Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1903)
OREGON CITY : ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, . 'DECEMBER 4, . 1903 Now To-Day. 1 ... J 1'I.KNTY OK MONKY T() 1,0 AN AT lowest nttea. ('. II. Dyn. I ),-n 11 MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST ritti'i, IIkixih" A Oiiii m il, lli. ('. H. KKAMANN, I'll YSICIaN Oltlcea over I larilln'a drug store. .MONKY TO LOAN AT I) AND 7 Mr cent. In nil security. ("lli;N hl'lH'UKI. A (iOOl) llUUiAIS.-A I'.KaNMNKW a I c ii i 1 i lr linrrt'l shul-uiiii for Kiiln rliinii. Inquire at the Enterprise (Hire, WANIKH-roirioN As MltsK It V Imly ol prarlh al anility hIhI hllne in. 'Hi. Address M. H"X 'I, Ely, Orii yi hi, HEDGES A tilllrrllll 'OFFICE IN tlm Weuihard lluUdlng) have Hie clmic rl "'I'y, suburban m ii 1 riitiiitrv prop erty fur sinsHeM prices. MONKY TOl.OAN-l IIAVK KKYEKAL hiiiiih "I minify belonging to irivniu Individual which 1 inn Hiillniri.i to Ion n, im lung lime lit t) and 7 r o ut. ( Uhl nl Iiihii will Im inmltt very reason able. II. K. Citoss, attorney at law. STKAYKDOU SToI.KN-ONK UOAN hnrse, lilacs maim ami lull, brmnlnd on r ) t I t Inn, shod lit (rmil, whit" ahx-king mi tn ml feet Under will nut if y or iiinirn to August llulieii, Viola, Oregon, mil l rcw ariled. I)lM einlii-r 4. l.OS T lllai-k, white and tin Englsli KI'ttlT lll. ill I'll Spot (HCrfWiH, InIi ruliif alsitll llm in ' in : Ii, black head and i-ar, laign lilm k smi mi rumii and (lank. Answer to tlm name uf "tl." Flvediillara reward for return to lr. I.. 1.. I'ii kens, Oregon City. Ore gon. Nov "0. WANTKD-A TltrM WolUIIY tiF.N lleinan or Imly in itch county to man age huinea Inr ail old established house l solid fliiaticUl alanding. A straight lm fide, wevklv salary of $IH(H) isld hy check each Muniliir with all expense direct lioin head quarters. Money advanced lor ex cuse. Enclose addressed etivelom. Manager, 'M) t'ailun Hhlg., Chicago. Feb 1. r iy r-yjr qt W V W Local Evci;. 4 Out a ticket on tlm allium at Kleinaon'a. A full line of maple tyrup, alo other high grade ayrupa at I w pri.t a at Klein on'. Born, to Mr. anil Mra. Yanghn at Wlllainrtm, Tuemlav, lHceiiilmr 1, daughter. Mary Harris will ojien the atnre cor-! ner Main and Fourteenth at renin ahotit IVrvmlier lot Ii with a freah at oik of; grot-erlee etc. Iec 11 Tl, nl.l fit I urea of the Orrunn CitT ixiitollice were purcliaaed by I. TolxiUr, I the Oregon L;ny second nittrcnani, who ia prepared to diapoae ol them at a bar gain. 86o paid for egga, and 62r ' Boe for butler. All kinda of goods nr.ili-r one roof. Our cash plan enables us to get and to give lota of bargains. The Ked Front, K. C. Hamilton, I'rop. lec. 4. Hamples! KampleaM Hampls ulioea, first grade, bought )i under. Ixit in- j t-lude heal high loo logger's and i-ruieer'a j and ladies' and children's alioea all l4' . under prl.e. The Ked Front. E. UJ Hamilton. ! ! Senator Mitchell lias lntrodiicd in tlie j United Wales senate the bill for an sp- j propriation of fl.sriO.OOO for the Uia, and Clark Centennial KxMition, to be I held in 1'oriland in ltMUi. The author of ; the bill will try to aecure for the mesa- j ore an early consideration and its early paaaage. I Two large trees were blown down near Highland Moiidav. In falling, the treea fell ai-rnea the sawmill plant of Milo I'ol lleh's, rrindilng Hie roof beneath. Sev eral of the workmen, who were employed in Die building, had nanow eacsi from aeilous Injury. Tlie treea that caused the damage had rolled and were unable to withstand the wind. After an examination Wednesday Ju lius Frederick, aged 68 years, ol this city, who was arrested on an insanity barge, was discharged. While Fred erick has been acting strangely of late, the examining physician did not con aider that the msn is mentally unbal anced. Religious excitement is sup jeed to lie responsible for the man a eccentricities. -l . At the regular annual elsction held by tbeKoyal Arcanum Tuesday night the following ollicers were elected: Kegent, J. E. Hedges; vice-regent, Chris Hcbne bel j orator, O . W. Pope ; secretary, Livy Htlpp; treasuier, Theodore Osmund; chaplain, Itev. I'. K. Hammond ; col lector, Harry Draier: warden, h. K. Krodle. Gilbert Hedges was re-el eel ed to succeed himself as trustee for the com ing three years. Tbe sermon st the Congregational church next Sunday morning will be on "The Christian's Adjustment to the Sab bath." Instead of the announced topic for Sunday evening the psator will give an address on "The World's Greatest Allegory." The same will be illustrated hy a series ol magnificent colored views. The little folks are Invited to the Junior church service at 3:30 p. m., during which some of the same views will be given. , Among the notable fea'nres of the At ponant for November 30, 1903, were "The Skipper's Honor." superior ses tory, by John Fleming Wilson ; Bal foor's New Csbinef," en interesting Lon don letter on the personal Hies of the new English ministry; 'Adelina Fatti: u, J"' (rlLrH),,',1' I s ; - -" 1 ' ''"J" '' " "1"' 'L ii'Tuiihl nfhow Him flivw "itiifrccMffl ImrjlILii I iii ii i i toriinn a Ueinliilscciices," an jfli'lhli'i review, willi ninny striking ex . tiHi'tM, ol dm famous Conledmats velcr- an'a hunk i,( ri'i'olliii'lloiiR ; anil a critl i flam of "Tin. 'r ti.Htiiin" ami l,i-oi. ravallo'a "Z.h," hy Johi-iiIiIiiii Hart ill-lin. i:iry h,t In Hit. aiort rMlnciil .n !, 4J..I.iii,. AiriinuiMiiMitii ImvH I i-n roiiclmli-il llV IliM mi.tiitti'm of K,. iii, lulu 1 l,.bM I i I'niiv No. 1 of tlm Ori Koii t-it v Volniili'iir l'ir )i'irlini-nl lor tlm ifivinK of llii-ir aiiiiinil IimII at Uih Armory IihII on ('lirmtinaa Kv. 'I'liur-iUv. l Ltt, llXi'l. An un lifalra uf (our pn-i will iirovnlf tln iiiukiii mill tlm iihiihI I aili'iiilnl linn, m i-,i-i tc,, 'J Iih rlimii. i "I H'llllUnl. II linn linoi iliil'l-(1 itt ','.) I'l'hlM i for K-iilli'iiii'n nti'l 1uiii-h tu t). i Till- llllllr Miilr uf Intn u.lvi r llai'tl lor ," I Mil Iih ln'u inaii. I i l 0 o'rloi-U tulurJit) in rul ii if l.-r I'illi n ihr 4'mirl ll'iiiiif .Hr. l lm prirljr .t... klnililp nn.l will liniir Inrfalluit tl 'ii. I'or piirllt'iiliir Intpilrr f I), ti 4Hllli-l, UMlglM'0 TIih Nt'irv Iii I Iih Ar'iimiit fur pi-i'i-m-It 7lli im !hM In mi t in iri-ly new flulil, Nllll llHK a IIHIHt Orilfllllil illt. Till. Hl'IMII' ia lilna, ami tin. d'ur ol tlm CliineNa for tlm ''lorfiun ilovil-ilni lon," llm ciirioiiN wnfkliiKii ul i Im ('liiio-i' miiiil, ami tliHir i ri'lll CnlllHI', i V i V I 1 1 V ill'ilrU'i. Till ' title lNKlltll "l l'.M Ka'llll nfCllllllTnl," I ami in liv I.', I,. l.'iriiui'T, wlioru kuuwl riuv of Oilioilal rlmrai tiT In vitv cvi li ntlv tiii ri'niilt of Iouk contiiinttJ oli-m-rvHtioii. lulu Mt a B rent rriliM'tiiin .11 1 4Jiliultli. Ori'ifon Cily IhIkh No. '.M of Tlie Futrriikt Hrotln-rliooil IikIiI Hh hhiiI aiinunl flic ion of olllrira Tui-MldV even ing willi tin) following rwult: J, F. Nel aoil, ntmlli-nl ; ('haa. II. AMty, pnal pirmili-nl ; Mia. Mitry A. InrMin, vicr-lireaitli-iil ; Mra NhIIih M. 0ooinr, an'rr tuiy; .lfMin (iimrxi'i tri'Kmiri-r; Mra, Julia F. Ni-lfon, i liiipUin ; Kilward S (.'IrvrngMr, wrgcant ; Mra. i.ydia K. I'lfVriiKi'r, nilliia at arina ; J. U. VV. Kmi'iilifiai-r, Inaidti watch ; Allien II. Ward, omaidt) watch. Kolluwing the plfclion ol ollii'ira, a MplKinlid haniiiut that had hern pinparfd hy Ilia ladies served mid dancing Waa aftrwarda fiijuvud. Thertj waa a nuinher uf viait Ing itio'lieitiood worker In attendance at tht) meeting fioin TunUm!. Eye Refraction Is my rpwialty. I have the most modern and up to-date op tical equipment and do my own lens grinding and frame fitting with esjiecial reference to each individual care. By this means I am able to fit glasses with ut most exactness, which is practi cally imjiOHHible where the order is sent to some outside point to bo filled, besides it saves you sev eral days waiting. My prices aro moderate and work is abso lutely guaranteed. I. R. WISHART Kootn I, Charman Block Manufacturing and Refracting Optician. T. F. Cowing, local manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company, on Wedneadav discharged Roy Ringo, the messenger', on instructions received from the Child Labor Commission of this state. Young Ringo is only 13 years of age and the attention of the Labor Com mission was called to his case by Mrs. Harsh ISvans, of Oswego, this county, who is a member of the commission. Manager Cowing whs notified by letter from Mra. Trnml ulh secretary of the coinminslon, that Ringo being under the required legal age of 14 years, his im mediate discharge as messenger in the employ of the telegraph company was demanded. The lad is not physically strong, having lung trouble, and a local physician has made a statement to the effect that the physical condition of the lad necessitates outdoor life; that the confinement of a school room would be detrimental. This is the first Instance locally, id which the State Child Labor Commission has interfered in any way with the emyloyment of minors. llilloue 4'olle lreveneI- Tske a double doe of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera snd Diararhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the dis ease appears and a inreaienea may be warded off. Hundreds of peo ple use he remedy In this way with per fect success, For sale by G. A. Hard ing. Ooirlrh lamey lealhera ami wing" rrdaeed. Mis" C. Wold mltn Loans. Reat property and chattel mortgage loans. Abstracts furnished. G. B. I)iMicKKAtty. at Law, Oregon City, Or. Subscribe for tne Enterprise It Is Not Because We are Good Looking That people of ClnuknttriH County nro patronizing im. It U a common Haying, liBuHch Make Money." Yea, we are making money in a legit'inate. honoralile way ly maintaining a large circle of well to do, Hatisfied customers whom wo have ravel many a dollar, and we will do the name 'or you if you will only give us a chance to compare pricTH and quality on good you intend to huv. TO DAY WK COMIC liKFOIlK YOU With a hounehold article that we bought in car lot from a large eastern factory, A WOVEN WlkE BED 5PKIN0 with a Hard Haple Frame, HUperior to any soft wood frame, no matter how good the fabric of the wire may he otherwii-e but this one outshines them all in price and quality. j We Offer "H-Fr'-' . l This l&iMMMMMMld telvl mMi&&BMMiMn ; 4 : Bed spring i imBmsa $mm-w--t:f3i l l for ' ,;i :3 : - W 'W l s vUM : WWi ' ' -i ! And ask you to 11' , -' A W M J ' W ' '' ' ' : , n i 7 - AW ir A? " . pleaso call and I I - ' " ' ""'Ml k , Al)f, , 1 inpjx'ct this -L 1 ' ff 'K 3 ' " ' ' J marvelous offer. "fTZ. J"""' "' y1 - . 1 - 8 CD AMI rnrllr E3 laeaeeteeeeteeeeee Personal Mention Attorney C. D. Latourette spent sev eral days at Tacoma this week. Mrs. B. O. Faust, ol Carus. visited relatives In Canemah yesterday. Mr. and Mrs George Secrest, of Sil verton, are visiting this week wl'.h their daughter, Mrs. K. L. Johnson. R. I. Wilson has just returned from a trlptoromeroy and vtaua, naou- ingion. Mils Gertrude Bas.hor, of Salem, was Ibis week tbe guest of the Misies Qnlnn in this ciiy. r t. it .1 . nmm'niinl Kennhli- r-.n of Mulino. was a business visitor to Oregon City Mondsy. Mrs O. Green, of Bremerton, Wash ingt on, isin Oregon City for an extended visit with ber sister, Mrs. J. 8. Purdom. Louis Noxon, of New York City, vis- itedthis week at the home of L. J. Daullon in this city. Bockey I). Hodgkin, of Portland, made