Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 23, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Splendid weather for handling spuds,
apples, pumpkins and beans. Knjoy the
sunshine while you uiy, it won't always
Ite witli us.
Osrm. !
Sliss ursc Marshall, of Oregon City, I f
(will Nimlay
with her cousin, Vada
V. H. Kniile has finished his tele-
Correspondents are requested to re- j phone pole contract, having delivcd sev
new their work. We will supply nil e"l bundled poles lo Canny.
Carrv S. Herman expects to move hi
family (town lo the Hsgny sawmill the
last of this week.
nv.fuary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
Little Agnes Tollock, of Oswego, is
visiting at ttrsndpa Shipley's.
MiM Margsureite Adams, of Vancou
ver, is visiting her friends Ma May Hor
(1 i lie.
F:by Frontong is ill this week.
Genevieve Capen is in school aain
after an illness of two weeks.
O. ri. Rogers and family visited in the
country Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Klu.er Thompson en
jnyd a visit from their mother and
sisters Sunday.
Mr. V. T. Herman is nicvinit into
the Frank Kayler residence in order to
be haudy to school.
J. K. Cole and W. A. Shaver are each
running steam feed mills.
School commenced here last Monday
and w ill commence at the Teasel Creek
district today.
The "had hoys" found out that Kay
Austen and .Miss Emma Case were mar
ried, by the racket U shotguns and tin
cans la it Friday night.
Mm. Alice Wingfield of Eastern Ore
gon is visiting relatives and friends of
i childhood days, iiy the way, Alice is
i the girl that would not allow the raising
I of a Confederal rlsg when she- went to
ish the pheasant hunters would school. War was the school talk and
"t shoot our chickens.
plav then. One day no went a. Confed-
Mr.and Mrs. Harry Shipley visited ! f"J ft"",' down c'n" ,,"
wi.b relatives in I'ortl.'nd Sunday. i 1-V '", blooA' nw-
Our enterprising grocerymcn J. T.
Gary and It. H. Rogers did business in
Portland Friday.
Mrs. Koplin is visiting with relatives
in l'ortland this week.
Mr. Mitchell, of Umatilla, is goin to
send the winter at Molalla and is mak
ing his home with his old friend, Oliver
A Fortland gentleman recently pur
chased a farm out this wav occupied by
T. J. Gary is having a new barn and : a tenant. The gentleman that sold the
farm had more practical knowledge of
farming than his purchaser as evidenced
hy his turning in his share of the present
crop with the lease, telling the renter
that the buyer was to pay for 50 actes of
of summer (allow. Xow it turns up that
the "innocent purchaser" did not know
what a "summer fallow" was, and re
fuses to pay for it. and likewise the
renter refuses lo give possession until his
labor is settled for by someone.
Elder G. 1'. Rich is holding meetings
at the Dart church this week which will
last over Sunday.
George Adams has just erecteo a wind
mill at his residence in southeast Molalla.
Clackamas District Pomona Grange
passed off very agreeably here last Wed-
I had dyspepsia in its worst form and i nesd.iv and night. The'dav was perfect,
feit miserable most all the time. Did tee splendor of our mountain view was
not enjoy eating until after I used kodol i sn eye catcher. Some GO took the 5th
Dyspepsia Cure which has completely degree. Exchanging of bats was heard
chicken yard built on the land recently
purchased by him.
A very enjoyable reception was tend
ered Rev. Wood and family Wednesday
The Mother's Club met with Mrs.
Millard Hyatt Thursday afternoon.
Harry Berdine and sister, Miss Nora,
gave a very pleasant dancing party Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batdorf entertained
friends from Fortland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Follay, of l'ortland,
visited at the parental home Sunday,
Miss .Maggie Guyer i home from l'ort
land. Miss Sara Jones has gone to Fortland
to accept a position as clerk in Roberts
Uros.'s store.
The Misses Kdith and Jessie Jackson
entertained a few of their friends Mon
..... ... . ......r.., llliwp ,-ICrVHt I
F.diia and lva Irish, Kale Jones, Clara iQ
Schoenburn, ada Pills, frank Schoen
burn and Fmerson S,ati.
Will King, of Fortland, was the gust
of Yada Dills Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Michapl London spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Faust.
S. K. Gregory has purchased the Gra
ham farm and will move on it the first of
Little Stanley Gregory is quite ill. Dr.
Strickland is attending him.
Mrs. D. M. Spati returned Sunday
from a three days' visit in Canby.
Miss Mildred Jones spent last week in
Canby with her grandparents.
A Care lor Iyepsla.
cured me. Mrs. W . W . Savior, Milliard,
Fa. No appetite, loss of strength, nerv
ousness, headache, constipation, bad
breath, sour risings, indigestion, dyspep
sia and all stomach troubles are quickly
cured by the use Kodol. Kodol repre
sents the natural juices of digestion com
bined with the greatest known tonic and
reconstructive properties. It cleanses,
purities and sweetens the stomach.
fco!d by Geo. A. Harding.
of, some getting the best, some the sorst
ol the bargain.
Ernest Jones was in Portland Monday
and Tuesday.
Jim Fisk went to Philomath to attend
to his property.
Frank Irish, Robt. Schoenborn, Ed.
-Jones and several farmers of this place
Were in Oregon City this week.
George Helvey has returned to Wasco,
Sherman county, Oregon.
The dance at Helvey's Saturday even
ing was a decided failure.
Eli Stark, of Clarks, was here in our
berg Tuesday.
Fete Sager was hauling for oor pros
perous merchant, F. M. Maning, this
Ed. Jones took in the saie Tuesday.
A Thoughtful .Man.
M. M. Auetin, of Winchester. Ind.,
knew what to do in the hour of need.
His wife nad such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. He thought of and
tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally cured.
Only 25c at Charman & Co.'s drug store.
Ksgle Creek.
Potato digging and apple gathering
seem to be the order of the day. come
potato fields are turning out a fine crop
while otherejare poor,
George Judd shipped a car load of po
tatoes to Portland last Saturday, it being
the first whole car load sent from Eagle
J. P. Woodle shipped the first con
signment of apoles over the new railroad
last Wednesday, there being 49 boxes in
the lot. He also sent off during the
week about 2 tons of cider apples.
We are very glad to hear that Willie
Gei ardes is improving.
HThe Eagle Creek Grange was poorly
attended Saturday on account of the rush
of potato digging and apple gathering.
There were over a dozen car loads of
people passed Eagle Creek Sunday on an
excursion to the Carver plant on Caza
dero. Several of the Eagle Creek people at
tended the harvest feast at George yes
terday. Mrs. Miry Campbell and Miss Lenora
Chapman, of Portland, are visiting their
friends here.
Dieting In rite lltrae.
To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is
no longer necessary to live on milk and
toast. Starvation produces such weak
ness ihat the whole system becomes an
easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest and assimilate all of the
wholesome food ttiat one cares to eat,
and is a never failing cure for indiges
tion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles.
Kodol digests what you eat makes the
stomach sweet. Sol'd by Geo A. Harding.
' Who could wish for any better weather
than we have had during the past week?
Clifford Will wajjiinfortunate enough
to fall from his buffie and break an arm
one evening last leek.
Ralph Knight has gone to Drain, Ore.,
where he has accepted a position as a
telegraph operator.
Otto Evans came home from Portland
last Thursday; since that time he has
been very ill at the home of his parents
with pleura-pnenmonia.
Edgar Stevens, of Portland, visited
with Geo. Fletcher Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. A. R. Cummings, of Riverside, is
spending the week in nellwood
old acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. Sleight and daughter, of
Oregon City, spent Sunday on their farm.
Our rtnstnfricp is hnincr moved In Third
core Ingestion. This Mw discovery repra-, street, back of the candy store,
ents the natural Juices of digestion aa tiny j
xJst In a healthy stomach, combined with , ... .
the freaieat known tonic and reconstructive , A "r Mentation,
properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does Dot There was a big sensation in Leesville,
nly cure Indigestion and dyspepsU. but this Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place,
famous remedy cures all stomach trouble who was expected to die, had his life
by cleansing, purifying, sweeteninr. and B,Ved by Dr. King's New Discovery for
trenjthenlm the mucoui membranes Unlnf consumption. He writes: "I endured
the Stomach. inenfTprahlp aeonies from asthma, hut
No appetite, loss of fVenpth. nenroua
Dess, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of
tne stomacn are all due to indigestion. Kodol
The Grange Fair here on the loth inst.
was a grand affair. The A. O. V. W.
