Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1903 2 correspondence Correspondents ar requested to re nn their work. We will supply all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear in these coluuius every week. 8pnncwatr- Flenty of rain and some snow ; mer cnry S4. J. A Shibiey is attending court at Oregon Oily. William Bard ml wife will go to Cali fornia in a day or two for the letter's beaith. 4! Ora Levelling s health is im proving since itie ent to Colorado The cabinet maker has moved in the kitchen of Lewellen's hall and uses the blacksmith sl op for his purpose. J. A. t?hibley baa in lis garden the second crop of Lanton blackberries well dvi.ed. Some of them measured ntatly two iuchea around. The Springwateritee re still building. Mr. M otter has finished buiMitg Wm. Kard's barn j Branch Tucker has moved in his new bouse. Ruben Tucker is down from east of the mountain helping the Springwater ites with their carpenter work. Messrs. George Lewellen and Albert Smith are keeping op a good stork of goo Is. Our school is getting along nicely with Miss Ostlund as teacher. The carpenters have commenced to build the Springwater Presbyterian church. Several applicants to join the Spring water grange. The Presbyterian church will com mence a series of meetings in the near future. What the matter with tlie grand en tertxiument that was to he given in tlie grange hull? Chmles Bard has bis new house about completed. Harlow. Miss M. 8. Barlow is home again after spending a couple of weeks visiting friends at Portland. Miss llattie Inine returned horns Mon day from a week's visit with relatives and friends at Orchard. If yon bars any potatoes for sale, take them to D. 0. Kreeuian, of Harlow, and receive, the highest tuaiket price for them. Miss Grace Kvane returned home Sunday, after spending a couple of weeks visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Childs and family. The new hotel will soon be finished and Mr. and Mrs. I'lum are ready to take possession as soon as everything is completed. This is goiug to be one, of the finest hotels in the state, and travel-1 tng men should mske it a point to iiiaksj H their stopping place when coming near Barlow. The dance baturdav night was very good, considering the bad weather. The eveuing was a very stormy one, and consequently a good many were unable to come that would have done so it the evening had been a pleasant one. Every one present seemed to enj'y themselves very much and wish that Harlow might give another deuce lu the near future Death has again visited out neighbor hood, this time taking from us Mr. Sam uel Marks. Mr. Marks was past 70 years of age and had been a gieat sufferer from stomach trouble for several months, Everything was done that living hands could do to relieve his sutlerirg, but all to no purpote. .Mr. Marks passed away Saturday morning after a night of tern ble suffering. The funeral look place at the house Suudav. The remains were interred in the family burving ground and a Lirge crowd of neighbors and friends met to pay their last respects to tins dear departed friend. Mr. Marks was a member of the Barlow Grange, and the brothers and sisters of that order, as do also all the neighbors and friends in this locality extend their deepest sym pathy to the bereaved relatives and friends in their sad bereavement. Chamberlain's) Cough Remedy I lMeasaut to Take, The finest quality of grannlated'losf suar is used in the manufacture of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy, and the root used in its preparation give a fl ivor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to tske. Mr. W. L. Roderick, of Poolesville, Md., in sneaking of this remedy, says: ' I have n-rd C'hauiher lain's ("ough Reinedv with my children for sever! years and can trtithfulh sav it is th best preparation of the kind I know of. The children like to take it and it has no injurious aftereffect." For Bale by (i. A. Harding, Canby. A Snell, of Portland, visited his fruit farm in this vicinity Sunday last. Mr. and .Mrs. II. Bair nave been stay ing with friends in Woodburn. Mrs. F. Zollner returned here from Dufur last Saturday, where she epeot the Tast three weeks George Ranch, Jr., has opened a blacksmith shop on D. street. Mrs. Millard Lee and daughter, of Portland, are at Wm. Knight's on a visit. 