OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1903 New To-Day. l'l.KNTY OK MONKY TO LOAN AT lowest rsles, t II, )yn, J) MONKY TO I .OA N AT l.OWV.KT tales. Ill!ll iV (iKIITITII. DU. H. SKA. MANN. I'llVSIl'UN Ollhes over I boiling's drug store. MONKY TO LOAN AT II AND 7 or (lit. Infill security. U'IIk.n & Hl'llt'HKI,, I,(HT On Msln street a plr of gold rimmed rye glasses, Kinder will please nil urn to KiiterpriiHi nllh-e. 1IKIKIKS ,c liUIHITII (OI MCIIH IN Uiii Welnhard Itulldliig) Imvi.ilif cliolc vol city, suburban and roiuilrv rt erty fur smallest prices. MONKY TO I.OAN-I II A VK KKVKKAI- Hiltiin of money l.i-longi iik to private hull vliltiulit wlili'li 1 hiii authorized lu Ion It . on long limn at (I and 7 per rent. Cost of loan will he made very reason ahls. II. K. Ciiom, attorney at law. STUAYKDOK STol.KN-ONK IIOAN horse. hlai:k malm and tuil. Iintiiiliul "g" on right inn, shod In front, while aim-king on hind lent. Miiilcr will notify or return lo August llubori 'iol, Oregon, kin) ln rewarded, Pi'i iiiiiIht 4. , LOST Wat k, while ami . tall Klilli setter log. lias tan iot oveytyes, Imii color altout tlm inonlli. hlarMiead and ears, large black t on riiiup ami iuiik. Answers to filename ui "llal." KlvKilollara reward for return lo lr. L. L. I'li kens, Oregon City, Ore gon. Nov L'O. WANTKD-A TIU'STWDlUIIY KN tinman or Udy In ttacli county In man an huaimoa (or an old oatalillaliml liouao of lolltl nnaiii'lal atamlintt. A atralulit Ixm fldn wm-kly aalary of $IH (K) I'ald hy vliix lt farli Monday Willi all rxpeimra tlirwl from liead (iiiarlera. Money advancr( for ox iwlim-a. Knrloae addreaand unveluptt. MiiKr, WK'xlon llldg., ClilrnKO Krl) 1. MANAOKU WANTKD in thin cotnity and dJomlllK territory lo rnprfaetit and advertl"" an old ontabllaliml linai nea liotiait of aold4fliiani'ial tandinu. Salary 1-1 weekly, with ,3 M-r tiny for epenwa paiil raidi Monday liy clim'k direct from lieadcjuarteri, Kxpomwt advanced nd lioran and biiKy fur malind when nncnftnary ; oaition txir inanent. AUdri'M t'rnaideiit, MO Mo lion liullding, Cliicatto, III Nov. 21. liev. Fathnr IlildnhranJ haa returned from an ix tended vlait to hl old home In lieruiany. IllK rednrtioa In all millinery, dallar liaU now (.' 1.60. Hnavera at Mm. II. T. hlHdrn. Five cort. Kervirt of the M. K. rhurch aotith, at the C'oiiKn-KHtioiml chiiruh Kly nrxt Sunday mornlnK and ovenliiK, condui'Utd hy the piMtor, J. W. Craig. Charlitl Nelaon, a well known local charai'trr, having raided In Onuon City for aeveral yeara, dlfd at St. Vim-t-nl'a honpital, 1'ortland, Tuemlay morning. Ailaina llro., th prourmmlve dry vixhI uii-rchatita, are fipiippinK thfir liirKii alore with new and unproved abow caxei a a nieaiia to dinplay to IxitUir ad vantage tbuir (o( k. O. F. William, ht'ltnr known lofftlly an "Ki-d," i puttinu In a harder ahop in Hie huiidinic on Main treet rm-enlly t-alml by the Hiiikit SuwinK Machiixi Company. A be tepwd from a Htnrt rar In TortUm! Wedneadny, l'rof. Frank Hot xold, (j thin city, wa run Into by a uii-MaeiiKr hoy mountud on a bicycle. The priifenaor whh kiKM'keil down and HUHtainml the diilot-ntion ot a eliotihler. The iiiciiiIht of Oregon City Lotlsii, No. JKJl', The Fraternal lliotherhond, gitve a social dunce at the Woodmen Hull Tuewlay. There was a gixd attend ance of young people, who enjoyed them m lve. Mumc wiih fiirniHhed hy Turney'a orchitHtra. Mr. Nettle Miller lm piirchaeed the coiiltMtionery biiHines formerly con ducted by (ieo. llaniigan on Main street near Khiii atreet, and la manBginu the Mime in approved style. She make only the bHt of candle and enjoy some of the beat trade of the city. W. J. Burn baa brought an action for money unit againat John W. Cochran et al to recover about fA'llX) with 8 per cent intoreit from 18U3. The foreclosure of a mortgage on MO acre in t 5 s r 1 w is also anked. The mortgage was given as security for the payment of the note. After thirty-two years of married life, Alice L. Wood has brought suit for di vorce from John M. Wood to whom she was married at Ionia county, Michigan, in 1H71. Desertion in llHKt, dwin the month of October following.'cruel treat ment, is the reason alleged for asking tor a legal Reparation. After their reRiilar wractice during the holidays, the management of the N il lamette Pulp and Paper Mill and the Portland Flouring Mills again this year presented their many employe with tur key for Thanksgiving dinner. The Crown Paper Mill make a imilar pre sentation to it UOO employe at the Christmas season. The member of the Lone Tine Ma onlc Lodge at Logan recently sold their ball and are now holding meetings in the Orange hall at Loam. The Grange at thi point recently built a good hall nd the building is admirably adapted to the need of a lodge hall. The Logan Mi onlc lodge 1 one of the mot prominent ofthli society In the ,,t,.ror 0f tliH oimlv mid I, t i, congratulated on wilting Improved (iittrUrn. ar.c paid flir egg,, arl t2v. to W,e for butler. All kind of good ur.iler oiih roof. Onri uHli plitn enable ti lo get ml to give lots of bargain. Tim lied rmiil, K. C. Iliimiltoii, I'rup. Dee. 4. MitrritiK" license have been isued re cently from tliu ollire ef County Clerk Weight a follow: Then-ma Kioling mill Join, A. Ferm-liwiiller; Kay K. Kowull il A. II. Milii.r. We, tlii uudersiried, wi li lo thank our many friends for their kind sympathy mid NnHlHtani'H through tlm trinlx and orrow Incident to the death of our dear "on. Mh. AND Mum. Ai.hkkt I'mtuu. Hamplea! Nullifies! t Sample shoes, flrHl grade, bought J4' under. Lot in cludes heat lilii u,,, lugger and rrniwtr'a ml ladies' and children's shoes hII 4' under price. Tim Red Kront. K. C. 1 1 ii in 1 1 ton . j),.c, 4 W. M. Shank, whilu operating a hand KW TuesdHV liiortiinif. verv m.vi.rulv in. Jured bis lelt thumb. Tlm blade of the aw penetrated the knil-klo of the in jured digit, which w ill he crippled per- uiaiieiitiy. Won) from Portland hsa been received to the elbx l that l'rof, McCann, princl lul o( the I'arkplace sclexil, who recentiy went to the metiopolis to have a clilli cult surgical operation performed, Is re covering. The Thanksgiving Market In the lmn liient of the church by the ladies of the rim l oiigregatlonal church last Iue rUy afierniKin, was (mile largely palron izucl. There was a large assortment of hullday delicacies and the lailles real ised omi'lhing for their effort. There wai a boom lu the marriage li cense huaineaa Wednesday, when Coun ty Clerk Sleight iasued four permits, aa follows: A. II. Larson and O. K. Clinej Amelia Kayser ami Edward Ifettuun; l.ulti Mower and Frank Freeman ; Kinrna May Wade and K. It. Smith. The morning theme at the Congrega tional rhurch next Sunday will he "A Need That Never Grows Old." In the evenl'tg the pator will deliver a lecture on "The Samples We Carry." The even ing service at this cbrnch are becoming more and mom Interesting. The music is a ecisl feature. County Judge Kyan received a letter Wednesday from J. II. Scott, of Salem, pieaidentof tlm Slate Uood Roads Asso ciation, Informing him that he bad been appointed a member of the executive committee of that organiiation. A meeting of the committee will be held at Salem next Monday, but Judge Ky an' ollicial business in this county calls him to Sprlnvwater for the day, and It I likely that be will be unable to attend the meeting. The quarterly meeting servlcen of the M. K. church South, held al Corrins ville last Saturday and Sunday were well attended and quite Interesting. He v. Henry Spieas, of Ilalaey, Ore on, the newly appointed p. K. gave cood satis faction Itoib in the pulpit ami as presi dent of Hie conference and make a most favorable Impression upon the com munity. Rev. Sniess will lie in Oregon City and assist the oantor in a protracted meeting at Ely loon after the holiday. Tlie Thanksgiving Market of the Sat urday Club was held in the basement of the Congregational church on Twesdsy afternoon. This ws the mDst succens- ltd of efforts In this direction. The do nation were most liberal ami the pat ronage all that could be desire!. The handsome sum realued will probably be given to the trustees for expenditures deemed most advisable by them. The Saturday Club is an organization princi pally of young ladies. I lie work tney have accomplished during the past year is seen in the decoration ami other fur nishings of the auditorium. Women I ve a clear, healthy complex ion. Pure blond makes it. Burdock Blood l'.itters makes pure blood. Kenresc ntntive Hans Panlse. of Oeorire. writes the Kiiterorise as follows: "I saw a statement in the Knterpriiw regarding: i.t, ui..u' nf a aneftiil HeSHion nf the leL'is- hiture but this is us I expressed myself to the Governor. 'As 1 undvrslHml the i -..tiul i I nt inii the TireritLMtive (if Cttllilnr a special session of the legislature is vested ilt-ly in the Governor. He tinisi ne ree .1.... j.f iliu ,1111'eMnif v of euiivenimr the legislature in Hoerinl session and umier such cirfiiumtanoes I do not feel that I could in justice either to him or to my self advise him in the premises or inuke any promises as to w hat I should do hen called lo act as a legislator ; wiine Id tuv n.ilninil that no birislation is needed at tills tiaie along other linee, than to make a law so that the taxes miiv l. l..o,illv collected, there might he matters that might arise or be brought to my attention lliai H won in eeem iu inn should be acted Uon when in session. I do not know of anything that demand such action, but if called to act I should not like to be pledged to turn down some meritorious measure Unit would In my honest judgment be of benefit to my con stituent.' " Itov wanted at Schrader'a Bukery. German boy preferred. Call at once. Nov. 27. Many of the corresbondent to the En terprise from throughout the county have become careless in their work of recent weeks to the extent that their respective localities are not represented in the col umns of the paier as regularly as they should be. We would request that our correspondent send in a letter every week covering the happenings of the .week. In this way the events are pub lished w hile they are new. We would prefer to print only three item from each section each week and have them while they are readable new than to have a greater amount of correspondence at irregular intervals. With this explan ation, we hope our representative throughout the county will endeavor to mml a letter each week. We will gladly furnish correspondents with stationery if their atoclc is exhausted. The Enter prise is endeavoring to furnish the people of Clackama county the best county pa per that wa ever published in the county and In doing to the correspondence page It Is Not Because We are Good Looking That pontile of ('Ifi'-kamuH Oo'iiily are patronizing tin. It in a common saying. ''Dusch Makes Money." Yen, we are making money in it legit mute, iionorulilo way ly maintaining a large circle of well to do, satisfied customers whom wo have raved many a dollar, and we will do the name 'or you if yon will only give us a chance to compare jiriceH and quality on' good" you intend to buy. TO DAY WE COM K P.KKOIiE YOU With a houwdmld articlo that we bought in car lots from a large eaHtern factory, A WOVEN WIRI- Ur.I) SPRING with a Hard flaple Prame, superior to any soft wood frame, no matter how good the fabric of the wire may Ixj otherwise but this one outshines them all in price and quality. We Offer This Bod Spring for And ask you to please call and inspect this marvelous oiTer. $2.25 FRANK BUSCH, constitute one of the most valuable in the makeup of the paper, liy regularly contributing o this pie, our correspon dents can be of much assistance to us in making the paper Interesting. No such thinK as "summer coin tdaint" where Dr. Fowler' Extract of Wild Strawberry i kept handy. Naj tore's remedy for looseness of the bowelt. W. H. ISonney is building one of the finest residence in the countv on hi farm near Kedland. When finished, the residence will rival iu attractiveness any other building of the kind in the county. It Is a rule that when tbey build, Clacka mas county farmers put p buildiuirs tbat are a credit lo the county. Union Thanksgiving services were con ducted Thursday morning at the First Congregational church. Kev. J. 11. Heaven delivered the annual sermon and there was special music. The regular service for this holiday wa lield at St. Paul's Kpiscopal chnrch w hen the rector, Kev. 1'. K. Hammond delivered a ser mon in harmony with the occasion. L.sst Saturday night CbaTles Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Korfinson, of the Vmr nl in Pnrilknd where he recited cited' for the Pm-tUnd rres Club at a Smoker. Charles Is quite a gilteil etoeo tionist for a d of his year and he fiaa Im.I 'fluttered that he ehuold he enlleil lo Portland U assist in enter taining the ress Club. Wm. Triwnble t Son, the old peiliable blacksmiths at the rear of Pope' feaTd ware store on Fourth street, announce that they will meet all prices for general blacksmithing and lierse shoeing in Ore gon City ami at the fame time will guar antee their work to be strictly first clas. This firm etill retains the Union card and recognizes the established Union sched ule. The electric eerf-winding clock that was instHed last Hammer at Albriglrf'e butcher shoo at the corner of Main and Fifth Btreeia, has lieen removed. It was placed at that point as an advertisement ami no reason is snow it ior no irmuin at this tiwie other than that it ws prob ably neeiled in sotce larger eity. Tlie clock was a jtreat convenience to the gen eral public as a reliable time piece. The Milwaukie Band will give a con cert Satucday evening, NovemWer 2S, at the town 4iali at Milwaukie. This or ganization made Quite a repuUttion last summer b, its line music anil at ne Saturday's concert will show even more improvement. Nearly $'.)r0 has been ex pended in urchssitig new instruments etc and tlie band ow compares favor ably with any other amateur organiza tion in the aate. A. general invitation is extended to all te attend the concert to which Ure wiill be no admission charged. Win. Brown, a fanner residing near r arhila killin haf Mnmlit an- "K 11 1 I cidentally severed the artery in one of 1MB legs. A HUVUr IH 0U1IJIIIUI1CU iiuiu this city anil but for hi prompt arrival the injured man wookl have died. Au gust lluber, a neighbor, volunteered to come to Uregon l ity lor medical aiu sou as a consequence is the loser of a floe horse. Arriving in the city, he hitched tl-o1 rntorrli ntiiclrlv vields to treat. 1 ------m - 1 ... ment by Ely's Cream Halm, which i agree, ablv aromatio. It i received throngn the nostrils, cieansea uu u - i . k;-k ; H,fTii.. itself. Dmek'isU eil tlie 50o. size; Trial aize by mail, 10 cent. Test it and yon are sure w the treatment. Announcement. t. .rr,r..n,i.t ihrxiA who M partial to tlie use of atomixor in applying liquid into the nasal passage for taUirrhM trou. bit, the proprietor prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known aa Uj ' praying tube i75cent. DniggisUorby i r.-i :J rnMn .mtuvtlM thi mid. mail, iu iiiuiu tuiw . icinal propertie of the olid preparation. "-.;,j-y-lw.-. .-'!":w.vA'AVvv... K i the animal on Main street and went in cearch of the physician. When be re turned, the animal had disappeared and be has been unable lo get any trace of the horse. Brown was taken to the hospital in Portland but hi condition is not at all serious now. Probably fifty per cent of the popula tion of Oregon City went to Portland yes terday afternoon to witness the annual game of football between the Multnomah Clubmen and the University of Oregon team from Eugene. There wa more than an ordinary interest taken in the contest by Oregon City this year by rea son of the fact that two of the moat pro minent members of the college eleven are (mm Uiis city. Jack Latourette play at quarter while Don Meldrum is one of the effective ends. OMrich immrj feavlhers and vringi rcdured. M Inw C ald sail 111 W. M. Hardin, a farmer residing on the Sandy river, ahont thirty milts from (hi city, was in Oregon City Wednesday and reports the tilling on bis farm re cently of tour oears. Mr. Hardin dis covered that some animal wa almost daily making inroads on bis herd of geat and killing a great number. With some neighbor lie formed a hunting okib one day this week and the result was the death iff a "full grown mother 'hear and three nearly fall grown cubs. II als alra4 idsoa. .Tflwa joldNUiilau In an inten-iew Wednesday, Repre sentative Herman A. .Webster, of this county, stated that be would not favor the reeal of The Portage Railway bill except after much deliberation. He is of the opinion that the condemnation suit now pending will not have been disposed of before the line for holding the next regular meeting of the state leg islature arrives and by that time the in tention ot the government will be better known. Representative Webster voted against the bill appropriating the $165, 000 for this "improvement but at the same titue he doe not think the law should be repealed hastily. V.rerf kt iu the shore redacetl. .tliN C.9oMiullh. Fred David, a motortnao on the Ore gon City-Portland street car line of the Oregon Water Power & Kail way com pany, ha fregently hurrted for Chinese pheasants but lie never got one so easily as he did We Jsesday. Ho was coming towards Oregos City on ene of bis trip and when near this city observed tbat two pheasant had nestled themselves on the railway traofc immediately in front of the approaching car. He stopped the car as soon as possible but not until after tie had passed the tlie place wnere ne eaw the bird. Going back a few rods, tie found that one of the pheasants bad been killed but the other one had es caped. The result was tbat the motor- man had pheasant lor