Hall was a gorgeous place with exhibits.
Among the notable displays was the
giant celery grown by W. L. Cawman;
who took first prize. A. C. Hall took
first prize on onions, having one that
weighed 1 pound aud 12 ounces. Mrs.
H. H. Eyman took first prize on patch
work; M. E. Buck on ironing-board.
Mrs. and son are visiting at Dr.
A. L. Saylors.
J. V. Hall has been visiting friends at
Dr. Savior made a tr'p to the metropo
lis Saturday.
Dr. Lewis of Fairview was in Sher
wood Saturday on business. 1
A series of meeting begAn at the Con
gregational church Monday eve, con
ducted by Rev. J. M. Barber and wile of
Hood View.
A Tjpirnl Mouth African Ntor
0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays
River, CaH Colony, conducts a storo
typical of South Africa, at which can be
purchased anything fiom the proverbial
"needle to an anchor." This stote is
situated in a valley nine miles from the
nearest railroad station and alxnit twenty-five
miles from the nearest town. Mr.
Larson says: "I am favored with the
custom of farmers within a radius of 80
miles, to many of whom I have supplied j
Chamberlain's remedies. All testify to ;
their value in a household where a doc-1
l,irA Hitvicw ill ulfllnHt nnt of tllM nmtatimi I
Within one mile of my store the popnla j O
tion is perhaps sixty. Of these, within
the Past twelve months, no less than I
fourteen have been absolutely cured by
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This
must be a record." For sale by G. A.
Harming, druggist.
From West Gladstone, llee-hilten grav
horse, weight 12iH) pounds. Shod all I
'ound; lame in off-hind leg. Horse
bought by Sugarman A Co., junkmen,
latelv at Heaver Creek. Thomas' ulace.
Finder liberally rewarded leaving word O
hi r.iuerpriwe ouice, or sources I . u.
Hull, Parkpluce, Oregon.
business last Sunday.
Oliver Lafferty is
Miss Lola Saylor has returned
visiting relatives at Bellew, Ore.
The Naive Thai Ural
without leaving a scar is DeWiit's. The
name Witch Hazel is applied to many
salves, but DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve
is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that
contains the pure unadulterated witch
hazel. If any other Witcb Hazel Salve
is offered you it is a counterfeit. E. C.
DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Salve and
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best
alve in the world for cuts, burns, bruis
es, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and
protruding piles. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
We hear the boom of the shotgun
early and late but a larger noise is still
caused by the boys spinning stories
about the amount of game they (almost)
F. M. Robeson, of Kelso, Wash., was '
visiting friends in Colton last Saturday.
A. B. Countryman and family and
Pelbert Bonney and family were tbe
guests of Wm. Bonney last Sunday.
Billy Stone has moved hack to his
bachelor quarters, his health being much
Mr. Fire, of Molalla, was in Colton on
home from the
shingle mill nursing a la see rated hand
which is the result of a friendly scuffle at
the charivari on the 17th.
School is progressing nicely under the
proficient management of Miss Elnora
Ginlher, of Shubel. All seem well
pleased with her; both pupils and
Anson Countryman has moved onto
the Hubbard farm lately vacated by Mr.
Willson, of Elwood.
Evervone is wondering where they
will find room to store their mammoth
cop of spuds.
The Canyon Creek literary and debat
ing society was reorganized on the 17th
with Fannie Bonney, president; E.
(iottberg, vice-president; Win. liar
graves, secretary.
P. E. Bonney and Joe Arqoett trailed
horses and sheep last Saturday.
Lucy Countryman is home on a visit.
Your Prescription
Filled By Us
Moans carrying out your Doctor's
wishes to tho very K'ttor.
"Wo uho nono but tho host and fresh
est drugs.
We give it our special attention.
No boys behind our prescription
Our work is the best that science,
experience ami money can produce.
Trices popular, but not cheap as
low as it is safe to go.
