Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 18, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
(lin Wnlnlinrd Itiillillnu) liavellieclmlu
rat city, suburban and country prop
rrty lor mixlk t pricea,
ratoa. llKtn..ii A (liiifKiTii.
jxir cent. Kami security. U'Kkn ft
imiiN of money belonging to iirlvnln
Individual which 1 am authorized to
loan, on long llnifi at (I mkI 7 Hr cent.
Coat ol limn will be made very reason
able. II. K, Choh. attorney at law.
1'crsonal Mention !
Konald Jiii'k.n, of Portlmiil, in an
Oregon CHy visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mri. K I.. Johnson woro vlxlt
or at the '" fnlr Tlmraday.
Mi I.ulu AiIniiih, of Iviigniin, liua Ijcuii
visiting with friend in t1ii city.
It. K. Woodward ami famllv have rs
turned from a trip to Klrn Oregon,
Minn Klin Alhtlglit visited In HkIdiii
thin week, tbe guest of Mia Lucia (,'ocli
ran. Mia Mary Conyera, of Clatakanln, v!i-
itrd tin week with friends In Oregon
Mri. T. W. Foul mid Mri. Clia. At-
trklit apent a Iw tiny i at halem tlili
Krancla Galloway ha gone to Kugeue
tut will enter tbe slain u ii I vomit r iu the
frvnlinun clam
W. II. Moodv Ktnl J. U. Campbell
went tn Hnlet.i Tueaday to take In the
lair for few dayt.
C. H. Moore ami C. O. Huntley went
to Halein Wmliwmlur to iend a fuw
lay at tlio tle fair.
Minn Lucy Dove and Otto Hoax, of
I'ortlnnil, were tlia sueat last Sunday of
Mik (trace Mareliall.
I. Hinalieiiner, of New York City, u
tlii week the guest of lil daughter, Mr.
K. T. Field In tbUrlty.
10 J. Koentiiln has gone to Corval
I'm Mi'l will attend IIih nuts Atcrlrtiltursl
college again thl winter.
Lee Wt'ntover. of the Courier, lis
uone to Seattle to (pend a week
eeing and vlalting with friend.
W. A. Proctor, of the Arm of I'roctor
V IliMir. lunihvr dealer of Cottrell, wa
In the city Monday on bualnea.
KherilT J. It. Shaver and Aaaemtor
'elon were among lhe Oregon City via
itor to the at4te fair Wedneaday.
Henry Mehlrum and Henry Horn
m huch have gunn to Sipiaw Lake where
Uiey w ill hum and Hah lor aume (line.
W. II. Itonney, of Viola, wa In the
city laal Saturdar and called at the En
terprlae olllce to leave hi Hubacriptlon.
Tearl Mo!er liaa rnturnetl from Eaat
rn Oregon and ha reaumed hi old
pine) with tho firm ol Adam Bro. in
thl city.
Win. Miley, of Aurora, wa a bualneg
. . . . L-'i' i.. nr. m;u
vieuor io una ciiy iurn..
la one of the county cominlaaioner for
Marion county.
Ir. Fred It. ledi!. of Everett, Waah-
ington, la expected In the city the latter
part of the month for a visit with rela
tive in thi city.
MiHMca Angle Williams and Martha
Koerner have joined the Oregon City
contingent of aludeiita t the biate t ni
veraity at Eugene.
M V.ilna and (Mara Cailfleld. Wil
llnm Koerner and Charles Kohinaon, all
of tbia ritv. are thl vear attending the
l'ortland Academy.
Mia Alice K. Kilter, of Needy. w
laiU)r to Oreiron City Wednesday. Mini
Kilter ia ttie livit correspondent for the
Enterprise at Needy.
Howard Latouretle ha returned from
Forest drove where he ha been seeing
to it that the barveatlng of the hop crop
irogronmxl latlafactorlly
Charle Bollinger, Arthur Dotite and
Will B. Shlvely have returned to Foreat
Orove where they will reaume ineiriuu
ie at l'aciflc University.
Don Meldrum, who returned thl week
from a himinea trio to Idaho, ha gone
in F.oiriinn. where he will resume hi
ntudie at the tate university.
