Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903 ni Art!-. vntwm t STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE V l.lilrlilifn kImIdh lliHl f 4 . lrolu d In lliolloui ' and t!,t , .,,. fc Block anil I ill t r y hav ..l l.. .1. . . 1 irouiuea wiimi aie mil unwi'i ami liver irrcgiilunlirs. II lark (Iraoght Sto le ami Poultry M , .J , . cine ii a Imwcl mill liver ri'iui''l' (ir itisk, It puU tlm iirynin t digeation ill 1 tii t ruiMiiliun, i 'rmii i ii-1 t Anii-ru mi r ul,, farmers keep tlinr hrrdannd k healthy ly giving tlifiu an ,,. iiuiial iliiwol I Hark (iraiigl)t Sim k ami Poultry .Medicine in their fund. Any tm k minor tnnv lny 2.Vcrnt half hiiiiii air tight mn uf tlin medicine friim hi dealer ami keep liu tmk in vigorous health for wwki. ).-kit gener ally k''' HUk liraughl Sim k and Poultry Medicine. If yours dors lit, send ' iriita fur a sample rati to tlii tiian''iu'tiiri'ra, Tim CliattaiiDi'Uii Medium Co., Chat Unooga, Trim. Hw'Niijj. 04.. Jh m, ion. Hlaot-llraugtil Hloik and Poultry Mwlloloa U Ida b.l I nrtrlri. our UKik waa lin'kini ba4 wban yes a.ut lh mwllolo and wow thar arc (itlnf Im Thy ar lok Of M hi Mai. twlir, S. r.BHOCKINOTON. 1 1 . - .'ei'arin.eni of Agriculture.. Mr. "11 the Mil ha been in House by Mr. Brownluw. H Wll IllMttUlul In .l.i. ii.. i n 1.7 Z "'K. Iil agreed o Introduce It In th nat More the d oiirmiimit ofthat hoily ,. -n .'" lMll l,rov','," lr an approprl- M..rov,Hi,,,i imhllc hlghwsys, ,d ;;;:;,:vt,i:t 'oum .iLmu f'l'iallj divided tnonK Hie several states L i I" . prri.crih.Hl v ..." ,,, ,, ew ,,, ,IIIWM llFflt lilaaa fa. . .. ' --'"" nrr tun MiiiirfiiiriHiiiiti .i . ta V"I.",'!B ,l lbH ' H,0()0,IXH a year iliir nir 1 1,. i llM. llKlft ami llatMt Wl.ll- a l'l'",'rl"l,n ' Increased hy 1,00(1,000, the chhif virliiB of Hih auicnif uttnt. to lar an the kUtn of o curii'unir'.l, in Ihe maiinttr in whi, h thin i m 10 im iliatriliuteil. The amomlml h i ty : -Hiatei having a population w. imi iii-ii im. lam n h i aula r- i im-mva me ainn oi ILTiO.IHK). The re iiialii(lrof the iiroprial on to Im Jia. lrllin.Mil i .i . . " " i"" '"' me iiatna hav- imk a K"Blr lioiiii at on l inn 7m mm ea h of said ttat to rnrelve aaumeonaf to the proportion iU population Ixiara to llial of the total of tiie Malm havi 111 a imputation of ovr7UJ.OOO." The upn alion la to lie hiid uixm ll.a ,.i I1XK). OrKuon umliir the l enaui nf nan credited with a population of aoo.txm nhahllauti and tliua would f'flllltt III iiit tlie prnvlaion for the and will receive f ItW.OtiO more under the ainndiiiciit than It would have ondnr tlie orlKlnal bill, ahuul.l it have become a law. The main object! of the bill are to n. ate, in the Deinrtinitnt of Airii'iiiinr. . itirnau to be known ai the Itiireau' f ..!... II I- l . ... ' uuuu ivoaua, aim 10 provide lor a lyateui (KKAT htABdTI Of WOOD. DO VOL' Hubarrllie For Kutwprixf and Oreo. man and fict One Fr. HI- Do you want a map of tlie Pacific Northweiit? The KnterpriHe Inn made an erranumnMit with the Oreitonian by which we can a valuable man to (filier with the Knterpriee and the Wonkly Oreironian for one year each, all for the remarkably low prim of 2.25 Tlie cont ol tlie map alone i 2.60. The Knterpriee hai the excliiHive riirlit of in troiluciiiK Hieee mt't into thin county on a clubbiiiK ofrr. Samplea of the map may tie aeon at tlie KnterpriHe oillce and all order Mint in by mail will receive prompt attention. 1 he map in one of the beet and rnoet erviceable we have ever atn. It ia a wall map and coimiata of forir aKe. Ita dlmenaiona are Mx'M Incline. The flret pane conialna a map of the world in con nection with which ii ahown the com parative timet and dintancee. All of the I'nlted Hlatoa poaattMione are indicated by II it a. Thia paxe alao ahowa the arma and fU(" of tlie varioua nation of the world. 1'aiie two ia devoted to large aiaed map! of the atatea of Oreuon and Wanhlnidon, each atate beiuit aliown by Itnelf. On the revnrae aide of tlila pge I trlven conaiderable aiatietiral mailer concerniii the two ttatea. In one col umn ia arrand in atbaUtical order all of the counties In each atate together with the local inc in tlie state of the par ticular county toother with the total population of that countv. lie lint of the countiea ia given thenamea hi aipnaiieucai oruer alno, of every city, wiwu anu wjeu)iii( in each HDHMS BROS. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR Oregon City's Big Cash Store HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY GOODS in each alutx. tii- i national, atate, and local co-oieration 1 """" 01 l"e county in which it i located Mule InmltutluDi rind It DlfUcult Ta 1'urrliaae Fuel. r. A recent .liapalcli from Halein to the uiiaiiil leirKraft lava: 1 he muat aerliifia problem wilhwhlcl tin- Main hoard ol truatce of the dilfr rut atate inatitu'.iona find tliemaelvea ciiiilnmti'd at tlie preaent time lithe mat ter nf furnishing lliein wilh their an limit aupplv of furl, "Almiit one miiiilh K the hoard ad veitianl Inr WkkJ corda of fir wood and L'l'i i urila of grnh oak, for the yearly upi'ly of tbe anylurn, main building and faiin:ihe penitenliary, rrlonn ai tiool, leal mute ai'bool, blind acliool and Capi tol huildmg, and nn November the hid Inr the lama were oriird, when II found that there would he aire niriiiliim liortaK and that they aere tip uK'4ihM a acrioua iiioihikiiiuii to ai-cure tlie neceaaary ainniiiit. " l the oirrni( for the main building t tlie aayluiu the tumid only accepted two Mill lor (ir, airgiegating iVi corda, al .I.."i4I, while tbe only bid received for the aHyluin farm, JlK) corda, at $.1, wa r. jii ifd. Al the relorin acliool only five ol erven h il received were aivcpleil, HKk'ri'iratllig :ill.'i ronla of llr, llrat and sec ond gnmih.iit ranging Imm l:'."!) to .l M -r i Hid, and one tild of 10 corda, pole oak.alM.waa rrjectctl. ror the blind u liixil only one hid waa accepted, fur cnrda aecond growth lir. tat :f.2-. I ahile one of 4."0 cordi second growth fir Inr tlie capital building, al :i 2,'i, was re- Jei led. As to the bid for the peniten tiary theie were a number submitted, Kk-renating 41I0O corda of fir. at from -' '' to $.1 r.'i jHsr curd, - but, while tliene hnis ere not rejected outright, the awarding of tbe contracts Is stisieuded until an iiismctlon of the wood submit ted is made to ascertain whetber It is tillable. " I Mi shows tbat there ia not atlf flt'ient amount of wood accepted for the asluiii to supply It needs by over 3tKH) cords; the asylum farm, br UOO cords; ticsf mute ecbool, I5U corda, and the peniienliary, if the bids are rejected, I'") cortla of flr, liesidea the lull amount ol grub oak ask for. Making a dell- tir,y.y 6,()0 cor''' ' t'1" W00 retiuired. "The Uiard are al a lose to account for tliis condition and have about come to tlie conclusion to admit their own means to makeup tbe deficiency. Whether it UdiiM to a genuine wood famine or whether owner of wood failed to make ny bids becatisK of not bavlnif the wood cut anu avallahle for de verf on short notice, is not known, but tbe txmrd have fome lo the conclusion tbat the latter "irory Is the correct one, and, while "lev Will await (nrlli-p nir-rlrtiia llmv I'ave already taken atena to nieet tbe emergency. " J he foreiroinn la mnr-lv minflrmwlor 0' a 1 ecent published Interview that ap lare in the Enterprla from W. P. Ilawlev aHHiai-ni. irwn-r-1 maflttiwr of tlie Crown Taper Mill of this city. Thia U's'iiifactiiring plant ia Installing an oil niirninir tit-m i. rntmiJ am a Inul 1 He chamie b-M lirun h l..rinil h-rullan ' tilt, dilllcilltv tlm enmiianv has exne- rienced ol recent vaara In iiiirehaiinu a ullicient quantity of wood. Lalior.toore desirable than wood enttinir. has bm-oine o plentiful in these part that bat little ia oeiug cui. in tue permanent liiinrovemi.iii r 11.. itililic highway. The veneral Illllit-V flf tlie bureau la to bring about, so far as ay tie, a uniform system of tiiaiinn lor rosu purposes, and a uniform intliul 01 roan const Miction, repair and main teiiame throughout tbe li'nheil K1.1.. ltd to co ooerale with ativ statw i.r ..iui aub division thereof in the actual con siriiciion 01 ermsnent hlgiiwsys. Tlie bill also provides for an appropri ation ol 1,0,000. for the salaries of the omiers 01 tlie titirrati, and for the pay- ..1-..1 