Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 18, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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jVour Banking?
No rnattor how am all
no matter how large,
will givo it careful at
tention. This message
applies to tho roon and S
tho women alike. Q
Oregon City Enterprise
UmassnTO Airi.UK. Miry Qrnon
of fyrlngwster, in returned to the state
iuiue snylum Tuesday iiitflit. The
vouisn m comniiltHil to lha sylum
tevsrsl weeks ago but u recently re
leaned on parol. Hti tit tievoine vio
lently Insane attain ml when taken into
custody tied torn her clothing from her
I1kktkd Hs Alice Dumas,
throtmh her attorney, Anstln Craig, ol
Forest Grove, hat brutitftit a tult In tbe
Cltrkiniti county cltcuit rourt sgslnst
Jtuiet M. Dumss, from bom the desires
to be Irgslly separated. Insertion and
(allure to provide are the grounds at
signed (or taking (or a divorce. The
parties were married at Denver la April,
1M7. In addition to ssklng (or decree
ol divorce, the woman detirea to be al
lowed to retime her maiden name which
wta Alice Teliferro.
Osjsits to Wtri't Kisaiso. Frank
Partridge object! to hit wife kitting
other men and for thlt and other reasons
recited In a divorce complaint (lied Mon
day in the Clerk miss county circuit
court Mil lor ft decree of divorce from
bit wife, Ulllan M. rartridm to whom
bs was married at Vancouver, Vahln
ton, In October 1HU0. llecaus of the
tcamltl and humiliation that followed
the action of the wile, the hatband t'kt
to be legally separated from her. tie
alto for the custody of two minor
lUrasnsNTS Two Ohmm. County
JuiIk T. F. Hyan left Hunday morning
lor the Kant. Judge Kan goes first to
Baltimore, Maryland, where, a a dele
gate Irom th it ttate, he will attend In
tmnioin ol the lirend Lodge of (Mil Kel
loss. Following tbe Hireling, of tin or
fnir.tl( n, Judge Ryan will visit for a
lew days with til parents at Lowell. Ms
lacliunett, and then proceed to Little
Hock, Arksnsss, to attend the General
Ursnd Chapter of the Hoyal Arch Ma
tooi. lie expects to be gone about five
Foh 1'KorgaHioNAL Hkhvicki. Harvey
E. Cross tiss brought an action in the
t'lsrksinss county circuit court against
Kohert Murdock and I-ena Hughe tore
cover judgment for 1750 and cotta. The
pIsinlilT alleges that he served at attor
ney for the defendant In connection with
tattling up Hie eatate of the late Martha
A. Moore, the professional service be
ing rendered between Auicust, 1805, and
January, 1'JOJ. The amount for which
judgment la atked la claimed to be due
lor prolveiional aervicet and for money
advanced In connection with the Bottling
ol the eitate.
for equipped than before. Carl CsiifiVId,
formerly ofthlacity.li In charge of the
crew of workmen that I metalling the
system, Aiming the men on the force
who alwi lived in thia city at one time
are Mr. Cooper and lty Wall.
Want 7u:kivkk Ai-imuntkd The
Willamette Land Company Iimh lirmulil
an net Ion huhI Jh. 1. Meier el. tlx, to
recover 7')0 with iniereat. The app.iliit
nient of a receiver I axked to take charge
of the crop ol prime that will thi year
he harveated from Lot 72, I'miieUnd,
('lerksmiia county, which wa given by
morlgnge u tecunty lor a loan. I Indues
A tlrllllili apiieMr a attorney for the
plalmiir corporation.
open teuton lor Cliineae pheaHanl shoot'
liitf extend Irom October 1 to December
I, any atatemetit to the contrary r.ot
witliHtanillng. and liunUirs will find it to
ti elr best advantag to obaerve tlieae
datea. Ten bird conatltute the limit fur
a day and bird ran lie killed for the
market only after November 1A, or tlie
lael two week of toe teaaon.
Tkaciikii Ukt Stat I'ai'kiii In the
recent award hy the state board of edu
cation ol a number of itate diploma and
state certillcaie, leveral Cluckiima
comity educator were honored. County
Huperlntendent Ziiinur la among thoe
wiio received a tiate diploma, Kimilar
recognition w given Kohert Ointher,
of Needy, and Mary A. llickner, OswKgo.
