Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 09, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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'" A tailor of IlroTrr,
TTtiat threatened to be one of it
rorst disasters In the- history of ship
ping was the burning of the Ocean
Monarch. The tiro whs discovered In
hi v fore hold an hour or two only Hftor
sip loft the Mersey. There was a
st'.ong broozo, and sho wns headed for
tin- Welsh otmst.
Hy some unlucky accident nn anchor
was dropped, nnil the big ship wet
brought rip U standing head to tho
Wind. The flames came roaring nf:.
rhere' iitH) passengers aiul crew were
A Hnizlllnn frigate, a yacht ami a
pilot boat were near, but they only At
tempted to pick up those who jumped
and swam. Suddenly up came an
A'"oriean clipper and rounded Into the
wind barely 2d0 yards away. In her
first Iniat was Frederick Jerome, only
d r.ble seaman, but one of the bravoM
aoainen that ever lived. In a flash his
best was alongside the burning ship,
and he climbed on deck amid the
scorch and smother. There he stayed
until the last soul of t00 was savcti.
His clothes were on fire seven separate
times, and be was scorched almost be
yond recognition. His only reward
was the modal of the American llu
mtr.e society. IYarson'g.
The Zodiacal Llartat.
The name of "zodiacal light" has
been given to a singular- appearance
frequently witnessed soon after suns-t
or just before sunrise. It may be s.vn
at nil seasons of the year In low latl
tiidrs and Is obviously due to illumi
ne ted matter surrounding the sun in a
very flat or lenticular form, nearly co
inciding with the plane of the ecliptic,
or, rather, with the sun's equator. The
attention of astronomers was first di
rected to It In the year KVS3 by Cassini
and was long regarded ns being the
sun's atmosphere. This Idea, it is now
thought. Is incorrect it being generally
bIleved at the present time to consist
of an Immense assemblage of rocks,
ssr.d, eosmienl dust, fragments of met
al, etc., such as the earth is continual
ly encountering in the form of aerolUes
or meteorites. It may not be out of
place to mention in this connection that
the rings of Saturn are believed to be
composed of similar materials.
The Deeadeore.
Mr. Herllhy looked at his latest pho
tograph, taken in his Sunday clothes,
and bis gaze bespoke keen disappoint
incut "Old never 'a' had this ruk If it
hadn't been for thim children telling
me about the Improvements in photo
graphing," he muttered, holding the
card U)ou which his likeness was
mounted farther and farther away.
'"Improvements is It? Oi'd loike to
show this plctur" soide be aolde wid
the wan Ol had twlnty yeara ago and
lave it to annybody which o' thim two
made the betther man o' me. There's
an old, anxious, tolred out look to this
new wan that was niver In the other,
i "There may be Improvements In pho
tographing," said Mr. Herlihy as he de
posited the cabinet sized card face
down In his table drawer, "but OI've
jit to see thim.V Youth's Companion.
j Ether Vibrations.
. The effect of movements In the ether
depends upon the rapidity of the vibra
tions producing them. The unit of
measurement for short waves In the
ether is the blcron, which is about one
twenty-five millionth of an inch. Waves
measuring 3-SO to 810 blcrons affect our
sense of Bight, the former number giv
ing violet and the latter red color. The
invisible rays, to which the actinic and
Eoen'gen rays belong, are shorter an!
have been measured as short as 1"0
bicrons. Ether waves longer than
those giving light give the feeling of
warmth. The longest heat waves are
eight times the length of those of the
red rays, or one three hundred and fif
tieth of an inch.
Medical Perlla.
In Baluchistan when a physician
gives a dose he is expected to pari ale?
of a similar one himself as a guarantor
of his good faith. Should the patient
die under his hands the relatives, though
they rarely exercise it, have the right
of putting him to death unless a spe
ciul agreement has been, made freiin;;
him from all responsibility as to con-e-Cjtiences,
while If they should decide
upon immolating him he is fully ex
pected to yield to his fate like a man.
Willing to Compromise.
Mamnri Oh, you bad boy! Where
have you been all this time? Don't you
think you should be ashamed to worry
your mother so?
The Boy Well, ma, I'm wlllln' to be
ashamed that I worried you if you'll
promise not to tell pa anything that 'II
worry me. Boston Journal.
Willing- He Should Smoke.
"Any objections to my smoking
,here?" asked the offensively cheerful
man as the vessel gave another disqui
eting lurch.
"None," replied the pale chap in the
tteumer chair, "here or hereafterl"
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Following- the Races.
Spoart You say he follows the race
horses. lie looks prosperous.
Nervltt Yes; the race horses keep
him busy.
Spoart Bookmaker?
Kervltt No; pawnbroker. Philadel
phia Ledger.
The Safe Side.
"You'll be aorry some day that you
didn't get married If yon don't."
"Well, I'd rather not be married and
be sorry I wasn't than to be married
and be aorry I was." San Francis -j
Ee who brings ridicule to Ixvi?
against troth finds in his hand a blad"
without a bilt Landor.
Data for Mouth oT September Compiled
By Forecast OflleUI.
The following data, covering a period
o: 1!1 "ears, have been compiled from tho
KfKiiH-i imreau lecorosai i oruaiui, vr.,
I i ine mourn oi Uclober.
.Mem or norma; temperature, 04 ilea.
The warmest month was that of 1;HU,
with an average ot .V.tilog
The coldest nionti va thst of lS'.U,
with an average ol 50 ileu.
The highest temperature was So deg.
on the 7th, 1SIU.
The lowest tempeMlure wns SI deg i n
theSlst, 187", and on the 30th, ISiKi.
Average date on which hrsi ' kihiiu1
frost occmred in autumn, Nov. IS
Average date on which last "killing
fiost occurred in spring, Match 17.
(.Rain and melted enow.)
Average for the month, 8.52 incite
Average number of days with .01 of an
inch or more, 13.
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 11.53 inches in 1SS2.
The least monthly precipitation was
a trace in 1S;V.
The greatest amount of precipitation
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
was 2.VH5 in. on the Pth and lOtli, lSSL'.
The greatest amount ot snowfall re
corded in anv 24 consecutive hours (re
cord extending to wmler of 1SS4-S5 only, I
was inches ou . 13 ,
Average number ot clear days, 8;
partly cloudy days, 11 ; cloudy days, 12.
The prevailing winds have been from
the northwest.
The highest velocity of the wind was
42 miles, from the southeast on the 23d.
Station : Portland, Oregon.
Date of issue : Sept. 2S. 1(103.
District Forecastor Weather Bureau.
The Columbia Kiver Seen from a
"Regulator Line Exeursioi Steamer."
It is a custom to apply fanciful titles to
American rivers, mountains and lakes in
simile to those of other countries. Thus 1
we bear of "The American Rhine,"
The Switzerland of America," "The
American Alps," and so on, and here on
the magnificent Columbia River, in all
its wealth of scenery, we may find an
other Rhine. The towering snow-caped
mountains, gorges, ravines, water-falls
and even cataracts duplicate and even
excel the famous scenery of Switzerland,
and (or the desire of being able to say
When 1 was abroad thousands of
Americana are williDg to be ignorant of
i heir own country in not seeing some of
the finest scenery of the world aaia here
on the Columbia.
In a tour of the West it ia the thing to
do, and the one thing not to be missed
the voyage on the Columbia river be
tween Portland and The Dalles that ia
made in one day's daylight on board of
the splendid boats of the Regulator Line.
and the people of Oregon and Washing
ton should make it a point to remind
their friends that are coming from the
Last not to miss making a trip on this
beautiful river.
Your ardent admirer makes the trip
up and down both ways, on the boats,
as it gives opportunity to pay leisurely
attention to both hides of the river and
for the views ahead on the going and le
turning voyage. But the man in a hurry
may go up on the boat, returning by
rail, or vice versa, or the passengers
went bound may leave the train at The
Dalles and go down the Columbia rivei
by boat to Portland.
lhe Regulator Line palatial excursion
steamer "Bailey Gatzert leives Port-
and every morning (except Monday) at
8:50 to Cascade Locks and return, right
in the heart of the Cascade Mountains,
affording an excellent one day trip to
view the magnificent scenery and also
enjoy the exhilarating ride through the
famous rapids of the Cascades, returning
arrive in Portland about 7 P. M.
The round trip fare to Cascade Lock)
is 1.50, round trip to The Dalles $2.50,
one way faie from Portland to The DalleB
or vice versa $1.50. The meals are ex
cellent and served on all steamers of this
'Are You Iteadrt Col"
Mrs. John Peters wns the mother of
a family of restless children, and she
found difficulty In reducing them to
quiet when the moment came for ask
ing a blessing at the table. So her
course of procedure was something In
this fashion:
"Alice, be still 1 Eddie, not another
word! Maud, don't you see your fa
ther is waiting? There now, John;
now r New York Times.
No Hair?
"My hair was falling out very
fast and I was greatly alarmed. 1
then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and
my hair stopped falling at once."
Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O.
The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act promptly. Save your
hair. Feed it with Ayer's
Hair Vigor. If the gray
hairs are beginning to
show, Ayer's Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time. J I. CO a Mil. All imrrkts.
If your druggist cannot supply yon,
end uh one dollar and we will express
you a liottle. lie sure nod fire the name
of jour nearest f Tpre.- office. Address,
J. I. A VKK CO., Lowell, Mass.
Thtrlral, lar Daya.
Every legitimate theater In N'eir
York has two pny days -union and nou
tinlou. The union employe, which In
clude the men In the orchestra, the
stage hands, proiorty men and stage
carpenters, are paid, as their union rog
tilhiions demand, on Saturday night.
The actors, who have no union, are not
paid until Tuesday, although their eel;
ends on Saturday with the night's per
formance. Their salaries are held vi
two days merely to Insure their roup
lusirauce at the theuter ou Monday.
If the company were paid off on Sat
lirday night unreliable or dUaffeetiHl
members of the oncunlxiitltui might n---show
up ou Monday for rehearsal ot
tlia evening performance, thus weakift'
lng the priHluctton, but If the week's
salary Is held buck they are reasonably
sure to report on Monday In order nut
to lose what Is coming to them. Ac
tors are distinctly temperamental and
capricious, and If a manager wore t"
pay off on Saturday night and there ex
Isted any temporary dissatisfaction In
the company he could never tell wheth
er he would have a chorus with which
to open up the week on Monday even
ing. New York 1'ress.
The OrlKtn ot Prroarra ph jr.
About a century ago an artist named
Cranch was standing one day In front
of a fire In his home at Axiuliister
Over the fireplace wan an oaken man
telplece, and It occurred to Cranch that
this expanse of wood might be Im
proved by a little ornamentation.
picked up the poker, heated It red hot
I and begatl to sketch In a bold design.
The result pleased lilm so much th .t
he elaborated his work and began to at
tempt other fire pictures on panels of
wood. These met with a ready sale.
and Crunch soon gave all his time t.:
his new art. This was the beginning of
whnt Is now known as pyrography
The poker artist of today uses many
different shaped tools and has a Sxvl:!l
furnace in which they are kept heated.
The art has been elaborated greatly.
The knots, curls and fliers of the wood
are often worked Into the dcolgn ami
delicate tlutlug produced by scorching
the panel.
Care For the Talkies llalilj.
One part horse sense and two parts
of manly determination to keep still.
Mix well with an unlimited amount of
the best quality of thought. It la Iiun
slble for a woman to talk all the time
without saying a lot of things that sho
shouldn't or without proving a Jolly
bore to everytody about her. This tat
tling habit Is not confined entirely to
women, though. Some men have the
a flllctlon terribly. Sometimes it's
wheat, sometimes It's chess, some
tluiea it's baseball. A steady diet of
one kind conversation la always tire
some. Take a nibble of this and a
nibble of that, and your chatter will be
more Interesting, particularly If there
are plenty of rests between nibbles.
Talking Improves when there's silence
by way of contrast Philadelphia In
quirer. Ueaaeat Trader Ia the World.
There is a colony of Syrian merchants
in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica,
who could give cards and spades even
to the bland Chinaman "for ways tlflit
are dark and tricks that nre vain."
They take one match out of every box
they sell until they have enough mutch
es to fill another box and so make an
extra cent. They shave tiny tlnkes o:T
cukes of soap and boll UiVin dowu to
make other cakes. They put a thin
layer of molasses on the bottom of the
scoop with which they serve rice so
that a few grains will stick to the bot
tom. These nre only a few of their
thousand tricks to turn a dishonest
penny. Without doubt they are the
meanest traders in the world.
How riaata Henialn l'prlaht.
If a flowerpot is laid on Its side the
stalk of the plunt growing in It grad
ually curves upward until It resumes
the vertical position. This Is called
gcotroplc curvature, and the ijueslioii
Is by what means the plant Is stimu
lated to change its direction of growth.
One theory avers that movable starch
grains In the plant cells fall to the low
er side as the position Is changed und
by their pressure Influence the mech
anism of growth.
Breech loader.
Ereechloading In artillery and small
arms is popularly supposed to he nn
Invention of the middle of lust century,
but such is by no means the case. In
8 Dublin gunsmith's shop at Cork Hill
is on view a bret-cbloading rifle offered
to the British war office at the close of
the eighteenth century and rejected,
as It was considered to need too mucii
The War I Coea.
"I beard Kronnlck remark that he
never had such luck In his business a
he's having now, but I didn't cutch
whether it was good luck or bad."
"Oh, be meant bad luck, of course.
If it were good luck he wouldn't speak
of it as luck at alL"-PhUadelph)n
Scanalaar HI Moll re.
Ton can't be dead sure that a youua:
man is saving to get married Just be
cause be stops smoking cigars and be
gins to smoke a pipe. Boston Globe.
No, be may be smoking the pipe to
get even with the neighbors. Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
How It AnVrfed II Ira.
Mrs. Brownovlrh I understand your
fcnsband Is seriously ill.
Mrs. SmlthinHky-Yes; he's too III to
do anything except make good resolu
tions. -Cincinnati Enquirer.
It Might Be.
"Is kissing dangerous?"
"Well, I wouldn't try it on an ath
letic girl without her consents-Chicago
Tho Kind You llovo Always nought, nml which linn boon,
lu mho for ovor 110 jonr, hit liorno tho Hlgtiuttiro of
nml has boeu liindo under his iwr-
fyT 4J&fflit soiuil supervision hIiwo Km Infancy.
wcVvi -CccAtt Allow no ono to tlocclvo you In thin.
All CouiitortVltM, Imitation nntl " Just-aM-pooil" aro hufe
l'sporinuntM that trlllo with nntl endanger tho health of
Infants nml Children llxnorlcnco against Kxpcriiucut
Cnstorln is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Props nud Soothing Syrups. It Is lMcasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Alorphlno nor other Nareotlo
substance. Its ago 1m Km guarantee. It tlestro)SVornm
nml nllnys Feverl.slinoss. It e tires I)larrhuu und Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation
nntl Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and llowcls, giving; healthy and natural bleep,
Tho Childi-cu's ruuucen Tho Mother's Friend.
Soars tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc ocMTA'in HNn, tt
The U. S. Dispensatory says, con itini l'ARALYZKS the motor nerve; aco
nite reduces muscular strength; helladoiiua produces PARALYTIC symptoms;
hyuscyaunis and stramonium are me same as belladonna; opium lessens the
peristaltic motion of the liowels, "Do not excercise any curative influence."
Some of these are contaiued ill all of the ancient pile medicines.
Of Iv-RU-SA, the only nou -Poisonous 1'ilc cure, over 4000 druggists and
doctors of the highest standing, say in substance :
Dr. L. Grilfin in i ycurs experience I have no knowledge of any medicine
curing piles except your nou-narcotic l'ile cure. 1 know it Cukks.
J. II. TkolT, M. D., and druggist, Los Angeles.
fi-RU-SA cures piles or fjo paid. Worst cases cured with one box. On
ly reliable up-to-date druggists sell K-RU-S A. Viz: A Jo.
Tlje Oreor) City Enterprise
"Wfcly 0rc6or)iai), $200
We srn locatnil in our Isrgu new store and with a
lurger and more complete stock of belter goodH, are
better prepared than eror before to furnish you just
what you want at prices lower limn tho lowest.
The Fair
Send For Frc Sample Copy.
' The (trcnt rirnrrty for m-rvous prnatratlna ami all diseasrs of tlio neneratlTS
4 ortransof either sex. surh aa Kurvmia I'rrmtratlon. KulllriL'rr Lost Manhood.
;) liiiiKiioncy, Nightly KnilsHlons,
oi looaceo orupuim, wnico luaa to i.iiriHiiinpitoD udu insmuty. with overy
5 onler we Kiiaratite" to eiiro or pifuml I In- moniy. Sold at I.00 pnr Imi,
6 boies for 4.00. UU. JTIOI I '! 4 III. Tilt AL CO., Clovelaud, UIU
For Kale at IIUNTLKY'H
are no higher than thoae in any other
trade, and ours are no higher than ser
vice rendered demands.
What we undertake to do in a thorongh
and satiefactory manner. There will
not be found after our workman get
through with a job any defective joints,
leaky pipei, loose connections or otbei
evidences of "scamped" work. Kvery
part will be perfect, and look perfect,
and when the bill comes in you'll not
aek for any deduction.
Real property and chattel mortgage
loans. Abstracts furnished.
G, B. Dimick, Atty. at Law,
Oregon City, Or.
Signature of
Hun? aTactT, aiw voaa em.
It cnntiiiu ulroiiifly Ameri
can editorial, liriKlit, furrik'n
Intern, Htrikmif Hturici. art.
drama, mimic, mcirty,
army and navy new
The Argonaut Puo.
240 SUTTER 8T.
San FrnnciM'o
IVM 1 1 V 111 1 1 1 rw Id 1'IfjUt
Youlbrul trrnrn. Mental Worry, exeenniro uaa
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
July5, l!W2
P.M. A.M
11 III
10 o.r
11 Ul
0 'J7
0 17
II 08
N A8
0 40
8 35
8 20
8 00
7 54
7 4l
7 38
7 28
7 17
7 02
7 no: s ciT,v
8 ()! w1...
H 20 IK....
h w :!..
8 44, II 4H;...
8 UY I) 60 ...
8 lH H) W ...
oHiin io ...
0 1!H0 21 ...
37 io :ei ...
10 00 11 ft" ...
10 08 II 10 ...
10 20; 11 U!i...
10 SOi 1 1 .'10 Ar
. Portlsi.d .Ar
. Mayger ....
. Quincy ....
'latnkanle . .
Marshland ..
. West port . . .
. Clifton
. Knapns....
. Hveimen
.John Day . . .
8 4!)
8 3.'!
8 111
8 07
7 50
7 4ft
(I 42
6 32
tl 20
6 10
. . Astoria.. I, v
1 3Sa. m...l
5 50 p. m . . I
1 : a. m . . . f
7 40 a. m
... A Wp.m
...10 30s. in
... 6 50 p. m
...12 30 p. m
. . . 7 20 p. m
... 1 30 p. m
. . . tMli.ni
8 15 a. m
.m... f
0 15 a. m
2 30 p.
ft 00 p,
0 40 a. m.J
All trains make close connections at Oolile
with all forthern 1'acilie trains to or from
the Ksst or Hound Points.
At Portland with all trains leaving Union
At Astoria with I. K. A N. Co.'s bosta and
rail line, and HteamerT. J. Potter, to and
from Ilwacosnd North Ileoch Points.
Ticket olllct, 2.V5 Morrison St., and Union
depot. J. C. MAYO.Oen. Pass. Agt.
Astoria, Or
Oregon Short Lino
and Union Pacific
Through rullinnii stitudiird and Tour.
InI sleeping ciiisiluily to Oinuhn, Chicago
Spoknur; tuiirist idcriiing cars daily to
Kuii-n City; through I'lillinuu totirls
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kuiihhs City, rrclln.
itig chulr-JlttculH lieelo the runt dully,
l-'nuii Portland
Chleag" lsll l.ske, Deiivrr. Ft.
l'orllmi i
Wurdi.i Miialia. Katt
4 ..'10 p.
Ki prrsk
8. I'M). Ill
vis limit.
liiKlnn .
nn I'lty, HI. l,oul,
ClilcnK" ami r.t
Salt l.akp, Denver, H
W cirlli.i imihIik, Kii
M Clly, St. Link
t'lileitK and Kul.
in, :ki a.m.
U I 11-..I
K.it Mail W" ' W",11"' '':,u
li p in
mil, niuiBNii., nun
tmiiiiilli. Hi. Paul,
liiilulli, Mllaaukrv,
t'liiCHKO and l-.t.
Vi a. iii.
Kxcrllcnt Meal.
Dent Hrrvici,
l'ur detailed Information of ratrl,
hcrth reservation etc, cull or write to
agent ut vmrf.
(ellrtul (llhcf, II. C. CamI'HKI.!.,
Portland, Ore, .Malinger.
Ocean and River Schedule
All Sailing iliiti'D illli
' Ji'i'l In chaiiK".
Fur -all Kraiu'tiMii
Sail awry .' ilays
li. in.
t p m.
Dally Ki.
H i. ni. j
Hsiiinlsy i
Kip. in.
Columbia River
To An'orla "il Wjr
i p. in.
K. Hun
day. 70 HOURS
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars. Tickets east
via alt rail, or boat and rail via Port
:00 a.m.
9:l'Ja. in. (Albany Local)
6:10 p. m.
H :'2 a. in.
i :5t) p. ni. (Albany Local)
U:llp. in.
Daily River Excursions
Du.r fciixnt'i.s.
Foot Taylor Ht,
:ni A. M.
lClii "
3 mi 1', m;
15 "
Leavt OltKliON CITV
Foot Kiglith Ht.
7 Oil A. M.
i .to r. m.
i .to "
Oregmi t'ltjr TrMiiHirtHtlon Co.
Hntiirn trip good on Klectric. Linn.
I, h-wis, Com in '1 Agt., Alder St.,
Cortland, Ore. Write fur the novel ami
catchy SeiiHide pamphlet, just leaned,
telling all about Summer (iirla, Hea Sor
penis and Sunsiits at HeaHiile.
Portland and The Dalles
"Iiailt-y Gatzert'1 "DuIIoh City"
"Regulator" "Mctluko"
Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with the
Columbia Kiver and Northern Hy. for
Wabkiacus, Daly, Cenlerville, Uolden
dale and all Clickutat Valley pointu.
Rtnamer leaves Portland daily (except
Sunday) for The Dalles 7 a. m.', arrives
The Dalles 0:.T0 p. m. ; steamer connects
with C. It. fc N. train at Lyle for Mol
dendale. Hteamer leaves The Dales
daily (except Hunday) for Portland at
7:.'IOa. rn., arrives Portland a p. in.;
C. K. & N. train leaving (ioldendale at
0:15 connect with the steamer for Port
land. Bteamers "Dalles City" and "fUiley
Gatzert" leaves Portland 7 a. in., Tues
days, Thursdays and hatnrdaya for The
Dalles and way points. Hound trip tick
ets to any landing, OU cents. "Gatzert"
stops at Vancouver, Cascade Ixx-ks,
Ktevenson, White Salmon, Hood Kiver.
Lyle and The Dalles. All other land
ings made by steamer "Dalles City."
Excellent meals served on all steamers
Fine accommodations for teams and
For detailed Information of rates,
berth reservations, railroad and stage
connections write to or call upon 8. Mc
donald, agent. Aider street wharf, or
H. C. CAMPP.KLL, Manager,
Portland, Ore.
Btan tks a 8 Kind You Nan Always Boturtt