Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1903 i Correspondents ar requested to re WW their work. We will supply all necessary stationery. The new from your neighborhood should appear in tl. ems columns every week. Uoorf Farmer live improved their prertv considerably this lust )ear. Tle needed is a lew tnilcs of good road in lie Kale Cnt'k bottom to come to theucarest rail road (tlatiou. A great many bead ofrattle and hot.' were tv ought to rortlan.t from this neigh borhood this fall. The boys were out to charivari newly niarrieu couple last night and expect to lirve iome uiore (nu in the Siiuis way in the near future. Mr and Mr. Schmidt are In their ohiihI health, after their accident of up vtting the buggy. Mr. liana Paulsen lout a vakiahle horse last Sunday. It was kicked by another liore and had its leg broken to that it had to be killed. Mr. C. IWk, of Aurora, wa9 visiting his friends here. Some time ago Mr. II. Kllnker shot a p in i her instead of a deer for which be was hunting. . Mies Ida Boberts, of Firwood, it teach ing tier first term of school here with gixid success. Our church baa a new coal of paint, which makes it look great ileal better. Kev. Orafeusteiu will preach here the rst Sunday in September. Some more of the boys have joined the Maivabee lodge at Eale Creek at their Lift meeting. Julius Paaleen, our school clerk, vis- liea uie scnool in other day and pre Brined all the children with a ruler and blotter. IVrt Marston is putting up shingle mill on ms puce, to run by steam. Unta Hall. J. Feringor went to Canby on business last Monday. J. I.. Thomas and son Cha. wa call ing orrWin. Praper and w ife last Sun day. Mr. Jackson, of Mackshiirg. was look ing for a location in this pari of the coun try last Sunday. I. II. flurna is cutting some wood (or ! J. Mattock. Mike llowman was visiting at Mr. Feringer't last Sunday. Otto Striker is helping on Jno. Koblo'i barn. Alvin rhelp is still making woovl with hit wood saw. There Is some talk of a rural mail route through here. The people in this part of the country would be pleased to have "THE'LEONINE DUMA3. A Keiuarkable Caste. One of the tno-tt remarkable casee of a Culd, deep-seated on tlie lungs, causing Fneiiiiiouia, is that of Mrs. U rtrude E. enner, Marion, Ind w ho whs entirely cured by t be use of One Minute Cough ir-. She says: "The coughing and raining so weakened me that I ran wit in weight from US to 9- pounds, ried a nnmner of remedies to no avail ml I used One Minute Cough Cure. . ur bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strength ened my lungs and restored me to my Buiuul weight, health aud streiigth." Sold by Geo. A. Harding. I'tnby. The Canby Tacking Co. opened a store rid commeuced business here last Thursday. Uur streets are now lighted by electric ligh: It is a great improvement over the old way. Mips E. Evans came up trom Portland find .y morning and fpent the day with W itli her parents, J. Rydman and family have moved into their new house on Third St. Lev. Matthews is ill at his home here. i'-orge Knight has commenced work on his new store building. Mi'8 A. Roth spent the first part of the week in Portland with friends Mr. Sciamlin, of Mackscurg, with a larje force of men, has ben busy the !,! week placing new wires in the cen tral telephone office which is located in the drug store of E. Siaa. Made Ynuug Agnlu. "One of Pr. King's New Life Pills each night lor two weeks has put mo in mv 'teens' again" write 1). 11. Turner of Pempsevtown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach an Howe!. Purely vegetable. Never gripe, Only .5c at Charman & Co. 8 Prug Store KJdoraJo. John Helvey was breaking horses Sun day. Ern Jones has gone to teaming for Sturget Bros. There was a large crowd at Hob Bui lard's shooting match Saturday. Chas. Thomas and lady friend spent Sunday evening at Chas. ."-pangler t. Agnet Wallace is working for Mrs. B J. Helvey. Sturges Bros, have a new engine in place of the old one Inat blew up last week. The dance at Martin's last Saturday night was a most decided success. One of i he best yet. Will Jones has a team, harness and wagon for sale, or seperate if desired. lui-k ArrrM. OASTOniA. Bean th The K.nd Yon Havt H'wan Bcs Ugaatiirs it Carni. - it is booming, though she has been tin Thomas and Deity White were at Mr. Cooper's Sunday afternoon. Mr. Faust and family spent Sunday vritb Mr. Howard and family. Edgar May, of Meadowbrook, called on relative! in Carua Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Spratz and daugh ter epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jones. A ines Wallace, of Mulino, is working at B. Helvey 's. A number of Carusites attended the party at Mr. Hardesty'a Saturday even i' g. As Mr. and Mrs. Hardesty't pat ties are always very enjoyable affairs, a number were disappointed in not being able to go. The dance at Martin's was a great suc cess, although the Carus crowd was not very well represented, owing to the fact that a number of them started and took the wrong road, and didn't get there 'till the dance broke up." G. Thomas' slippers took the prize at Martin's. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of fengih, nenro Ha nts, headache, constipation, bad breath, Mneral debility, tour riaings, and catarrh of ue stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol caret Indlgeation. This new discovery repre sent the natural Juice of digestion aa they Mitt in a health ttomach, combined with tte neatest knovn tonic and reconstruct! propertlea. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does net wly cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but thlt flvnoui remedy cures all ttomach trouble by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and atrengthenlag the mucous membranes fining fee ttomach. Mr. 8. 8. Bait of Ruretinrood. W. Vt., atr I mi Iroubted wftk sour stomach tor t7 r" JtukoarW aw tod w ar bow sstac at aua Kodol Digests What Yoa Eat ttetalr. 11.00 Siu boldlnf2X ko (astral ate. which Mil for 60 owta. tiapai-W bf C a DtWITT 00.. OH 10 AGO Said by (1. A. jllAr.DING, Druggist , J. A', tiiilledge of erben, Ala. was twice in the hospital from a aevere ease of pilet causing 24 tumors. After dor tors and all remedies failed. Uucklen's Ainica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation and cured him. It con quers aches and kills pain. 2jc at Char man A Co. Druggists. Bhubel. Rev. Lucas, of Portland, preached an interesting sermon in the Evangelical church Sunday. W. D. Hill is busy breaking in horses. Mr. an. I Mrs. H. II til were the guests of W. D. Hill and family Sunday. David Moehnke was the guest oi Miss Ella Hornscuucti Sunday. Manv of the hovff went to the chari vari Saturday night and had a great time. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hiirnschiiih have gone to Salem lo visit their daughter, Mrs. KosaStrayfeller. Miss Einelia Kaiser and Ed Hettmnn called on friends in our town Sunday. Peter Hollander called en E. F. (m theroneday last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hill and E. V. Giiither attended Central (irxiige laM Saturday and reported having a good time. The wedding bells will soon ring again. A (iooil .aine. From personal experience I testify that DeWitt't Little Early Risers are unequalled as a liver pill. They are rightly named because they give streovth and energy and do their work with ease. W. T. Easton, P.oerne, Tex. Thou sands of people are using these tiny little pills in preference to all others, becwnse they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure biliousness, torpid liver, jaulice, sick headache, constipation, etc. They do not purge and weaken, but cleanse and strengthen. Sold by Oeo. A. Harding. Dover. How nice it is to see the sua shine once more. It looks like a spring morn ing. People in this neighborhood are suffer ing from severe colds. Some of tbechil dren are compelled to slay at home from school. Miss Wood is getting along with her school very nicely. She has the largest school that has been taught here for several years. Mr. Selman't little girl has been very sick the past week. James DeShazer and family, frrm Fir wood, were at Sunday school last Sab bath, and went from there to fee his brother, who was notable to attend Sun day school. Mr. Kitzmiller went to Portland with a load of hogs last Tuesday. Yancie Cooper sprained his ankle one day laHt week. He has had to go on crutches every since, and has not been able to attend school. The hens are all on a strike, and con sequently eggs are very scarce. Mr. Brown went on a wolf chase one night last week. He sent to Portland after a new rifle, but be didn't get his gun until after tie had made the chase. linn III Worahlprr , Adr4 Thrlr Literary I4ul. One evening In tin beginning of Juno I wit tiikcu to the residence of lHmun, on the lUmlovnrd MalcNhorhe. by an Intimate friend of the great novelist. A one think of n linn, with hi Hhng gy tiuiuc full of the Jungle bur of nd venture, so I can the author of "Monte Chrlsto" n he nppeiirctl on thnt memorable evening. Standing about were women friend, nctrvc. writer, poets, Httrneted by a world of romanc syinlhilluM In the figure sotted In the middle of the sulnti. I wn Instnntly Impressed with two thing - the frv roc on the wall mid the nttlttide of, the host. He sat like a silent oracle, surrounded by a crowd of female ml liitrera, the whole company set o(T by pnuel representing life sited figure from tioothe' grvnt drama - Faust. Mephlstopl'elcs, Mnrguorlte. Tuciv were, no other picture In the room. The In fluencc of these figures, the attitude of Iitimii and hi worshiper, coiiivntrnt ed the mind on tb iitilutesseiitlnl ele ment of romance. Half Indifferent he ant. a some handsome young woman would stroke hit head, while another would place her hand ou hi shoulder. ' f as they might have done with an old 7Z o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 8 8 o o For Young Den and Young Women, There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy, their neat appearance it spoiled. The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John ton's barber shop. OASTOniA. E:gnatni f tasti Subscribe for the Enterprise Hon long tamed and without teeth. There wat nothing to distract the mind from the harmony of Idea and person ality the company of women might have bwn part of the frvseoea ami of "Moute-Chrlto." There wa an en chanted element nbout the people and 1 the room. j The whole company conversed among ' themselves, standing it If they were ' at court, while the host sat still and , mused. I ws held by the mystery. ' the fascination of the ruiunutlc atnio pherv, the pcul!ar spell of the hugf j mas thnt tilled the fauteull like an i Idol of ndnmnnt. For there wn some- j thing of the idol about the man. I ; thought of a Ituddhlst statue In a sit- ting iosture, corpulent at the base, crisp at the top. The lower part of the fsce wa of porcine dimension, the skin swarthy, the hair curly, the el presslon of the eye calm and sphinx like. He wa a man who not only had invented life, but had mvn It. Critic. DEER LACK STAMINA. Th W lid mm4 Ht Tnntri Aalmali Are Sw raaard Oat. "It sx' ms to be the opinion of a great many people that deer and ante lope are at the top noted among mil- run! as far as vil b concerned," said a Pakota ranchman. "I hare orteu beard the eipressluu 'as swift as no antelope' nnd "he rnq mil like a tbvr.' but the fact Is any Krl home1 run run over Mr. Peer or Mr. Antelors wltblo a mile on level or nciirly level ground. 'I will giiarniiti-e to take any Urst class i i w pony and run down uny deer thnt ever lived Inslile of two mlli-!. pro vided the ground be level and the deer has no more than rweuly-flvc or thirty yards start. I often have sis-n cow boys run down and rope a deer within hulf u mile. This, of trmirse, cam only be done when you lire riding up the wind and surprise a biiurh of detrr or antelope feeding or lying down. In a depression where they do not of scent you till you nro almost on them. Over a rough or hilly country your horse wouldn't be In It with a ditT. 'The ai tlon of n deer under full kmsm1 reminds me of nothing so lutii-li as a sonshell sent rlcochcUliig over the sur face of smooth water. They don't gal lop; they simply hound, and tlmt Is where they lose speed over level ground. Hut I have seen deer bound straight up the side of a mountain and go frilly a fast as If on the level, und no living nnliual can catch tlitra at the nphlll game. 'Deer have tremendous vitality. I have never seen one drop Instantly wheii shot. They will make-a Jump or two even when shot through the heart. Your true deer hunter will never shoot a deer running from him, as the bullet will invariably spoil the hams and hind quarters. Most of the west ern deer hunters enn tun a deer when he Is running full speed from him with a shrill whistle. Tho dew almost nl wuys will turn to-e what thnt sound means, only for a frnction of a second, perhaps, but that Is the hunter's oppor tunity, and Mr. peer generally gets It In tho neck about thnt time," New York Press. Effeet of Moata on Animal. At tho 800 the aebra, wild ass, fleor and ostrich went Into paroxysm of rage at the sound of the piccolo, al though they had iunriifsted various flgns of pleasure over the violin und Ante. The tiger was asleep and re fused to be awakened by the fiddler and flatlst. Iiut when the man with the piccolo begnn to play the animal sprang furiously to Its feet and rushed angrily up and down the cage, lashing It tall. So extreme was the boast's anguish that the piccolo mnn spe-dlly gave place to the flutist The differ ence In effect was at once apparent Hie tiger stopped, listened, luy down and purred like a kitten In Its enjoy ment of the grateful sounds, and pres ently fell asleep in luxurious repose. London (Spectator. Hot t Be Baffltd. Mr. Bangs So that pretty widow Is really married so soon again, eh? Old Bangs-You bet! Mrs. Bangs Hut her late hnsbsnd's will expressly stipulated that If she took a second husband her legacy wi.i to revert to his most distant relative. Old Bangs That' where she was foxy. She bunted up the relative arWl married him. Smart Set One of the duties of Hfe It to make those with whom you associate bnppy, nd in ttrivLng to do thlt you will also flake yourself happy. Maxwell' Tails-Ban. Getting Your Prescription Filled By Us Moans carrying out your Dodor'a wishes to tlio vory lottor. Wo use nono but tho host ami frosh- ost drugs. Wo givo it our spooiul attontnon. No hoys hohiiul our prom-ription counter. Our work is tho host that ncionco, experience and money can produce. Prices popular, hut not cheap as low as it is nafo to go. This is the Time and Place lo Buy Your Rubber Goods o 8 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O rf W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W (icxxlyenr Crown Hulb ('; Foster's (V.linrlU l!ull ("j 11.00 (iiMiilyeiir Jearsey Fountain, 'J it 0' 7'o (iootlyear Journey Fniintiiin, .'i jt .' c (iiKnlyoar Jcnrscy Fountain, t (ft 1.00 Coiintiss Ilauil Flow Combination, : tt 00 12 00 (jutvii Fount Syrinp', 2 jt 7-V Foster's I'll to (ami, .'t nt (i I1.7.1 Norwood Combination Gt I'.VOO lioodvcar hmlies Syrino in 11.00 Whirlinjj Siray, regular jirict" our priff f'2.7') Shaving Outfits At Special Prices (iunrnntccil Hn.ors from. Uruslics ( Strops Mug .'. . I.!) to $;!.()() lOtt to Mkj 2Sotoll.i!r, l.rM3 to M)o Sliavinn Soaps ("olnntos, Kirks, W i II iumit, l'curs in i1 tlio 1'i'st bramls at A ntul Uki. Try Hhaving yt)urHt'lf a couplo tf months and pay for an outfit. We Are Still Selling "Doodles" of Toilet Soaps If you are not haying your Hoaphere you nhould ho to get close pricen on Htamlard brands. White Out Meal ,1c Cake Witch Hazfl t fn' Cake Suowls-rry Khony Tar I'flirs Si'l'llteil Cnticura 4711 Colnato's ('assinrii IlxUt't, Packers' Tar Transparent (ilyrrrino All stamlarJ !ranl nmiparatively cln . . 0j -lo Cuke , .( TcCake .(0 l.V Cake .( '-'(k-Cako 'Jt V- Cuke I V mid . ( '.'tie Cke f'C .'t?Cake l HOWELL RELIABLE S JONES DRUCCISTS cmamui:r5 movi:i.l IJNN H. JONflS " THE KN(i COBRA. II Is OBIJr4 lb Musi llmirroia j of AU tlio Snk Tamil?. . Knaki-H. veuuinoiiH auuLi-H, limy te JU I viJ.-il hili) ti cliiNsea, ihe rulirua anil Uie vlpi-rnlils. '1 Lie cvlirut, luKuMtaajs ' uf ilistniit Imllii, fona a cUum uparL , Tn the vlierililrt Ih Iouk all otber veil- ' unions He liM, lucliiilltitt uurwu u Slik-U- (11(1 rattler, the IHohumIii, llje fer lis l.i lic e of tlie Writ! Inilli h ami tUe tlenj , 1' IhihIiiiiiihUiP uC Vvnettui-la ami tlis , Culiinas. I Iliiliietrli ully npiMsIti', tUxiKh etinl- y fntal, urn the effects tit the (Tiihra ' Hint the v lw-rol(l HitMiii. IrlauictrU-iilly I ulUxwIte, atvo, are Uie two niethisU uf i attac k. The at tlnirs Ik nKXr-H- ' slve, tlie IUiik cobra he lint said etu to pursue man. iSllitit, wlthoot th least wnriilni; and from a plate wIut you j would least suNHM-t, the round teui) I dart our of a thicket, a shurTi pic Id i causes yvii to exclnlui, uml the frightful fanK" ft the snake are burliil Iq your i flesh. Like the Krlp uf a hiilldot; th'-y hold fast, white- rtoni Ore to t-n fc--t uf anlnintof 1 cnhle come Kin-tchlng out of the thicket to nvll. leisurely Nts-atb the dn-ad hemf. I Kur tills et'rnal hnij on tte vlttlui there Is ii natural reason. TTie fantrsof the ten foot cohra are but a third of an Inch Ioiik. It 1m ImpoMMllile, tlien-fore, to siiilrt the venuut de'p tn a eliiKle strtike. Ira order to Klve the venom time to olwirh the snake muMt n-taln Its hold. The fatal polsiin coritaliis hunt 115 per cent of nerre dewtrtiyliiK and nhoirt H per cent of blood di-atroy. I UK elements. Within Hre minutes the pain leaves the woimU. und even the sliock vt the altsek bt;lrm to wear off. TUere to Utile sulTerluk;, nor will there lie t the n-lentless end. Only If by dilutee the bite Is ro from n siuull snake or If a fn-sh supply of antitoxin linppens to, tn'at haixl Is there a chance for your life. If one recovers from the Immediate effects within a week one Is as healthy as ever. While the wilnon of the cohra often kills within nn hour, Oiere have been cases where the "strike" if n rnttlcHimke and a IiiimIi. master have cniiKed death within ten minutes. Naturalists accept, how-ever, tkftt the kliiK cohrn, owlnn to Its ureut alze and the coimci-picnt (puintlty nud quality of poison emitted. Is the most duiiKerous of nil the snakes. Mc-Clure's. Oreaoii I'll t Market Hrport. (('orriH-U'd Weekly.) Wheal-No. l.Ti 1TH.- vr htinhel. Kloiir Valley, ft 'JT -r hid. Hard lic-l t.7i. l'f.rtlifi.l. f i p.. r lack; Howard's llest, . 0.1 per asck. Oa's in sacks, l pi-r cental. lUy I'liii'i'lcv, lmlil, li ier ton i.e, lil n-r ton. Clover III; Oat, I'.l; inix-d Imv, 'l ; cheat, . MillstuH's llran, I'.'MK) p'r ton. shorts, f I'l (SI oer ton ; chop, ll'O.OO M-r ton, barley, rolled, I-'JLIK) tier ton. I'olatiw-s l'ic lo 7'S: ler xai k. I lvi Ori-tfin, :i2 V t' I"'' doien. ' Hutter (Neameiy, 5lle to per roll. I Oregon onions, 1HN- to l U p-rct. i Pried apples.Hr to 7c par l. ' I'ruiiei, (dried; wiite, 3t- nr Ih; Ital ian, larite. .V- per IK. medium, 3'-c; IKilver. 4K. Caliliane, 40 loSfle per ! sell. tree ii peas, 3c per miuikI. Tolnstoes, :l to h-. per bos. Apples, -0c lo (tile, t'ranlierri" !M-.c to li-a cpiart. Iiraie, Ooucorils, 'Z'x- txtnkKl ; Iel Ware, '.tic, I'aiilill'iwcr, 40o to Mile pr iIoihii. Ilressed chickiiiiN, lO l", e er Hi I.ivestiM'k and dri meals; Mel, live, .l IH) lo WSM er Kixlrl. Hows, live 6 to 6 eta; h)rs, dresed, 7c; "beep, III to ' U, per Im.I ; dresned, fit: ; vm, dresseili. 7 to ? ; lanilei, live, 12 per head ; lambs, dressed, ft.: ti tter The Uttvt In tiv- Hot ol i-trers re mainiiiK in the pontonVes! On-ifon City, Oregon. Nof. 2J, MS: wosiii'a LINT. Ilnidley Mrs M A Harris Miss Ollie l.orlaines .Mrs Coulee Mihs Olive Iinvis Mrs J M Nasal CATARRH In HI Its Hun, i kl W VIWUIII HUIHI clrcuxn, KlutliO anil heris Hi ilw4 nioinlmux. It rurrscAtAnh u.d a Culd la Um Demi oul. klr. rmun lUlin U ptrt U" cmrf tho rmmilircui "! Ul"e'ftA BllWUIa BilUI aad 4 cure fcai.i It ll But drjrlnr-A Dot -m1cu. moraliiu. trKSl, H0ewnIrf (Uta or i null i TrUl Sis 10 enu. Kl.T limrTIIKUH. SB Wmn T In Ihe Dark. Bofa Hear what huppeneS to Parlor Uillip last IllKht? I'lano Stool -No; what was It? Sofa Made lltfht of a younj; coiipl 1 was errtertiilnlm; nnd got put out Haltlmore American. The Professional Man II Heedecl. Mike Are ye much Imrted, TatT Do jo want a docthor? Pat A docthor, ye fule! Afther ba in' runned over be a throlley car? PUat 01 want Is a lawyer. Judge. WortbleHBeaa of Tbeorlea. klrs. Hatterson You don't mean to ray that you have no theories about tk4 rducatloa of children? lira. Catteraoo No; I bars too maay rWldran. Tow a tod Onntry. HcliyiUT Jamet M I'.radley J 11 liradVy J J liimlles Charlie Katoa Kiime-lt K Kleminx A i (iillx-rt M J tirasle J y Marian J Newman 1'aul TOM I Jones l.eonora IS Mitchell M is Ma, id Wheeler Mrs I, M a ijht. l'arions V, I'aytou I-' Hliaiinoii Francis Smalley l-'rank Spreitr.c-r John Hwiiiitaml Albert Touilinsou Kclu Way (ieo Worh Wm Yontiir Clay fin M. . UANDAI.I., J'M. Daily River Schedule okk.oon crrv h:jats. iMii.r nciirid iK. Steamers Altona and Pomona for fi lem and way points, leave Portland daily 'except .Sunday) at 0:4' a. in., leave Oregon City, 8:15 a. in. ; rttirninK, leave Haleiii, 7 a. in.; leave Oreaou City, 4 .(0 p. in. Oregon City Transportation Co. WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE has removed into the storeroom adjoining the post of fice. We carry a complete line of new and second hand stoves and furniture. Highest prices paid for all kinds of junk. Sugarman & Co. fiMrstbs Bifnatvs lti Kind Yoa Haw Always BoujH OREGONMiLYJOURNAL ALSO WIIKLV AND atMI-WflrUV Read the Market News IN tiii: Oregon Daily Journal TyjTHINO Isimiitted which coticerni I Die Interest of buyers and nellnliii 1 4 tlie live Mock, grain, arovilionl, produce and lliiajicial m.rketn the cyK tations are comprehensive, and every way reliaSJe. The Journal In acldition rarlr (verT day a full an.i truthful reKiri ol ll world's news and presents iny spatial features ol deep interest to the avertif reader. The journal's wumsn'i the illusl rabeJ aportiurf news Wf, Juar rml stories and comic panes aii'l othel Ifciod things make it a wv MiuUr ily newspaper, clean and la-ight Irwo A to 7, and year's end to year's end. Daily, on year by mail, only (I; months, I'.1. '.'.'i ; three months, II. SarW-weekly, 1U4 issues, out) ?', II.M) Weekly, l The Issues ol the He""' Weekly ami Weekly Journal alsocontsm the market news and all of the loatures ol tho laily Journal. Addremi, The Journal, Portland, On'iron. 4 jsi iV - . .o- ! -v. L." vri . "V i" FIREARMS AlXUHACY. SAFCTY, DURABILITT H- n- Id U'f "'"' ' ",!t"i?f .liU.r. ...cUI.U m tciccU .4 h."' " M i ... Waiattk MILES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS A.l, r. r rf.-.Ur . Ih. "STFVKSS". W ' W iT. II. rm w ohl arnH l,.r- pn-r"l rv.cj,l ot ,k. H. ud fnf i,luerl-J l' J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., p. o. BOX CHICOPEE PALLS, MASS.