Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, TRIMT PECEM11ICR 1, W3. sssssssaasiaaaa CAN YOU GUESS? Then Take a Chanre in (he Prize Money Contest. On WiOilngton's lllrthday the Enter prise Will Wive Away Another Jar of Money. Are vou good guesser ? If so", ami you can tell how much money a jar "contains, you should not fail to participate in the print nionev guessing contest that the Enterprise hai provided lor its preeent and prospective reader The Enterprise lias decided to make some substantial present to some oi its , tmbecrihera. We have tilled a kilass jar Willi coins and currency of different de nominations. The total amount con tained therrin will be si veil awav on the ' afternoon of Monday, February 22. U'04. to the persona making the eloeei guetv-ee as to the amount. The jar, tilled with coin, is in the window of the How ell A Jones' drug store on Main street, w here it may be viewed by persons de- siring to make an estimate. There will be more than a "penny for your thoughts;" that is. of course, if you closely approximate the amount the jar contains. Nobody is barred from taking part in the contest and the only requisite con dition for participating therein is py ' nient of sulvsoription money on the En terprise. In order that the contest may be equally fair to both old and new subscribers, one guess will he allowed for every $1.50 thai is paid on subscrip tion, ii you are iti-arrears to the paper send us some money and accompany it with one guess for -each year's subscrip ; tion so eut. If you are not delinquent in your subscription, pay for a year in advance, and make a guess. If you are paid in advance, sign lor the paper for a triend ; at any rate manage to tret a guess and win the money. The amount of money that is contained in the jar is not known to any one. We placed the bulk of the money in tbe jar and tbe balance, in unknown denomina tions and also amount, was deposited in the by a person not connected w ith the office, the amount so placed by each being entirely unknown totheother. The seal on the jar will be broken on the afternoon of February 22, next, and the award of tbe money will be made follows: 60 per cent to the person guessing closest to tbe amount jn tbe jar; 25 per cent to the person guessing sec- ood closest aa to the amount, and 5 per cent each to tbe next five per sona guessing next closest as to the total amount in the jar. In arranging; the detaili it has been the endeavor of tbe Enterprise to make the contest absolutely fair and with the aid of a disinterested party we think we have succeeded to the end that the best gneseer is tbe man who will get the bulk of the amount contained in the jar. All guesses must be delivered at the office of the Enterprise or mailed to the Enterprise, Oregon City, where they will be preserved until the contest closet. 1 he Enterprise bad prepared one jar of money thai was to be given away under these same conditions but some sneak-thief early last month tppropri- ated tbe entire amount, jar and all, fail I ing to make a guess, thereby violating t -every condition of tbe contest. But we i Lave secured another jar that is the ex act counterpart of tbe original dish and have filled it with approximately tbe same amount of money of practically the aame denominations to at Jar No, 1 con tained. Those wbo deposited estimates on the original jar ma allow the aame to stand or they will bave tbe privilege of examining tbe duplicate jar and make another estimate. Tbe Enterprise is re solved to distribute a sum of money among its readers and will employ tbe needful precautions that tb second coo test may be conducted strictly according to tbe rules governing tbe scheme. BECTOK OF ST. tl'KE'8. Jlthbaraham, Ontario, Testifies To tbe CJood ln.HUeo r Ibaanberlala's Cough Remedy. Ashbnrnham, Ontario, April 19, 1903 I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I was so distress ed with a cold and cough that I did not - think to be able to take any duties the -next day' aa my voice was almost choked bythecongb. The same day I received an order from you for a bottle of your cough remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle, and took about tnree doses of the medicine. To my great re lief the cough and cold had completely diaaDPeared and I was able to nreath three times on Easter Dav. I know tbat this rapid and effect ive core was due to your cough remedy. I make this testimonial without solicita tion, being thankful to bave found such a God-sent remedy. ' Respectfully yours, . A. La.ngklit, M. A., Rector of St. Luke's Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. ' This remedy is (or sale by O. A. Hard ing. Notice to Creditor). Vnlir ia hrehv fflten that f hav befn appointed administratrix of the estate of John Keller, decessad, by the. uoiiiity Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against laid estate are hereby notified to present the same to nie for paynient at the otfice of George C. Brownell, my attorney, at, Oregon Ciiy, Oreion, with proper vouchers therefore within six months atttr the data of tbit notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 1st. dav of December, VH. ' ANNA M. KELLER, Administratrix of the estate of John Keller deceased. Treasurer' S of I re I now have money to pay coonty warrant endorsed prior to April 1, 1901. also road warrants endorsed prior to July 1st, 1913. Interest will cease on such warrant on the date of this notiee. Oregon City, Oregon, December 4, 1903. Eos Cahi.i., Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. Legal Notice. Notice ol l-'lnal NrtllriHrnt, In the County Court of Ihe Slate of Oregon for the Countv of Clackatnaa, In the Matter of tlie Estate I of Hernhard lVppli deceased f Notice is hereby given that the under signed. Executor "of the Estate of Hern haul IVppel, deceased, has Hied in Ihe County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, hia final account as such V.-iitor ol Haiil estate, ami that Moil' dav, the Tib day of Iecciiiler, liKVi, at I the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said Court as Ihe time for lieer i ing of objections to said report, and eel j tleuiciit llieieof. C. SCHl'EHEL, : Executor of the Estate of Iternhard l'eppel, deceased. NutMIMVMM. Iii the circuit court of the state ot Ore gon, lor the comity of Clackamas. 1 Frederick Wilts, rUliditl',) I vi. Caroline Witts, Defendant ) To Caroline Witta, the defendant above named : In tlie name of tlie state ol Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear ami answer tlie compiaiiii Idled against you in tlie above entitled j suit in tlie above named court on or belore l Saturday, December l!, Ihe same tw in aix week Irum the lirst publication ol ! tins summons, and you will lake notice (list it you tail to so appear snd answer Ihe sau complaint, the plaintiff will apply to ,!....., I, IP III if illtlMllilM.! Ill iil complaint, lo-il: For a decree dissolving llie.onds of matrimony herelolore and now existing between you and plainllll. Tins summons is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McHruie. judge of Hie shove entitled court, made ami entered therein November 4, HSU. Said order directs pub lication of tins summons lor six successive wetks. The dale of the first publication hereof being November ti, l:a.i3t and the dste of tbe last publication brreol bsing December 18, l!i3. J. J. FITZliKR A l.I and JOHN F. LOU AN. Atlornevs lor I'laintill. r.n .n it. In the Circuit Court for the State of Ore gon, for the County of llackamas. Eva Garrick, Plaintiff. vs. .1 Webster F. Garrick, Defendant To Webster F. Garrick, the above named defendant: In tbe name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer lo lbs complaint hied against you, in said Court, in the above entitled suit, on or be fore the l-ib day of lc. A. D., and if you fail to apar, and answer said com plaint, on or before said date, the i'laintill will apply to the Court for the relief de minded in ber said complaint, to-wit.- For a decree against you, dissolving the bonds of matrimony, now existing between you and said plaintiff, and giving to ber the care and custody of your two minor oren. Earl u., and Vernon Kay. This summons is published by order of the County Judge of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, made on the Jliti day of Oct. A. D. ImA directing that said Hum mons be published in be manner provided oy law, in a newspaper of general circula tion published in said County and State, tbe date of the first publication of this notice being Oct. Hmn A. D. VJa, and the date ef the last publication thereof being the lltb'day of Dec. C. H. DYE, Attorney for 1'lainuff. Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be a general election held in Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday the 7th day of De cember, 1903, between Ihe hoars ol nine o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. ra., for which election there has been desig nated the following polling places to-wii: Ward No. 1 The Cataract Engine bouse, corner of Main and Third streets, in this city. Waid No. 2 The Fountain Hose Com pany's Engine house on Main street be tween Seveotb snd Eighth streets, in aid citv. Ward No. 3 The Engine House of Hose Com oan y, Sfo. 3, on John U. Adams street between Seventh and Eiirbth street! in said city. At said time and place the following officers will be elected by the duly qoali fied voters of said Oregon City. A mayor for the term of one year. A tmunrer for a term of one vear. One councilman from Ward N'o. 1, for a term of three years. One councilman from Ward No. 2, for a t-rm of three years. One councilman Irom Ward No. 2, (or a term of 2 years. One councilman from Ward No. 3 for a term of three Tears. - There has been appointed by the City Council of Oregon City the (o lowing persons to act as jadges and clerks of said election : Ward One Judges, H. Stevens, H Trerabath and E. D. Kellv; clerks, W. M. Hhank. John Cooke. Ward Two Judges, C. N. Greenraan, N. N. Robblns, V. 0. Babcock: clerks, 8. Wa ker. John Kelly. Ward Three Judges, E. A. Williams, J. N. Harrington, P. D. Curran; clerks, George Ely, Elmer Dixon. Published bv order of the city council of Oregon City made at regular meet ing held on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1903. Bbcce C. Cl'khv, Recorder. Dated at Oregon City, on Nov. 11, 1903 Notice of Hale of Heal l'roperty. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Assignment ) of E. M. Atkinson, an Insolvent Debtor, j Notice is hereby given that nnder and pursuant to tha order ol tbe above entitled court In tbe above entitled matter, I will sell to tbe highest bidder for cash, at tbe front door of tbe county Court House of Clackamas Countv In Oregon City on tbe 12th day of LMcernber, 1903, at 10 a. m., all of tbe following described real proerty located In said County and State, to wit; All of LotsOnefl), Two2, Three (3),Four (4), Five(S).8ix(i). rteven(7), Eight(8J,Nine (b) and Ten (10) in Block One in Fairniount. Also all of Lot Two (2) and Lot Four H in block Thirty Bix (3i in Central Addition lo O egon City. Clar.kunis County, Htate of Orvgon. Also liOta lettered C, D, K. F, J ... 'r m..ft ih, NiwIivirfAri hatffif Ifita ltlrari (i and H in Bueria Vista, Clackamascounty rital OI uregon aisu hih iviiuwiiik; ue .,hut r.rela W land iii Park Addition tl r ... n f'ilw f'lftr iniu fiiintv Ktiir ni Oregon, to wit: Lots One 1, Two 2J, Three 131, ronr4J. ana riveiajin uioca rajuwi i,,rwi I .nta Krair 141. Five f,ril and Hix 'til in Block Seven (71 thereof and the North bill of Lot Eight 8J in Block Ten thereof. K (i. CAUKIKI.IJ. Assignee of E M. Atkinson, Insolvent Debtor NEWTON McCOY. Aitornty for Assign Dec, II. poller for 1'nMlrntlon Titular Und Act, June 3, 187S. United State Und Office, ( liregon City, Or., Oct. 21), hKXt Notice is heieby given that in compli ance lib the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 18. tf, entitled "An act for Ihe sale of timl-er lamia In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extendi d to all the 1'u Mic Land States by act of August lst2, Michael Kroll, of E'y, countv of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has this diiv tiled in this office his awoin statement No. lio'.'l. for the pmchase of the sw'j of ae'4 and so1,,' ol sw', of sec tion No, 2tl. 'ii township No. II a, range No 3 e, and w ill offer proof to show thai the laud sought is more valuable for us timber or stone than (or agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to said land Udore the register and receiver of this office at Oregon Cny. Oregon, on Thursday, the Hth day of January, ItHU. He iismes as witnesses: II. M. llrow nell, Oregon City, Oregon ; W II. II Samson, Oiegnti City, t be gun ;j. W. Diaper. Orcein I ity, One gon ; Thomas Dully, of Shuhcl, Oregon. Any and all persons cUlming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 1 till diiv of January, I'.HVI. AI.OEKNOS S. DKEsshK, UegiMier. In the Circuit Court of Ihe Slate of Ore gon, lor the Comity ot Clackamas. Etta L. Kelly, Hamuli. I vs. J Louis Kelly, lK-fetidant.) To Louis Kelly, ileh'mtant. In the name oi Ihe Siaie ol Oregon : Yoil are herebv rruireO lo appear ami anaorr the complaint tiled SKSinel Vou in the above ei, UlltM soil within leu davi from the dale of the service ol this summons upon you il served within thli county and state but il st-rved within any other county and In thli slate then within twenty days from the date ol (Ins summons upon you and II IM' summons is served upon you by publica tion you art required lo appear and answer on or belore the last day prescntied in tne order lor publication, to-wit: Tbe ,Mh iliv day of IVceinbrr A. D 1113 and il you tail to answer for want ttierrol tbs plan, Hit will apply to the Court for n-liel demamivd in the complaint, to-alt: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony berelolnrr existing between Ins plalutill and delemt ant ami lor a decree changing the nam ol tbe uJaiulill to Ktta L. Flstclier and lor ber co-t-aiul dinbiirementa herein. This unimons is puhllilisil by oriter ol 1 nomas F. Kyan, Judge of Ihe Comity Court ol the .siaie ol Hivkoii for Clackajnat County and the lira! publication thereof t had on the itrd day of Oi tober, A. I. IU0.I. . W.T. HUME. Attorney for the I'laiiilitf. V)H(i; I'OK PIIII.K'ATIOW Timber Land, Act June 3, 17M. L'nlleil Slates Und Ottlc, Oregon City, Oregon, October loth. luui. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congrssi of June 3, IST.1, entitled "An act for tbtssle of limber lands In th Htates of Caltlornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to ell the Public , Land Htates by act of August 4, lKti. Axel II. l.indipnst, of Portland, county of Multno mah, Htate of Orexon. has this day filed in this office bis sworn statement No. IB10. fur th purchase of the E ol W 'j of riection No. 17 in Township Nu. 2 8, Kang No. 7 K, and will oiler proof to show thst th land sought is more valuabl for Its tintbef or stone than for agricultural ptirisaes, ami to establish bis claim lo said land belote th Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Monday, tbs , 4TH DAY OF JANUARY, IUH. He name as witnesses: Joseph Mayerl, of Portland, Oregon; August Bperling, of Portland, Orexon; James Brown, of Portland, Oregon: M. Sic Intyre, of Salmon, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely th above-described lands ar requested to HI their claimi In this office, on or befor said 4th day ol January, KM. ALGERNON 8. DRKHSKR. Keglaur. .totlee. Notice is hereby given that tbe under signed has been duly spixilntnl administra tor of Ihe estate of netb Austin, deceased, and all persons having claims against tbs said estate mast present the ssm Only ver ilid st th law office of O. ii. Illiuick In the Uartls building in Oregon City, Oregon within aix mouths from th date of this notice. Dated Oct. 8, 1003 W. H MATTOON. Administrator of the estate of ttetb An tin, deceased. O. B. DIMICK, Atty for Adm. !oUe lo Creditor. Notice ia hereby given that the nnder ligned has been by the county coartof Ui state of Oregon, for th county of Clackamas, appointed adminisirator of th estate of Knud Langeu, deceaaed All creditors and persons havina clsini against said estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified, to th under signed at th office of Hedges t Oritlith, at Oregon City, Oregon, witbin six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. CAKL8ANNKM, Administrator of the estate of Knud Langden, deceased. First publication Nov. ?,, llrtl. Hibou a (iKirriTH, Attorneys for Administrator Nov. 13. . Notice orAppolntmeaitol Alanfn Istrator. In the County Court of Clackamas County, Htate of Oregon. In the matter of tbe Kstate ef John Lender, deceased. Notice is hereby given thst O. W. Asli ford was on the 2nd day of November. 113, appointed Administrator of th Estate of John Under, Decease.1. ami ail persons having claims sgalnst said estate are here by notified to present th ssm properly verified within nx months from tblsdstest tbe office of Cake ti Cake. No W) Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. O. W. AHHFOKD, I Administrator. Dated this 12th day of November, l!i03. Executor's .toilet). Notice ia hereby given that the under signed haHeen appointed executorjof th i estate of Hugh Miller, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of the Htate of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me for payment at my store at Damascus, Clackamas County, Ore gon, with proper vouchers, within six months from this date or they will be forever barred. J. C. Elliott, x Executor of the Estate of Hugh Miller, Deceased. Gobdon E. Harie-, Attorney for Estate. Dated this 4th day ol Nov., l'JU3. In the enmity court of Ihe state ol Or egon, for the county of Clackamas. In the matter ot the estate of James Anderson, deceased. II. II. Plnilck, Ihe uiiiv apiHiini 'onalilled and acting administrator of Ihu al.v itltled f statu having lllod his ; petition in the shove entitled court, pray ing lor an order of sule o( ihe follow ing 'described real property belonging to j sui I estate, to it : The soniln-ast '4 of the northwest 4 ; of section W, I I s, r II e ol the Wtllam ' otto Meridiun, ami that the siild petition I nets forth that It is necessary to sell auld I shove described real properly In satisfy cetlani clsiina Hied and allowed bv tbe ! said administrator Muauisl the suld es ; tali', and to pay the cost ol ailinuiistra lieu llieteof, j It it therefore ordeied and decrei'd by ! tins court Hint all lo-iis, kuna n and mi lanown, and all persona iiilen-sled in I suld estate, il any such there lie, sie I heieby filed lo appear Indole tho-nlmve jiMiiitli'd coin I on .Monday, lite "111 dav i, if lVcembcr, A. P . 1 "':!, t the bout o( tl) o'flin k ill the loleiioon, lo show :ciiuse. i( any exist, wbv an order should 'not be granted to the suld inlinlplsiia i tor to rw'll the above described real pmp- eitv at public auction, ami a fopv ol this citation be published lor ill leant jlniir successive weeks 111 lie On-iJoh t'lty Kiiterptie, a newspaper published, punted and in tieiieial cm-illation In said connW anil state. I 'ated this ltith dav of Oclnber, '.H);i, Seal TIIOi F. KYAN, Atie-t : t'oiiuty lodge. V. A. Si ctuiir, Kiniit). In llie ('irciilU'olirt ol Hie Stale ol 're go:i lor the I'oiiuiy. ot I l.n kainas Anna I'. Kddy, I'lntilt. panlel M. K.l lv, lietemlan To Daniel M. F Idv, tlelenilaiit. In the name ol tne Mate ol ( You sre hereby reipilred to ap sr and m.wi'i Hi con.plaiiil tlle-l BK'Slnit vou In the ntHive entitled court and cane mi or before the JiUh day of Drceinbar, V.K, that belUK the last day pre scribi-d In the order lor publication of tills summons lor answering ant complaint, anil II ol rail so lo appear and aiinaer Ihe plali.litl will ipplv lo lb courl lor Ihe rrliel ileiimiiileil In lli com plaint. l- it : For a decree dusoleu g ib hoiitls ol inalrlmony etlsling tietaeim the plainllll and deleinlant and chaiiKlng the name ol the plainllll to Anna C. I'ralull. 1 bis linilnom l pllhllahed by order of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlda, JihIk of the Filth Jmllrial District ol the Niale of lira gnu, In the llregiin Cny Knierprlx, and Ihe ttrst publication n bad on lb l Uh Oay of Nuvsmlsrr, 1'ju.i. V. It. HYDE. AUorriey for I'laintitf. Felice lor 1h bllcolUai. Timber Laud. Act June 3. 171 l'nlleil Elates Office, Oregon City, Orea-on, Mepl. 1U, lis a So tic is hereby given tint In compliance Willi th provisions of th act of Congress of June 3, IHTM. entitled "An act lor lb sal of timber lands in tbe Htatet of California, llreKon, Nevada ami Washington Terrl lory, ' a extend-d to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, Ifr.', Henrietta llrown. of Albany, countv ol I. inn. Hia o Oregon, has this Oay II led In thli oftna bis sworn (lenient Sn )'I4, lor tlie imn bas of Hi KS and hhU NK1; of het tiou No. Ji ill rowuabip No. ,i el, Hai suite No. 3 K, and will olfer proof lo show that the laud aoujrht is more valuable for Its limber or sion than tor agricultural iitiroses. and to establish his claim to said land belor th Itegnier and Keceivr of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, th lOtb day of December, l'.X). nhe name as witnesses! Julius C. Ilurks, of Portland, Oregon; Kdward Burke, of Portland, Oregon; Nar eissa K. Hall, of Ponland, Oregon; Thomas Devlns, of Porllanil, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely lb above drscllstd lands are rejusld lo file their claim in tin office on or belor laid loth day of )ermber. I'tl. ALGERNON B. llRKNSKIt, lUgnisr. fa Tl TIOs4. In th Clrrult Court of th Hlate of Ore gon, fur th County of Clackamas. Martha LroUer. 1'lainlilt, ill, i m. I vs. John ('toiler, liefendai lo John Crolzer, Delendaiil. In the name of Ihe Htate of Oregon : Y'ou ar harehy required In appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the abov entitled suit within leu dsys from th sr vice of this summons iiptiu you if served within this county and state but If served within any other county in this slate then within twenty days Irom the date of this stun mons Uhiii you, and II this summons is served upon you by publication you are riiiired to appear ami answer on or before the last day prescribed In the order for publication, to-wit: The 'th dsy of December, A. D. PSi3.aml If you fail to an swer, for want thereof Ihe plainllll will apply to th liurl for relief demanded lu the com plaint, to-wit; for a decree dissolving the bonds of iiiatrliuiMiy heretolor existing between th plamtlir and deleudaiit and for her costs and dsbursemeiit herein This summons Is published by other ol the Hon. Thus. F. Kyan, Judge of the County Court of the Hiahj of Oregon, lor Clackamas County and the first publication thereof Is had on the 23d day of October A. D., VMI. W. T. HUM K, Attorney for the l'laintilf ."otlce ol Final Metflement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of the estate of Catbrine Knight, Deceased, has Hied her final ac count In said estate in the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and that the Judge of said Court has appointed Monday, December 1 Ith., 1U0.-I, at 10 o'clock A. M., (or hearing olf jections to said account and for settling said estate. LOUISE KNIGHT, Executor of the estate of Catbrine Knight, Deceased. MEO.C. BROW NELL, HOWARD M. BKOWNELL, Attorneys (or Executor. Itollre Tor I'libllcaUon. Department of tbe Interior, Und Office at Oregon City, Oreiton, October 31, 1SKI3. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the Register snd Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on DECEMBER 12. 1903, viz: Bert U. Palmer H. E. No. 12016 for the KE'4 of Hec. 12. T. 5 H., R. 3 E. He name tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: P. E. Itonney, of Collon. Oregon ; U. fi. Dix, of Colton, Oregon; I. O. Dix, of Collon, Oregon ; F. M. Baker, ol El wood, Ore- ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register. In th CircuU Court of lb Hist of r gnu, lor llie t oiinty ol lacsamas. II. E. Crows, rlaliililr, vs Lena Hughe and Itohett Mm- il,Mk. l'clellilallts. To llie alivn iiHined delnlnlalsts, l'iia llilghea and Unbelt .Milidm k. In the name id Hi" slain ( Oregon, you and each ol)oti ar lieieby required 10 appeal and answer Ihe foinplalnl llloi' against vou In the above entitled action in l lie above, named com I on or belore the lUili day ol mcoinber. I'HU, and II you lull to appear and answer said nun pbiut on oi leloiii said dale, Ihe plain llll will appl) to the court lor a Judg ment against you (or Hie sum ol ami lor the sale o( all ymir right and inieieal In the Hubert Alien 1. I.. C, No 4'.', In eclinns 4 ami U, In I 11 s, r I e o Willamette Mei idiull, lo S4t Infy the said judgment, which real prop, city bus lueii aiuibe.l In this cause, Ibe desciliiliou ol ablcli is unite pailic ll I ui ly given III llie i etlitli ate ol allach nielli liUul herein, and l'ir bla costs and .l,k.,l, ..i. 1,1 llillt Ml-llllll. I llua siliuoioiis la publlHbe.l by older ol the enmity )iblie ol Clackamas cminlv, ' ainin id I In goii, duly luadn on iho .'7tti ! day ol Oi iiiln r, A. I . lt'3, diUH llug j that said eiiuitnohe be published once a j week lor mi successive ami rnliset lltlye I Week a III a lie spalsir of welieral clri u- liltioti, pnlisied III said county and state, the Hist publication o( tills in. lice being ill tl.e laaile ol Novellllier II, I'Stl, ami the last In Ihe Issue o ptseinU-r H, I'KKI. C. II. DYE. Attorney lor I'leintilf. NI U V In Ihe ctn-iill colli t ol the tlale n( t irrgiin, fi.r it, e ciiuniy ol Ciaikauias. Nancy K Ti'Kito. PUintltt.j , Niuns N. I'ltsiiln. Drteiiilant I In Nurm N. TilNido, tlie limit tiatiied ilelemlalll. In Hi name nl Ihsslalaof Orrgmi, )uii are I erehy r-.iilie.l In apear and ansar lb complaliil bird against you In lb above enlltieil aull on or halot th lllli ilai o! liecriiibr', l.o.l. and ll ynii tall to so app. ar and answer said r. on plain I with In saul inn tlie plalullir will app'y lo inn courl lor ihe rsilrl prsyed lurlo piainuit's cnii lalnl. low it : Thai lbs bonds ol mat rimony eslilli g belween plainlil! and ! trnil int l dlitulved and he, lor liatigbl. I bis soiiiitiona plllillslied plirinanl to an order mal by tha Hon, I hns. K llyan, Jndg of Hi rouniy courl ol I lai kaioaa county, Oreipiii, made and enlrl Ibis '.'stb day of octolirr, l'n, lb llrsi punlua nun ol this iiinnioiii iwiiig o tuiM-r hi, I'Slt, and th last puhll alloo ihrrwif lo b December II, P.UI. Ii II. DIMH'K and liKO. I. broRY, Attorneys lor I'lalutltt. .totlee ol Final Ne llcnseol. Nolle is hereby given that I, th under signed, Administrator ol lb Kstaiol Lucy M Caiiiilill, deceased, have hied my Dual reiiort as such adminlslrstor, In ihe County Courl of Clackamas County Oregon, and that the said Courl has tiled Monday lb 7lh day of )ciiilier fail, at lo o'clock a. in. as the dav and tlm for the eiamlna Hon ol said report, hearing ohjee Hons lo th tain and for lh final settlement ol said estate. EitSF.Hr MATTIIIKs), Administrator of ib sttai ol Lucy M. t'linplirll, deceased. IMircK C. Cl'RRY. Attorney tor said estal. notice lor nbllrailoa. Department of lb Interior, Und office at Oregon City. Oregon, th-tuber 'M. I'.an. Nonce i Hereby given that the billowing named settler has hied nolle of hi Inlen lion lo make Anal proof In support ol tils rlalm, and that said proof will lie mad h. lor tli KeglsUr and Rr ivr, at Oregon City, Oregon, on DKCF.MIIF.R IJ, !ii3. vlt: Ferdinand F. For.lner H. K. No. l'iM for tbs NH bKX A NKU of no. is, T. 1 H.. R. ft K. lis naiiirs ihe following ollneises lo prov his continuous resuleoc iiihiii and cultivation of said land, vis: D. II. Thomas, of Alma, Oregon; John Jonanneeii, ol Alms, liregon ; W. D. Thomas, of Anns, Oregon; M. K. ILrkman, of Alms, Oregon. ALtiKHNoN H. DRKHMKR, Register. Notice o I'lual Mrttlrnienl. In the Coiitily Cntirt of lb Htala of Ore gon fur tbe County ol Clackamas. In the mailer of th Ksiat of Frederick Uliinan, le. eased. None Is hereby givn thst th under signed, administratrix of the sit of Fred erick Ubinaii, deceased, has tiled In th t'oiiuty Court of saul Clackamas ('utility her llnal account aa administratrix of th saul estate, asd that Monday, lb 4th day ol January, Psk, at the hour ol eleven o'clock A. M., has la-en apimlnled liy (aid Court as the tuns id hearing objections lu asld final account, and lor lh II at set I le nient tliereol. ADF.MIKID I. KM MAN, Admluistratrli of the Kmale ol Frederick Uhmaii, deceased. .ollce to 4'redltorsj Notice Is hereby given that th under signed has been appointed by tbs County Court of the Htate of Oregon, for tbe Countv of Clackamas, executor ol the last will and testament ol Knher It. Williams, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate ar hereby reouired to present the same, properly verilled, to Hi undersigned at Ihe office of Hedge A Urilllth, in Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first niiblli atliiii ol thin notice. LLoYD K. W 1 1,1,1 a MM, Kiecutor of the last will of F.slher H. Williams, deeeased, HEDliKMA ORiFFiril. Attorney Inr F.xeciiti.r. First puhlicalloii Nov. 27, l!3. .tollee to Critlltorw. In the County Court of the Htato o( Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the matter ol the estate of Conrad Hchroeder deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court ol Clackamas, County, Oregon, ad minielratrix of the estate of Conrad Hchmeder, deceased. All tHirsons having claims againatsaid estate are hereby notified and directed to present the same lo me proierly veri fied, aa by law retpiired at the office of U Run and Schnebel in Oreuon City, Oregon, within aix months from the dale of thin notice. ANNA HCHROEDER, Administratrix of llie estate of Conrad Hchroeder, deceased. Dated Nov. fl, Hit 13 U'REN A HCHUEBEL, Attys for Administratrix R. L. Holm n. leading undertaker Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tf AI.. III lh Ctreull Cnutl of H, uon for th t'oiimv ocu, k, W h M.rl. ll.Uy. Plainllll,, " , vs. T. L. I.awriu ami l aiini II. I.awrelir. di'leiiiianta. Mai ot irrgiin, j l ouiily ui I'lai kainas. , t, by viriuw of aj idgnieiitu,,!;,, ,,,, an eeiillon, duly lsr,l out ni'i " Ilia seal ol lb abot enlllird mlin , " Ihivs enlilled rause. lo ,p ,,, , ,n H and dated lh ;ir, day of N ov ,T,J''V llHiii a Judiiiiil lei ,, r, ,t .1)4 ,''' said conn on ib. Ir.ldav id N ,,.',' In.avorolM.M. Itlley fl,, I , l I swrence and l aiii in, . 