Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
7 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11,1903 New To-Day. guard, ,1. F. NcIhuii ; council of adiiiinia Iratlon, I ieorgn F. Ilorlou ; Frank lied inir; repreaenlatlvea In the deMrl merit ei" aiiiiiiii'ii t, Oeorire F. Ilorioii, A W, Fiance, J VI Taylor, J. A Tufla, A. It.' Moore, II. K I 1 1 1 and C. F, Morn ; alti-i-rialn ri'preaenlitliV'ea, It. M Cooper, laiael I'm riiuii, (ieoigit Witatfiill, W. II. Ilnlle, I in ii Calking, Flank Ueducr and U. C. lUhcoi k. iHB. I'l.KNTYOK Ml INKY TO LOIN AT lowest rillt-H, !. II, I VH. I)'l! II Ml )NKY TO I.OAN AT I.OWT.ST rales. IIkimik.ii lliumiM. VH.V. H. HI! AM ANN, I'll YSK 'I AN (Hllrt'i over Harding's drug sinre. FRANK BUSCH, THE HOUSEFURNISHER Oregon City, Oregon : Notice to Holiday! Mra. I.. I, I'oiter la vlailing with tivea at CoivhIIib. reU Ml NKY TO I.OAN AT mtr I'i'iil. Kami security, II AND 7 U'Ukn A For lloliday (lonila the cheapPHt place In town ii at ('huriuai.'a. Miaa Margaret Miller, of Turnout, i viailing In Oiegon Ci'y Ibn gueat of her cotlaiu, Mra. J. K. Jack. Hciu'iiki.. Shoppers v A lilllll) IIARliAIN A ItKANI) N KV double barrel liul tiuii for smIm cIh-hh. lii(iiirn Ml I Ini KhtcrprinH nMro. i WANTKU-l'OSiriON AS NUKS.; HY a huly ol pracllral anility ami rellne liicnl. Address M. Hm 4(1, Ely, Ore gon. lrl'li lunry wing reduced. MIHltlt leitlliera mid IK la V. JI. i III! I Hi KM A i IU KM I'll (OH ICES IN tlm Wcinhard IIiiIIiIIiik) livi-1 Iih rlmli'. imI i'iiy, suburban hii'I country .r erty lor smallest prices. MONKYTOI.OAN-I 1 1 A V K HKVKKAI. soma of iiiuiii'y lii'lunglng to privum individuals wlni li I m authnriy.od to limn, mi long limit at (I ami 7 xtr cent. Coal ul limn will lm made very reason kill. II. K. ('no, attorney at law. WANTKH-A TUUSTWolUIIY (il'.N tleinan or laily In Hwrli county to man age hllalliwia lor an olil established house ul solid financial standing. A Mraiiilil buna llilit weekly aalaiy ol $IH00 ihIi liy check rarh Monday Willi all r x inia direct Irom head quarters. Money advanced for ex Hiies. Em-lone, addressed envelope. Manager, HOUl'axton Uldg., Chicago. 1'nli 1. r Local Evci;l. J Out a tir lift on the album at Kleinson's. A lull line of maple syrup, alto other hih grade syrup at I priri-a hI Klein unti'a. Mary llarrii will opt-n tlm store cor ner Main ami Fourteenth atrecln about Di-cenilmr, Mill Willi a lrenh stork ol groceries (tic. 1C 11 Mr and Mra. Win. Hinllli liavit adopted Floyd Mrliill I.own, ion of Nicholas I.on. Ity consent of tint court, t tie name of (lift adopted cliild lia been changed to Iktt I.ow n Hmitli. A demonstrator for M J. Hranden stein's highest grade coffee, w ill I at Kleinson's grocery Monday, Decrrulicr 14. Tli" ladies of Oieumi City art) im perially Inviled to call and sample this delirious article, Water from the flume at tlm Crown Taper M 11 la Hooded t tie excavation thai la Iwlua tiiadH lor Ilia oil Una Sun day and necessitated a HUNpenalon In op eration for two day by Kmytli and Howard, the contractors. Il'a up to you to tell how much money la contai I In III" Knterpriae priie mi y content Jar. Send in yom guess at once, hill don't forget to accompany your estimate with tint necessary remit tance of f l.f0 on subscription. Mra. Thomaa Jiavia, aged 111 yeara, of Cm iih, lell at Iter homtt one day this week and frat lured her hip. I'.erauseof her advanced aite, the injury ia coiiHid ered of a aerioiiN character. Mr. Davis ia the gianduiollicr of Mra. John lircen ol thia city. The Htaiilord tileo and Mandolin Club will itive iia annual entertainment at the Armory hall Saturday evening, Decem ber "ll. The concert w ill he given under the diiection of Mia Mary Convcrs. Following tlm concert, a aovial dunce will In- given. Kiank Martin, fniinnrly of thiacily, died Hun week at Baker City. Htt was aged about 'M yenra and waa a brother ol tieo. W. Martin, of Astoila. The deceased waa well known in thia city, where he had liuiiiv friends, who will re gret to learn ol Inn untimely death. Hsve you rimde your guess yet as to the amount of money contained in the Knterpriae prixe money conteat jar? If not do no at once. The seal of the jur will he broken on the afternoon of Wanli ingion'a Birthday, Monday, February 22 and the beat gnessers will Hliure in the distribution ol the money. Charles Albright, the meat merchant, was an unwilling cripple this w eek. I.aat Sunday iiinriiiim, aa lie was parsing through the basement at bis home, be Nlepjieil upon a niKty nail that pierced hia right foot. Fortunately no serious rehiilta have attended the mis liap. Meade Relief Corpa Monday afternoon elected the following nfheera to aerve for the entiling year : l'reaident, Mr. Mar garet W'illiaina; ittnior vice-preaident, Mra. Louiae Freeman ; junior vii-preai-ilenl, Mra. Mary Ingram; chaplain, Mra. Fitzgerald; conductor. Mrs. l'auline Hwaitz; guard, Mra. Ketcbum. I'.Tery h In lht atorft reducr.l ninaC. JoIIhihIIIi. iiun,amU, ii,at iI.a navment of 1 1. no on aubscription to the Enterprise, j whether it be delinquent aubscription or in advance, entitle you to gnea a to the amount of money in the Knterpriae money jar. One goes for every $160 that is paid. Here i a chance to get V....L .n,l ha lilmmllv corn- I IMIF llll'lirjr III., bi, j pennated for your time in eatimating the mount of money contained in the jar. 1. . i I . 1.. .,;,. n tial.l last Mon- n t me annual w"u" - day night by Meude 1'ost, No. 2, G, A. H., the lollowing ofTicera were elected: Poat commander, J. Doremua; enior vice-commander, L. W. Ingram; junior, vU e-commander, A. J. Hobble ; surgeon, A. B. Moore; chaplain, J. B. Wilhami; , quartermaster, O. A. Harding; "y ol the day, Dan Calkin; orderly ol tbe Mlaa Kalherine I'ier, of l.acon, Illi nois, ia vlailing the Ifeverend I'. K. linn iiioml and wife at St. I'aul'i church rei lory. Tint King'a Daughtera will conduct a a I.inen Hle at Willamette hull from 'I to ti o'clix k, Suturday afternoon, Decent her 12. "Neglected colda make fat grave. help men and oroua old age. women to ahappy,vig- The uaual aervicea will tin held at th Congregational church next Sunday. In ihe eveninif the tonic will he "Jonah With the Whale l-ell Out." Krr.i'Uia, arald head, hivea, Itchinena of the kin of any aort tnatarilly relieved, nirmauently cured. Doan'a Ointment. At any drug aiore. Ilinlily pain loaea ita ler or if you've a bottle of I Jr. Thomaa' Kleclrii: Oil in lite lioime. Inatant relief In caae of burna, cut, Npraiua, accidtt ta of anv aort. Hutu Ht n grcnl rrtlui'llon .Mix Juldainllli. j The l.adica Aid Society, of the I'ri'H- byiertati cbilrch, will conduct an apron 1 aiileatthe old poet otllce building on1 Main alnct Wediiendiiy, December lti. Lunch will be nerved. Women love a clear, healthy com plexion. Pure blood makea it. Bur dock Wood Hitter make pure blood. Iiivilntiona have been laaued for the weddintf of Mi" Klma Albright, daugh ter of Mr. and Mra. Chaa Albritihl, ol i Ii in city, and Mr. Jauiea Wheeler Church, uImh of Oregon City. The event will take place at the Firat Congrega tional church at 8 o'clock Wedneaday evening, December Ti, UHJ3, Dra. Ilealie A Kentie DentiatH. Ill, 17, 1H. Weihard building. Kooma I htt Public Nule of lota adrrr llard ltr .ov. llli linn ! ua pitted lu 10 o'clock Nulurtlay iii' riiliiK laer. Itllk mt llie 'oiirl lioime door. The properly la li alrableaaid will lirar laivrMllKH- ll"ii. I'or Mrllt'ii!iir laiqulrc of i:. J 4 allllcll, MaalKlire lig reduction in all millinery. Heaven at Five coat. dallur liata now IJ.W. Mra. II. T. Mmlfii. The Knox Katiiner Concert Company will give an etileilaiiiinent