Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 16, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Chun. Daniels, who has twn working
KedUmt hull returned home.
: correspondence ,r;
) ! at the Frickson home
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will supply all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
visitor here last
Lower Logan.
Mrs Huher. of Trout Lake, Wash., is
visiting here this week.
F. KiebhotT has moved back to Stone.
Mr. Boiinev has set up a chopping
machine at Stone. Those in need ot
(round feed, kill find him located on
Fit st street.
Mrs M. Frakes is reported some better
this week.
S. E. Gerher and S. G. Kirrhem went
to the mountains hunting this week.
H. Bablef, of Logan, if preparing to
bnilu a new house on his farm. Mr.
Brth'er has been in Alaska all Sunn. er.
urdav was the regular meeting ot
Harding grange. Forty four members
as-embled for duty. Tlie hall has been
remodeled and made over this Summer
and now they have a tine hall. The
grunge is adding new names to the roll
pverv meeting.
' .. . . , i f i. Geo. Mallatt is moving on to K.
Riehhoff were visitors on Arthurs Frame Gotnhers plate.
i Nellie Rogue was
! week.
Gusta liowman who is ill is uuprov-
i ing slow ly.
Jasper Trulltnger is building a new
house on bis place.
; Mis. Manning has gone to Kock Island
; to visit her father.
I Mr. Ashbv and family have moved on
I to their farm here, formerly owned by
IN. H. Darnall.
j Tom Fish has gone to Liberal to do
some plow tig for Jim Morris.
Ora Davis has returned home to work
in the logging camp this winter.
Mr. Fredrickson, an engineer from
Montana, visite I F. Frickson a tew days
ago. Mr. F.rickson had not seen his
friend since they were children together
in Sweden a number of years ago. Mr.
Fredrickson says that he lias been away
from Sweden so long that he has almost
forgotten his own native language.
Clyde Smith is working for Phil !
Graves. !
J. Davie has the mail route from lu-
lino to Oregon City via Claiks l O. J
Fred Woodside and Miss Wallace w ere
visitors at ranbv Sunday. I
There will be a saw mill at Stone, so
dame rumor says in the near hiture.
II Anderson is preparing to put up or.e
on Ills place.
I.miis Gerher has gone to Missouri to
spend the winter with his cousin, Henry
F. Gerher is going to remodel his
dwelling soon and make it .arger
If !lifr are any ghosts or
looking for employment, apply to the
yourg folks of Harding grange Hallow
'een night.
Th people of this locality are market
ing their potatoes now and will not trust
to better prices in the Spring.
Meting Invite IMxoaxo.
To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is
no longer necessary to live on milk Htid
toast. Starvation produces such weak
ness .hat the whole system becomes an
easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure enables the stomach and digestive
organs to digest and assimilate all of the
wholesome iood that one cares to eat,
and is a never failing cure for indiges
i tinti dv4!tiriiii und nil stomach troubles.
witches ,-,'.-,. '.,'., bu. n.u
stomach sweet. Sold by Geo A. Harding.
I.oyd Fuller Is home again.
Mrs. AL Hiicaelt is slowly recovering
from her illness.
Miss Mandie Sheek of Pendleton, Or.,
is a guest at the Losey homo.
Mrs. Frauk Brown was a guest of Mrs.
truest Mass last rriday,
Mr. Mililsline was under the doctor's !
cure for a few days this week. i
Mr. Capon is able to le in the factory I
again, afier his recent Illness. ,
Johnny llu'Vnmn has been painting
his residence during his vacation.
Mr. T. J. Gary gave a camp-tire party
lo ihe young people Monday evening.
Mr. and Mra. l.add, of Portland, were
guests at the Sanders home last week.
Mr. Jas, Downey is having a battle
with his old enemy, stomach trouble.
Miss Annie Kooney of Clackamas vis
ited with Miss Maggie Harnun Sunday.
Mrs. Flmer Thompson is visiting
friends in Vancouver and Portland this
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram from the West
Side were callers at the Gary home Mon
day. Will A minus ami family of the wood
camp have moved lo their new home J
near Hood Kiver. I
Miss Miotic Hickman and tier mother,
are moving into ttie house lately vacated j
by the McKittricks.
Mildred Keam, Otto Werner and Her- I
man Chrstianson are absent from school '
on ai count of sickness. I
Your Doctor Sends You Here
iHTauso ho knows you will got your inodieino mado
up as ho proscribes, Ho knows also that our drugs aro
Fresh. You liko to oonio hero looauno you aro treated
right. Wo liko to see our customers even if thoy only want
a postago stamp.
