Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 25, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondents ar requested to re
new their work. We will supply all
necessary stationery. Tlie news from
your neighborhood should appear in
thfou columns everv week.
It is rati ninx airain and lew iive their
grain tli replied ; what few have threaliexl
did so w hen their gram whs green and
dsnip. The Girrield south have none
threshed yet. Had we been tiered with
pit'twr weather, there would have been
an immense crop of oats of a superior
oualitv. As the weather looks now it's
nut verv flattering for clear lip soon
Coi.id the smoke and ashes of the foreet
tiies have had something to do in mak
in our fine crops? And does the un
usual amount of blasting and the can
nonading of the soldiers target practice
liitke the currents of air and electricity
out of its regular course that causes our
unusual amount of rmn: H ill some set
emist answer through vour paper?
Mr. l)c Palmateer was the first on the
hili to have his grain resdv to thresh,
bnl he beinu ill. it would look bud for
oilier farms with three men to be behind
him, so bis grain is wailing the thresh
ers vet.
lr. Frank Rhoads threshed 300 bush
els to 8 acres of grain. It pays to have a
little side hill farm well tended.
Mr. R. Herring's brother that he had
d I met for the past thirty years, is mak
ing him a pleasant visit.
Mrs. Mart Ha Tracy's sistei, Uustie
Lewis, is on a visit to Mrs. Tracy and
Mrs. Sarah Palniateer was called to
Portland again by her mother's illness
taking a turn for the worse.
Mr. Millard Sarver and Mr. C. Looner
aie cou'emplating a visit to their old
homes in Virginia and return.
Wm. OaifiVld's child is slowly recover
ing. IWk Palmateer is having a cold on I
bis lungs but is able to be on the go. j
The nutueroii9 friends of the late J. B. j
2ie. of Needv, are much pained at his
sad death. He was a resident of Gar
field for several years, wliere be was well
and favorably known; few were better
rt circled than he. And the family has
tl .f Mncere sympathy of their friends
he ' in Garfield iu this their dark hour.
Truly the community lost a good upright
honest neighbor, the family a good, kind
Christian father that loved and cherished
theiu. His place can never be filled.
Harvest hands are scarce in Currins
ville and Garfield this year.
Sept. 12. -Accident. Mr. H. H. An
ders, of Garfield, while loosening the
mill cable that was foul, got seriously
hurt by the guy chain giving away and
letting the eabie strike him across both
legs above the knees, knocking hi.u 100
fret or more down the hill, breaking both
legs, one of them twice about four inches
apart. It happened ahout 9 O'clock in
the morning. His wife was apprised of
it at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. They
took him to the hospital the same night.
Bis wile went down to Portland on the
15th to see bow be is gettiug along.
Weather of the past week was all that
could be desired for the saving of the
Shaver A Adams blew their blower to
pieces last Thursday morning. Joe liar
less went to Portland for new castings
and by 7 o'clock next morning the ma
chinery w as humming again.
Cole Pros, have alnnit finished thresh
ing for the season.
Schamel A Vick have two more jobs in
South Molalla.
Isaac Gipson is finishing up his fath
er s dwelling house.
Lester Gipson is still carpentering at
Mrs. Al. Shaver has recently had her
house painted a spotless white.
Mrs. Lulu Scott starts to Mexico this
week to meet her husband, (.'has. Scott,
who has recently sold out bis miuing in
terests. Those who attended the State Fair
think it surpassed all former fairs of the
Dr. Leavitt has been looking up the
"Leavitts" from far away back in the
1700's, and from ollieia documents re
ceived from Washington the doctor's
great-grandfather. "Peter Leavitt," was
an ollicer in the Revolutionary War.
Mrs. Wells has been visiting her son
Allen for a few weeks, who, by the way,
is the proud father of another boy.
Pleasant Farm has gone out of the
mercantile business on account of more
difficulties arising from profit and Ions.
Mrs. S. J. Vaughn has recently been
quite ill Stony had our "judge" In the
mail service for a lew days last week.
Mr. Vaughn is prepared to convey pas
sengers to and from Oregon City in good
Hop pickers are again returning home.
Onsta Bowman is very ill with typhoid
Chan. Parger la visiting his sister, Mrs. j
Manning, at present. j
Mrs. Hardesty, of Astoria, was visiting
Mrs. Uardcsty, of Mulino, a tow days,
last week.
Fruest Jones has returned home from I
a trip to Southern Oregon, i
Nannie Hosier and Will I .each, both!
of Aurora were visiting here last Sunday. '
The surveyors are progressing with
the railroad survey.
m:-.. v..n; tt....L.... u ..:..;!... a.......
Wallace at present. J
Your Doctor Sends You Here
Alfred Wootlsido made a flying trip lo
Oregon City a few days ago.
A. IViugan, who has been drying hops,
has returned home.
Four Warm Spring squaws passed
through here a few days ago on their
way to Logan.
The dance at Pavne's hop house was
grand all'iiir if tlie fiddle did (all to
Fred Wallace baa gone to Clatskanie :
to work in the logging camp. '
Miss Miller and her father are visiting
the lalter's daughter, Mrs. Mullatl. Mr. 1
Miller intends to start for Kansas in a.
short time. j Q
Lou Puckner had the misfortune of
getting his finger shot a lew days ago.
A ('uuiiiiuiilru'lui
Mr. Kpitok Allow me to speak a few
words in favor of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. I suhVred for three years with
the bronchitis and could not sleep at
nights. I tried several doctors and vari
ous patent medicines, but could get noth
ing to give me any relief until my w ife
got a bottle of ibis valuable medicine,
which has completely relieved me. W.
S. Bkockman, Hagnell, Mo. This rem
edy is for tile by G. A. Harding, druggist.
Mure KloU.
Disturbances of strikers are not nearly
as grave as an individual disorder of the ! f
- I I. ! .-k 1
system. Overwork, loss ol sleep, nervous !
tension will he followed by utter collapse
unless a reliable remedy is immediately
employed. There's nothing so elll. ieiit
to cure disoulers ol the l.iver or Kidneys
as F.lectnc Hitters. It's a wondcrliil
tonic, and effective nervine and the great
est all around medicine fur run down
systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheu
matism and Neuralgia and expels Mala
ria genus. Onlv ,'hc, and satisfaction
i guaranteed by Charmun A Co., druggists.
Prune picking and drying is in full
sway in this neighborhood.
Grace Hampton and Emma Evans
were Portland visitors Saturday.
Mr. Dick has sold his farm east of town
to a Norwegian from Astoria.
Mrs. Handsbro. Mrs. Pilner and Mrs.
Dedinan and children spent the three
last days of the past week at ihe Dalles
visiting relative!.
Mr. Winches has bought the property
on 2nd and A streets, formerly owned by
Mr. Hinkle, of Hubbard. Mr. Winches
expects to move there very soon.
Bore On Thursday, September 17, to
Mr. and Mrs. Newton a son. Mother
and child are doing well with Mrs. Ca
ruthers to take care of them.
Working: Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by those
tireless little workers Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili
ousness, Constipation, Sick Headache
and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troub
les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure Only
25c at Charman & Co.'s drug store.
Take the Enterprise fifty-two weeks
a year.
Eagle Creek.
Rain, rain, rain, has been the order of
the day for several days past.
D;ed at Mrs. Wineset's, on the 12th of
September, of pneumonia, Hugh Miller,
better known as Captain Jack. He w as
an old soldier with but one arm, having
lost the other in the army.
There is as much as one-half ol the
grain still in the field through this sec
The meeting at Eagle Creek September
13th was very poorly attended.
There was quite an excursion on the
train Sunday the I3tb. We expect regu
lar trains to Eagle Creek hereafter, which
will be a great convenience to this sec
tion. Jessie Douglass left on the 13th for
Bunch Grass to work for his brother,
The Heiple machine threshed for J. P.
Woodle, on the 14th.
Frail T?nth is vprv ill at tliA tirtmA nf
m mother, with malarial fever.
George Cummings attended the O. A.
College three days last week for the pur
pose oi taxing examinations belore en
tering on the course.
The ladies of the Kehekah lodge gave
a very enjoyable entertainment and
supoer at their hall last Monday evening.
Games, singing and dancing were en
gaged n until shout 12 o'clock when a
bountiful chicken supper was served.
Ralph Cox met with quite a serious
accident last Saturday while helping F.
Zollner saw wood In some way his
hand came in contact with the buzz saw
cutting off bis forefinger on bis right
hand and cutting the second finger
nearly off.
Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is
a poor man, but be says be would not be
without Chamberlain's Pain Balm if it
cost five dollars a bottle, for it saved him
from being a cripple. No external appli
cation is equal to this liniment for stiff
and swollen joints, contracted muscles,
stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and
muscular pains. It bag also cured num
erous cases of partial paralysis. It ia for
sale by O. A. Harding, druggist.
No appetite, loss of srenglh, nervous)
Mas, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour rising?, and catarrh of
the stomach are all dus to Indigestion. Kodol
core Indigestion. Thla new discovery repre
sents the natural Juices of digestion as they
Hat In a healthy stomach, combined with
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not
only cure Indigestion sod dyspepsia, but this
famous remedy cures all stomach troubles
by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes lining
the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Bait of Rarenawood, W. Vl, st7J
1 was Iroiblod wttb aour stomach (or twenty rrt
Kodol cur ad ma mod wo urn now uMc M la mill
fcx fc.br."
Kodol Digests What Yon 1st
eoueonir. Ii.oo Sin houmc25 flnMttfcstrhi
Aim. which aelii fx SO cants.
tVes ares' by & O. DoWITT ft CO., 0HI0AOO
A I'urgutlve (Measure.
If you ever took DeWitt's Little Early
Risers for biliousness or constipation you
know what a purgative pleasure is.
These famous little pills cleanse the liver
and rid the system of all bile without
producing unpleasant effects. They do
not gripe, sicken or weaken, but give
tone and strength to the tissues and or
gans involved. W. H. Howell, of Hous
ton, Tex., eays "No better pill can be
used than Little Early Risers lor consti
pation, sick headache, etc." Sold by U.
A. Harding.
Beaver free..
Fair weather is again the order of the
S. P. Londigan is building himself a
new house; there must be something g"-
ing to happen pretty soon. J
Miss Nellie Fleming is visiting the
hcanlton laraily again.
H. H. Hughes & Co.'s threshing ma
chine has pulled in and will begin to
bale bay.
u. w. i nomas went to Portland on a
business trip last week.
F. Shannon baa returned home.
A. Thomas and A. Staben left the
country today for Canadian farming
lands ; more to lollow.
Miss Mary Herman left this week for
Hong K.ODg.
Several of the B. C. sports attended
the dance at the borne of the Fisher
brothers this week and enjoyed s fine
time and a better trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Remner and family, of
Hubhard, were the guests of Mr. and '
Mrs. Freeman Sunday. ;
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Till! are visiting ,
friends at Salem this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and daughter, '
of Canby, visited Sunday with Mr. and i
Mrs. Freeman.
C. I, and M. S. IWlow have unties
out for an auction sale, which will take i
place Saturday, September 20, !
Frank May has rented the J. Marks '
place and is moving out there this week.
H. Seward has just finished harvest-
ing his onion crop. The crop was one nf i
the very best. Mr. Seward nail 22)10 1
bushelfolf of three acres. One onion
which Mr. Seward took to market lacked I
two ounces of weighing two Kunds. The I
quality is the very best.
Mr. Freeman has his store about com
pleted and will soon have a lot of new
goods, which he Mill be pleased to show
to his customers at any time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel and family,
of Boyd, Oregon, were visiting last week
with Mrs. Daniel's brother, E. Ogle and
r.cruuso ho known you will pa your nu'ilieino imulo
up as ho pivscrilx's. Ho known also that our tlrugn nro
Fresh. You like to oomo ht'io hooiuiso you uro treated
rifjlit. Wo liko to hoo our customer oven if they only want
a postao stamp.
We Arc Agents For Security Stock Remedies
Evory puckago hoKI on a Hjot cash pinrantw. "No
euro, no pay." No "Hod Tapo" ahout it. If you are not
Nitistioil oomo hack ami got your monoy.
WE aro putting up
ol) por oo pt
wogian (.'ml
a woiulorful
fat protluoor.
Try a bottlo
to contain
Puro Nor
Liver Oil,
tonic ami
in x i m m
n ' ' 7' v '; : ' - 1 3 r
Side Line
Wo have a full lino of
Tahlfts, 1'apn, Poiix, lVn
oils, l'apor and Envoi
njKS, Ink, Etc., at "hod
ro"k" priooH.
p A I M'p Ts ono of our side linos ami wo aro making npocial indiu'oiiionts
i to huvors at this time. Absolutely 1'uio I'lvparod Paint at $1..)
por gallon. I'ss in o galljn quantities. Special prices in puro Lead and Oil.
Wo arc handling a material called "I.aoiueiet" for ntaming and varnishing, at
(lot a can and make your old furniture good as now,
at a very moderate figure
Prying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the socretious,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a fur more serions trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa
and use that which cleanses, aootlios and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm ia such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in tbs head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tha
COc. size. Ely Brothers, CC Warren 8t., N.Y.
The Balm cures without puin, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itnelf
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev.
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream J Jul in you are armed
against Kasul Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
Real property and chattel
loans. Abstracts furnished.
G. B. Uimick, Atty. at Law,
Oregon City, Or,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind .You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Helvey and Mr
and Mrs. Al Jones took a trip into the
foothills luesilay.
Hop picking ended Tuesday afternoon
Ernest Jones made a business trip to
uregon oiiy luesnay anernoon.
The dance and oyster supper aiven bv
Jones and Bond was a grand hit. Miss
Jessie Jackson and Fred H'ounns were
the musicians.
Miss ada Dills and Ern Jones took
dinner at A. L. Jones Sunday.
Fred Wallace has left us for the Co
lumbia Co. logging camps.
Jim Smith's hay baler is in our midst
at the present writing.
The baseball game at Carus Sunday
was "bum." Tlie Maple Lane nine not
Curtis Helvey made a business trip to
ftaiem last Monday.
For Young Men and Young Women,
There ia nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick aa
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well.
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
mussy, their neat appearance ia spoiled
The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can be no better work than is done
at the Troy. Leave your orders at John
son s barber shop.
Miss Laura G i
gon City to atte
Mr. and Mrs. (iinther snent Sun
day with friends in Oregon City.
Miss Carrie Scbuehel. who has ben
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Scbuehel, has returned to Portland.
Miss Delia Bluhro has
land to attend school.
gone to I'ort-
Miss Lena Grossrniller will soon leave
for California.
Homer Fisher, tcnmipanied by bis
motliHr and sisters, visited the carnival
Mrs. John Hickman ami the children
picniced along the Tualatin Friday.
Mrs. Jas. Downey, Mrs. Itarhel Buzby,
Mrs. Fuller, .Mi"s lirorgia Fuller and
Master Everett IViwncy were carnival
visitors .Saturday.
Soe and Hum Ilatdorf and Johnny
Hickman visited the state fair Friday.
Our young (Nxiple In-Ill a jolly carii
fire party op Mr. Sliiplcy'n ranch just
out of town, Saturday evening.
Mis. Will Hod! and baby Florence,
from the Wood camp, visited at the par
ental home Friday.
(i. II. Kogera and wife ere called to
Walla Walla WaHh., Friday by ttie se
vere illness of Mrs. It. 'a father.
Miss Lizzie (Shipley and Mihs Carrie
Fuller visited the carnival Friday.
Mrs. Al. I'tiirkcls anil Mrs. Elinor
Thompson attended the Mate fair Friday.
Sum Mihlstine was a carnivul visitor
Mr. O. F. Olson is enjoying a visit
from a sister.
Miss Maggie Harmon enjoyed a visit
from some of her young friunds Ktinduy.
Little Blanche Bogitrs has bueu sick
for a few days.
An old friend of Grandma Gary's vis
ited with ner Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Blanki-nsbip and
Miss Edna Kentn-y lelt lor the southland
Wednesday. We are very sorry to lose
this estimable family.
Union Hall.
Jno. Thomas and Mr. Draper went to
Oregon City on business last Wednesday.
Mrs. Hilton is not Improving very fast.
She has been crippled with rheumatism
all summer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burns called on
his mother last Sunday.
Mr. and Mia. Wm. I'arker was visiting
l. J. Grimes ana family last Sunday,
Wm. Draper and wife have moved in
Henry A. Hess bouse.
It. Wilkerson called on Mr. Grimes
and family last Sunday,
Edmund Snyder wag in these parts
shaking hands and called on L. 1'. Burnt
district clerk last Monday.
John Thomas Is drying his prunes.
The farmer have their grain about all
threaded and carml for.
Joseph Y'xliir baa wild hi place and
by the Unit of next wmk he and his fam
ily will tu on their wv to Indiana where
they will inaka their fill urn boiue.
A nomWof the young folks from hern
attended the lair at .Salem.
Jim Watson is home for a short visit.
