Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 16, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    OREGON CITY KNTKKPR18E Kill DAY- OCT. 10, 1903
New To-Day.
tlm Wi-inlmril HiiIIiIImk) liivcllitrli'iv
i-nl'ily, Miliurluiil Mini riMinlrv pro
iTly fur hiiihIIuhI irici'H.
rutim. Hicimikh A ilili'iTin.
WAN '1' I linl for ifumirul Ihhihh oik.
HiiiiiII lumily. Apply t UiIh iilllcf.
Oi tolixr l!-ll.
loiclmnllBlH HiIh ynr rm-ohml f! HO per ! pt.-iiai..ii ( Iiih i-UmU M I'rin to thin .
1 Iikk l,.r tiiiilrrrc.p. Writwl.frry Imxl i ; ;ity iliwrviim ilr.ciimin ly liirninu om hi
m..iI.... ui i.lllll imr ufn wtillit Mum urc
il l. ....... i tiiuiii .... ....... I.iin.l Im uii.ll umlli l,i.,rliij ull'l I rvi'll
Mini in llitfn un iiiui un mi ........ ... ... - , . , .
, . llMIIIT llllh WHHUII ll'llll III. U BllUllllI
II. C. Hli'vcim Iihn iMii lii Hun hni- ,,v H HVI, M1),.m. w. ,t
. Im. ..r vUit IHi I.IK hull, II. ( . ., , u',,,, ,.,iy ,,Uy ov.MiiiiK.
niUVlMin, lllt Hil'l
1'itriii Hcciirity.
DK. 0. H. KKAMANN 1 now ptuiuH
iimitly liHuli'il In Hii WllUrntftti
llulliliiiK, opHiil pimtollliB. Ofi. HI.
ili'HiriiliU kiiihII farm nf ruilroml In
WllUint'tln VhIU'JT. Wrllo "I'," cum
ol lliia ppiT. O't. 'U-
Hlt HAI.K Siivcii yHrllii( lulllilixxl
nl HiTi-loril ImlU rimI unit nlx-yrar-ulil
Huntlonl Imll. Cull un or ml.lrnM
HlmrlirMmvnr, Origon City, Orroii.
Oct. HI.
mill l)oiit J.ri, mmr tli rllwy pUllorm
it Omm-ii I'ulnt. Kindt limy km-p llm
11101117 If'lie will return llm watch and
i lmin to tlm ollice ol C. II. lye.
Oct, W.
miniHof 1111 y l)lonuinK to private
Individual! wln.li 1 m nutlmriMxl to
loan, on Imiik tlinn at and 7 r cunt.
Vmi ol loan will ! uiadn vnry ruaaon
able. II. K. Caoaa. attornny at law.
iioom'i- t on oitr.uo rrv.
I inn ol llm iiiiihI aiilialantial liuuala Om
Hun City I,uh nvitr had la tln I'almn Th
li'ta aiilil dy lluwfll i Jiini'n, iiih (iriiu
ulnla. TIixhh tulilitta aru aliooliitcly Hilar-
ant I lor all loiuia ol wi'kin-H, and
roat only Mli: Pt liox. Call at llowiill A
Juni N lor tKwkli'tN on 1 hIiiio jaiiiuia, tn
Krcat ncrvii liUililiTH.
lira, lifailu l Iloatlu I)tntiata. Kooiiim
III, 17, 1H. Wullianl IjililduiK.
Our atvli" arn Ilia latent and prlcc tlio
lowuat. Mica C. Ooldniuitli.
Itt.rti Ijh Mra. KatH Ward ISIaliL'lianl.
Hatnrday, October lOlli, a l()-iound aoii.
A on vim burn to Mr. and Mra. Kd-
ward lluuliua at Mt. I'lnaaant, Monday,
Oitobur 12.
Servliea ol iMN:ial liitrtnt will be
bold nrit hunday at hi. 1'aul'a chuich
at 11 and 6 o'clock.
