Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1903)
. fE BROAD JUMPER. trnlnlna MubI lie Stcroalle t lirl Ihr lira) Itraalts. liv. rv s.' think that ho can l: : ti 111 1. nuil so ftV can to a cvrtaln locr.v Hut this event ts imio which li' plli at fVMciniUicai'.Y t kVt tl. ; M ii'-m)!:. Tim Jumper Minuid tir-t ..iivftill.v noiiiv Iii stride on p. In; up to the t:ike olT. so that he can mark off n dlst.ui.v say iw ent.v janls haok and hy stepping on this mirk, with one of Ms f'-t tn ho ruin . ... he sure to strike the take n!T ; or, lie onliliw to It. The Jumper Oiltl not W miro of jrotiiiu M l-e-d effort lul hi Jump mile ho t prai-Ilonlly miro of lMng tlw tako off. After thU b.i Nvn niiiuir-oj th athlete can nt to work. In thin run the Jumper's htchest I -1 should bo reaehed Nt about ton c-r twelve feet before- tho takt off. so that he can pather himself for tho Jump. Aftor louring tho take off ho nhouiJ shoot out and up- H must have eleratlon or his efforts will N In Tain. Hi- should p Into tho air at au antlo of at least forty five detree. A good way to pot this elorstion I by plm-lup a hurdle In the Jumptiip pit -d Jumping over It. Tho Jumper hi uM gather himself together a he jwa throush tho air, and at the finish. Just before altphttnif. he should fore himself on by a spasmodic efffirt with Ms iirinti and body. The W- will strike tho ground at the farthest possible distance. Tmotkv will show how far out the feet oan bo thrown without the athlete's falllnif back Into the pit. It rr.ut le remembered that the creator the seed the farther out the foot can be thrown with safety. A preat do:' of j raotliV !s necessarr to become a ' jrood broad Jumper, but tills Is an eve:.: whl- h it ts not well to practice too frequently, as It Is very hard ou the l.-ps. The broad Juniper will there fore not exptvt to get at hU iH-st dur . lu his first season.-!.!. W. Orton lu St. Mo ho la i. , TRAGEDY OF ANIMAL LIFE. 1 gamrthlaa rmhrlle In the (wr of tar raitrairr risvon. To ti I m who knows the story of the passenger pigeon this group of beautl- fui, grayish brown birds with the Iri descent golden sheen upon their throat Is the last word of a tragedy of animal life. America was once the land of the wild pigeon. Early American writer are full of references to It. Alexander Wilson, the fattier of American ortil-tholiv-y. estimated that a flock seen by , fciui In 1.S0S coutalued over 2.U00.0UU ; individuals. It stretched from the bo-( rUon to the horizon, aa far as the ere f could aee, and was over four hours In passing a given point. He saw a nest- iiig colony forty mile long and sore ral i miles In width. In Audubon saw acbooner at j the wharf In New York loaded not In package, but In bulk, with wild pl-j geous caught up the Hudson river and! cold for a cent apiece. I'p to l!X the ( bird continued fairly abundant Then; a frightful slaughter began to supply i an Increased fix! demand. Gun. pnle. i club, net aud sulphur pot wi-re em-ploy-d. Thirty dozen birds were cap-tu--l at one spring of the net. One man netti-d .'p".' dozen lu one day. In nesting seasiin trees were shaken , or f lied and wagon loads of s.-uab tak.-ii nightly, droves of hogs tti-i.-d in V) utilize what the "liunti-rs'' 1 left Wlurevt-r the detracted flu hS app--areil the slaughter Ugau. At the last known large pig'i.n "nest-' lng." In 1S7S. a billion birds were killed du.-ii.g the season. Like the bison. It was effectually eitermiuat--d, showing the terrible efficiency of man when he Bets out systematically in pursuit of a lower species. New York Tost. , Xot Very Filllnc Mrs. Andrews was the most conscien tious visitor of the district, but for va rious reasons she was not popular among the poor people whom ahe longd to help. "I don't want to see that peaked look-: In: woman In my room again, nor I j wou'tr' aald the grandmother of the , nine ragged Palmer. j "I read tny Uible wld the best o' j folks," went on the old lady, "but j there' times for some thing an' time for others, au" that Andrews woman U without the sense to know the one from the other. What wa the motto ( aLe brought us yesterday, all in red and j gold letters, and we with empty stom- j aclis? - 'Be filled with faith." "- Yourh' Companion. PIT DKOW WOMEN. Il(r4 lo nf Vrmnle Mnrkrr Abuat Kxlih iil Mlwra, Tit brow Moinen niv nmong tho most remarkable women workers In tht world. Thov work n bnnl as men and divis nllmv-it like them. I'lve thousand of those women fhul employment In Lancashire. Ihigland. In the coal liilne. Their work lies on the pit brow at tho surface and not down below. Oniv wo men wore emplojiM in the val im'iiuis but In In the face of pnat oppo itton from ivlllery owners, an act was fassisl prohibiting women and children from being employe! ivlow the surfa.- In ival mines. At present the duties of the pit bMW wxnneu iviisl't In dealing with the coal as It iv me up the shaft to the pit head. When the cargo rvaohi the top they haul out the wagon, which contain several hundredweight of coal each, aud run them on the rails to a sort of tipping machine, which shoots the coal down below to the screen of the rid dling machine. Among the other du ties of the women Is the levellnu of th coal on the wagons which receive Jt as It drops from the senvn. They start work at rt o'clock lu the morning and finish at 4 In tho after noon. They receive '2 shillings or less day. and men that do the same work get 4 shillings. Their costume consists f trousers and clogs and often enough a cape which has at one time been worn by a brother. When going to and from work tho girls and women wear petticoats, which they roll up around the waist while cngag'-d on the pit brow. The hair Is closely cov ered with a handkerchief, on top of which Is a soft Unmet. BlUa. E!.o put the book down, with a a!gh. "What 1 It, darling?" he asked. "Ah, dearest, I'm so happy," she re plied. "But yon had such a sad look In yoor eyts Just dow." "I know. I've been reading about the unhappinesa that the wives of men of genius bare always bad to bear. Oh, Alfred, dear, I'm so glad yoo're Jost an ordinary plug of a fellowT Cblcago Becord Herald. Her Theory. "Do you believe men'a souls go Into animals after death7" be asked. j "Well, I sometimes think perhaps! tbey do," she answered. "There art! some dogs who wouldn't be as mean as ttcy are If It were not for an Influence ; of some kind Inside of them." Chlca- j go Tribune. I A Yallry of liraib. la Bullila. There Is a alley In ttollvt.t. South America, which might well N caliiil the Valley of the Shadow of Iea!h. It has been Inhabited for an Indefinite perlis! of years by the Kanaa Indians, who are kindred to the various S'titli ! American tribes and utiml'or u.etv only ' a few hundred souls That they were once a very ierful tribe Is Indlcatisl by the condition of the land which they as a triN still Inhabit, one can cot travel any distance through their land without coming iien the old and forsaken burial grounds of the Kanaa dead. These places cannot to culled graveyards, for the ImsIh-s are not burled, but rather plaoi-d iion elevat ed platforms, wrapped in the garment of death ami Ixuitul to the crov!x-auis that they may not N displaced. In one of these burial grounds tbor will be probably fifty high skeleton platforms and on each will lie from three to five of the Kanaa dead. The air In that part of Bolivia is very pure and preservative, for It I one of the highest plateaus of the contineut. al though Kanaa valley Is Just a little below the plateau's height A traveler passing through that land at night and by moonlight would be awetrlekrn at the gloomy vision those graveyards present Aa Affair of Lrltrra. We are much surprised at meeting little Polly rontossel. formerly of Now ersvllle. In K.ngland. "Why, roily:" we say. "How Is It we tlnd you here:" "roily:" she repeats, with ti dignity we never knew she possessed. "Lady Oli-debts, if yuU pleasi'." An apology on mir part establishes frlend.'y relation once inure, and sh--tells tis that she really has won slid wedd.-d Lord ole.b-bts and that le-r f i ther's dollars are U-:ng expended In the refurbishing of the Oledehta castle. "But." we say. "It was rumored In Bow'Tsvllle that you were hesitating In your choice letween three holiest farmi-r lads In the vb Inlty. How wis It. then, that yon tnarri'il his lord-hlpV "Oh," she titt.-rs, "he cume to I!ow- , ersville on- day. When I saw him I droppril ti:y eye and he liegan dropping his h's, and It wasn't long until he In duced me tn drop my J's, and now we are both making papa drop bis v's and I'l." Judge- Deadlr Prnsale Arid. rmsslc arid Is roujisis-d of such things as animal refuse and blood sol- Idg. with large iuautltle of oil of j vitriol. Even the swell of the acid pro- ', duces puin In the throat and in the re gion of the heart, and th'-re are few poisons for which there Is such little opportunity for an antidote. If there Is time and there seldom Is, for the poison Is almost Instantaneous In Its action auiuionla Inhaled very freely may give relief and reduce the abso lute certainty of death to a grave prob-ablllty. 1 i ii ' " i s i s N S V s s Kecu Year Presents tc-cr.'r-,r:'r'i i, mm 3 Utlttl1tllallltl Readers of the Enterprise ON .1 ANUAKY 1, l'."l, Tlio Kntrrpriso will lijtrilmt a nnup mux f nin.y ainoni; its sul.soril't-rs. V liavo pld-.l on cxliil.itioii in tho nhow win.luw nf l.aml. Sawyor. tho Main Stivot dun uml Wwyvl AmU, a jur lill.-l with nin ami tins monoy will ho givon uway on tho aftornoou f Jitminry I, noxt. Sovoral of tho roailoiN of this pajior will rooivo Now Yosir'n rrftMitn. Guess and Get the Money Tho test ctidscr will H't the bulk of tho Imuiey lut in this-oitcst all will li:io an e.ii!il cluince. riiytnent of Milscri'lioii money on The Knlerpriso is tlio onlv reiitiisile ci'inlitioii for !lioi' ilesiring to I'articijMte in tho cntitoet. In unl'T that the ll rentiers of The Knterj'riso inny have an ijint chniuv In shun' the ilivisinn of tho money w ith new sul'scrils-rs, it has Im i-h ileciih il tn allow One (luess for each f 1 "0 in Hiihscrijdinn is for The Knterprise, whctlicr the payment ciers iit subscription or is paiil fur the paper in aJviinco. Get Your Thinking Cap On SotncUkly will K'l """y. Why slmuM imt Vuii? No tins knoiis tho actual amount of imuiey mi deposit in the Jar. Tim Kntrpriso 'lci., t, hulk of iho iiiniirv in thrt Jar ainl iho hulaiice, in various ilciii'iiiiiuitioits, was tlepnsiteit tlien-in hy Mr. ('. S hu U'l, mi attorney of Oregon t'ttv, iho nmounl so ie,ii, , hv each being unknown t. Ui" olln-r. The seiI (,f tho Jr will I ii broken mi the alien. iH'ii of Fri-lay, Nw Year's l)y. I Will, bv Mr. Schubel who will inakn th" count an. I aivanlthn prig's lu the best euessors. 50 For Cent Mh A A v OK MONKY TO PKUSON liiaking i-lost'st guess as In contents of the Jar. '2' s-r cent to the person iniikiniT 'he secotnl closest guess ant! " jmt cent each t the next live persons guess in closest to ttie amount. In case of a tie, the iiinount involved w ill ls iliviilisl. The contest will jositivry close at noon on Friday, January 1. GUESS COUPON I KtiMvti. that tho l'rio Mmioy t'ntt-st Jar of Tln Oio'Hi ( 'it y Knti-rjiriso, on rhihitin in tho hhow wiinlow nf I.amh V Sawyor, contains $ SulWril Name Hate AdJrcss f V v va'" f v ''-'' vy 'i' "a 'a- sy All gilrasra itiiitt lm Insilrd or delivered at tin ollu- ahnra Ihrr alii b prmuirvsl until the cIom o llm ci.ntesl. They aill thru Iw liirn-d uvvr to Mr. SchuM alio ll tnskn the count and saard the priivs. ) sen io fok th k km kki-kim: Now iilol liiakn your guess. If you nlrrn lv tako llm pa-"-r subst-rilii for a frienil iuhI get a chaiicn on llm I'rie Money if Vou cannot call at Iho oibi-e (ill out the (mii atij sen. I w llh ( ..V) to tho n gun City Kiitrrpriso. (illeiii'S must lJ recripl at ihis oilnti liefora Friilay niKiti, January 1, l'M. SUBSCRIBE FOR A GOOD COUNTY PAPER TIIK KNTKKI'IUSK IS Tun ONLY HKI'l'ltLICAN Taper in Clackamas County, tho liest pajwr ri Atl in the County, the official City ami County jiiM r ami the jiaja-r you must rea.I il you are la In- informal weekly nf tlm events of intTri in Clackamas county. Subscribe for The Kntcrpriso now ami acini in your estimate in ttia prio money guessing contest. The subscription price of The Kntcrpriso is II. .V) per year. (0 A Fair I-daetloa. Miss VerlHopbt Why do you say that itlas van Million, who Is to be married today, Is so plain? Lo you know her ly sight? Miss Verjuice No; but I notice that the papers have printed only the pic ture of her future husband. Judge. Courage la that element of manhood la a man which nerer deserts hlmsss bor hla friends. Scboolmastor. Gray ? "My hiir was falling out and turnine gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor stopped me falling snd restored the natural color." Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Colioes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look, old, with the color of seventy years in your hair I Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. JI M lvtl. All trail- If jour dr"ri?it trinot supply 700, f.n'l u nr.x d'.liar il w will eiprnw von a l-.i;!. Iv '"r inilriva tb nau ot 7ur r-aret ren otnra. addreaa, I. I - M ICR MWfU, COLUMBIA; RIVER SCENERY, Roniilaf nr ! IIUIJUIU.VII Line Steamers ! I Portlandand The Dalles1 ROUTE j Abb WAY I.ANHIMiS j "liailey Gat. rt" "Dalles City"; 'K(,'ulator'' "Metlako" Connertinn st l.yli, Wssh.. i'li the Columbia Kiver and .N'ortln-ru Ity. for, Wahkin ns, Isly, (Vuterville, liolden-1 dale and all C'liiketat Valley points. ! Slesmer leaves Cortland ilailv 'except S'lmlay lor The llalles 7 a. in., arrives Tlie I'alles ft .'') V. in. ; slesmer connects a ith C. It. A X. train at I.yie for iol dendale. Steaini-r leaves The Luies daily (except Sunday) for Cortland at 7;3IJi. ni., arrives Cortland p. in.; CLAN, trsin leavlrm tioMendal" at 6:15 connect with the steamer for Cort land. Stesmers "Itelles City" and "C.ailey Gstztrt" leaves Cortland 7 s. in., Tues days, Thursdays and i-al'inlay lor The Dalles and way points. Hound trip Uric ets to any lanilinif,. 00 cents. "iai.ert" stops at Vancouver. Cascade Ijxkn, Stevensfjn, White Salmon, llooil Hiver. Lyle and The Dalles. All other land iriKS made by steamer "Dalles City." Excellent meals served on all steiirners Fine accommodations for teams and wai;ors. Kor detailed information of rates, berth reservations, railrosd and staKn connections write to or call upon H. Mc donald, airent, Alder street wlmrf, or te 11. C. CA&1CHKI.L, Manager, Cortland, (re. SCHEDULES OF TIME OREGON CITY PLANING MILL All kiniln if 1'iiiililiiij; F. S. BAKER . . . , , PROP X M atrial , nb, I irrt l Ml MnuMin, l')to. - -OREGON CITY, ORE f 0. R. & fl. Oregon Short Line i and Union Pacific I i THREE TRAIN TO THE EAST