We notice In your last issue a propimal
is made that ('liti kaiims county bold a
county fair. Wu Hunk it a good propo- j
ilion an wu noticed Clackamas' county 1
was not very well reireeutid ' our
state fair, although Clackamas has aa I
good grain, iriut, stock, etc., as any
county and is wh worthy of a placu iu
the show ring. The (armnrs of tbia vi
cinity would tie heartily in favor ol a
county fair ami atjould have so'me say In
the lualti-r as they are of the people who
lamely inuke Ihe fair. We think Canity
would be a more amiable site for such
grounds limn I iUdxtone since it is nearer
Ihe renter ol the county, has plenty ol
good water and ia located on a dry soil
which never guia muddy no matter how
much it ruins. It would aUo ln an ideal
plare for a race track. Wu bopo the
farmers of the county will dinrnnH this
fair proposition and make it a biux-chm.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between Wm,
Trimble and A. J. Ownbey has been this
day dissolved, Mr. Trimble having pur
chased the interest of Mr. Ownbey and
will continue the business at the present
stand. All persons knowing themselves
indebted to the firm will please call at
the shop immediately and settle their
accounts as Mr. Ownbey is desirous of
leaving the city soon.
Oregon City, Oregon, bept.2, 1903.
Ban tlx yf m u m llay "i"" BSCT
Ilie Kind You Haw km
An octagonal shower keepa all thn
dtiHt down part ol the time but there is
not enough rainfall yet to begin plowing.
Fred M otter took advantage of thn line
weather lo burn bis hIiimIiiiik tint, unfor
tunately, thn lire communicated to his
chop mill, burning it to the ground.
Charlie Burling has just returned from
Buker county, wliere he has been at work
all summer.
Mrs. Chris. Borling, of Hazelia, made
her daughter a visit this week
r. tin i.t.. . .
niieaiim sun continues Ills S)T
mons in rnglish every first ane third
numiay evening.
Mrs. Bollard made a trip to town this
f. tl'..: i.. ...
,:iBBiioorn again suuered a se
vere attack uf asthma, fighting for breath
irora iueauay till Thursday of last week.
ner daughter, Mrs. Walter, af Glencoe,
is with her this week and she is able to
ue arounu but is weak yet.
School began for the fall term Monday
Wltl. .......I
tti.h m ai louiiance.
Mr. Weddle is making another cistern,
as be don't seem able to strika water in
any oiner way. '
Sharp's well-diggers are jubilant: they
""" i4:i ki nearly iu loei.
Mohenke Broi.'s thresher is running
in full blast, and by the end of this week
most of the farmers will have their grain
under shelter.
The dance given at Ed Traylor's last
J- nday n honor of the marriage of Jesse
Mayfieldand Miss Lulu Traylor. was a
Fred North and wife left last week for
their claim in Eastern Oregon,
E. Harrington will I. VA sa tin a !.!
larm tnday. October Wn n.:n
sell all bis stock, farm m.-l.'lVJ.J
household fixtares. W. W. If H.f.J
are no higher than those In any other
trade, ami our are no higher than ser
vice rendered demands.
What we undertake to do in a thorough
ami satitUclory manner. There will
not be found alter our workman get
through with a job any defective Joints,
leaky piMs, loose connections or othet
evidences of "scamped" work. Every
I part Kill be perfect, and look perfect,
arid when the bill comes In you'll not
ask for any deduction.
2,(KX) mile of ong dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, VaniiinKn, Cali
fornia ami Malio now in
operation by the 1'acifio
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,2j0
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the natiBfaction of
pemonal communication.
biHtance no effect to
clear unilenitanding. Sp0
kane and Han FrancwcO
as eueily heard as Tort
land. - Oregon City office at
IIarlinr's Draff Ston.
The folio - i- ,etter re
maining in the uostofllce at Oregon City,
Oregon Sept. 24, 11)03:
women's list.
Banlie Miss Mary Dllard Mrs Ma
Brownell MrsCbaaFuson Mrs Luta
Crocker Miss Kutb Fryslie Miss Louise
mim's ust.
Alexander J B Harris K
Andrews II Hodge J M
llourtright B E McKlhaney J M
Crileeer J Fierce J K
Davidson Fruit Co Howley Chas 11
Dennis J Stanley Clyde
Dick K K Stowe Howard
Fritz Geo Trovor James
Fuson Boy Wunder Adam
1'kg H A unuus