Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY PKCKMHKK 11, 1903. 8 girls on Scott': C LA I K A M A S (0 I X T V ( 0 1 KT j w 1 1 Kimi aw litri.t So. 27. II I. Sidivin Son. V 10 ,. , . .iii. i ' li"fifl No. -S. liuiiicss 1 rmiMU-U'd at homiliir ; h k i!,.yi,. tw j I'isiiut No. ;so. ! J ltiikner Son 4 10 liMliii-t No. 31. , . i ! Jolm Aden 1 matter of warrant laatuvl lit i i1Htn, t No. 3:!. iietTinlier Term. In the vacation. Paiiiir Account John Avtna M 00 Ch Anderson t IH Kl'rn Hiid.ea ! Oil (' K lutriis !V 00 Kins "otmll 8 00 Mre Maria Clark 10 00 Feed pale Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Seott's Emulsion restores the strength i wm iwn 6 ih a:ul flesh and color of good ikuIiIi to those who sutler from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, r'ch in nutrition, full of healthy stiiv.u'ation is a siurtrcstion as to why it duos what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in Ute. Young women in their ' teens " are jx-rmanently cured of the jK'culiar disease of the b.oM which shows itself in paloness, weakness and nervous ly v'ss, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure oi the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. W M Wariux k li 00 J K l.ovidt' '.' (HI Spriin!tt'r l.ninl'iT Co 20 il J 1 Mver ,v Son lion Keller tiro liowditdl N Mint .... Paul KrevUi IS 00 W T lUnliier 10 'JO J M H.-ikart 8 (M Mm Marv llalev MOO J A J olios 1 50 Mr Kroner 7 IX) lit'oie Sloouey S 00 I, Matherson 7 00 W II Mattoon 8 IX) .! S Mi-Cotnb. SO (X) Mra Marv Yohkera 8 (X) Mre llattie Wood S (XI Thou ' Kyan 6 00 Indigent Soldier Mead l'oft No 2 U A K 13 00 In the. matter of miperviaora report examined and allowed. Viola Koad Improvement W H Honney li'xi M A A Kenny 1 50 J Tatnhlvn 75 K lrin.' 2 -5 FA Yck 1 W W Mann 12 75 S Komvthe 13 IX) 0 Heed 25 75 5(1 75 FAMattoon 1? B Preeton 4 I. U Kiliiour 12 40 00 3 IX) 22 50 We will tx glid to tend a sample to any sufferer. Bt ture thit this picture In the form ot a label is on th wnppr cl every bolt it of fcroumoft you buy. SCOTT A BOWNE. Chemists, 409 Fearl St. New York- Carl A. Tatzlaff Chas. II. Moehnke City s COMPANY v IL U (VI B E Rl GO o CO O OO: C R I.iveaay J K rVeria.. J K Fiillam. W II Council 40 IX) Dietrii-t No 2 Saner A Wing 01 45 1 A Mather 2 M ! Win Cuppa 17 50 (i Heilniver IS 50 W router 15 50 U Puran U (XI ! E llnl.nard U' 50 LP Jones. 41 2' I'iKtrii't No ; Grirtin A Hall 10 OS j A H KitzAii 10 (X) i Pituriot No 4 !T Yoeuiu 2 40 (i H Linn 5 00 i 1 )it riot No 5 I Honnit June Lumber Co 114 071 J W Koota JH Albert Trenton II (X) Win 1'ieston . 12 00 D Hedermao 1 50 j Win Singleton U 75 ; W 11 Borimt 21 2 jO W Boring 11 25 ' District No V j Ht-ruian Uulerbusch $25 (X) I Mriniie Bros 3 75 ; Kioh A Moll 5J W) i J s liibboim 1 50 Geo Anilirson 5 25 ' JaineH l'oe :i OU I I ii DeShazer 00 j J II Revenue 10 00 IH-trii-t No 8 ! W O Riikih I 8 25 T Revenue 00 ' Ira Kimn ti 75 It W liuutiUa 15 00 I District No9 ' W Guldeniopf i IHI I ', A Weiderhold f 00 i i FA (iiitr 0 00; ! F R11I1I . 