Among iliottt receiving aiam cerllllcate
were: r.lizalwlli lliick, rnrkplace; and
Viola Oodlrey, ol Oregon City.
Kiner, t l'ortland contractor, who I
completing the contract for an extensive
tawer nvntem in thi city, ban paid a
fine of T for using profane and abusive
language toward City Recorder Curry
in tlie pretence of the latter! wife and
fainily . Klner had controversy witli
Recorder Curry with reference to the
ewer connection being made by citizen
ol the city before the newer la completed
tnd accepted by the city and thi was
the occasion for tlie nse bv the contractor
of Improper language, A few week ago
mncr pant a limtlar tine in trie city po
lice court for assaulting a workman in
his emnlor. At Una rate tlie citv ia get
ting back a imalt traction of the sewer
contract money that ha been paid Klner.
Strkkt Carnival A Succehs. With a
fund of less than $400, the management
ol the Oregon City free etreet fair and
ctrmval baa met all obligation and cre
ated a deficit of lest than 100, that will
be met by the business men. This sst
"factory result I due largely to the ener-
fftfic work of J. II. Howard, of this city,
no acted a manager of the enterprise
Mr. Howard baa been offered the posl
tlon of advunra nrnmnlur ol Arnold's bill
fjiow for the next year and may accept
otter. ConsitUring the limited
mount of fund with wblch the manage-
DlBIt had to work, tbe fair and carnival
as a success. Mr. Arnold, owner of tbe
Arnold SIlntL'l nai.t ll.a tnamunmAnt nf
siTnir a compliment by Baying that
'be mine fair and attraction could not
JJiven at any other point for loss than
Kaimkm Gooo Cokn. Jacob MefTurd,
who reside two mile aouih of Lebanon,
on the hank of the Hantiam, it demon
strating tlie fact that com cu be raised
In Oregon. Mr. Mefford baa but eight
acre of land, but last year he had '1
acre of corn that yielded about 80 bush-
els per acre. Thli year he ha the tame
amount of corn, but is confident that be
will receive $100 bushel per acre. Thi
corn Is plauted in row about three feet
part each way, and average three stalk
to the hill. The corn stands about ten
fmt all over the Held and It I no uncom
mon sight to tee two large well-formed
ear ou one stalk, qjr. Aleiiora also
raise UrawUirriea, and this year ou
about three-fourth of an acre he cleared
100, net. Albany Herald.
Orritoulan and Enterprise. '
The regular subscription price of The
Knterprise la 11. oO and the regular aub
acrlption price ol the Weekly Oregonian
t A. A -..I 111 ','
It 11.00. Anyone tuoiH-riuing lor me
Kntertirlte and psvlng one year In ad
vance can get both The Knterprlae and
the Weekly Oregonian one year lor VI,
All old aubicrlberi paying their subscrip
tion (or on year In advance will be en
titled to the tame oiler.
Emi'Mymrnt o Tiaciixk. County
Huperlntendent Zinser announces that
there will be a number ol chauget tint
year in the teacher that are employed
In the variotit schooli of Clackamas
count,. In addition to tbe placing ol
the teachara aa published two week ago,
huperlntendent Zinser glvea tbe follow
ing telectiona aa made by the different
boards of directors: Minnie Urace, ol
( larks, to have charge u( the primary
department ol the school at Warren, in
Columbia county, wnicli open monuay ;
Anna T. Hinlth, now teacher in the
8-apiKe ex bool, will likely be tucceed
ed by Mis I-ou Albee, of Mllwaukle;
Mian Ostlund lis been engaged to teach
tbe Kat-le Creek school ; Minnie V. Leabo
will leach the bainion school No. 6; Mis
(ierlrmle I mux. who last year taught at
Oswego, ha been elected fourth teacher
for the Milwaukieicliool; r. b. Mumi n k,
of Mackxburg, ha engaged the Cam
cliool; Mr. Laura E. Black, ol Sunny
tide, i the new principal of tne Harmony
achoohlda Roberts, nf Firwood, will
leacn ai ueorge ; r.veijru vonuii, u,
tonville, ha the Union School District
No. 60; Edna Armstrong, ol Portland,
who last year taught the Leland tchool,
District No. (10. will thi yearhavecherge
of department ol the Clackama school j
Clementina Bradford, of the Mt. Pleas
ant school, te tbl year at New Era; Mis
Daisy McAnulty, of I'arkpUce, will toach
at Dauisscu; C. C. Maricle and Rettft
Rrldgo, of Mulino and Cottreii, respec
tively, will teach at those points another
Tftddlee I i:.'d t ' (...- -of
BtmddU's. I".: -
Waddltm Yon lion'l -iv
has he done?
The other tby 1 n:!-..!
ntind and irlvp i.:c hit "';
tlclo of lulm on 'l''. c Ii'i "'i;'
Well, he cairn- n 11 rU'ht: '.v.
ft little think' of 1 Imonvm f-r
ftod, confound him. lie w:i
veiling with his ei:otls;K nl
l.'i.i '
1 .:v. '. '
I' ! IT
1.1 to
Vd !!
'I ti.-
. Ni"v Ei.kctkic Wiiuno. Workmen
'f tlie Northwest Electric Company
ve begun the installation of new
wtric wiring system in the plant of the
'"Hon City Manufacturing Company
"t will cost the woolen mill people a
wnaiderable sum. Contractor Jonea is
"placing the burned building at the
oolen millg with new and improved
'rm tureB, When the extensive changes
"t are being made are completed, the
Urf,K"n City plant will be larger and bet-
in Alan? I'lavra.
Mrs. McCiill-l you've not a new
girl. Ha alio hud much experience as
a cook?
Mr. Hiram Offen-Apparently not
much, but many, nnd I propone to give
bet notice to huut up another expri
ftacti whon her week's up.-rhllndcl-phlft
Qalte Fmlll.
Doctor Do I think I can cure your
efttarrtt Why, I am sure of 4t
Patient o you're vory fftmlllftr wlta
t3e disease T
Doctor I should sy sol I've bad It
tnyiolf all my Ilfe.-Jftdge.
HI Deoaptlv Apn.
They sny he got rk-h writing th
wonl of popular songs."
Yot to look at him you'd think he
had at least ordinary intelllgence."
Cldcago Record-Hcrnld.
The Urnulns ve. Ounterrdtn.
The genuine is always belter than a
counterfeit, but the truth of this state
ment is never more forcibly realized or
mre thoroughly appreciate. It ha n when
vou compare the genuine DeWilt l W itch
llael Salve with the many counterfeits
and worthier substitutes that are on the
market W. 8. Ledhetter. of Shreve-
ort La , fays: "After using numerous
o l er remedies without benelit one box
o t win's Witch Hazel Salve cured
' . .. ..i.,!. i i.l.u.,1 nir. tehinir and
me. ror ion"'. , v " . .
.. ! ...... ia pimnl to
protrtiding puc u" ","" V,' ,i K
DbWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, bold by
J. A.Hanling.
traluluar tehools In Whlrh Bi
valve Are Taoalil Some .
"A school for oysters." said ft denier1
lu fish, "1 an Institution tbnt you
would sweur could not exist, for oyt-!
tcr ore notoiiou for their stupidity.
It Is, however, it fact that there are t
nmny oyster schools. I will explain j
tlieui to yon In such n wny Hint you
will believe In them. An oyster's Intel- j
llgence Is limited, but still It hns Intel
ligence. Year ngo certain wine flsb
dealers discovered Unit If you take an
oyster suddenly from Its subaqueous
bed It open It shell, whereupon the
life giving water Inside It all escapes
and the oyster dies, lint If you ex
pose an oyster to the air gradually,
lifting It out of tho water for few
minutes and then returning It again, It
gradually loam that to keep Its shell
closed when out of the water Is the
bct thing for Its health. These Inve
tlgnlors found Unit they could take two
oysters, one trained and one untrained,
and the trnlned oyster, keeping Its shell ,
closed while out of the water, would
live long time, while tlie untrained
Olio, opening It shell, would die In a
few hours. Therefore training school
for oyter were established. The
schools are In appearance nothing more
than reservoir full of water. Oyters
tre put In them, and the water Is drain
ed oJT and then returned again. It Is
kept off for a few minutes at first, then
for ten minute, then for half an hour
and so on. Oysters In these schools
team that tlicy will live longest and
keep healthiest out of water If they
hold their shell tight shut. As soon
they learn this they are graduated and
go out Into the worl(L"-riil!adelpbla
A Qalrk Willed Partrldc.
Nesting upon the ground, the par
tridge Is likely to be disturbed. A bird
of this species was once startled by a
plow passing within a yard or so of Its
nest. Destruction was almost cer
tainty, us tlie plow must pass entirely
over It In the next round, and the la
borer wondered how the partridge
would act. Tlie time necessary for go
ing around the field was about twenty
minutes, yet In that almost Incredible
period the parent bird had effected the
removal of some twenty-one eggs to a
aafe spot Careful search led to tlie
discovery of the bird calmly seated up
on her treasure In the bottom of th
hedge oat of reach of the plow. Nine
teen partridge chicks were eventually
batched and duly escaped unmolested.
-London Tit-Bits.
Tk laavaloaa Macala.
The magpie Is nothing If not Ingen
ious. He always barricades bis bulky
nest with thorn branches, so that to
plunder It la by no means an eaay mat
ter, but when clrcumatance oblige the
"pie" to build In a tow bush or hedge-
in absence of lofty trees being a mark
ed feature of some northern localities
be not only interlaces his home, but
alto the entire bush, in a most form Ida
ble manner. Nor does he stop here. To
"make assurance double ture" be fash
Ions meana of exit as well as entrance
to tbe castle, so that If disturbed be
can slip out by his back door, as It
A Trylaa- P allloa.
Oubberly-What's the matter? Is
that widow I've seen you with trou
bling you?
CnsUeton-Yes. on my nerve. 1
can't mnke up my mind whether she Is
going to marry me or not. Detroit
Free Press.
liar to Bead Off.
Wantnnno I wonder if Gabsky will
recite for me at my little party thi
evening? '
Dunno He will unless you know
tome aa yet undiscovered way to pre
vent him. Baltimore American.
Geo SJatara.
"What would you do If I were to offer
you Work?"
"It u'd be all right, mister," answer
ed Meandering Mike. "I kin take a Joke
fts well aa anybody." Washington
noma of Swamn-RM.
Have You
Seen the
If you want to see tbe latest things in Men's Wearing Apparel
ffivo us a call, an we are now better prepared to meet the increased
demand for up-to-date roerchandiHe. Our latest arrivals are the
newest creations and most up-to-date clothing and overcoats made
by Hart, SchafJner & Marx.
one of tbe most reliable con
cerns making hand-tailored
clothes. Our new fall and
winter line of the celebrated
W. L. Douglas Shoes are here
in all the latest shapes. One
of our new additions to our
immense stock of reliable mer
chandise is the celebrated
Uawe'b 13.00 hats in the lat
est blocks. They are guaran
teed to' bold their shape and
color. By careful buying we
are now prepaJed to give you
better values than our com
petitors, as all our goods are
bought from the most reliable
concerns in the country. Give
us a call and be convinced.
j. m.
V Marx
tland Tutored1
: J 1'..''-"
I I-'
Clothier and
Cor. 6th and Main, Oregon City Oregon
MngfBc and ExjifB,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all Darts of the city.
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals
Watches, Clocks, Spectacles
First Class Repairing
All Goods and Work Warranted
Central Home Telephone
All kinds of Building
Material, Sash, Doors
Moulding, Etc. - -
BijUili oreqon city- obe- r
Sft"-t--",B" i
EnterpristTand V. Oregonian $2.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blool
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once eveiy three minutes.
I no Kluneys ro your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
Impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fait to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid In the
blood, due to neglected
Kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart Is
over-working In pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. Tho mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on Its merits
by all druggists In fifty
cent and one-dollar siz
es. You may have a
samplo bottle by mail
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
tc Co., Blnghamton, N. Y.
Don't make any mistake, but remem-
kA. Ihii noma Sttamn.Pnnl Tr ITillna,'!
swamp-Root, and the address. Eing-
i . XT V 1 . . 1 .
DBOiiuu, 11. 1., ou ever uuuie
I ( 557MAFJ the
' J iir, n Va V 'm "aaaa1 .
i I s- 11 n '