Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTKKPKISK, FRIDAY, DKCKMI-KR 11, m r i ;i l, l,. t . : e r... . l'lef 3 . vXii.. .vs . iCS v .Vs. ;oiiU I't-s Sie leqlc.iid to ,. r woik. Wo will sv.pply i v M.;ionery. rr- L . hborhood should appear o'utiins every week. ! iiitn it number sre having Mm 1 ft lUlUXPMYnP T! I'p.'in ti.i settlement. lukklji yji uliu, . vvv Rri hMint wiistWr (iir lv cember such h only Oegon can givn II. 11 Andei if ( n ii d home Sumliiv alter hii absence of 12 week sH lil at the hospital. !( ik ni'if to walk a htile I'.v ihe ui I uf li. i'i u'.i'hc i S 0. Hiilbiiim, who had a seveie par-( alvtie is el-'wly recovering hi! i u-ual health i ' Mr. Nile is l" better. His I'lolher in law hii. I iit'. Mr. Hit.! Mm. A J. Fng . hsh, came out tiotn Foitl.ind to Ik' with hull, Mr. An iii Pivi l'aitoi non in up from Sea tie on a vi-H to her parents. She Clackamas. 11, vv white frosts and cold tat wind ..'lirriiig tht 1'iiUe and quicken-iiu- '! e i'liHxl it cnitli; hut making the f.i it ii1 inliriii wish for rain. Hi e" Davenport h i I --- n conhrel l a ne n qui'e in. U 'he h'tw sncv Thank-givim; with a ' J. J. pi.iv,,' v0ni'g sou Floyd, It) very ) e k".e, the reMtit of h mam '' jti r ,.0''. They had to cull tho j doctor for hiniMond'ty. tW.ud.ii.i Clark is eij'ing i j D Davi is home on a visit to hi par visit from her daughter, Mrs. . Win. Davis. As .ill their children On lnejul.iv come out mm' , .,. (lir H ,u, ,;, Wri M (r . i;.l- save her i pleasant surprise. Thr iiL'ht along some "it'Hhl things," trs. U ' g!it did her put with the aid of Jm- Uoh Riirnel in (!''tmg up i'i' (tiniii "I have h-l a iUy lull of pie" s il ttio invaiiil to u ur n'riho v ho ct to rail as 'he viior If It Horn'rLe . of lirt!atul, has bfrn ,.t home some tiini He 18 sulirr jiiit ft .-in a har.l attai'k of grippe. j K.rv-ii yoniii: men spent anoiluT il.iy Inni iiiit woiKl for two neeiiv persons pi. v.,i i- y mt'iitionetl The l.a'hes Ail CI 'I M " K. rhuirh fmiiisheJ a tine; tlii i. r Mr the hovs at the home of Mrs. j llii : h- .1 ,'hlisoil. Wf li. nr tumors of i weMin at Clark a in n the tifar futuie. , In trtiiu-y veiirs, they intfiul having union this week. Win. Irvan is home on visit to his parents, J. 1' lrvall. The lisitii'l.l (.irane, 317, hehl their meeiii't; for ihe montii In Ineir new hall It was a Mirress'ul ineetuii! ill every w .ty 4il nieintiem present. They have a t,un- iim.ii unit ma tliri. is otiite a lot of i;ool musical talent in lisrtiiM thev are' well Mii'pheil with nnislr. The String haml anj lireeu I.ef hn,l gave N iiUe, solo together an,l was encornt. ' The North an.l South liarliehl Suiulay schools ea.'h will Ikivo a I'liristinas tree1 anil enteriaiimient at their respective' pUrcs of meeting, which from thej amount of ta'eiit erwM.'eil hy each scIkk'I ' I N 'cpor el that the MetLoJ ft anJ w ill W a ;r.nul iiioiesa. Coi l'" ilioual t hurv ht-s will unite in a C'l.n-iii as enleriainmriit. li t S'art, pastor of the Coivre; ti n .t I i l urrh has heen apnointeil ssvo Ciat. i "'or of the Kn-t I'l'iign- iiiunal Chiucli in l'ortland. Mr. Start will take t li-ir.e I the mission roni'nte.i witti ..-,e ,! nrrh, stiil a!o open a I ipens.irv .r ti.e t-enetit of t tie pour. Urv K. M. Jin.!