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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY DKCKMUER 11, 1903. 12 Ant due. t smith, range 1 oust; tux $IS.c penalty 1 1. n.i. interest $11.; 22.10 R.i.n. II. V siinl Cuke. II. M I ttilixldod I llllelest 111 ;.f.o j, civs in ilmv Walling' I'. I l Im. ti'. as ilo.-orilio.t in recoid of deeds. Chit kainas counlv. Oi-x-. ran, hook ici' iTI, and Onli liUXIlMlip 2 louth. raii:.. 1 raM. tax S ..." i. penally $...;;. iniriri $r. ,"... si.s; S.i .moii. X. A. estate, iiiul I". li. r. co r'uiix iiiii-M'si in . To. III Kohl. Mo s l U I". Nil I'.;, on desct ibcd In te.otd nf tieed. CI. I, kainas I'iMIIII), OlV- rati, hook '.. p. mo 32,,y. and hook I. iiii;i 4.-0. township south, i uki' - i'.i!! ; tax $.'. is, penalty ' . interest Si. l S .M 'I'loy. M K estate--!.! iiiivs in K C i'r:iivfni,l 1. l C. ns cVsi'llhod (n record tit' deed. 4 lackamas county, ttrei;oti. book 4l. iai;t I -. sooiioti ;'l. low u- hlp youth. r.inito I imsI; t.i I i penally $0.0... ItUervM I I m Jvlii'.or. Cotind.i A il". acres in U. C. Craw intvi s IV I. C, mm ilt e'rlbod In record of wills, t lai knma.s county. Oregon. NiV t, page t. section 21. township south, r.i'ii-e 1 oast: tax III ST. penally $1.13, interest Jlt3 13. 52 "Tinler, M. 2i) acres In Walter I'arnion a 1. I. C as described In record f deed. Clackamas county, Ori'Kon. hook 3.. pane 15, sections i. ami N. township i couth. Mum' 1 fast: tat j;.S5. penalty $-..o. t-'on.... 2..30 JB.iuer, lionry V. -1.17 acres as do-e-oribod in record of deeds, t'hll'kaiM.I O.'lllltv. Oregon. HOO- tlon 4. township 3 south, runno 1 east; lav I .VIS. penalty $(1.01. In terest $i 0 1 IS J.2-pejynskl. A. Iti.Jii acres as lo oriiwl in rivoiit nf ilotnl. t'liu kainan oouniy. OrrR.. lnwik S. pjiko .".t. seotnui lt, townnhiji south, ranee I cast, tax IS. I,, penalty .. Intere! i.i ?. T'.iite. I'. N. 111? I ai tv.i as ih' m tiI'isI In ro-onl of wills, I'U 'k cmas county. trt'on. Niv 2. Vol. . iiate V.'. section ami 13. township .1 south. raiKe 1 rasl; tax $i.7i7. penalty i,S7i, Interest $7.17 (J payment I I0j.i avlow. AiKlio !' l.t o:. acres as i.i'sorihcil In record of deeds. 1 lackanias county. Orevaii. book 7 J. pane 2i. seiiion .il. town ship 3 MHith. ranfo 1 east, tax $.'.;0. penallv I i .'.'i. Interest J''.:'3 y.i'iton. H. and l.i acres as de n'rilied in rev old of, 1'liickanias cotinty. Ori'iiiin. hmik H. pane 14;. st't lion lown h!p 3 youth, rare 1 east: tax $1.11. penally i.OI. interest J 0 1 (J payment 13 .tr.nte. I". N. .North 1 of north west 1 and I'racuonal soulll J cf northwest 1. seiiion 31. town chili .1 south, 1 east. 1J aires; tax $l.".."o. penalty Jl.r.3. in terest $1 j7 ij parnent l.O 1!. Arthur. Isabel 1 .: acres in K. jMprey's I 1. No. 7. as de-ccrilH-d in record of deeds, I'hickamas county, recoil, hook f3, jiape t'iwn-hit 3 south, rini;e 1 east; tax $'..:.. ien.ilty I".u3. interest $.1.113 41 Eenlel, It J. r0 acres In Samuel I'otneroy'.s I. Ifc i'. No. 3'. as flescrilK'd in record of deeds, Clackamas county. h.x.k paKe ;j3. township 3 Mouth. rar.Ke 1 east; tax $'V3j, enalty $.1.0.1. Interest $a.03 41 Crievel, Custaf Part of A. F. Hedges' I. U I". No. ), as de ccrilied In record of deeds. Clackamas county, Oregon, bix'k 76. pae 5s. townsliii 3 south, range 1 east; tax li.aO. penalty tO.S5. Interest $.1 IS 2.9S Ciitleld. K. O. Purt of A. F. llednes- 1. U C No. 40. as de Ccrilied in record of deeds, "lackama county. Oregon, book 3. page 417. township 3 nouth. rani;e 1 east; tax ll.ail, penalty $1.15, Interest $0 14 1.79 Cfjiberlet. Wilhelm 101 acre In A. J. Vlcker's D. L. C. No. 44. as descrihed In record of deeds. lackamaa county. OreKon, book 4, paice 453. lownslilp J aouth. ranK 1 east; tax $H.4S. penalty $1.4. interest $1.4i 21.35 Matilda, and I'nknown L'n c"yiied Interest of 3.7S acres In Yesley Joslyn 8 1). U C, aa de c. ribed in record of deeds, C lackamas county. Oregon, book I. , page 40. lax $1.6. penalty $0.16. interest $0.1 1.99 le, Heman, trustee IS.! TiO acrea In Philander U-e c D. L. C No. 16. aa desi-riled In record of wills, Clackamas county. Ore- fon. No. 2, volume 3. pat 112. ownship 1 south. rane 1 east; tax $2.!. penalty $0.29. Inter est $J7 3.52 Fiinlon R. and S. I- E. 1.1$ acres In Philander Iee a D. I C. No. i, aa demrlbed In record of ?-eds, Clackamas county. Ore., Book 76, page 341, townahlp 3 couth, range 1 east; tax $1 15, renalty $0.11, interest $0.10 (J payment 1 .36 MtjiiKht. M. and W. E. 59 arrea In Philander Lee'c U. L. C No. 49, an described In record of deeds. Clackamas county. Ore gon, book 72, page 463. town chip 4 south, range 1 east, tax .10 63. penalty $0.06. Interest 0.06 "5 Frost, Isaac 1.90 acrea In Philan der Ie's D. W C. No. 56, a de scribed in record of deeds, Clackamaa county. Oregon, book (I, pages 300 and 301, township I south, range 1 east; tax $1.68, fnalty $0.17. interest $9.15 2.00 BTakealy, J. M. and E. 60x100 feet In Philander Lee's D. U C. Ko. 56, as descrltied In record Cf deeds, Clackamas county, Or egon, book 47, page 126, town ship $ south, range 1 east; tax 0.4I, penalty $0.04, interest o.04 50 Forter, Abner 100x200 feet In Philander D. U C. No. 56, s described in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book 43, page 352, township 3 south, range 1 east; tax $0.64, penalty J'iM. Interest $0.01 1.00 II, Matilda, and Unknown Un Ivided interest In H acres In U A. Heeley's U. L. C. No. 67, as d'-serlbed in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book L, page 40. township 4 south, range 1 east; tax $1.68, penalty $0.17. Interest $0.1.1 2.00 nvart, W. U. 30 a'-res In C. Pen dleton's D. L. C. No. 5$, as de scribed in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book 7, page 84, township 3 south, range 1 east; tax $14. i3, penalty 11.49, Interest $1.34 17.76 Will, Margaret 320 acres as de cribed in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book I'), page 9, and book 56, pags i'jH, sections 6 and 7, township 4 south, range 1 east; tax 1112.42, penalty $11.24, Interest f 10.12 133.78 Gohra, John 15 acres In Albert Fish's D. Jj. C No. 40, as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book f, page 108, township 4 south, ranire 1 east; tax $4.67, penalty 10.46. Interest $0.42 B.E5 Kries, Richard and M. Southwest i section 8. township 6 south, range 1 east, 160 acres; tax f 16.00, penalty $1.60, Interest 11.44 l-64 Jtrpchart, Geo. and B. Southwest ( of northwest , bond for deed (o W. H. Mosher, section 16, township S south, range 1 east, 40 acres; tax $4.20, penalty 0.42, Interest $0.38 8.00 to?a, Mary P. Southeast 1 of riorthwest I. section 16, town chip t couth, range 1 east. 40 cres; tax $4.20, penalty $0.42, Interest $0.28 5.00 Tavlor, B. and I. M. West of touthwest J. section 21. tow.l chlp I couth, range 1 tast, 80 C-res; Ux $13.07, penalty $1.30, Interest $1.18 15-55 If-".. Mrs. I H. 170 acres ( south west )) ss described In record of letds. Clackamas county, Ore- fon, book 61. pcK 17, cctlon 30, nwr.shlp 5 south, range 1 east; tax $14.48. penalty $1.64, Inter- ft $1.4? (Ipayment) 1J-C0 Marlay, P. IL East 1 Of north cect t and northeast 1 of couth- A nit. duo. ; east . section 3. township 1 south, raujie I easl. I jil acres, lax $15 :. penalty $1 .11. Inter- est $ IS ITi.St 1 Kmui. i'. A South I of north I of southeast J, se.tton 1. lown slilp ii south. rani:e I easl, lit acies; lay Jl.iiv. penalty $0 17, tntcicst $. 1.1 ii paMiientl 2 Ho Tlioinpsoii. i l :i7i acres as ilescrihed III Circuit Coin I Jour nal, I'lackama counU, Ore. No. 17. paKe ;M. section .". town ship ti soiilii. l aln;e I 1' 1st . tax penalty $' .!.., mteiesl jo.:-' 4.19 Steiiuilcr. IV N Noiilieasl of soiilheast . section J. town ship ti south, lantie I iast. 40 acres: tax $.'.ov penalty $0.0, Interest Jii 1 ... S.45 retvuson. ,1. II 1iti.roveinents on east 1 of nolthcist I, section 13. towns!iii h south. i;iMi;e 1 iasl, tax $;iio, penally $i'.;6, Inter st $0 23 . Hyan. J U. sevilHal tn t'lackainas 3 09 :T acres as de iccord of ilceils. Ore., book 4. pane . '(Ion :.v ton 11- shit 1 south, ral'ite 2 asl; tax lulerest $11' 3 4. penalty $1.93, $1.74 Kalrchll.l. A v" . acres as de scribed In record of deeds, t'lackainas count v. Ore., book Ji7. paite liV. section 2V township 1 south, ranie 2 east, tax $4. lift, penalty $' I... Interest $0 41 ... IVattv. I'oia 2 acres as de scribed In record of deeds, t'lackainas county, lire., book i!.'. pace 3M. sectmn 2S. town ship 1 south, ranee 2 east, tax $1 4'i. penalty $0.14, Intrust $0 13 IVlashniut. V:ui II.. ami Oatinan. II It -7i acres as described in record of deeds. Clackamas county. Ore., book I". page ;mo. section Jii. townsluii I south, range 2 east, tax $.'.'.6. penally $' :ii. Interest $ .'.I Williams, K It I and 3. sec tion 29. township 1 souih. range 2 east, tl' acres; tax $1' la, pen ally $ I 01. Interest $.1.61 Mather. A 6 10 a. -res as de scribed in record of deeds. Clackamas county. Ore. hook 31. paice 2i,. except as de si -ribed In record of deed.i. Clackamas county', ore, book 7ii. page o'i6, section 31. town ship 1 south, racge 2 east, lax : 7i. penalty $' ,:7. Interest $0 33 ." Fun Susan M. .'1 acres as do scribe. I Ilt record of deed:.. Clackamas county. I're., book p ii;e 12. section 3a. town shlp 1 souih, rani:.' 2 east, tax $2 !. penalty $ 29. interest 2-i :i.oi 42 1.73 47 4 40 3. '.3 Cl'.ft. l'-aul. and Mcltlle sh. Ida- Tn. P.M.!.'. I described In of 1.17:1 : I'lr.uit ( out t Journal. No . Hon 3.. towcshu 2 east ; tax IJ Interest I . J'. . I U'l 30S. Hl. 1 south, range penalty $0 .'I. rnknown I.ot 3. se. ship 1 south, rani: .i . penalty $" iti 3'i. tow II 2 east . lax . Illleresl "s Hi. hot. M.irv-10 acres In J. 1'. Carrett s . I. C No 61. as lies, Til..'. 1 111 record of d.C'Is. t'lackainas counlv. the., b 10k 1 04 til. page 211. section V town ship 2 souih. range 2 east, tax $1 penalty $o.lj. intor.-si J.Ml i.42 Pavls Norrls .'