OREGON CITY KNTKJU'KISh, FRIDAY, OCT. 10,1903 5 y i sYour Banking ?, riMiMnli'Mlion c.f on t v roiiiliiH tnul iir wils taken up w hile Hll'iiirxof i'iiiit'(iiniir wi'ip di lcrri'il iiniil ll.ii November tetoi when there w ill bit in sllefnhuire a full inrtiilirtMlilp of tlm court. Tim commix- niofllTH Ht i JIM ()! Illtl Hl'llll'llll'IT I mi in S I mi I' inliiv. No matter h o w h in a 1 1 no matter how largo, THE BANK OF OREGON CITY will give it careful at tention. Thin message applies to the men and the women alike. I Fa km 1 1 a ni Srm'r.i'TKi) uv Itoimmy. Jmiim ( iivn, a lunii hand In the employ of II J. remlier at I o iiimx' iix, departed Umi Friday lor imrm link now n and annul- latieouiily there illaHiiiienred from I In" Sum Muatnrfte fflatorr. Whiit la the liUlory of tin- tiiilKlnrlicT In (inhere umi Rome mi inimtinhea wit" worn without !! - 1 m. lint In the roiiitii-rlrijr dnys of the Komriii empire , Hi'Vi-riil linif rlvlliziil rnci'N who Imi! i mini' pnrtliilly under the Iniliienre o( tin1 Itninim nml who wished to li" rid : of tlii' iiiiiii' of tuirliiirl, or wonrrri of ! bciii ilt. nlli-mpti-il to shrive In iiiiHnllon ; of llirlr oii'iiiiToih; lint, ill tin'' li:nl viT)' lni-rfi'ct Implements for tlm nir- auk to ii Hart, BhcaUW ft Man Clothe trniia 01 ni eiin.ioyer i mil o pom. nml us the upper lip In lintorloudy ("Ml. I tin i-piiri'iiii'iii r in mm i Feathers desires lii Umi Coyn, lor whomt a, 'prehension the police, authorities me on tlit) look out. IIKI) in I'ohti.anii Mrs. A. died at I'orllitiid Weilneiulay, October 7, liMI.'l. She was taken suddenly HI willi llrluhl'a iIki'kmh on iIih prei-editnr Mon day and died two day later. Tim lf Ceaaed na K'al yen'" and win buried , III Urn l-one, Fir cemetery on tlm follow Jinn F'rlday. Mr. Willey In employed In tally aa lineman lor tlm telephone rum ' pany aidl has llm sympathy ol his nntuy Irlend in hi her vt'iiif ii t tlit) liurili'nt fit rt of llif f.n e to sluive In (lit note of nii.v one pooily skilled In tin art, tljcjr were nimble to liinke a clean Job of It anil left o iiuintlty of tnilr on Willey 1 t,m "MXT "p. This murk fnn cluirnctiTlHtlc of wr fnil iintloim on tlm confine (it Itninnn clvlllziiiliiii. of thir (iinilH In pnrtlcnliir, of tlm liiH'leim nml nunie other. The Lntln In iii.-iiujvro Im no woril for rri ur tailie. 'I'IiIm liiirhiiron nerlilent 'n unworthy (if tlm honor of a Itomao tuitim.-Kxi'hiiiiKi'. Oregon City Hntcrprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. l'lii'Tkii Ci.ai I'mtMiiKNT. Mprrill 11. MoorpH, of llii city, a rwrntly elfctril prfRiilniil of tlm junl'ir rlim at tlm Oieiioii Htal Aitrlt'iiltural rollf)H at C'urvallm. Merrill i tlm un ul Mr. ami Mm, C. II. Moorei, ol ttiiclty, ami thi I hi Bft'ontl yvur at tlm Corvallia acliool. Dmtrtctivk Fihk Nkar Canhv. I'lrt? Saturday uiorninK tleatroysil two liarm ami tlm c otitenn, tlm prnwrty of John llaniumraly, near Canity. Thrmi lioinei anil lllty ton ol hay tofttlmr with aotntt farm niarliinery, weri liurimil. Tlm Ion will amiroxluiattt I'.'OOO, with no inanr anr. The origin ol the lilaztt IaRiippoavil to tx iiii'vutllaiy. Took KvitKVTiiiNti Hit tiik Hoi'ha. Mr. Andrewi, who it bnililnm a co(ti;i) on irxirty adjulninit tlm at reel ear line Tmar (iladatone, rr porta a bold limit to tint I'oIicb ollict'ri. Tlm other night thlfvca Mitrrcl the linildinif In con rue ol ernctiun ami carried away all ol the tlooia and Malm in Hie aliucUire. There i no clew to the tlarliiK pillerera. Fob a Sacajawia Monimknt Tlm Oregon City Woinena' Iwm A Clark Fair C'hih will Klv" tnicial vntertain nmnt next Timaoay eveinnn at Willam ette hall. The purMi ol the function la to ralae fund to lie appropriHlml tuaali fund for erectliiK a monument to the memory of Karajawea, the lndiun nirl Kiiidu. Nkw I'ahtok Akmivkm. Hev. J. Henry Wood, ol North Vakinni, WaHhiiiKton, who aiicceeil Kev. (iriiiun to the pastor ate of the local Firal MethoillHl church, liaa arrived in the city and taken up hi renidciii'H at Willitiiiettii Kail. Kev. ' (iriinm Iih none to hike clmrKe ol tint Aatoria chnrtdi to which he wa aatlKnetl at the recent Methotlmt conlereiico at Sulvm. Pikd Willi k on A Vihit. A. I). Allen, of StuiKia, Michiiiaii, tiled middcnly of appoplexy, Sunday afternoon at the home ol hi ion, II. A. Allen, at Hol land, thia county. The ileceaHwl wan