5 00 40 M t) 111 10 M V W J A Held 12 IX) Frank linker 1 50 Noali Mast ll 00 I'M Cliwnev .1 IH1 Win Tucker. S 00 Julin Marittibank 1 M J A Reld 22(H) Pin.iict No. ;5. !'io tor A Ueera 10 50 W A 1'iiH tor 4 ' K Manarv 3 W J II Fowler 1(H) N F. l.srmen H IH) W Shnner 3 (Hi Fred Wagrer 11 '.'5 Dinlrii't .No. oti. Ivan Broadwell ll IX) llerred Choate I W K 1. Kenagv 7 50 llenrv llinkle 1 50 1 Hum 'I tiler 2 25 Bud Tbompaoii 17 50 F.d l'eteraon I 50 Tlioa 1-etller 3 75 Bud Thomnon 8 7.' ! In the matter ol claiuit allowed. ' T B Killeu 31 40 Win Brobl. 2:1 20 l.ivv Mipp 5 111 II S Moody 3D !m Livy Siiip ll 80 C K Nol)litt 00 11 .S Moody 10(H) l.ivv Slipp" 2 70 II S 14' 11 ti nt lev Bro 12 80 William Bum 1 00 V II Crocker Co 105 00 Liverpool Insurance Co 45 00 lniurHiiftt Co N'. America 45 (HI C II Dye 07 5U Nniijara Insurance Co 45 00 Oreiui Citv Flailing Mill )' V llama..' 1 15 F Neh ten ti 25 GET THAT ' HHBIT Star Brand SHOES Are Better VK 1IAVK WON A KKVV l ATION l.i I vicl. Wo liuvo mM.-il new, youn .lK), which ki'i'i'n tm ntrictly up to il.ito limn iiinurin to our I'liHtouK'm tlm lutont pi,.,, bt vlvn prioi'H to ini't't oiuiijM'litioii. (lur itiH:k of Sumrt FtMitwcnr w ill pli'itmi tlm mt piirtiouliir triulo. 4A, UK AND A MiiiUtin Water CoiiiiuiHsiunerH. lUncrod Whitney Co. . . John I'umiimiKt St Vinci'iit'a llonpilal . I Ailama Broa Kva L Motiltoii II S MihhIv J1110I1 (iilHrell Anna Caxifll W B St afford W. B. l.ton C N Wait John Aden Mrs Hamilton W F Klrchem , Jepli Andrea ....... Mariha J Andrew C A Stuart K Sninlgrasa B llfderman Wm Bird J Wilkinsun ll) 5 15 111 3 75 20 00 :!.'i :u 14 70 3 00 2 20 2 20 2 2o 2 20 2 40 4 (0 3 40 4 40 2 IH) I 2 2D j 2 ID j 4 4l 5 00 5 00 j 0 00 10 L'O I Young1 Blood Tim ST A It HKAN1) SII0KS am uiado up in ainiirt tti.t novt'ltieii in lctttlmr jM-rfeot ntylB fur tho will ilri'wJ iiihii or lxy, womatt or cliilil. OUR PAHILY UNI: aHMMBBBaaHaaBaMMM la a SH-cinlly, iniiilo liy tho Star liniinl iiic'liuin weight hox ni If, llli'ililltll weight Hole, (illlirailtcfil Hlltisf.U-tiilll. Oct That Habit TradliiR at MICHAEL'S cun family Arxp: 0 J R Morton 2S Oil it r 1 1 n 1 nnnnrnnn iw ro I I VI "HM 1 1 1 1 1 VI II I d ll II 111 llll II III (I II ! J K Sin I.J I XII U1UUUU1UU PIONEER rrangfei1 and EgiPBft, Freight and parcels delivered to all parta of the city. KATES - REASONABLE THE CANBY PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Watches, Clocks, Spectacles Firnt Clans Repairing All Goods and Work Warranted E. I. SIAS Central Home Telephone CANBY, OREGON JOHN YOUNGER, J"E2'7"E2Xa3E2'1cZ ear Huntley's Drug Store, llenrv Johnson X 00 Fred I.ins 1 5i H Wilt.nrn 1 !) I) at rict No 10 t field $2 00 ihtrict No 11 ith $19 (Xi C F, Smith 1 5 J Ilolconib I 75 D WettB 3 50 District Nol4 J A Jonea $112 51 GFUibba 40 00 rred Miller 27 00 CBair 2H 00 Kiv 22 20 I Kit William 2 20 John Riley I") M I A llavlmrtt 30 OO j l II II Wade 2.1 M) F T Davia ;;t 10; K K I odd 32 00 U S Kan. lull 31 I KJ J A MnMey 33 1) j C (i Miliar.l 31 40 B Sullivan 31 00 j TMCro.a 3! 50, I) 1! Martin 32 00 j r're l Matthiea II ") Jarnet rlvarm 32 00 i A D Burnett 5 01 M M Mclieehaii 2 40 1 BriiriKWH'k Reataurant 0 75 (i A Boilack C 00 ! I.nlu Hankiti 30 75 j 1 liua t r. van i .11 55 no OREGON CITY PLANING MILL F. S. BAKER PROP. CD- All kimls of Ittiililing Material, Sash, Ioora Motildinjr, Ktc. - OREGON CITY, ORE PLUMDINC CHARCES ! am no li'her 1 han Ihuaelti arif o'.W traile, ami oura are no lnulmr (lit mt vli n remlereil deinaniU. Whal iimlrrlake to loin a tliurvefk I and atilitnr)f manorr. Thxrt I tmi Ih fiiiiml alter ur vofknita ti (hrniitth ilh a I'Oi aiiir itvlMiln lnwi leaky I'll'", lxe roniiei'lMiat oltitt evldeiura n( aiiiiTil" orl. Etrj part lll he erlrrt, and look filfl, and w hen the hill rovira In to'll M ak (or aiiv dedoi'tmii. 0 C C tiibha "O v , iniiMion Planing Mill Co 4 A U Guynup l!i ) I 1 r ; r.i L 1 acn w Jones " i C Read 35 ! Floyd Jones 9 (JO , J IV join Distrkt No 10 ; I J Nelson liO 00 A llowar.t 41 00 K A Sommer 5 IH) J R Shaver 10 30 1 j KG MatldM'k H III Carlton & Rosenkrans $25 17 w KinnB.,, Herman Anthony 10 75 ( ,, NehrPn 27751 Oregon City JVIaehine Fun. ti- Hi i ki ki A. KiniMiiiMiiir Shop W S Randall 9 00 FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN 'ireat Britain and America. f'r.M.;u.,. f'r. 1: 'tri LFuriionon 1 '"iMuu imi cn 3 rui Jiui RittinKer.. ' r i J T Mers A Hon 40 50 A fctaej.ely 24 2o 1 Awh Kw.,i(.r 3 (i0 District No. H- . (-1!Co!e liros & Co 20 OS John Shannon fli 00 1 UiBtrict No 13 T Krickson . $ 1 Go A I.arkins 75 I-Moiher 1 50 T Savter 1 50 J J Mallatt 10 00 District No20 Cummins 4 Co $025) 25 J I'ollock 27 5J District No. 22. LWKobWm $ Jf 'sold for 60 years P Rjvles "0 - C L .Standiniter 11 47 Fritz Freyres 12 75 Victor Dickey 'J 00 J R Da vies l' 25 Wrn Standinger 2 (A) K P Dodtfe 2 00 UJRaBtall 27 00 District No. 23. Banby Hawroill 3d 5)4 1 M.M.tlO, BUCKLEIN & KLEINSHMIDT. Proprietors. General Machine Work ol all kinds dime. We carry In ntiu k a linn of Sliaftmu ami Pulleys ne and gerund hand. F 1 rut idaaa Fnuine ami Naw mill marliiiiery. Orders liy Mail or Tuleplioni. promptly lillrd. At rear o( Popo'a Ilardwam Store. OroOn City, OrOCOn. Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer's Pills. i Gently laxative; all vegetable. O: O J. P. AywC. Lowj.i, Kin, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or ritb black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE firry " or rK":it 'iin p HAirf' "in, n h. mi F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBEI WM. GARDNER & SON WATC HMAKERS 4 N D JEWELERS . . All work k'ivr-n ntir prompt aii'l cari'ful ntti'iition. , . . Prices U e a h on a 1) 1 (! rpHE OF OKKGOU CITY. ( apital, M Jl Khenoard & Co Wrn Leach 2 55 JMGill 6 00 I John Taylor 7 60 j I Manuel Kine $100,0001 L S.heppard 2 Henry Uilbertson 2 10 10 toann maile. Billn dincouuttd. Mak col- un.. Iftctioni. Buyn d1 aelln exchange on all poluti District No. 24. la the l."iilt5)j Europe and Hong Hon, i Montandon. MepoiiuH recifca I'lrijeci w uue; - t(iQ from 9 A. H. to 4 r. u. D. C. LATOURKTTE, PrenHent. F. J. MEYEE Canliier. WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE has removed bjto the storeroom adjoining the post of fice. We carry a complete line of new and second hand etoves and furniture. Highest prices paid for all kinds of junk. Sugarman & Co. OASTOniA. Wratb lUKiri Yoc Haw kmn (nature ftf 0 27 ' 1 .00 ftol btrnbhar I District No. 20. Cole Uros A Co IT Weaner C Morris 7 50 FA M Morris 20 fXJ J Kraxbiirer A Kraxburger Ira Morris C I ji i) re nee Eil M Morris 12 District No. 20. J A liannaifen , W P.obbins Literal Lumber Co Jokn Khodes John Akins J L Udell A Howard W Pairin In the Circuit Court of the State ol Ore Kon, lor tlie County of CUckaman. Annie K. Layman, Plaintill,j v , Jarneg M. Layman, Defendant ) To JaineM M. Lnvinan thn hIwivm immerl i VI ' rlefenrlarit. 