Dreaxiasi inare- iay morning. A Nure Thing. It is said tbat nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not alto gether true. Dr. king's Jiew Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lumr and throat trouble. Thousands can testify to tbat. Mrs. C. B. Van- Metre of Hhepherdton, w. a., savs "I had a severe case of Bronchitis and for s year tried everything I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discover? then cored me absolutely." It's infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consump tion. Try it. It's guaranteed by Char man & Co., Druggists. Trial bottles free. Reg. size 50c, (1. Tea Bet Ton Can. Yon ran be a stronu man or woman by buying the great nerve tonic, Palmo Tablets, sold by uoweu x Jones, inej make you sleep ana grow iai. m 'dtp. A r ' If' y k i L' A ' THE. HOUSEFURNISHER Oregon City, Oregon A Wonderful Growth DURING The past five years our business has experienced a wonderful growth. Notwithstanding this favorable condition we are not disposed to let this growth stop. We therefore solicit your business. BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CITY, OREGON PRIZE MASK BALL; THANKSGIVING NIGHT, NOVEMBER 26 At Armory Hall, Given X X By Turney's Orchestra $25IN PRIZES$25 See Prizes In P. O. Window. 1 Great Sporting News Journal. ITha ilhmlriteri sneHul snortin? sec tion of the Sunday Chicago Record Herald thoroughly deserves the atten tion of every one interested in sporting ........ T b. oliral'O hauitti Til 1! V illllQ trated and embraces four full pages.cov- ering with ttie tborougtiness ttiat satinet to tlie utmost ttie wnole real 01 sports. Baseball news, racing news, bowling news, cyctmg news, pugiusuc news, ami news, yacuting news ail me sporting nova !airivfi with the ffreatest decree of lull and interest, the sporting page of llie USIiy -IBDMeo lo ou CALciiuunuj popular a self evident fact to those who have noted the general vogue of the Chicago-Record Herald among sporting men. Cured f files After 40 Yearn. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, 0., had the piles for 40 years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWitt's Witch llaxel Salve cared him perma nently. Invaluable for cats, burns, biuise, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin -diseases. Look for the name DeWItt on the Dackace all others are cheap, worthless counterieits. soul uy ueo. a. Harding. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danfortb of LaGrange, Ga., suf fered for six months with a frightful run ning sore on bis leg ; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days, tot Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the beat salve in the world. Cnre guaranteed. Only 25cts. Sold by Char- man a Co., druggists. Christian Science. First Chnrch of Christ Scientists, Garde bnilding, corner Seventh and Main streets, Sunday at 11 a. m. The subject of the sermon is, "God the only Cause and Creator." Children's Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Reading room open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 2 to 4 p. m. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. TI11 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 9 M - . - - Be Sure and Attend the Dance TurkyT 1 a5 flrriuedi And in this connection we would J beg to remark that our store is j 4 headquarters for all holiday deli- caciee. We have a complete line J of Fancy and Staple Groteries. T :Uur stock is new. Our goods are fresh. Right goods at right X prices and fair dealing is the basis on which we do bnsiness. We are not selling below cost, but are giving our customers groceries as cheap a they can be bought in Oregon' City. Orders promptly filled and delivered to any part of the city. f Horton& Jack T Seventh St., Opp. Opera House Phone No. 1804 1 BP YEARS' EXe'i.lENCE Tbadc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrnnesffnilnf s gketrh and dCTlpt(on miy qnlcRlr ucertmn our t-pmioo free wnmht'r ux InTwnTlon ti pnthuMf putentuhlfx rotnmuntrtv tionifttnctlrcondtienriai. HANDBOOK onl'iicut tent fr. Oldmit uuencf fur securing paten h. Fatnta Ukeo tbrouith Munu 4 Co. recciv tptrial notice wiihout chnrire, lu the Scientific American. A hfindom!f nftiirtmtfxi weelilf. I.jnrrt djw eulailon of an? trtenttflc VarnjU. Trnin, 3 a ypar ; f nor BiuntUa, U Bold by ail Tiewadpaiera. MUNN & Co.1B New Tcrk Hraocti Offloa. Ot T Bt, Wasblnstuo. D. U. t - u - m -Vi V - . ... . -' 1 3! M