at the M. K. Church on Tneaday eveninif, December If) Ftigene Knox, prince ol iniperaona tor', and hi men' quartet, are talent ol national reputation. Thoait who heard Cnox in Oregou City with the Meneley (jnartel want to hear him again. Ticket lf and L'5 cent, reaerved ai'Kta 35 cent at Huntley 'a drug store. It. I,. Il'ilni'i), leading undertaker Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tf The Coliunliia I lock A Ladder Coin puny, of tin city, ha made the prelim inary arrangemcnta for the giving of it hiiiiuhI bull on Waahlngton'H birthday, Febrmiry L'L', next. Max Itollack, Frank Mctiinni and Chaa. HuriiH, Jr.. have liecn appointed aa a committee on ar rangemeiitH. 'Ihia organization give a ball on Wanhingtuii'a birthday each year, and the occasion have always proven delightful HiceeHeea. All orches tra from 1' rlland will lie eecured this time and a better time than ever iB as ill red. Eye Refraction Is my specialty. I have the most modern and up to-date op tical equipment and do my own lens grinding and frame fitting with especial reference to each individual case. By this means I am ablo to fit glasses with ut most exactness, which is practi cally impossible where the order is sent to some outside oint to be filled, besides it saves you sev eral days waiting. My prices are moderate and work is abso lutely guaranteed. I. R. WISHART Boom I, Chartnan Block Manufacturing and Refracting Optician. iia. Glassware at cost. Our and future. We invito victors, FRANK BUSCH, THE HOouSucISHER (JAN YOU GUESS? Then Take a Chance in the Prize Money Content. On Waahlngton'a Hirthihiy the Enter. prle Will Ulve Away Another Jar of Money. Are you ft good guemer? II to, nd you tan tell how much money a jar contains, you Bhould not lail to participate in the prixe money guessing content that the Enterprise lias provided lor its present and prospective reader ..... . The Knterpriae has decided to make some eubalantial presents lo some oi its auliHcriber. We have lilted aulas jar with coins and currency of different de nominations. The total amount con tained therein will be given away on the afternoon ol Monday, February 22. ItKH. to the persons making the clii-eal uncases as to the amount. The jar, rilled with coin, is in the window of the How ell A Jones' drug store on Main street, where it may be viewed by persons de airing to make an estimate. There will lie more than a "penny for your thoughts;" that ia, of course, if you closely appioximate tiie amount the jar contains. Nobody is barred from taking part in the contest and the only requiaile con dition for participating therein is pay ment of subscription money on the Kn terprise. lu order that the content may be equally fair to both old and new subscribers, one guess will be allowed lor every fd.M) that is paid on subscrip tion. If yon are in arrears to the paper send us some money and accompany it witii one gueKS for each year's subscrip tion so sent. If you are not delinquent in your subscription, pay for a year in advance, and make a guess. If you are paiil in advance, sign lor the paper for a friend ; at uny rate manage to itel a gues and win the money. The amount of money that is contained in the jar is not known to any one. e placed the hulk of the money in the jar and the balance, in unknown denomina tions and alto amount, wa deposited in the jar by person not connected with the office, the amount so placed by each lietng entirely unknown to the other. The seal on ti e jar will be broken on the afternoon ol February 22, next, and the award of the money will be made as follows: 50 per cent to the person guessing closest to the amount in tbe jar ; 25 mt cent to the persoa guessing sec ond closest as to tbe amount, and 5 per cent each to the next five per sons guessing next closest aa to tbe total amount in the jar. In arranging the detaili it had been tlm nndpnvnrof the Knterprise to make I the contest absolutely fair and with the 1 aid of disinterested party we think we have succeeded to the end that the best ' guesser ii the man who will get the bulk I of the amount contained in the jar. All guesses must be delivered at the office of the Enterprise or mailed to the j Enterprise, Oregon City, w here they will I be preserved until the contest close. The Enterprise had prepared one jar of money that waa to be given away ' under these same condition but some ; sneak-thief early last month appropri ' aled the entire amount, jar and all, fail j ing to make a guess, thereby violating : every condition of the contest. But we ! hav aernred another iar that is the ex- I act counterpart of the original dish and have filled it with approximately the same amount of money of practically the same denoininationsThat Jar ho. I con- tained. Those who deposited estimate i nn the original iar mav allow the same to stand or they will have the privilege I of examining the duplicate jar and make : another estimate. The Enterprise is re I solved to distribute a sum of money i among its readers and will employ the npedliil nrocHiitions that the second con 1 test may be conducted strictly according to tbe rules goveruing tbe scheme. 5 Furniture, Carpets and Rugs and are glad of a chance to show WILLAMETTE! GROCERY MILES &. McGLASHAN, Props. 25 Cents 3 cans Clover Cove Oysters 23 Cents 8 cans fresh Alaska Salmon 5 Cents Can No 2'Alaska Salmon 15 Cents Tint Bottle Good Catsup 20 Cents btl Hills Sunset Catiup 15 Cents btl Campbell's Salad Dressing Walnuts Almonds Peanuts Mince Meat Don, t forget the Saratoga Chips Itis natural that in mkinrf oiirchases of every description, the investor de sires only superior goods. If a suit of clothes or material for a dress is wanted, the inten'Mnst purchaser (joes to an es tablished business bouse whose proprie tor haa ma. la a rpniitiition for handling only the best Hoods. If groceries are neeueu, iub iiuunrfccniin tuiioiucionuor itv rather than quantity. So it is with printing. Convinced that the best is none too good for tbe people of Oregon Citv and vicinity, the Enterprise recently ordered an extensive stock of th latest , commercial and society stationery. The goods have arrived and with the new type that we have ordered, the Enter prise will be belter prepared than ever Delore to supply the wants of this sec tion in all kinds of job printing. We have a fine assortment of new and up-to- date stationery for dance invitations, programmes, parties, ana an social (unctions. Our stock of wedding sta tionery was never more replete. We are particularly preparea to uirnisu window cards of attractive design for dances, public entertainments, etc. Our prices are consistent with gooa siock, faultless work and satisfactory service. Cillatthe office and let ng show our samples. Orders by mail or telephone will receive prompt attention. Joseph, Ester and Henry, the minor children of Jos. Wilson, of this city, have been placed in the care of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Portland, pend ing an investigation of the conduct of their father towards I hem. The mother of the little ones is dead, and tbe father of the children baa been given uutil the 10th inst. to show cause why the custody of tbe children should not be perma nently placed with the Portland society. THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to tbe Thorne system of nstrac iudexes, for Clackamas county, and i,ave the only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on app.ication. Loans, investments, real estate abstracts, etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Cell and investigate. rheaneat lots in Oreiron City for sale. I Inquire at tbe Enterprise office. Oct. 2 tf We're After Your Money We' have several ways of inducing people to give up their dollars. For one, we conduct our business on the most progressive lines. Then we carry a stock so large that there i? wide room for choice. We move our goods so rapidly that the stock is always new. No "has-beens" or "left-overs." It is our intention to make a Clean Sweep in our Toy Department we will not handle any more toys in the future and will sell all TOYS AT COST or LESS THAN COST. We will also sell all our Fancy Crockery are marked down. It is our intention to carry les3 stock for the what a nice store and Btock we IN OUR ELEGANT NEW STORE We are located in our large new store and with larger and more complete stock of better goods, are better prepared than ever before to furnish you just wbat yon want at prices lower than the lowest. ' J r. r. r. fi A A A A A A A A Tiie Pair ll WILLIAMS' For Sale at 'WHEN YOU SEE IT IN ODE iD ITS SO" J. E SEELEY The People's Grocer & 5 lbs Pure Lard 5 lbs. Sweet Potatoes 10 Bars Savon Soap 2 lbs. new crop almonds 2 lbs. new crop walnut3 3 lbs. peanuts, roasted.... 1 doz. fancy lemons H. O. rolled oats, 1 pkg Malta Vita. 1 pkg. 3 pkg. Ralston cereal coffee OOC 10c V.5c 25c 30c 2oc 15c 10c 10c 25c 00 25c l 18 lbs. granulated SUgar$l 3 lbs. Figs (new crop).. J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer OREGON CITY Oregon I'ltr Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 74c per bushel. Flour Vallev, $4 25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.75. Portland, $1.10 per sack; Howard's Best, $1.05 per sack. Oats in sacks, $1 per cental. Hav Timothy, baled, $14(3115 per ton ; clover $10 ; oat, $9 ; mixed hay, $ 10 ; cbeat, $9. Millstuffs Bran, 0.UO per ton. shorts, $11 00 per ton ; chop, $19.00 per ton, barley, rolled, $23 00 per ton, Potatoes o&c lo uc per sacs. Eggs Oregon, 32iC to 35c per dozen. Butter Kancb, 50c. ; separator, 60c. ; creamery, uc. Oregon onions, wc to ii.uu per cwt. Dried apples.oc to 7c per lb. , Prunes, (dried) petite, 3c per lb ; Ital ian, large, 5c per lb. medium, 3c; Silver. 4,. Cabbage, 40 to 80c per doren. Apples', 40c to 60c. Cranberries 9c to 12c quart. Cauliflower, 40c to 80c per dozen. Stock carrots, sacked, 50 cents. Dressed chickens, 10 tol2cperlb. Turkeys, dressed, 15c to 174c per pound. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, live. l:t 00 to 13.50 Der hundred. Hogs. live 4lA to 5 cts; bogs, dressed, 6,lc; sbeep, $2 25 to $2 50 per bead; dressed, bic ; veal, dressed. 7 to 8c ; lambs, live, $2 per bead ; lamos. uressea, oc PILES ISO ! Not Thi5 Way . : j J ! i have Main St., OREGON CITY FILE Odin! & log and lU'litng Pllr-a. It absorbs the tnmora, allays tb Itching at once, gives instant relief, bvery box la warranted. Soi bv druggist. Sent by mall on receipt of nice. SO centa and (l u per box. WILLIAMS JBJtQ. CO., Prop., Cleveland, OhiOk HUNTLEY'S jyurKeyJinj Ja5 Irriued And in this connection we would be; to remark that our store is headquarters for ail holiday deli cacies. We have a complete line of Fancy and Staple Uroteries. Our stock is new. Our goods are fresh. Riuht goods at right prices and fair dealing is the basis cn which we do business. We are not selling below cost, but are giving our customers groceries as cheap as they can be bought in Oregon City. Orders promptly filled and delivered to any part of the city. Horton& Jack Seventh St. Opp. Opera House Phone No. 1864 FOREIGN DRAFTS We issue drafts payable in all the principal cities of Eu rope and make them payable in such money as is used in the place where the draft3 are to be cashed. Whenever you have occasion to send money abroad you can do it through this bank both easily and cheaply. BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CITY, OREGON 3 : :