M IMnntiromerv. Sr.. of Portland
visited with friends in this city during
the week. Mrs. Montgomery Is prepar
ing to go to Pennsylvania to live
M.r.li FrakAa. of IOiran. wts in the
lty Tuesday on business. Mr. Krakes
will act as correspondent for the Kilter
prise Irom that proierous section of the
C. H. fiarver, s successful farmer of
iarfleld, was a visitor in Oregon City the
latter part of last week. Mr. fver la
nn extensive raiaerof hogs and llnds it s
profitable business.
O. H. Ttrown, of New Era, was in the
city last Monday. Mr. Brown is sn ex
tensive potato raiser of Clackamas county
and report that be will this year harvest
41000 bushels of spud.
Miss Berths snd Merrill Moore leave
tomorrow for Corvallis where they will
re-enter the sgrlcultural college, (tordon
will probably attend Willamette Univer
sity at Salem thi year.
m. u 1 If. Turnov. accom
panied by a number of young people of
this city, attended s dance at Krebs
Bros.' hop yard near Brook last Satur
day night. They report a grand time.
Dr. W. K. Carll, J. W. Cole, Charles
Albright, W. II. Moody, K. B. Beattie,
John Heurth, Kobert Van Hye and J.
U. Campbell were among the Oregon
Cityite who attended the fair at Salem
II. O. Hickman ha returned to Port
land and resumed bis studies st tne
medical college of the University of Ore
gon. This is Doc's third year and his
many friends are pleased to note the
progress he is making in preparing lor
liln Humeri .n,f,.i,,n I Iii upwul IiIn
summer piulluhly ,y Mtotly i riuc in Hih
ol the leuilmg IoihI 1 iy MU-litim.
l'lof. C. II. Jo nin. ol Hlmn. Mttemleil
the seaalnim of tlio Clackaiua county
teachers' liiHlltute In thin cltv this week.
I'rol. Joneii In tlio editor of 'the Oreuon
Teachers' Monthly and lis wu In the
city In the interest of that publication.
J. A. Munhnke. aliliMiinir clerk for the
Crown Mill, left Haturdav over the
Northern Pacific for tliH Hound cities
nil lirltlsli Columbia, where he expects
to coiiiliiiie himlmmt with iileaHtirn and
tlinrnhy npiiml a proflUhle two week.
Jack I.nioiirett Imi returueil to Kn-
lii'im to tuke up hU courrte at the Htnte
utilvervily. I In will tie-in wliftre he led
(ill' lat year If he hat not forgotten It all,
Jm k li Jolly kooiI fellow and will he
lorely IiiImnkiI durlriK the winter rnuiilhi
hy hla guntliiiinin frlumla and othera.
Mini Mattle Dratmr ha returned from
TiotfA. near lmu lleaeh, where with a
nuuiher ol other ymiiiir ladle from thia
city rihe ha been enjoying an ontliiK.
Mr. Laura rotie, Mr, franklin I.
(irillilli, Mihhii WiHiier, Trail and I'ope,
of ttiia city, and Mia rillhury, of l'ort
land, will return home tomorrow.
1'.. K. Charman, T. 1 C'harrmn, of
thla city, and Omar VViNiner, of Mil-
watlkie, hivn returned from an outiiiK
at the linne of Mt. H'mhI. OiirinK the ten
lav that were panned In the near vicin
ity ol tlil fatnou mountain peak, mem
lien of the party were ahle to ee the
aiiiiiinU but twice hecaune of the folKy
and rainy weather. Home Hpleimld IIhIi-
IiiK t enjoyed hy the party In Clear
Lake. Mr. Charman report that the
flth racka at the Halmon riyer hatchery
have "tillered rontdrahle damag a a
remill of the hluh water IoIIowIiik the re
cent rain. Many of the rack were
waahed aa far down atreani a Sandy.
Juat received, new tyle In hit, cap
and veil at Mia UuMamlth a.
Srrr Millinery Store.
K. C. Hamilton, who recently became
the nroorielor of the lt"d Erjnt ature
will, aa formerly, carry a complele line
of ui-to-dat and eaitonahle lulllineiy.
