Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 23, 1903, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
(Uirwi Title, tincl Lnl Office
limlricmn Hpeclnlty
Will practice In nil Court of the Slate
Kootn 3, Wrluliaril Uliljf .
pp. Court House, Oregon City, Oregon
mcrr.orrurTT ru.m.MSD.
Offle. not to Oregon City Biiirirl.
Q.K0. 0. IlttOWNKl.l.,
Oregon City, - - 0rlf"n
Will pruritic In til llio courts of tin lUte.
OHIo In C'.iillehl building.
jivy sTirr
Attoknky at Law.
JuHtice ol Hie Peaco.
Jaggr ISUlit.. Oregon City
...on city. "ao
Wlllprillrlu Blltb.eourlaeilhtlUlt. Ol
lot. tu l.unolJ buxjum.
u.o. LATounma
it-iviiiMIi'VH AND
rurnl.h Ab.lr.m. ol Till.. Un
Olo.. MuNM.u
leotion.. Huj .nd ..111 .h.u. on .11 wrfnu
lVpu.lt. received .ubt W check Buk
op.it Iron I . . to. r. a.
0. C.1AT0UBITTI . rrjitl.
UndTHl.. Examined. Abatracti Made.
V4: MorlMi Dr.wn, Mouay Loanta
orric i ov
Bank of Oregon City. O.sooi Citt. Ob.
W. B- D'Bn - Bob"!!
Attorneys at Liw.
Jlcutrdjtv bwoliat.
Will pracllr. in .11 courli, m.ke collection!
.nd irltleiiirnt. of Km.Uii.
Furnish ltr.i-t. o( title, lent! you money
.nd lend your money on lint morgan.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Near Huntley'a Drug Store,
Ureat Britain and America.
Carl A. PatzlaiT I
Chan. M. Moehnke J
Ci,y L
:c$" v?i
joo o oo o. co:
Do not lie dm-ivct by tliws who ad
vert iw a fiiO.00 rVwTnjr. Mm-liino for
fHO.OO. Thin kind of a iniieliliio can
bo bought from tmorany of our
dciilcin from f 15.00 to $18.00.
Tlio Fml aVfcrnilncH llio h! ri-nglh or
wtikniwH of Hewing; Muchim. Tin
ull combined wiih oilier
tttrnniriiolni inula tliu JVew Ifuiuo
tlio lient Hewing Machine to buy.
Write for CIRCULARS iHr-i
wo iimmituctiiruiuid jrlr IxTuro purcuiutiiig
28 Union Rq. N. Y., Chicago, III., Atlanta, (.,
Bt. Louli.Mo., P.ilWw,Ti-i.,Him Kruuclsco, Cul
C. 8. CRANE, 350 Mornaon Street,
Portland, Oregon..
ilfj,-- STEEL :
i f ! i. i .ii iii )-i ."' n fir " '
JJ; If you neoil anytliing in tho way of Hardware, Crockery,
jlj GlaH-waro or (Jianite-ware, I can supply your wants. Call and
rj: inhjmct my stock.
! Complot line o( now tnd .(Miond li.nd FURNITURE carried. Let
Ki in. .upply you with a nouns- keeli)f outllt
WALL PAPER of ll lt llity latest ilyle. at right pricei.
Attention, Here's a Baryain
6000 tout, Vi Inch (Iratclana Manila roi. In one piece, it offered for
f, aale at a baritain for a few daya.
Main Street,
All work given our prompt
and careful attention. , . .
Prices Reasonable .
Oregon City
JVlaehine Shop
General Machine Work of all klndi donn.
nd I'ulleya ne and aeeond hand. First
Order, by Mall or Telephone promptly
At rear of Aipe'i Hardware Store.
Oregon $ Washington State Fair Victories
Oregon Mute r'alr 11)02
l-a-3 on Cock ninls, 6 In Competition
i.t on Hen, loin Competition
1-3 j on I'ulleta 40 in Competition
and on. . .Cockerel at in Competition
1st on pen, 1 1 in Competition
It in American Class
II. won 1 .t on pullnt. the pt 3
year., mock for !, ! In .
Foit Fine Candies, Nuts,
Fkuits, Etc., Call On the
Finest Chocolate Creams
in the City. Aso Cigars
and Tobacco.
Brunswick Houso & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class Restaurant
In Town.
S,nd For Fnt SmpU Copy.
Enterprise and VV. Oregonian $2.
wmpw a mm mm
Oregon City.
Court House Block
A. Kliimbhmidt
We carry in itock a Hoe of Shafting
cIam Engine and Baw mill machinery.
Oregon City, Oregon
WaNblufrton State Fair 1U02
We only sent 3 pullets, I hen and I
Cock and won on every entry but one
besides specials, including best pen In
the show. Prizes won 1st Cock, 1st
lien: 1st and and Pullet; 1st pen.
Kihlbltlun Stock a specialty Rome
(rand pullnt. for .ale. Kggs S3.00
It cnntnlm .tronKly Amerl
enn cditnrlnln, hrinht, forriKO
letter., .triklnK utiirica, art,
drnniil, music, aucicty. aud
annjr and nary new.-
The Arqonaut Pub. Cck
246 SUTTER 8T.
Bnn Francico Cal.
Annual Scnslon Held Last
Week at Molalla.
UeHolutlon, EiidondiiK Inltlatlre and
Itefereudum, l Adopted
Election of Officer.
Clackauiaa District Pomona Granite
met in the hall of Molalla Granite No.
810. October 14, 1IW3.
The report fioin subordinate granges
show a steady increase in memberahip
in the county, also one new grange or
ganized durintf the quarter, making
eighteen in the county.
A number of grangee .re miking sys
teuiatic elforta to improve the literary
part of the grange work.
A resolution in favor of co-operation
wa introduced by J. K. Caeto and
adopted by the grange. This reflation
recommends that the subordinate
grangee in the county disensa thia sub
ject and prepare to instruct their dele
gates to the next state grange on what
lines and to what extent co-operation is
The following resolution on the "Direct
Legislation" question was unanimously
carried :
Whereas, The Slate Grange of Oregon
has for many yeara at its annual ses
sions, endorsed the "Initiative and Ref
erendum" and the members used their
best endeavors to procure its adoption as
a part ot the state constitution and be
lieve its maintainance a safeguard to the
preservation of the most sacred right, of
the people, we view with alarm the re
cent decision of the circuit court of Mult
nomah County declaring said amend
ment void ; and
Whereas, We believe the voters ot (lie
state fully understood the purport and
etrect of such amendment when they
voted for its ratitication, and
Whereas, We believe said circuit
court was not properly or well advised
in considering said amendment when
said decision was rendered.
Therefore, Be it resolved, That it is
the sense of this grange that said amend
ment should remain a part of the consti
tution and that the wishes and rights of
the people should not be sacrificed by
strained and narrow decisions and on
technical questions.
R. Shubel introduced the following:
Resolved That the master of thia Po
mona Grange appoint a committee of
three to examine tbe assessment roll of
Clackamas county in respect to tbe
equality of assessment between cot pora
lion and farm property, and report at
tbe next session of this grange.
Alter a thorough discussion tbe reso
lution was adopted and R. Shubel, C. C.
Boreland and Wm. Grisenthwaite wert
appointed on tbat committee.
Alter supper the grange assembled in
tht ball over tbe school room where a
class of 67 were initiated Into tbe degree
of Pomona.
After enjoying a feast of cake, those
present listened to an interesting pro
gram consisting of vocal and instru
mental music, recitations, select read
ings, stump speeches, originsl poems etc.
Molalla Grange No. 310 is young in
years but large in numbers and when it
conies to entertaining, well, its "Molalla
against the world."