-- supplied the pulpit here last tahli.'th. Tlie voiintf people of this place l avei ori;.iiiiz-d a lililhl sch'Hil in the new hall. , ,..r. K . siirf.n e ami 1'. M liill aie the iiistrui tms. They meet tice week. I Ilok' killiiik' is the order of the day. I li'Cun ami st''iis. I'lie hasket iia ial and dinco iveu hv the vounn people of llaidin tiranni' No, 11".', il.onan) mi a iirand success siM'ially and liiiHiicially. Hie sum total rralixed was riwhtv dodurs kikI tl f v rents, i lear ol expenses, Ki'tvtwo ihd mis was lr"iii the sale of lusketa II is ipiite iiinu-inu lo w a'ch "the lun s" w lien the rtilrliou. er nolds up a d.uutv ll i I cr- aHoii, wlole liieii lu-.i.t h 'is a lattoo on tlieir Smnlay vest lunuii. I'liey wonht give a inonlli a w m-i'ii l Know H u was ther "xerv own" will's hket. Une Irllow had ihn e Itiiuried l id rs haskrls and thru did no! vatrh the one lm so linnh wauled. Alhert Itonni'v, of Stone, w.ta married rerenllv lo lv Kilheiihinier Smvesa and piosperily ho theiis. Wliat milit have heen a serum run away arridi nt hrtporued al Suuie The Uivera family, of I'aikplire were roiiiin,; d"W n yrade on norlli end o' t'larkitiuas hridife when one of the horses la hiinrh-tirasj-i k't (i i:lir'iivl and tan down on the hii.lne appron. li kinvkmi: oil' the raidni: and prcripit.tMiit: tin' vehirle and six orcupalita to Hie tii'lllld hch'W, hill alranwe lo say no one was hurl much. Mrs ltahler, "( Logan, has returned (rom Missoi.ri alreadv, llie weather he iii) loo srvi re fur her tusuy all winter, l'ru.. Mi White is ipiiu ill of pneumonia. Mr and Mm Ksust ss'iit Sunday Willi Mr. and Mrs. Ma v. Mr Kinc. of Ponland, and Mis Pills, of I'arus, look iliiim-r Willi Mr K.'s sis ter, Mis. K. I Jones, Sunday Marv and r red Mooie nnil lo Oregon City Siindsy Mr and Mm. Kaust gave a farewell dance Thursd.ii , lee. 10. M. and Mrs J. It J u'k"ti, of Maple I.aue, vi-iled (heir sister, Mis. I'lianev Spangler, Sunday ki:-ioi( ttv i.i ur.' OCCOCOGCCCCQCQCeOOOOOCCOCCwOCGOOCGOCCCCO IIuxv- Tbi? 1 We. :'r One ! I ii ii lr d I.i!:.irs Urw.wd fur a v rase of Catarrh ttiat latinot le tllie-l i'V Hail's t'li'arili (,'nte. K .1. CMKNUY A CD , Toledo. D. V'. , 'tie undersigned, have known K. J (. i.ei, ,-y for trie last IS years, hi d lie ; Jieve Imu' perfertlv honorable in ad husi- i irstisaettona and flnanriailv ahle to i The pleasant to take and harmlcs Cs' rv any obligation made hy his , One M mute Cough Cure gives iminedi- ai d lotil ed II, cm to 1'urtinud Tuesday. Me lias H) mole lo kill soon, lie bad l-cit. r In. k thin Mr-. 11 II. An l-rs. S'ie I, id the n 1 1 -f- itiine tnat her LM'l h. p. ii kir esraord t'loiu the ril two d.ivs lefire the men raaie t ) hiltoher for her and was gone 1- d . in sp (e ol all tlie standi for ii. It wa- tpnte misfortune lor Mrs, uVnders h tier Ii n-1, mt ws in the hospital at 'he time and worked her pule a hardship. (ontl lor 4 111 I tire ii. f.-ra. Balding, Kinxaxa Makvis, W holesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ' H ul'- Catarrh Cute is takeu inter nal y, ai 'inn directly upon the blood and vi'-oii" siirf tees of the system Testi ionia!s -ent free. Frire 75 cents per to't..