We Are Agents For Security Stock Remedies
Every packaga sold on a spot cash guaranteo. "No
euro, no pay." No "Roil Tapo" about it. If you aro not
satisfied como hack and get your money.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Losey gave a social
dance Wednesday evening in honor of
their guest, Miss Maudie Slieek.
Kev. Grimm and family have gone to
their new home at Astoria. Weares.-rrv 1
... I ..... .1 I t vv I. i
lu lorr liieiu mil eiLoun- in-v. it uuiio
and family to our community.
A C ure lor lyM-pIn.
I had dyspepsia in its worst form and
felt miserable most all the time. Did
not etjov eating until after I used Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure which has completely
cured me. Mrs. V. W. Savior, Hilliard,
Pa. No appetite, lose of strength, r.erv
ousnees, headache, constipation, bad
breath, sour risings, indigestion, dyspep
sia and all stomach troubles are quickly
cured by the use Kodol. Kodol repre
sents the natural juices of digestion com
bined with the greatest known tonic and
reconstructive properties. It cleanses,
purities and sweetens the stomach,
bold by Geo. A. HardiDg.
A Typical Mouth A IV Iran Si (ore
0. H. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays
Kiver, Cape Colony, conducts a s(re
typical of South Africa, at w hich can lie
purchased anything fiom the proverbial
"needle to an anchor." This stoie is
situated in a vallev nine miles from the
01 Teney came home after spending I nearest railroad station and about twen
Beaver Creek-
The winter term of school commenced
here on Monday.
Miss E. Evans and Grace Hampton
visited the Rebekah lodge in Oregon
City last Friday night.
Miss A. Koth went to Seattle last week
and expects to go from there to Victoria,
B. C.
Miss Emma Clayson, of Concord,
Bpent the latter part ot the week with
ber sister, Mrs. Sias.
O'to Evane left here Monday morning
for Portland where he will accept a po
sition with the Eastern Tea Co.
Mr. Mc Pherson, the pastor of the M.
E. church and family, expect to leave
here some time this week for a towu in
Southern Oregon.
John Himmelman who lives two miles
ea-t of Canby on the old Klutcti place
met with a "severe loss last Saturdav
morning. Abrut 2 o'clock he was
awakened by the crackling of flames.
Rushing out he found his barns on fire.
The flames bad such a start, when dis
covered it was impossible to save a
thing. He lost two large barns, chicken
bouse, sheep shed, hog house, two
horses, harness and lota of hay and
other things. We understand he carried
some insurance.
over two months on his new ranch
the coast in Washington state.
Shannon Brothers and William Jones,
Jr., returned home from his claim at
Ogle Creek.
Steve Lundigan has nearly finished his
new house and some change is lo take
place soon. Wake up, bachelors, before
it is too late.
School commences at Beaver Creek
next Monday.
Will Thomas and his partner
home soon.
The Salve Thai Urals
without leaving a scar is DeWilt's. The
name Witch Hazel is applied to many
salves, but DeWiil's Witch Hazel Salve
is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that
contains the pure unadulterated witch
bazel. If any other Witch Hazel Salve
is offered you it is a counterfeit. E. C.
DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Salve and
DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve ij the best
salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruis
es, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching ami
protruding piles. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
A Thoughtful .flan.
M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,
knew what to do in the hour of need.
His wife bad such an unusual case of
stomach and liver troubk;, physicians
eould not help her. He tuought of and
tried Dr. King's Xew Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally cured.
Only 25c at Charraan & Co.'s drugstore.
Mrs. Louis Jaggar and (laughter, from
Portland, are visiting r . Jagar and hie
Chris. Bullard, of Ely, was the gueBt
of bis brother Bob, Sunday and Monday.
The wedding belle are ringing in Carue
and two young people are smiling, very
Vada Dills was the guest of Clara Hay
hnrst Thursday.
George and John Helvey returned
from Eastern Oregon last week.
A steam-saw has been in town the past
week or two, Huge piles of curd wood
in evidence along the streets are rapidly
assuming splitting dimensions.
unique outfit passed through tow n
the oilier day. It was a team, or yoke of
oxen hitched lo a wagon with a regular
harneSf collar, tug and hack strap, and
. i i ri . I il i I
driven won lines i ne u rivers u jiinsne'i
: each a whip ami seemed to greatly enjoy
the sensation created.
A Clackamas farmer has lately been
hauling pumpkins to some canning es
tablishment near Portland. He deliv
ered 20 tons at HGO per ton.
The grangers had a lively meeting lant
Saturday at' Odd Fellows' Hall.
It is rumored that two enterprising
companies have bought the Southern
Pacific K. K. line from Milwaukie through
Clackamas and propose to make it an
electric. A consummation devoutly de
sired! Later Kumor confirmed. A
boom for Clackamas !
MrB. J. J. Guyer of Cams made a short
farewell visit to the family of A. 0. Hay
ward last Friday and Saturday. .Mrs.
Guyer goes to Eastern Oregon Nov. 1.
Mrs. D. L. Prettyman was in town
yesterday spending the day with "Grand
ma" Clark. MrB. Prettyman ie a former
resident of Clackamas anil intends to re
turn and locate here. Mr. Prettyman
recently died in Portland.
No appetite, loss of frength, nervous
Bess, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of
the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol
cores Indigestion. This new discovery repre
sents the natural Juices of digestion as they
xlit In a healthy stomach, combined with
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not
only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this
famous remedy cures all stomach troubles
by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes lining
the stomach.
Mr. S. 8. Ball, of Rarestwood, W. Va., MTts-
I wi troubled with sour atoauck lor twr ma
jtotolenrsd mm m in now utoc II kt mim
Kodol Digests WhstYoa Est
ettxoolr. 11.00 SUa holdtot VA ttmaslkeMSl
wuca aaua ror so oaota.
Prepares b C. a OeWtTT OO., OMIOAOO
gold by (i. A. HARDING, Druggist
ty tive miles from the nearest town. Mr.
Larson save: "I am favored with the
miles, to many of whom I have supplied
Chamberlain's remedies. All testify lo
their value in a household wlire a doc
tor's advice is almost out of the question.
Within one mile of my store the popula
tion is perhaps sixty. Of these, within
the past twelve months, no less than
fourteen have been absolutely cured by
Chamberlain's tough Kemedv. This
must be a record." For sale by G. A.
Harding, druggist.
The rain has spoiled most of the prunes
in (hie vicinity.
Rev. Exon started today to hie preach
ing place at Sheridan.
The early potatoes are good but all the
late planting is struck with the blight. t
Mr. Exon sold 8 head of Jersey jcows
to Jim and Jake DeShazer who are going
into the dairy business.
Last Monday was as fine a day as we
have had the past summer, sunshine and
very warm. We feel in hopes it will
still continue till the farmers get their
potatoes dug and their grain sowed.
The Dover M. K. church was dedicated
last Sabbath by Dr. Walters, the presid
ing elder. He was blest with a nice day
and a good crowd. Dr. Wallers preached
a very interesting sermon. There was a
$70 debt on the church. This was a do
nation asked for ami in a few minutes
ttiet'Owas raiseil and now our little
church is out of debt and we. all thank
the people who donated to it. After the
morning service there was a long table
spread with everything that was deli
cious. After dinner Kev. Mr. Iilack
preached to the crowd. Mr. Iilack is the
preacher on the Viola charge. There
will be preaching next Sunday at eleven
t.r.00 m0 rs r n i-i
WE aro putting up
.')U per cent
von lor ful
to contain
Pure Nor
fat producer.
Trv a liottle todav.
f.. V'i " i ,,Ji'3'
Side Line
We have a full lino of
TaMets, Taps, Pens, Pen
cils, Paper and Envel
opes, Ink, Ktc., at "lied
nek" prices.
Is ono of our side linos and wo are making special hiditcomenjs
. l, i.,... j ot tl.ij tint. i A lwnlnti.lv Pnrn Preoared Paint at l?l."0
mmmmm IW I'U) CW Ul tui3 tiitiv.. ...i's.-s.., .....
per gallon. Less in ." gallon uantities. Special prices in pure Lead and Oil.
Wo aro handling a material called "Lacnuorct" for staining and varnishing, at
at a vorv moderate figure. (Jot a can and make your old furniture good as new.
A I'erlect I'alnle Fill
is the one that will cleanee the system,
set the liver to action, remove the bile,
clear the complexion, cure headache and
leave a good taste in the mouth. The
famous little pills for doing such work
pleasantly ami effectually are DeWitt'e
Little Early Risers. Bob Moore, of La
fayette, Ind., says: "All other pills I
have used gripe and sicken, while De
Witt'e Little Early Risers are simply
perfect." Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
Union Hall.
The dance wae a grand
a grand euccew
Saturday night at this place.
School began last Monday with Miss
Miller of Oregon City teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Draper called on
Mr. and Mrs. John Burna last Sunday.
Miss Dade Molzan viaited at Mr. Per
inger's last Sunday.
Mr. and Mre. Oren Adkins have been
visiting relatives and friends of this place
the past week and returned Sunday to
their home down on the Columbia river,
where Mr. Adkins is driving a team for
logging camp.
Jno. Burns went to Canby last Mon
day on business.
Potato harvest is the order of the day
in this part of tbe country.
Mr. Himelman lost bit barn sod all of
hie bay and three head of horses last
week by fire.
Kobbed the riivi'.
A startling incident is narrated by J.
Oliver, of Philadelphia, as follows: "I
was in an awful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tangue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had given
me up. Then I was advised to use Elec
tric Bittere; to rov great joy, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they rob
bed the grave of another vietim. No
one should fail to try tbem. OnlyMc.
Guaranteed at Charman & Co.'s drug
There is to be a social dance at Barlow
Saturday evening, Oct. 17. All are in
vited to attend.
Mr. and Mre. Smith and family, of
Portland, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. 8. Tull Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T, Miller, of Oregon
City viaited Saturday and Sunday 'with
relatives and menus at tsar ow.
The grange held its regular meeting
Saturday. Oct. 10. Owing to the busy
time not a very large crowd was present
but very enjoyable time wae had by
those who were able to attend. The
ladies served a very dainty and appetiz
ing lunch at noon to which all did ample
justice, alter which the meeting was
called to order and a few items of busi
ness transacted. A very pleasing pro
gramme of music, singing and recitations
was listened to and enjoyed very much.
The next regular meeting will be held
Saturday, Oct. 31. All members are re
quested to be present.
D. O. Freeman was transacting busi
ness in Portland Wednesday.
W. W. Jesee, M. S. Barlow, Mies Tull
and R. K. Bratton visited the grange at
Molalla Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson and daugh
ter made a businese trip to Portland
E. Lindholm is giving hie house a coat
of paint which is greatly improving its
Subscribe for tba Enterprise
Beaver Creek.
Our school will Win next
under the suiiervision of
Blank, of Portland.
Miss Laura Parry has lelt to attend
school at Oregon City.
Henry Shannon has purchased
traction engine and has beuti
H. W. Parrv has returned home from'
Wardner, Idaho, from an extended trip. ,
Miss Jessie
a new
Hi (Turd
Beautilul Oregon weather again.
(ire are ripening fast. Nearly every
farm has a few, enough at least for its
own consumption ami a few to spare,
while a few boast of nice vinyards.
Chinese bombs startled the evening
air on Monday. Citizen rusbe to their
doors thinking no doubt that the Ciar's
peace convention had taken effect and
some onn was hound to nave peace n
Thos. ( Thomas, of (ireenwood, vis- they "fit" lor it. In the course of the
ited friends here this week. i next day it transpined that young Mi -
Miss Mary Jones and S. P. Londigan i '"' Wins Ul got married,
were married at the home of the bride. Some of our young men have puri-has-
The relatives Were the only mviled ,! nIH necessHrv outfit to start a brass
guests. The couple was respected young (mI vt,ry commendable under
people of the vicinity and a large circle i taking.
of friends wish them a long ami nappy
A. Thomas and A. Staben have re
turned from the prone plains of W ash-
Ington, and report that the soil in that
part ol the rountv is adapted for prunes
and for nothing else but prunes. Ihe
soil is gravel, running all Ihe way from
the size of a quail's egg down lo sand
and dries out in the warm days of Sum
mer so that products not rooted at least
IS inches deep will wither and die. The
prune crop on the old orchards which
I1U0UI frtLY,
UA AKHH fggg&fl
Ely's Cream BaImtfHm
cleanses, soothes ana ncais
the dlwme-d membrane.
Tt enrra catarrh and drives
away a cold In tbe bead
cnmm n.lm li Dlaced Into th nostrils, spreads
over th membrane and U absorbed. Relief If Im
mediate and a cure follow. It Is not drylng-floca
not Droduce .ncezlng. Large Size, M cents at Drug-
glU or by mall : Trial Size, 10 cenu.
ELY BKOTIIERS, S Warren Street, ew Horn
were between 20 and 30 years of age
was abut 2 to V4 boxes to the tree, but
the younger trees from 10 to 15 years old
was about 3i to 4. The price lor pick
ing per ton was $2 25 or about 6)j or 7
cents per box. Prune dryers wages
were $2.75 and $3 and board and helers
$2 and $2.50 and board yourself. Veg
etables were scarce as they could not be
raised, although the water supply was
pure and deep. Almost every dryer had
a wind mill and for from 3 to 5 weeks
there was not enough wind on
them plains to keep one foot of water in
the tanks. But the best of all was the
7 kill steam dryer which dried about 20
tons per dav and cost $17,000. This is
the largest dryer on the coast and is sit
uated in the middle of the beet prune
plain. The orchards averaged all the
way from 80 to 000 acres and are as well
kept as most of the potato ground in this
A real Herniation.
There was a big sensation in Leeeville,
Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place,
who was expected to die, had his life
saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption. He writes: "I endured
insufferable agonies from asthma, but
your New Discovery gave roe immediate
relief and soon thereafter effected a com
plete cure." Similar cures of consump
tion, pneumonia, bronchitis and grip are
numerous. It is the peerless remedy
for all throat nd lung troubles. Price
50c and $1. Guaranteed by Charman 4
Co., druggists. Trial bottles free.
Mrs. Powell expects her mother anil
sister lo see her Ihe 15th. Her sister
w ill be married soon.
Mrs. John IJ. tinge and childieii are
visiling at the old home. They came
Up from St. Helens last Saturday.
Mrs. Mimick has returned lioinn after
a summer's visit with her parents in
A few are digging potatoes but tbo
majority of late potatoes are green and
growing yet.
Mrs. Barbara Moer has lelt for Spo
kane to spend the winter with her
Mr. Wolfle and Mr. Schewin, both
former residents of StaHon), were shak
ing hands with old neighbors a fow days
Mr. Weddle lias finished another
cistern on his place.
"You have Im-cii couadcuous In the
halls of legislation, liuve you not?" said
the young woman who nsks oil sorts of
"Yes, miss," answered iVimtor Sor
ghum blandly; "I think I have partici
pated In some of the richest hauls thnt
icglslutioii ever made." Washington
Jeailnii nt Seiira.
rpgnrdson I wiis sorry to henr that
Hklmiiierhoru has had the smallpox.
DII It (llsllgiiro hi iich?
Atom-Dlsllgtiiv him? No; It Im
proved hlni. It changed his expression.-
Chicago Tribune.
The (arniilue to. 'ouiilerl lli.
The genuine ie always better than a
counterfeit, hut the truth of ibis state
ment is never more forcibly realized or
more thoroughly appreciated than when
you compare the genuine DeWilt's Witch
Hazel Halve with the many counterfeits
and worthless substitutes that are on the
market. W. 8. Ledhetter, of Hhreve
port, La., saye : "After using numerous
other remedies without benefit, one box
of DeWIU's Witch Hazel Salve cured
me." For blind, bleeding, itching and
protruding piles no remedy is equal to
DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Naive. Sold by
O. A. Harding. c
Tbe Elizabethan era gave vogue tc
the button and the buttonhole, two In
rentlons which may fairly be regarded
as Important, since they did much to
revolutionize dress. Tbo original but
ton was wholly a product of needle
work, which was soon Improved by the
use of a wooden mold. The brass but
ton Is said to have been Introduced hy
a Birmingham merchant tn 1080. II
took 200 years to Improve on the meth
od of sewing the cloth upou the cov
ered button. Then an Ingenious Dune
hit upon tbe Idea of making the button
In two parts and clamping them to
gather, with the cloth between. Buttons
are now made of almost everything,
from seaweed and catUo hoofs to nioth
r of pearl and vegetable Ivory. Ex
cellent buttons are made from potatoes,
which, treated chemlcully, become ai
hard as Ivory.-Boston Transcript
Ban tk f It ""' m Haw ilwrt BoogK
"Professor, I know a mini who says
he can tell hy the Impression on his
tulnd when his wife wants him to come
home to dinner. Is It telepathy?"
"Not lit nil, miss. I should cull that
racnduclty."- Kxchaiigc.
Au Iniffituf..
Miss Boston -Ah, yes; your verses
are charming. And have you tiever
written a novel?
Miss New York-No; for If I d!il my
mother would never let mo read It
Some people who lump fit conclusions
loso sight of Ihu hurdle.-Phlhuh'lpl in
The reward of one duty done Is the
power to fultlll another. Kllot
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must eat the
right food for growth. Hones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoseseveryday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straightcr,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the-soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free sample.
SCOTT BOWNE. Chemists.
409-415 Pearl 8trsst. New York.