Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1903 5 nravcris "When the butter won't nine put a penny in the eh urn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever tohl why. I When mothers arc worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul sion. It is like the penny in the milk beeause it works and localise there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Kmulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as aturally to the children be uuse it is so perfectly adapted fc their wants. For all weak and pale and inn children Scott's Fmulsion is the most satisfactory treat-icnt. We will send you the penny, . c, a sample free. iililt. aiioi of tlui B))limit t.i purtKi jf l'"ie III I he hcIvmiiirki nllered under Him 1 IuillfHlfMl HI'I, r0VIll-M lllH Um, Ull' Irnm lliH ,, mulling t, rirlirlrml up I'liiiillnii lor the land rather than li.i , I lni dttii of t hktIiik limit itx4. m m iu ... thai tl-U piilurt iri '( UUl w nn trif bolt If o( 0 y-u buy. J Mlu SCOTT & liOWNO, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. V. jnc. andjroo s all druggiata. To im HtkN in riirri.AM) Only. I' i' Innil I tliliilily city in stale llit "lien llur" will U presented in. 'i I . c'ii,,iti,v, whirl, ti 1 1 m t r over ',iM per sona, C'HiiMt direct liom Kan - rami .. , where mi eiiKaueiiiiiut ol it monlli In im Inmhk niltiil, in (HI (t. Iihkkuuo cur" urn rMiiirii t.i transport the seemc. ellews nf Ileli llur mnl two stork ears re pressed into service to ritrit for III I . r . ml rarnela used In iIih iirixliii'lion, w lni ten M 1 1 in m ri rleoplng can, two ty unai'hea ami two ihnitiK i-ara iiihkh iui a special trmn lor the comfort of tlm i-nm-pany. In tlm meal chariot rare 'erne 1 K 1 1 1 llllf M , liallieed to (KM liri, are iliimii in theii stiiiinl lor ipr in cy. I'dKT-I.FI'Irie Fl'llMTt'HK AlIIIVI'.. Moilirn fur (nt iiih mid '.il jmik-i I m inr tlm Ofl'lfoll Cllv prir-oi,e in t in w quarters in tin, Odd Fellow hiilldiirii Hr. rivfil MmxlHy mnl will he Inaial e.l at oiirc. The removal of tlm pnl-, III, ., fr. in Its nreseiit quarters will like y i, l;e Irlai e alxillt )ecener 1. In Pr- lie quarters tlm lixsl post ollire will tie pro vided with UTl coinlniialioii l k h,cs Wlnle nil call boxes now ill IIHl , mil he eliminated, (minded In i,e olli -e fur iiislilha Hie nil neressiiry equiMnen'" (or Hie rural mail rcrvir of hi h two mules are tinw npi-raied fioin th- . lin e ill tliia l ily ami .eliui.iN lire in eir. .un ion nek iiiw lor llm establishment of Olliela. Till. , r K,, II If ...... m" , . i.r. I .1 l.ll ..''I'M' ' It... 1 1 i i .i wiiiBiivit nana I am-eii, oi weork.,, a ilii-mlrer of tlm Cm, kiunaa i iitinH letfi lattte deW-truliou, vtsa in Mm r'v Kri.Uy. Wl.en iiiicHtiuiii-il reuMiMn u lii v e on llm iroi'oaeil ie. iui h kkioii ol the klrfli l..,.iMlalti.H Mr k, I ' that Im Wonlil In ierle. ll y ralo-lie.l if wovernor IihiiiImtIhiii ciilia an ex'r ealnn for tlm illr.oim of reinnU UK tlm defeclive lax law tint Im la not ailiin lo plei!(in lilnmelf In conaiiler no o'lmr li-if-lalalioii of a reiiicilul cliaiacl. r Mr.' I'anlaen thinka it Till prove a Keimna mnl coaily rx iwrirriro to Clmkini" coiiriiy If no taxea are to l.n ro!erte IHliH inotitlm lie aava lln.l tl u (.eople ol llm comity Keneiullv cmlnrae llie new tax law tliut waathoiiKht to be operal ive at Ihla tiino ami are willing to pay tlm lax or even a double aaaetMiient on tlm roll that Ima linen written i( i iea"onalil ainoiliil of t Im revenue no rained in ex pended in tlm hiiildluK and iiiiiovn of the in ('lackauiaa county, Hepre aentalive l'nulnen liai written liovernor CliauilM-rUin to lid flfect. Oregon City Iinterprise TOLD IN S1DEMEADS. llrnluM) Wkst TO Ai akka HecailH) tier Imahauil went to Alnnka, lalleil to lioMd lor her and heaitalrd ahoiit he. iiik fee n Iii company with her, M It. Hurt haa lirouyht and lor divorce from IJina Hurt In whom aim wan married at In September 1!M)2. The plaint iff denirea to leanmH her maiden llHIIIB, Marinaa Iloliner, Can V CoNTiNlirti. Th" cam) o( Ktate of Oregon ve. (Jrace Sheltou ari'l Kohi-rl L. Johliaon, charged with lewd co habitation, wan conllmmd to the April term on motion of I hot rut Attorney Allen, lioth ol the (lelenilnnta were re leased on their on recognizance ami it ia n t believed thai there will lie any proa pcutioti of the charge. IIotii Wastud tiik Ciiii.dbks. Strife for the cuntoily ol two children enlivened the divorce mit of A. A. Kenny vs. Annie Kenny In the circuit court laet Friday. Kai-b denirea the care ol the to children and In order to prove Imr especial Iltnean, the wife charged the hunhand with drunkennona and failure to support. On the other hat'il, the hua- I.hihI pro.hlccil w itneanen to tentify an to hin temperate liahita and the fact that the mother ia not fit pornon to have the bringinif tin of the children. After hearing the testimony in the rase, Judge Mcllride took the matter under advisement. It Is Not Because We are Good Looking That I'fopie of Cliirkatii!in County are patronizing uu. It U acommon aaying, "Busch Makes Money." Yes, we are miikiiiK iiKim y in a l;it tiiiitc. honorable way by maintaining a large circle of well to do, natinfied cuptomers whom we have navml many a dollar, and we will do the same 'or you if you will only give ub a chance to compare pritti H ami (jiiality on good- you intend to buy. TO l)V W'KCOMK HKKOItH VOU With a houttehold article that we bought in car lota from a large eastern factory, A WOVI2N WIKII IJI3D SPRING with a Hard flaple Frame, superior to any soft wood frame, no matter how good the fabric of the wire may be otherwico but thin one outrthines them all in price and quality. We Oiler This Bed Spring for I " &t;' ' rl fcd O . y . wrw JW : $2.25 jH-...--.... : ' " Ah -w- ik ' ' And ask you to please call aixl inspect this inarvcloiiH nll'tr. FRANK BUSCH, THE HOUSEFURNISHER Oregon City, Oregon Id- r- vAewaf niami ipaei t-i--Jat Will Hav to Ktand Tkial The de murrer made hy Judge O'l'av to the indictinenlM againd II. U. McKmley, Mia Marie I.. Ware ami K. A. I. I'mer, rhartiltiK them with conspiracy and forn ery in land cases, were overruled yester day hy J udtfe Itellinucr, ol the Federal Comt save Tuesday' Oregon'iin. The delenilanla will have to K" to trial on the imlictinenta an returned hy the Krand jury, and they will apMar in court this momma to make their pleading. The arKUinent made hy Jude ('ty Hu'ins' the indu tmeiita wa haseil uimih the aliened technical faults of the documents. He urued that they were not sperilic enouirh in the deacriptiona of laml al leiied to he involved, and thnt furls snl flrient to i oiielitiite cause of action were larking-. Ju.lne. Itellintier in decnl inK auainet the demurrers, held that it w as not lierenssary to he in re specific in deacrihlnu the property Involved, In or der to show that a crime had heen com mitted. He aleo held that hecailse laud was not open to entry, that fact did not preclude the poaslhility of the Ciovem nietit heini( defrauded out of it. MK. ItoHKNIIAI I' IvKTIKKa M, Roweii- liHum, who lor thirteen yeara haa held the Msition of assistant secretary at the Crown Paper Mill", In thin city, haseev ered Ills connection with the institution in an official rapacity and will no to Seattle about Decemlar 1, where lie will associate himself with the National (irocery Company, In which lie haa pur chased an intereat. Mr. Kosenliauin, who atill retains Interest in the Crown Taper Company, a etock-hoider, will he succeeded aa assistant rtecretarv by I. O'Connell, formerly manager of the Standard l'aper Company, of San Francisco. II Dkhkhtxd Hkb Twice Laura E. Aliia it the plaintiff In a divorce pro ceeding filed analnst Wm. Alhi In the circuit court. In this case the parties were married In ebraska in December 1H12 and the defendant Is charned with m douhle desertion. The wife chariiea that Alii first abandoned her in January lKli;t hut aubaeqnently returned and lived with her in Portland until January last, when, after much abuse, he again ilo eerted her. The plaintiff aek that the marriage ties be dissolved, that she h swarded the custody ol an only child, that she may resume her