Mr. and Mra. F. W. Kantir are the
proud parenta ol a Ill-pound daUhlur
boru to them on me join mat.
llhiunn or lady in earTi county to man
ugci bualnwa lor an 0I1I ntablilid
liouneol aolid financial alamlintt. A
atraik'bt txrin lido weekly aalary ol
flHtHJ paid by check each Monday
with all eipi'imea direct from head
uuartera. Money advanced for ex
iwunea. Kncloae addreaaed envelope.
Manager, IKK) Caxtoti IlMkC, Cblcauo.
Keb 1.
personal MentionJ
(ieo. T. Myera, of Portland, viaited In
this city thla week.
Miaa Vada Dili". o( Cartia, viaited thla
week with lrienda In Oreuon City.
Mra. W. II. II. Hamaon baa none to
Aaliland (or a viait with relativea.
Koliert A. Miller waa thla week at
Cathlauiel, Waahlngtou, on biiaineaa.
Miaa Kvelyn Higler, ol rortland, waa
tlix Kiieat ol Orenon City Irlonda laal Bun
day. Miaa Florence Mc Cullouirh baa ifnne to
Calilornia, where aha will live wlthaala
ter. Mra. A. D. (urdner, ol Salem, viaited
lrienda In tbia city the latter part ol laat
II. I.. Kelly lelt Wedneadav for San
Franciaco, to attend the Dankcra' Con
vention. Miaa Neva (iriawold, of Kjlem, waa the
i;iiet laat HundaV td her aialer, Mra. K.
W. Wiltai ben.
John J. Kuberta, a Salem bop buyer,
waa In the city Iburaday receiving aome
bupa lor Hbipment.
Miaa Kmina Kvana end Miaa Grace
Hampton, ol Canby, weie vlaitora to Oie
gun City Wedneaday,
(ieo. D. (ioixlhue, ot Salem, a promi
nent creamery man, waa a buaineaa viai
tor to tbia city Saturday.
Mica llattie Front, of CaneuiBh, ha
Koiie to Vancouver, Washington, to be
abaent aloul two inoiuiii.
Mra. J. W. Wicka, of CIiIcbko, who
baa been viaitiug her aiatera, the Miaaea
lioldamith, baa gone to hiigene.
J. 8. Young, who conducta a livery
lulilu at Kilvertnn. waa In the city Sat'
nrday, viaitlng his brother, (ieo. 11.
Mr. and Mra. Charles 'Galloway, from
Weiaer, Idaho, ipeiit Sunday In tbia city
at the home ol Judge and Mra. William
Mevor (. H. Plmick and J. II. Weal
over apeiit Hunday bunting near Hub
bard. They returned with a line atriifg
of pbeaHantfl.
Chaa, Latourette, an attendant At the
state inaaiie aayluin, waa in the city laat
week in aearcb of escaped patients Irom
that inatltution.
Mort latourette continues to recover
from bis recent HlnesB of appendicitis.
He returned to his borne in this city
Tuesday evening.
Little Mlaaea Deada and Moda Gold
smith, of Portland, were Ihe gueats Sat
urday of their aunta, the Miaaes Gold
smith in this city.
Mra. W111, Robinson lias gone to Cas
cade Locks to altend the celebration of
the golden wedding of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Hall.
Halph A. Wataon. who Is employed in
a reportorial capacity on the Pendleton
Kant Oregonian. was the guest of friends
in Oregon City Sunday.
Mr, Hughes, ol the celebrated Paloune
section of Washington, is viniung wun
W. 11. Magoon at Igan. Mr. Hughes
formerly resided In this county.
W. A. Dimick. a graduate of Pacific
Tiuuraitu in t'.Kl'J. has arrived in the citv
ond will take up the practice of law with
bia cousin, Mayor uranm. uimiea
County Clerk Morgan and County Sur
veyor A. A. Morrel, ol Washington
county, were in the city laat week Irom
Hillsboro. They had buslnese before
the local land ollice.