one of his semi occasional visits to this city Isst bunday. Herbert L. Gill, one of the editors of tbe Woodburn Independent, was a vis itor to Oregon City Monday of this week. Miss Anne Midlsm, Miss Anna Eng lish, Miss Pearl Jackson and Mirh Upton, of Portland, attended the Florodora party Friday evening. Charles Wilson, who is sgain employed on the steamer Hassalo between Port land snd Astoria, spent Sunday with his relatives in this city. Mrs. J. K. Weatherford and son, Fred, of Albany, visited this week at me nome of Mr, and Mrs. K. v. lison, in nn city. Francia Galloway, who is attending .1... u...,. TTnivaraiiv at Euirene. spent llio rin.n v.. ' the Thankegiving vacation with relatives here. ... t rvliran. nf Salem, visited ..linn ' , Oreiion City friends a few days last week and attended the riorouora party rnmj evening. m. .n.i Mra J. C. Moriran. of Orezon Citv, spent Thanksgiving at the home of their daughter, MrB. L. Davis. Silver ton Appeal. Chas. Bollinger snd Arthur Peute, who ate attending Pacific University at L' (.no .u.nt tlm Thanksuivina ruirai i . " " holidays with their relatives in this city. Ui Min Hnadlev. who baa been spending a lew months in Oregon City, has returned to her home in this city. Miss Fannie Hendee, of Portland, ac companied her and will be her guest in Albany a few davs. Albany Herald. Drs. Beatie A Beatie Dentists. Rooms 16, 17, 18. Weihard building. lie quick. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even af ter the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by O. A. Harding. Christian Science. First Church of Christ Scientists, Garde building, corner Seventh and Main streets, Sunday at 11 a. m. The subject of the sermon is, "God the Preserver of Man." Children's Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Reading room open Tnesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 2 to 4 p. ro. Bodily pain loses its terror if you've a bottle of Dr. Thomas Electric Oil in tbe house. Instant relief in case ol burns, cuts, sprains, accide: ts of any sort. I"1 i1 . 'I J !'' J 1' I'l ai T JTW 'TVJ" Dl 'QOUI THE HOUSEFURNISHER DUOurl, Oregon City, Oregon ' . soon cured. Franklin Mile-, X. IK, IX. B., Will Send 3 75 Worth of His Spec ially I'riscribed Treatment Free t Afflicted Rend ers. To demonstrate the unusual curative powers of his New .Special Treatment lor diseases of tlie heart, nerves, stom ach or dropsy, Dr. Mile will send free to any alllicted person $3.75 worlb of his new ireauneut. It ii the result of twenty-five years of careful study, extensive research, and. reinaikable experience in treating thou sands ol heart, stomach and nervous dis eases, which no often complicate each case. So certain are the results of bis New Treatment that be does nut best ta'e to give all patient a trial free. Few physicians have such confidence in their skill. Few physicians so tlior deserve the confidence of their patients a no false inducements are ever held out. The doctor's private practice is so extensive as to require tbe aid of forty associates. His offices are always open to visitors. Col. N. G. Parker, ex-treasurer of South Carolina, says: "I believe Dr. Miles to be an atteutiveand skillful phy sician, in a field which requires the best qualities of head and heart." The late Piofessor J. S. Jewell, M. D., editor of the Journal of Nerves and Mental Dis eases, of Chicago, wrote, "By all means publish your surprising results." Hundieds of "Incurable Cases" cored. Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago, was cured of heart dropsy alter five leading physi cians had given her np. Hon. C. M. Buck, banker, of Faribault, Minn., writes: "I had broken completely down. My head, heart, stomach and nerves liail troubled me greatly for years. Dr. Miles' Special Tieatment cured me after six eminent physicians of Chicago and elsewhere had comoleiely failed." 1000 references to, and testimonials from bishops, clergvmen, bankers, farm ers and their wives will be sent (fee. These include many who have been cured after from 5 to 30 physicians have pronounced them incurable. For free treatment, free Heart Book and question blank, address Dr. Miles. Grand Dispen sary, 513 to 523, Main St., Elkhart, Ind. Mention uregon uuy enterprise in yuur reply. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Salvation Army. The Red Crusade meeting was a suc cess in every sense of tbe wonl. Sixteen were forward to be prayed with. The opera bouse meeting was well attended, and colleetiooa were good From the re sults of these meetings nine members were made for the army. Major Dubbin and his helpers are well pleased with the people of Oregon City. Meetings continue everv night save Mondny at 8 o'clock and all day Sunday's. We bone all Christiana will pray for us that many shall turn to tbe Lord this winter. You are invited to come and help as. Ensign W. R. Cbabtbee. "Neglected colds make fat grave yards" Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrun helps men and women to a happy, vig orous old age. OABTOniA. Beantlie !! Kind Ym Has) Alwart Bocff BIfnators If von don't' tret the Entibfbisi TOO I don't get tbe news. 'A -wm.-r r-m-m. TITTIfl 1 !J IX III I If r liK f A We are located in our large new store and with a larger snd more complete stock of better goods, are better prepared than ever before to furnish yon Just what you want at prices lower than the lowest. The Pair aaaSKKEUECECKEEKEECCCEKEE "WHEN TOD SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO" J. E. seeley The People's Grocer j 5 lbs Pure Lard.....;... ... 55c 5 lbs. Sweet Potatoes 10c 10 Bars Savon Soap V.5c 2 lbs. new crop almonds 25c 2 lbs. new crop walnuts 30c 3 lbs. peanuts, roasted.... 2oc 1 doz. fancy lemons 15c H. O. rolled oats, 1 pkg 10c Malta Vita, 1 pkg 10c 3 pkg. Ralston cereal coffee v. 25c 18 lbs. granulated sugar$l 00 3 lbs. Figs (new crop).... 25c J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer j OREGON CITY rRealEasy Save lots of Money JJ Everything that's Beautiful China ware, Crockery O lass ware Fancy Holiday Ornaments and Novelties Dolls, Lamps, Clocks Uich Cut Oiass Dinner Sets Corns before Parting with your Money Oet our prices JT' Great America, ImportlflfJ fi lea w. I 100 Stores V. That's the Reason. Main Street, South of 5th. Oregon City OABTOTIIA. j,,,,, yt IH IM fa Haw lwn BcgSt af r" r'? jj 'i 9 "WTTI ITTmT CimTsT1 S 1 i liljil' nillliri Main St., OREGON CITY r mm dm m oiott & lot and licking Fllea. It absorb tbe tumors, allays thj itob in at once, gives instant relief. Every box Is warranted. Sola bv driurelsn. Sent bv mull on receipt ot price. W cents and per box. WILLIAMS MIQ. CO., Prop., Cleveland, Ohio For Sale at HUNTLEY'S I Ju rHey J w Jia$ Arrived And in this connection we would beg to remark that our store is headquarters for all holiday deli cacies. We have s complete line of Fancv and Staple Groteries. Our stock is new. Our goods are fresh. Right goods at right prices and fair dealing is the basis on which we do business. We are not selling below cost, but are giving our customers groceries as cheap as tbey can be bougnt in Oregon City. Orders promptly filled and delivered to any part of the city. Horton & Jack 8eventh St., Opp. Opera House Phone No. 1864 FOREIGN DRAFTS We Issue drafts payable in all the principal cities of Eu rope and make them payable in such money as is used in the place where the drafts are to be cashed. Whenever you have occasion to send money abroad you can do it through this bank both easily and cheaply. BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CITY, OREGON