Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 18, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Watches for $ 1.00
Watches for $ 2.50
Watches for $ 5.00
K 1027
Watches for
Watches for
Watches for
$ 7.50
$ 10.00
Watches for Girls
Watches for Boys
Watches for" Young Folks
Watches fot Old Folks
WE ONLY WANT TO REMIND YOU That you can secure those presents you intend
to jwrchawi from u. It does not take up much of your time aa you paes by our
store very lay and whenever you have a few minutes to spare drop in. We have
plenty of exjairicTiecd clerks to wait upon you. Our stock i3 the largest and best selected in the
city, and the jiaality the name as it has been for the past twenty years the very best only. Our
prices are the same during the holiday season aa any other time. We do not add the holiday
per cent, as yoa so often find the case at a great many places.
Our display of Diamond, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Chinaware, Cut Glass, Leather
(loods, Musical Instruments, Cameras and Kodaks is particularly adapted for the holiday
season. It w much easier to select a suitable present from this line than any other.
Nickel Watches
Silver Watches
Gold Filled Watches
Solid Gold Watches
Watches lor
Watches for
Watches for
Watches for $30.00
Watches for $40.00
Watches up to $57.00
Ironic c .Tq I
)regon City Enterprise
departed for Alaska. Hi aversion lo
military duty in Mm North I the canes
wmitiil by the soldier (or leawinir the
post. Having tired uf hoboing about
the ronntry, the Ixl ia now ready lo re
turn to his company and gel what mili
tary duu-ipline prmtmht lor Mioii cou-ilikl.
fill VOTK Wl UK.AH(li At
ll meeting of liaft city coiiiiia'1 last
Wednesday evening, (tin vote cant at tlin
city flection Monday a t-anvaserd. Ni I
malarial chuifr we disclosed liy Mm
oiliititl count Which fivt practically IIih
sain result an ttiat tinuflicially an
inaioed on the evening ol Win election.
The. wi-wly-elected rily officers will not
he inaugurated until lite regular mwlinu
of tli(V(-oiiiicil on Jaixaary 4. At that
uicctia4 linns C. Curry, the present city
recnroVr, will likely l re-elected by the
council to succeed liiinnefl. At the mine
Tiik I'loa Wkhk to Hlk. dn-divoroe
proceedings 'bat were instituted seecrltly
hvlulla 1). Ilowiett a.-ainst John N.
I io hilt, the wife ! tier unit foi- a
h'liiil aeparation on crm-l trealuieat fol
lowing thfl niuiiittioritMi bmIc liy lierlim
Imnd of two liiK", that ehe coiileiida
were l.i r iiiilivaihiiil pri'rtv uoon nJiicli
he depended to feed tier fuuiil y. The
hiiHlmiwI, a'hiH the wife, uiutle the
ufl'eiii'H the inoie HL'ifravatiiiK, hy -
leciiiiL' hjuI reliihinif to contnhulH the i carrvint! concealed eHonn waa loduert
procendH-of the nale of the porkera to the I against them. When Hrrained liefore
Hiimxirt rf the family. Il ia alleged hv I Jualice Stipp f-HlUrdrfV afternonn, th
llw wife that the liuahund in employed in
the Woolen Mill at Sell wood and Him
uka that tLe court allow tier 7.r attor-
Rt N Iowm av Ca J. U. l-ndxf, a
arjK iiter of thl city. aa rn Into hy
a ircion City hound Mrwt rr at the
itlkplaca atalinn alaml 7 o'clwk ttfon
ef Bveninif. Mr. .anlra lorlunaielv
Iped eerl'Hia injury ltlMiih til
alpwaa tiadly cut in iMiaiher of
!. Iln waakcn to 81. Vneirt'i
. Npllttl In I'ortUMld liiimxIlateW follow'
4 Ihe accident.
? -
I Now Ht a rWmcus r. H
!iUnl, who recently went to New York
J lo at d a nirt cl college, tiaa heeti
m inted hoilae pLvalnan at rt. liar
'Joniew'a llpilrtt In New York 'iv.
du!iea eiiKu'it Un tune ipine oin- nieeling' Mayor I'kiim Ic will pruhahlv an
Iclv and hia many friend here are liuninc tiia HpHiintoient f Chief of J'o-l-i'd
to uoltt the reciK'iition of til i lice, NiWit l'olice Olfiiwa, ('ity Attorney
rf h i that made po-dMe the apputnt- jid Mre-( Coiiiiiiiwooner. The appiant
''HI to audi an iuir!ant (Mieitiou. I ment of tlieae olfli-era hv the iA)or ia
J . luhniltled for latilication fcv thecuiincll
Km trm HT DotmiKi.. Win. Wink
' ID , an einphrve. at llie Ori'Koii City
iH'li n Mill had a lianow en(r hwt
iid iy allernoon from Kerioua injury and
ihly death. Wickhaai ia eiiiiiiyeii
t)n iiuiiiiii;roiiiii Inn aa he (-
( throlinh (tie canlini! riuiii, one H llie
Je iron roller Im-ame lU-laclied ffia
li.ihon uf the (i.mIiiik, and, falliiK
rik k Wickham In llii- wd, hreakinu
Onha. Hut for the .'act that he do.rl
(!: l-le, whirl) otlierwiae would have
i k him, H'ii klumi would piohiihlv
( hieii killed hy the fon-e of the
i -
( km liiijoioN. Minrifl'a'haver
1( oiiftnlile M'luily went to riohtllii
I Wiiiliii-Hihiy HfU'Miooii nruied with a
ill for the" arreat of lUvid William',
amor reauliiiu in that lueulilv, charged
k iMKaiiilv. Kelalivca of WillLiiiia'
im- lo line city and nwore to thla coin
dpi. V illianis, alio ia ahuiit lit) y in
afe, recently raniH to tliia 'ity win-re
itU'iided (lie Salvation Army nn4't
' mid hecaoae of tlii iinuaiial cxi it'-
nt , he it aa'kl, to have honumu vio
'U iiiHane, After an exiuiiinatioH
rnoon, the. unfortunate
9. n coiiiuijtted to the aayluiii for
at ii t.
'Imihikii at Miukiiiiit W. A. Wliite,
ft'-pi ioiia farmer icHidiuir near Wiad
rn. and l:ii.al'ili A. Storm, recently
the htute of Waeliinon, were the
IV ipula in h roiiuintic iimirmce in tliia
V n t a ii i-iirly linur Sunday morning
po-viouH arriinifeiiii'iit the partieahttd
muled to iiKvt ill thla city Saturday
trnooii, hut tlin prospective hrule,
iliu' to catch the tiain to this city,
1 1 itu iu hi riviiin and the hiirihaiid "for
Bu'wuh diHcoiiierh'd. He searched
frntly for the wunian whom hnlmnJiy
4ti d at the local hotel w here alie liad
W'ered. County Clerk Hleiuht was
limbed from Inn lioiiie ahortly before
iiiiK'ht when the ri'ipilHite license wa
'iied ami then the eniiplo proceeded
be reaidence of Hcv. K. S. liollinjjer
1 wiih aroiiHcd and at the uiiiihuiiI
if of midnight pronounced the cere
Dy that united the pair in matrimony.
i -
rAa Ttm:n or Thami iso. A deaertinff
li'T Rtirrendered liiniaelf to Chief of
h e Hurna IhhI Wedneadny and wa
9n hy that otllcer to the Vancouver
Tuckir that alterniain. The noldier
hief Iturna that he deserted the
iy at Tort I.awton, WaahinKton, sev-
months ao just before his company
U of woaien' work in Mie Nortlwet, CoosTt Cocbt. County Jadue Ryan
and (nctade a hmtory of the pioneer fani-1 und Coinmowioners Brobst nd till in
lieninrtie NoriMweai, exclusively. TLere ' convened lu county court in adjourned
ua a1rndv been secured I ir the Koav
enir coiKributiant from minv of the
ablest wvriten writera in the Norlhwit.
The inanaiteiiieal ( the edition, w bich
wfllonirft of HO, 0K) volume, haarle
ndr4 lo (Ter two prize, in romrteOnv
fur mhieh only thixe w dio have bees-vd-vested
in the 'Korthweat w ill he allowed
to farticifiata, o that the publication
maviie Mrictlv repieeenlative of this
eectim of the itotintry. The first prize
will be awarded for the heat detonator
themver piiKe, and in this all srtiat in
Hi Xorthweat at ay compete. Tlie aec
one prize will be given some public
erhool cliilJ for the bent desi(na w ith
whkh to illostnite a m'ory. I'utdic
arhool children ia the Nort'iweot wily
will be allowed to compete for (hi pracn.
aession lat Wednesday, when such bo ni
nes as was not disposed of at the rego
ular meeting the week before was taken
up for eonaidoraliow.
The Knterrtrise1.5l) per year.
Tiiet Vi:u Haw Ci stomkh . J.
Iiracke ndridce and Jack If mston are
the name (civeii hy two yoiinu fellow
who were arresled by the lixal poliie
ollicersalan rarly hour last Satunlay
innrMiiiK after a liltle pitol sliooluiy h id
been reported t. When g?aiclied at the
city jail, the younk' feowa, who claimed
to have cocne to Una city from Salem,
were found in puesession of a revoler
apiece. A nionir the peraonul effects that
were found in their pocket was a newe-
twiper clippinjf of the .Midway Street
Hallway h"lt-up ot last Iny. lhj pair
was considered h3picious enoiuli to
hear watching for a time and a chaise of
Akotheb I'lat Filed The Willam
ette Kalis Company has platted into
town lote a tract uf land in tp I s, rl e.
and filed tb plat with the county re
corder. There are 04 small tracts in
cluded in Oke plat. W. II. Uoode, of
Portland, and C. U. Cautield. of this
city, are tle president and secretary, re
spectively, of the company.
Wwh To Bk Kjcpa rated. Fred C.
Seiaenspiner is plaintiff in a divorce suit
brought in tiie Clackamas county circuit
court aaintt Klixabeth 8eiaenspiner,
whom tie married at Cincinnati, Ohio, ia
June, 1KD7. De-erlioji in 11)02 is alleged.
There ia a daughter aged 5 years, which,
the plaintitt asserts, ia with the defend
ant and beyoud the jurisdiction of the
Clackamas oolinty court.
to be wrong, for I have always beard it
called 'setting' back in Ohio where I
was raised. It seems to me that set is
belter than sit. A man couldn't set on
eggs, but be could sit on them easy
enough, as I saw an Oregon City man do
not long ago. He was bringing a basket
of eggs to market, and tumbled off the
wagon seat. hen I saw htm be wpj
sitting on the eggs all right, and be was
scolding worse than a setting hen.
Please set this question at rest, bo that
1 can sit on the minister. 1 am an old
subscriber to The Oregonian."
tr.JT' of the legislature, if
tn .men- ."whini special meeting.
catioDal I
made r
The Holiday Vacation. The Oregon
City School Board met last Monday
night and decided to suspend work in
the city schools ednesday evening,
December 23, and the vacation will con
Hnue until tbe first Monday in January.
Hans were submitted to tbe board for
the connection of the schools with the
4 tht feature of tbe state edu-
w that iu operation may be
jot equitable.
r-rlRlsnUH AT ST. JOHN'S.
Fatfcer Hlldelirand Win Bestow Papal'
Beaedlctlon on Congre&atfon.
Tbe exercises attending the celebra
won of the Christm s season at St. Jo:h3
Catholic church in tliij city will he of
unusual interest. In addition to tbe regu
Jar services high maason Christmas will
be followed by the giving of the pupal
benediction by the pastor, the Key.
a her Hildebrand, to whom this faculty
was bestowed at tbe time of bis Me visit
with Pope Pius X at Home.
ine servii-e Iiavimr Iwm.fi A,.,n.i
lui'ii were found guilty and sentenced to
lificen days imprisonment in the county
i.ul. In the meantime, the otliccra will
the record of the couple w hich is believed
to have tieen implicated in sonm of tbe
crooked work toat has been going on in
this section of the Northwest of late.
One of the fellows i suspected of being
the fellow for whom the state officials of
Washington are on Ihe lookout for horse
stealing. ,
ney's fee with which to prosecute the have au npturttinity to further look up
wilt together with the lurtlicr Hum ol f iu
ner month with which to support the
family .luring the pendency of Ihe suit.
Mrs. How lett asks to be awarded the.
custody f four minor children, the issue
of a former marriage. IV. J. Partlow
also began a divorce suit against Beeca
Partlow last week. The parties reside
near this city.
Bui J.aniiPkai..- Deeds covering about
l!,(KX) acres of timber land in Clacka
mas county, with an aggregate consider
ation of $!l(l,0K), were tiled last week in
the recorder's ollico. The sale was made
hy the Northern Pacific Hiiilroad Com
pany to the Weyerhaiiaer Timber Com
puny, of Wisconsin, and includes nine of
the richest timber hinds in this county.
One of tbe deeds included Sm it acre in
township 5 south, range 7 east, for which
'li.WS was paid. The second deed tians
furred title to 13,14 1 acres, located in
township (S south, range 8 east; town
ships t, 7andH, and township 4 south,
range ft east. Tho consideration for the
mu'ornl transaction was nii,.i. ine
land ia located in tbe southeast part of
Clackamas county, near the Santinm
Win. Rkprksekt tiik Nortiiivkst.
Mury Osburn Uouthit, of Portland, wan
a visitor to this city the latter part of
last week in the interest of The Souve
nir, a descriptive publication that will
he issued about March 1, 1'.MW, in the in
terest of the Lewis and ClBrk Centen
nial Kxposition that will be held during
that year. While in the city Miss Don
tint called npon many of the prominent
women of Oregon City and gathered
considerable data from this place of his
toric interest for use irl the publication,
which will consist of a historical write-
Bald? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then It's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to it. If
not entirely bald, now is your
opportunity. Improve it.
"Ihsvs inpil Arer' Hnlr Vigor for oyer 46
yn. 1 Atn iiuw 91 yran till! anil liavc ft heavy
ffrnwth f rli-h lirnwn hair. due. 1 think, en
Urelj to Ar' lla.tr Vlirur."
Mr. M. a. Kkitb, Bellerlllo. III.
1. e. avm co.,
InWKll. Vn
51 0(1 a IwMtln.
A 11 rlri' ft,'
Good Hair
fith was 111 halem last Wednesday, when
fie appeared before the supreme court
when the cise of the city of Oregon City
against tbe Oregon and California Kail
road Company came up foi argument.
Ibis is the suit in which is involved the
right of way to that part of the city
through which Uie company's roadbed
pusses, a uecivioii is expecttHi soon.
Chairman Carll and Director Caufleld,
action on tbe matter was suspended nn-
til tiie next meeting.
ran; tunned lull 01 tug 8CIIUOI8 WllQ tile ;.k:.i . -" u ui-
ritv sewers, but owimr to the hKBnn, nt 11,8 eocene ot Uregon Citv. mid
. " . " vvv v, n mao4 i..., I.
1 ....... illiniums x,ve win nut ba
ceieorated by the Oregon City church,
his year. Christmas Day there will t)9
three services as follows: Ma ,.t a. m.
with English sermon ; mass at 8 :45 wi d
berman sermon and high mas, at 10:0
w'i? the 'vinof tbe papal benediction.
Ihe ladies of the Altai So.-ie'y will
have charge of tbe de,-nrfi,i,. ,.r ,1,
church and tbe altar will be e-m-.- Hl
Baokb Several Ribs. A second acci
dent happemxJ on the Parkplace trestle
of tbe Oregon Water Power & Railway
Company Tuesday night when James
liuddleston, claiming to be a resident of
KKiuorsiY I nwhkd. -George Miles
while engaged at sw itching some cars in
the local yaids of the O. W. P. A K
Co. iu .this city last Wednesday
evening, was prjoawy seriously injured
in passing around a- curve .Miles
caught between the two cars and badlv
squeezed bout the waist. The attend
ing physician does not think anv bouea
w ere broken, but it is feared that some
internal complications may result.
Miles was not as seriously injured
was at tirst supposed. Xot even a bone
was broken and "Red," as be is best
knosu, is aain able to be about the
streets, probably a better man than ever
before, tiut lie declares that he will never
again place himself on the short side of
a curve in an attempt to keep apart two
ireigtit curs.
! IUmaok 8l-it SKTTLKn. The suit of
(jco. v. Isihee, administrator of the es
tate of Hoy Sunderland, deceased,
against tbe Crown Paper Mills, of this
city, for .x)00 damages, has been settled
and dismissed from the United States
Court to which court it was transferred
from the Clackamas county circuit court
in which the action was originally insti
tuted. It is understood that the action
was settled on a compromise of $1500
that was tendered bv the company.
Sunderland lost his life as the: conse
quence of an accident that happened
while he was employed bv the defendant
company in this city last February,
11 . 1 j . , . . . . .1 1 ., .
jroruaim, maoe a inis-BieD on tlie treat le 01a ieu ior me hnaim ,.i..i
work, being blinded by the headlight of I Draper will have charge of tie
u aiiiuuaciiuik; ireiimicar. anu sustained
the fracture of four ribs. He was brought
back to this city where be was treated at
the city jail by Dr. J. M. Powell, the
county physician.
-"King anu among the select ons that
will be rendered is the Corpus Clm-ti
Mass by I.aHache.
lYorot t All Ilxprrienres.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be vour last?
Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H.
Newson, Decatar, Ala."- "For three
years," she writes. "I endured insutfer-1
able pain from indirection, stomach and I er." writes Mr. Ihierv Koons, of yik
bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable W. Va. " 'lien I commenced tot.
when doctors and all remedies failed. 111,3 menic- le I weuhed one hundred
.t length I was induced to trv Electric "J thirty pounds. I have t: . ..
Bitters and the result wa miraculous. ?Kh.'s of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
I had scrofula ami
erysipslas for ei2it
een years, until I
Of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Piscr.y.
I improved at once and now I'm com
pletely recovered. For liver, kidneir.
stomach and bowel troubles Electric
Bitters is tbe onlv medicine. Onlv av-
It is guaranteed 'bv Charman A Co..
Works Hardship ojj Ri-rai. Dis
tricts. That part of tiie new law on
the apportionment of the state school
tax does not meet with favor among the
taxpayers of this countv. While this
feature of tbe present statute is objec
tiionable, the citizens of this county do
not demand that action be tAken on thia
law at the approaching special spession,
preferring that matters of general legisla-1
uon oe leit to a regular session, if that
will in any way contribute to a hrief
sion of the leirislatnre t tl 11a tima Tn
der the law as recently amended, the
state school tax is apportioned aiuonir
the several districts of each county on a
straight per capita basis of $0 per en
rolled pupil. Such a diKhiirsemonl-. nf
funds works a burdsliip on the sparsely
settled districts, and it is from this
inaitiie principal objection to the law
in its present form exists. Under the
law that has been repealed each district
was allowed a fund of f"0 trom the state
tax and a per capita tax in addition suf
ficient to cover. the balance of the state
fund. The injustice of the law in it
; present torm
Pons a Hen "Sit" ob "Skt?" Mrs.
Elizabeth Johnson, a resident of this
city, recently sent tbe Portland Orego
nian tbe following interesting qnerv:
"Can you inform me whether a hen
'sits' or 'sets?' There has been quite
a discussion here as to the right way of
expiessing this act of a hen, and I wai
called down hard by a minister for sav
ing that a certain woman here acted as j known that
lussyas a setting ben. The m n ster triets have . 7t;.U,., ii .;, I 1 """,0
said I was wromr to . .,.h thin.. 1ve a dithcult enough time under
- J ...... u ..a..p,a
about anyone, that I should have said a
'sitting hen. I would like to prove bim
is apparent when it is
majority of the rural dis-
the most favorable conditions to main
tain a school for even a short period nf
the year. An effort will likely be made
.v.vi, ami mic: vitits 01 nis 1 le.19
Biit Pellets,' and am glad to say I feci
like a new man. I now weigh one hun
dred and seventy-five pounds. When I
nai used one bottie ot the medicine I
could feel it was helping me. I realize
lit. .t-ierce s Coldon Judical Discovery
i'xoiiiie on earui.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery purifies the blood and en
tirely eradicates the poisons that
breed and feed disease. It cures
scrofula, eczema, erysipelas, boils,
pimples and other eruptions that
mar and scar the skin. Pure blood
is essential to good health. The
weak, run-down, debilitated con
dition which so many people ex
perience is commonly the effect of
impure bl.d. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery not only cleanses
the blood of impurities, but it in
creases the activity of the bkxd
makinp plain Is, and it enriches the
body with an abundant supply of
pure, rich blood.
Free. Dr. Tierce's Cornmm
Sense Medical Advi-er is sont free
on receipt of stamps t pay e.r.eiise
of mailing only. Send 21 o;ie-cc:it
stamps for the book in paper cwrs,
or 31 stamps for the cloth-hoiiad
volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
P.uf7:iTr N V '