OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1903 3 fi Hosiery Slid murk Cut nraiid ChlClflO-Rocklorw Hoiienr Company ADAMS BROS. Oregon City Agonts for "Black Cat" STOCKINGS New To-Day. TI.KNTY OF lowest rates. MONKV TO CM. Vy. 1.0 AN AT Ivc 11 MONKY TO LOAN AT I.OWKST rule llanom A Gairrmi. UK. C. H. 8KAMANN, PHYSICIAN (Mllce over I larding't drug atore. MONKY wr colli, Snii'Hai.. TO LOAN AT Kami aecurity. AM) U'Kkn 4 I.OT On Main atre.-t a plr of itold riinniivl eye tilaaaea. Kinder will pleaae return In Knterpriae nlUi-e. HK.DCKS A (iKIKKITII (OKKK'KS IN the Weinhard llllildlii) havethe choic eat city, auliutban and country prop erty lor amalleat pricea. MONKY TO LOAN-I HA VK KKVKKAL ainna of money beloninu to privala Individual! which 1 am autliorlxeO to loan, on lontf lime at 0 and 7 per cent. ( oat ol loan will be made very reanon able. II. K. Caoaa, attorney at law. WANTKDTO KMI'UJY.-l WISH TO employ at once, tlx or more active trtialy peraoiia, male or female, in Clarkamaa ctjiinty. ('and aalarv to ba ld for aervicea. Call at my o.lice in Oregon City, Oregon. 0. A. Cheney, Auent. Nov. 1!0 PKI7.K MASK BALL AKMOKY ball, Oregon City. Thankeiviiit( night, Thnriday, Noveinlier 1!0. HHIH, given by Turney'a orcher-lra. $'.'5 in pnnea. AiiiineHion, gent In maek, 75 cunla; ladiea in Inank, free ; Npeuialora, KenU, 5U cent ; ladle, Z" cent. Nov liO LOST Hlack, while and tan Knlnh aelter don, llaa I ill aiiila over eyea, Ian color altout tlieinouih, blitck bead and eara, U'we black et on rnini' and flank. Anawitra to the name of "Hat." Kivedollara reward for return to I r. I.. L. ricketn, Oregon CHy. Ore gon. Nov 'JO. KrUAYKU On Oclolier 2(1, from the farm of Win. Mackintoah, near Untie vi I If, I'ointer (female), yellow and wlnie marka, collar on, with tier two half Krown pupplea, both femalea. black and white marka. Any infor niation leaduiK to the recovery of tbean dotii will be rewarded. J. Mack intosh, K. F. I). Koule No. 2, Kher wood. Nov. 13. WANTKD-A TKU8TWOKIHY (JKN tlemaii or lady in each county to man age butineaa for an old established house of aoliil financial standing. A straight bona fltle weekly aalary of 1H00 paid by check each Monday with all expense! direct from head quarters. Money advanced for ex antea. Undone addressed f nvelope. Manager, 3K) Caxton Ithlg., Chicago. Feb 1. MANAUF.K WANTED in tbia county and adjoining territory to represent and advertise an old established busi ness bonne of solidlflnancial standing. Salary weekty, with $.1 per day for expense! paid each Monday by check direct from beadquarlera. Expenses advanced and borae and buggy fur nished when necessary j oaition per manent. Address President, (HO Mo non Building, Chicago, III. Nov. 21. Ktaolutlant of Respect. The follow ing resolution! were recently adopted bv Sunshine Lodge, Degree of Honor, of Wilsonyille: Whereas, death ha claimed Mn. Alice Mulloy, ol Sunshine lodge, D. of II. No. , Resolved, That in the death of Bister Mulloy the lodge lias lost one of ite most faithful workera and the community an active Christian woman. Kesolved, That we tender to the hus band and relatives tenderest sympathy in this their great torrow; may they re ceive comfort and strength from on high. Kesolved, That our charter be draped In mourning for one month and that these resolution! be written in the min utes of this meeting and a copy to the A. O. U. W. Reporter and one to the Ore gon City Enterprise and one to the be reaved fumiiy. Krd Crnade. Major Robert Dubbin, of the divisional office of Oregon and Washington, with brigade of eight specials will be with us from Wednesday 25tb to Monday 30th inclusive. Two of the main meetings will be in the Bhlvely'a opera house Sun day afternoon at 3:30 and 8 p. m. The local ministers will assist in these two meetings. All Christian! Invited to earnestly pray for these meetings. F.n algn W. R. Crabtree. k T . ta . i i. a r Thanksgiving specialties go to fflMflll'i. KltltllNIJII HiMiin nmile vlioli giving liiHikwt, 8 caudle Thanks- All natlern IihIn at ft MIm U. Uolilmnllli. great reduction. One ticket lth each $1 cash purchase (nr fins musical album. Don't uil it, Hi Klnclnc Uiocery. Hov wanted at Hclirader'a Bakery. German boy pielerred. Call at once. Nov. 27. Horn, HuiiiUy. November 1ft. to Mr. rnl Mr. Chaa. Rider, near this city, a on. Tim tuple t tli Congregational church next HimiUy evening will I "Tin Hap pleat Woman in Town." Wummi 1 ivi) clear, healthy complex inn. Pure blood makes it. ltiiidx k Wood Hitters uiakea purs blood. 