axed &l year ami had arrived lHt Mon day (or a vifit with Clackamaa county relative. The body waa hroiilit to the undurtakintt parlora ol It. L. llolman who etnhaliued the lame and tent it to Mluhixaa lor burial. NAHM0WI.Y KatAI'Kl) DllOWNINtl. W. Andreuen ami the yonnu aim of C. A. Naah hud a narrow encape Sunday from drowning in the Willamette river near tin city. They were out on the river in a rowboat, and in lifting a rock by which the boat wan anchored, Mr. Andreuen full over backward, catirtiiiK the bjmt to capaize. Neither of the two could awim, and it looked for a time as if both would be drowned, but luckily, a they roee to the liirface, they were enabled to catch the botand tlm laved thenmelves. Salmon Caiumit kor Baitino Pun I'ohk. Complaint I made by local fiah ernmn that salmon are heiDg cauiibt in the Willamette at thii point reprdlera of the llah Ibwb of the state. It ta re pre rented that salmon are being cauuht and the evv taken merely for the piirK)He of supplying bait for trout flahiriK. Thia practice i apparently lieing carried on in open violation of the law and fielier men who are observing I he statute reg ulating the catching of ealmon deal re to call the attention ol the state fiah warden to the infringement of the law in order that the law breaker may tie prevented from following their illegal practices. Got Okh With Uki'kimani. The twelve young lud of this city who were arreated the latter part of lat week lor stealing melons from the Chinese garden near thi city, got off with a tleaerved reprimand. The lads repotted at the of fice of City Recorder Curry at the ap pointed hour and were taken before Mayor 0. B. Dimick, who administered the scolding after the boy' cae had been presented by Howard Brownell, a young local attorney who bad been en gaged by the boys of large melon appe tites. When the case was Mnally dis missed it was expressly understood that the partv defendants in the proceeding would not give the authorities any fur ther trouble on the same account in the future o it may be assumed that the Chinaman who raises melons may not fear any further invasions by the same lads. Bupekvisor Elkcted. W. II. Boring was elected road supervisor of District No. 6 by the county court last Thursday to All the unexpired term of J. 8. Bird Ball, resigned. Mr. Boring will serve until Jannary, 1904. Commissioners Brobit and Killin transacted the busi ness ol this term of court. County Judge Kyan being absent in the Kaat. The 1'ickhkn i k o With Mkiiai.h Fred Nel son, who served a trainer on the battle nhip Oregon during llm .Spanish A uteri can War, ha received I be medal to which all the active participant in tlm naval engageineiita of that campaig:! aie i until 10 o'clock at night etiiiiieil. l lie meilnlH are maim .ol t" j 0f "Tlie wi . miiiaim ...nD.'i.iiMll'.Hlv iin.uini Tlit- Diimrr Hour. It I a curloii fuel Hint with nlruott every geiierution the dinner hour bus uiHliTpinc a t'linnge, the prlnclpul merit of the day being ciiten at tlllTcrciit pt- rlotl. from 10 o clock In the morning rim author IcuHiire of the Table" points in foi m, almut the air.H of a dollar and are suspended from a bar on w bh li ia in scribed the nainit of tlm lialllehhip on which tlm wearer served. Oil mm aide fif fie medal appeaia tlm prulileof Cum. liiBiider Sainpaoii ahout which is the in Bcription "( mted State Naval Cam paign, Weal Indies, lStHI." tin the re verso aide Npier the inscription : "San tiago de Cuba," beneath wliiili i pic tured a gun i row in action wnh au ulliin-r in charge. I( Nnvrd III t.rg. V. A. Ilanforth of IiOraiige, (ia , suf fered for six month with a frightful run ning sore mi ,i Iff; but write tlint Ituckleii' Arnica Salve wholly cured it in live tlava. For Ulcers. Woiiinla. I'llea. it's the heat kiaIvh in tin. wurbl t'lirw! guaranteed. Only Mcta. Sold by Char in an A Co,, druggists. ago people took four meals brenkfnst at 7, dinner nt 10, supper nt 4 and liv eVy nt 8. In Fro nee In the thirteenth century I) in the morning wns the d'n ner hour; Henry VII. dined at II. Ic Cromwell's time 1 o'clock had come to be the fnahloiinhle hour nnd In Add: son's day 'I o'clock, which gradually wiu transformed Into 4. Tope foiii:t'. fault with l.ndy Suffolk for dining lute ns 4. Four and 5 continued to he tl.c pojiulur dining hours among the nils totrncy until the second decuile of the nlneteeiith century, when dinner wmt further poHtponetl, from which period It him stfiitllly continued to eacronch upon the evening. Was Hi iiiki) St nimv. The body til (ieo. S. liilalrap, who wa tlrowned laat week In the Culuuthia river near White Salmon, was recovered near the scene of the drowning Friday afternoon. Funeral ib r vice were conducted under the aus pice of the Knights ol the Maccabees, of w hich the deceamnl Was a member, at the Firat Congregational church in thia city, Hev. fc. S. Itollinger olllciatlng. The service were largely attended. A number ol selections were rendered by the Maccaboo quartet. Interment too place in Mountain View cemetery. The pall berri were as follows: W. C. (ireen, M. C. McCord. Jo" Jones, M. Justin, Cits. Cttttn and Fred Myers. Islatrru After Kilting Cured. Jtldgn W. T. Holland, ol (ireeiislninr. I. a., who is well and favorably known, says : "Two year aio I suffered greatly ' from Indigestion, After eating, great ! distress would invariably result, lasting' for an hour or so and my night were I restless, I concluded to try Kodol Dis nepHia Cure and it cured uie entirely. Now my sleep is refreshing and digestion perfect. '' Sold by tieo. A. Harding, I'llLICIC IlKI'AKTMIiNT N'Kkp FlXINfl. I.. Hiicoiiich, chief of the Oregon Citv lire tie paitmont, is of the opinion that for rapidity of movement the members of tlm Portland police department rival a Waterhtiry time-piece with a fractured main spring. .Mr. Kucoiiich was in Port land .Sunday evening and happened to Willies the Iracas on Second street in which three white 4111-11 assaulted a pi Mir Celestial. He saya it was fully ten min utes from the time the first call from a score of police whistles was sounded un til uniformed policemen appeared on the scene to suppress the disturbance. In the meantime, the Chinaman had sua tained a broken leg besides being other wise badly handled. For Young Men nnd Young Women. There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young mail or woman so quick a to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy, their neat appearance ia spoiled. The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no Itetter work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at John son's barber shop. A I'llna; at Traarua. In the "New letters and Memorials of Jniie Welsh Cnrlyle" Is a letter tc her busbuD.il In which occurs the fol lowing amusing little fling at Ten ny lon: "Old you know that Alfred Tennyson Is to have a pension of f'.tsj a year, aft er all? Teel has stated his lutentlon of recommending him to her gracious maj esty, and that Is considered final 'A chacun scion sa capaclte!' Lady Har riet told nie he wanted to marry; 'must have a woman to live beside; would prefer a lady, but cannot afford one, and so must marry a maidservant.' Mrs. Henry Taylor snid she wa about to write to him In behnlf of their house maid, who was quite a superior charac ter In her way." LlarMitlna; Prank. "The most bountiful display of light ning or atmospheric electric currents which It wns my good fortune to wit 1MNM," says a resident of Quebec, "was out on the Bcittiport flats, near Quebec, when two electrically laden clouds, ns though two treos. their heads toward ench other nnd their longer branches Interwoven, kept on for more thnn ten minutes, Interchanging horizontal flash es of beautifully colored Are, not one of which ever renched the earth, while occasionally n flush would shoot up wurd as If toward some cloud In that direction." The lMruiMire or lilting. Persons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will lind that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands or membranes of the stomach or digestive tract. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure everything you eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutriment that your food contains is assimilated and appropriated by the blootl and tissues, bold by G. A. Harding. THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT 4 TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thorni system ol nstrac' indexes, for Clackamas county, and nave the only complete set of abstract in the county, can furnish information as to title to lsnd at once, on app.ication. Loans, investments, real estate abstracts, etc. Office over Bank ol Oregon City, Call and ioveatigato. Teeth. Smnll, chnlk white teeth are a sign of a weak constitution. Strong, normal teeth nre large nnd yellowish white. Sometimes uu enthusiastic novelist In depleting the charms of his heroine will give her two rows of pearl be tween her ruby lips. The truth of the matter Is nothing could be more ghast ly or unnatural or unbecoming tlinu teeth uiade of pearls. It Is only "store teeth" that possess a high polish. He Knew at Wy. Anxious Father But, my boy, unless you study yon will know nothing. You will make no money with which to buy things. Young Hopeful That's nothing. I'll have everything charged, nnd I'll keep on thnt way till I got mnrrled. Meg goudorfer Blatter. What's Ilefore Ttiem. "These young society buds nre mere butterllles." wild the Itev. Mr. Strnit lece. "They have no thought of th future life" "Of the ftUure life?" replied Miss In nit. "Oh. but they do! Matrimony 1a always In their, thoughts." Exchange. When n grent cnlnmlty befalls one, how it lightens It to talk nbout It aftol It Is over! Atchison Globa. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i ne Kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities In the blood. II they are sick or out ol order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neelected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty- vTJ t f 3 -iT! cent and one-dollar U- iHrHVa es. You may have a!aS5!3 sample bottle by mail Horn of Bwminp-ltaol. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer tc Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's gwamp-Root, and the address, Bing hatnton, N. Y., on every bottle. 1 mm mm iris Let's Get Acquainted It will prove of mutual benefit if it is your de sire to be fashionably attired in clothes that'll fit perfectly and that'll give you good service. It is our desire to clothe just such men as you (we presume you are particular) with the Hand Tailored, Ready-to-put on Hart, Schaffner & Marx Smart Clothes Which are the most fashionable, the most superb ly tailored and the best-fitting clothes to be had anywhere and at any price. Smart Clothes are "individual-lailor-made," cut, sewed, finished in precisely the same way the high-priced tailors "do the trick." The only difference is in the price. Come in and see for yourself. "Seeing is believing" and nothing pleases us more tnan to show these garments to critical gentlemen or ladies for that matter. J. M. PRICE Clothier and Haberdasher Cor. 6th and Main OREGON CITY. ORE. HinSduffncr U Mini lludTulorcd Men'4 H. S. & M. SuiU and Overcoats, $12.00 Upward. t I UMI, PIONEER rrangfet1 and Exjjf e$, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE the CANBY PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Watches, Clocks, Spectacles First Class Repairing All Goods and Work Warranted E. I. SIAS Central Home Telephone CANBY, OREGON OREGON CITY PLANING MILL F. S. BAKER PROP. 4. All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors Moulding, Etc. - - OREGON CITY, ORE. Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2. HERE ARE A FEW Substantial Reasons Why you should come to us if you are in need of a Watch f"'ll1"'H ".VfA F.I635 We Have Sold Watches For many years and have had an opportunity to observe just the satisfaction that each make gives, and offer you the benefit of this experience. When We Sell a Watch We put our reputation back of it. We are in terested in the service as well as simply selling it, for we realize that our future sales depend on the satisfaction our goods give. If From Any Cause Our watch should go wrong, we are interested and cannot afford " To turn you down." Our Stock Is Always Large. We can show you the choice and up-to-date designs. Our Prices Are Right As we buy for cash only and our expenses are small when compared with first class houses in Portland. If you are interested come and see us. Since Eye Examinations of school Children became compulsory in many of the larger cities, statistics show that a large number have some form of Eye trouble. Our Optical departmant is now in charge of a competent Optician and we would suggest that you have your Eyes and your children's Eyes examined. He will tell you if you have any troubled. Examination Free. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers