Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1003 4 Oregon City Enterprise city am rorsTY omnu, patek. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates. One year M Six months 1 W Trial pubscription, two months 5 A discount of 50 cents on all subscriptions for one year, 2." cents for six months, if paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATKS ON A1TUCAT10S. Subscribers will find the tlate of expiration stamped on their papers following their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no tify us and the. matter will receive our attention. second-class matter. (UNION i..LABEl THE CASE FOR CUBA. that the time will come when the enterprising ioople of Astoria will be convened that the only way to ad vertise the resources of Astoria and Clatsop county is through the local pnjH'rs. There is not a man or cap italist in the Kast who contemplates coming West, that does not send for a copy of a local newspaper. A newspaper publishes facts as they real I v exist, while an advertising pamphlet publishes a great many things that do not exist. Local newspapers are ex pected to boom the town, but when it comes to adver tising it, those who have the matter in chargo over look the newspaper like a white check. Seattle was advertised all through the Kast through its newspapers. Every hotel in the Kast always had a copy of a Seattle paper. An Oregon paper is never seen unless it is one sent home to relatives. If a copy of the Astoria newspapers were sent to all the leading hotels, people would soon find out that there was such a town in Oregon, and that Oregon was a component part and legal subdivision of the United States, and Astoria was in it. It takes time to educate the jeople up to these things, but the people of Seattle know how it is done Astoria Herald. 1 PLUMOINC CHARCCS Tli Kind You Hnyo Alwnya nought, luul which linn iieca lu us for over llO your, lm borno tno mjrinuiiro oc mid hun iMHMi umiin under IiU pcr- HoiiaJMiiH'rvlsloii lnco It Innuiry. Allow no ono todwHvo you hi thin. All Counterfeits Imitation and Jiud-iin-nood" ori hub Impertinent that trlllo with nud mdniurer tho hcnlth of luttuite nml Chlldrcii-l'xiMTlenco nculuxt Experiment. CONCKUNING PANAMA. t ... ... i 1 t - : . . i : i ? a The President has expressed himself so fullv on the 11 11 mu WT " T" MT 1""" subject of reciprocity with Cuba that little was left for . l" a u,p ,M",m,!' ,u 1 "mim!l wouu' Im" nwm him to do in his me'ssage t. congress except to travel ! I1UU'11 to. the averago American as has the lat the legisla-i 1 aiagonia. h export practically noimng but some bananas and a very little mahogany. The area of the Republic of Panama is o 1 ,57 1 square miles, which makes it a little more than half as large over the out grouml. lie says again inai uie icg tion which he approves is demandul not only by our interest but by our honor; that owing to the Piatt amendment we must consider that Cuba occupies a unique porition as regards this country which gives her special claims upon us: that she is loyally observ ing her obligations to us; that a failure to enact the desired legislation "would come perilously near a re pudiation of the pledged faith of the nation." Such testimony on the point of honor is proof as Illinois. Its population is currently placed at l!S5,(KK, but if one seeks the source of the figures he will trace them to an "official estimate" of I SS I , which has apparently done service ever since. Similarly the City of Panama has had "X0,(XXV jopuiation ever since ISSt!. Rirths and deaths, immigration and rev- -i ... ; : i.. I .iv . ... . I enough that the government secured its objects in j pecunngiy " IT"". fu ui ns mc ruu?ui.iJt un aiimv or inre. Cuba by promises that have not been kept, and if they are not kept now the country will be placed in a shameful position before the world. But the Presi dent appeals also to another sense besides the sense of honor. He speaks of our military and economic in terests in the waters south of us, which "have been largely increased by the consequence of the war with Spain, and will be still further increased by the build ing of the isthmian canal." Cuba, with her Ameri can naval stations and her commerce, contributes to these interests, and by reciprocity we should gain as much economically as we give, since it will enable us to secure the Cuban market for our farmers, artisans, merchants and manufacturers. A few figures may possibly add some force to this contention. The exports from the United States to Cuba in 1902 amounted to 2o.l millions, the total of Cuban imports being about t2 millions. These ex ports embraced a great variety of manufactures, food stuffs and raw materials, and the treaty provides for tariff concessions by Cuba ranging from 2" to 40 per cent. It will be seen, therefore, that with such en couragement we should get considerable more of the 62 millions of business and make foreign competition exceedingly difficult. Furthermore, to show that we are really driving a hard bargain, one could point to the fact that Cuba is to receive concessions of only 20 per cent from us on her exports to this country, including the sugar, over which there has been so much discussion. To indicate how slight the concession is we may take the data furnished by a correspondent of the New York Even ing Post, who describes the market as it was when he visited the island in 1902. The producer received 1.6 cent per pound for clean sugar in bags, "and this had to meet our full duty of 1.68 cent besides freight and charges.'" At 20 per cent of the protection would still amount to a relatively large figure, which is very far from suggesting a ruinous generosity toward com petitors. Chicago Record-Herald. AN EXTRA SESSION PR There is little doubt but that a special session of the state legislature will be convened by Governor Chamberlain. With the exception of probably three counties, the interests of every county in the state de mand an extra session that the defect in the tax law may be remedied. Even the counties that would not suffer from a failure to collect a tax levy on the 1903 roll, recognizing the condition of the great majority of the other counties in the state, nnite in petitioning the governor in the best interests of the state to call the legislature together in extraordinary session. While the sentiment throughout the state generally favors legislation n the tax law alone and a brief session, a majority of the members of the two legislative bodies decline to pledge themselves to consider only remedial tax legislation, reserving the right to transact such other business as the best inter ests of the entire state may require. It may be relia bly predicted that the session will be brief. OREGON NEEDS ADVERTISING. Governor Chamberlain who has recently returned from the East, Bays that Oregon is not advertised in the East. That is certainly strange. If our memory serves us right, there have been thousands of little pamphlets gotten out in Astoria advertising our grand resources in the east. It is probable that they don't get any farther than Portland, and again it may be that Eastern people don't regard them as advertising. There is only one way to advertise a city, and that is through the newspapers. Money spent on pamphlets The Panama railroad is, industrially npraking, the "whole thing" in Panama. In liMM) the road trans ported 1M,758 tons of goods westward, of which amount 60,518 tons came from New York, 54,905 from Europe, while the remainder was local traffic. The weight carried eastward was 20'', 61!) tons, of which 118,670 was to New York, 77,215 was to Europe, and the rest was local traffic. The number of vessels that entered the ports of Panama, Colon, Santa Maria and Cartagena in 187 was !'23, of 1,213,110 tons, and the number cleared was 919, of 1,210,629 tons. Off the line of the road an adventurer finds himself almost at once in the unbroken jungle. There are practically no roads worthy of the name. One-mule trails are found here and there, and a few portions of an old paved road across the isthmus, built by the Spanish in 1514, still remain. A large part of the population lives on rice. It is significant of the country's industrial stage that, al though the isthmus contains thousands of acres of idsal rice lands, practically all the rice consumed is imported. Exchange. There are 2750 languages and the average individ ual does not understand one of them thoroughly. Frank B. Pooh, of Seattle, has been arrested for the theft of $9000 worth of bonds. He had evidently tired of being poor- Portland has a mail carrier who employs an outo mobile in making his daily collections. Since it fre quently requires two days for a letter mailed in this city to reach its destination in Portland, it is suggested that these same vehicles might be employed in dis tributing the mail as well. What is CASTORIA Owtorln N u liunnlewt mihtlttito for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop and Noothliijr. Njnip. It U rienitniit. II contains neither Opium, Morphine. ur other Nureutlo Kiitistuiico. It ago Ik It jrimruntee. It destroy Worm nnd itflny lVverMmen. It cure Plurrliieu and Wind Colic. It relieve Toothing Trouble, cure CoiiMtliUlou nnd Flatulency. It u.inliiillule the Food, regulate tho Stomach and llowcl, giving healthy and natural loop, Tho Children's Faiiacou The Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of are liu Higher man IIm i, in .... ,. trmln, mill our m no l,tKtir Hiu J, vlrw riti'li'M" iIihiihihU. WIihI wn iiiiilrlHkiliMliiiu Hi.,; will tin! l,n fniiiKl fl,.r Mir,in ! Iliiouali w till Johnny 'li-lei-itv, j,,,,1!, p.rt will he m.iIp,i, ,M loik'i,,,;'? ii'l l lli Mil i'ihiii'ii In ,u(1'n k for miy iIiIiiiiiiiii. The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. m, anMrr. mtm ww. J Oregon leads the world in big apples, big babies, big hogs and big farms, and now the biggest meteor ever discovered in the United States has been discov ered near Oregon City. It weighs between 20,000 and 40,000 pounds and is composed entirely of iron and nickel, probably nine or ten parts being iron. Yam hill County Reporter. If guilty, Robert Gardner, who is charged with the crime of mayhem, is entitled to no sympathy. He is charged with assaulting a defenseless Indian woman, whose remaining useful eye he gouged out with his hand, leaving the woman entirely b'ind. Gardner's past record is such that it will not invite lenient con sideration at the hands of the jury and the trial court. Permanent organization of the Oregon City Board of Trade, which was recently re-resurrected in this city, has not yet taken place. The disposition of a majority of those who should be the most inter ested in the plan and work of the board, in leaving to a few the work of perfecting the details of the or ganization, is not the proper spirit to show. There is need forimmediate work in Oregon City by some such a society, and there should be not the slightest delay in placing the board on a working basis. IX OUR KLKUAXT NKW STORK Wn trn Iih-imI in our tg tii tri mil witli larger Mi'l mora coiiipli'ln Murk ol litnr K'XI, ri I'ftler pri'imrcl limn rvr l-for to lormnti jruii Jn( what yoil vmnt at prlcei lower llmu His luwrM. Tho I7" nix- Main St., OREGON CITY ip knit F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER Mm VflllSKYgl FILES II WW BDIAS RLE CIKCT t V,1S5iCT. Iuk auai lu lling I'll". H !"'l' tho lnniurm. nil,,, hn tu bing t nno, rur, limtanl rrllrl. Krrrii 11 i ftrrenlatl Holtl hr druvi(l"i ,, "l H!11 r"-clit ol rlr". W rnu ti'l II i pirtKi. WILLIAMS MFO. CO., Proi., CUUnd, Ohio. For Sle t HfMI.F.Y'S "IMl 'KAIII.K II II T SOON ( t it I II imm:im: i ... ! Carl A. Pntzlnff Chan. II. Miithiiku Franklin Mile., M. P., I I. It , Hill Send 3 "i north of III . lull I'rnMTlliH Treiitinrnl j Free to Afflicted Kind. era. i II 1 V ' .'It t cn'iitiiicaiiy i mmiiumi Naturally Ap-d AliHoluti-ly I'urw Iit ami SafrX For AH I . t. MATTHIAS Sola Agency for Orfgon City BEST FOR THE BOWELS W arf dr, tov'r tli or iU k. lt ft !. ! tin, ! fc II. Fr U h kk& m ilnt or pill polton, la 4ff- Tt0 CANDY CATHAf i ci,y COMPANY Under the capable management of Miss Clark as superintendent, gratifying progress is being made this year in the Oregon City public schools. The con consolidation of the two upper grades, as accomplish ed in the management of the schools, has proven highly satisfactory, and with the present efficient corps of teachers all departments of the city Bchools : are progressing nicely. Mid-year graduating exer- is money thrown away. The people of the East are ciBes are scheduled for December, when a class of not all fools, and they know a patent medicine ad-, fourteen deserving young people will be presented Tertifiement from a home magazine. It is to be hoped witn diplomas of graduation. j To demount rata the iiiiiiihihI curallvo powers of hit New Km-ial Tratnittnt lur diHcanea of tho lieart, nerve. Mom- act) or dropay, Dr. Milen a ill neinl free to any afllitted pornon 'S.Vt aurtli of lna new treatment. It ia (ho reault of twenty-five yearn of caruful atmly, eilennive rem-urrli, and ruiarkabl experience in treating, tlnm und of lieart, e torn noli and nervoua di eanea, wliiuli m often ironiilirate raeli caae. 8o certain are the remilta ol It i n New Treatment that he dona not heai tate to (ive all patienta a trial free. Few phyHiciana have audi confidence in their (kill. Few phymciana ao thor oughly duaorve the rnnfldcnre. of their patient aa no (aUe iniliiceinenta are ever held out. The doctor' private practice ia ao exienmve ai to' require the aid of forty aHHociatea. Ilia olhYen are alway open to viHitorrj Col. N. U. Parker, ex-treaaurer of South Carolina, aaya; "I Iwlieve Ir. Milea to be an attentive and akillful phy- ician,-tn a field which require the beat cjualitiea of head ami lieart." The late i'rolesaor J. n. Jewell, M. IV, editor of the Journal of Nerve and Mental Dis ease, of Chicago, wrote, "l!y all mean publish yoar surprising result." Hundreds of "Incurable Cases" cared. Mr. Frank Hoiith, of Chicago, was cured of beart dropsy after five leading physi cian had given her up. Il.m. C. M. Buck, banker, of Faribault, Minn., write: "I had broken completely down. My head, heart, stomach and nerve had troubled me greatly for year. I)r. Mile' H pedal Treatment cured me after iz eminent physician of Chicago and elsewhere had completely failed." 1000 reference to, and testimonial! from bishops, clergymen, banker, farm er and their wive will be sent free. These inclnde many who have been cured after from 6 to 30 physician have pronounced them incurable. For free treatment, free Heart Book and question blank, address Dr. Miles, Grand Dispen sary, 613 to 623, Main .St., Elkhart, Ind. Mention Oregon City F.nterpriHe in your reply. iLUMBERi lllillj II lr :co o co o CO: JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Ktore, FORTY YEARS EXPKKIEXCE IN Great Britain and America. Assaulted Indian Woman. Robert Gardner, of tbi city, charged with may hem, wa arraigned In the circuit court Monday morning. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and his care wa set for trial next Friday. The charge on which Gardner wa arrested at Woodburn Hnn- day evening ia said to be the result of an attempted aseault on an Indian wo man, Mr. Martha Andrews, about the 4tb Inst. Gardner 1 said to have cruelly gouged oat the one remaining eve of the defenselesa woman, who ia now entirely blind. 1iann. Real property and chattel mortgage loans. Abstract furnished. U. B. DiMicK,Atty. at Law, Oregon City, Or. j'HK COMMERCIAL BANK Of OREGON CITY. l'"l. 1100,000 rAHCT A SIKtaiL BASIiaS Ijiaih mail. Hllli fliirounteil. Mka rl pIIiiik. UiirisiidiBlliair'hsiiiaori all polnu 0 tha tToltwl Hlatm, Kiirnpa aul Hong Koni. ""-"'""i mijpr( w onera Han ,pen from 9 a. a. to 4 r. a. " !. LATOUKKTTI, Freldint. F. J. MKYKK C.liler. Right Work at Right friers. High grade artistic work at reasonabl prices is the explanation for the great amount of Job work that the FnUrprlse office Is turnlnu out dally. Thia office I better prepared than ever before to do all kind of job work at price entirely consistent with first clats service and recognition of the union schIb of writes that is being paid (or labor. This ollice i again this year headquarter or lion check printing and all kind of printing required py nop anil fruit men. We are also better prepared than ever before to do all manner of job work, commercial and book printing, business stationery cards, dance invitations, program etc' We resctfully solicit work of thla character and desire at all time to figure with any iiriH desiring printing of any kind. If vour work is (lone at the Y.n. terprise office It is done right and will give satisfaction, (iive us a trial. L. Lewi, Coinm'l Agt., 242 Alder Ht.. .rt Ore. Write for the novel and catchy Heaaide pamphlet. Just issued, telling al about Hummer Oirla, Kea Her pents and Sunsets at Heaside. Bodily pain loseg its tprror f , Kttleof Dr Thoma.' Kclectric Oil in the house. Infant relief in rse of burns, cuts, npralns, accident of anv tort. ' CAT EM LIKE CANDY rUlbl,, Tm OmI, b flno4, Mo.r lli.t.a, fulii ,rOnr"i !. M 'r koi. RriMhllmiU(K,Ml Ul ktWIk. Atr m HmllKi KtatWr Cmwdo, CleaHraiTHi EEEP YOUR ELOOD CLE1I BUY THE HI SEWING MACHINE Do not be duvlvol liy tlnsw who ViTtixn fH).(JQ Hewing Ma hlne ft IJO.OO. TtilaklndofaiiiAcliliieciui ! Iiooght fmin II or any of our dcJ.m from 115.00 1 IIS.00. ( MARK A VAMICTT. THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. Trie Frxl dotermlneri tlia strength weak tuna of Hnwliiff Mmhliun. Tot IoullA Fel comldn.-l with other atrong xlnU makm the, Horn tho Utt Huwlng Mim IiIiio to buy. WrileforCIRCMSSsS: vemuuntctureandpilnni b,'firiurrhln THE HEW HOIK SEWINC WCHINE 0. Union 8j. N. V, CJilg, UL, AUwil, BULuula.Mo Halla,Tei.,Httn Kniiiolxw, row SaLC C. 8. CRANK, 3!W Morrinon Street. Torttand. Oregon. -eLL.OH 2,(X)0mile of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, WaflhinKloD.CaU- fornis and Idaho no W nitration by the Pad60 Htation Telephone Com pany, covering 2, towns. Quick, accurate, cnp All the eatififaction of pergonal communication UiHtance no efTect W clear underntanding. BP0 kane and San Franci B8 eaeily heard a r0IV land. Oregon City office at If you don't Ifpt Ilia V aJ-r uu don't get the new. 'U 11.(1111 TS UrUi.r