James Hilton, who for seventeen years
has teen employed by the Southern Pa
cific Company as bridge carpenter, and
is well known in this city, baa gone to
Beunoa Ayres, South America, where he
expects to remain nntil tbe holidays.
Harvey E. Cross returned the tatter
part ol laat week from Hood River, where
lie reports great activity. He says the
fruit raining Jnduatry of that section is
assuming enormous proportion. Apple
TI.,,i,,i,iiii' liarirain Store remodeled
i,uf iIih Iixhi liihtml store iu town. Fall
stock complete. Prices always the loweal.
17 pouiida dry
granulated sugar, 1 ;
;,,!, I boat. lHc iki 'JHuz. can U1 H-)
warranted .baking powder, JOc. Red
hront Store.
Otis Iloylan won the silver watch at
the shooting gallery laat week. Iwo
utheralied with Mr. Uoj Ian lor uie prue
but btf won out in ttie iiuai conioai.
Tb" great Mllraiiioii 11I the SaraJwea
end rlHiniiieiit to be given a'. Armory
Hall next Tuendav evening, will be Ibe
UimIiih-ii In iinlloiiii. A prngrain olduela,
koIci. and rciidingn will be followed tpy
duiii inir anl ri liilniM'UlH. AiiiiiKHiou,
ii'lnlla, 25 ceiit; cb l lr-11, Id cents; re-
(ri-aliuienia, It) cciiia.
Niw id.-.ia and better valuea than
evi-i. Miaa C. (joMnnilii.
11 r a niur iI.m nfiiiiilar conductor on
the Albany local for several inontba past,
made bin luat trip lot Hie preaem 011 nun
llvialou vealerdav. Mr. rtgler liaa i.een
tiaiihferred to the Anblaiid-Uiiiiaiiiiilr ,
run and will lie amiceeded 011 li e Alliany
local liy Ham Veatch, one of tbe com
pany a veteran tickcl-punciiera.
Tbe very latent atylea at money laving
price. Miaa u. uoKlamiiu.
11.......M iHun iii malriirifinlal cir- 1
til,, .in m.i.'v-'
clen at tlie ollice of County Clerk Sleight ;
last Friday. Two divorce auits were llled :
during tbe day and an equal number ol ,
marr aie u enaea laaiiml. I none prorui-
ing wedding erniiis weic: Belle liaker .
and I.. Kollermeler; Mnma l. v,aiw
C. R. Aiis'iii.
The Oregon Mother's Club will meet
with Mra. Hyatt at Willamette, on
Thursday, Oct. 22, at 2:30 p. in.
Wnntrili Jlrl for lionae work.
oaie Hlai auderalaaiiii ioomiiik
I'lrat ! waitra ull Aly
atl atoreorl. Welling.
Tl.u .,,irli.rlv i rwilllllllllun Bervice Ol
of the Preibyleriaii congregation will be
observed ou Sunday in connection w ith
the morning service.
At a recent meeting of the Oregon
luutnl. Miaa Heinx was
elec ted a teacher iu the city schools to
supply the vacancy rresieu oy me roi-
ignatlonol Allaa Clara During.
In tbe millinery department we have
Mra. M. A. Thomas, well known aa a
Aral claaa trimmer. Correi t style and
loweat caall piit oa. Ked rronl More.
There will be an apron sale and tea for
St. 1'aul'a Guild, at tbe residence ol Jlra.
T. W. Foutaon Tuurailay afternoon Oct.
2U'nd. Refreshments will laj served slid
everyone cordially invited.
', aiirli tbinir aa "aiimmer com
nbiiiil" where Dr. Fowler's Kxtract of
Wild Strawberry ia kept bandy. Na
lure's remedy lor looseness ol the howelt
At llm CoiiLfretrHtional church next
Sunday the themes will be "The Ancient
Lw iu the Light ol Today." and "Love
I'nriixr Stone ol the Home." A most
pun lial welcome is extended to all and
strangers aie made welcome.
Our greatest specialty Trimmed hate
Prices beat. Misa C. Goldsmith.
KvHivbmlv's liable to itching piles
Rich and poor, old and young terrible
the torture they antler. Only one sure
euro. Doan's Ointment. Absolutely
safe ; can't fail.
Tbe Presbyterian Y. P. 8. C. E. will
ulvn an entertainment and social at
Miively's ball, Wednesday evening, Oct.
An intereatiiiir iiroirramme has been
ureiiarHil Ice cream and cake will be
, . ,
served. Admission 10 ceniB.
Can't be perfect health without pure
blood. Burdock Wood Hitters makes
pure blood. Tones and invigorates the
whole system.
Marriaiie licenses were Una week is
sued Irom the ollice of County Clerk
Sleight aa follows : Mary Willey and L.
(V Kliiott. Marv K. Lindower and W. J
Anna ronir. Mary r.. Jones ana nieveu
Lnnileairan. Marv C. Johnston and J. B
Ijmib. Alvina Fox and Otto Peuzen
'Tl.n'l aula In tin a dnv withnut Dr
Thomas' Electric Oil in the house. Never
can tell what moment an accUUnt is go
ing to happen.
fM.aa Wrii'ht. the Main street ton
soriulist, is putting on all kinds of airs
He has equipped his shop with some at
iruciitru fnrniuliinira tbioniboiit. incllld
ing mirrors, new chairs and all furniture
iKi-eanarv to the eiiuipmeni ot a nrsi
class shop.
Prof. E. P. Anderson, late of the Mc
Minville Colleue has been enguged to
iuui.li ilm KihiI.i'b Hi hiKil in Diatrict No
10. Miss Jensie Blanck will teach the
Beaver Creek school and Prof. b. T.
Adams has taken charge ol the school in
.iutri..i im in aiu-i'PMil Miaa Inez L. Mur
ray, who resigned her position to become
'U' ,n llrpvi.n ia making more
rapid development than is the eastern
section ol tbe state," naid Col. R. A.
Miller who returned Sunday Irom a hui-i-neaa
trip to LaGrande. Mr. Miller found !
buaineas conditions generally very good
in tbe BHclion of tbe state vmited and re- '
w.riu il.nt iti neonle ol La'irande are:
aoroly disappoinled because of their de- ;
feat in tbe recent county seal itgiu. ;
It la now definitely announced that ;
Jerome Hart's new book, "Two Arg
liauts in Spain," will be ready at tbe j
end of October. As only a limited edi-,
lion will be printed, and as Mr. nan s
previous oook wa out 01 prim inrre,
montlis alter publication, those desiring
tbe present volume will do well to apply ;
at once. Tbe price to Argonaut subset i
hers will be one dollar and filty cents
The book makea nearly three uunureu
mu.io. 1 u,.rv iianuaomeiv prinieu '.
costly laid paiier Irom new type. Over .
. ei 11 iiuirsitKina nrroin uhuv ;
rtui o vi fsnioi.' "
text, from pholOiraphs taken by the two
Argonauts. '
Public Nule of 4 lly Properly.
r .,. inolnu nn an estate some
vi ileairable nrom-rty in Oregon City
and immediate vicinity will be sold at
public sale at tbe court nouae uoor t-ov.
a IIWVI Tliia urnirlv ia in lOlS BUlt-
able lor homea and will undoubtedlv be
sold at a bargain. A description of the
pieces ol pioperty also any iniormauon
regarding same will be furnished by L.
. Cautield, assignee.
Roast coffee like Arbuckles but fresher
11c; green cotl'ee cut to "c; best roatt
collee. usually lor 20c. Sani)les
free. Red Front Store.
Dnni Ing Sdmol.
At Armory ball Oregon City Monday
uigbts for men only. Wednesday nights 1
open to everybody. Gentlemen 2.r) criila i
ladies free. Saturday afiernoon from 2 j
to 6 p. m. for hoys and girls age from 0 j
to It) yearn. Prices reasonable. See :
J. II. Tnrnev. Phone 1301. P.O.Box;
IH5. Oct 23
Letter List.
llm Hat nf lettera re-
ll U,.. ...n -A
maining in tbe poatofllceat Oregon City,
Oregon. Oct. 15, 1903:
Baker Mrs Mabala Moaier Mra Emma
Clarke Mollie Vangban Mrs Myrtle
Fields M ins Carev Wiseman miss r.
McCann Miss II Wiseman Mis b
mkn's list.
Hnmi.tt Bruce Powers John
Charles James Shatter Geo H
Clark Willie Shelly Cbas
DotnonJC Syneitzer Jolin
Katon Kmmett t I nomas Jonn
Hunt Edgar Tvler E E
Mottatt Wm J Weinberg Moritz
Moore Wm handle Jas W
Peternnon Axel
Trensarcr's Notice
v I . .. ,A ..at. Annnlv
1 now IIBVB uiuorjr w - j
warrants endorsed prior to March 1, l'JOl.
Interest win cease on Burn
the date of tbia notice. Dated thin Ulth
ilay ol Oct., 1003. oct m
Knos Caiiii.i,.
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon.
fiesnth lii8 Kind You Haw Alxavs Bought
I.lquor J.lcenie.
vi;,.a ia l.uruhr i.ivHn that I will ap
ply at a regular meeting of tbe city coun
cil to be held Nov. 4, 1003, for a renew al
of my saloon license at my present place
of business, Eighth and Main streets.
.... M II . -
October -3. r.. nniiain.
If you don't get the
don't get the news.
Enterprise you
Cattle for Sule.
Registered Jersey bull, cow and five
grade heifers for sale. Enquire ol E. M.
Haines. New Era, Oregon. tf
County Superintendent inner an
nou noes that the making of the semi-
.nnn.l ai.nnrtifinmAnt nf BcblMll ITIOIieV
iii.ua, -r I -----
to the various districts of the county baa
1 1 I I. .L.
been delayed tor a lew uaysioenaoie me
sheriff to close his account with the
treasurer. The funos will be disbursed
early next week.
Tha AnlornriflA nf Manager Shively Is
securing for tbia city the appearance on
next Monday evening at tbe local play
house ol the famous tilery Royal Italian
Band ii to be commended. The people
of Oregon City will show a proper ap-
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat-
. T',' - ..1 italm whirh ia ax'reo
bly aromatic. It is received throogh the
nostrils, cleannea and heala the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itaalf. DruggisU
cell Uie 60o. siza; Trial aize by mail, 10
oenta. Teat it and you are sure to continue
Annoancement. .
To aooommodate those who are partial
to the nae of atomizers in applying hquida
into the nasal paaaagea for tatarrM trmt.
bU. tbe proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known as Ely a
Lwuid Cream Balm. Price including the
spraying tube ia 75 cents. Druggiste or by
BaiL The liquid form embodias the mad.
Uinal propertiet of the solid preparation.
Daily arrivals of new fall goods constantly add new inter
ests to our season's showings. Each one of our departments
has received its quota of new and seasonable attractions,
and we urge without hesitancy your careful and critical
examination of our stock, and ask you to compare Doth
quality and price3 with values found elsewhere.
Ah the weather grows chillier the demand for
Ulankets and Comfortern increases sharply.
It inn't wisdom to remain unprepared much
longer now is the time to buy.
Our 11-4 White Blanket, all wool, made
by the Oregon City Mills (which is a
sufficient guarantee for its quality), per
pair $5.00
Our 12-4 White Blankets, all wool, equal
to any offered elsewhere at 7.50 per pair $G.OO
Our 10-4 Cotton Blankets, extra weight,
per pair
Our 10-4 Mottled Gray-all wool Blanket $4.00
Every Comforter we sell is clean, hygienic and
perfectly made, filled with specially cleaned
Full size, good covering $1.25
" sateen covering $1.85
We have the largest stock of Ribbons in Oregon
iCity and have just received from one of the
largest eilk manufacturers, 500 bolts of the
" heaviest Silk Taffeta Ribbon made, all widths
and colors.
No. 12 Ribbon, per yard. -." 12c
No. 1H Ribbon, per yard Uic
No. 22 Ribbon, per yard 18c
No. 40 Ribbon, per yard 22c
Dress Goods Dept.
52-inch, all wool, fine quality Camel Hair
Serge, per yard $1.50
58-inch short hair Imported Zibeline,
per yard $2.00
42-inch Imported Zibeline, brown, black
and gray, per yard $1.25
4G-inch Imported Serge, per yard $1.00
42-inch, aU wool, Melton, per yard 8r
3(5-inch, all wool, check Suitings 0
3li-inch, all wool, Venetian Cloth, green,
black and Brown 50
30-inch, all wool, Oregon Flannels 50
36-inch, all wool, Albatross, blue, pink,
white and black 50
Our entire stock of Dress Goods are of this
season's manufacture.
Men's Furnishings
We have just received the latest patterns in
Shirts and Neckwear.
Monarch Shirts, latest patterns, soft and
stiff bosoms $1.00
Keystone Shirts unlaundered 50c
Arrow Collars, new patterns, 2 for 25c
Reversible Four in Hand Ties, all silk,
newest patterns 35c
Outing Flannel Night Shirts 75c
Rolled Gold Collar Buttons 15c
Rolled Gold Cuff Buttons 39c
Men's Underwear Suits or Overcoats
Men's extra quality Shirts and Drawers, TO MEASURE
medium weight, light fleece lined, pink
and brown, each - 50c 'We have just received samples of the new fall
Men's Heavy fleece lined, natural color?, . . . ., . , . , . w .
all sizes (0c suitings from the celebrated firm of Wana-
Men's all wool Shirts and Drawers, extra maker and Brown of Philadelphia. All guar-
quality, fine wool $l'0 anteed pure wool and made by Union Labor.
Wright s Health Underwear, cotton fleece r
jne(l $1 .00 No Chinese or sweat shops employed, assuring
Fine Wooi fleece lined $1 . 50 you the best of workmanship.
Derby Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers $1.50
Monday will be a day of absorbing interest to everybody concerned in the securing
of best merchandise at prices usually associated with inferior sorts. We have
taken all the odds and ends left at the end of a busy season and will place
same on sale MONDAY at greatly reduced prices, to make room for our new fall
stock arriving daily. Now is the time to purchase for future requirements.
Visiting Cards Special Sale Tooth Brushes
100 Cards and plate $1 . 10 n Tuesday we place on sale A g ial purchase enables us
1UU Laras ana piaie... n.iu 2Q doz(m Men,8 an(j B , v . ,n.
100 Cards printed from Caps, regular 15, 35 and 50c ofTer re8ular 2oc r"she8
your own plate 85c Caps 20c for 20c
Outing Flannels Flannelettes Crepe Paper
Mt. Hood, snow fleece New Patterns, good fleece Decorated, per roll 18c
per yard 10c for wrappers or waists.. 10c Plain 9c
Cotton Batting Clocks Tolat Papar
Quilt Size, 1 pound roll 20c Alarm Clocks 75c 1200 Sheet Rolls 10c
Black Cat Hosiery
Of all creations the average boy is the hardest wearer of
Hosiery. Our No. 15 "Leather Stockings," "Not Leather
but wears like leather" is just the kind to put on the
average boy for real service. S5o Xa,ixr
Ready Made Skirts
A full line of the latest styles
and shades.
Coats and Jackets
We are constantly receiving
new additions to our Cloak I
Dept. All the latest styles
styles to select from.
School Tablets
Good Paper, ruled, 500
pages .