17 pounds of rice for (I j alack lalt, 6)e rur liuiiilrml pomida; Soda, three pound r ten cents, at K. C. lUiuiliun'i llml I 'ion I Krzeina, scald head. Iilvi. lichineaa oi ti n akin ol any aorl inalaiitlv relieved permanently cured. Doan'a Olnluimit. At any drug alora. No audi thing aa '"en turner coiu iiUinl" where Ur. Kowlcr'a Kxtract of Willi Strawberry la kept bandy Na I n re 'a remedy for looaeneaa of the bowelt. The union Tharikaiiiviiig aerviiea will l held on Thanksgiving I'ay at 11 a. in. in Ihe Cuiigreiralloiial church. The Kev. Mr. lienven. ol the Itapllat church, will preach the aermon. Miaa KiikIIhIi la forming clang and will Inatriirl on the violin. Tlioae de airliiK to take leoaona will pleae rail at the reaiileme of 1,'haa. Albright, M.'iu and Kleventh atreeta. 1'ureea for a I moat nothing at 2:,Sc, 7c, 14c, 2.V. New mercerized rM-tticoata at Uric, l.r.', fl 21). Cluhlren'a fleeced vent a or panta from Do upwarda, at Thomaon'a llargain (Store. W. K. I'oindexU)r, an employe at the Oretfon Citv planing mill, luat hie left thumb Tueaday afternoon. Hit hand came In contact with the turning lathe. The wound w aa dreaded by Dr. Hoininera. A dancing claas will be conducted by Miaa Coiwland.of Cortland, every Thura- day evening at Willamette ball. Single leaaoli 60 centa: general dancing 25 cenia. Claaa on Friday evening, Thankagiving week. A verdict for the defendant waa re turned In the circuit court by the jury In the caae o' McDonald ve. Camliaii. Thia w aaaauit to recover on a prumieaory note w Inch, with the accrued lutereat, aggregated f 150. A. K. Kalecr, who arrived recent (nun t liicago, baa piirulineed the Nw lork gallery and in prepared to do the moM aiitiafaclory work in photography lie la Introducing Hie Very laleat pic tures and dova only the Ix'at work. Thoe. Clark brought a suit Wednesday in the circuit court enking tlmt he be ill vorced from Stella Clark whom he mar ried in I'ortland in December liHll. Al grounds for anking for a separation, Clark charges Ins wife with the crime ol auul tery which he alleges baa been com milted at divers timet with one Adolph Smith. Becaune of the scarcity of available teachers in this locality, County Stioer inteudent inner has tins week been compelled lo abandon his office at the court house and assume the principal ship of ihe Park place school, succeeding Prof. Met ami who has been taken aerl oualy ill and gone to Portland to submit to a aurgical operation, it lias lHen some time since competent educatort were as scarce as they ere in this section at this time. The county court at a special session held Wednesday made an order direct ing the road supervisor! of the county to enforce the collection of all delinquent road poll taxes before Deremlier 1. At thai date the stiiwrvieors make their an nual reports to the court showing the work of the year. This assessment amounting to 3 per annum, has been very generally paid jn tbia county. The fund that is raised from this source is expended in road construction in the road district in which it la collected. Among the notable featurns of the Ar gonaut for November are "The Mascot of the Ten-Strike: How Mrs. Potter Worked the Bunco Game," an Interest ing atory by Marguerite Stabler, of the exigent circumatancea in which a boss miner and his wife are placed; "The Proud Prince," an account by (ieraldine Bonner, of the production of the play of that name in New York, with the fasci nating Bothern in the title-roll; "Mar riage in Egypt, B. C,. 