ui inn Ki-nerai exMinnes, sucli as to eiisnie tne tiirector to lnveatigate tbe system of road building throughout the 1 11 1 ten Mates; to investigate and exer iment in regard to tlie best method ol roail Minding and the best kind of road materials: to co-onerate in tint hnil.llnu of object lewMin roads in the several slates, etc. The oltli era of the bureau shall consist of one director, salary f J.'gX); sa.iMsnl tiirector, fJ.'iOO; clilei clerk, J000; clerk, ll.KX): meswmier. I7L0: four fields exierts, f.lKK) each ; four civjl engineers, IH00; four road experts, f UOIl; one asniatunt, in charge of road msierial lalwratory, $:'.')00; engineer, LIHIO; chemist, I1H()II: netrouranher. UtKI, and Mirh other ollirers as the di nt tors may bum time to time require. 1 oe inn proviucs iiiHt, in onler to re- nve gnvernmetit aid in the construction or improvement of roads in any state ol the I'nion under the provisions of this bill, that a lietition for the same must Iw prereuled ihiough ilie proper ollirers having jurisdiction of the public high ways in the civil sub-divisions of the states, giving Ilie description of tbe con templated Improvement and estimate of I its cost, and, in case tbe prnposed road and plana therefor are approved by the director of the bureau, the government will pav one ball ol tbe exDenses of such improvement and the stale or its subdivision are required to bear the other half. Nothing ahall be construed to prevent tbe slate or civil subdivision thereof from distributing its one-hulf nf theexHMieea soyliat the state may pay a portion, the township or district a por tion, and the owners of the land abutting upon said road another portion. It also provides that anv state or civil subdi vision which avails iteelf of ol tbe ad vantages of tbe act aliavl), because of hav ing acre pled such national aid, contract and bind Itself to maintain and keep said roads in good and elllcient repair for the free use of the public. ana also the section of the atate and the population ol each. There ia also shown on thia page the new seal of the Htate of Oregon a adopted bv tlie legislature last winter, together with mine descriptive matter showing the resjiecta in which tbe new dillers from the old. Five itepa rate rnsos are shown on the third page. They aUTIaska, British Columbia, the Hawaiian Island, Philippine Island and the minor United B'atea possession in the I'arilic Ocean. Tbe fourth oaue shows a map of tlie United State. Idaho nd the minor possessions of tbe United States in the 1'ajitic Ocean, tbe map snowing 1 tie last named land being larger and more useful than that on the pre ceding page. Arranged in alphabetic-la order on thia page are also the countiea and towns of tlie state of Idaho, together Willi their location and population. I tie combination ol these map is worth the 5(1 for whim It retails. They are printed on good map pai-r and will last a lite time. The variotii Irawings are richly colored and the mp a very creditable uraduction. We will furnish these main to Clackamns county people at $2.25 and include with them a subscription to the hnteronee and the Weekly Oregonian for one year 11 advance. J hi ia a rare offer and one bat will probably not be duplicated again, (. all at the Enterprise olbce and see the mup or mad us ybur subscription anyway. 1 ou will be sure to be pleased Largest Stock Latest Novelties Lowest Prices Don't fail To visit the GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR am NATIVE Mtt'S AJiD DAUGHTERS. An Orifanliallon Effected To Preserve rianerr Memories. H IIX nESEFIT ENTIRE STATE. 