Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
OKWJON CITY KNTKKritlHR FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1903 11 Ami. lax 10.17, penally U. 0.1, Inter- eat I'l Ol Mink, M .1 HIiiiw'k A Iti, llletf.ill Cllv, lul II. Mm k H, ln 'l IIJ. IHMIIllly $0 ll.l, IlllMlKHt 0 ll.l .... HIlllWK Alllll'X III Oll-ann Cllv, nl 10. bin. k K, III! Ill ill. .i.l- li 1 1 V ll II. I. Illlcll-al H 111 HlUtt M Alllll'X III 4 II till ill I'lly, li.l II. Iilm k K. I n u .1:, ),... lillv H " I. Ililnn-al u il I HIlllW K Alllll'X In llll-ami I'llV, lul I.', Iilui k , tux l'i hmi- li 1 1 V l II I. 1 .1 1 ! I U II. I Hhnw'K Annex In Hri'ifiiii I'liy. lul 1 1. Iilui k H , In u :i pen- ii 1 1 v n . I. I ii t i In o:i HTIIlll I. V I - HIlllWK AlllirX lii (iM'K'in i'iiv, lot 17. bliw k I; . I ii n 1 1 it. penulty In h i, I ii in i -mi n a JJ,i. k, 8 .1 Hlmw k Annex In Oregon Clly, lul IK. IiIim k K ; tux n:i.'. I'l-iinliy In ii:i, iutni-ni iniia HIlltW'H Alllirx In Dlrami I'lly, 'lul IV. Iilui k a; Inx lull, n ; nliy u ii :i. InlircMl In "I Hlmw Annex In Oreami I'lly. nl ;n. IiIih k K , 1 it k n .1.', 'cii. nliy 10 1)1, Intereal in ll.l HIlllWK Alllirx In I II r. HI I'llV, . Inl I. Murk II. lux l'i a I. penulty 11.1, Internal U 0.1 Hlmw Annex In Oreann I'lly, Inl lilu. a 9. In I'l 31. penalty n 01. IM.T( il Oil . HIlKW'K A lllir III Orrautl I'llV, Inl I, lilu. k , Im n ,1.', penalty : ll 0.1. Inlrrral 'l I) I Hlmw' Annex In iirrKon Clly. Inl 4, blmk 9; tnx I'l 31. iirmilly In in, tnirrrat 0.1 Hlmw'a Annex In oreami I'lly. Inl 6, hlmk 9; tn I'l 31, penulty 0 n.l. Inli.rrl n 03 Hhnw'K Annex In orrautl I'lly, Inl , lilo, k U. In I'l at, penalty . il 0.1. Illlrrrat In ol Hhnw'K Anno In Oregon I'llV, Inl 7, liln. k U. tax So. 3 J, penally 1 ll 0, Inlrrral n o Hhnw'K Annex In Orrann f'lly. Inl . Mmk Ii; lux lua:. (M-iiiiliy il 01. Inletrat H 01 Hlinw's Annex lit Oregon Cltv, lnt 0, Iilnrk U, tux I'l 32, penally n Oil. Inlereat III 03 HIiiiw'k Annex ii orrann Clly, . Inl 10, hlmk 9; Inn I'll:. pen nlty I'l 03, Intereal n 11,1 HI'llW A f I tin III HrK'MI I'lly, Inl II. blmk V. Ill I'll.', pen alty I'l n:i, interrat In n;i - Hhnw'a Annrx d Orrann City. Inl I .' I.I.I, k V. lul I'l 31, pen- Mlly 'l 01. Internal I'l 03 HIiiiw'k Antii-x to Orrann Clly, lnt l.l. Mix k 9; ln 1" 3:. pro- Hy I'l 0.1, Internal I'M3 Hlmw Amirx l n - K m Clly. lnt I I I. In. k U. till ! ii, pell- Hliy I'l fll. Inti'rnnt In o:i HIiiiw'k Annex In I irraun Clly, lnt 1',. Murk . Ix I " 3 . prn- Klty n 03. Inlrreai tool Hlmw Annex In Orrann Cllv, Inl 10. blmk 9: tni I'l 12, prn- nlly 'l 03. Internal n n Hlmwa Annrx In Orrami Clly. lnt 17. Mm k . tit in ,1.'. pen- ally 0 03, llilnreal 0(i.l 5 HIlllW K Alinra I'l Uri-Kiin Clly, li.i l lil iw k . tna in ,11. mii- ; nliy I'l 01, llitmr.l III HI I Hlmw a Annri In OrKnn I'lly. ; lnt i:i Mm k , tn l'i 31, imii- , nliy ID 0.1. Intirrat il 01 Hlmw a Aimm In Ufa. hi Cltv. Inl :n. Mm k V; tnx 0 .11, .t.n- nlty .1 03, llllnrrat III 03 - Hlmw a Annr In fifunn Clly. : Im I. Murk 10; in ii ' nlty 0 o.'. InlKrvKl 0 02 Hlmw a Annrj In llrfim City, Inl ;. IiIim k 10, lnt n .0, infi nity ID 02. InlvroHl I" n.' Hlmw a AniirK In liicx'Hi City, ut 3. M.H k 10, tit a In t:i. pni- nlty 0 07. Inltirrat o Ui Hlmw a Aimri In Orrunn Clly. Inl 4, Mm k 0; tna il ;o. .i'ii- ally I'l 07. Intnrrat I'l 02 Hlmw'a Animi tn Or'ann City, lnt 6. M' k 10. Im l) 20, Ity n oj, InlnrxMl o Of Kiiiwa Aniira tn lirriinn Clly, lut II lilirk HI; Im I'l 70. jii-ii- nliv n 02, Inlrrrat o o: Hlmw a Anni'l In Clr'Knn Clly, . lnt 7. I.I... k HI; tin l l. nii- ally tool, iiiiraKi l : '. Hlmw'a Aniii-t In Ori-ifnn Cllv. I lnt I. Mm k 10; Im I'l 70, .rll- nllv 02. Ililrnmt H 02 Hlmw K Amine tn (itrirnn Clly. nt . I.I", k in. lux I'l 20. ti lt 1 1 V H 02. IiiIitcM n 02 .. ... Hhiiw'a Aiini-K tu lirrifiin City. ! Inl l. Mm k 10, Im III 20. rll- nlty I'l 07. InlrrrKt n 02 Hhnw'K Aiirii'V tn liiri;un tMly, I Inl I I. Mm k 10; tin il 20, lirn- , nliy In 02. Intrrimt n nj :, HIiiiw'k Aimri In turn. in Cllv, ' lnt 17 Murk 10. tll I'l 20. TII- 'j oil V 0 07. InliTral I'l 02 ; Hliuw'a Ainu' tn firrKuit I'lly, lnt 11 lilm-k 10, Im u .20, il-ll- i nliy I'l 02. Iiili'nml 0 02 ! HIuiwk Animx tu lirrifnii Clly. i lnt H dim k 10. tux 0 20. n-ll- l nllv 0 02. liiliTimi n 02 j Hl"it-'a Animx In liiiiun Cltv, Inl 1'.. Murk 10; lux 10 19. poll- J nliy In 02, InliTiml n o2 ; HIuiwk Ainii'X tn iin'Knn I'll)'. , lut lii. Mm k 10; lux 0 20, i(.- I nllv 10 02. InlrrrKt 0 02 ; Him w'k Aiinrx tn fin-k'nii I'lly. j im 17. Murk 10, tin l'i 2i, pi'ii- ! nltV 0 02. Itllnri-Ht 10 02 J HIuiwk Anni'X tn liM'u..n Clly, - lnt n Mn. k 10; till I'l l!l. "'ll- j nit v 10 07. Inti-ri'Ml l'i 02 HIuiwk Anni'X In (MiMT'in Cltv, lm l 'i Mm k 10; lux In 20. n-n- ,'. nllv 10 07. Inti'M-al o 02 .... Hlmw K Amii'X In f ii-.-k. in City, 5 Inl 20, Mmk 10; lux l'i 20, fti i nlty I'l o;, intrrimt fn 02 HIuiwk Annrx In (irrij.iM Cltv. t Inl 1. Murk 1 1 ; tux I'l I'J. n"n J lilly 10 02, InlrrrKt 10 02 HIiiiw'k Annrx In in-cmi Cllv, 1 l"l . 1,1.1. k 11: tux I'l '.'0, prti- nil v I'l 02, Intrrimt 0 02 HIiiiw'k Annrx tn OnKnn City, ' Inl II.' Murk II; lOX t'1.20. I'fll- f nil y In 07. Inlrrral 10 02 HIlllWK Annrx til lltrunn I'lly, lnt i. Mm k 1 1 ; tux I'l l'.l. I'l'n- nlty 10.02. Intrrrat I'l 02 i HIiiiw'k Annex tn (Irrituti Cllv, lnt fi. Mmk II; tnx l'i .20, prn- i oily to.02. Inlrrrnt $0.03 HIiiiw'k Annrx tn Oreirnn Clly, lnt fi. Mm k 11: tnx $0 ID. pcn- nllv $0.01!, Inlrrrxl 0 02 ! HIiiiw'k Annrx In Clly. ) Inl 7. Murk 11; lux 0 70, prn- Oll 111.02. ItllrrOKt 10.02 i HIihw'h Annex In firnn Clly. t Inl S. Murk 111 lux 10 20, pen 5 nllv 10 02. Inlrrrnt 10 02 due. .3H .3H .37 .3D ,3N .nil .37 .3D .37 .3d .37 .37 .3D .37 .37 .37 .31 .31 .3 .S .31 .37 .3$ .38 .3D .3S .3 .37 .37 .37 4 23 I 1 4 .25 n j A A I " 4 4 .23 .14 .24 .23 .24 .23 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .23 .24 .23 .24 .24 .24 .24 .23 .24 .23 .24 HIiiiw'k Annex tn ()rrnn Clly, l"t 9. Mnik 111 lux 10.20, prn- olty 10.02, llllrrimt 10 02 HIiiiw'b Annex tn Orrijnn City, lnt 10. Mock 11: lux o :n, prn- nlty $0.02, lntorrH 0 02 Hlinw'ii Annex to (Irrifnn City, l"t 11. Mmk 11: tnx 10 20, pen- nlty $0.02, IntereM $0.02 Hlmw Annex to Oreirnn City, Im 12. hlmk II: lux $0 20, pen- nlty $0.02.. Interrnt $" 02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann Clly. Im IS. Murk 11: tnx $0 20, pen- nltv $0.02. Interest $0.02 fihnw'a Annex to Oregon Clly. Inl 14. Mnrk II; In $0.20, pen- nlty $0 02, Inlerent $0.02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, Inl H.. Mnrk 11: tnx $0.19, pen nltv 10 02 Inlerent $0.02 i Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann Clly, f lnt 111. Murk II: tnx $0.20, pen- ' nlty $0.02, Interent $0 02 i Hlmw'a Annex tn Oreann City, lnt 17. Muck 11: tnx $0,111. Pn- nlty $0.02. Inlerent $0 02 ! Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City. . lnt IS. Mnrk 11; tnx 10 20, pen- '. nlty $0.02, Interest 10.02 Hhnw'a Annex to Oreann City, lot IS. Mnrk 11: In $ P'"- ' nlty $0.02, Interrnt $0.03 ; HIiiiw'k Annex to Oreann City, 1 lot JO. block 11: tnx 10 20. pen nlty 10.02. Interext $0.02 ...... Hhnw'a Annex to Oreann City. ; lnt 1, hlmk 12: tn $0 20, pen ; nltv $0.02, Interrnt $0.02 Hhnw'a Annex to Oreann City, ' lnt 2, Mnrk 12: tnx $0 19, pen nlty $0.02, Interest $0 02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City. . lnt 3, Mmk 12: tnx $0.20, pen alty $0 02, Interent $0.02 Klenke, Frail. Hhnw'a Annex to Oreann City, lot f. Mork 12; ta $0 19, penalty $0.02, Interest $0 02 Mnrk. 8. J. Bhaw'a Annex to Oreaon City, lot 6. block J2; tax $0 20, penalty $0 02, Interest $0.02 8haw' Annex to Oregon City. Anit. One. lul 7. Mmk 12: Im loin, i.i.n- nlly 0 02. Inlrrral III. 02 Hlmw a Annex tu iiiraun Clly, .23 mi , i. mi k 1 2; tna n 20, nlty $0.0 ', IninrHt In. 02 . pell- .21 Hlmwa Annm tu i ii i. K. in Clly, lul 10. Mm k 12. lux In 111, pen- nny 'i iij. inirirat In 02 HIlllWK Alillrx In tlirgiin Inl 1 1, l.l... k j, iii, u ; n nllv l'i o.'. Inii iri'i u 02 Cllv'. . prn- Hlmwa Alllirx In ni'Uiin Cllv lul I.' lilu. k 12, lux In . in n lill V u 02. IiiIi.ii ..I $ii.ll j niiuwa Alllil'V tn (llrauil 'lty. I'll I I IiIih k 12. Ilix $i . Klly 0 02, Inirirat $0 02 Minw a Annrx In Omen . prn- ci't'v. .21 l'.l I I. Mm k 12, lux $n 20, prn- HI' y I'l 02, Inlrrimt $u 02 niiliw a Alllirx tu llrraull CHv. mi iri. tiiurk 12, lux o i: nliy I'l 0 2. Intrnml il 02 prii- .23 Hlmwa Aliiirx In lir.'icm ;l'ty, lul 111. lil. i. k 12. lax I'l 20, prn- nny 0 02. Inlrrral 0 02 .24 Hlmwa Alllirx In llrrami Clly, lnt 17, M.h k 12; lii x In Hi, pen- it M V I'l 02. Inlrrral o 02 Hlmwa Annex In Ori'icm i'lly, lut IN. Mm k 12; lax u 211, pen Illly I'l 02, luterrat $0 02 .23 Hlmwa Annex In Orrann 'Hy, mi r.' l.l... k 12, Im o , i Klly $0 02, llllrleat $0.02 prn- Hlmwa Alllirx In Oreann ciiy. lul so. l.l u. k 12; lux o 20, prli- nny " 02. Inlneal n 02. HIuiwk Annex tu Orrann lul 3, IiIih k 13; tnx to 20, cny. 111- ally I'l 02. nlrrrnl 10 02 llnernrr. Aiiauai Hlmw a Annex tn Orrann Clly, lnt 4, hlmk 13; lux In. 20, primlly $0.02, Inlrr ral 'i 02 Mm k, H J - Hlinw a Annex tn Orrann City, Im f,, 1,1 in k IS; tax $0 80. poimlty $0 02, InlrrrKt I'l 02 ..... Hlmw'a Annrx tu Orrann Clly. lnt I,, Murk 1.1; lux 0 20, prli nlly 10.02. Iiiturrat n 02 Hlmwa Annrx tu Orrann Clly. lul , Murk 13; Inx In 20. prn- nliy $0 02. Intrrrnt 10 02. Hlmwa Annrx tu ( ;,-). ,,1 II V. Inl 7. hi", k 13; Inx In 20, pen- Illly 10 02, Inlrrral 0 02 Hlmwa Alllirx tu Orrann City, im a. I.I.m k 13; tnx l'i 20, prn- nny il. 2. Illtrrrat $0 02. HIiiiw'k Annrx In orrann City li v. lil,,, k 1.1, tux l'i 2i. pen alty 10 02 Inlrrral 0 02 HIiiiw'k Annrx tn Orrann City, lul 10. Mnrk 13; tux I'l l'.l, prli- Hlly 10.02. Illlrrrat 10 02 Hlmwa Annrx tu Orrann City. lut 11, iilnrk 1,1; tux l'i 70. prn- nlty 10 07. Interrat $0 02. .24 HIuiwk Annex tu Orrann City, lul 12. Murk 13; tax I" 111. pen- nliy 10 02. Inlrrral n 02 HIiiiw'k Annex tu Orrann City I'.t 11. hlm k 13; tux tn 20. pen ally 0 02. Illlrrrat $0 02 Hhnw'a Annex tu Orrann Clly l"t 4 Murk 1.1; lux 10 20. prn nliy 0 0;. Inlrreat $1102 Wurilln, M itlirw - Hlmw a Annrx In llrrami Clly lut I.',. Mm k 13; tux In 111. prunlty 10.02, Illtrr rat 0 02 .r Hlmw'a Annrx tn Orrann City, lul .i Mm k 13. tax u 20. pen ally 10 112, Intrrrnt i 02 Hlmw'a Annex in Orrann City, lut 17, Mm k 13. tnx to 20, pen ally 10.02. Illlrrrat 0 02 Hlmw a Annex tn orrann Clly, lul 1. Mnrk 13; tux l'i 20, pen alty t'1.02. Inlrrral $0.0! Mark. H. J Xlmw a Annrx to Oreann City, lnt I. hlmk 14; tax I'l in. penally $0.02, Inlerent $0 02 HIibw'k Annex to Oreann Clly, lut 2, M'.. k 14; tnx I'l 20. pen alty t0.02. Inlrrral $0 02 Hlmw'a Annrx lo Oreami City, lot 3. I. Im k 14: tnx $0.20, pru nlty 10.02. Illlrrrat ,l 02 Hlmwa Annex tn Oreann Clly, lut 4. Mmk 14: tax 1019, pen ally 0 02. Interrnt f 0.02 Hlmw h Annex lo On-xmi City, lut fi. Mnrk 14; tnx to.20, pen- .23 .24 .23 .24 .24 .24 .21 any 'l 02, inlrrral 0 02.. HIuiwk Annrx lo Orran Clly. lnt , Murk 14; Inx 0 :o, nliy I0.02. Inlerent In 02.. lum Hlmwa Annrx In Orrann my. lnt 7. Mmk II: tax u 19. pen- ally 0 0'2. Interrat to 02.. HIiiiwh Annrx tn Orrann City. Inl X. Mm k 14. tnx 10 20, petl- nliy u 02. Inlrrral 10 02. HIiiiw'k Annrx to Orrann Clty. hit 9. Murk 14: tnx 0 :o. pen- ally u 02, Inlrrral $0.02. HIiiiw'k Annrx to Orrann city. ht 10. lil lam 14; tax I'l 20. pelf nlty 0 02, Inlrrral o 02 Hhnw'K Annex tn Orrann Clly, lul II. Mm k II: tax n 20. pen alty I'l. 02. Intrrrnt $0 02 HIiiiw'k Annrx tn Orrann City, h.t 12. Mm k 14; tnx I'l 20. pen alty $0 02. Interrat 'l 02 Hliuw-'n Annex In Ornmn Cltv. hit 13, Mmk II; tnx 0.?0, pen ally n 112. Inlrrral $0.02 HIiiiw'k Annex to ilri'iinn City, Inl 14 Murk 14; tux o 20, pen ally $0,112. Interrat $0.02 HIiiiw'k Annex tu I irraun Clly. hit If. Mmk 14, tux I'l .20, pen- lilly $i.ti2. Interest I'l 02 HIiiiw'k Animx to Orrann City, hit ID Mmk II: tnx In.i'O, pen alty I'l.ll?, Interrat $0 02 HIuiwk Annex tu Oreann City, hit 17. Murk 14: tux I" 20. pen ally $11.02. Interest $0 02 HIuiw k Annex to Oreami City, hit in. Mmk 14; tnx I" 20, en- HllV $0.02. Illlrrrat $0 02 HIiiiw'k Annrx tn orrann i'lly, Inl 19. Murk 14: tax $n l9, pen alty $'1.02. Illlrrrat $11.112 HIiiiw'k Annex tn Oreann Cltv, h.t ::n Mmk II: tnx $0 .20, pen alty $')ti.'. Interest $002...... HIiiiw'k Annex tu Orea"ii City, hit I. Murk l,r; tax I'l ill. pen ally 10.02. Interest $0 0 2 Hhnw'K Annex to Oreann City, lnt 2. Mnrk l.l: tax I'l 20. pen alty $0 02. Interest $".02 HIiiiw'k Annex lo Oreann Cllv, lot 3, block 1.1; tnx $0 20. pen ally $0.02. Interest $1102 Shaw's Annex tn Oreann Cltv, h.l 4. Mmk If.; tux $0 19. pen ally $).o;. Interest $0 02 Hhnw'K Annex to Oreann City, h.t fi. Mnrk Id; tnx $0 '20, pen ally $0.02, Interest $11.0; HIiiiw'k Annex lo Oreann City, hit 6. Murk Id: tax I" 20, pen ally $11.02. Interest $0 02 Hlinw's Annex to Orrann City, Inl 7. Muck U.; tnx $0.19, pen alty $0.02. Interest $0 02 Hlinw's Annex to Oreann City, hit H. block IT.; tax $0 20, pen alty $0.02, Interest $0.02 Hhnw'a Annex to Oreann City, lnt 9, block 1 f ; tnx n 20, pen alty $0.02, Interest $0.02 Hhnw'K Annex to Oreann City, hit 10. block IB; tnx $0 19, pen alty $0.02, Interest $0 02 Hlinw's Annex to Oreann City, lnt 11. block IS; tnx $0 20, pen alty $0.02. Interest $0.02 Hlinw's Annex to Oreann City, lot 12. block lfi: tnx $0.20, pen- nlty $0.02, Interest $0.02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, lot 1.1. block IB: tnx $019, pen alty $0.02. Interest $0.02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, lnt 14. lilm-k IB: tnx $0.20, pen ally $0.02. Interest $0.02 Hlinw's Annex to Oreann City. Inl IS. block IB; tnx $0.19, pen alty $0.02. Interest $0.02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, lnt lfi. block 15; tnx 10 70, pen alty $0.02. Interest $0 02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, lnt 17. block IB: tnx $0 20. pen- altv $0.02. IntereKt $0 02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, Inf IK. block IB; tnx $0.20, pen alty $0.02, Interent $0.02 Hlinw'n Anni'X to Oreann City, lot 19. block IB; tnx $0.20, pen- nltv $0.02, Interest $0.02 Hlinw's Annex to Oreann City, lut 20. block IB: tnx $0 20, pen- nlty $0.02. Interest $0.02 Hhnw'K Annex to Oreann City, lnt 1. block 10; tnx $0.70, pen- nllv $0.02. Interest $0.02 Hlmw's Annex to Oreann City, lot 2. block lfi: tnx $0.70, pen alty $0.02. Interest $0 12 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, lot 3. block lfi: tax 10 20. pen alty $0.02. Interest $0 02 Hlmw's Annex to Oreann City, lnt 4. block 16: tnx $0 70, pen alty $0.02, Interest $0.02 Hhnw'a Annex to Oreann City, lnt 5. block 1: tax $0.19, pen alty $0.02, Interest $0.02 fihaw'a Annex to Oreann City, lot , block 18; tax $0.20, pen- .24 .24 .23 .24 .24 .23 .24 .23 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .23 A lilt. due. nlty $0.02. Inlrrral $0.02 . .24 Hlmwa Annex tu Orrann City, Inl 7, hlmk 1'', . lax l'i 20, pen nliy In. 02, Inlrrral tn.02 21 Hliaw a Annrx to Or'-ami cil V. l'.l K. hlm k lfi, lax I'l I'l, pell- Illly 10.02. Illlrrrat $0.02 23 Hlmwa Annrx lo Oil ami Clly, lnt , hlmk f,; tux $ii.20, pen- nlty $0112, lnli-renl $0 02 HIuiwk Annex In On-anu Clly, l"t 10. him k Hi; tux In 111, pen ally In 02. Interest 10 02 . . . 21 2.1 Hliaw K Annrx In Oli-H'in lut II, ,l, k Hi ; lux In Ml Illly $0 112. Inlrrral I'l Ii 2 ci'y, , pen- Hliaw a Annex to Om kuii Clly l"t 12. him k lfi. tux n 20, pen nlty $0.02, Illlrrrat $'102.. .24 Hlmwa Annrx In Oii-khii city, l'.l I I, IiI'm k Hi; tnx I'l 20 Illly $0,02, Illlrrrat 'I02. peii- .24 Hliaw a Annex to Oreann lut 1 1, him k lfi, tux In 111 lilly In .02, Interrat u.02. , Hlmwa Annex lo Orrann Inl IB, hlmk Hi; lax 10.20, nlty 10.0.', Iiilnreat 0 02. Hlmw'a Annex In Oreami lnt Hi. him k lfi; tnx In 20 nlty 0 02, Inlrrral no2. Hlmw a Annrx lo Oreann I'l'y, . pen cil y, , pen cil y, . pen cil y, .24 mi I . I.I'm k ; lax n 20, ally 10 02. Illlrrrat 0 02 . Hlmwa Annrx lo Oii-Kiin lul IK. hlm k l; tnx to 20 Klty 10.02. Inlrrral $0.02. HIiiiw'k Annex In Oreami , pen- City, , pen- V'l't'y', .24 .24 .24 lut 111, hlmk lfi; tnx lu.lli, pen iiiiereai inn. Hlmwa Annex to Orrann City .23 i-m nines, it,; inx 10.20. nlty 10 02. Inlrrrnt 0 02. pen- .24 HIuiwk Annex in -ty Inl 1. hlm k 17; tax l'i IM, pei, lly l'i 02, Inli-reai . O'Nrll. VV. I'.-.KIixw. Alllirx 'to Oreami City, lot 2, hlmk 17; lax 10 20, penalty o 02, Interest Murk. H. j' Hlmw'a' 'Aniiex ' tu Otranii Clly. .,t 3, hi.., k 17; tax to 20. penally $ ij-. Imrreat .23 .21 .21 .21 Hlmwa Annex In llrinm. Clly, lut 4, hlmk 17; lax $0 111, !f iiny i".'i-, iiiiereai $0.02. .24 nimw s Annex () iirrann Clty. h.t t, hlmk 17; tax lo .20, ally 10.02. Interrat 0 02 . pen- Hlmw s Annex lo lirrci, Clty, lul ). hlm k 17; Inx to 20. ally 10.02. Inlrrral 0 02. pen- .24 Him w h Annex to Oreaon lot 7. him k 17; tax o 20 Cl't'y', peii- 'Cl'ty, , pen- City. . pen- .24 any 10.02. Inlereat $0 02. HIiiiw'k Annex to lln-ann lnt , him k 17; tax $0 20 ally $0.02. Interrat 0 02. Hlmwa Annex lo On-ami Im 9. hlmk 17; tax I0 20, ally 10.02. Interest $0.02. Hlmwa Annex to Oreann lul lo. hlmk 17; tnx 10.20 ally 10.02. Interest $0.02. Hlmw a Annex to Orrann lut II. hlm k 17; tax 10.20 ally 0 02. Interest $0.02. Hhawa Annex to Orrann lut 12. hlm k 17: tax $0.20 nltv $0.02. Interest $0 02. Hlmwa Annex to Oreaon lut 13, l.l.ii k 17; tnx $0.20 ally $0.02. Interest $0 02. Hlmw'a Annex In Orrann .24 .24 .24 Clty, . pen cil y, , pen cil y. . pen cil y, . pen- .24 City, lol 14, Mock 17; tax $0.20, pen- iiny I'l.n-, iniereal IU.U2 HIiiiw'k Annex to Oreann City, lul IB. hlmk 17: tax 10 19 pen- ally $0.02. Inlrrral $0.02. Himwa Annex In Oreaon lut 16, hlm k 17; tax $0.20, nlty $0.02. Interim! $0.0. Hlmw'a Annex to Oreaon lut 17, hlm k 17; lax $0.20, ally $0.02. Inlereat $0.02. Hlmw a Annex to Oreaon City, , pen- Cl'ty. , pen cil y. lot 18. hlmk 17; tax $0.1. pen ally 10.02. Inlereat 10 02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City. lot 19. hlm k 17; tax 0.20, nlty 10.02. Inlereat $0.02. Hlmw'a Annex to Oreaon pen- City. lot 20. Mock 17; lax $0.20, pen- .23 any 1002. Intereal 10 0 Warren. Krunk Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, lnt 2. block IS; tax 10 20, penally $0.02. Inter eal 'l 02 . : Mack. H. J. Hlmw'a Annex to oreaon City, lot s, hlm k 1; tax 10.20, penulty 10.02. Interest $0 02 Hlmw'a Annex to Oreann City, lot 4. hlmk 1; tax $0.19. pen ally $0.02. Interest $0.02 .24 Minwa Annex to Oregon lot 5. block IN; tax $0 20, ally $0.02. Interest $0 02, Hlmw s Annex tn Oreann Inl 6. block IS; tax $0 20, City, .24 pen nliy $0.02. Interest $0.02. .24 Mmws Annex to Oreaon hit 7, hlmk IS; tax $0.20, nlty $0.02. Interest $0.02. Hlmw's Annex in Oreann lut 8. hlmk 1H; tax $0.20, nliy $0 02. Interest $0 02. Hlmw's Annex to Oreann cil y. . pen cil y. , pen cil y, lnt 9. block IS; tux 10 20. nlty $0.02. Interest $0 02. pen- Hlmw's Annex tn Oreann lnt 10. block 11; tnx $0.20, nlty $0.02. Inlereat lo o-' . Cl't'y, . pen- Schuehel. Aanes Ml. Hensunt A'hl. to Oreami Cltv, lot 4, hlmk 3; tnx $9 30, penally $0.93. Inter est $0S3 11.06 Julinnn, Mrs. C. H. South Oreaon City, No. 1. lot 7. block B; tax $041. penalty $0.04, Interest $004 49 Mnith oreaon City. No. 1. lnt 8, hlm k B; lax $0.44, penally $0.04. Interest $0 04 B2 Huutn oreann Clly. No. 1. lot 8 hlmk B; tax $0.41. penalty $0.04 Interest $0.04 49 Huutn oreaon Clly. No. 1, lot 9, hlm k B; tax $0.41, penalty $0.04. Interest $0.04 49 Huiilli orearnn Itv, No. 1. lot 10, block f. ; tax $0.4.'., penulty $0.04, Interest $0.04 .54 Swltier. D. J. Smith Oreaon City, No. 1. lot 1. block 8: tnx $0.69 penalty $0.07. Interest $0.06.. Hon Hi Oreaon Clly, No. 1. lot 2, block K; tax $0 69. penalty $0.07, Interest $n.0fi .82 Collins, Kilwln South Oreaon Clly, No. 1. lot 11 block 8; tnx $o.BS, penalty $0.05. Interest $0.06 .65 Wnlte. Allen Orea"n City, lot 7, muck i;i; tnx $4.s, penalty $0.46. Interest $0 42 5.53 Wnlte. Anron K. Oreaon City, lot 1. hlmk 19: tnx $3 49. penalty $0 3B. Interest $0.31 l pavment) Oreaon City, lot 2. block 19; tnx $2 32. penalty $0.23, Interest $0.21 (i pavment) 4.15 2.76 Andrews. I,. . Oreaon City, lot 1. block 21; tnx $1.16, penalty $0.11. Interest $0.10 Oreann City, lot 2. block 21; tnx $1.16, penalty $0.11, Interest $0.10 1.37 1.37 Ross. H. W., Est. Oreann City, north hnlf of lot 1. block 27; tax $!SS, penalty $0.33. Inter est $0.30 (1-9 riellnouent) 3.9S Williams. C. O. T. Oregon City, southerly 37 feet of lot 7, block 27; tnx $4.82. penalty $4.88. Interest $4.39 58.09 Rosa. H. W. Kst. Oreaon City, north hnlf of lot 8. block 27; tnx $9.04, penalty $0.90, Inter est $o.Rl est $0.81 (1-9 rtellnouent) 10. 7B 10.76 Cohrey, John, Est. Oregon City, lot 2, mock 4ii; tax ju.62, pen alty $1.16. Interest $105 Oregon City easterly 40 fee,t of lot 7. block 46; tax $2.S2, pen alty $0.23. Interest $0.21 13.83 2.76 Mulr Brothers Oreaon City, lot 7. block S3: tax $1.16, penalty 111.11, interest iu.10 Mehlnim. Jennie Oreaon City, lot 2. block 68; tnx $fi.9". pen alty $0.69. Interest $0.63 Thnyer. L. E. Oreaon City. 35x 34 feet as described In record of deeds, Clncknmns county, Ore., book 67, pnae 467, lot 2, block 98; tnx $0.61, penalty $0.06, In terest $0 OS Oreaon City, SB feet off of west erly end of lot 1, block 98; ta$c $10 46, penalty $1.04, Interest $0.94 Oregon Cltv. 3S feet off of east erly end of lot 6, block 98; tnx $7 il3, penalty $0.23, Interest $0.21 1.37 8.30 .72 12.44 2.77 34x3B feet ns describee! In rec ord of deeds, Clncknmns coun ty, Ore., book 67, paae 467. lot B. block 98; tax $0.60, penalty $0.06. Interest $0.05 71 Cross. H. E. Oreann City, lnt 3, block 111: tax $6.97, penalty $0 69, Interest $0.63 .29 Mitrey, A. P. Oreaon City, south easterly 50 feet of lot 1. block 122; tax $1.39, penalty $0.13, Interest $0.13 1.65 Amt. due. Oreami Clly, sunt henslrrly BO fed uf hit 2, Mm k 122; tax 10 42, penalty lu.01. Interest toot r.n U-niiiird, I,. 1 1. Orrann Clly. lot 7. hlmk 12 1. lax l . a.l, penulty 10 !,H. Interrat 10 !,2 II 02 llu'klire, Jiiiui-a Ori-Kuri Clly, Inl .1. blnek 147; lux I'l 46, pen alty 10.01. Inlereat $0 .OB .55 Oreaon Clly, hit 4, hlmk 117; t" I'.al, penally 0.r,, Inter est to .1,2 4) .01 On-ami Clly, lul B, hlmk 117; lax n 46, penulty $0.01, lnt-r- l-al In 11.'. rr Oreann cllv. h.l fi'uli '117' rnx lo lij, penulty $0.01, Inter est $00., r.r. Hnii' h, Mary A. Oreauii Cliv. lot g. hlmk IIS; tux $1.14. penulty 10 81. Intereal $0,711 t iH Orrann Clly. hit 3, hlmk 148. tax $:.'I2. penally $0.23, Inter eal o.2 11m Hluper, C. .Oreami City, west erly Hair 101 3, Mink 1..8; lax $174. penally $0.17, Interest $" Hi 2,07 (Half pnymuit.) irraun City, westerly half lot 4. hlmk l.'.K; tax $6 98, penulty I'lBli. Intereal $0.63 $.30 (Half payment.) Ileillila, A iiaiiala Oreann City, lot 1. hlmk 172; lax $1.16, penalty $0.11, Inlereat $0.10 1.37 On-anu eny, t 2 ))WK 72. tnx 11.17, penalty $0.11, Interest "H 1.3 Oreaon City, lut 3. hlmk 172; tax 12.32, penalty $0.23, Interest 2.76 Oreaon City, hit 4. hlmk 172; tnx i;.97, penalty $0.69, Interest $0.63 , Chute, fireenleuf Oreann Cltv. lot 1. hlmk 173; tax $l.f,l, penalty $0 IB, Intrreat $0.14 11 payment) 1.10 Oreaon City, lnt 2. hlmk 173; tax l 86, penalty $0.18, Interest to 17 1 1 payment) 2.21 Whltlm k, W. T, Oreaon City, lot B, hlmk 173; tax $2.79, penalty $0 28. Intereal 10 Hi Chule. Creeiileuf Oreann Clly, lot 1. mora i.i; tux $1.40, penalty $0 14. Inlereat $0.13 ( payment) 1.57 Ori-aun City, lnt S, hlmk 173; tax $1 63. penally $0 16, Interest $0 IB i payment ) 1.94 MrCurml'k, Johnson Oreaon City, In! 2, hlmk 179; tax $1.39, penalty $0 13, Interest $0.13.... 1 65 Oreann City, lut 3. hlmk 179; tux $1.40, penalty $0.14, Interest J1"--! 1.65 Oreaon Clly, lot 4, hlmk 179; tax $1 86, penalty $0.18, Interest $1117 2,21 Cautield. K. (1., trustee Park Add. to Orrann City, lot 1, hlmk 1; tax $0 69, penalty $0.07, Interest $'i6 .82 1'ark Add. tn Oreaon City, lot 2. hlork 1; tax $0 70. penalty a $0 07. Interest $0.06 83 I'urk Add. to Oreann City, lot 3. hlmk 1; tax $0.69, penalty $0.07, Interest $0.06 82 I'urk Add. to 'oreaon City, lot 4. block 1; tnx $0.71, penalty 10 07, Interest 10 06 81 I'ark Add. to Oreaon City, lot B. hlork 1; tax $0.69, penalty .24 .24 .24 10.07. Inlereat $0.06 82 I'ark Add. to Oreann City, lot 6. Mmk 1: tax $0.70, penalty $0.07. Interest $0.0S 83 I'urk Add. to Oreann City, lot 7. block 1; tax $0.69, penalty tO 07. Inlereat $0.06 82 I'urk Add. to Oreaon City, lot 8. hlmk I; tnx $0.71, penalty $0.07, Interest $0.06 84 I'urk Add. to Oreaon City, lot 9. blO'k 2; tax $o.6, penalty 10.07. Interest $0.06 82 I'urk Add. to Oreaon City, lot 10. block 1; tax $0.70. penalty $0.07, Interest $0.06 83 Atkinson. H M Park Add. to Or eaon City, lot 1, block 2; tax $0.69, penalty $0.07, interest $0.06 J2 Park Add. to Oreaon City, lot 2, block 2; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07. Interest $0.06 8$ I'ark Add. to Oreaon City, lot 7. block 2; tax $0.70, penalty $0.07. Interest $0.06 83 Park Add. to Oreaon City, lot 8. block 2; tax $0.70, penalty $0 07. Interest $0.06 83 I'ark Add. to Oreaon City, lot 9. Mock 8; tax $0.69, penalty $0 07, Interest $0.06 82 Park Add. to Oreaon City, lot 10. hlmk 2; tax $0.70, penalty $0.07, Interest $0.06 83 Warren. Arum 8. I'ark Add. to Oreaon City, lot 9. block 10; tux $1.63, penalty $0.16, interest 10.15 1.94 I'ark Add. to Oreann City, lot 10. block 10; tax $1.62, penalty $0.16. Interest $0.15 1.93 Cniineld, K. !.. nsslanee liuena Vista Add. to Oreaon City, part nf block C, 24-100 acres: tnx $0.46. penalty $0.05. interest .24 .23 .24 .23 .21 .24 .24 .24 .23 .24 .24 .24 .24 $0.04 ., 55 Unwell, fleurae T. Oreen Point, lnt 2, Mmk 4; tax $4.19, penalty $0.42. interest $0.38 4.99 Mlley. Henry C.reen Point, lot 4, block S; tux 21.86, penalty $0.18, Interest $0.17 2 21 .24 t.reen point, lot B. block 6; tax $1.16, penulty $0.11, Interest $0.10 1.37 Marrs. Claudia Metes and bounds lo Oregon City as described In record of deeds. Clackamas county, Oreann, book 60. paae 8. i acre; tax $2.32, penalty $0.23. interest $0.21 2.76 Cake. II. M. and W. M. Undi vided I Interest metes and bounds to Oreaon City. BOx32 feet front extending to railroad limits nnd hounded on the north by block 29. Oregon CitV; tax $41.85, penulty $1.18, Interest $:177 49.80 Paiiuet. Joseph Metes and hounds to Oreaon City ns described In record of deeds. Chtckamns county, Oreaon. hook 62, paae 440; tax $13.9;, "penalty $1.39, Interest $1.26 16.60 Elmer. Peter Fair View Add. to Oregon City, lot 20, block 2: tnx $1.86, penalty $0.18, interest $0.17 2.21 Bellomy. H. S. Mountain View Add. to Oreaon City, lot 8, block 4: tax $1.16, penulty $0.11, Inter est $0.10 1.37 Ferrin. Ella U Falls View Add. to Oreaon City, lot 2, block 9; tax $1.16. penulty $0.11. Interest $0.10 1.37 Kell. Henry As described In rec ord of deeds. Clackamas oountv, Oreaon, book 76, paae 315, lot 11, block 16; tax $0.93, penalty $0.09. interent 10.08 1.10 Moore. Celeste Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot S. block 20 A; tnx $8.14, penalty $0.81, Interest $0.73 9.88 Rlaas. Inei T. Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 7. block 20 A; tax $3.49, penalty $0.35, Interest $0.31 4.15 Cobrey, Mary Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 12, block 23; tnx $5.82, penalty $0.58, Interest $0.62 6.92 BOOK 3. Stevens. H. C. Gladstone, lot 1, block 6; tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, Interest $0.08 1.11 Gladstone, lot S. block 6: tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, interest $0.08 1.11 Gladstone, lot 15, block 5; tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, Interest $0.08 1.11 McCown. Cornelia Gladstone, lot 8. block 7; tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, Interest $0.08 1.11 Gladstone, lot 7. block 7: tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, Interest $0.08 1.11 McCown, M. F. Gladstone, lot 12, block 9; tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, interest $0.08 1.11 McCown. Cornelia Gladstone lot 13. block 9; tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, interest $0.08 1.11 All of tracts In Gladstone lying west of electric car track be tween Clackamas boulevard and Clackamas river, as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book 67, page 280; tax $4.70. penalty $0.47, in terest $0.42 5.59 Welsse. Francis Gladstone, lot 11. block 12; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07, interest $0.06 84 Hnrgreaves, Maria Gladstone, lot 1. block 18; tax $7.99, penalty $0.79. Interest $0.73 (.60 Gladstone, lnt 20. block 18: tax 1 $0.94, penalty $0.09, Interest due. 1.11 .84 .83 .84 .83 Gladstone, lot 3. hlm k I .; lux Interest $0 1 1, penalty $''.07, . . . , a . l'i ill Hailstone, lut 4. hlm k 18; tax Interest $0 70, penalty $0 06 Clu'lat'irie, lnt $0.71, penally $0.07, ,.' 'block $0.07, is; tax Interest 1 o. in. Willamette VaM'-v .84 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 4.19 1.39 .84 3.63 .83 .55 .67 .81 .67 .67 .66 .66 , 83 .84 .83 .84 1.11 .84 .83 .65 1.11 1.11 1.11 .83 l.'tutaiiiia A aanclutlnn- ihnl -'tu- lot 1... penulty block 20; tux tOI, $0 09. Interest $0.08 . . . Groom, J. K. Gludslnne, lot 1. Mmk 28; tax $0.91, $0.09, Interest $0.08 . . penalty Ulailatune. hit 2. hlmk 28; tax to 91. penalty $0.09. interest 10.0 Chaae, Mary E. Gladstone, lnt 9. block 28; tax $0.91, penulty $0 09, Interest $0 08 Wells, E. N. Gladstone, lot II. blmk 28; tnx $0.94, penalty $0.09. Interest $0.08 Davis, Tlllle M. Gladstone, lot l'i. block 76; tax $3 52, penulty $0.35. Interest $0.32 Gladstone, lot 16, blmk 76; tax $118, penulty $0.11, Interest $0.10 Cross. F. M. Gladstone, lot 3, blmk 79; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07, Interest $0.06 Ranch. Win. E. Gladstone, lot 1, block 84; tax :t.06. penulty $0.30. Interent $0.27 ....... Gladstone, lnt 16. hlmk 84; tax $0.70. penalty $0.07, Interest $0.06 Ekstrand. M. and Ellen Edge wood, lot 1. blmk 1; Inx $0.47, penalty $0.04, Interest $0.04 Edgeivood. lot 27, Mock 1; tax $0.57, penalty $0.05, Interest $0.05 Harding, G. A., trustee Edge wood, lot 1. block 2; tax $0.69, penalty $0.06, Interest $0.06 Edgcwood. lot i. block 2; tax $0.57, penalty $0.05, interest $0.05 Edaewood. lot 3, block 2: tax $0 57, penalty $0.05, Interest n.o. Nachand, H. E. and R. W. Edge woml, lnt 4. blmk 2; tax 10.5 J, penalty $0.05, Interest $0.05 ... Harding, G. A., trustee Edge wood, lot 18. block 2; tax $0.56, penalty $0.05, Interest $0.05 Edaewood, lot 19. block 2; tax to. 0, penalty 10.06 $0.07, interest Edgewood, lot 10. block 6; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07, Interest JO. 06 . . Edirewood. lot 11. block 6; tax $0.70. penalty $0 06 $0.07, Interest Edaewood. lot 12. block 6; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07, interest t'l.os Johnson. Mrs. M. E. Edgewood, lot 17. block 6; tux $0.94, pen alty $0.09. Interest $0.08 Harding, G. A., trustee Edge wood, lot 21. block 6; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07. Interest $0.06 ... Edaewood. lot 22. block 6; tax $0.70. penalty $0.07, interest $0 08 Edgewood, lot $0 47. penalty $0.04 Alnsworth, J. C., 23, block 6; tax $0.04, Interest trustee Edae wood. lot 11, block 7; tax $0.94, penalty $0.09, interest $0.08 Edgewood, lot 12. block 7; tax $0.94. penalty $0.09, interest 10.08 Edaewood. lot ' 13.' block' ii tax $0.94, penalty $0.08 $0.09, Interest Edaewood, lot 14. block 7; tax $0.70, penalty $0.07, Interest 10.00 Moore. Annie H. West Gladstone, lot 11, block 2: tax $0.70, pen alty 10.07, Interest $0.06 West Gladstone, lot 12. block 2; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07, In terest $0.06 West Gladstone, lot 13, block 2: tax 10.70. penalty $0.07, Interest $0.06 Bellomy, B. 8 West Gladstone, lot 9, block 3; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07. Interest $0.06 West Gladstone, lot 10. block 3: tnx $5.64. penalty $0.56, Interest $0.51 .... Bloomer, Wm. J. West Glad stone, lot 17. block 11; tax $0.71, penalty $0.07. interest $0.06.... Frost, J. C. West- Gladstone, lot 12. blmk 12: tax $0.70, penalty $0.07, interest $0 .06 Eklund, Alfred M. Gladstone Park, lot 122. 1.60 acres; tax $1.17, penalty $0.11. interest $0.11 Cole. Mnry A. Park Place, lot 13. block 2: tax $1.17. penalty $0.11, interest $0.11 Carneale. Florence B. Apserson's subdivision of him ks n. 6 and 7 lot 1. block 6; tax $1.17, pen alty $0.11. interest $0.11 Moore. B. M. Park Place, lot 9, block 7: tax $1.16, penulty $0.11, .83 .84 .83 .84 6.71 .84 .83 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.3S 4.20 9.78 1.40 interest 10.11 Wehber. George A. Subdivision of block Ii. bv J. A. Chase of Park Place, west of lot E; tax $3.53, penalty $0.35, interest $0.32 Rockwocd. G. A., estate Subdi vision of block D by J. A. Chase of Park Place. I acre adjoining block 1: tax $8.22, penalty $0.82, interest $0.74 Huerth. Mary E. Straight's Add. to Park Place, lot 3. block 1; tax $1.18, penalty $0.11, Interest $0.11 Straight's Add. to Park Place, lot 4. block 1; tnx $7.05. penalty $0.70, interest $0.63 Pacific Potterv Co. Straight's Add. to Park Place, lot 10. block 1; tax $1.17, penalty $0.11, In terest $0.11 Straight's Add. to Park Place, lot 9. block 2: tnx $1.17, penalty $0.11. interest $0.11 Straight's Add. to Pnrk Place, lot 10. block 2: tax $1.18, pen alty $0.11. interest $0.11 Hlte. R. C Clackamas Heights, south J of block 50. 1.50 acres; tax $2.82, penalty $0.28, interest $0.25 Campbell. Alice B. and John T. Subdivision Clackamas Heights, lot 11, block 38 C; tax $0.47, pen alty $0.04. interest $0.04 Subdivision Clackamas Heights, lot 12. block 38 C: tax $2.12, pen alty $0.21. Interest $0.19 Trampleasure, A. G. Clackamas Heights, lot 2, block E30; tax $0.47, penalty $0.04, Interest $0.04 Schindler, G. Clackamas Heights, lot 12. block H29; tax $0.47, penalty $0.04, interest $0.04.... Campbell. Lucy M. Clackamas Heights, lot 9, block K28: tax $0.47, penalty $0.04, Interest $0.04 Clackamas Heights, lot 10, block K 28; tax $0.47, penalty $0.04, Interest $0.04 Clackamas Heights, lot 11, block K28; tax $0.47, penal' $0.01, Interest $0.04 Clackamas Heights, lot T2, block K28; tax $0.47, penalty $0.01. Interest $0.04 Clackamas Heights, lot 13, hlork K28; tax $0.47, penalty $0.04. Interest $0.04 Clackamas Heights, lot 14, block K28: tax $0.47, penalty $0.04, interest 10.04 8.3S 1.39 1.33 1.40 3.35 .55 2.52 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .65 .55 4.76 5.95 4.86 Longcoy, Hiram Clackamas Park, lot 12; tax $1.00, penalty I0.4U, Interest $0.36 Coleman. Mary A. Clackamas Pnrk, lot 15: tax $5.00, penalty $0.60, interest $0.45 Dlppell. Adolph Clackamas Riv erside, west i of block J, 5 acres: tax $4.09, penalty $0.40, Interest $0.37 BOOK 4. Tier. David C 22 25 acres as de scribed in record or deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book V, page 413, section 4, township t south, range 1 west; tax $4.00, renal tv $0.40. Interest $0.86.... .7 Brobst, Sophia East i of west i or southeast t, section , town shlp 8 south, range 1 west, 40 acres; tax $5.52, penalty $0.65. Interest 10 60 . (.67 Baker. Mrs. Ida East 1 of south east . section 8, townsnip south, range 1 west, 80 acres; Amt. $0.08 Ilargrenvea. Geo. E. Gladstone, lot 1, hlmk is; tax $0.71, pen alty $0 07, Inlereat 10 06 Olailalmil!, lot J. hlmk 18; tux $0 70. penalty $0.07. intereal $0 06 Amt. da, tax 115 87, penalty $1.58, Inter est $l.4:i IS. 51 6 acres ns drHcri'ned In rei.oril of deeds, f larkainiia county. O10 K'lli, b'rik 611, paife :i97, section 9. township 3 smith, range I west; tax $2.42, penalty 0.-4, Interest $0.22 2.M Lh Mem Ii. ,ler. V. C 1.1.80 nrrer AS fli-S'-nhr.l in record nf llre'H. Clackninns county, Oregon, bonl. 52. puge 2:i7, aeitlon 15. town ship 3 smith, r.tnae 1 went; t.n. $'. .;, penalty l'i. 65, Inline'. $'i59 7.?9 Tmize, C. F. Wen 1 nf nnrtlie.iMt 4, section 19. township 3 am.tii, ralrf '-!. S 1 '11 res; Tix I'i.'.'O, penally $0.69, Interest $0.6:.... $.21 Johlisnn, Andiew 41 urrei as drt- srrit.ed In rerurd nf deeds. Clurkamaa county, Oregon, hmk .67, page 154. ami bm.k pugr 276. section 30. township 3 south, range 1 west; tax $.1.30. penalty $'U3, Interest $0.30 (1 naymentl 3.91 Hardy. James 24 acres In J. W. Uidd s l. L. C. No. 40, as de srrlbed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oreaon, book, 75. page 100, section 30, town ship 3 south, ranae 1 west: tax $7.36, penalty $0.73, Interest $0 66 tjt Hodsun. Emery 24 acres In J. W. Ijul'l n V. L. C. No. 40, as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, hook 61, page 25. section 30, township 3 south, ranae 1 west; tax $6.24, penalty $0.62, Interest $0.56 7-41 Gelay, Andrew, Heirs of 7 acres In John Anderson s u. I ;. ISO. 55, as dearrihed In record of deeds. Clackamas county, Ore gon, book N. page 94, township $ south, range 1 west; tax $1.12, penalty $0.11. Interest $0.10 1JI Graham, J. W. 12.37 acres In John Zumwalt s I. L. C. ,N1. 49, as described In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book M. page 17, and book 27, page 258; tax $1.92, penalty $0.19, In terest $0.17 2.2S Tooze, C. T. 40 acres In Jeff Shaw's D. L C. No. 51, as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book 64, page 134. bond fur deed to C. H. K.pler, township 3 south, range 1 west; tnx $9.60. penalty $0.96. interest $0.86 114I .86 acres in Thos. Balley'a I. L. C. No. 45. as described In record of deeds. Clackamas county. Oregon, book 60, page 112; tax $0.41, penalty $0.04. in terest $0.04 Jt Unknown B acres in southeast corner of northeast I or south east i of section 1, township 4 south, range 1 west; tax $0.80, penalty $0.08. Interest $0.07 5 acres In southeast corner of southwest i of southeast i of Section 1. township 4 south, range 1 west; tax 10.80. penalty $0.08. Interest $0.07 Ji All that part of the west 1 of the northeast i lying east of Pudding river, section 13, town ship 4 south, range 1 west. 20 acres; tax 13.20, penalty $0.32, Interest $0.28 SS$ Zimmerman. C. All that part of the east i of the southeast 1 ly ing east of Pudding river, sec tion 13, township 4 south, range 1 west. BO acres; tax $8.00, pen alty 10.80. interest $0.72 9I5J Cathey, Dr. B. A. East of north east j except i acres as ae scribed in record of deeds. Clack amas county. Oregon, book 69. page 354, section 25. township 4 south, range 1 west. 78 acres; tax $20.00, penalty $2.00, Inter est $1.80 23JJJ Bonney, T. L 44 acres In A. F. Minier's D. L. C. No. 60, as de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book 30, page 142. township 4 south, range 1 west; tax $7.04, penalty $0.70. Interest $0.63 V$l Mlnler. Wm. G. 10 acres In A- F. Minier's D. L. C. No. 60, as de scribed in record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book F, page 44. township 4 south, range 1 west; tax $1.60, penalty $0.16, Interest $0.14 LJU Miller. O.bed 10 acres as de scribed in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book 63, page 3S5. section 1. township 6 south, range 1 west: tax $7.64, penalty $0.75, interest $0.68 payment) IST Toiler, Abraham 3 acres ns de scribed in record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book 68. page 348, section 2, township 5 south, range 1 west; tax $0.38, penalty $0.03. Interest $0.03 Jti Snavely. Wm. N. 25.38 acres as described in record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book .65, page 396, section 14, town ship 5 south, range 1 west: tax $s.32, penalty $0.83, interest $0.75 S9 Hein. Iddo B. 1 acre in Thos, Chase's D. L C. No. 46. as de scribed in record of deeds. Clackamas county. Oregon, book 81. page 91: tax $0.16, penulty $0.01. interest $0.01 tU Wetzler. Fred. Improvements on B. Hnesley's D. L C land as described in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book W, page 10S, township 1 south, range 1 east; tax $7.75, penalty $0.77. interest $0.70 92 Sargent. E. M. 12 acres in Hec tor Campbell's D. L. C. No. 41. as described in record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book 33. page 12.1, township 1 south, , range 2 east: tax $10.95, penalty $1.09, interest $0.99 13J)$ Irvine. Robert Northeast J of northeast 1. section 5, township 2 south, range 1 east. 40 acres; tax $25.50, penalty $2.55, inter est $2.30 30SS Koshlaml, Frederick 30 acres as described in record of deeds, . Clackamas county. Oregon, book 47. page 54, section 6, township 2 south, range 1 east. 30 acfes; tax $10 20, penalty $1.02, inter est $0.92 12.11 Maeone. Anasa Lot 1, section 14, township 2 south, range 1 east, 30.10 acres; tax $1.35, penalty $0.13, Interest $0.12 l."S9 Courtney, Patrick Northwest ) of southeast i. section 17, township 2 south, range 1 east. 40 acres; tax $7.70, penalty $0.77, Inter est $0.69 4,15 Stone. B. L. 98 acres as described in record of deeds, Clackamas county. Oregon, book P, page 100. section 18. township 2 south, range 1 east; tax $19.04, penalty $1.90, interest $1.71 2i,S . Northeast J, section 19, town ship 2 south, rnnge 1 east, 160 acres; tax $24.82, penalty $2.48, interest $2.23 29.5$ Stewart. Dell Lot 2. section 36. township 2 south, range 1 east, 35.80 acres: tax $20.93, penalty $2.09. interest $1.88 24.50 Strong. F. R. 3.06 acres in George Crows v. L. .:. No. 4, aa de scribed In record ot deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book 75, page 359, township 2 south, range 1 east: tnx $2.07, penalty $0.20. interest $0.18 J.S Bernhard, Sam .78 acres in Geo. Crow's D. L. C. No. 49, an de scribed In record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book 81. page 157. township 2 south, range 1 east; tax $9.06, penalty $0.90, interest $0.81 1077 Smith. J. 8.-50x273.60 feet In J. A. Iwls' D. L. C. No. 64, as de scribed in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Oregon, book 67, page 432, township i south, range 1 east: tnx $0.39, penalty $0.03. interest $0.03 15 Townsend. John Part of J. A. Lewis' D. U C. No. $4. begin ning at southwest corner of Parker Hill Add. to Oregon City, thence, northerly 2 chains, thencu westerly 50 feet, thence southerly 2J chains, thence east erly 60 feet to beginning, town ship 2 south, ranae 1 east: tax $0.39, penalty $0.03, interest $0.03 145 Miller, Thomas 7.8 acre in Samuel Millers u. u. u. no. us, as described In record of circuit court Journal. Clackamas coun ty. Oregon. No. 11, page 389, Xa cept as described in record of deeds, Clackamas county, Ore gon, book 65, page 46, township i