1 Delen.lailla, f,.r Ihe sun, ,, (,,' , tersl Ihrreon al Ihe r.le til u .tu, , 1 auiiiim Irom tlie .'sib day ,,r A uu.i i ' ami th lortlier iiiin id I'i.iai ,, ' ' lee, and lh lurlher si i ; .4)P"V"! illabnrMinaiiia, and lli nt ,,( llH. " this rli, iiimiiiauitlng o,e in ,," "l" His foil. Ing de.cilbe, i,. pn,M. . i In lb niiiiily ol laekani,. Oregon. Ii. wit HsMu.,,, K, (i ',' , Heci Klv In ,,1,1,, (,,", h, mill nl Itanire Meven j ; j an ., ii , u laieelle Meiwllau. " Now, lliereloie, by virtue i, , . lion, Judgineul onlnr and dr,-ir, ,IKi ciiinpilaiicx Willi Ihe fiiniiiiai, ii ,j wrll, will, mi halur lav, Inn MM DAY OF Hl;i FMIiKU.i.n, al tha hour of III n'elnek A. M al i , L door of lb t'oiinl I', mil ,V ,' J? ui Orrgoli t'lly, In eald l.'unl, sell al pillule annum. ,ii',Jb,1 ,, lion, lo tne bibi-at l, ,,a ,,f J"1' ciln easl, In baud, all lb rigln.' itjl Inline. I wlilrli llm srllliln ,,tn, of eliher ol II, .in, bad on 11, ,4,t moilf-aK bnreln or Sim bad In 01 g aiaiVd descrilwd real pr.iriy ,1, " 1.1 salialy said -ciil,on,J,1.L, mdsr, ii re, lnlere,l, 1-11,1, in ',, fc ingcsl.. j. u muvKK Mirrlll of Clackaoia. I',,iiir ' Hy K. II At KKr 1, N,,' listed Orrgoo I lly, I Ira , ,N, (, ,J M .H 'MM ft. In the t'lrc lit ('unit of lh rm, af gun, lor lb ( niliilj of t'Ui'kainaa. Annie L. Layman, I'laliillff 1 V James M. Utluaii, Drfrndanl ) To Janio H. Uyiuaii ih iTI (la defendant. In th 11 n of lb flat nf 11,...,. v ar heieliy (e.pnre.1 U appear ,, 1 ,, lbs oomplaliu Ills. I agalnal ymi p, lhj,i enlllird Bull on or bsdnra the . lh ,),, Noyiiitr i'l, thai being an aarki t". lbs da' ol Ihe Hral puliln ajtPtn ol u riiimiiiuns and If you fall to i ipiar 1 anawsr said romplalnt lb p an nil :.!, ply In lh court lor th rol Is-I tlierji, pray lor lo alt : Inr de. re ..( oiture fcr,i diaaolvlng Ib bonds ol mairlnmiiy aos 1 isllng lifisran I lis plalnlilt alnl U.lei.i, abov nan l snd giving m frai.ttt'f plalnlilt lb car and custody ol Ib an children, lb laaii of Said 11.11 rUa, 1 Jam Denver Uyman, Cisrlea Arnc l.ayinao and John Harold lay teas, , lor th ciala and dlsburaannsntaol Uilia and nr such 01 her and furti tr rtnaf m lb Court may soi pror. flm m nmna I puhllabed fur sis cliasciulis by order of lion John II Cisisud iuifi saul court, mail on llisili day of Octok I'sn D. I'. I'RU , AtUiroey for riaiatil "lollce for l'nbllrall.a lpartmiil of lh Inlsrluf, I l Orekou ( Ity, Oregon, IHiuber:!. I'll; Nolle la hereby given thai the l.Us:i nsml lllef has llil inillnsuf kil III tion Ui make final proof In supiwrt f I claim, and that said proof will h aiarttl for lb Keglater and lt elvr, si Ores Cliy, Oregon, oil DKTKMRF.K X IM, vli: John Johannesson II. K ho. I9M I IhsBHol BKV, o(br is, T. I . ft I H name th following allnsssn prov hi eonilniioii reaideius) nn f nlllvalloli of said land, vli: Kmhri Foratner, of Alms, Oregon; V. B. Tboai of Alms, Oregon; W. D. Thorns. of An Oregon, M. P. IlK-tiniaii, nf Alma, tirers AUiKRNON H. IUifMKR, Kellf. rtlllon. In Ihe county court of lh itU of 0 gon, lor lb oouniy of Clackiniss. In th miliar ol th application of u Danovsky to Units Dans. Niillro Is hereby given Ihsl l)nU Pi sky has applied lo th lw sulliWsw for a change of nam lo buns llsm. ti lh said court has llxd lbs 7lh dsy of I Iisi3. a. o at Oregon City, as lb 61 and place for bearing lbs asm, an4i persons ar riiitel to apisr snd eV csuse. If any they hav. 01 Ity lhi! should not b granted. And the oonrt ha further onlsred ti lb abov notice appear one 1 four suocessiv wek In th Oregoa O KiiUjrprl, a nswipier of general eirrt. tion, published In Clacksmsa eounty.r gon, lh first notice lo appear on tn dav ol October, H. and lliltOSl 2nth day of November, l!fl. . Ity onl.r of Hon. Tbo. F. Byan. W the alMiv iilllled oourl. . Datml Ibla Jiith day of h lotor, l' IMAAt'HWKTT, Attorney Inr I'stliion HHwrasKi rtjotlre. Notice ia hereby g vn thst Ihj signed has bmm duiv apsuil'd A?', tralor of lh sll of I Hmsun. if and any on baring claims sgsinst " tale must pressnl Ihem to lbs andsryiP at hli ofllo In Oregon City, Urn. IX months Irom the dat of tins nolics. UstadNov.a7.lliu8. fl plMx Administrator of the stale ol 01s Hsu" Deceased. GEO. L. HTORY, Any. for Adm. In the Circuit Court o( Ihe Oregon for Clackamas Comity Henry Hnawlse, 1'UIntilT, I va, r Annie Hnawlse, Defendant.) To Annie Hnawise, tbs above M" delendant. . nrM, In the name ol the stale o( W you are hereby reouired to PI, answer the complaint liled 'J, in the alKive eniitlesl sail on or w the 5th day of December 1!J3. U Ing tbs last day preecrilied ' tM . of publication ol thia smmnnns, you fail lo so eptmer am answer complaint the plaintiff will appl , court (or the relief therein "''"' wit: A divorce from the mtrfM isting between you snd t he f1"" , This summona U Pf"?J consecutive week, by order of 11 Thos. F. Kyan judge o( the Court o( the state ot Oregon for t , mas county, made on , brii OctolH,rly03 the first V" on the 23rd dsy of Odo her -VALENTINE IHty trwmtm ajsssi SijnatBr , SlJffi "leaVV.