'roHiona or llrownloir Kill for or ernment Aid la Itoad Ilulldluf. II Ibe bill, which was introduced Into House of Representative of tb fi'tv-eighth Congreas, on November 19, h1 "epresentative Rrownlow.ol Tennes ''oniee a law, tbe atate of Oregon dl become entitled to th aura of $2.rV U. payable- In three yean. 1904-06-00, J be expended In tbe Improvement of public highways, providing that tbe "!" uiitie and municipal district in rji'cn the proponed Improvement are to , md will co-operate In the work and "ear their pro rata share of tbe expense. . J"e bill referred to is tbe same a tbat "itrodaced by Mr. Brownlow during tbe D'tJ-seventh session of Congress, but 'ilains two or three slight amendments, "'cn are quite important and affect "regon materially. A copy of the bill J" lfn received by County Judge S'pcotl, president of the KUie ood ! Roads Association, having been "ntihitn by Hon. M- O. Eldridge, as "wnt director of th Oood Koads Bu-, The Native Hons ami Daughters of Oregon, residing in Clackamas county, effected a permanent organization in thia city Hatorday afternoon. Fifty charter memlcrs have eurolled their names in the society, the membership of wince is restricted to native Ureguni am residing in this county. It is pro posed to bold annual reunions. Olllcers were elected as follows: Pres ident. VV. U. 8tarkwether, of Mils-an kle: vice-president, Henry Stevens, Mi watikie; secretary, O. 1). Eby, Oregon City ; treasurer, K. C. Hackett, Oregon City ; historian, Miss Mollie Barlow, of Harlow. These olllcers constitute tlie executive committee of the organization. The purposes for which the society has been formed are set out in me pres in Die of the constitution, as follows: lo aid in gathering historical data, to keepalive tlie memory of the historic deeds of the nloneers. and to aid their descendants in upbuilding the splendid Republic of the West. Any native born person anove the age of 10 years, and re-iding in Clackamas county, ia eligible to mem bership in tlie society. Pioneers having resided in the state prior to 1859 have been made honorary members. Harvey E. Cross, of this city, who is a member of the society, offered to the Native Sons and Daughters, in behalf of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua As sociation, tbe use of tbe Chautaaqua grounds for all reunions. It is very prob able that the society may hold its first annual reunion in conjunction with the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Associa tion some day next summer. The first meeting ol the society will be held in tins city on the first Monday in Janu ary. Irlvra to IsjiMTtlon. "Living at an out of tbe way piace, re- inoletrom civilian"". ....- - ,i,ivn tn desperation in case of acci dent, resulting in burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, etc. Lay in s.ipp y ofl Buck- "Cameras" HOLIDAY photo-pnpplie? Don't wait until our stock of Holiday goods is all picked over, but come in early and have us lay aside the articles you wish and then your worry will be over. We have the finest line this year ever brought to the city and have marked them way down. WE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY Razors of are ten's earth, store. Arnica Salve. It's me oesi on 25c at Charman UO. s mug We have an elegant line guaranteed goods, which extremely low, when quality is taken into consideration. They range from $1 to $3.50. KNIVES. We have the finest line in the city to choose from. Prices from 10c to $2.00. Photo Albums Manicure Sets Collar and Cuff Boxes Smoking Sets Glove Boxes Handkerchief Bczes Fancy Vases Toilet Sets Gold Pens Perfumes and Atomizers Package Goods, 25c to $7.50 Bulk Goods Latest Odors Cut Glass Bottles and Atomizers Gold Pens Fountain Pens Very Reasonable CHARMAN & CO. Citv Dru9 Sre Toys, Games We have all the latest games and toys for both young and old. We are selling them at about half price. STATIONERY. i We have the very latest in J fancy and up-to-date boxes containing the very best of material, 25o to $3.00. with the premium you will receive, Ptart the Jew Year off right by signing for tbe Knterpriee, the best county pa per, and the Oregonian, which for gen eral news is not equalled in this section Send in your subscriptions at once. Ecicma, scald head, bives, itchiness of tbe skin of any son inaiwimy pormanently cured. At any drug store. Doan's Ointment. Wanted, SoMg Money. Subscribers knowing themselves to be in arrears in their subscription to the Enterprise, are requested to remit tne amount of their unpaid subscription at once. The first of the year is near at band, and it is our purpose to re vise our subscription list at the begin ning of the new year. We would like to