- -old hy all druggists. Trtke Hall's Family rilis for constipation. I'lnby. Mr ami Mrs C. Witt made business tr't t . Portland ti e latter part of this wet k J. No :in snd his niece, Mrs. H. Ped man and children left here Monday morning for Dufur, Eastern Oreijon. Ti e regular ci'y election held here Horn! iv. passed off quietly. All the citi--.' s ti ket was elected. t ody of Mrs. E. Martin, w ho died Th, t St. incent s hospnal, Portlaml, wis rorg'H here Monday morning for burial in the Z on cemetery. After a weeks visit with tlieir parents S. Cox and wife hive returned to their Lome in Southern Oregon. The Volunteers of America held a meeting in the First Christian chnrch, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Tabke, of Portland, has been vis iting witb her sister, Mr. C. Burroughs. One Hundred lullam a llox. Is the value H. A. Tisdale, Ptimmerton, . C, places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel lalve. He says: "I had the piles for Over 20 years. I tried many doctors and iedic!n-s, but all failed except DeWitt's 'iich Htzel Salve. It cured me." It ih a combination of the healing qualities Of W'tch Hazel, with antiseptics and mollients; relieves and permanently Cure- blind, bleeding, Itching and pro IrtMing piles, sores, cuts, broises.eczema, inlt rhfiim and all fckin dieaees. Sold ty (J. A. Harding. Ktele Creek, Cleir, cool weather is the order of the day Mrs. Dr. Koherds made a business trip to Portland last week. George Douglass and wife, of Portland, are visiting relatives aud friends at Ea gle Creek. Guy K. Woodle, son of J. P. Woodle, while burning trash around his barn last Friday, had the misfortune to burn Lis barn with nearly all the hay he bad on hand. Mrs. L. A. Woodle is still improving. She has been sick now about three weeks. Dr fimith, of Portland, has been visit ing his son, Dr. C. B. Smith, lately. ate relief in all cases of Cough, I roup ami I.alirippe liecaiHe il does not p s imuiedittely into the stoma' h, but takes efft t right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the intl iiiiina'ion, heals and soothes and cures permanently hy enabling the lungs to roi, tribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong, of Delia. Texa. prescribes it daily and says ttiere is no b-iter cough remedy made. Sold by G. A. Harding. Klilorado. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fraizr,of Salem, are visiting this week at Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones'. Dr. R. Gaucher has rented his farm to Abe Howard of Liberal. Ern Jones and John Martin were break ing horses Sunday Mr and Mrs. Maule of Portland visited with EJ Jones Sunday. Will King and lady friend were in our burg Sunday John Helvey Is busy hauling lumber to Oregon City. Agnes Wallace spent Sunday at home. John Larrm, of California, is here on a visit. C. Smith has been making fence. Chas. ThomaB, of Union Hall, spent Sunday at Martin's. Kobt. Italian has a new horse. Curtis Helvey, of Canby, Bpent a few days at home this week. There was a delightful surprise party given Aunt Kate Goucher on Thursday eve, Dec. 10. All had a fine time and departed to their many homes in the "wee sma' " hours of morning. See Ern Jones for a fine saddle or bufegy horse cheap. Two of Ed Jones schoolmates from Oklahoma are visiting him this week. Sour Stomach No apptlto, low of fength, nenrmt Tlir I ,o ne Pilar Male. Dow n in Texas at Yoakum is a big dry goods firm, of which Mr. J. M. Haller is the head. Mr. Haller on one of his tiips East to buy goods said to a friend wuo was with him in he palace car, "Here take one of thes Little Early P.isers upon retiring and you will be up early in the morning leeling good." For the "dark brown" taste, headache and that loggy feeling DeWitt's Little Early Kitiers are the best pills to use. Sold by G. A. Haruing. Dover, The weather ig very fine. It freezes a little of nights but very warm in the day time. A great many have bad colds