This is the Time and Place
lo Buy Your
Rubber Goods
Gooilyrar Crown Hull) w .r0e
Foster'- Canliticllti Hull) M $1.00
(iooilyear Journey Fountain, - i(t ("i 7 So
(looilyear Joursoy Fountain, II ijt (t: S.'ic
(inoytar Jearscy Fountain, 4 (jt (; $1.00
Countiss Rapid Flow Continuation.
:iqt (i lfIH)
(Jtioon Fount Syritifji'. 2 it (a 7-ro
Foster'" I'uie (iuni, 3 ijt (n if 1.7')
Norwood Combination ( $2.00
(ioodyear Ladies Syringe W $1.00
Whirling Spray, regular jiriee $o"0,
our price $2.7")
Shaving Outfits
At Special Prices
Guaranteed Unors from,. $l..r)0 to $..()()
HruslieH 10c to M)o
Strop 2.roto$1.25
Mugs 15o to fiOo
Shaving Soup Colgate", Kirk, Williams,
I Vara and the Lest brands at & and lOo.
Try shaving yourself a couple
of month's ami pay for an outfit.
We Are Still Selling
"Doodles" of
. Toilet Soaps
If you are not luiyingyour .soap hero
you should be to get close prices
on standard brands.
White Oat Meal. . . (m lie Cake
Witch llaiel (t. fie Cake
Snowlerry (ii ie Cake
F.bony Tar m fio Cuko
Pears S.-ented (m Lie (Jake
Cutioura n; 'JOe Cuko
1711 On 'JOoCako
Colgate's Cnssiinere Hoijuet, 1 rc and 2'o
Packers' Tar Of 20c Cake
Transparent Glycerine (i .'So Cuke
All standard brands comparatively cheap.
When Ilia Kidney Trouble Has
Fastened and Roached the
Clironlc 8tao? It It Has It la
Incurable by Anything Known
Except the Fulton Compounds.
We Are The Solo Aganta.
" Mrif bwbiad wtth Z'ZtlZ ' your New Discovery ave me immediate
pletecore." Similar carei of consump
tion, pneumonia, bronchitis and grip are
bttlMarir. Il.oo Sim holdtnfSK flmM tW Mat ' numerous. It 18 the peerless remedy
ate. which Mil for 60 cuta, i for all throat and lung troubles. Price
fc O. DwiTT OO., 0HI0A9O rflc and 1. Guaranteed by Charman A
Sold by O. A. HARDING, Druggist Co., drnggiHts. Trial bottle free.
At so evtdAnes of the r-inmial character of tfea
Fulton ComDouDdr that eomptny doea not pvb
llsh or Invite tontlinonlals eicept those report,
leg recover! i in kidney dlMMe that nve
reaohed the chronic stage, alleged to be Incurs,
ble. Here Is another recovery In a esse Incurs
ble till tbs advent of the Fulton Ccmpounda,
reported by Johns i Johnson, the agents of tbs
Fulton Compounds In Los Ostos:
W. n. Frldley, a resident of Los Ostos,
having chronle kidney dliesne (tlrlgbt's Dis
ease) bsd, Ilka ever body else, found all treat'
Kant futile. He commenced on Fulton's Rensl
Compound In February, If, snd on December
10 of tbe asms year reported the total disap
pearance of the disease. Bewrltesthathehaa
gained fifteen pounds in weight and la again
able to do a good bard day's work. Johns a
Johnson, the Los Oatoa druggists, confirm this
recovery and know of several other recoveries la
similar esses of chronlo kMnoy disease In Los
Galon, all of which OT Incurable by anything
else known to drugvUta. H. A. Palmer, the
Visiting in pe nluma druggist, tbe terry Drug Corn
daov of No. 8Mrkl street. Ban tranclsoo, IV.
ft. Pond, the Berkeley druggist. Dr. Mark ley,
Itie Cloverdsle druggist, Willis k Msrtin, tt.s
Bacrameoto drnggists, and scores of other Csll-
forma druggists all report specific recoveries
in ehr"nte kidney dlseaso thst were positively
Incurable by anything known except tba Fultoa
Lfropy, rbeumatism from nrie actd, gout and
bladder troubles sre proofs thst the kidneys
are not performing their functions. Tbe chronle
stage of kidney trouble Is bright s Dlsesse. If
you fool languid or mWrable, If your kidney
trouble hangs on send for Pnmpblet. Per
centage of recoveries nearly 00 percent among
fiurely chronic cattea Kill ton's Renal Compouuti
or (right's aid Kldn'-v bltteates. II; for
Dlsbetea, II 10. John J. Folios Co., t Wssn
Inglon street. Hsn Francisco, sols compounders.
'ree analyses for piiienls. We sre tbs sols
xeaia tut lb Fuiioa Cuibeubda u this ally.
Kodol and aw and wa ars now aatsg II at muM
aw ssisr.
Kodol Digests What You Ut
Cattle for Hale.
Registered Jersey bull, cow and fie
(Trade heifers for sale. Enquire of . M.
Uaines. New Era, Oregon. tf
Mot Conducive to Drrarlnaaa Thaat
( Shorienlac Life.
Tbore Is fur more evidence for the be
lief la the dreariness of old hge after
active work hns been mid aside than
for the shortening of life which results
from the enforced lnnctlvlty. Two not
able Instance and perlinpn freer from
doubt than most as to whether It Is en
nui alone Unit kills and not the disease
of old aire or n more specltlc inulndy
are thorn1 of Napoleon the Grout aud
HIsmarck. Th one lived six years In
St. Helena, tbo other eight years at
Frledrlchsruh, each "eating out hit
heart." If ever there were men who
oiiKht on the supposition to have been
killed by the total suspension of their
activities, these two ounlit to huve
been, but It would be extremely dim
cult to show that they were. Though
Napoleon was no more than llfty-three,
yet It was the specille disease of cancer
of the stomach of which be died, ned
tho connection between his exiled lone
lluess and tin; direct cause of his death
does i:ot seem very apparent. On the
other blind, r.isinank at the nge of
seventy-live, when be was dismissed
from the cliaiii elloislilp. could not have
had n likelihood of more prolonged
e ns than be actually achieved out of
nt'.ce even If he had continued in otlice
:; Mil 'lie c!id. A wise mall If not too
i ' will never lose touch with
i . i .if". Tln'i" are old men with
r !.e :rK ci:d the elder when he
; :::::! he.irt M perhaps the most
' 'i' ! (y e ; im. unity can show us
...I'. .) I'e-iev
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident is narrated by J.
Oliver, of Philadelphia, as follows: "I
was in an awlul condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had given
me np. Then I was advised to use Elec
tric Bitters; to aiv great joy, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use (or three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they rob'
bed the grave of another victim." No
one should (ail to trv them. Only !0c,
Guaranteed at Charman A Co.'s drug
Fierce Wild ll.
The wild hogs of southern Colorado
share with tbe pecciirlcs of Central
and Boutu America tho reputntlon of
living the fiercest, must vindictive ami
toughest animals of the western heml
sphere. They will follow tenaciously,
tree und starve out an enemy. Their
skins are tough, their vitality Is re
uiarkuble and their tcflh sharp as ra
font. They travel In suiull droves und
are ready to attack anything, be It mail
or beast, that arouse their Ire. Hunt
ers In southern Colorado always ob
serve the precaution of stationing
themselves within reach of a tree wbec
in the nelgblKrhood of a drovo.
The Genuine . ('ounfcrTHI.
ine genuine is always better than a
Counterfeit, but the truth of this stale
ment is never mure forcibly realized or
more thoroughly appreciated than when
vou coin pare the genuine IleWilt's Witch
Hazel Salve with the mativ counterfeits
and worthless substitutes thst are on tbe
market. W. H. Led better, of Klireve'
port, I-a.. says: "After using numerous
other remedies without benefit, one bog
of DeWitt's Witch llszcl Salve cured
me." For blind, bleeding, itching and
protruding piles no remedy Is fpial to
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by
u. a. naming.
Liquor Urense.
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply at a regular meeting of the city coun
cil' to be held Nov. 4, 11)03, for a renewal
of my saloon license at my present place
of business, IMghtn and Main streets.
October 23. E. Mattiiikb.
Naloon I.Icenwe.