crstlit up to date as many of our readers as possible. Those who are behind two or three or several years ia their sub scription and cannot pay all, we would urge that they make a partial payment. Ttie newspaper business is the same as any other business, in one respect at least, and that ia that it can not be conducted without funds. We hsve been very patient in tbe matter of subscription payments, but in all seri ousness we shall expect a general re sponse to this request from our many readers throughout tbe county and else where. Tbe date to which your subscrip tion has been paid ia stamped every week on the first page of your paper. Kindly ascertain if pon are in arrears, and, if such is the case, please remit promptly. TIIK ST A JIB? OF TRL'TII. Oregon City Residents Kaov It Well. Women love clear, healthy com plexion. Pure blood makes it. Bar dock Blood Bitters make pure blood. There is the stamp of truth on a state ment endorsed by people we know, by our friends and neighbors. Tbe follow ing experience by citizen is but one case of scores right here at home : B. Meredith, the Portland brick ma son, contractor and builder, who lives at 561 21st street, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills is one of the beet remedies I ever used, and I cheerfully recommend them to any one suffering with kidney trouble. I was bothered for years with attacks of kidney complaint, and no medicine gave me permanent relief until I pro cured Ooan s Kidney Plus. I was so well cleansed with them tbat when my wife had a severe attack short time ago and could hardly get about to do her work 1 bad her take Doan's Kidney Pills. Intwoor three days tbey straight ened her up in fine shape. We both en dorse the claims made for Doan's Kid ney Pills and have nothing but the high est terms of praise for such a valuable remedy." Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at C. G. Hunt ley's drug store and ask what his cus tomers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foeler-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tbe United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postoffice at Oregon City, Oregon. Dec. 3, 1903: wohin's list. Hendel Mrs Fanny Owens Miss Viola Moore Mrs J R Roberts Mrs Mary Neppach Mrs F Segens Miss Julia Ornly Miss Bessie kin's list. Bollish Wenzel Engelking Wm Oernberg F C Hensiey Chas McGinnis P B MartinyDave (2) Miller N K Neff W C O'Connor Patrick Purcell Elmer Rowley Sidney Tamer J n TOM P. RANDALL, PM. Tltat Throbbing- Headache Would quickly leave you, if yoansed Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build np health. Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by Charman & Co., druggists. Look Here! The Knox Kantner Concert Co. will be in Oregon City on Tuesday evening, December 15. Eugene Knox, formerly with the Meneley Quartette, is well known to the people of Oregon City and needs no introduction. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 74c per bushel. Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.75. Portland, $1.10 per sack; Howard's Best, $1.05 per sack. Oats in sacks, $1 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled, $14(3$15 per ton ; clover $10 ; oat, $9 j mixed hay , $ 10 : cheat, $9. Millstuffs Bran, $20.00 per ton. shorts, $21.00 per ton ; chop, $19.00 per ton, barley, rolled, $23.00 per ton. Potatoes ioc to 70c per sack. Eggs Oregon. 32e to 35c vet dozen. Butter Ranch, 50c.; separator, 60c.; creamery, 70c. Oregon onions, 90c to $1.00 per cwt. Dried apples,6c to 7c per lb. Prunes, (dried) petite, 3c per lb ; Ital ian, large. 5c per lb. medium, 3c; Silver. 43. Cabbage, 40 to 80c per dozen. Apples, 40c to 60c. Cranberries 9c to 12c a quart. Cauliflower, 40c to 80c per dozen. Stock carrots, sacked, 50 cents. Dressed chickens, 10 to 12sC per lb. Turkeys, dressed, 15c to 17ic per pound. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, live, $3.00 to $3.50 per hundred. Hogs, live Vi to 6 cts ; hogs, dressed, 6jC ; sheep, $2.25 to $2.50 per head; dressed, 5,4c; veal, dressed, 7 to 8c; lambs, lire, $2 per head; lambs, dressed, 6c Take the Enterprise fifty-two week a year.