02," an article giving aome account of the findings of the Mrs. Hearst archwological expedi tion, and reproducing the earliest mar riage contract known; and a criticism of "The Storks" at the Columbia, by Jose phine Hart Phelps. The theory of "Practice what yon preach" is more easily and general ly preached than practiced. Particularly is this true with many local merchants, who, If they aee a resident of the city re turn from Portland with eome purchase made in the metropolis, question the loyalty of the purchaser to his home town. At the same time many of thene same merchants refuse to do any adver tising in the local paper! for which a majority are not subscribers. If asked to sign for the local paper, these mer chants smile. Instances are known in I l,i,.h hnuinpna men of this citv have tent to outside towns for their job print ing when the same work can be done at either of the newspaper offices in this reasonable and frequently A good local newspaper can cl.eai.r, be maintained omy by patronizing It In every possible way. Ihere la not an oilier cay hi the state In which two bat ter weekly pnwra are. published than are pruned in Oregon City arid tbey are fla aerving of the encouragement that it 11 the duty df local biiNlnes Interests to tv. Advertising, job printing of all klmU and sulmcnpiion constitute our aim k in trade. The wlven of the inembera of the lo cal grand chapter, Koyal Arch Maaotia, gave their husbands a pleasant surprise Mumlay evening. A Tier an Informal programme of tuaula, the ladie served a banquet. Mrs. I.inwood K. Jonea pre tided aa loalmaHier, and in proposing toaals was decidedly Impartial in that erery one of the gentlemen guests waa called npon. The responses were varied and entertaining. Home made brief ad ilrnMea, othera related a itory, aome re cited all contributing in some way to the eiitiTtiliiinent of those about the baniiiet board. And by the way, thise who had the xood fortune to be preaent, declare that the spread waa one of the tlin-et they h partaken ol in many a year, Tim jovial banqueter! iliaperaed aliortly before innlnitt nt after ainging "Auld Lang Kyne." Iaic M Foaier, who died at the home of bit ton in law, F. C (ieer, 2UM0lh ttreel, I'ortland, Novemlwr 4, 1!03, wut agml 84 yeiira, 6 month ami 27 dayt. lie waa a pioneer of 1H45, having been born In Hiott county, Ken lucky in 1H1I). The deceased waa an Indian War Veteran, having aeived agaiutt the C'ayuae Indiana at a private in t.aptam Maxon'i company of riflumeu during the uprinmg of 1818. lie alao arved an a Texan ranger during IK.'iS and H:i!l In the territory of Texaa. He aet tied in Clackamat county in 1K45 and re' aided in thia county until 1H82 when he removed to (irant county where be lived until three yean ago. The deceaeed la aurvived bv four (laughter and a eon at follow: Mra. Klir (ieer, I'ortland; Mra. I,. II. Strickland, Oregon City; Stephen router, Idaho; Mra. Addle .VI non, I'oitlaml ; Mrs. Claudie Kimpaon, I'ortland, and M r Inora NuUon, I'ort land. Mr. roaler waa known in every aectlon in which he held hit reaidence for hie extreme hospitality and decided honeaty. Funeral aervicea were con Ifeicled at Ihe Kirat lixptint church in Oregon (Jilv, Friday, Noveinlier fl, and tiurial waa had in Mountain View seme tery, It is natural that in making purchases of every description, the Investor de sires only superior goods. If a auit of clothes or material for a dress ia wanted, the Intending purchaser goes to an es tablished business houne whose proprie tor baa made a reputation for handling only the bent goods. If groceries are needed, the houaekeeiier consider qual ity rather than quantity. So it is with printing. Convinced that the best it none too good for the people of Oregon Citv and vicinity, the Enterprise recently ordered au extensive stuck of th latest commercial and society stationery. The goods have arrived and with the new type that we have ordered, the Enter prise will be better prepared than ever iN-fore to supply the want of this sec tion in all kinds of job printing. We have a fine assortment of new and up-to- date stationery for dance invitations, programmes, parties, and all social functions. Our stock of wedding sta lioneiv was never more replete. We are particularly prepared to furnish window cards of attractive denign for dunces, public entertainments, etc. Our prices are consistent with good stock, faultless work and satisfsctoiy service. (Ml Ht the ollice and let ua show our camples. Orders by mail or telephone will receive prompt attention. Last Sunday, owing to the careless nesa of the attending nurse in a Sao Francisco hospital where the little fellow was receiving treatment, Ivy, the young son of Mr. and Mra. Albert fowell, and tue grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Powell, of this city, was Binothered to death. The nurse, who was administer ing a steam bath to the child, was called to the telephone and left the patient un attended. Upon returning to the room later, it was discovered that the lamp had overturned and the lied clothing was burning. Before the child, who wat pinned to the bedclothes, could be res cued, it had smothered to death, fu neral services will be conducted, at me Salvation Army hall at 11 o'clock Sun day morning and interment will take PETTICOAT PLEASURE Means dress satisfaction sure. For what'B more helpful to the fit and look of a pretty gown than a well made petticoat? TViftt'athe Success Story of Sorofis a yoked petticoat that sets the overskirt so gracefully in the correct, long lines, straight front nd fashionable flare. Then a finish that is the embodi ment of care every seam strapped inside and out. And an elegantly trimmed flounce that will please the most fastidious woman No, not nearly all the pleasure the wearing of Sorosis eitherl Look at the saving pleasure in this price. $1.25. ADAMS BROS. Oregon City's Bis Cash Store julaceln the Mountain View cemetery. fbe funeral party will leave the resi drme of (j, 8. Freeman on the West Hide in time to reach the Haivation Army ball at the hour appointed for the funeral service. The Tharikaglvlng market of the Hal nrday Club will open next Tneaday at 1 o'clock in the vacant Candy atore oppo site liarlow'l. In a recent letter to bla relative in tbia city, E K. Charman, of the City lrug H'ore, w ho ia now located at Phoe nix, Arlzonia, writee that hla health ia uitH.li improved. At a meeting of the Woman'i Auxil iary to the Hoard of Mitaiona of St. I'aul'a parriah, held at the rectory Thura day afternoon, the Kv. V. K. Hammond read a paier on "The Work of the Church in Alaska." The pralce aervice at the Firat Con gregational church laat Sunday evening waa largely attended. A large audience attended the aong aervice which took the place of the regular evening aervice. The individual and choir contribution! were all good. There will be held the !ual Thanks giving aervice at St. I'aul'a Epiajopal church at 11 a. m. Tburadav, Thanks giving Uay. The annual aermon will be delivered by the Kector, Kev. V. K. Hammond and an offering will be taken lor the (Jood tiauiarilan Hospital. The Thanksgiving market of the Sat urday Club will open next Tuesday at 1 o'clock in the vacant candy atore oppo site t.arlow a. A greater variety of deli cacies will be for aale than at any pre vious market. Ordera received before the market will be faithfully filled. The story in the Argonaut for Novem ber Jd ia a striking translation from the French ot Robert SchefTer. It it the tale of a wanton wife whose infidelity it not discovered till after she was buried, bat who was then visited by a strange and terrible revenge. The story is signifi cantly entitled "The Expiation." "Do you know where I can find a (ieorge Washington around Oregon City?" inquired County Treasurer Ca bin of tlie reporter this morning. "Not unless you accept my services," replied the pencil pusLer, who asked what Mr. Cahill wished of such a person. "I was going to remark," continued the county ollicer, ' that if I could find ft modern Washington I would purchase him ft hatchet if be wonld remove that large shrub in the front yard of the court house square," continued Mr. Cahill. With this remark he indicated a large ireejutt immediately in front of bit of fice window that entirely obstructs bia view of the street. At last accounts Mr. Cahill bad not found a man to use the hatchet. Mr. Fred Greenman and Miss Minnie Holden, both of this city, were married at 'he home of the bride'a patents on Eighth street Thursday evening, Novem ber 19, l'.03. Rev. E 8. Bollinger, of the First Congregational church otliclated at the ceremony which was witnessed by only the immediate members of the two laiuilies and a few specially invited friends. Both of the principals are pop ularly known here where they have re sided for many years. The bride was for some time connected with the city schools as instructor while the groom, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Greenman, has held various clerical po sitions of trust and responsibility. At the present time he Is serving as deputy county clerk under County Clerk Sle,ight. In the new relations that have been formed, Mr. and Mrs. Greenman bave the sincere wishes of wide circle of friends for wedded life of unending bliss and happiness. We show the best line of millinery for the least money. Miss C. Goldsmith. Christian Science. First Church of Christ Scientists, Garde building, corner Seventh and Main streets, Sunday at 11 ft. m. The subject of the sermon is, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, or Mesmerism and Hypnotism." , Children's Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Reading room open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 2 to 4 p. ra. There will be Thanksgiving services Thursday morning at 11 o'clock on the 20th inst. Two Specials. Brother and SiBter Knowles, of Port land will render duetts in all meetings this week nntll over Sunday. Come and hear them. Ensign W. R. Crabtree. Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the posioffice at Oregon City, Oregon. Nov. 19, 1903: womkn's list. Anstin Miss Grace Henderson Mra M Cobbaert Mrs leny Shawley Misa Grace Hanks MissManne Smidt Anna Williams Mrs J men's list. ' Andrews Adam Audall Sidney Bowers Ather Carpen C O Mills Howard Mills J H Parsons C Roes Frank Eagan J T Smith J S Foster Rev John M Vonderahe Henry GsedkeC Williams Clarence Hatch Geo E Williams P F Hyltcn J W Wolfer Mr. Lycette Jack C H W TOM P. RANDALL, PM. Prying preparations simply fleveV op dry catarrh ; they dry up the lecretiona, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, oansing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalant, fumes, smokea and snuff and nae that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cent. All druggists sell the 50o. aize. Ely Brother, 66 Warren St, N.T. The Balm eare without pain, does not irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads itself over an Irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm yon are armed gainst Kaaal Catarrh and Bay Fever. . A tif i n i f in u unnnorTiii i I DURING The past five years our business has experienced a wonderful growth. Notwithstanding this favorable condition we are not disposed to let this growth stop. We therefore solicit your business. BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CITY, OREGON PRIZE MASK BALL; At Armory Hall, Given By Turney's Orchestra $25IN PRIZES$25 j See Prize In P. O. Window. Personal Mention Miss Helen Eastbam baa gone to New York eity. Walter Grimm, of Aurora, was in the city Sunday. Mort Cockrell spent Sunday with rela tives at Albany. Charles Humphry, of Astoria, ipent Sunday in this city. Ex-Representative Knight, of Canby, wai in the city Monday. Misa Maud Butler, of Salem, visited Oregon City friends Sunday. W. A. Starkweather, of Miiwaukie, was a viBitor to Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. P. K. Hammond entertained the King's Daughters Wednesday afternoon. Ed 8t!pe and B. Sutter, of Portland, viiited with Oregon City friends Sunday. Misa Bessie Sheppard, of Barlow, waa the guest Sunday of relatives in this city. William Reid, an attorney of Portland , was in the city on legal business last Friday. Mrs. 8. A. Chase baa gone to San Francisco, where she will spend month. Willfred White leaves next week for San Francisco, where he will resume bit art studies. U. 8. Longhery, of Dallas, county clerk of Polk county, waa in the city Monday on business. E. E. Judd, of Molalla, waB in the city this week in attendance on the cir cuit court as a juror. Oswald West, state land agent, was in tbe city Wednesday on business con nected with his office. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole and son have returned from a short visit at Pen dleton and Spokane. Mrs. A. B. Lamont, of Portland, was last week the guest of her mother, Mrs. T. W. Fouts, in this city. Henry Temaleton, of Sao Francisco, visited in Oregon City this week while en route to tbe East. Rov Ktanleton waa in tbe citv last Friday, being on his way to his home at eaiem auer a visit in roruani. Lee Harding, who has a position with Smith A Howard, the contractors, visited hit parents in this city this week. Mra. B. H. Evans and Mrs. Henry Lady, of Sheridan, were this week tbe guests of Mrs. Geo. W. Bibee. Mrs. C. E. Brey, of Seattle, ia visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hedges, who is recovering from serious illness. Miss Julia Edson, of the United States revenue office in Portland, was the guest Sunday of Miss Lillian Hackleman in this city. Rev. F. H. Mixsell was indisposed this week. His condition was such last Sunday that he was nnable to conduct services either in tbe morning or in the evening. Mr. nd Mrs. W. M. Bard, of Spring water, left Wednesday night for Los Angeles, California, where they will spend the winter for the benefit of Mrs. Bard 1 nealtn. John L. Colwell, of Dulutb, Minn., waa in the city last Thursday making final proof on a timber claim. Mr. Col well is grand chancellor of tbe Knights of Pytbias for tbe state of Minnesota. Mrs. D. H. Glass, former teacher in tbe Oregon City schools, baa been seri ously ill at her home in Seattle. Her condition was such that she had to an dergo an operation. She is now conva lescing. Attorney W. D. Fenton nd Superin tendent Kohler, of the Southern Pacific Company, were in the city this week in attendance on tbe circuit court in the interest of tbe railroad company in the damage suit of former brakeman Harti gan t gainst the company for $15,000. If you are looking: forarbanre to a;et aome dealrable city lots at a bargain, do not fall to InveatN gate the properly to be sold Wednesday, November 18, at 10 e'rloek. at the rourt bouse door, and attend the, sale. For partic ular Inquire of E. O. Caufleld, assignee. Drs. Beatie & Beatie Dentists. Rooms 18,17,18. Weihard building. OASTOniA Btars th f M aW 101 Haw lwars BotifH Bigaataia f t - ifniiftn ' THANKSQIVINQ NIGHT, NOVEMBER 26 X Be Sure and Attend the Dance OREGONDAiLYJOURNAL ALSO WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY Read the Market News IN THE Oregon Daily Journal TOOTHING is omitted which concerns the interest of buyers and sellers in JLG the live stock, grain, provisions, produce and financial markets tbe quo tations are comprehensive, and are in every way reliable. The Journal in addition carries every day a full and truthful report of the world's news and presents many special features of deep interest to the average reader. Ibe Journal's woman'i pane, the illustrated sporting news page, Jour nal stories and comic pages and other good things make it a very popular fam ily newspaper, clean and bright from A to Z and year's end to year's end. Daily, one year by mail, only $4; six months, $2.25; three months, $1.25. Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one year, $1.60. Weekly, $1. Tbe issues of tbe Semi Weekly and Weekly Journal also contain the market news and all of the features of the Daily Journal. Address, The Journal, - Portland, Oregon. : : !Jia5 Arrived And in this connection we wonld beg to remark that our store is headquarters for all holiday deli cacies. We have a complete line of FaDev and Staple Groceries. Our stock is new. Our goods are fresh. Right goods at right prices and fair dealing is the basis cn which we do business. We are not selling below cost, but are giving our customers groceries at cheap as they can be bougnt in Oregon City. Orders promptly filled and delivered to any part of the city. Horton & Jack I Seventh St., 0pp. Opera House Phone No. 1864 Wllfcia the krt tkn twi w. harr fotmlcft'd nnrotar of mod. i, ol 8lNuL BAHKJX Sll 'T UUK&, la both faunmer Mid b.mmerlM. ttylM, and to-'l7 ihpy ar. lb? mMt pouUr no tb. mar ket. W. ni.k. ft Unp line of HIKLE24 and PISTOLS .ml M'nl mud.lt of Doubb) Barr-I gUOTUUJiS. Cap lint RIFLES, from . $3.00 to $150.00 PISTOLS, from . 2.50 to 50.00 SHOTGUNS, from 7.50 w 30.00 Iinit Ibe STEVENS" .nd K J mit at price. 8ud lor ceLug. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P.O. ZCi 3391 CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS. WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE has removed into the storeroom adjoining the post of fice. We carry s complete line of new and second band stoves and furniture. Highest prices paid for all kinds of junk. Sugarman It Co. STEVENS A .... IT. Jooji anaaaaaaanlaatf"""""aaVjsl aaawaaaaaaaT ' liVat I