Notice is hereby given that we will ap
ply to the Oregon City council at its reg
ular meeting in November for a renewal
of our liquor license at oar present place
of business, Main near Seventh street.
Kgixr A Rucqnicii.
Oct 30.
No such thing as "snmmer com
plaint" where Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry is kept handy. Na
ture's remedy for looseness of tbe bowelt.
R. L. Holm an, leading undertaker
Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tf
A Rib ot l.nrk.
Tom I asked old Ooldmnn for his
laughter Inst night.
. Plck-Whnt luck?
Tom Well. It was whnt you might
call a run of luck. I got uway.-Ex-change.
Purely Ornamental.
Charlie How In the world, Oawge,
do yon manage to see with that single
eyeglass of yours?
Gawge My denr fpllnh, I see with
the other eye.-San Francisco Wasp.
A Perfect 1'ulnlexa I'lll ,
is the one that will cleanse tbe system,
set the liver to action, remove tbe bile,
clear the complexion, cure headache and
leave a good taste in the mouth. The
famons little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are DeWitt's
Little Kariy Risers. Hon Moore, of La
fayette, Ind., says: "All other pills I
have used gripe and sicken, while De
Witt's Little Karly Risers are simply
perlect." Bold by Geo. A. Harding.
Load Talk.
"Henry, what does It mean In this
historical novel when It soys 'Our gnnt
talked back to the enemy?"
"Why, they bad Parrott guns In those
iays, my love." Clevelond Plain Des5-
Ely's Cream Balm
Euy tnd pltMAnt to
qm, lonUiixt no iQ
Jurioof dniK.
It is quickly ananrma.
Give Hjief si one.
It Opens arid Cleanses
(ial Can Maple Leaf Maple Syrup
Gal. Snow Shoe Club Mnplo, high grade
25 Cents
6 P.ars Happy Monday Soap
Mailt) in Oregon City
25 Cents
7 liars Diamond C Soap
15 Cents
Pound M. & M. IMond Coflbo
121 Cents ,
Pound Good Rio Coflbo
15 Cents
Pint Bottle Catsup
10 Cents
Bottlo Nice Stuffed Olives
23 Cents
Largo Hot. Anchovy Mustard
15 Cents
Bottle Ripo Olives, vory fino
A an
Heals and Protect tM atemhrsna. Restores tht
Sn of Taste snd bmtii. Lrgt Site, Stt ents si
Druggists or by msll; Trtsl Bias, 1 Swirls bv mall.
LY tUOTiUUa, as Wansa , tin Tors.
Oregon City Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 72 to 78c per bushel.
Flour Vallev. 14 '2ft
wheat $4.7r). Portland, $1.10 per sack ;
Oats in sacks, $1 iter cental.
Hay Timothy, baled. 12 ner ton
loose, $10 per ton. Clover $0; Oat, $9;
mixed hay, $11; cheat, $1),
Millstufls Bran. $21.00 Der ton.
shorts, $21.00 per ton ; chop, $20.00 per
ton, harluy, rolled, $23.00 per ton,
J'otatoes tioc to 70c per sack.
Kggs Oregon, 2!c to 27!c per dozen.
Uutter Kanch. 45c to 150c: creamer.
70c per roll.
Oregon onions, Idk; to $1.00 per cwt.
Dried apples.Ou to 7c per lb.
Prunes, (dried) petite. 3c ner lb: Ital
ian, large, 6c per lb. medium. 3!uc:
Silver. 4.
Cabbage, 40 to 80c per dozen.
(ireen peas, 3c per pound.
Tomatoes, .'(0 to 35c per box.
Apples, 40c to 00c.
Cranberries OJc to 12c a quart.
Urapes, Concords, 25c basket; Dels
wares, 20c.
Cauliflower, 40c to 80c per dozen.
Dressed chickens, 10 to 12 e per lb.
Livestock and dressed meats; beef,
live, $3.00 to $3.60 per hundred. Hogs,
live 5 to6Jt'cUi; hogs, dressed, 7c;
sheep, $2 to $2.25 per head ; dressed, 6c ;
veal, dressed, 7 to 8c; lambs, live,
$2 per bead ; lambs, dressed, 6c
Subscribe (or the Enterprise