through out the neighborhood. Mr. E.dman has been very sick the past week. Their little girl is also very sick. It is Loped they will soon get better. Guy Woodle and wife was teen driv- fieas, nsadacce, constipation, bad breath, ; mg turougn the streets ot rover. neral ieWllty.Mur rUine. and ) catarrh ot Q w , ,0Ht Lig bflrn b fjre , , it stomach are all duo to Indigestion. Kodol 1 c. Inr,iav ure IndigeitJon. Thla new diacovery repra- j " ents the natural Juice of digestion as they I There will be a Christmas tree at our xil In a healthy stomach, combined vita ' schoolhouse. There will be other enter t.e greatest knovn tonic and reconitructlv taintnents. Everybody is Invited to properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does net come and have a good time, jnly cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but thb j g M j M Er,man . , lam out remedy cures all atomaeh troubles , " ty cleansing, purifying, sweetening and There was a nice crowd out last Sun trenglhenlng the mucous membranes Unlcf day to hear Kev. Black preach. The Ce stomach Ur. 3. S. Ball, flf Rirmnrood. W. Vs., arr " I ni inufaM irllh aour nomach lor twnity rra Bodol curad to tod v ari bow vtnf H la mk tb." Kodol Digests What Yoa Eat lottWioBly. f 1.00 S!i heUlr.r 2H WnMtbetrM aiM, wucb M, j lor 50 caoti. first and third Sabbath of every mouth is preaching. Everybody come. l'ou Bet Yon tan. You ran be a strong man or woman Vt V.n uini !h trrpnt nerve tonic. Palirin IVieared by t. O. DiwiTT OO., OHIOAOO: x'ablets, sold by Howell 4 Jones. They Slid by U. A. HAP.DING, Druggist I make you sleep and grow fat. .4hliuriiluiiii, Oufiirlo. Icsllllt-s lollie l tuullllc of 4 liiiiiilit'rliiln' ruiili Itr inctlj . Ashbiimluim, t nt hi.', Ap. il III, )'."):: 1 tim k il i only right Ih ii 1 -lion d le i on vi hal a tiinlei lui t ll- rt I 'li iin ht rlinn's Coiigli ha- I'to.iiired. I he.hty I" f f" Eiist.-r I a so disiit'is ed n th a told slid rullkh Hint I tlld not 1 1 1 1. k to Is- able t' take any limit's the next day' as tii y voire ss alinosi rlh'ked hy the rough. The same day 1 received an urilt-r hoin t ii lor a b'.iilo of ymir $oiigh reun'ily. I at oine pr'KMired a sample bottle, and Ink about three doses uf the medirine. To my grtMt re lief the rough and old had rouiietelv disappeared and I was able to preach ihree times on E inter Dav. I know that this rapnl and elici t ive nire was due to your roiiuli remedy, 1 make this tesiinioni tl uh"it sohrita tlnn, being thank (til to have foiltl'l mi tl a God sent remedy. Kespec'ftilly yours, E. A. l.ANOKi.or, M. A., Herior ol Si. I.uke'a Church. To Chamberlain Medicine t'o. This remedy is for Bale hy G. A. Hrd ing. Cotton. Henry Guilder, of Shiibel, was visiting his sister who is teaching in District No. 72, last Sunday. The young folks are very busy practic ing and making preparations for the Xmas tree and find these lovely moon light nightn greatly in their lavor. John Laferty went to Aurora on busi ness on the fourth. C. E. Goibett went to Highland on the 5th to ride the stall-fed goat of the Mac cabees there. Burt Palmer, of Mount Pleasant, was doing business In our little burg on the fourth. U. S. Dix butchered four fine swine last Saturday, ll. Hargreaves and son Fred went to Oregon City laat Friday for a new wheel for their saw mill. The Dix Brothers contemplate starting their mill soon, as they have been mak ing some repairs w hich are now almoet complete. o o a o o o o o o u o o 0 o o o o o a o o o 8 o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o O io o lo () iO o o o a o o o o He 1 p f wl Effolicl tuy n n n 21 Begin your Xmas buying: oro- Wo lmvo a QVorb lino of thoso dainty articles of uso unci ornamont that mako tho most appropriate and welcomo Christinas Qilts. Fancy Goods and toilot articles aro horo in groat varioty and oil at tho vory lowost pricos. m iv Aiv ji I'V.v Samples An t'lfj-ant lino tf lVrfimu-.", all tho stiiinl.tnl niiiki-sWi'iglit'H raliu.