Thi department of the IiuhIiich will be
in charge of &ira. Hamilton, who ha re
tained for the ncanon the aervicea of Mr.
riimnaa, who lor a number of yearKave
audi faultlea Hatiafai tioti in the capacity
of trimmer. A larKe and complete liue
f the beat millinery good will be car
ried. Ladio are urued to call and In
aMi t the Hamilton (tock belore makin,
Fam Morris, the famou Indian pitcher
ol the Portland Drown, looked uuon the
firewater several time laat evening, anil
as a consequence be was arrested at two
o'clock this morning near the Union
DeMt, saysThursday'Oregotilan. Very
much the worse (or wear, he was landed
in the uolice station. Several persons
nn Sixth street heird two pistol shots
few minute before Morn was lantlert in
jail. They saw the patrol wagon stop as
the thota were nieu, ami aiso saw mo
man who had attempted toecpe liauleil
imide attain. The olhcera who tnaile the
rreat admit there waa trouble with Hor
rla. tiut aa tied mouth order prevail
around the atatton iuat now. they dare
not aay they shut at the escaping pns
Social Events
Mr. Fred Fontaine, of Bumpier, and
Miss Nellie Donahue, of Cottrell, Clack
amas county, were married at tho home
of the bride's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. m.
C. Donahue, at Cottrell, Wednesday,
September 1(1, 11103. Mr. Fontaine is
native Sa em Dov ana is now tocaieu ai
Kmnntnr where lie is auccossiully en
oHiri'd in the leual nrofesslon. The bride
is one of Clackamas conntys uiresi
daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Fontaine have
none to Salem where they will spend
fewdavs. After a visit at Seaside and
other lower Columbia river points, they
will return to Sumnter where they will
Rchool liooks snd school supplies st
Charman A Co. the leading druggist
and booksellers.
Stats of Ohio, Citv okTolkdo.1 sb.
Lucas Coi ntv. f
Frank J. Cheney makes an oath tha
he is the senior partner of the firm of F,
J. Chsney A Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah
Cure. FltANK J, CllKMSi,
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this Cth day of December,
A. D. 1890.
I BItAL NotaryPublic
Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inter
nally end acts directly on the blood and
mucous surtaccs 01 lue aysujru. do
for testimonials, free.
F.J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, 0,
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
w.n.l Oirl for Housework. Small
family, good pay. Inquire at Huntley'i
drug store.
Tragedy Arerted,
nr.... in thanirk of time our little boy
v.. BQVIUl writes Mrs. W. Watkins, o
ti t rd nhin. "Pneumonia had
ilaved sad bsvoc with him snd a terrible
cough had set in besides. Doctors treated
bra but he grew wu.
, .1. rr k irnr'a New DlW
t. rnnanmntion. and our darling
.-a Ha' now sound, and well.
Everybody ought to know, it's the only
ure cure lor Coughs, Colds snd all Long
diseases. Guaranteed Dy
5Vr TimcBiaia. Pr ce 60c snd $1.00.
Iill.i V "FiB
Trial bottle Iree.
Go to Miss Goldsmith's snd see those
new styles in ready-to-wear hats and
Drying nrcparatloiu lmply to
op dry caturrli ; they dry up the aefiretion,
which ailhero to the memhrane and deoom.
iioa, oauaing a fur more riou troiiMe than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ii. InlmlatiU, fame, mokei and nutl
and UM thut which cluanae, aoothe alia
heal. Ely' Crara Balm U uch a remedy
and will cure catarrh or oold in the head
eaaily and pleaaanUy. A trial alue will be
mailed for It) cnU. All druKlU
W)o.ijKi. Ely Brother, CC Warren Ht., M.x.
The Jlnhn cure without pain, doe not
trrlinia nr nana iiaeziuir. It itimad itaelf
over an irritated and an(rry aurfaee, roliev.
Inn ImtiKiliately thepoiiiful Jnllammauon.
With Ely' Cream Ualra yoo are anued
agaiuat h'aaul Catarrh and UuJ fevor. ,
rounrv kijlcatokh cosukkoate.
Huccemful Hmlon Chiekama Terli-
era' Institute Held Till Week.
Oregon City wa thl week invaded by
a amall army of bright eilucator. Ih
occaalon waa the annual Cli'kamai
county teacher Inalituieand thetjather-
iiiK waao,uilerepreeiiiBiiveoi mo mini"
youn, iieople of the county. More than
one hundred iicceH(ul teacher of Clack-
m county were in attendance at me
mcellhua, which were held at the tar-
!lv achool buil'linif. lhe opening
aioii wu hiddTueaday morning, adjourn
ment takinif plate Iliurauay alternoon.
In conductinu the aeaion of the insti
tute, Couipy 8iiperintendent Zinner w
aaaiNted by the following corp of compe
tent lecturer: Blate cuperinie oeoi.
Ackerman, of Salem: City Huperinfnd
ni Uiilwr. l'rof. L). A. Grout aud ElHe
A. I'utteraon, of the Portland echool.
The inatitnto wa one of the moHt enc
ceaaful ever held In thi county. Lec
ture were given both alternoon and
evening hy the prominent educator
named. There waa but a ingle depart
lire Iroin the routine programme. On
Wednesday evening State Superintend
ent Ackerman delivered a lectu-e at the
county court honae, the auhject of tne
addreea being "The Trend, What la It?"
Lateat novellie In ready-to-wear hats,
cap and veil at C. (joldtimith'a.
City Superintendent Clark Ha Some'
thing Te Say About Registration.
The Oreiron City public school will
ntii.il MullllaV. rwiiieuioer o. Ill mm
1 L ni 1- tl.la
nrinrtinn. Citv Superintendent Clark
give the following announcement re
r.i ilia rpviutrat on 01 iiunim:
All eighth trade and high school pupil
will report at the Barclay building; also
those of grade below the eiahth grade
l.n live on Main Rtreel or on me uui
tiorth of Seventh and west of Jackson.
1'unil hvinu on the hill soinii ot nev
eiith street and east of Jackson, will re
ort at the tastham building.
All first or marv BUOIIS rausi unwi
the first week of this term,
as new classes cannot be formed in this
grade after the first week of school.
The member of Orenon City Lodge
No. 30 of the Fraternal Urolliernooa
entertained their friend at a social and
dance at Woodmen hall Tuesday even
ing. There w a a good attendance in
cluding many members of the order
from Portland.
Grand millinery display at at the Red
Front Septcmlier 25 and 26. Sept 25
Th Prattle of a Bright child.
At times It cannot be denied the ques
tions of children become irksome, but
who w ould wish a child to ask no ques
tions? Julius Sturm tells In one of his
pretty fairy tales how a grandfather,
driven Into Impatience by the constant
questionings of hi grandchild, ex-
clnlmed. "I wlh your tongue were out
of Joint!" But when unexpectedly his
wish was fulfilled and the child beceme
dumb how he Joyfully exchanged one
of tho two year w hich an angel had
prophesied be wa yet to live for the
privilege of hearing the little one's prut
tie again!
"What do you think of my speechT'
said the aspiring yowns; orator.
"Not bad." said the cold man of ex
"I devoted a great deal or tnougni to
"Yes, thafs a mistake young men
are apt to mane, iou iui iuuusuu
Into your speeches instead of telling
the audience stories."
Eti at That.
Ons The Idea of his saying I had
more money than brnJns! Quite ridlc-
Jack That so?
Gus-Of course. Why, I haven't got
Jack Wcll?-Phlladelphla Ledger.
Comes HlarB.
Knieker Experience Is the best
Booker-Well, aren't we always rais
in her salary 7 Harper'a Bazar.
Lazy Liuor
With a torpid liter, which produce! eonitlpa
tlon. IidundCASCAKETStobaallyottalalm
for them, and secured such relief the Drat trial.
a atn oeeu iroaoir m Brw u
that I ourobaaed another supply and wu com-
pletelr cured. Iabalt only oe too lad to reo
ommena tMoinu wucuc in mo uyKiiuwj
ts presented." J. A. smith.
vm suaqueuaaaa at., -nuueiyui, r
Pleannt. Palatable, Potent. Tsate Good. Da
Good. Hirer BlcAen. Weaken, or Gripe. Kle.fta.aia.
tra ttmttt C.n., Oku., UmHwU. Sot tart. SB)
tee) Tfl Df) Sold and rnsrantred by all Srafw
V AtSt Tobeeoo tUMk
V niADff mass mmmutBjtr
at louiest PORTIiAflD prices.
We furnished the Oregon City Schools with School Supplies.
Why? Recause we sell CHEAPER and were awarded
the Contract.
Our motto i3 "Trade with us and save money."
Prescriptions and Family Receipts
Call and
see the Gage
bati. M'ib
Sept 25
Dr. Beatie & Beatie Dentists. Rooms
16, 17, 18. Weihard building.
F.d Smith waa iciven ten days Tuesday
by City Recorder Curry for drunkenness
and disorderly conduct.
The tre of I. -llIMT will be
cloiM-d Tuedj, MrpK-mln-r ,
owing to the Jewlh .'W Year.
Hate, hats, hats. Come snd see our
beautiful hats. Mrs. II. 1. biadeo.
Sept 25.
MarriMi At Parkulace on Tuesday
evening, September 15, Mary Ella Bell
and Charles Straight, nev. c. a. won
inger officiating.
l.atllea are very eordlally Invited
to attend the grand millinery opening of
Miss C. Uoldmith's Friday aud Satur
day, September 25 snd 20 and following
day. Sept 25
Prrvtnr Beers, of Cottrell. want six
teams to haul ties and lumber. Address
or telephone Proctor A Beers, Cottrell,
Oregon. Sept. 25.
Congregational church The" pastor
will preach Sunday at the usual hours.
In the evening the theme will be "A
Message to Teachers, rarenis anu iru
pils." Miss Maysie Foster will sing.
Tuendar, September H. being
the Jewldi .lew a ear, ino
Inery afore ot Mla C. Cioldamlth
will be cloaed.
Two mairiaue licenses were issued by
County Clerk Sleight Tuesday as fol
lows: Seme Uonatiue ana rreu ruu
taine; Jeunie S. Carroll and Wm. T.
Millinery display. September 22, 23
and 24. A full line of trimmed hats, tne
latest styles. Mrs. H. T. Bladen. Sept 25
Wanted: Girl for house work,
one 'WHO unurniaaun .-
First clan traices paid Apply
at store of I. Nrlllng.
Walter H., the ll-months old eon of
Mr .nil Mra. John breen. died ai me
family home Fridav, September 11, of
cholera infantum. Funeral services were
held st the home Sunday alternoon, con
ducted by Rev. J. H. Beaven.
John K. Draper, the land office attor
ney, bas anatner cneni to aueuu w iu
connection with his large business. A
baby girl was born at the Draper home
on the West Side Sunday and John can
not keep from announcing tne iaci oy a
smile of great dimensions.
Rnveral Dronertv owners are making
application under the Bancroft bonding
act for the payment of their assessments
on the Jackson street improvement.
The assessments are now due and pay
able and the time for making applica
tion under the Bancroft law expires Sep
tember 22.
Don't fomet millinery opening at Mis
Goldsmith's September 25 and 26. 6ept.
David Close, of this city, who suffered
tlm I oa nf a limb in a railroad accident
in tbe local switch yards several weeks
aco. ha returned to Oregon City from
the Portland nospitai. air. taoeo us
gone to bis little home at Clackamas
where ue will spena nis reuiaiuiux uj,
a particular friend of the pioneer rail
road man baving purcnaseu iue prupm ijr
and discharging all obligations that
threatened to take from Mr. Close the
title to the home.
Mr Montgomery, who recently re
ceived tbe contract from the city for the
oioaninu nf Main street, performed the
eery ice for sbout a wees, wnen uo uio-
posed ol hi street cieanmn omu wj w
noiiua O'lVinnell. who was the second
ln.oat hiil.lnr for tha work. Mr. O'Don
nail will now attend to the cleaning of
the streets. The work of Mr. Montgom
ery the few days that be held the con-
tract, was quite saviBiatiuij
plisbedin the streets a decidedly inv
proved appearance.
a mnM the notable features of the Ar
gonaut for September 21, 1903, are "Vir
ginia City: A Place of Dreams snd
Vihtmoraa " atrikina- sketch ot the
L,n.n,i inwn with its many stories of
th. .,l,lfln rhanees of fortune's wheel,
k orl,linn Ronner: a letter from the
A runn.llf '1 NeW York correspondent;
"Not Down iu the Log: The Story of the
thn Schooner Hnlda Spidds,"
k Jnhn Flemini Wilson: "Mrs. Diss at
ri..nnitonM- a Visit to the Wife
Mexico's President," by Mrs. F. D,
a Speoialtv
Merchant ; an article entitled "Anecdotes
of Salisbury ;" and a criticism of Florence
Roberts in "Gioconda" and Henry
Miller and Margaret Angjin in "After
math." Millinery opening at Miss Goldsmith's
September 25 snd 26. Sept 25
School supplies
drug store.
st Charman & Co.
The Mother' Club will meet At the
borne of Mrs. Browoell Thursday, Sep
tember 24, at 2:30 p. m.
City scboola commence Monday and
we can supply the books for all grades at
lowest Portland prices. Charman A Co.
The river steamer N. R. Lang wa
this week brought no the river from
Portland where it baa been undergoing
some needed repairs.