. acres as de scribed in record of dee is. Clackamas county, lire, boo 59. page 173, section 2. bum ship 2 south, range 2 east, lax I.' 22. penalty $0.22. inters; $0.21 .64 Bessellew. Sarah U 30 100 ,icr-. lis described In record of d-eils. Clackamas county. Ore., book 51. page 261. section 3. In n ship 2 south., range 2 east, tax $0 10. penalty $0 01, Interest $001 12 Marlay. P. II. I.ot 3. section 4. township 2 south, range Z east. 33 43 acres; tax $1100, penalty $1 40. Interest $1 26 11.C Praper. Aurle M Iit 1. sect'on 4. township 1 soulll. raii'r . east. 61-MO acres: tax $0 18. penalty $0 01. Interest $0 01 20 Knots. Albert 4 aires as de scribed In record "f deeds, Clackamas county. Ore, book 64. page 79. section 8. town ship 2 south, range 2 east; tax $3 KO, pisialty $0.31. interest $0 3 2 Wise Jennie 27-100 ai res as de S'Tlbed In record of deeds. Clackamas county. Ore., book 51. page 193, sertlnn K, town ship 2 south, range 2 east; tax $0 20. penalty $0.02, interest $0 02 Hlbbard. O. F. 8 sipiare rods as described In record of deeds. Clackamas county. Ore., book 52. page 16. section 9. town ship 2 south, range 2 east; tax $0 20, penalty $0.02, Interest $0.02 Llvesay, Nancy J. 50-100 acres as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 35. page 346. section 9. town ship 2 south, range 2 east; tax $2.00. penalty $0.20, interest $018 Rosenthal. R. and L. 98 09 acres as described in record of deeds. Clackamas county. Ore., book 56, page 22. section 17, town ship 2 south, range 2 east; tax $16.06. penalty $4.60, Interest $4.14 4.28 .21 .24 2.38 54.80 Gladstone. R. K.. Assn. 4 acres as described in record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 34, page 297, section 21. town ship 2 south, range 2 east; tax $4.70, penalty $0.47, Interest $0.42 Mayer. Hamuel .33 acres as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 36, page 463, section 21. town ship 2 south, range 2 east; lax $0.47, penalty $0.04, interest $0.04 Straight, Hlram Southeast I of southwest i. section 22, town ship 2 south, range 2 east. 40 acres; tax $8 40, penalty $0.84, Interest $0.78 Moehnke, Chas. 50-100 acre as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 29, page 360. section 26, town ship 2 south, range 2 east; tax $0 21. penalty $0.02, Interest $0.02 Parson, John 51.11 acrea as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Ore., book 36, P? 143, except as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 53, page 458, sections 27 and 28, township 2 south, range 2 east; tax $24.36, penalty $2.43, Interest $2.19 .- Richard, Eliza C 22.87 acres In Hlram Straight's D. U C. No. 4 2, as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Ore., book 62, pn 449, township 2 south, range 2 east; tax $40.1$, penalty $4.01, interest $3.62 .... Oregon City Packing Co. 1 acre In Hlram Straight's I). U C. No. 42, as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Ore., book 38, page 340, township t south, range 2 east; tax $1.88, penally $0.18, Interest $0.17 Card, Mllo O 2 acres In Exra Fisher's D. L. C. No. 44, as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Ore., book 48, page 482, township 2 south, range 2 east; tax $3.20, pen alty $0.32, interest $0.28 Charman. T. 60-100 acres la Exra Fisher's D. U C. No. 44, as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Ore., book 45, page 428, township 2 south, range 2 east; tax $0.32, penalty $0.03, Interest $0.03 .......... Mclntyre, Peter Ons-thlrd of S acres In Ezra Fisher's D. U O. No 44, as described in record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 73, page 427, town ship 2 south, range 2 east, 1.S6 acres; tax $2.67, penalty $0.26, Interest $0.23 ............ Swope. Grace One-third of 8 acres In Ezra Fishers D. U C. No 44, ss described In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Ore book 65. page 185, township i south, range 2 east, 1.6$ acres; Ux $2.67, penalty $0.26, lobar- 5.59 10.00 .2! 28.98 47.82 2.2$ 8.80 .88 3.05 due. 3,1'.-. est $0 23 Vhlllo.k A II -I . It I lll I'lsher s IV I t', desclllir.l 111 lecoul 01 deeds, the, book Clackamas counU 33. piigo 19, township 2 south, lange .' east, lax II 9 7. penally $0 19. lulerest Jo I ; 2.31 Whttlock II M . 'U aetcs III 1'u.l Fisher's Ii. 1. C No 4 1. lis itescl tlied 111 l-e. old of dec, Is. Clui'katitiis county, Cle. book .'.3. p.u;o .'.''.1. and hook 3 1. page III, loyynslilp 2 south, l;il.m .' cast; lax $: 3.'. penally $' '.!. Itiletest $0 7 .'.-' liakei. ,1 10 toil acres til I i a Fishers l - C No II, as de. ..oil.. ..I In I....H.I of t'lackainas 1 utv. I'll- . book 33. page 109. township soulll, range 2 east, lix $1 In. penalty $0 1 1. Intelest $.111 Ix 10 lingers. 1 11 0 ion a. 10 In Hugh Horns' O I, C No M. a s des. ribed In te. ol.l of deeds, t'lackainas county, the, I k 7V page 30 7, township 2 south, range 2 easl. tax ll.'l, penalty $a ;;:i. inietesi $0 3.. 