0. R. Mark's new store building is al m""' '-ompleted. Prof. Coleman will open a school of writing sometime this week, at the Canby School houee. Several of our people attended the fu neral of the late S. Marks, of Marks Praiiie, on Sunday. The presiding elder preached tbp ser mon sundayeveningat the M. fc. church Luui'oer and rock are being placed on the ground at lit and C, where George Knilit intends to erect a large store. R. E. Irwin received the sad news Monday morning that his eldest brother. J. W. Irwin, of Sioux City, Iowa, had died at his home at that place a few days ago. This being the oldest brother be had, on the death of the father as sumed charxe of everything, conse quently the younger children had learn ed to lok up lo him more as a father than a brother, lie was a noble man, and his nuhle, happy, pie isant disposi tion won him friends wherever he went, fie leaves a wife and three children, a mother and two brothers to mourn his departure. We, the people of Harlow, exiend our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mr. I'Win and familv; also to the be reaved wife ami children and other rela tives iu this their sid bereavement. The Barlow Grange held i's regular meeting Saturday, N iv. 14 The meet ing Was exiled to order at the usual hour and after disponing of several little matters of business the master declared a recess, and ttie ladies fixed tip a very dainty lunch, consisting of all the good thing!) imaginable to which all did ample justice. After spending a couple of honrB in singing anil amusement of various kinds, the niee'ing wa again called to order and a very interesting programme of vocal and instrumental music, readings and recitations was rendered and well applauded. The meeting then adjourned till the second Saturday in December at the usual hour. Frank Jesse came up from Portend Sunday to spend the day with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Jesse and other members of the family. Molina, The windstorm stayed many tress In this vicinity. John I.amtn who has been working for Adkins Bros, left for California this week accompanied by bis brother Frank. Ousts Bowman la sgsin able to attend school, ) The party at A. Krickaoii'a wi a do- i elded success. j Maggie IVI.any and her brother Hob j Youts are visiting their sister, Ida Boyn- . ton al present. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace sent a few days in Oregon City this week. F. A. Woodside is building a new board fence. A. Dongan had the misfortune to have a mare and colt die. E. Boynton, of Woodburn, Is visiting his son Charley this we k. Agnes Wallace was visiting friends In Canby this week. Mrs. F. Erickson called on Mrs. Daniels a few days ago. o o o o o o (m. AAA occcoccooc A It rut a ratable Ce. One of the most remarkable esses of a cold, deep-seated on the limits, causing imeumonia, it that of Mn, U rlrude K. enner, Marion, Ind who was entirely cured by Ihe nae of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from US lo K pounds. I tried a nnmrter of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cored me entirely of the con,'!), strength ened my lungs and restore! me to mv normal' weight, health and strength." Sold by Geo, A. Harding. Cars. Kate and Sarah Jones, of Portland, spent Sundav with their parents. Will King, of Portland, was a Carus visitor Smidav. Subscribe for the Enterprise. Beaver Creek. Tiost and rain Is the order of the day and the farmers are unable to sow their