Mrs. Hsmilton' grand millinery op
ening at the Red Front will take place
on Friday and Saturday, September 25
and 26. The attendance of the ladies of
the city and vicinity is especially urged.
Sept 25.
Millinery display. September 22, 23
and 24. Mrs. H. T. Sladen. Sept 25
Matilda, wife of John Yigelins, died at
tba family home in this city Wednesday
night. The deceased, who came to Ore
gon City 21 years ago from Germany,
was aged 43 years and death resulted
from Bright's disease. A husband, a
mother and four children survive the de
ceased. Fuueral services will be con
ducted at the home Sunday afternoon
and burial will take place in Mountain
View cemetery.
The many trienda of Mort Latourette
will be glad to learn that he is rapidly
recovering from the sickness and opera
tion attending his recent attack of ap
pendicitis. It U expected he will be
able to leave St. Vincent's hospital and
return to his home' in this city early
next week.
Don't forget Mrs. Hamilton's mill'in
ery opening, September 25 snd 26.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Green take this
means of expressing their thankful ap
preciation for the many acts of kindness
and sympathy shown them by neighbors
and friends in tbe death and burial of
their dear child.
New veilings and tailor made hats just
srrived at Miss Goldsmith's. Sept 25
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ Scientist Garde
building, corner 7th and Main Btreets.
Services at 11 a. m. Tbe subject of tbe
sermon Is "Reality." Children's bun
day school meets at 12. Testimonial
meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p. m.
Readina room open luesaays, lnursuays
and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m.
Charman A Co. drumrists and book
sellers can supply any book used in tbe j
schools of Oregon City or Clackamas
county at lowest Portland prices. j
Like the running brook, the
red blood that flows through
the veins has to come from
The springs of red blood are
found in the soft core ot the
bones called the marrow and
some say red blood also comes
from the spleen. Healthy bone
marrow and healthy spleen
are full of fat
-Scott's Emulsion makes new
blood by feeding the bone
marrow and the spleen with
the richest of all fats, the pure
cod liver oil.
For pale school girls and
invalids and for all whose
blood is thin and pale, Scott's
Emulsion is a pleasant and rich
blood food. It not only feeds
the blood-making organs but
cmvps them strength to do
their proper work.
Send for free (ample.
crnTT HOWNE. Chemist.
mk Pearl Street. New York.
jjcaudSi.oo; all dragguU.
The greatest Exposition and Live
Stock Show on th Pa
cific Coast.
J High Class Racing every afternoon a
$12,000 in Cash Premiums
on live Btock and farm
J AU exhibits hauled free over the
Southern Pacific
Reduced transportation rates on
all lines.
Live Stock Auction Sale
held in connection with fair.
Fine camping ground free and re-
duced rates on camper' tickets
Come and bring your fam
ilies. For further in
formation, write
fl. D. Wisdom, Secretary
I Portland, Ore.
2,000 miles of ong dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
Ssrsonal communication,
istance no effect to s
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Fort
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Drug Store.
V-r '
Oregon City Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 75c per bushel.
iioor roniana, 20 per 001. ii.nr
per sk. Howard's Best, fl.05 per sack.
UatS in sacks, yoc percemai.
Hay old Timothy, bales, $11 per ton
loose, $9 per ton. Clover 9 ; Uat, J9;
mixed hay, $9 ; cheat, $9.
Millstuffs Bran, $21.00 per ton.
shorts, $22.00 per ton ; chop, $20.00 per
ton, barley, rolled, $23.00 per ton,
Potatoes flew, 00c to 70c per back.
Eggs Oregon, 18c to 20c per dozen
Butter Ranchj 35c to 40c per roll.
California onions, $1.00 per cwt.
Dried apples,6c to 7c per lb.
xruaes, luneuj ueuta, per iu,
isn, large, 5c per lb. medium, 3c;.
Silver. .
Cabbage (new), l4 per ponna.
Green peas, 2c per pound.
Apples, 40c to 60c.
Peaches, 60 to 75c per box.
Dressed cnickens, 10 to VA c per lb .
Livestock snd dressed meats; beef,
live, $3.00 to $3.75 per hundred. Hogs,
sheep, $2 to $2.25 per bead ; dressed, 5c ;
veal, dressed, 7 to 7c ; lambs, live,.
$2 per head ; lambs, dressed, 6c
ft. Li, xioiiuau, icauiUK uiiuunuor
Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tf