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: Wm. Grisenthwaite,
master; J. W. Ihomas, overseer; ueo
Workman, lecturer; Wm. Beard, stew
ard; H. Glover, Assistant Steward; O,
A. Eaton, chaplain: T. L. Turner, treas
urer; C. E. Spence. secretary; Edwin
Bates, gatekeeper; Delia Guttridge,
Ceres; M. A. Johnson, Pomona; E. T.J
B. I nomas, flora; uose a. itoooins,
U A. o.
Oregon City Women's Clob Takes Ini
tial Step In Movement.
The entertainment given in this city
last Tuesday night by the Oregon City
Women's Lewis A Clark Fair Club was
tbe first public meeting that has been
held in the state in the interest of Saca-
jawea, the Indian girl-guide, to whose
memory the Women I (Jlubs ol the state
E repose to erect a monument at the
ewis A Clark fair at Portland in 1905.
An interested audience attended the ex
ercises which were held at tbe Armory.
C. 11. Dve was chairman of tbe meet
ing and after a few introductory remarks
explanatory of tbe exercises and of tbe
work proposed by tbe Women's Clubs of
the state, a programme consisting of the
following miTibers was carried out: In
strumental solo. Miss Edna Daulton;
selection, ladies' quartette, compoeed of
the Misses Mark, Miss Samson and Miss
Marshall ; reading, Mrs. Frank Weed;
song, Mr. C. F. Miller; address, Hon. C.
is. Aloores; vocal solo, Miss Alary Lon-
yers, Portland; address, Hon. Wm. Gal
loway ; vocal solo, Mrs. A. 8. Dresser;
address. Mrs. Eva Emery-Dye; vocal
solo, Len Confer; address, C. H. Dye.
hollowing the programme refreshments
were served and a social dance was given.
The principal address of the evening
was delivered by Mrs. Dye, who is tak
ing an especial interest In the movement
to erect the Sacajawea monument. She
said in part:
"welcome new people settling among
us. One woman told me she had lived
in Oregon City ten years and did not feel
acquainted. Well, there are churches
and lodges, and best of all, the Lewis &
Clark Club, exactly where we want the
new people as well as the old residents
to help us get ready for the great event
of l'JOo. We must begin to talk np our
citv. the old capital of Oregon, the his
toric town of the northwest. It is all
very well to have dancing clubs and
music clubs and reading clubs, but what
we need lust now isa city improvement
club to put on Oregon City's best bib
and tucker, and there is no time to lose.
Before yon know it people will becoming
np here in boats and cars by the thous
ands to see the McLoughlin'a grave and
tbe mills, and I know not what all. Can
not that street bt graded down to the
boat landing, and some cement walks
put in? Cannot tht square on top of the
hill be cleared of rubbish and graded
and kept smooth a a lawn? Cannot the
park on the hill be mowed or shaven and
kept green all summer? Horn, of our
mayors have done a great work in street
Improvement and there is room for more
yet. Suppose we do offend somebody,
keep on offending until we make Oregon
City such an attractive place that who
ever visits it will want to make it bis
future borne. Why, Nature ha. done
everything for ns ; not a town or city in
all tbe world has Oner natural views or
more rugged scenery. With a little helo
it might he made tbe most picturesque
spot in the Northwest. Our Humane
society has put up a fine fountain, and
the Y. M. C. A. people have built a hall,
now let us go on and plant flower gardens
around the schools, factories and the
railroad station. Let each school child
bring a nickel for a package of garden
seeds and begin borne gardening, beauti
fying the homes of our city. Dare we
begin to talk of statuary in public places,
or of stona parapets along the dangerous
bluff op yonder, or of cement walks all
over town, or of shade trees, or rose
bushes, and bandstands and open air
concerts ?
"The women will have to do this, the
men aie the bread winners, but our
women are equal to the situation. That
is the object of the Lewis A Clark Club,
a club needed more than any other in
this city. And we want every live woman
in the Lewis A Clark Club.
"Then wt have the Chautanqua here,
tbat ha. been a civic improvement insti
tution from tbe beginning. Thousands
will come here to compare a Pacific coast
Chautauqua with those tbey have back
east. Something will be done there to
keep the dust down and make more at
tractive the path leading from tbe rail
road to tbe assembly proper.
"I look for the approaching Lewis and
Clark Exposition to be tbe greatest ob-
Spct lesson ever brought to Oregon,
"rom the day tbe gates open Oregon
will be changed, new ideals will leaven
the people, shiftless farmhouses will be
gin to disappear, either improved by
their occupants or sold to newcomers
who will improve them, for the future
lies on this Pacific coast. It is a good
thing to be here now, for tbe balance of
the world is shifting from Atlantic to
Pacific shores. Some here can recall the
time when Oregon was a wilderness,
some here will see it tbe center of art
and manufactures and commerce such as
the world has never seen. And Oreiron
City baa a part in tbis great movement,
she will be the twin of Portland as Min
neapolis is of St. Paul, and Council Bluffs
of Omaha. Frown npon the man who
talks against his town, Oregon City is 'as
good as any of them' and is going te be
Interested Partle Instituted Damage
Suit Against Contractors.
The construction by the state of Ore
gon of a fish way over tbe Willamette
Halls at this city will not be accomplished
witbont litigation.
Ernest P. Rands, who was recently
awarded the contract by the state fish
commissioners and who baa begun tbe
construction of the nsb ladder, has been
made defendant in a $50,000 damage suit
brought in the Clackamas county circuit
court by Archie L. Pease, Mattie M, Col
bert and Elizabeth J. Crawford, wno de
mand judgment for damages in the sum
named and ask that the defendant coo
tractor be enjoined from further proceed
ing with the bonding of tbe bsb way until
tbe suit is determined in tbe courts,
when tbe plaintiffs expect to have the
injunction made perpetual. A King
Wilson and O. A. Neal are the attorneys
for the plaintiffs.
The plaintiffs allege that they are the
owners of a two-thirds interest in all tbe
rights to catch and take fish of all kinds
and at all times, on Moore's Island, situ
ated near the falls of tbe Willamette
river in the Robert Moore donation land
claim in Clacktinas county; that the de
fendant has intruded thereon and is com
mitting trespass by blasting the rock and
in other ways destroying tbe natural
condition of the island although warned
not to do so; and tbat irreparable dam
age will result to tbe property rights of
the plaintiffs' if tbe trespassing is not
enjoined. Plaintiffs claim to have been
damaged to tbe extent of $50,000 already.
Moore's Island, over which tbe pro
posed fish way la being constructed is
owned oy the Portland General Electric
Company, although tbe plaintiffs have
for several years had the rigbt to fish at
the lower end of this obstruction at the
Kails. The purpose of tbe plaintiffs' in
bringing tbia suit is to protect their fish
interests which will be seriously inter
fered with if tbe fish wsy is installed al
the present site.
Cam Fabh As WitLL As Assess.
Assessor J. '. NelsoVVf tbis county, is
auccessful in the role oHarmer as well as
that of listing the property of Clackamas
county tor assessment purposes. Mr.
AeisoD visited bis farm near Molalla
Sunday and brought home with him
some splendid samples of agricultural
products, including potatoes, one of
which is sulliciently large to make a meal
for a family of several members; apples,
large and luscious ; and some of the finest
grapes and mushrooms that one could
desire. Mr. Nelson also has on his farm
corn that stands 14 feet high, many of
the stalks having as many as five ears.
Some of tbe stalks are so tall tnat he
cannot reach the first ear from the
ground. It is an an actual fact and Mr.
Nelson is prepared to prove the assertion
that he recently produced on bis farm a
potato that weighed pounds 4 ounces.
It will require some very substantial evi
dence to convince Mr. Nelson that
Clackamos county occupies other than
first place among the agricultural counties
of the state.
flakes a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all tbe salves yon ever
heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the
best. It sweeps away and cures burns,
sores, bruises, cuts, boils, ulcers, skin
eruptions and piles. It's only 25c, and
guaranteed to give satisfaction by
Charm an A Co., druggists.
Tbe Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Uaptist State C'onrention Has
Will Meet Sext Tear Al JIcMlnoTllle
Portland Wants Meeting
In 1005.
Fical adjournment of the state Bap
tist Association, which was in session in
this city, took place Friday afternoon
rather tiian in the evening according to
the programme. It was decided to con
solidate the Friday evening programme
with that of Thursday night and thus
abreviate the sessions of tbe convention.
The programme Thursday night included
musical selections by the Oregon City
choir and the conservatory of music of
the McMinnville college, and an address
by Rev. C. H. Woody, of Portland, on
'The Kingdom of God."
The Women's Foreign Missionary So
ciety bad charge of the programme
Thursday. Mrs. M. A. E. Ntone pre
sented a paper on "Child Wives In In
dia" and Miss Mary G. Burdette, of
Chicago, delivered a talk along mission
ary lines. "Work in Cuba and Puerto
Rico" was discussed by Rev. Ronald
McKillop, of Ashland, wnile Rev. A. H.
Carmen presented a paper on "The
Present Outlook and Need in the Home
Mission Problem." President A. M.
Brumback, of tbe McMinnville College,
delivered an address on 'Tbe College Is
a Missionary Enterprise."
The convention adjourned Friday
afternoon after voting to meet next year
at McMinnville. Two hundred and
nineteen delegates were in attendance
at the convention, which was one of tbe
largest tbat bas been beid in many
Friday's sessions were devoted largely
to the hearing of reports from tbe various
societies and committees. Some severe
resolutions were adopted denouncing tbe
liquor traflic and urging tbe cburcb to
be more active in its opposition thereto.
By a vote it was decided to shorten by a
day the length of tbe convention meet
ing next year. An invitation was ex
tended to the Baptist Publication So
ciety asking that organization to meet
in Portland in 1905. Tbe feature of Fri
day's proceedings was an address by
Rev. R. G. Seymour, D. D., leld secre
tary of Philadelphia. Other addresses
were made by Rev. John M. Foster,
missionary at Swatow, China; E. H.
Hicks, F. C. Staoard and G. T. Ellis.
Secretary Dunbar Writes Concerning;
an Insurance Company.
Secretary of Stale Dunbar bas ad
dressed a circular letter to the Insurance
agents of tbe state with reference to tbe
Millers' National Insurance Company
which is attempting to transact business
is tbis state witbont first having com
plied with tbe laws of the state regulat
ing the operation of these companies.
The letter is as follows :
"This office is in receipt of an inquiry,
asking to be informed if the Millers'
National Insurance Company bas made
application to do business in tbis State,
and if not, whether, in our opinion, it
may issue policies on tbe mutual plan,
through agents without their complying
with the requirements of the statutes.
"In reply have to advise that tbe
Millers' National Insurance Company
bas not made application to do business
within this state and is not licensed.
"Tbis office holds tbat mutual fire in
surance companies, organized under tbe
laws of other states, -are not exempt
from the laws which are applicable to
fire insurance companies generally which
desire to enter this state for the trans
action of insurance business; but tbat
such companies, and their agents and
employes, must comply strictly with the
general laws which govern in the case of
foreign fire insurance companies. This
foreign mutual fire insurance cannot
do ; hence, such company cannot law
fully, in our opinion, transact business
in Oregon.
"Any person undertaking to represent
tbe Millers' National Insurance Com
pany, as agent, is violating tbe insurance
statutes, and the matter should be- re
ported to the prosecuting attorney of tbe
county in which such agent may be op- -erating."
VisiToa Fbok Morrow County.
Vawter Crawford, accompanied by his
wife, was in tbe city last Saturday and
visited with County Clerk Sleight at tbe
court bouse. Mr. Crawford is now serv
ing bis third term as county clerk for
Morrow county. While in tbe city be
compared tbe system employed bere in
tbe management of county affairs with
the plan followed in Morrow 'county and
concluded that Clackamas has tbe better
system. Mr. Crawford reports tbat the
city of Heppner is rapidly building np
and will be a much better place than be
fore the receut flood.,'
Absolutely Pure