grain. A. McCord and Miss Nellie Stevens, who were married in Oregon City last week, received a lively charivari from many friends last Monday night and were well treated. Lewis called on friends Mies 0. R. here this week. Mrs. Roberts Las moved on to the J. S. Jones' ranch and Reed and Griffith will go to Chinook. The Shannon Bros, will soon start op their sawmill. O.Hughes has lost fivd swine about two rnonihsold. Any information lead ing to their recovery will be liberally re warded by Mr. Hughes. Esties and Bluhm, of Ely, are busy logging for HbanDon Bros. Sour Stomach Klihirado. Willie Bany has gone to Sublimity, Oregon. Jim Fisk has gone to Redland to work for Dodge & Graves. Richard Schoenborn bad the misfor tune to lose eight turkeys one night last week. Some one stole them. George and John Helvey have return ed from Wasco, Oregon. Billy Moore, of Clarkes, our old friend and neighhor, stayed over night with Will Joties Monday night. Will King, of Portland, stayed with A. E.Jones Sunday night. Minnie Fanton spent Sunday at home. Al Fairclough was in our burg Mon day evening. Julias Moshburger and wife went to Oregon Citv Monday. C. Smith was doing business in Oregon City Saturday. A t lentlfic Ilscovery, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the stomach that which it is unable to do for itself, even when but slightly disordered or over-loaded. Kodol Dyspepsia Core supplies the natural juices of digestion and does the work ot ttie stomach, re laxing the nervous tensiun, while the in flamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and beal. Kodol DvspepsiaCure digests what yon eat and enables the stomach and digestive orvans to trans form all food into rich, red blood. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Iva Irish was the guest of Clara Hay- hurst one d.v last week. Mrs. Howerd and daughter spent Mon day with Mis. Faust and daughter. Chaa Mav, of Malheur City, was vis iting relatives III Cams lat Week. Herman liacher bought a new team, wagon and harness, Monday. Kmerson Sou's gave a party to s num ber nf hi friends Friday veiling, A large croad was p'e-eut an I all report a very etjnyiihle time. yiutle Ion uk .1 git In "One of Pr. King" New Life Pill ea h night lor fo week Im put ine in my 'teens' aifam" antes I II. Turner of IVtiiiseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach anil Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Cluirm.ui ,t Co 'n Drug Store. Getting Your Prescription Filled By Us Mt'iuis carrying out your Doctor's wishes to the very letter. We use none, but tlio best ami fresh est drugs. We give it our special attentson. No loys behind our prtwription counter. Our work is the best that Hciencc, experience ami money can prtnluco. Prices popular, but not cheap as low as it is safe to go. This is the Time and Place lo Buy Your Rubber Goods (iooilyeiir Crown liulli M Foster's I'linliiiellii Hull ('& Cooilvcar Jeiirsi v Fountain, - tt ("' Goodyear Journey Fountain, .'1 jt (i liootlyeur Jeiirscy Fountain, 4 tit Oti Couiitiss Ikitpi'l Flow Combination. :i H M (iiei n Fount Syrino. - 't hi Foster's I'tiie (itiiii. o it (" Norwooil Combination he (oodyeiir Ladies Syrinn" ('' U'liirlini; Sjriiy , regular priee l.'tO, our price ... l m 7'c h'o I.(K) l.7.'. J IK) Shaving Outfits At Special Prices (iuitraiili'0'1 Itajori from.. ll..r0 to f.'l.(K) Uruslies 10c to Uh Strttpii Jro to 11.25 Mugs ITio to AOcj Sliavinu Sonjm ColKitti's, Kirks, Williams, IYtira and tlio best brands At A and 0o. Try shaving yourself a couplo of montliM ami pay for an outfit. We Are Still Selling " Doodles" of Orlsln vf -'. "Why hhoiild it from her In; h nd widow?" ash ! n anthitnry. "Tl.e ( the luttcr mivi'iv do with the lii-rl In- callMl a Vrass orii : nmn of the ri'i --r:iss' vclilfiw." d. "h is tintlilnc to I.:- o;i our lawns o o O o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (I o o o o o o O0O00OOO0OO0COO0QOO3COOO0OO0COOOCCOOC0C9 Toilet Soaps If you are not buying your soup here you should bo to get close prices on standard brands. White Oat Mial he .'5c I'aku Wil. h Hazel (ft rc Cake SnowlaTry (C !