Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1903)
I V OREGON CITY- KNTEIU'KISE, FRIDAY, DECEMHEH 4, 191)3 CORRESPONDENCE J A -o. .o. .a. A-iCCik.-St. &-uB$ Corrfepondenta are rsjnesttd to re new their work. We will supply alt neefssary stationery. The new from jour neighborhood should appear in these columns every week. Sherwood. Geo. W. Imsn, formerly of this place mI a saw mill man, has purchase! asr mill machinery of A. 0. itusn, of Kov, Wash , and is intending to build a small mill at flevenson, Wash., for the pin I we of sawing ties. We wish liuu jsuod success. Thanksgiving Pav was celebrated with grand mask ball at the A. O. V. W. hull. A large rrowd and a good time was the order of the day. No snow at this (lute. The last few dds have been good but a bit cold. Firmer seeru busy digging potatoes kere, some of which report their potato crops good, others on the decline. I have aotioed some fine apples that frr w in the vicinity of Sherwood. Just 4 uood as those grown in the, Hood fciver country. llor's ThUr Wb offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fi r any case of Catarrh that cannot be Cured by Hall's Caiarrh Cure. K J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last IS years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi cs transactions and financially able to Ctrry out any obligations made by his Arm Waldisg, Rinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. (fall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- illy, acting directly upon the blood and Buii-ous surfaces of the system. Testi- Bonials sent free. Price 75 cents per fc.i'tie. hold by all druirtist. Take Hall's Family fills for constipa lion. Willamette. T. J. Gary weht to Woodstock Sunday. Mr. anil Mrs G. H. Rogers spent Sunday in Portland, Arthur Adams, of Vanconver, is visit frig his sister, Mrs. Elmer Thompson, rid Miss Margaret Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Pollock and little ilie, of Oswego, spent Sunday with Mr. Harry Shipley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ream are the hsp pv parents of a tittle daughter born Sat Uadav. Willie Berdine and family occupy the bue lately vacated by Mrs. Fuller. E n e Yuung w.ts quite badly injured S in' the face while playing ball ou the Si lniol grounds. Mr. Mihlstine is guiug to build a cot lit,'" on his extra lot. Mr. Jib Edmnrds and the children fptiirned Sunday evening from a viry 1- sant visit with friends at Wood burn Mm Ariam'on, of the wood camp, is et'j ying a visit frjm her brother. Albert Vaughan, of Hood River, re turn -d home Friday after a short visit w h relatives and friends. Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Vatihan are Bii iiv over the arrival of a little daugh ter his week One II ul red Dollar a Hoi I- the value H. A. Tisdale, Snramerton, i. ( '., plares on De Witt's Witch Hazel fcaive. He says: 'I had the piles lor ove 20 years. I tried many doctors and v-ilinnes, but all failed except DeWitt's IN'i'rb Hazel Salve It cured me." It i l ombination of the healing qualities of Witch Hazel, with antiseptics and nvllients; relieves and permanently cnre- blind, bleeding, itching and pro tru ung piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, tilt rheum and all skin dieases. hold by i. A. Harding. Eldorado. Em Jones is working for Ed Jones this week. Robert Shoenburn is plowing. Chris Bullard, of Ely, called on bis brother, Robert, Monday. Clyde Smith went to Portland Ban d. ' V all" went to Molalla Thanksgiv ing to the big ball and had good time. Will Jones visited Wm. Moore, of Clarkes, Sunday. Jim Fisk has gone to Benton county, Or gon, for a short visit with bis sister. Ed Jones' sister, of Oklahoma, is bere 'tot visit. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson made a busi-e-8 trip to Oregon City Monday. Too Bet You tun. You can be a strong man or woman bv buying the great nerve tonic, Palrno Tablets, sold by Howell & Jones. They Hjake you sleep and grow fat. Sour Stomach No appetite, toss of rongth, nervous a, headacho, constipation, bad breath, nneral debility, tour rlilngs, tod catarrh of stomach are sJl due to Indigestion. Kodol efcrei Indigestion. This new diicorery repre sents the natural Juice of digestion as they ellst in a health ctomach, combined with tut greatest known tonic and reconstructive fropertlee. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not ly cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this faiMH remedy cures all stomach troubles tr cleansing, purifying, sweetening end frengtheolag the mucous membranes Enlng stomach. r. S. S. Ball, of ftarsomood. W. Vs., Strsi ") was troabisd wrtk soar stomaca for (ward? rear dol eare bm and are sow eaiac I hi mk Ko4o( DtjtMti What Yoa Eat. ttfimlt. 11.00 Six hoUMStf OsMtkeMri resorts bv U O. DeWITT OO., OHIOAOQ Sold by U. A. HARDING, Druggist Newly, J. Percy Ritter, of Needy, Is teaching the HiiMi'lville school near Wilhoit. The Needv Grange met last Saturday. A short program rendered inter sHrced eith music. Mrs. Mary Howard. olMulino, the state secretary, visited aith the grange. A good lunch was served alter the usual routine ol busi ness was transacted. The Needy literary is in full blast again and is very entertaining. The leading questions of the day are ably di tenssed by the residents of this prt. cinct and we have some very good apeak- ers besides the pupils of our school are taking a lively interest in the debates. The meetings are held every Friday evening and are opened by songs and an interesting program after which (deques 1 tion is debated. Our last question was "Will the l.ewi and Clark Fair be a Benefit to the Stale of Oregon?" which was ably discussed by both sides. Af'er due deliberation by the judges, it was decided in favor of the negative. The question for next Friday is, "Resolved That the Poor Man Doe as Much for His Country as the Wealthy Man." The dance given at the Needr hall on Thanksgiving eve was well attended and would have been a success had it not been marred by the usual drunken ele ment. It is to be regretted that in the face of advanced civilisation and with the advantage of our system of public schools that there are still some yo'ng men and even a few voting women that allow themselves to sink so low in the scales of humanity as to lose all sense ol dignity and self rescecl and so far forget themselves ss to make them a disgrace to their own parents and families and cause themselves to be looked upon as public nuisances and a menace lo so ciety. At the above named dance the afore described element was very mncb in evidence and forthwith iroceeled to have the usual good time, (but not by going into the hall, removing their hats and oven-oats in a quiet and manly way and conducting themselves in a gentle manly and highly respectable manner, thereby commanding the respect of all present,) but rather bv piling up Intoxi cants and using obscene language such as any one with the least spark ol man hood, would blush to hear, let alone to use it. But we are promt to say that the people of this place have at last arisen to their duty and have escorted a lew ol these characters before Judge Smith who promptly imposed a fine which we hope will cense the culprits to stop and think for a moment and then furm a resolution to turn over a new leal and determine to be men and g -od citizens and by so doing they will gain the good will and best wishes of all good men and women. Kodol lyrikia Cure Digests all classes o( food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Stomach Trotihles, and makes rich, red Mood, health and strength. Kodol DvspepSia Cure rebuilds tissues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson.ol W. Ya. says : "I have used a number of bottle of Kodol Dvspepsia Cure and have found it to he a very ell'ective aud, indeed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends." Sold by U. A. Harding. ' Viola. Yiola boasts of a new sidewalk from the store to the saw mill three fourths of a mile. Tne material is sawdust. The Thanksgiving program rendered by the Yiola school was a genuine en tertainment. There were 'ourteen vis itors. Miss Hamilton is teacher. The mot talked of thing in Viols just now is the proposition to move the school house. The Sunday school will have a Christ mss tree on Christmas eve. Dr. Bruce Presbvterian minister, of Sp-ingwater, preached a Thanksgiving sermon at Bethel on Sunday last, and made bis hearers realize that they were rich. Mr. Mat toon reports his daughter and her young child recovering lrom their attack of typhoid fever. The I.ooe Wtar Htate. Down in Texas at Yoakum is a big dry goods firm, of which Mr. J. M. Haller is the head. Mr. Haller on one of his trips East to buy goods said to a friend who was with him in be palace car, "Here take one of these Little Early Risers upon retiring and you will be up early in the morning leeliog good." For the "dark brown" taste, headache and that loggy feeling De Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills to use. Sold by G. A. Haruing. School Stpurt, Following is the report of school dis trict No. 40, Needy, lor the month end ing Nov. 27, 1903. No. of days taught, 18; No. of pupils enrolled, 42; average daily attendance 37 ; No. cases of tardi ness, 7. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month ere Clarence Johnson, Lens and Johnnie Rummer, Nunda Wolfer, Flora Beagle, Peter Price, August, Herman and John Starve, Julius Hpagle. Avon Jesse. Visitors present during the month were Wilda Elliot. Ed Miller, Albert Stawe, Nora Fish, J. D. Ritter. Visitors always wel come. Robebt GiNTjiitB, Teacher. Uood Tor C'hlldrea. The pleasant to take end harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi ate reliel in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because It does not pies immediately Into the stomach, but takes .fr.. riuht t th gnat of the trnuhln. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and enres permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygon to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong, of Delia. Texas, prescribes it daily and aavs there is no better cough remedy made. Sold by G. A. Harding. school Rport of District No. 72. No. of pupils enrolled, 27; average daily attendance, 20; average No. of times tardy, 2; No. of visitors during the month, 20; those who were nefther ab sent nor tardy during the month are Lena and Robert Putz, Archie Bonney, Bessie Phillips and Chester Troatt. Parents and friends are cordially in vited to call. Elkoba Gikthik, Teacher. ManVrit. The first frost ol the caon here last night though not hard enough to injuie plants on porches. Mrs. tisge, who has !een with her niece, Mrs. Watkins ami husb.ind on Marqtiam hill, Portland, since the death ol her brother, and Mrs. Watkins' lather. Mr, Mo" res, has returned home. Mrs. Watkins, nee Winnie Moore will return to her home in Passdcn i, Cal. soon. Mr. Illtkle is reporied as a little better, Mrs. Jessie Borland, who ha been taken to her father's house, is reixifled a no better. Her liiisbsnd has relumed from Baker county. Eggs are a s arve article in Stafford. The hens aptwar to have gone on a strike and uianv yaul repoit no eggs for the month ol November. Thanksgiving was a quiet dav here. No big turkev feasts and but little In terest III shiHiting matches. The tenant who has rented the Capl. Hayes farm, has not come yet. One of (he sons has been having appendicitis and Is not able to he moved yet. Fred Baker is wwrking the BirhU place. One of Pete Larson's horses slipped into a well. We have not heard tne par ticular. School seems to lie progressing nicely uinler the able sUervlsloii of Mist Fishor. A inimlier among them Susie Schalts and Carl Elligsou will graduate from the grammar class in February. IVomt o All i-:erlenre. Can anything tie worse than to (eel that every minute will b your lest ? Such was ttie exintrience ol Mis. 8. II. Newsoii, Devalar, Ala." "For thre years," she wrilrs, "I endured insiitfer able pain from lruligition, stomach and bowel trouble. IVath seemed inevitable w hen doctors and all remedies tailed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous I improved at once and now I'm com pletely recovered. For liver, kidney, stomach and howel troutiles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 6c. It is guaranteed by Charman A Co., druggists. faaiiy. The youngest child of C. Burroughs and wile is quite ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs Taft, of Pottland, spent Sunday at Cliff Farm. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vorpahl have moved into the house on First and A streets. II. Kocher, ol Marks' Prairie, has taken sjeeioii ol the properly lie re cently purchased from Mrs Saunders. Miss Marian Swatiby, of Portland, spent Thanksgiving with her sisier, Mrs. L. Wsng. Born, December 1, l'.K):i, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Coleman, a son. On Monday eve ningone ol J. Howard's children dislocated its arm. Dr. Ded man was called and the injured metuher put in place again. Canby Inlge No. Kit, I. O O F., elected olhVera last Saturday evening a' their regular meeting. Those elected were: A. II. Knight, noble grand ; II. A Pedinaii, vice grand ; E. I. Sias, secre tary; A. Kocher, treasurer. Eagle Creak. Two passenger trains a day to and from Portland now, which miikca it very convenient. J. P. Woodle, who has been very sick lor nearly two weeks, is fast improving now. Mr. Andy King and danghter Net'ie, of Hood River, were visiting friends around Eagle creek last week. Died, from the effect of a complete paralytic stroke on Thursday morning, the 20th ult.. Pleasant Judd, an old pio neer ol Eagle creek. He was buried st the family burying ground Saturday. G. R. Woodle, of Dover, made a flying trip to Portland Monday. W. II. Karr, the Pleasant Hill teacher, spent Thanksgiving with his lolks at Payn, and returned to Eagle creek Sun day. WHY WE ARE AGENTS Here Arc Rome of the Convincing Facts That Couwed ue to Take the Agency fop the Fulton Com pounds, the First Things Known that Cure Chronio Kidney Diseases. Fttt, lot It b distinctly nndsntood that every one of tbs eases lielow bad ben dlagnoird by ooa or mora pbjalolant aa chronio and In surable; aectod, nolo tbs oertalstjof tbe re sults as shown by tbs recovery also of tbs (rleodi they told who were almllarly afflicted with tupposod Incurable kldnov dlaossea. N. W. Spauldlrjg, President flpauldtcf Saw Co., Ban Francisco, bad a rwn irj In hit own famllj and tcUl aoreral others who rerovr3 Adolph WmIh, capltallal, Hsn Francisco, recoTored himself and told two friends who ro orered. Dr. Carl D. Zlele, pioneer drum lit, Mi Pacts Street, Han Francisco, rnoorertl bluiaelf aud (are It to more than a dozen patients who re covered. Charles Enselka. editor of the German paper, San rranclsoo, rendered himself and told 11 to a number who recovered, one of them being C'Jkrlea F. W acker, tbe Hlitn atmet merchant. K M. WoorJ, editor Wine ana Hplrlt Review, recovered himself and told It to several who recovered, among them being au old-acboul phvflielan. fLilward Short of the Ban Francisco Call re covered, also three of bit friends, viz: William Marlln, Captain Hubbard of the Honolulu rmiUi anil William Hawkins of ins U. H. (quarter Blaster's Department of Sao Francisco. John A. Phelps of the Hotel heller, Baa Fraoclaco, and two of his friends, etc. etc The kldaeja are the aowen that strain Iht poisons out of lbs system. We can stand th derangement for a abort while, but when tbe Interference becomes chronio (permanent), aa first explained bv Bright, It Is only a question of how long before death will ensue. It la tbea ailed Hrltfhts Disease and Incurable. All kldner troubles develop Into this form about tb lib to loth month. Tbe above cases were Incurable tj all other known means. Peopls taring kidney disease should begin at oral with tueoulv known thing that will cure It If It baa resell ed tl.e serious stage. Fu Ilea's Renal Compound for Hrlght's aid Kidney Diseases, II : for Diabetes, II Su. John J. Fulton Co., Waablagtwo street, Baa Franclsoo, sole com pounder. Send for namaeSk YYt ore ies suie atuia fas Uds sit. CHARMAN A CO., DRUGGISTS COOOGQCOCCCaCCCOCCQOCCOGC! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Helpfail Holiday Begin your Xmas buying horo. Wo havo a suporb lino of those dainty articlos of uso and ornamont that mako the most appropriate and welcome Christmas Gifts. Fancy Goods and toilet articlos aro horo in groat varioty and oil at the very lowest prices. Horo Aro a Few Samples An flt'pmt lino of lVrfunu-H, all tho statuUnl inakoH Wright'n i'ttlnifr'n, U zoU'tt, tVoloy'tt, Hwrnoi'H, LumlborgV, Kaatniun's, ami otlirrH, in plain and fancy bottleri, from KV to $4. Hulk gooln fnHli this w. ck. You can samplo them for tho axkinn. Wo artMHKcially on on Leather Goods, llan.lsomo Ciar Cam, Can! Cases, Ladies' ami (..ontlenu'ii's Tutvcs, Hill 1'ookH, Diarion, Mimic Kolln, Ktc, at price an low as nuality will allow. Sonio of tho Neatest packai-n of Stationary you havo over neon all nizcH, shapes and stylos, at prices that are not exorbitant. We aro just like other business men, wo want more trade. Wo want your holiday trade. That is why wo advertise. It not to ho supposed you will come hero simply because wo ask it. Common seiiso indicates that wo must do bettor by you than other dealer, and this wo certainly will. HOWELL St JONES CMAMltHRS MOWl'LI. o OOCOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOCC3 Harliiw. A. IVtMrson tnaiU a trii to Porllati.l Suiulay, relnrniiiii Mumlay. Mrs. ltav, of Oi..inn 1'iiy, vlsltwl Mon.lay aitti Iut ( ami lainily, Mrs. I,. Nlieppanl. Mr. ami Mrs. ti. Smitli aru movirm lip fnmi I'ortlan.l this wrok, ami will liiaktt Harlow tlmir luturn liiiinO. v Cliarli-s AtiilriJHM ami family, of 1'nrt lafiil, visited Siinlay with Mr. Anilriiss' partMils, Mr. ami Mrs. T. C. An.lnis. Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Tull ami ('. i. Tuil altfiicli"! Hie 'Urn at On'tf ui City Momlay vniiiK, returning I iif "day. Xi. .n,l Mrs flaliV. of Orriron ("it V . Bnt Tbnkstilvinir with airs Hawlsr's ait-r and liusbanU, Mr. ami Mrs. u u. Barlgw. Mi.a Wil. trnchor of tlio Huhliaril srhool, spent Thanksglvinif witl her unnt anil uncle, Mr. ami Mrs. W. S. Tall. Mr. ami Mrs. R. E. Irwin ami son Klnir-r lell Tnnsday sve niti fur Vam-ou-vr. where tliev will Benil a liw days visitinx friends. Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. I'usey and Menrr I'm.v and it-nuliter. Mahle. of Orsitoil f'itw atuiVir Than kstriviriK with Mr. i'U- eey's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Barlow. uf Portland, iiroachrxl in the Lutheran church at Harlow, Tiles day, Deeemher 1. Mr. Hanos is sn In- terestinif sjioaker snd conse(uenlly al ways has a lartfe coni(re(ation to talk to. D. 0. Freeman shipped a i-arload r' ixjiatiws from Barlow Wednesday. Mr. krwnun is navinir a if'xxl iirire for ih- tat'esaiid any one havinii potatoes lo sell should see liiio 'before sellin else where. The new Harlow hotel and saloon 0n ei ui Haturday, Nov 28, by Hiving a free lunch and free drinks. Quite a crowd was present and everything passed quietly and pleasantly. This is with out doubt one of the finest hotels around, and any one seeking accommodations in that direction need not hesitate to make this their stopping, place. Mr. aud Mrs. Olum sre kind, courteous people and will treat their guests in a proper and satis factory manner. The Barlow Grange held its regular meeting haturday meeting, Nov, 28, and although the evening was a very stormy one a large crowd was present. Eight new tnemoerg were taken in and several names balloted upon for membership, which spesks well for the growth of the order. .Several visitors were present, among wuoiu was Mrs. Howard, state secretary. Mrs. Howard hat been a Granger for years and gave a veiy inter esting talk upon the Grange and its works, which was highly appreciated and applauded by all. We hope Mrs. Howard will find it convenient to visit ui again in the near future. For Young Sen and loong Women, There Is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is muflsy, their neat appearance is spoiled. Tbe Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's tine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John son's barber shop. RELIABLE DRUCCISTS hi i.i. he am: it iiki Data fur Month of December Compiled lljr r'omsst Ofilt Ut. I he lnlioaiiiit data, rovering a period '2 Have hern compiled from the teaim-i tiiueau ircurds at Portland, Or., f.jr ine inonl' ni llecemlirr; 'rkMI'K ATI NK. Metn or minus. iem eraturn, 4'.' ileg. '1 he warmest ino'Uli Mas dial ol lHT'i. with an averaji' hi 48ileg. The coldest muni, a tlnlol I'M. with an averiit,'" ol lea. The highest leniertiire as ll' deg. on the 13, IH.-MI The lowest temperature was 3 'leg n the '23 I, 1H7U. Average dale on whli'li hrsi ' ailhiw frost occurred In autumn, Nov. I'i Average dale on which last "killing frost occurred In spring, Match 17. I'kkt'll-ITATION t Haiti ami melted snow.) Average for the month, 7 Ui) indie. Average iiuinW uf days with .01 of sn inch or more, L'U. The greatest monthly precipitation was 20.14 inches in The least monthly precipitation was O.HH Inches In 1hi. The greatest amount of tires ipitatlon rmwrded in any 24 consecutive hours was 7.M in. on the l.'tli and 13th, IHS:'. The greatest amount of snowfall re corded in any 24 consecutive hour (re cord extending lo winter of IKK4-K6 only, was 14.0 inches on the 22 1, lH'.L'. CUJCIH AND WIATIIKK. Average iiiiinlier ol clear days, 4; partly cloudy days, 8; cloudy days, 1!) WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the south. The highest velocity of the wind was St miles, from the southwest, on the 7th, 18U4. Station : Portland, Oregon. Date of issue : Nov. 28. l'.HI.'l. LinVAKI) A. P.KALS, District Forecaslor Weather llnreau -jELLOH 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Wanhington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the I'acific Htation Telephone Com pany, covering 2,2.7) towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satirifaction of a Efrsonal communication, intance no effect to clear underntanding. Spo kane and Han Francisco aH eaflily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Hardms Druir Store. WW LINN I'. JONIIS Thousand Tlave Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. now To Find Oat. Fill bottle or common glau with your waler and let II aland twenty hour t , . aediment or sN- nnVf. ' ""C t'"l" sa Ji V tj. , unhealthy cndl- If. IH.iiVi'. iY Hon cl tho i' II l .' 1 V neyi; II It Utini .1 A your linen It a evltiems of kid ney troulla: lot fieufiil dciire to pa-.i II or pain la the back li alM i convincing prooi inai me kioneyi ana ciao- der are out of order. What lo Do. There Is comfort In the knowledrs w ofien eipreiwid. that Dr. Kllmer'l Swamp Root, the jirat kidney r"nieily f till ills every whh In cuilnr rheumallum', pain In tri back, klilneya, liver. bladJrr and every pari of the urinary pauage. It correct! Inability to hold water and scalding pain In paulnf It, or bad effects following use ol liquor, wine or beer, snd overcome) that unpleaunl neceultv tf being compelled to co olttt during (lis day, snd to get up many Umts during the night. The mild snd the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Hoot li soot realized. Il Hands Ihs highest for Id won derful cures of the most dlstreising caset. If you need s medicine you should have the best. Sold by drugglMs In 60c. snd JI.Hws. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a bock that tellsa more about It, both tent absolutely free by mall, address Dr. Kilmer k t.,!i; Sm sf Sssssl Co., Dlnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this DtpW- CATARRH TUB CLKANMINO ANI IIKAI.INQ CTite run CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and plsaaant to Baa, OinUlus 'tiO la Jurlnaa drni. It la qnlrkljr ahanrhad. (iivsa ItalKf at one. a. -s Wr, " '. 4 sm 'wrrvrsi; It rpn.s and Clwnaaa--, Mr All ma nmsi l.Ms. I II Ml irs nLnV Ailsra Innanimauun. WWM - llsala and I'roUrU Ihs Jfambrana. "",, u Hsnsse nf Tasta and Bin.ll. I-arga Sia-, " Driimlauorhv msll; Trtsl Sl, l entstr LV UWllllLlUi, H Warwo 8 trtsl, Wsw la, BEST FOR THE BOWELS If T ItSTsa-l a rsolsr, ksalikr "ntZ"TJZ bowsliaT.rrSsr.Toa'rslUorwIil . '"'"Tj bowsls on... aud b. wall, fsrsa. la ths "l Vlolsot phiila or pill polSM. la dance anooihisl, aaalaat, saoat psrfs war as Uis bowsla alaar sod alsaa Is to tals EAT tM UKC CANDY Plsassat, P.latla, Fauat, Tsata ojsj.,3 4, .m atsksa, Wsaksa r 01Z2 aasatassrkoa. Writs tsrfxaaaslaiaaa s-- Utaakaalik. Addnaa - hsrHa, !,., Csvasass, Cklss sr m EEEP YGUH ELCOD CLEU IT mm f CI OATHARTIC s . 0