j DAILY - Tlii'sigh Ciilitnan slamtard and To lat alrriiii ri dally t I iuaha. Ctm ' "-likslir, tiMIIIt llrrjilllK l rt ilsily IS ! haii'a t Ity. throiiKii CiiUlnslt tuunl iclrrt.liiu ir (prrvniislly roiidmtrll wrrsiy io v itu aRu, ran vn;, In, chaii'J scats Irrrlii the rat dally. l'toni Cortland CANBY PHARMACY HOLTHKEH PACIFIC RAILWAY K0KTH nol-NI). ':00 a.m. 9:L'2 a. m. (Albany I.:al; :10p. in. SOUTH aOl'NI). U :i2 a. in. 4 :W p. in. (Alhany Ujcal) 9:14 p. in. ORECON CITY JUNK Second Hand Store Complete Line New and hecond Hand Htoves. Air-liht Htoves from $1 np; Cijlc-stoves, $-'t and np. (IlKhest prices paid for all kinds of Junk. Sugarman ft Co. THE 'V I)rugit, MelicinH, Chfinicalrt Watclll'H, ('lwk'H, SjK;ctaclf I'irst Class Repairing All ioods and Work Warranted E. I. SIAS Central Home Telephone CA.NRY, OKKfiON SMSSMBBBMsMBBBBaBBSlSBBMBSSSHBBBBSWSBlJSSBBSSMSBBBBBMlaV A STEVENS T a. 'lnar- WtU.lD thai Um Uif rmrt u,i t '4 nmntmr of m4 la t Hlt'tl.K JlAIOfM. HM'T Ol H, tn Uith hartimr aVirf Hmnntr-tli ilyUw, awi4 Ur4f ih-f 4r th ifi'Mt i nr on th tutr- pHTol-M mtA Mt-rsJ kxxUIa tit 1-i. Jirrl BHUlOt'JfH, RIFLES. Unm . $.1.00 to $ I AO. 00 PISTOLS, from . 2.50 (o 50.00 SHOTGUNS, from 7.30 In .10 00 lariat !" "NlKVfNN" 4 If ym 'anfcH ssnir Uin v will ship 'wipr- yrrni) mi J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P.O. BOX 30ft I CHICOPEE PALLS. MASS. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TWAINS. Ii ly K. Hat. r m. 7 ii K Ik', a :n m ;yi a U M ,Vl H II ID II VI ! ,17 In no 10 OH 10 '1I I in :n D'ly Kitn-iiva ! July ens i . : 1 D'ly H'ly 'am.! a p l,y II U'l . . . ti H II .V.' tl to II 10 ('... Ill I', I 'I '.Mi . 10 :a .. 11 ,'.7! .. II I'l ... II nr. . II .'toiAr i'urtlai.d . . i,ilila . Italnlrr I'VTmr.M . MyKr . (jiiincy ''Isiakaola M.r.hlan.l Wlirt . niiu.ii . . Knspi-a . HVFIIIMMI Julin I ay Alton a i.x i r.a. AMI lo u i . . i ' l'i M X, 1 II N 11 ti v,' a in 9T.1 M II ', 7 40 l Ox 7 .1H 7 :'h S s'il 7 17 H .111 7 lr Pir.sf j TIM Wlir.li01.ts ; nii'l I'Mrsau Kali I alio. Manor. I'l Corlla ml, W(.rii, Mnslia, K an " '' Hi ai lal j , i 'ity , M. hum,! " -,) s in ( CMi-aHi ami Kail. , A",n,lr .Hall,i.rhr.n ! Kil.rr.. Wllf omal.s.Ksii- I0.s .1 ' ... ru hi. Num. ClilraKo and I "l. ! la llunl InKloii . I.v 0 I .' h in h ir. 7 w M 'JO 7 4.'. (I 10 HKANIDK IIIVISIOM II Vs. m . A Tin p. ru . II :m a. in . M 1.1 a. rn 1 I I a. m . . 1 :l p. in .. ft Mi p. in U 40 a. in AHTOKIA 7 40 a. tn ..1') -Ti a. in . ft W) p. in ..12 : p. rn . . 71 p. m .. I ,'Wl p. rn . . A GO a. in HKANIDK J C'OSNKCTIONH. All trains niakrliiMiroiiiiiiilloiii at Oolils with all Northern I'si lllr trains to or from the Kant or Hon nil i'ulnU. At I'ortlaml with all trains Ii-svIhk Union Depot. At A.toria with I. K. N. IV'shoalsand rail line, ami Hteamsr T. J. Cotter, U and from llwaroand North ll-a li Calnts Tlckat olllc, Morrison at., ami Union dejMjt. J. (;. MAVci.Osn. I'm, Aft. AiUirla, Or OABTOniA. BMrstas Slpators sf m Hind ton wm tism Bouit i";. 5'i, w... u. l, in Nmikali. Mill " I' I .. '... .. ui l'.l vis I rilllllll, .11 II " t'lilran and Kail. I Hpnkau 7 :15 a. IS. Ksrrllrnt Mrsls. llrt ficrri Ocean and River Schedule l-'ROM CORTLAND I p. m. Dally V.i Hiinday, a p. iii. Hulunlajf In p. in. All Hallinx tlatna U'l) J l to rhaiiK fnf "an rrannwi Hall .vary &il Outtimlils Rir niaaiuart To A.iorla ai.d M'af-lWiiillKI. a 4 P, diy. 70 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Chaise of Cars. Tick cts esM via all rail, or Iwat and rail via ion-land. Cor detailed InforinatioB of ' lertli resrrsllon etc, csll or writ " sifrnt at warf. oenrrai iimrrs, u. v. ;,.nllrtf. ....!.. i f Slsnagw IWI IIHMU WS Tak. lh Knterprlsa-flftyt9 a year.