OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27, 1903. ft Dr. PIERCES FAVORITE iPRESCRIPTIOlW CURES BACKACHE NERVOUSNESS HEADACHE AND I HIS SECOND THOUGHT. ( Stave PrlTrr Acted oa It auaat fared HI. Huwiitn, Back In the good old day when nerves and mil mails were little known tn old stage road ran from Lake - CLamplaln to Ogdoiisburg, X. T., pass ing through the little town of Sodom. ,' Tttia village nestled In a valley be i Ween two gHent hills, over which the ' wtlte ribbon of the road wound steep- ' Tpon one of the trirs of the stage the uvular driver, who had been at home . for aome weeks recovering from an III Bem, was riding inside, while the red btlred, mild featured, big boned Irish man acting as his substitute oeeupliM.' ' the driver's seat upon the box. The day loas a beautiful oue, and the passen gers were enjoying their drive keenly, then appetites increasing as the dis tance lessened between them and th town of Sodom, with Its promised pause for refreshment. Suddenly as the heavy stage lum bered over the brow of the hill, down which the road plunged at a sharp an gle, running through the little town nt Its foot and ascending the hill beyond the passengers became conscious that their pace had been recklessly In creased. Faster and faster they went dashing down the hill at a rate rapidly becoming a furious one. Trees and bushes at last became but a dlzzTlne blur along the road. All clung to the reeling stage and held their breath in terror, while on the stage raced, down the hill with ever increasing speed. Into the town, past the hostelry with the waiting host left standing tn amaze at the door, past the poet office without pause, and out upon the road lead ing up the face of the hill beyond. There the pace slackened, and as the Incline grew more steep at last, the smoking horses came to a standstill With one accord the dazed passenger? tumbled out and surrounded the driver, who now stood at the head of hU reeking lettders. What is it, Pat? What Is It? Did they get away from you?" came the breathless questions. "Nope," refilled Pat with a set face. "It wor that," pointing grimly before him. There lay the stage tongue drag ging uselessly on the ground at t!: heels of the hows and completely sev ered from the couch. At a glance tlif regular driver comprehended the mean lng of the danger to which the passi-n gers of that stage, deprived of its sol' means of guidance, had been exposed and, realizing the miracle of their es cape, he turned sick and fainted when he stood. Later, back at the Inn, when the ex dtement had somewhat subsided am) fresh horses were being put to the re paired coach, some one turned to Pat and asked: "Pat, what was your first thought When the pole dropped V "WelL sor," he answered, settling the jnld more comfortably In his cheek, "me furst thought wor, 'Lord ha' mer cy on our sowls." Thin thinks I to meself, 'Confound a horse that can't outrun a wagon:' and I licked the poo bastes all the way down the bill!" Uppincott's. A Prosrresalve Editor. A very rich man once bought a news paper. It was an afternoon newspa per, and he was interested In It for a month or two. One of his ideas was tie publication of a noon edition that hould contain more news than the noon editions of his competitors. He thought hard on this problem and finally decided It would be a great stroke to print the decisions of the United States supreme court at VI o'clock each Monday when the court was In session. This plan was complicated somewhat by the fact that the supreme court do not meet until noon. However, the editor was equal to the emergency. lit telegraphed to his Washington corre spondent, "See the supreme court at once and have them meet at 11 o'clock ao we can get the decisions In our noon dltioa" Saturday Events Ptwt V w i - i mm mm M av saat I Legal Notices. ."otIce. at I'liirtl settlement, Iii the Comity Court ot the State of Oregon for the Countv of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of Derutmrd Peppol, deceased. Notice is hereby given thai the under signed. Executor of t lit Ketate of Pern haid FopiH'l, deceased, bus tiled in the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, his final account as such Executor ot said estate, ami that Mon day, the "th dav of PoceinW.r, l'.Hs!, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said Court as the tune for hear ing of objections to said report, ami set tlement thereof. C. SCHCEUEL, Executor of the Estate of Uetnliurd Peppel, deceased. Nil in in on. In the circuit court of the stats ot Ore gon, lor the county of Clackamas. Frederick Wltta, Plaintiff,! vi. (.'aniline Witta, Defendant.) To Carotins Witta, the defendant above named : In the name of the state ol Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear ami answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit in the above named court on or belore Saturday, December 1:, I'M. tlie same be ing six weeks from the tirst publication of this summons, and you will take notice that it you tail to so apiear ami answer the said complaint, the plaintitl will apply to tli e court lor the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the i onds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between you and plainult. This summons is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McHnde, judge of the above entitled court, made and entered therein November 4, UKVt. Said order directs pub lication of this summons lor six successive weeks. Th date of the first puolication hereof being November ti, VM, and the date of the last publication hereol being December 18, I'M. J. J. FITZGERALD and JOHN F. LOG AS, Attorney) tor IMalntlff. ki.ti.ti . In the Circuit Court for the Stale of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Eva Garrick, Plaintiff. ) vs. Webster F. Garrick, Defendant.) To Webster F. Garrick, the above named defendant: In the name ot the State ol Oregon. oil are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint hied against you, in said Court, in the above entitled suit, on or be fore the l-'ih day of lec. A. D. lil, and if you fail to appear, and answer said com plaint, on or before said date, the plaintil! will apply lo the Court for the relief de manded in her said complaint, to-wit.- For a decree against you, dissolving the bonds of matrimony, now existing between you and tald plaintiff, and giving to her the care and custody of your two minor chil dren. Earl u., and Vernon Kay. This summons is published by order of the County Judge of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, made on the ?7th day of Oct. A. D. I'M, directing ttiat said Sum mons be published in he manner provided by law, in a newspaier of general circula tion published in said County and Slate, the date of the first publication of this notice being Oct. 3oih A. D. listi, and the date ef the last publication thereol being the 11th day of Dec. IMi. C. H. DYE, Attorney for Plaintitl. Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be a general election held in Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday the 7th day of De cember, PJ03, between the hourB of nine o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m., for which election there baa been desig nated tlie following polling places to-wit : Ward No. 1 The Cataract Engine house, corner of Main and Third streets, in this city. Waid No. 2 The Fountain Hose Com pany's Engine house on Main street be tween Seventh and Eighth streets, in said city. Ward No. 3 The Engine House of Hose Company, No. 3, on .'ohn Q. Adams street between Seventh and Eiithth streets in said city. At said time and place the following officers will be elected by the duly quali fied voters of said Oregon City. A mayor for the term of one year. A treasurer for a term of one year. One councilman from Ward No. 1, for a term of three years. One councilman from Ward No. 2, for a tt-rm of three years. One councilman Irom Ward No. 2, for a term of 2 years. One councilman from Ward No. 3 for a term of three years. There has been appointed by the City Council of Oregon City the fo lowing persons to act as judges and clerks of said election : Ward One Judges, H. Stevens, II. Trembath and E. D. Kelly; clerks, W. M. Shank, John Cooke. Ward Two Judges, C. X. Greenman, N. X. Robbins, C. C. Babcock; clerks, S. Walker, John Kelly. Ward Three Judges, E. A. Williams, J. X. Harrington, P. D. Curran; clerks, Oeorge Ely, Elmer Dixon. Published bv order of the citv council of Oregon City made at a regular meet ing held on Wednesday, Nov. 4, l'J03. Buuce C. ClKHY, Recorder. Dated at Oregon City, on Nov. 11, 1903. Notice or Hale of Heal Property. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County. in tne Maueroi me Assignment of E. M. Atkinson, an Insolvent Debtor, j Notice is hereby given that under and pursuant to the order ot the above entitled conrt in the above entitled matter. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the county Court House of Clackamas Countv in Oregon City on the 12th day of D.ceniber, 1003, at 10 a. m., all of the following described real property located In said Countv and State, to wit; All of LotsOneUj, Two (2), Three (3), Four (I), Five(5),Six(), Heyen(7), Eighth, Nine ('.)) and Ten (10) in lilock One in Fahinount. Also all of Lot Two (2) and mI Four (1)in Work Thirty Six (3fi) in Central Addition to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Htate of Oregon. Also Ixits lettered C, D, K, K, I and J and the undivided half of lota lettered O and H in boena Vista, Clackamas county State of Oregon Also the following de scribed parcels of land in Park Addition to Oregon City, Clackamas County, Stale oj Oregon, to wit: Lots One fl, Two 2J, Three I3J, Four 4, and Five Jo in Block Sixteen thereof and Lots Konr 4J, Five 5 and Six i in block Seven 71 thereof and the North half of Lot Eight 8J in Block Ten thereof. . O. CAUFIEhD, Assignee of E. M. Atkinson, Insolvent Debtor NEWTON McCOV. Attorney for Assignee. Dec. II. poller Cor lnlllen(lnn Timber Land Act, June 3, IS7S, United Stales Uud Olllee, ) Oregon City, Or., Oct. 2t P.Wl f Notice, is heieliy given that in compli ance ith the provisions of the act of congress of Juno 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the stales of California, Oicgon, Nevada and Washington I'erritorv," as extendi d ! to all the Public I ami States by net ot I August i, 1S-', Michael Kroll.'of I'.'y, countv of Clackamas, state of Oiegon, has this dav bird in this olhce Ins snorn statement No. (m'.'I, (or the pinchase of the s '4 of ael4 and se' of sw, of sec tion No, 2rt, in township No, 3 s, range No 3 e, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ilia claim to said land hchue the register and receiver of this olllee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the Hth day ol January, P.HM. He names as w Unease : II. M. ltrownell, Oregon City, Oregon; W, 11. H. Samson, Oregon Ci'V, Ore gon; J. W. Prar, Oregon City, Ore gon ; Thomas Dutly, ol Sliubel, Oregon. Any and all xrsoiis claiming adversely tlie above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this olllee on or before said l llli dav of January, 11H.M. AI.UEKNON S. PKKSSr U, Register. NI'.M.YI4N. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore. goo, lor I Up County ol Clackamas. F.lta L. Kelly, I'lalntitt,) vs. I.ouis Kelly, Defendant.) To IaiiiIs Kelly, deleudant. In the name ol the Slate ol Oregon : You are hereby required lo appear and answer the complaint tiled agsinsl you in the alHive entitled suit wit tun ten days from the dale of the service ol this summons upon you it served within lids county and state but It served within any other county and in this state then within twenty days from the date ol tins summons upon you and it this summons is served Uhii you by publica tion you are required to appear and answer on or belore the last day pretcrltwd in the order for publication, to-wit: The Alii day day of lVcembrr A. D Poland it yun lad lo answer for want thereol the plaintiff will apply to the I'ourt for relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between toe plaintitl and deleud ant and for a decree changing tht name of the plainlill to Ella I,. Fletcher and lor her cost, and disliiirsements herein. This summons is published by order ol IhoiuasF. Kyan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County and the first publication thereof Is had on the lrd day of October, A. I). ll.U. W. T. HI' ME, Attorney for the I'laintill. .Wi ll K I'OK PI III.ItMTlOV Timber Uml, Act June 3, 17M. Culled States Ijnd Olllee, Oregon City, Oregon, October PKh. llsH. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of th act of Congress of June 3. I NTS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the 1'ubllo Land States by act of August i, l."V Axel U. l.mdcpiist, of Portland, county of Multno mah, State of Oregon, has this day tiled 111 this olhce bis sworn statement No. fUlO, for the purchase of the EH ot WJi of hrction No. 17 in Township No. 2 S, Range No. 7 E, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone (ban for agricultural purposes, and to establisti bis claim to said land belore the Register and Keceiver of this olllee at Ore gon City, Oregon. 011 Monday, the 4TH DAY OF JANCAKY, l'JOC He names as witnesses: Joseph Mayerl, of Portland, Oregon; August Sperling, of Portland, Oregon; James Drown, of Portland, Oregon; M. Mo I my re, of Salmon, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this ofllce on or before said 4tu day uf January, PM. ALGERNON S. DKEHSKR, Register. Notice, Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed administra tor of the estate of Sett Austin, deceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate most present the same duly ver ified at the law olhce of G. H. Dimick in the Garde building 111 Oregon t'ily, Oregon within six months from the dale of this notice. Dated Oct. 8, I'M W. II MATTOON, Administrator of the estate of Keth Aus tin, deceased. G. B. DIMICK, Atiy tor Aiim. police lo 'red I for. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been by the county court of tlie state of Oregon, for the county of iiacKauiag, nppoinieo ttuuunisirator 01 tlie estate of Kntid Langro, deceased All creditors and persons having claims against sai'l estate are hereby required to present the same, properly vended, to the under signed at the olllee of Hedges fc Grilhlh, at Oregon City. Oregon, within six months from the dale of the lirst publication of this notice. CARL SAN NEri, Administrator of the estate of Knud Langden, deceased. First publication Nov, 13, I'M. Hkiiues a Gkipkitii, Attorneys for Administrator Nov. 13. Notice ofAppolntment ol Admin istrator. m In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oreiron. In the matter of the Estate of John Lender, deceased. Notice is hereby given that O. W. Ash ford was on the 2ml day of November, IM, appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Lender, DoceaseJ, and all persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the ssme properly verilied within six months from this date at the office of Cake & Cake. No 'J 10 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. G. W. ANlIFoRD, Administrator. Dated this 12th day of November, 1003. Kxecutor fto'ic-e. Notice is hereby given that the under signed hasjbeen appointed executorjof the estate of Hugh Miller, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby netified to present the same to me for payment at my store at Damascus, Clackamas County, Ore gon, with proper vouchers, within six months from this date or they will be forever barred. J. C. Elliott, Executor of the Estate of Hugh Miller, Deceased. GoBDOif E. Uatxs, Attorney for Estate. Dated this 4th day of Nov., 1903. llistlo In the county court of the slats of Or egon, for the county of Clackamas, In the matter t the estate of James .ti ndi rson, deceased. ti. II. Diuilck, the dtllv appointed, .iilill.'il and acting administrator of the above entitled estate having filed Ida pe'llion In tb" ala've entitled coiiit. pi:tMlii lor nn order of sale of the follow (iidcscnhed real properly belonging to kiii I elnlc, lo it : The soiillo as! "4 of the northwest t4 of M'.-tion '-", t 1 , r 3 o ol the W Ilium etie Mfiidiao, nod thnt Hie said petition eels loitli that it la lieccsarv to sell said I above described real pioperly lo sallsly ! ceitain claim tiled and allowed bv the said administrator ngainst lb said es tate, ami to pay the cost of administra tion thereof. l is therefore ordeicd and docicod by this court that all liens, known and mi nnow n, and all atsona Interested In said estate, if any such there be, are lieieby filed lo appear before the ntme entitled coin I on Monday, the. "ill dav of ISvember. A. D , P.'3. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, lo show cause, If any exist, w hy an order should not be gianied to I be snid adiiilnlslia tor to sell the alnive descrilx'd real prop erty at public auction, and a ropy ol this citation be published for at least four successive weeks in lie Oregon City Knlerprlse, a newsnaHr published, printed and in general ciiculatioii In said count ir and stale, Dated this lllth day of October, DHU. Seal.) TIIO F. KYAN. Attest : County ludge. K. A. Si Hunt, In the Circuit t'ourl id the Slate of Ore gon lor the County, of Clackamas Anna C. Eddy, l'Ulhlilf tut.) Daniel M. F.ddv, Detemla U To Daniel M. Eddy, Oelendant. In tlie name ot the Mate ol Oreom, 1 oil are hrrehv reiiire. to ai'ear and answer the complaint tiled against you In ihe above entitled rourt and cause on or before the '.lith day of lrvemtir, I'S'I, that lieing the last day prescribed In Ihe order for loibllcalloti of this summons lr ansaerlog said complaint, ami It toil latl so lo apiar and ansaer Ihe plaintiff will apply to the court lor Ihe relief demanded In the com plaint, to It : For a decree dissolving Ihe bonds of matrimony existing between the I'laintill and delendaut and changing Ilia name ol the plaintitl to Anna C. Crabill. This 11111111111111 is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllnde, Judge of the Filth Judlrial District ol the Slate of Ore gon, In Ihe Oregon City Enterprise, and the first publication thereol Is had oil Ih Dill day of November, I'M. V. II. I1YDK. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice lor PsibllrwlUie. Timber Land, Art June .3, IS7S. I' idled States Uud Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Sent. 111. P.si;t. Notics is hereby given that Incompliance Willi the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 18,, entitled "An act lor Ihe sals of limber lands In the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and WashliiKton Tern lor. ' as extended to all the Public l and Slates by act of August 4, Itrj, Henrietta llrowti, of Albany, county ol Linn, Hta a ol Oregon, has this day tiled In this oflica his sworn statement No. il'.'U. for the purchase of the K SKj; ami SE); NE!; of etrclinu No. J)l In Township No. .' S, Kauge No. 3 E. and will otter proof lo show that Ihe land sought is more valuable f r lis llmlerr or atone than lor agricultural piirHses, and to establish tils claim lo said land belore the Register and Receiver of this olhce at Oregon City. Oregon, on Thursday, Ihe 10th day of December, I'.'il. Mha names as witnesses: Julius C. ilurks, of Purtland, Oregon; Edward llurke, of Portland, Uregon; Nar. clssa K. Ilall. of 1'oriland, Oregon; Thomas Devlue, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this olhce on or before said loth day of December, V'H. ALGERNON ti. DUESSER, Register. ni .n tio.w. In the Cin nlt Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County ol Clackamas. Martha C'rotzer. I'laintill, j vs. , John Crotzer, Defendant. ) To John Crolzer, PelrnOant. In the name of the Slate nf i iregon : You are hereby required lo appear ami answer tlie complauit tiled against you in the alxive entitled suit within leu da) s from the scr vice of Ibis summons upon you if served within this county and state hut If served within any other county in this state then within twenty days Irom Ihe date of this summons upon you, and il this summons is served upon you by publication yon are required to appear and answer on or before the last day prescribed In the order tor publication, lo nit: The ;,th dny ol Detemi.er, A. D. !'').'!. end if you f nil to an swer, tor wni.t thereof the plaintitl will apply to the Court tor relief demanded In the com plaint.tn-n it ; for a decree ds-olvlng the bonds ol inairimotiy heretolor existing between the plaintitl and deleudant ami lor her costs and dsliursemenls herein This summons is published by other til the Hon. Tims. F. Ityun, Judge of the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, lor Clackamas County and the first publii ution thereof is had on the XM day of October A. D100.'l. W. T. DI ME, Attorney for the I'laintilf ."otlce final Mellleiiieiit. Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of the estate of Cathnne Knight, Deceased, has filed her final ac count In said estate in the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and that the Judge of said Court has apoointed Monday, December 1 lib., l'JO.'!, at 10 o'clock A. M., for hearing ole jections to said account and for settling said estate. LOUISE KNIGHT, Executor of tlie estate of Cathrine Knight, Deceased. fiEO.C. P.ROWNKI.L, HOWARD M. BROWN ELL, Attorneys for Executor. Notice Tor I'lilillcatlon. Department of the Interior, Land Oflice at Oregon City, Oregon, October 31, 1003. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will Is; made belore the Register and Receiver t Oregon City, Oregon, on DECEMBER 12. 1003, viz: Bert C. Palmer If. E. No. IL'010 for the ol Sec. 12. T. 6 8., R. 3 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: P. K. Ronney, of Colton, Uregon ; V. H. Dix, of Colton, Oregon; I. O. Dix, of Colton, Oregon ; F. M. Baker, of Elwood, Ore gon, ALGERNON 6. DRESHER, Register. In lha Circuit Court of Ilia State of Ore i for th Countv of I lackainas, II. K. Cross, I'laintilf, vs Lena Hughes and Rohett Mur- dock, pclciidanl. i To the above tunned defendants, Lena llnuhes and lioleil Milnlock. ! In Ihe name ol Ihe stale of Oregon, 1 von and each of you ale Inonhv required i to aiU'Citl ami aunwel lliu complaint lllei ' ajalust volt In lb above entitled action I in the above imnmd emu t on or belore ! the llHh day of Deceinlwr, P.Hl.l, and II you lull to appear and answer said i i ' plaint oil or belore said dale, the plain Ml will apply to the court for a ndg inent attain! you for the anin u( ..it), ami lor th sale of all your right and Interest In the UoImmI Allen D. I,. C. No. 4J, in sections 4 and U, in I II a. r I eol Willamette Meitdiali, to sal Isly Ihe said Judgment, which real prop erty has been attached iti thla cause, the description of which I more partle ularlv liiveii III Ibn terllllcatn of attach incut tiled herein, and for Ins coats ami dlrdiiitaeincnla III this action. This summons Is published by order of the county judge ol Clackainaa county, stale of Oiegon, duly made on ihe '.Till day of OcloU-r. A. P., IIM3. ditr-llii that said summons he published once a week for six a.iceesaive and foiiem ulive week in a new Soulier of veneral fircll latioii, published in said cottuly and stale, the llrsl publication of this notice being in tlie issue of November 0, IlkM, ami Ihe last lo the Issue, of lrcoils-r In, I'.HU. C II. DYE, Attorney for Plaltiliir, fwI'M yiosi. In the i limit cool I ol Ih slat of Oregon, for Ihe county ol Cla kamas. Nancy E. Tihodn. I'lainlift.) v Some N. Tlbodo, Drlriidant J To Norris N. Titaxlo, the above named delemUnt. In Ihe nam of Ih slat of Oregon, you ar hereby reoulred lo apiwar and ansaer lb coii.i'lsiiit tiled against you in th above entitled suit on or before lha Dili day of I'ecriuher, l:o, and If you lad lo so atd'ear and answer said complaint Willi In said lime Hi dalnilll will apply lo Ih con 1 1 lor Ihe relief rayed lor lo plaintiff's eoiii'iaiui. iiisii : I nai inr isiiihi hi mini riiuouy eilstteg lteen plainlift and d fendaiit ! dlsssdt ed and held for iiaughl. I his suiiituona la publlsbe.1 pursuant Ui an order made by the linn. I bos. f . Ityaii Juilg of Ilia couoiy i-ourl of I'lai kamas louiily, Oregon, made and nlred Ibis :'stti day of octtibrr, I 'H, tke first piibln a lion of this summons living October', I'Skl, slid the last publl atlou thereof pi ts I leer m her II, I'.Sjkl. O II. DIMICK and t.KO. 1- hroKY. Attornsya for Plaintiff .)allre ! I'iitl Nclllrsumf. Nolle is hereby given Dial I, Ih under signed, Administrator nf Ih Ealat id I.ncy M. Caiuplsill, deceased, hav lilsxl my final rrHir as am u sMiiiuiosiraior, in in .juoif Court of Clai kaoias County Oregon, and that tlie said Court has filed Monday Ih 7lli day of December P(l. at lo o'clta k a, m. a lb day and lime for Hi eisnilna Hon of said reMrt, hearing objwlliuis lo th same and lor lbs llnal settlement ol said estate.. KUN EST l A TT1I IKS, Admlulstraior of Hie estate ol Lucy M. I amptieii. He, easel. IIKI CKC. Ct'RRY. Attorney for said estate. .tl- lor I'abllratlosi. Departmenl of the Interior, I.anil Oftln at Oregon City. Oregon, October .'I. I'.sfl. Notice is herebv siren that the lollowing. named settler lias filed notice of In Inteu lion lo make llnal proof in supNirl ol his claim, and that said proof will l mad lie tore the Register ami Iteceiver, al Oregon i liy, 'regon, on DECKMHKK l Vu, via : Ferdinand F. Korsiner II. K. No liM for the N U ME;; it .'- N E1; of bee. is, i . i p., k, r.. He tiaiurs the follualng witnesses to prove bis continuous resideoc tiiin and cultivation of said land, yn: ). II. Tliomi of Alms, Oregon; Jutm Jo.'iaiinessen, of Alma, Oregon; W. D. Thomas, nf Aims, Oregon; M. F. Hickman, ol Alms. Oregon. AI.Or.lt.MiN n. DltKSnElt, Register. Notice ol I'liinl Sw-lllcmml. In the Counly Cotirl of tlie Slate of Ore gon for (lie Countv ol I'Ui kamas. In the matter of ths Estate of Frederick I .eh man, 1 ie ea-ed. Notice is hereby cuen thnt the under sitrned, adnilnlstralrii of Ihe estate of Fred i-rtek Ij-binan, decen-iu, has bled in Ih County onrt of said CUi kamns County her final acioiint as a InnnisiratriX ol (lie said eslnie, and that .Mondav, the lib ihiy of January, l'si(, t ,e h,,ur of eleven o'clock A. M., lias been appointed by said t'ourl as Ihe time of benrim; olijectiona to said llnal account, and for Ihe ti al settle ment thereof. Alii::.IIEI) LEHMAN, Administratrix of the Estate of rrcdern k liehman, deceased. .otl.-r o Ofilllor. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of Ihe State of Oregon, lor Ihe ( uunty ol Clackamas, executor of the Inst will ami testament ol Esther I! Williams, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required lo present the same, properly verilied, to the undersigned at Iheoltlce of Hedges ,V l.nltltli, In Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the llrst imldK ation of this notice I.miYD E. WILLIAMS, Executor of the last will of Esther R. Williams, deceased. HEDl.EM A ORiKKiril, Attorneys for Executor. First piihl'icntion Nov, Ti, psi.1. Police to Crulltorsi. In the County Court of the Slato of Oregon for the Counly of Clackamas. In Ihe matter of Die estate of Conrad SchriHider deeeaNcil. Notice Ih hereby given that tint under- Hlllled llllM Im-i.o ui,i. i. 1.., al... ' ... ... 11 k"i 17 on: cuutliy Court ol Clackamas County, Oregon, ad- roiriiuf put.:. ... .1 . . . ....... . ,,, caiate ol Lonrad Schrocder, dfieiised. All la-rsobs having claims against said estate are hereby notified and directed to present the same to me proerlv veri fied as by law required at the office of Ij Ren and Ndniela-I in ilr,. Oregon, wiilnn six months from the date of tins notice. ANNA SCHROEDKK. Administratrix of the estate of Conrad Schroeder, deceased. Dated Nov. (I, n;i U'REN A SCHUEIiEL, Attys for Administratrix. R. L. Holmsn, leading undertaker Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tl Hin itii i ss nt r In Ih Circuit I'.miii ofti,, Hl , , gon for Ih Countv o C ka,i. ' ' M. rl. Itlley. I'laintill, , ' " va. I I'. I.. Lawrence and l'aiinu. i K. I.awreue. deleiiiiani,, j Slale of Oregon, , l oiinly ol t 'lo. kamas. i ly Virtue tit a ludgt I nrdi-r ,,, an eieculloo, duly Isaued out (',, . lite seal ol Ihe aii euniled i M i"'"1" above emitted cause, to me didv ',11" "' and dated the, lid day ol .,, "'M upon a Jitdgoieol tender, d and .,,t,,; , l said court on the .'lrddav ol Nv, ' )ol.orol.M.H. Itlley. I'l.inttil,; r,'i'a T. I.. Lawrence and raunie E l..:""1 Detendaiila, for Ih sum of '. ,". teres! thereon al Ihe rale ol In ,', , 1 ' annum from Ih vstii d,y ,, A ' " lf and Ih lurlher sum ol '.ni , .,, ' lee, and the fiirlber sum ol si: diahiiramnts, and th u ', u""1 Ibis writ, wiuimaudliig m t l.' , "Cai il. h,H. ,,,. I ...I . . ' of al.lulli. roiinly ,,( Clack.,,,,, Oregon, lo will 1b Nouili Ea.t u,, t Merit,... Fly p In Tow.,.1,,,, , Motilhof Itaog heven 171 l ast f tt. ) lamatl Meridian. ' Now, tl,erlore, by virtue nf ,,, . lion, Judgment order and dv,:r ild , compilane will. Ihe ro,m,,' , ' J writ. 1 will, on Halurdav in. "4 Mil DAY OF DEC;u ,, mi ..r to ..'.......t. ' .... ,., t t) . . door of th CoiiiiU l out, II .' '6 ot Oret'i.u Clly, In said Countv .,..i'!. ' sell at public auclll.u. atl'iject lion, lo III highest bidder, fr p 8"f coin cash In hand, all Ih right tin, vi Interest hi, h the Will i,e, d, (,,,,,, or eltb.r ... II,..., ....I . "'"iS'itl v ; - usis uf iu tmirlL-ai.' Itsirsilii op s,.,. , - ' in ii, alaiv descrllwd real proivtlv or a llnreof lo satisfy said lecuim,, )..' . order, deer, Inlsfesl, ltl. ,(l ' bgcosis. J. It MIAVCU, nopriu in lacsamas ouniv i.. . II. I" II I L' L" I I .. Dsted Oregon t ity.Or , Nuv' ih' fa m. Tints',. In Ihe Clronll Court of lb Htt Dl l. ...... i..ii.. ...t',..L vfe , uuui; ui tiscBSIIlAI, AiiiiI K. l ayman, I'lainlift i vs I Jam M. Irnian, liefemlaiil ) To James M. l-ayman Ih alsjvs ntnti iihi H"S", In lb na n of lb Htate nf 10,,,,,, V . ar hereby required lo aprr and tul, th complaint tllssl against you in nlt sbuT ulllled soil to. or prior lbs sh i)r November I till, that being sli efci jft. in ilaio ol lb ursl PUIillialltit, uf numinous oi u sun inn lo so apts-ar J aiisr said romplalut lb pislnlilf siUif, idy lo th conn fur th rltef ti,oei prsH for lo ell: fur a decre of mvurr Pino; dissolving lb bonds of tnatrliii.uiy nu ,p tiling bvieeei, tbs plainlift ami iltl.miut alaiv nan d and giving and eraiiln Is plalnlllt lb car ami custody uf Ih ait. riiiiuren, in su ol said n smage, u James Denver layman. Charlss Araoit Layman and John Harold Ls'.'ssa, n4 for Ih costs and dlsburseinstili ol tlm iui and lor such oilier ami furii.sr relief t inaiouri may e,u pmr. Ibis sua mom a publlatiiKl for ell ronaeetitit wttu by order of Hon John II. Cislsml Ju.lftjf said court, mad on Ihe.Mli day of OcUHat I is a D. p. rittcE, AtUimsy fur rislnlitf. ."twllce or I'IukI MrlllesstrBl, Notice la hereby given lliatl Lave S'ed my llnal rart In the mailer ol th Fa tal of Jacob Ranch, decease. I, g IU County I'ourt of Ihe State of Oregon, lor th County ol Clackamas, Th Court has appointed Monday, Nuvcilsr JOtb, J'Mi:i, at the hour of 111 o'clock AJI, an "nu and day for the hearing ill objec tions in audi llnal reirl, ami for tht settlemrnl uf aald Estate. U n t iam J. lUl t H, Eiectitor ol the Eslale of Jacob Ranch, deceased. II. K Caoaa, Attorney for Est ale. Daied (K lol-er ITJiul A. D. I'-KCI. .tlrr for lubllrfUai. Department of ih Interior, l and "Ka at Oresoii City, Oregon, Ociotier .'I, Nolle Is hereby glvau that the Inllusinf named Miller lias flint notice nf bis InUs lion lo mak final proof In supisirt of b claim, and thai said Proof will It ml for Ih Register and Iteceiver, at Orrfa Ciiy, Oregon, on DECKMHKK II, l:Cl, yi: John Johannesaen II. K. No, 121 kt Hie 8t ol ME!, of Sec. Is, T. 1 M , K. 6 E. He names Ih following wiliiessel prove his ronlinnoiis residence usin IM colilvallon of said land, vii: Frrllnnsl Fcrstner, of Alms, Oregon; D. M. Th"" of Alms, oreeon; W. I. Tboii.a". of AirMi Oregon; M. F. Hickman, of Anns i.mtoD. Al.tiEKNON M. DKKcEll, llegtiier. I'etltl II. In tb roiinly cotirl of tlie slate of 0 ui, for the county nf Clackamas. lo Ihe .o.tler of llm amilli'sttnll of IXiU Danovsky lo Louis Dans. N e Is hereby given that Minis i-sn"- iky has applied lo the above entitled ttiufl i... -i -. .' ... . ,.. I .. .i. liana ana lo, , imiijir i.i iisinr ... - the said court has lUe.l Ih 7lh day ol lay. purt, a at Oregon t Hy. as in and place for hearing tlie same, '"" persons are requested lo appear ami Hio cause, if any they have, why H s' should not be granted. . . And lb court has further ordered IMJ the above' nolle appear once a r, our successive weeks in the iiregm. v .; . ,..r .,1 irenera Cirtu Hon, published in Clackamas county. ''JJ iron. Ihe first notice to appear on ln -w day ol OetolK-r, I'mri, snd lhlaUDW' LUth day of November, . . j lly order or lion. Thoa. r. ,e alsive entitled court. . Dated this Hi day of Oi b.ber, l!o u a 1 1 m w k rr, Attorney for 1'eliuom' rsiiraniona. In the Circuit Court of the st Oregon for Clackamas County. Henry Knawise, Plaiiilili,) va. r Annie Snawise, Defendant. J To Annie Snawise, the above nsine- defendant. In the name of the ststo of OrfF i i... ...... iru.t in appear " answer the complaint filed against r in the above entitled suit on or W' the Mh day of December 1!K3. thJ lng the last day prescribed In th" ""j, of ,il,ll, .il,,,i ,,r ibis suinuions. u .. you fail to so appear and ""' L complaint the plaintiff will apply conrt for the relief iiiereiu yi wit: A divorce from the mprrtsgs ieting between you and the plaint'"- This summons is published o..n.....nu. bisaIci h order ol llonuis Thus. F. Ryan Judge of the Coom Court of the state of Oregon for rf . ... i- . "(1th oj inns counly, inaon un - . j. Ochiber HW3 the first publlrtt'o" W theZlrd day of I winner VALENTINE FROW N, 8. It. HARRINGTONi Attorueyf for plaioUH-