-rV, A. rll's, Svlt'y's, Hutu's, ll.rriifi's, LuikIIiuiu's, Kastnmii's, utul oIIuth, in pliin uibl fancy I'l'ttlfs, UV t $1. Hulk fiffli this You ran sample tlu'in fur the asking. Wo aiv t s..cially l.ii' "ii Leather (loods, llanlsiuo l'iar Cusiw, ('anl Cast'. Lmlii's' iin.l ( iriitl. iiwn's l'uivi-s, l'.ill r.iMiku, I iai it s, MustV, ltc, at j.riivs as low as j u 1 1 i t - will allow. So nil-of tin-Neatest pa. ka-.'s of Statioiifrv yu liav. i-v.-r M-fii nil m'.s, hhaM'santl styli-s, at prirt-s that arc not exorhitant. Wo an- just liko niluT I'U-iiu nu-n. wo want nunv tra-lf. Wo wunt vmir holiilav tral". That is why wo a.lvortiso. It is ini to l.o ntippoM-il y.m will coiiio horo implv lii-oaiHo wo a-k it. ('"iiiinoii otiM in.lioatos wo must do hot tor hy you than otiior il.-.iliT-, ami this wo ooitainly will. HOiAZELL St JONES o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RELIABLE DRUGGISTS CMAMIU!K5 NOWIIl.l. i.inn i:. ,,i iiiiwi'aMii' ! iim I i,.,yriiiVA 2m Keeley-5!., F Ciiicam), fi.t... Oi t 2. 1002. 5 f i : . l. t it: .1 I ' I BIIII'TI-O Willi laillUK illl'IOMI- j gention of til" womb, with nevi-re pains through the pruins. I uf- ,-. fer'-d b'rribly at the time of nu-n- , ; struation, had blindini? h"iid:i'l,iK ( . and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it :; seemed that I had tried all and t failel, but I hli'l never tried Wli e of Cardui, that blevwd remelv for J. sick women. I found it. pi' :vm j.'' to take and mm knew that I I. ml r the right medicine. New blood seemed to wiirv! througli myv-iin J and after u s i n ty eleven bottl's 1 was a well woman. ' , Mrs. Bush is now in perfwt health lie;aue she bxjk Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down paint and blindinrr heaIaches when all other remedieu failed to brin her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cis'n requiring special directions, address, (?ivui( symptoms, "The Indies' Advisory Department," Tiie Chattanootra Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn. 1 ',iV'r: 3 CCCOCOOC0COO0CCC00COCOC00OOCOCCC0OC0CCC3 liar ! btiai tieo. (iilherlKoii Has traimarlnu ne in rorlland Wi-iliiesday. Don't inias the show, whirh will be at lUrlow, Tuenday evening, Dei-. 15. This pionnxes to be pretty g'KxI. Admiioll twenty-five cents. Will Jee left for 1'orHaii'l Monday evniing, where ho will visit lor a tl'iie Willi Irielida. .You should call at Mr. Freeman's store and see his line diaplay ol holiday jew elry. Mm Viva Tud is home again after vis. iling i-everal weeks wilh friends in Ore gon City and I'orllaiid. 0. Clum made a business trip up In the Trout I'reek country Monday, le mming Tuesday.. Mr. Suiiciii-HM made a biminess trip to Portland Wednesday, returning tliesame day. Mies M. S. Harlow retnrued home Sat urday alter a few weeks visit with Iriemla I l'ortland. Mr, and Mrs, U. K. Irvin and son, Fl mer, returned home Tueaday evening from a visit with friends at Vancouver. They report a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tull arn visiting willi Mrs. Tull's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinney, near Salem. Dick NordhatiHen had a very serious accident befall 1 1 i m , Sunday. While handling a loaded gun, il exploded, blow ing oir several fingers. Drs. deiey ami Dedman were summoned snddreeaed the injuries but it is leared that he will h. ve to lose the whole hand. Hills are out announcing a grand inaxk hall to ho given at Columbia Hall, Har low, Christmas night. lCi-freshinc nts will be nerved at the new Harlow Hotel and a grand good time is anticipated. Anyone wishing face luanks can get them at Free man's store al reasonable priccH. A. felersoii's blacksmith shop was broken into Sunday and several articles that could easily be carried were taken. Thih is without doubt the work of some hobo, who will sell these articles for what ever he can get and spend it for drink. The county is full of this kind of men, too lazy to work and earn an Inmost liv ing, who exist by begging and stealing from those who labor hard to support themselves and families. This is the second time during the last year that Mr. Peterson's shop has been broken into and we hope Mr. Peterson will succeed in finding the guilty party and punishing him as he deserves to be punished. Mulalla. Our g'Md weather Is the leading topic ol Ilia day. T. M Cr"ss and K. ('. lVtry arn each sngiged In completing their I'oUto-dig- ging. i I Mis Lillian Uipwui is working at the I Hotel IVIViry, Farmer are iw ing w heat oil the high lands. i Our telephone syntrm i to nelid a line , out wentward S xill, (Scarce)' a year has paused mm n the installment of our rural leli'iiliones and bow do we like i them? W hy, we'd just as aooii do w ab out a time piece ss to get along without a phone in the house, Mr. Manpiam, sellout teacher at Dis trict No. !'), Iiaa Ix-cn on Him sii k list for a week, so the pupil have had a vaca tion. U.S. lUtnuhy lias completed hauling potato" lo Canbv, having delivered there over -t's) buhel through rain ami sunshine; largely the former, Henry (ioble, of f'anby, la In this lo cality with his horse drag saw reducing trees to stove, wood lengths Iluvill Kilt llHH ft HllU'k kill. !),,(' t'l ! Cattle buyers lake notice. Molalla (irange No. .'110 ha started a (range Mohair Pool for the clip of l'HI-t, by naming a delegate In meet in conven tion with other grange delegates ol ClackainaN co.inty at some ceulrul loca tion of the Mohair production I to be des liirmted in letter that secretary No. :ilU will send to each iiraugu) to devise plan lor conducting said pool for the best in tereet of the producer ami the vraiigH. Molalla (irstign at il regular December meeting elected the following ollicers for I'.KH: I,. II. Cochran, nni'-ter; J. N. Haw tell, overseer ; J. W. Thomas, Lec turer; W.J. V.. Vick, steward; II. Kver Imrl, asst. steward; Jennie Perdue, chaplain ; Ola Dibble, treasurer ; ( ieorge Cam-, secretary ; F. J. Hammond, gate keeper; Mabel Miller, teres; I'.ciiIhIi lliingate, Poidoiih; Kdna Vnk, l loru; Koselaiid Kobbins, L. A. H. ; Hertha Adams, organist ; Mary Kobbins, jani tor; James Dickey, clerk, bureau ol In formation ; John Cole, Oeorgn Adams ami I lurry Uastall, trustees. Hrhool Urport uf District No. 'Hi. Following is a report of school district No. W for the month ending Due. 4, lOOU. N1. of pupils enrolled, 25; No. of days attendance, iiH4 ; No. of days absence, Ah'i i No. of times lardy, 10. Those pupils who were neil her absent nor tardy are Fred linker, Clailya Baker, Keward Hodge, Annie Hodge, Mabel Louisa Zimmerman, Mary Hornert, Al bert Bernert. K. W. Bakkk. There la one fellow w itliin i hiiiplrisl tulles of LW 11 who hwt a ( hM Ir.Mll OTrr.!,!!.!!. llur,Ur Uh, wuitj irtiirnliig from Oregon City The ii,t under a "hyiuiotic fll," it XM-mt, and overdone Ihn tnalli-r In driving, 'ul Ihn horse li-ll down dead. Mr. snd Mr, liill and ilaugliler. Mm . Mahals, are making sn rili-iele.1 mil it j their old home In Kansas j Mr. Faden.of It reran Hill, ha rrtilfd ithe ItaUmeier place, and will iiiov tlirn ! In Ihn spring. John llatton, of Stone, Inst va'iubU cow Willi milk fevnr rmelilly. Saturday the member of llnjm (irange met in regular session, a II M hn annual election id olliers Tli'lt were til prewiil and a very ipilel elrrlioa was had, ss follow, for ths rntuin year; Master, 0. D Kohhin; oerl, C Sprague ; straard, tieu. K"hl I SMiit ant steward, Fdwin lierber; I.. A. H lleh-n .Sprague; led., Mr. lUnnia Anderaoii; chsiilani, II. S, Anilrrron; llor, Mary Swale ; pomoiia, Nila tr her; cere. Filiilia Fallert; (i. K , KnsJ Moer; treasurer, Hxltin Sprague. Tlit will Ui public inialllion snd nrw fer dtiiiii r January 1, I'.MH, Alternoon will be open lo Ihn public. The C. C. creamery ha secured lbs services o( F. W. Wright s ) ball milker. Mr. Schaler Having g"i W to bn married, and inako that hia home. All the hem in l.oian have joined ill union, it seems, and from present Imli callous cieiks generally will livn ton tla up eggle take recipe for Xma. Itllluna 'olin Ireeinrl. Take a double dosn of Chamlierlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diararhoea Hemedy as soon as the first indication of the dis ease appears and a threatened attack maybe warded off-. Hundreds of tmo pie use the remedy In this way with per fect success. For sale by 0. A. Harding. Mlillhel. Miss Laura (linther, ol Oregon City, viHiien ner parents, Mr. ami Mrs. K.r. Ginther, a few days last week, Henry (iinther made a trip to Colton last week. School is progressing nicely under the instructions of Mrs. Ad Moshnke. The dance at W. D. Hill's last Thurs day night was a success. All had a good time. Miss F.linira (Jinther is slowly recov ering. Christ HoriiHchtich is busy hauling Ins hay to town, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moehnke have moved into their new house. That Tlirolililnic llenliti-lir Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands of Hiill'erers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up health. Only U5 cents, not cured. Sold by Charman A Co ' druggists. 'I lie Marmot Ncluiol. The following is a report nf th Mar mot school for the month ending I USUI: Memla-rs mirolled,:i(i; iiuinberol ilava langht, IH; whole number ol !) attendance, .Hill; whole number ol davs absence, 1J; whole liiliu Ix'T ol lardy, 10. Thoewho liave been "either tardy or absent during the month srs: (lenrgn TetiF.yck, Henry TetiFyck, W die Tei.Kvck, Itosie TnliF.y. k, Ivy Je F.yck, Liihe TenF.vck, Henry Helms Msry Voiillelms, Mlimi" ,un; Helms, Alexander Vonllel l" Ashoir, t.uslave Aslmir, C'alvy H-eW Klvy Beebe. May Cavet), Kits 0' -Klla Odidl, (ieorge Odell, Willi" O.lell. Mlmiiu Odell, Mamie Odell, Jl'n" Odell. Mits. Makv CAI.VIN, Teacher. ljAiii'-iijniii!;!i;i;;ji:i;!i!!'a''; 6o different Rimes-all ne one in each package ot Lion Coffee at your Grocer': j