4 67 Smith. Sarah -21 a. ies In I I'nin Held s 1 K C Ni ei ' ns de. scribed III recoid of deeds, Clackamas counlv. the. book 76. page l township 2 south, t inge 2 easl, tax $1 .0. penally $2 12. Interest $1 91 2!l 23 Mohr. l.enoia II 1 7 a acres In Cyrus Wadsworths 1. I- C. N'.V 7 7. as described III record of deeds Clackamas count v, Ore. book 79 page III. town ship 2 south, range 2 east, tux $1 00. penalty $0 10. Interest $0 19 119 Newl.inds James - 32 acres In A. I1 Smith's U I. C No l.l. us described 111 tecoid of deeds, t'lackainas counlv tire, hook til, pages 102 and llil. township 2 south, range 2 east, lax $1'.3j, penally $1 9.1. Interest 1 ; 4 . . 23 l2 llrt-co. Frank In acres In A I'. Smiths i 1. C. No ti.t. ss te. scribed 111 recoid of deeds, Clackamas county, the. h.nk 79. page l.'6. township J south, range 2 east, lax $.'67, penally $11 ;k. Interest $.1 6 9 9 12 Nelson Ituth 2 acres In A I". Smiths 11 1. C No ti .1 us de scribed 111 record of deeds, Clackamas emmlv the,, book f.ii. page 4 3 township 2 south, range 2 east, tix l :o. penalty $0 12. Intelest $' I I 1 13 Wrtght. c-o il 6 ' : acres In James Winston's 1 1 I. C No. tin. us described in record of deeds, Cla.kilnis county lire, book 77, page :.; ' tow nsl.lp 2 south, ringe ..' eisl tlx $4 7', penalty $ i 17 Interest o 12 .''.' M igoce l .lw ir.l I '"i a- tes In 1 i Tompkins' i 1. I'. No. i ! ,es, I the, I III re. ,.,l of ilee.N. I 'la. k a ma s ....inly lire, hook 27 page .' ' township 2 south rice- 2 e.i-t. tix II. ;7, penalty II Interest $111 . I S' C I M igoc- M I l acres in 1 1, i TompkioV I I. C No i.i. as des, I II..'. I In re. or, I of dents. I 't I. k. till. IS Cn'.mlV. lite, book 37. page ,'JV except us des. rlln-d In record of dee. Is C!,i. kamiis count V I're. book 7. page 3 21, township 2 south rmge 2 east, tax $1 1 7'i. penalty l 1 7. Inter est $1 nil 13 29 HI piston... It i; A-s-i 13". acres In F C. Casou s i t C No 7'l, ns described In r rd of Clack irnas county lire, book 31. page 317. township 2 south, range 2 easl; tax I''. 17. pen alty $'7.1. Interest $x .'.7 1 13 25, Matin. 11 2 7." acres a described In record of deeds Clackamas county, lire, b.sik 'A. page 4'i3, section 2. township 3 south, runge 2 east, tax $0.1.7,, pruulty $0 o:.. Interest $0 Oi 65 Howell. 10 acres as de scribed In record of deeds. Clackamas counlv. tire, book I. page 470. section o. town ship 3 south, range 2 east, tax $1 70, penalty $0 17. Interest $oir. Pugh. Hugh M Northeast I of southwest . section 11. township 3 south, range 2 east, In acres, tax I I 40. penalty $0 34. Inter est $0 31 4 05 Shafer. I! R. 7 45 acres as de. scribed In record of deeds. Clackamas county, tire, lunik 79. page 164, section 16. town ship 3 mitith. range 2 east, tax $1 19. penaltv $011, Interest $0 10 1.40 Loyd. John Northeast of south east of northwest . section 23. township 3 south, range 2 east, 10 ai res; tax It 33, pen alty $0 13 Interest $0 12 1.68 Draper. A M I.ots 5 and 6, see. tlon 32, township 3 south, range 2 east, r. 1 2 acres; tax $16".. penalty $0 16. Interest $0 14. .. 1 95 Casedy. H. ! Iits 4 and 5. sec tion 33, township 3 south, range I east. 60 so a. res; tax $12.51. penalty $12.'., Interest $1.1.1 ... 14.92 lt 6. section 34, township 3 south, range 2 east, $920 acres: tax $2 64, penally $0.26, Interest 10 24 3.14 Cobery. Mary 15 acres In H f. Francis II. I C. No. 41, ns de. scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore. book 60. page 96. township 3 south, range 2 east; tax $6 40, penajty $0 64. Interest $of,n 7.62 Ross. If. W , Hlrs of 32 acres In J. H. H lwland s H. I.. C. No. 45, as described In record of deeds. Clackamas county. Ore., hook 34, page 1 H t . township 3 south, range 2 east; tax $2 19, penally $0.21. Interest $0.20 (1-9 delinquent) 2.80 Thayer. Sheldon H. f.7.50 acres as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 65. page 42.1, section 2, town ship 4 south, range 2 east; tax $5.44, penalty $0.54, Interest $0 49 $.47 Yewdall. Ellen E East ) of southeast I Hnd southwest tit southeast and southeast I of southwest . section 2, town ship 4 south, range 2 east. 160 acres: tax $12. 4S, penalty $1.25, interest $1 12 14.86 Fanton, Rueben East ) of north east , section 6. township 4 south, range 2 east, 79 65 acres; tax $1.90, penalty $0 49, inter est $0.44 ( payment i 6.83 Ilullert. Frederick West of northwest . section 10, town ship 4 south, range 2 east. 0 acres; tax $5.80, penalty $0.68, Interest $0.60 6.6 Felgar. II. F. 62-100 ncre ns de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Or., book 72, page 330, section 17, town ship 4 south, range 2 east; tax $2 08, penalty $0.20. Interest $019 2.47 Pembroke, C. F.. and F. T. 22.35 acres as described In record of deeds, Clackamas counlv. Ore., book 81, page 123. section 18, township 4 south, range 2 east; tax $2 40, penalty $0.24, Inter est $0.21 2.86 Cobery, Mary East 1 of north east J, section 22, township 4 south, range 2 east, 80 acres; tax $8.88, penalty $0.88, Inter est $0.79 10.66 Trulllnger, d. 3. and E. South east i, section 1, township 6 south, range 2 east, 160 acres; tnr 1R SO. nenaltv 10. ItM. Inter est $0 79 10.47 Bayer, Lionel Northwest 1 of southwest I, section 2, town ship 6 south, range 2 east. 40 acres; tax $2.66, penalty $0.26, Interest $0.23 8. OS Trulllnger, O. J. and V.. North east i section 12, township S south, range 2 east, 160 acres; tax $8 80, penalty $0.88, Inter est $0,79 10.47 Rothe, R. C. Southeast of northwest I. section 36, town ship 6 south, range 2 east; 40 acres; tax $2.66, penalty $0.28, interest $0.23 8.05 Everson, James Northeast i of southwest . section 36, town ship 6 south, range 2 east, 40 acres; tax $2.40, penalty $0.24, Interest $0 21 2. 85 Bunton, Julia 6 acres In Wrn. llunton'c f. It- C. No. 61, ss de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book N, page 369, township 6 south, range 2 east: tax $0.48, penalty $0.04, Interest $0.0$ BE Ami acres In No. 41. sa A uit due. Clmrnian. Thus Southwest I or tiollliwesl I se. tlon S. township Il souih lange '.' east. 4i lutes, tax I.' Mi I ally $o .', inlet est $o .'.I 5 right V C Souih 1 "f lioilh Xl. sl nil. I l Least I of not lb west I and not Ihwesl ol liollll easl I. se. I loll I .' low chip H souih, lange .' e ist. i.o a, ies. lax $1 .' " -'. penal! y 1 1 miei est $ I lis Sheini III I ' M I' 1st 1 of ..mill. east and soiilhe ist I of noilli ,l section I . lownslilp II souih range 2 east I '0 II tax 0 0" penalty $0 till, Intel - est $a ;. I . ' J I' West i of 11. .lib West section Is township rt souih range east. '.'.. ,' .1 a. ies, lax I I I ii pen. ill V $a II. Intel , l o I 7 I psi ment I Kextiolds I., Il Southwest I sec. lion 31, township soulll. lunge 2 east I '- a. Ies. In .l .l, penalty $0 f.4, llllele.l $o :,x Lake. Samuel Not lb I of north east .in. I east of northwest I. .e.tloli 3 t.iwn.hlp i south, minis 2 east lici lax .l to. penalty $' 6 1, Inteie.t o ;.h H, .nr. Mulgatellc Not III I of IIOI Ihwesl se. lion 2 low II shlp 7 soulll tinge east. X 0 ucles. lax II ,'..'. penally $0 31. llllelest 1 .1 ' 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 . Ilium H l ot I nn.l south of not t hwesl se, Hon . .. township I south ranee 3 rant, 104 ,'ii acres, lax $1 ' " pen ally $1 .'6 llllelest II It Anderson J lines Soillheisl I of not Ihwesl ( section .'V town, ship I soulll. lange 3 rut. 40 ucles tax I . 7. penult x $0 :. 7. Intelest $' '. White S iMiuel I ol I section ."I. township I soulll t.mge 3 elsl. ; .'0 u. ies lax $ I Ml penalty 0 Intelest a l.l Sas-r 11 N South 1 of lot I. section 3 II township I south, lunge 3 east I li xg ucles I ix i. 10, penult V o li I Intelest to :,x Welse AmlleW 1st I 71 ucles as des, ribed III te. old of deeds. Cla, k in. is counlv lie. I k 4'i p ige ; 7, .e. tlon 4 tow II s'llO 2 soill tl I ItiCe least t I X .l ot penall x I ' ll'i. Inlet est 0 CI Wilde C I'. II I. un. I '' ii VI 100 a- ies us des. I Ihrd III le. old "f deeds I'll kulll IS I , X . I He I k V. p ige I , I I, , 'I township .' soul h. I uige 1 e ,st I IX I I II l,ll 1 I i ! llllelest $.1 II I I. lke J.. I II est 1 ..f ' Ihwe.t ) se. t loll 1 i, t.'W nsl.lp .' !! I in i-e t e I si X 0 ,i. I e s I I X .' ! . p. n illy t ' : ' llllelest I " 'c. 'e!I..W s I 'll I -ol I e, II. .11 ''. towns! Ip 2 ...'ill. I I" ge 3 etst r. l ,,. tes. 1 ix I a i. I penal I y II 30 7 '.'ii t m 7 7 7 3 I 19 II 99 4 !C 6 :i 7 : J.i ,.', p ieiesl U .1', ll.O.kllk I'et.-r I ols 2 nn l 3 see th.ti .:.'., township 7 so. III., tinge ;t e i.l I ' 10 a Ies lax I I 2, pen l!( V I I ' I P.lere.t 0 I . 6 1 Vnst. ii Will .r l W 1 I a len 111 It. .1.1 XI I'.nl I ' I. ' No 4 7 as described In i l.l "f ,l.-.,ls Cla. klllia counlv Hie, hook 7 1 p.ige ii township 2 south ring" 3 ea.t I ix II 32. penally I a I I Interest i VI 5 11 Traxlle C and J tl a 'es III J,,l,n Fo.l. r s i I. C No 4 1. us lies, rlt-e.l III re. ..r.l of .lee.ts. Cla. kumas counlv I're. hook 76 page J 2 1 . township 2 south, range ;t east tax 1s t I. penalty 0 Hi',. Interest I" 60 7 90 Kurmn Wm l n.res In N laiuih s 1 U C No .'. I. us de. scribed 111 record of deeds. Cla. kumus counlv. I're. b..k 73 page .11 township ? south, range 3 east, til 111 It. Ja-u-ally II 1. Intere.t 1 1 i,: 2114 I'ope Chris W 71 ." acres I rx K s Ii I. C Nos 7.2 and 42. ns described 111 record of deeds Cla. kuni'is counlv Ore. 73. page .in, township J south, rmge 3 east, tux I'l 60, pennlty $o 96. Interest piM . . II 42 Morlo. k. Chrlsllun :. I n.res ns described In record of deeds Clackamas county lire, b.s.k 67. page 162. section 4. town ship 3 south, range 1 east, lux I'. (7, penalty $0 7.4, Interest i I I 50 Hlyelv, Hfii M North 7 66 res III OI t,, M" ll'.ll 1. I..1IB,I. J south, runge 3 east. Inx $0 14, pen, lily $oii9, Interest loot 1 11 Hoss. It V . Ilelrs of 1 10 79 acres ns des, -ribed In record of deeds. Clackamas rnuntv. ore, bisik 36 page 333. se. . thin 12. township 3 south, range a enst . tux II 49. penalty $0 14. Interest $0 13 (1-9 delinquent 1,74 Iloss. II W. Ilelrs nf-42 21 acres us described III record of deeds, Clai kumus county, lire, bonk 36. page 333, section 13, town ship 3 south, range 3 enst; tnx $0 41. penalty loot Interest $0 n ilelliupient I 61 MacKlnile. U'ih-Ij.I 8. section 13, township 3 south range 3 east, 21 Ml acres; tax $4 on, pen alty $0 40, Interest $0 36 4,7$ llees, II W UilS 4. 