcom-i.-n.l
iha "aita" thereon with an
lUg LMWVi, -
equanimity of mind that is equaled only
by thai 01 ner waning uui. paucnv uj
haA.ima everv nrnsnect DleaSeS. But
Lrwausw ' ' - . f I I .
t,rom minniea alter she is convinced
that that the last egg has been laid Bhe
ia transformed into a -selling - nen, anu
all the powers of earth ceuld not chaoge
her mind about it. She at once beomes
the very essence of concentrated deter
mination, insufferable contrariness and
insurmountable immovableness. She is
a "Betting" ben, with all that that im
plies. You may remove every egg o
that no rational attachment to the nest
.....a Mm.in Hantrnv everv veatie
of the neat itself and place a broad board
over the aondonea spoi, u
that "setting" hen will immediately
file a homestead application on
the mere reminiscence and will come
nearer comolving with the very letter ot
the law than nine-tenths of those other
bipeds who, under ttie same pretenie,
aim a mk'htv siirht lesa regard for con-
oniantmim "aravinff - nrjan.iea. cme
would construe nothing so quickly into
n r.nfuiiriveahle affront as a suggestion
to take advantage of any commutation
nl.nui in her rnlea or conduct.
"So, we repeat, it is not a question 01
As Droof. the reader is cited
to one of Webster's definitions of the
word "set;" "that which is set or nxed,-
and until some can name one onjeui
under hesven that is more permanently
and definitely "fixed" than a settiug
hen, It will be contended that it is only
proper to refer to her as in the "setting"
mood, and, generally speaking, in the
future tense, indefinitely.
"Prtr thnae reasons Mrs. Johnson is
notified that her hen "sets," and that
the controversy with her minister is de
cided in her fa'vor without recourse."
The Oregon state legislature was con
vened in special s'-ssion at falem Mon
day morning, and if the state's legisla
tors abide hy the action of the caucus,
an early adjournment may be expected.
At a caucus of the Republican members
uf both houses that waa held Monday
afternoon and evening, it was decided
by a voteot ''Ai to 24 to adjourn tht extra
ordinary session on Wednesday evening.
A vote to reconsider this action was de
feated by a vote of 2i to 1'3. It was
agreed to adopt this order of legislation:
Tax law, hanging law, portage road and
Olilo canal, recording feen, car shortage
and railroad rates, and fl-it salaries for
stat officials.
Both branches of the legislature re
tained the same officers that served at
the regular session last winter and pro
ceeded at once to the consideration of
nnatnc.ua Tha i.n.la alriritcH a ininr.
memorial asking congress to appropriate
money lor me iewis anu viara iuir, aim
at 11 o'clock the two houses convened in
joint session to hear the governor's mes
sage, which was devoted entirely to rec-
1 . - . 1 : i .1
ommenoaiions as 10 remeaving ine ue
fects of the new tax law. After the joint
anna i An -raa A I aJi.l to.-f hsit W knnaaa a i
journed for the day out of respect for the'
late llepreseniauve Jiurpoy, 01 union
Fnrintr tharlav Panresentatitra Rilven
Pi . , .. -. . -t
of Albany, offered a resolution providing
mat me worx 01 ine nouse De resmceu
to only such legislation as would remedy
the defective tax law, but .the motion
was defeated by a vote of 33 to 12. Bilyea
is a democratic member from Linn
The defective tax law was corrected at
Tuesday's session of the legislature. In
doing ro the solons did a thorough job.
The Phelps' law was repealed, the old
law with minor changes, was re-enacted;
the ftJYI .Tpmntinn frnm tuTPfl ia re
stored and all question is removed as to
validity of the law authorizing county
clerks and recorder of conveyances to
charge fees for the recording of instru
At Tneadav'a session a n una her of
charter bills were passed. The law re
lating to penitentiary executions is
amended so that crimes committed prior
to the taking effect of the new law shall
be punished according to the law then
in iorce. ine statute was so amenueu
as to prohibit the killing of elk prior to
September 15, 1904.
Theie remains to be considered three
subjects of legislation that were decided
on at the caucus of the Republican mem
bers held at the opening of the session.
They are: The Celilo Canal right of
way, the shortage of railway cars and
flat salaries for state officers. An effort
ia nn frwnl ri the irianAm nt the Celilo
canal to have passed bill appropriating
. nA AAA : . I . 1 ! t . . - . ..V. ... .Via
flUU UUU Willi wuicil 10 purwuaan iud
right of way for a federal canal.
(Concluded on page 7)
Take the Enterprise fifty-two weeks
year. .
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in great quantity is
constantly coming in, declaring Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds to be unequaled. A
recent expression from T. J. McFarland,
Bentorville, Ya., serves as example.
He writes: "I had bronchitis for three
years and doctored all the time without
being benefited. Then I began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few
bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef
fective in curing all lung and throat
troubles, consumption, pneumonia and
grip. Guaranteed by Charman A Co..
druggists. Trial bottles free, regular
sizes 50c and $1.
Among (lie marriage licenses issued
this week were the following : Gertrude
Prudem and Alexander Smith ; Nellie
Hughes and J. A.Coon.
The slim attendance at an entertain
ment given in this city Monday evening
was additional evidence of the the usual
result of such events when tbey are not
properly advertised. As an entertain
ment of worth, the event of Monday even-
: ... . -V. n tci Ana rl tha mat Hnaer
iu( nna ram.)jD wu. w. . -
ving that ever visited the city ; but how
ever deserving a company or entertain
ment may be, a certain amount 01 iegiu-
muia nnhlifitv ia rennirml to secure W
proper patronage and this can only be
secured tnrougu. ine local press, rosier
advertising is well enough in its place
and serves its purpose but it is the ad
vertisement in the local paper that ia
read and accepted lor us worm.
Bodily pain loses its terror if you've a
bottle of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil in the
house. Instant relief incase of burns,
cuts, sprains, accide ts of any sort.
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
Absolutely Pure