(' Cake Klxmy Tar Tic Cake 1'i'iirs S.enti'd h'i l.V Cuke Culictira Ot I'lkr Cake 4711 (t K? Cake Colgate's Cassiiiicro Ilixiuct, I V and 'J.'m! Packers' Tar Ot 'JOo Cake Transian iit (ilytorine o. .'lo Cake Al utandurd brandy cuiiijinrntivi'ly chi aji, HOWELL RELIABLE chamiu:k5 honvhi.l St JONES DRUCGISTS i.inn n. jom:s i scpiimteO pn,ye of the t urtUh'l last p-ctiil Miss 'Crass' Is a i:;l;;)i;:;;u. haii. 'tinned h custom, of 'trace.' lii tl.c past, whcii divorces were raie. a scparatiil legally from her huslmiul was calhl n rlducu de iifntlii' I y the Uoiniui church, und the I'ri'iuli culled her s Veuve de w.n ' Tin- mennlti of Ixitl terms Is the same 'wlilow dy irrnep' We took the 'veuve' from the French ami translated It properly Into 'widow.' but the 'i.-iace' we linorporated Into our laiiKiiai'. iidssjjelilin; It In the process. You would he tiihiilcnlly cor rect In writing Vrace' Instead of 'grass' widow, hut It Is prohahle thnt no one would understand wliut yon meaiif'-riilladi'tliU H.-cord. I HAVE YOU Qi i LDRENrl Buy Tbcm TsiHITK TO Miss Wiima Til" I. Mill hI Misi Kiher VVilliams. an em-' stntH inane a. v 1 1 1 1 1 1 . In Week wss entirely nuei W illinms S-l ear of n.'e, anil lias ihhiii empi -iye i ai ins a-y-tn m lor twelve years. Ahuiit three years .ilfi) her health as serjniisly Impiiired, ' hut nf'er all eltetlded lest she resinned ' her old pnsriim ihe ll at of the Vear. hast week she sold a farm in CUrkauia ' comity and, appureiitlv in the lml d 1 health, went to 1'ortUnd In eecnl,i tlie papeis. Here she us str'.i ken Willi Hpuplexy anil died. The death of Miss Williams cslls to mind Hi uritiinelv deslli of several voiiiik W'iiii"n alter three or four years' exieoieiice si the 1 asylum. We have all ciiiuiiienileil hero- i ism, arnl applsiided itreai scrilies, tint what shall we Say of these yniina women I who have i(iven their vmy lives In llieser- , Vice of carina- for the iinfnrliliiale hilinni j lieinu-", who lisve lol their lllili.l-.? We j respectfully mihmit Hint the ureat ina , of the people do not reilliZ thelruls, the daubers, the s.icnlli e, of I heir inosi ( worlhv servants, arid esecullv of the ladies, at Ihe insane a-ylnin Kmployes of Ihe state, their every actum Is ; oriin to public gosHip, and Woe iinm the 1 one who inakea a iinxsiep. Kmployea j of the slate, they are expected In aura i for mere pi: lance, In i-aiis some one else ! will do so yet n return many are tfiviux the heat years of their voUhk lives, vea, even life itself. McMinnville Reporter. Sherwood, was visited bherwood was visited witb a snow storm on the evening of the Htb. Hops are on the move here now. Borne eight or ten sales are reported here the past few days. J. V. Hall has sold bis property here. Mr. Hall intends moving to Portland, where be expects to go into business. Mrs. C. J. Calkins, who has been very No sppstlto, loss of srennh, nemos headache, constipation, bad breath. wneral debUtr, sour risfnn, and catarrh of Oe atomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol gick with typhoid fever, is improving ma luuigmjeu. i uim new macovery repre , giow ly . ants the natural Juices of digestion as thsy : ,, , . . esiUt In a bealthy atomach, combined vttk fJe"rge W. Iman, of Stevenson, Wash e greateal known tonic and reconstructive ,nt0D w visiting old friends here. Mr. properties. Kodol pyspepsia Cure does not ' Itn8n '""niery WM sawmill wan here, e!y cure Indigestion and dyspepsU, but thla , heing in business here with A. J. Bell, famous remedy cure all atomach troubles j We "re K14 losee bimilingface again, by cleansing .purifying, eweetenlng and Alfred Baker, formerly of Graeme, but er.gtherJngthemuujmembraneeBnlni now 0f Ibanon, is visiting at H. II. As stomach. i r-. . J J UIBU D. L. 8, McConnell has purchased the Mr S. S. Ball, of Rtrmmai. W. Va.. arrar I " tnotaad with sour atoisach tor twaBt? ran sCkabr- and ws art dow astat ai av Kodd WgesU What Yoo Eat MtSMsslr. f J.00 Sti hokllnf25 tarn the Mat aba. which Mil (or 60 oaota. IWparasl bf I. a OsWITT a OO., OHIOAQO 8eld by 0. A.HABDI"(i, Drnggiat , Chas. Hall property. OASTOniA. Bean tha t The hii Yoa Han Alwavs Bort 8ignatars ef th I lul.lilna Tnaih, Th" St it ) i. ! U.y Willi Ms ) open of ten known i. i.iie of things as they an thnti the artist who ifmns UiIiiks n tiiey nre not. An llluitrator un p, winning luiiri'ls hy hi line work in.iln t;,lns thnt hhi most vulu.ilde critic Is his 1 Son. ii Imy i f tee. lie k:ios llltle nlxitit drawliik'. sny the iirtlut, hut he n iiuh k sense fr.r 1 ti-niHy mid n keen hnnclimtloii n ne Not Ioiik ii a i I Inn to innki' n drnw In. of a stris-i full of j-ople niiuiliig to a fire. I lt,.ltere myself I hml ininte n lifelike mill ln;i lli' ncclie und Niihiiilt ted It to in jr IhiJ" wllh n fi-'llii of aulis f.ic'loii. tie s nn -il It for u liioinent, hmiiN 111 m:s "i(Kch, in nil on one slile. 1 lien he snlil: "I he pvople nre nil rlcht, lull whent'a the dog?" "The don?" I lri.tilred. "Whnt doi;?" "Any dog." he snld In n tone of pl'y for my dull! less. " f:y, father, (luii't you know there's iihmya nt lenst one do rtitinltig ii!n:iuli!e inul K t;liiK on d'T overytixly'a f- i t ln u you'ie gu.iiu to a fire? Iluven't yoll ever In-en lo a fire, father, or hcimi a crowd K'dng to one '!" When I thought It over I knew he was right, mid the lu went In. -Youth's Companion. A Jnl .uiiie. I A Iln.liies ICpllnph. Amusing i pltnplis are not tpmeulf tn find If one Is seeking them. Th Ch" shire Itepiilillenn cites n most aliiiruhtr Due which tuny Is- found on a iiiom, lUelit In eiisteril Teii-sae: Bear In Mind In buying School Shoet for either Boys or Girlt never to buy a cheap, ghoddy thoe that rlpt and teart after a few dayt wear, but remember It Pays to buy "Blue Rlbbont" beeaau they're made from best material and workmanship and are Built for Service. From personal experience I testify that DeWitt's Utile Karly lticr are unequalled as a liver pill. They are nirhtly named because they iiive strength and energy and do their work ih ease. W. T. Kaston, Itoerne, Tex. Thou sands of people are using these tiny little pills in preference to all others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure biliousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick headache, constipation, etc. They At fiitt t . ii rou urijl taiuaLun V. i oluunau an.ltrH,,u.l,ei..S,1l,lhv(;e'o A. Ilur lour ! P'Tpows of (he story , . rt Hacrr.1 lo tin miiiinry of Juhn Hinllh, for tweiily ym;a senior jiiirtner of tin, Arm of Hrnlth A Jnnea. now J. J. Jnnra A Co. Carlylc aad Ilia flam. When the great writer C'arlylo was engaged to Miss Welsh tho luttcr In duced ber mother to consent that Car lyle should live with both of them and share the advantage of on established house and Income. But C'arlylo an swered Miss Welsh's proposal bysny log that two households could not live aa If they were one and that he would never have any right enjoyment of his wife's company till she was "all his own," adding that the moment he was master of a bouse the first use ho would make of It would be to slum the door against nauseous Intruders. ADAMS BROS. , OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH STORE CATARRH THE CLEANSING AMD HEALING CUBE ron CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Eaay and plaatant to ass. Contain SO in (uriooa Aral. It la quickly ahsnrtsM. Gia Kalief at one. It 0na anil Cleanaea the Kaaal Pawaea. Allan InSammation. Ititlt and PrntacU the Mambrao. ItMtoKt th rVnsea of Tsuta and BmiilL Largs Bice, SO ccnta al Druiupstjor "J mall; Trial bih, IQccuta ojr mall. OLD HEAD The nnnxn are nut really Hrnlth and Jones, hut Uicy will anawur for the 'I met Jones Uilur," snys the imrriilor, "and ho ksto Die a frank expliuuilloii of the Inscrip tion. "Hrnlth wns a Imehelor without rela tlves," he snld, "hut ho knew a tre. mendotis lot of country people, and If any of them happened to aeo his grave they mlRht think thnt the old house bad closed up and gone out of b'tislnesa. Bo I thotiKht It no more than right to let them kuow that the firm was still alive." Oregon t'ltr Market Itrpurt. (CorrrclwS Weekly.) Wheat No. 1,72 tu'Mc per dualist. Hour Valley. M '.'.1 mt bhl, Hard a heal 14.7 ft. i'urlland, 1 10 pnristk; Howard's Heat, 1I.U& Hr sack. Oa's In sack I, per cental. Hay Timothy, haled, I2 xr lo liHs-e, fill sr Ion. ("lover III; (lt, lulled hav, W ; cheat, 'l. Millstnlla Jlran. K'l Is) prr toa. shorta, I'JI 1X1 per ton ; chop, .1J 00 pr ton, harley, rolled, l'J.1 IS) tier Ion. I'olatoea !? lo 7IH- (M-r sai k. I' Oregon, 3le er doten Hotter t-reamery, ,'slc to lMe per roll. I trefoil oniolia, INK- to IN) )lrr crt. Pried apples. lie lo 7c "r V: I'tlllMM, (dried) elite, per h; Ilal- Ian, lare. ,V ,rr Ih. Inedllllll, 3C Silver. Cahhane, 40 lo WV per doien. lireell pess, Uc per mhiiii. Tolnslo, s. Ill) lo Il'ie per hos. Apples, 40c to IMV. ( ranlierri'-s lHc lo I2! a ipiarl. Uraes, l.'oncorils, 2oc basket j Uils ware, ( sulill iwer, )c to Mc per doten. llrcpM-il ctili kena, 10 lo l'J C P" Livestock and dressed meals; hrf, live, M (SI 'o .1..Vl s.r hilinlriil, ll'sts, live A lo 6 l els; lions, dresMel, "c; sheep, 'J lo f '.' 2.'i (H'r head ; dresseil, ra-'i Veal, dress,., , o He ; lambs, llvs, 12 per head ; Imnbs. dressed. Be Muhscrilw for the Knterprise aW ,H 1 ' 1 y No Doabt About It. kind hearti il hidy saw a small boy eated on one of the benches lu Fair mount park the other day smoking a cigar wnicn she arterward told a friend seenxd almost aa blir aa htm- elf. The lndy U an enthusiastic auU- louacco worker and never loses an op portunity to Impress, especially upon youthful minds, the evils of using to bacco In nny form. Beatlnc herself by the side of tlie lnd, he said kindly, "Oh, my bey, wouldn't your fattier be dreadfully palacd If be aw you smoking that clifarT" "Hather think he would," responded ttit twentieth century ymmg man without removing the weed from bis mouth. "This Is one of his best dears,--Phllndelpl:),, I.edgor. triiuziMim or ny man ; j dim, iv usu uy roan. rmt r. . .L bWiiiibJitU wnBtra,wlwfc I "e fcntrpriBefl.50 per year am The reitit umrri.iKS coup e of ctippl . If I cat It hat mi! only "all WJ the proper coiiipie- incut of anns i i.... -,.il l Hie iVf'i in-uall'mil- l!hJ . ri ' ty." Hut notes tile riavrr orrur daily in which both par ties are cripples in heilth. Crippkil health menni, as a rule, in sufficient nutrition, and lack of nutrition . points to dis.-aae of1 the stomach an I di gestive and nutritive tract. Doctor Pierce's 1 (lolden Mcllcal Dis covery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. itenanie the nerfect nourishment Vj of the bodv, and so builds it up In sound health and strength. I had bn a great sufferer froaa l! Sir Uie lasi alar yaara." wrl Slra. tr7 Stlngle. &t Owing. Mills. Baltlnwr Co., s I waa Mirh a wreck It md dsatk WW' k. a - i ui i another woaw"- I Sa r lvl much and lasllnf s rTjL, Mrrrf tloliWn Mnllcal DtsBirary aad Wartr.M,.n f tt. i.k.a IwrtltV S Dill 1 ., .. , all. an I (Bllnwed Ihe a.lvfc of lr. S V rer an-l am hspny lo asv lhat Mr Is . ..- a ii, '.......i n...k. r, vour ircatiu'01' Do not be cajoled into trading a stance for a shadow. Any suhst 1 uw offered as "just as jrood" " ? ,'hlt Medical Discovery" is a shsdow ol w medicine. There are cures l-'hitid evt'7 Claim made for the " Discovery. The Common R?nse Medical Advij I008 large pates. in px-r covers, is is free on receipt of twenty-one ; o: stamps to par expense ot niaihng 2' Address V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. 8