7 and 8. see. thin 20, township 3 south, range 3 east. f,3 7 7 acres, tn $7 14, penalty $0 71. Interest $0 64 ... I 49 Hamilton. John M ld I. sec tion 23. township 3 south, rang 2 east. 4 50 g. res. tnx $1 .0U, penalty $0 10, Interest $0 09 ... 1.19 Hell, Kllen Lots 4 ami 6. section 27, township 3 south, range 2 east, 24 acres, tax $100, pen alty $0 40, Interest $0 36 4.7$ Miller. IHiia That part of the smith of the southeast nort Ii of the county road, section 32. township 3 south, range 3 east, 4 acres; tax $0 4s, penalty $0 04. Interest $0.04 6$ Iinvls, John, 29 f.O in res as described In record of deeds. Claikarrias county, lire, book 29. page 445, section 33. town ship 3 south, runge 3 east; tax $100, penalty $0.40, Interest $0 34 4.7( Maylleld. Tennis Southwest I of southwsst I. section 33, town ship 3 south, range 3 east, 40 acres; lax $1.21, penalty $0.12, Interest $0 11 l pnymenli .... J.61 Fellows, J-; 1 1 6 60 a. res ns de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 47, page 306, section 34, town ship 3 souih, rnnge 3 east; tax $0 48, penally $0.04, Interest $0 04 Chnrmnn. Thos 81 acres In I). Cutting's Ii. C. No. 56, ns described In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book It, page 81, township 2 south, range 3 east; tax IK. 16. penalty $0.81, Interest $0 7.1 llees, w. 1160 acres In I). Mo sler's J). I C. No. 6 2, as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, fire., book 67, page 43, township 3 south, range .1 east: tnx 19.18. nenaltv $0.91, Interest $0 82 10.91 Lnknown Fractions I north i of northeast il, section 1, township 4 south, range 3 enst, M0 17 acres; lax $3.20. penalty $0.32. Interest $0.28 J. Nelson, Julia A. West or west 1 of northeast i and west $ of easl 1 of west ( of northeast $, section 3. township 4 south, range 3 east, 60 seres; tnx $5.78. penally $0.67, Interest $0 62.... (.86 Meldrum, Henry Undivided In terest in east or northwest ) snd northwest of northeast . section 8. township 4 south, rnnge 3 east, 60 acres; tax 7.20, penalty $0.72, Interest $0.66 8.67 Jackson. Josephine Southeast of northwest J, section 9, town ship 4 south, range 3 east, 44 acres; tax $4.80, penalty $0.48, Interest $0.43 6.71 Anderson, l.ars 10 acres as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Ore., book 30. page 680, section 10, town ship 4 south, range east; tax $1.60. penalty $0 16, Interest $014 1.90 PJnfT, Wllhelm Southeast ) of northwest i, section 11, town ship 4 south, range $ east, 40 acres; tax $4.40, penalty $0.(4, Interest $0 68 7.(2 Anderson, Ijirs East I of north east t section 24, township 4 Anil ncles. Inter- , due, 7.14 I 97 1 HI ,21 9 01 3 01 1 0 3 ol 9 04 13 smith liillH" ' east. Ml l x c mi penally $n no, r.l 0 ,'. I li pa Iliellt I Ilulismi " ' Honllienst of lioilhwisl I se. lion 27. town- ship 4 Hoiitli. lung" n easl i lux Illy, pennlty 0 II. Interest 0 31 , .. I II J Not Ihwe.t I of south' ,.,l.t sell loll . , lownslilp I ...Oil, l.iuge ,1 east. II a. IKS, til X I I I' I penult V 0 .10. Intel -e I .1 ; ... taunt J b nd lloel II .1 I 7 ft il. I e. II" lb s. I ibi il 111 IS. Old id lie, .1., I'la. loiliilv lite, I. , mil I.' pages lit mid in.'. . linn i lownslilp I south, lunge 3 east I n x 0 I. penall y $0 ll I, Inteie.t l II I Wllght J II S'lUlhcuol of ..iithw.l I. e, lion ,12. town si. ifi 1 ..mill, lange 3 east. 10 II. Ies. lilX $ .' Ml. penalty 0..'.. loleie.l 0 .1 llees X. Ilells "f Houlheasl of soul liWK.I I section .111. town ship I south. Isnge H east. 10 wcies, I. ix I ' Ml, penalty o.'.i. Interest 0 I Cluik Wind M Southwest I of si.tilhwe.l I se. lion ,1(1. town ship I south, lunge 3 easl 10 It. I es . I I .'II, penult X U 3.'. Inteie.t 0 ' 1 Jones H W lull IliWrst I is 1 1 1 t Ci ...nth. Ill I es . tax I ' Moillhwest I of se. tl.Ut 1. town lunge 3 rust 40 ;.n, penult y $0 llllelr.l $0 .1 Jumes C It N'oltheust section o, townnlilp ti souih. range 3 rlist I .9 I I n. tes lux I ' 60 pelinllV $0 7lt. llllelest 1C1 1 pay men! I Jones W It West I of north We.t uli.l ...lltliwenl ( tit soulll, West set tlon 111 townnlilp it mntlt. .1 east, I .' O u- Ies. lux iy. peoultl 0 t llltrt' est ,ll. 'I 111 I I I It I ! l It I "I Cist $ Of lint 1 1, runt nil. I lots 2 suit 3, se. li 19 hip If II. r-in I9 II 7 3 eunl I: , pennlty 1 1 II 91 A rr InX Intel! t 21 II W hile : . nod I sles W I" Lots I t. It nn.l ,' se, tlon 6, l.twcshlp 7 south, lunge 3 eunl. tll'li: u.les tlx I'll'.', penally o I. ,' ll.lrlest I liil Shaw. W J Nollhr i.t e- tloll .'I towi.sClp 7 soutli tange 3 ,-i.t lie. u.les, tlx 1 11- 4.1. prll, lilt I I" ,! III!, lest $'l el. I. l ot I sr. 1 loll 10 I.. .' S.ot!l IIMge 3 f U s I . I ' . s u- i .- tlx I I s'l penall y I I l Intelest I a 1 I Foster C li S..,, I In art .e. tnnl 2 Immi.nI l. X n.cilh I ,ii, ge least t.,-1 U- I es till ' I-' pen -all i ..I n.lei.-st a .X 1 1 --) II J ,,,,11, ..f eo-ilh- 1 I loll t,, I ... ,11. lux I est New I in. I I Jim. I.r, II, !., ' le ,., .1. I I., I" r.I p.. ship I I ' t" I I. . 4 a. I lull lax I it y New I ,,, J is St.,, I l,r l.l I 1(1 i.t 1 r 10 low II- 4 east 10 $.i:i, ip I ...ill, l,.X I r 10 pe Il leient l H W ei. Il V M S...,lhW.'Sl I . ti 1 li 2 no'l I '' mil, eusl I i.f sr. t to,, t town I rust I'l 12 penult) I 1 1. n. ies lux I Interest II 4 Marl v P II Moulhwesl of li. .Ill runt I section 16 lown ehtp Z s.nitti range I en. 1 40 111 le. tux II HI. l-e tin 1 1 y )IX. llllelest 'l 13 I'a.t 1 of Sou'l.wes' t nli-i InllthWr.t I of southwest ei - tlon ; 1 township : .ou'ti rsiigs I eu.t I 'a n re., tut 4 so pen altv I'l'.x, Interest lil I I pur ine n I 1 Sii C.ireti J H I '-0 n. re. nl described 111 record of iter. I. I '1 ,1. k n in us cniilily lite, b.s-k l.x pnge 4 se. Hon ,S town ship 2 south range I eu.t tttl. a2. pennlty loop interest $101 Cull. Joseph II - :Ht a, re. n s lies, 'rib r.l In re.old of deeds. I'lliknllms tountv lire, I k TS page '227. se. Hon 3 2. town ship 2 Mouth, range 4 eust tut l'l'.2. l!tllfy $IV'.. Illleresl 1 1 : i; oi F'nlkninli A II Houthws.t of s.i-ilhwr.t i se. tlon 3f. town ship south, runge I enst 40 m-res tux lis", penalty 10 4. Interest 0 43 F'nsler N'llicy, Heirs of Ml of IV F'nnler I' I. C No 47 we.t Illid south of Jessie Arledges Intnl. towtishlti 3 .nnlh rmiga 4 enst 2. airrs. lul I'l 44. pell nil y ) Intere.t o nr. Cult. Joseph 1 1 - 2 Ml a re. It, J. W F'oster s Ii I. c No 4o ns lies, rlheil Itl record of deeds. I'luikr.ums iii.llitv lire, bo-.k 71, pnge 227. township 2 suutti, range 4 enst; tnt I'l 1.4. pennlty $0 04. Interest $0 11'. , , ... Ma. Kenfie Win Mouth $ of tmrthwesl I section I, town ship 3 soulli range 4 east no ai res, tux I'l 40, penalty $0 94, Interest o 1 Werheltn. KHia and crr!n. Mrs, N - Iils I nn.l ?. se, tlon , townsliip 3 souih. rungo 4 enst. k'2:''i a-res; tnx lx. penalty $0 31. Interest $0 3.', l-ewls C c t n' re In II C. Itrown'a i I. C No f.3. ns lies, rlhr.t III record of deeds Cla. kuiti ns county, 'ire, b.s.k 57. page 2.17. township 3 south. ratiKe 4 enst; tax 0 32, pennlty $0 Il3, Interest 10 113 Anderson, ,iirs- Vesi i of north west (, section 7. township 4 south, rung" 4 eusl 71 II n- res. tnx 1 2 40, pet, ally $o;4. Intereal $0 3'2 li piivment ) Carothers. Melinda - Month of linrlheiisl i. section 1 !.. township 4 smith, runge 4 eust SO acres. In $3 20. penalty o 3'2. Interest $11 '2 H , Hniiitnond O I' - Lots I. 2, 3, 4. 6. S and 7. section n township 1 souih. range 4 east. 1 1 ', no licres. tut 1,110, penally 0 t,. Interest MM Lyons. Win. Northwest of northeiist I, section 30, township 4 south, range 4 enst. 411 n. res; tnx $1 iii), pennlty $0 Id, Interest $0 14 Oregg. K t, laist section 3l, township 4 south, range 4 enst, 330 lures; lax $10:4, penally $1 02, lulerest $0 !12 ...... . Tinker, . W 10 acres In I). Tin ker's I), I C. No. 47. ns de. scribed In record of deeds, 'Inckiitmis county, Oregon, book 33, pngr 3f,r,, township 4 south, rnnge 4 rasl ; lax $0 40. penally $0.04, Interest $0 04 li pnymenli Ralley, A. A. Houtiienst . section 23. township 7 south, range 4 east, 110 a. res; tax $1 40, pen ally $0 P.4, Interest $0 r, Benn. Christian Northeast of southeast I, section 2M, lown slilp 1 south, range 6 east, 40 Hi res; tax $2 6, penally $0 28, Interest $0 23 Pickens, Mary A. CO acres ss'del s.-rlhed in record of deeds, Clackamas counlv. Oregon, book 45. pnge 2!m, section 10, town ship 2 south, range 6 enst; tax $0(l' ,"'l"llty Interest Maroney, John Northeast i,' see! tlon 21, township 2 sooth, rnnga 6 east. HQ ni-res; Inx $1 00, pen alty JO.HO, Interest $0 72 ....... Warren, Harry Houlheast of southeast i and west i of south east 1 and enst ) of southwest , sncllon 23, township 2 south, range 6 east, 200 acres; tax ''!;''. penally $0.06, Interest 0,h6 Karr. Isaac C. Southwest ' Y 'of southwest , section 8J. town ship 2 south, range K east, 40 seres; tnx $2.g, penalty $0.28, Interest $0.21 .... Douglas. J. W. etoutl'iw'est""of northeast i, section 34, township 2 south, range 6 enst, 40 acres; n( U 0, penalty $0.24, Interest Cooper, Ira I'nrt ' of ' souih 'ioo acres of southeast 1, section 4, township 2 south, range 6 east; l'o Penalty $0.62. Interest 66 .70 80 i.f i. A""t Wlisi.i.. ., i .ingo n eusl XI I. '!' I lax , ,11. peliulli lour, ., lo hu r( Ililey. V. V Hoiitiie..., ; t.. township a ., '"St, I Ml li I , ' t my it 1 1. ., ..;,' '.,! "- W l H.iini'J I '' Hull II. lownslil,, .1 - ' SM.. east I nil .... . :"' I lii. ...... I , .Xnillni, , . ' II. iii 1 2. lownslilp ,i ,,,,, t, east i,il , i.. . . "II u III !,'., , ' , s.. ' r yy ent east I nn.l soul , .' . , '""'h. -if , enst,,,, south, lunun tt I of i l.l 'llli. " nsli I' I lux II XII, penult ) $' 4 I . heel. ., , , Southeast I , of solillieusl I'll.,.,, I.. vv. i f -"i i .,( ; I low nslilp J i. .... i,.. a 1 1, .... ' " i; I ;u at ies. tux 'is . !" ' 0 UK, l,l.,e. ,, . ' "lt,l) Miller. A ! t . N,,, , . east nn.l ,..ii,,, f J ""'Hi. "! I, so.ll,,,, , ,f';'"01h. oiiih. lun.u t, , ,. "'ft I lux II xo ,.M,...i.. . ts. .'IM. il ii ' ' ' Int., 'tl Iloisll 1,1. N, 1 1. II. oi U. township i . t. east r,u rt, , , I Me, Mill, tX'i, I'l 10. Mil 0 CI ,,le lllnsioui,, f; w I" rS- Noitt,...: Se. t loll In, I, "'Ul d. ' III I'l to. penullv (. U-l Unset, ., M,.l, Hon Is. township 4 ,, 5 east, 21 . u, ,r, , penult) .. ,r,. He, I. el o I U in .1 X 1 , j lest I II, r. , ,,,,, I In. kumus 1 ..nut , , ,, , .'. pugo 1 I'l. se. hip soulll lu,,B I I .'. penalty . . lo ; Kll.gsl.ii, ) Ixulo A H i 'I 4. town. ,,, lunge 4 eu.t ., 1 !. " 1 ' I., u " iIm,), r ". Is. ''" I".' "'I ll hili,,,, 't l'st i "'. Ill I'.lir penalty ; s 0 .0 I'll mi. J M v, r, j illlnl .o.ittieust I 1 nn.l I e. I ., 1 1,,,, 1 , so.ilh r.i.l 1 null... 7 6! tux ,; 1,1 a :,x irliull) I IM '''tig Anhrl iun nn.l -M . Mir ns dr.. , ,,r, n hl i ..( I 90 1 in. s u niu s nl i o, . .,, ' l"K V e. II,,,, , . ...alii tnnno peio.ll, , .,, Mil. I.. 'I M I I I i..,i .4 t,.w ii.) i .i in 1 I.-. 1 i-m '."" I K . rust ISO n , I,, Ull l . ',. iulnrnl . '. ... - h . ..i.orne ,. n J', low n.t, :p east a u. iri nlt It 24 li. I I -f I' Il 111 14. l l- lio.u it. I J.,l, an, I h , ItiUii X rot ,,f , , Utot S. .,,11, eu.t ,,f nn.l l-.oi ,,f ft II, r- ' stil I "I.1, sr.! III,. ..I S-MlO. I se ll-.,, I, to lunge t, e.,1 II" 40 prnalix I'l S4 I- ' '. .V lr., l4, l "' IM.lMt lu.g Melius I' No, li, II. Othe mi i ,,,( r,, i Wr.l I .c ,, I. i. 't I of I r oth. t I lullgn rust l-o ' s I j 12, penall I" l ... lr $ ' il I'.l.le.t 4 o Montague It i II onll rnil I - III. west I a,,,l ,,,,k i '"""'' St I ,,,) .o,,!)..,,,, f Soulll.. I ... ,, ,, snip ; ... hi, rang,, ; r.s. tut i; lo. p,,,,,, Intere.t I I :n $ 71 l.lni.ri.l.rrgrr. J .mthMi i' 13 Hon 21. town.' j ,u, rung. J .u.t, , U I I'm. jenalty I'l 3 . I i Payment I .rerun , F ust of M se. ll., i, ;.' I,,,,,,,,,, , fc,ul(l isnge " rsst. ( ,,, ! " 1-enallV I I 'I In,...., I 0 lo : . . '"' lit The Wls.mi.ln Ca- .11 West I tif . i,, Iiicmj I soul I, tango f eu.l l.l ,M tux If, o. i,ty -4 m. est I 10 . Jl K Th.uiipsoli Kred - H. ..ill, sill 1, lowtisl.lp J ami I h. rang. I MM. ISO n.te.. tal I.' 1.1 ISAi'f I I 74 Intel. .1 .l "0 ti The W I., Inieslniriit (' Northwest , se. ti.,,1 ;;. i.s. ship J souih. range 7 ! 144 "' ". I'H I ' 10. lilialtr ;. Interest ii ;o , Helm, Christian I.,.! ' Hub I- 5 71 lownslilp soutli. rang. J !. 40 2,4 n.te.. t II .', pnlt $0 l. Inteie.t 0 1 7 ,. Wilson. Jo.eph A - I s.l I of Mit i sr. tlon .1. loWll.lilp I souls, rungo eusl, ,i a. res, ui Kl'i. penally u4l. Inltrnt l"M II tl Iiueltuii. rrmik II - Weil i of west . secllon ;4 (nwrtshlp I south, rang t east. uo r, tax 14 in. penalty J4I. Innrsil o ill llnriir. Minnie V. - looxii) feit It .75 It 42 4 67 .24 2.H4 J. 0 (7 1 .DO 12.18 .4$ 7.(1 $.06 7.8 9.5 11.42 $.41 2.15 (.21 tl noil I, en. I corner MS linn 11, lownslilp $ smith, rang. I wit; Ini o H, penally $ovl, Intsrsst $0 01 1 llurney A M. 'lulre All nf linn 14. township 1 soulli ram I enst, mo ai res. Ini l.'tlu, pn- ally $.' 41. interest I; 31 II $ Nepai h. A F ast i of imrtliMit I snd lots and :. Beillun li. township south, rnnge l tft I', 2 r. 2 n. re.. a $4 40. penally $0 44. Interest o 1.x Klernnii, F'rnnk - Noith I of smith west . section ;i, towtialilp I south, rnnge i enst no a, rsa. tax 11 :o. penalty $o 32, IntsrMt $o ; , Mc'lulre. H l. West 1 of t it i. section Jl, township 1 oul rnnge h enst, o acres, tax $" 4n. penalty $o 114. Iiitfrmt $0 (.I Ilnseiibniitn. M - I'.ast nf eait i, lownslilp soutli, range l east. Kill acres; Ini II 4i, penalty $o 44, Interest 0 I.H Iledgrs. H 1 1 It M II -Mouth I Sl'"Pl soulheusl of southenst i. tec tlon 7. townshlii 4 soutli. raurt t. east. ;su iicres; tnx 'i (). pen' nltv In ns h,i lo vs tl 1 ; Hall. Harriet -Northeast I of Itortbenst I. section 31. t ii w iisti ip I south, range 4 east 40 arret; at $1 32, penalty $0 h3, InltrMt $0.75 Newell. Cora Northeast. I oi i northwest . section 31, town ship I south, range 4 el. 4 I acres; lax $x.82, penally luteresl $0.75 ' Hwope, 11 race l'a rt nf Kirj i Fisher's I). K C.. township I south, range 2 east. .14 cre. lax $0.24. penally $0.02, InterMt fi $0 02 rtohhlns, W. K Part of M Fisher's I. I. C. townalilp south, range 2 enst. .f.O scrs. lax $0.75. penalty $0.07, ltilri) $0 07 Toting, Ham J. I'art of 1'. Illnesr son's I). U ('.. township 2 'IIJ range 1 east. 13 acres, I 1 0. penalty $141. lnre 1128 Bt raits, ill No'r'th 'i "of n"rtli" i. section 33, township i seu.--rsngs 4 east, acr e; J" $1110, penalty $111. ''"""' $100 Dixon, fhlllon K Prt of -tlon 28, township 1 "ou I R east. 26 acres; tax $l... Pn all. 11, II 40.12 .,.' 1 Mm I Unit, A J West i ! . Se, II,,,, Woolsey, Frnnk-Knst of snu'h west i, section R,,' I south, range 7 J tax $3,00, penalty 0.3. Inlr" .t, (0.36 t i Uwls, T,. A.-Wst of wilhw t. section 14, township ' ""'J J fangs 7 east, 80 acres; ta $ ,.H penalty $0.J, Interest $)-- t to the person "UO ofTers to p ami ccrntni? pennltir" w f Uks . oer.lllcata at th. low ,- to day tit.tli th iM list 1. nV0 of t-altl tr- rw of real property .ww ln(Mackant.(:ntinty.VI'",,her 19 I)ab.d tut. llth dsj of "'AVliB, ; Bherifl of CI-ckaniM County, Or." 11 J. lit'