15 00. In tlie na ne of the State of Oregon, You j are hereby required to a)ar ami aiinwer 5 (K) Hie coin plaint lileil asOint you in ll,e above -I) I entitled anil cm or lielnre Die JOIh ilay ol November KiO'i, that hein ix weeks after in. Hut, f.f thf. tirMt i,iitilicMl inn nf il.iu Hijiniiiona and if you fail to no Bi"-nr Hni aunwer naiO complaint the plainlill will ai ply to the court for the reltW therein irayei lorto-it: lor a denrce of nivori:e lorever f.f um'll VI 11 lur iiuii'ii. 1,1 linn riill'fli iiiw K- rt iilinr between the pl tinlill ami Oefenilant 2 . alMjve rian.eil anil (.'ivmn ami granting to jmuiiiiiii uir Bii' . '1 r-1,.,.1 y t i iiir ;Miiinr ehililren, the issue of aiM ri.arnae, viz: O: Court Houso Block . ORECON CITY, ORE. 11 1 at YEARS' "IENCE or N CVL 1 PIC3PL i ..... :...: ."...I.. .7 . . IMUIIIIIH INT ..IBI-T BII' . 'I r-i... y f It ''I. lames licnver Layman, ( .'iarle1. Arriohl I Layruari ami John Harold I.ayr.iar.. and .'Jo j lor the coin and diihurseiiieBta of this suit ; and lor such other and further relief as to the Court may seem proper. Ibis mtii mons is published for six consecutive weeks by order of lion John 11. Cleland Jinliieof said court, made on the Mil day of U':lober I). Y. PRICK, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1 ij '.a A 50 00 3 00 3 00 1 50 Trade Marks DcaiGNs Copyrights 4 c. Antftn" 'Tiding aslcetr-h arid rl.niTlif li.n nm? f)uii sir MAi'HriHiu .uir intii'fi tmv wIii'IImt all liirnl Inn M rri.tmlilr ,,;il-ninhl,,. ( nriniMiiilrii. Il.itm l rl: lr ' "n.l.-.iMKl. HANUHOOK ml'.l.-iiu flint fri-M. Ol'li-.t Hti-in 1 lur m.-. .jrilijr ,i.ImiIh. 1'HliiniN llirninli Miiiiii A t u. riM-elve tprruUntilice, ttil hnul uliiirui., tn tin Scientific Jlmericam A bsr.f1iiomlf llnitrn'i W(k1f. I nrvnt rtr. niltlffi i-t nif urtfiil ltr JoiirnHl. 1vrn,m, yonr; four n.-t,f (jj.IU Moid Uyll nowicN-Micrau MUNri&Co.36'8-"-'' New York ruiii:ri urlir. as, r Ht, Wtuliliitmm. I), c .1 VT .lf" h'f ,,mP'' n herfare, but ahe IMS bmm tuklnir cas;ahm'H and ihev hnvo fllsariKiar(!u. J hud brnn troubled wim ciinstlpatlnn lur nonie time but sftur lak- l1'1,", flr,",' 1 hn M trouhle with; its ailment. W n cannot dtnU too blub lyofCasrarala." t hid Wauiiiih " Uermanlown Ave.. I'blladululila. Pa, I f fffYl CANDY ! CATHARTIC The World's Best By Every Test (iold Medula for hiuh Htaml quality at New Orleai'S. . ' Cblra); Par.-, I!"'" FOR 8ALI BV . E. MATTHIAS Sola Agency for Oregon City 611 1. n.H.i in niPimfBggfflSgy Tak(t,tbe year. ;ntcrprie fifty-two weelm Good N.:.M?,fubl ''"nl- T" ,,no4- i wood, JOiYer aiciiun. Waakno. or GriK, We. to. Km. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... aitrtUt C.,, iki. Umlr.. Ii V. 1u K0T0-B1C ri-nli.d bf ill r.f. Seeds r..i.or.-vlfl'lm'i" IthtAtandardSr. Kd Annual poUP'11 A- -II ...nllrainll. D. M. FERRV CO- netroll. Mien-