maiden name, Laura K. Wilson and that the defendant be required to pay $20 per month ali mony and the further sum of $100 attor ney's fees. Dkcihion is Impoktant. Considerable interest in local land circles attaches to the recent decision ol the General Land Olllce in sustaining the contest of Ingram vs Krickaon on the uronnd that the claimant held more than 100 acres at the time he made application under the Homestead Act. For this reason Erick son's claim has been held (or cancella tion. J. W. Draper, a local Land Office practitioner, has invesllitated the law on the subject and is of the opinion that any patent to land that has been Issued nn derthe homestesd act subsequent to March 3, 1891, when the Interior De partment first made this rulinu, can be cancelled, save, possibly, where the Und baa been void by the lerson making the filing, to an Innocent purchaser. The Tiikathical Kvkst or Skamos. The dramatization of lien. I-ew Wallace's great novel has heen seen only in New York, fioMon, Philadelphia, Hrooklvn and Chicago and a lew other cities dur ing, the past four years. William Young, who made the dramatization has sue reeded meet admirably in the produc tion of a drama which not only retains the most absolute fidelity ol (ion. Wal lace's great book, hut which does nut offend the most devout Christian. I'ro lessor Kdgar Stillman Kelley, has heiuhtened the solemnity (J "Hen llur" with music that ii a positive delight to the ear. The itaue settings provided hy Klaw A Krlanger have never been eqiialleifin this country. The pictures ol "The Star ol Dethlehem," "The City of Jerusalem from the terrace garden of the palace of llur," "The Interior of a Kotiisn galley," "The Urove ol Daphne "The Fountain ol Caatalia," "The Char lot Itace," "The Vale of llinnoin and the Mount of Olives," are remarkable exhibits of tho best scenic art. To these are added some wonderful effects in linhtinir. as in the Star of Bethlehem, and In stage mechanics, a In the famous chariot race, the contrivances ueea to mske the chariot race cost no less than $15,000. Eight horses race in full view ol the audience. F.acli animal run on a separate tread mill, and the effect ol Ben Hur's quartet of horses winning is pro duced by electric power concealed be neath the stage. An immense ryclorama representing the Interior of the arens with its multitude of painted people is whirled across the stage in the opposite direction from that which the horses are headed, areatlv increasing the illusion, as the audience ia apparently going with the horsea. This is not only a spectacu lar but a dramatic success as well. Was Phkmdknt ok Company Orestes j I'belix, president of the W'illninette i I'ulpcV l'aHr Company, died at 4 o'clcck hint Siurilay morning at Ins home al Vernon lleiidits, Oakland, California, Ir "in exhaustion resulting from disease ol the kidney. Mr. 1'ierce w an b'2 years of age and had been in fadirg health lor a year. The deceased at horn in Maine and was early admitted to the bar in his native state, where for a time Im prac ticed law. Tweotv years ago he came to San Kranciaco, California, where his un- i cle, the late Henry Pierce resided. He j was president of the Contra Cost Wa ler Comtiaiiv, ol Oak and. until hia re ' tiremeiit a iew yeri agr. He was one. uf the loundera of the ban Fruncirco Na tional Hank and hail interests in numer ous other corporation of California. The interests ol Mr 1'ierce of aiost concern to Oretf-ouiane, however, was the Willam ette l'ulp Si l'aper Company, operating pulp nml paper mills at Oregon City. Mr. 1'ierce, tog.-tlmr with his uncle, Henry Pierce, and couin, Win. 1'ierce Johnson, orn ti zed the W. I. & I'. Co , in May, 18S8. Mr Pierce was at ell tunes piesideiit of the company which has grown to beone of the largest manu facturing I lint it ui iui ih iu the state ol Ore gon, having a daily product of more than eighty tona of news paper. Mr. Pierce married Miss Hallie McKee, of Oakland, California, in 1SIK), hy whom he is sur vived. They hail no children, liurinl look place at Oakland Monday. The mills st Oregon. City were shut down Mon day afternoon. Mr. Pierce frequently visited the company's plant at Oregon ' City and was well known in Oreifon. He always took a great interest in the pa per mills in this city, and was at all times deeply concerned in the welfare of the many employes of the company. Daily River Schedule or (JKrXiON CITY BJAT8. DAILY SCHIUDLX. Steamers Altona and Pomona for Sa lem and way points, leave Portland daily except Sunday) at 6:45 a. m., leave Oregon City, 8:15 a. m. ; returning, leave Salem, 7 . m.j leave Oregon City, 4:30 p. ui. Oregon City Transportation Co. Can't le perfect health without pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters makes pure blood. Tones and invigorates the whole svstem. V1M4VV CP YEARS' . yy. EXr -IENCE ,ialBlaMMBaWSal I I Traoc Marks Copyright. Ac AnToasrwndlnf aakcteh and deaoiptlnn ma? quickly ucertatn our opmtnn free whether aa Invention Is probably patentable. Commanlea. turns trietlronnnden-.liL HANDBOOK on Patent sent free. Oldest agency fur securing- patents. Patent uaen tlmjimh Mntiu A Co. recalTS tftriaX node, without charge, Intbs Scientific American. A handsomely lllnsrrateo weekly. Ijirrat eh dilation of any scientific Journal. Terma. 13 a year: 1 "or month, L Bold by all newadealera. MUNN & Co.3B,B-'- New York Branch Office, 63 t Ft. Washington. D. C 1 1 Mum, PIONEER m$ht and Ejpf e$, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE 1 I'lion MOUTH AFIIICA. Mew War of l l"B hmber- laln'sj Coug;h Itrinedy. M- Arthur Phanman writinir from n...i.An Mtiiol slnnth Afriei aava! ''As 1lliuaii, iiwini, . - - a proof that Chamberlain's Coiitth Kem- etiy IS a t uro nuiiatnr iu, uiu I pen yon the following: A neighbor of mine had a child just over two months old. It bad a very bail roiiKh and the parents did not know what to irtve It. l ir!Rit that if thev would izet a bottle of Chamberlain's Coiiuh liemedv nd put some upon the dummy tear, me oaoy was suck ins It would no doubt core the child. This they did und brought about niilek relief and cured the hahv," this remedy is for sale by O. A. Harding. It fcmetl HI Leg. P. A. Danforth of Lafiranife, Ca , suf fered for six months with a frightful run ning sore on bis leg; but writes that Ittu kltin's Arnira alve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the beet salve in the world. Cure K uaranteed. Only iScts. Sold by Char- man & Co., druggists. Owned Too Mucu Land. The gen eral land oflke has sustained the contest of Iinnram vs. Krickson on the grounds that the claimant owned more than 160 acres ol fsnd when the homestead filinu was made. A decision covering the sub ject has been received by J. W. Draper, attorney for the contestant. This is the first time for years that this question has been raised in connection with a home' stead entrv at the Oregon City land of fice. The department holds that the ownership of more than 160 acres of land forfeits the right of any advantages under the homestead act. Plm.nnil Inta In Orptron ( Tit V for sale Inquire at the Enterprise office. Oct. 2tf YourHair "Two years ago my btir wis falling out badly. I purchased bottle of Ayer's Hsir Vigor, snd oon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, IU. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. Sl.M 1 aotll. All IratfUts. If your Urucjriat cannot supply yon, send ua on do llur and will express you a bottle. He sura and (tits the nam f your Dearest express oflire. AJtreea, J. CAVtB CO.. Lowell, Miss. CLOCKS If you are troubled with that "Tired Feeling" in the morning try one of our Spasmodic "Alarm Clocks." We guarantee them to do the work. Price, $1.75. Or if you do not care to spend sq much for a 6mall nickel Alarm Clock we have a very fine Clock made expressly for us, which we sell for $1.00. We guarantee it to give satisfac tion. We have a very fine assortment of black wood Clocks all with the Cathedral Gong strike price from $6.00 to $10.00. Mantel Clocks from $3.50 to $5.00; fine gold plated Clocks, Orumla finish, from $2.00 to $20.00. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS m