Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 18, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will supply U
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
Hop picking is nearly over here.
Clyde Smith ia cutting bands (or
Jagers' thresher.
Mrs. Otto Strvker. of Union Hall,
apent Sunday witn airs, b, j. naivrv,
J this place.
The play party Monday evening was
granu success.
E.l Taina. of Brownsville, is here on
Chas. Thomas, of Union Hall, called
on trn joues nuay evening.
Chris Bullard and Frank Schoenborn,
of Oregon City, visited friends and rela
tives here Saturday and Sunday.
Cbas. Boynton, of Mulino, was visiting
in the hop yards here Sunday. Also
Martin Christesen.
Ipsse and Edith Jackson are staving
with their aunt and picking hops heie
Curtis llelvey called on Clyde Smith
Henry Wallace, of Highland, visited
his son-in law Kobt. Bullard Monday.
Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is
a poor man, but he says he would not be
without Chamberlain's Tain Balm if it
cost five dollars a bottle, for it saved him
from belmr a cripple. No external appli
cation is equal to this liniment for stiff
and swollen joints, contracted muscles,
stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and
muecalar pains. It has also cured num
erous cases of partial paralysis It is for
ale by U. A. Harding, druggist.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Roe6nkrans and Cora
Tackleson have returned from a month's
camping near Mt. Hood.
George Fletcher was a Portland visitor
Mrs. George Zeek will spend this
week at Salem with her mother Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlton returned to
Portland Monday evening, after a brief
Tisil witb relatives here.
We have a new assistant in the post
office; a sister of Mrs. Shomaker.
Frank Wolgamot, the dentist, will be
nere this week at the residence of Mrs.
Mrs. L. Battio is moving ber bakery
and confectionery stock to the store in
front of Zollner'i bicycle shop.
B. Cronin has moved hia family into
bis new residence on the property be re
cently purchased from Mr. Blount.
Miss Grace Hampton is borne from
the coast. She has been spending tbe
Summer at Seaside.
Mrs. H. Dedman and daogbter visited
in Portland two days last week.
Tbe city council met in regular session
last Monday evening. The usual busi
ness was transacted. Tbey also decided
to light tbe city with arc lights. With
onr paved streets and electric lights,
Canby will have quite a city like ap
pearance. Working; Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by tbose
tireless little workers Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili
ODBoess, Constipation, Sick Headache
and all Stomach. Liver and Bowel troub
les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only
25c at Cbarman k Co. 'a drug store.
New Era.
We are having too much rain. There
is a great deal of grain yet untbreehed in
this vicinity and some of it is in a very
bad condition on account of tbe wet
weather. Potato digging will be tbe or
der of the day in about two weeks, with
a very fine crop to harvest.
George Randall and eon finished pick
ing their fine crops of hops last Friday.
The job lasted about eleven days witb a
full crew of pickers. The price in Clack
amas county seems lo be forty cents per
box for picking.
A great many people from this vicinity
are going to attend tne State Fair next
week. Your correspondent hopes they
will enjoy their trip after their bard Fall's
Geo. Randall's two daughters start for
school in Salem the 20tb. George Jr.,
ctarts later, after Fall work is over.
Tbe late rains are making a great deal
of fruit fall from tbe trees.
There will be a good many fat hogs as
well as cattle put on the market this Fall
from this part of tbe country.
Mrs. Frank Gutperlet presented her
husband with a pair of twin babies, a son
and a daughter. This accounts for Frank's
broad smile.
No appetite, loss of sTength, nervous
seas, headache, constipation, bad breath,
feneral debility, sour risings, and catarrh of
the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol
cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre
sents the natural Juices of digestion as they
xlst In a healthy stomach, combined with
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not
nly cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this
"famous remedy cures all stomach trouble
by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes lining
the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball of Rrrsnowood, W. Va., itri!
I wu troubled with sour atomach for twjrty jmr.
Kodol and at 4 n vt bow satoc tt la mih
Kodol Digest What Yon Eat
only. $1.00 Six boldfnf 25 Ones tfc trtt
aua.wuca sella for so coats,
Grain in the shock has sprouted to
some extent and grain stacked in bad
shape shows up from threshers in a sorry
condition. A drving wind and sunnhine
may redeem many thousand bushels yet
from loss but the favorable conditions
will have to set in soon before the natural
law of germination dooms the golden
sheaves to a shroud ol green.
The largest farmer on the MolaUa has
1(H) acres of grain standing out in the
shock and as much mow yet to harvest.
Threshing crews move about over hills
and narrow grades with extreme dim-
Some few started to the State fair from
this locality Monday ; others will proba
bly go later in the week.
James Tubbs has been laid np with an
abscess on his knee tor several weeks,
and just when he most needs two good
Carrv S. Herman came home from the
Baghy sawmill a few days since, some
what III, which may terminate in typhoid
The Misses Wattx, of Stone, who have
been visiting with their aunt, Mine Clara
Dart, will return home tbe last of this
Earl Shaver will bring his vacation to
a clow, after the Fair, and resume his
studies again at I'ortland next Monday.
Albert Engle, who recently had sev
er! ribs broken by a horse falling with
him, ia now about slowly again.
The papers have it that Terry is going
ing to try for the North Pole again. Now
Molalla has a "Perry" that may come i;i
some day with a fine picture of the North
Pole if he continues to widen out his hori
lon for views.
A Coiuuiunirutloi
Mr. Editor Allow me to speak a few
words in favor of Cliaiulerlain'B Cough
Remedy. I suffered for three years with
the bronchitis and could not sleep at
nights. I tried several doctors and vari
ous patent medicines, but could get noth
ing to give me any relief until my wife
got a bottle of this vahuble medicine,
w hich has completely relieved me. W.
S. Brockhax, Bagnell, .Mo. This rem
edy is for sale by G. A. Harding, drug
gist. Damaarua.
The farmers are triad to see the sun
shining again.
Moet of the people have returned from
tbe hup fields.
Mr. Geo. Feathers and wife, of Tort-
land, are visiting relatives and friends
here this week.
Hugh Miller, who died at Eagle Creek.
was buried in the Damascus cemetery
Friday, September 11th.
Miss Alice Banfield, of Portland, was
visiting Mrs. Welter Smith last week.
The Rock Creek school. Diet. No. 31,
will begin Monday, Sept. 21st, with Miss
Annie Young as teacher.
Mrs. Lee R. Shaw, ot Portland, was
visiting her fattier and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Cooke, a few days last week.
Dr. Sommers, of Oregon City, was seen
on our streets Sunday.
The Clackamas R. F. D. route has
been running for a week with Mr. Mir
rell Newell as carrier.
Mrs. A. W. Cooke and son Fred made
a flying trip to Portland Monday.
A Purgative lleaiure.
If yon ever took DeWitt's Little Early
Risers for biliousnees or constipation yon
know what a purgative pleasure Is.
These famous little pills cleanse the liver
and rid tbe system of all bile without
producing unpleasant effects. They do
not gripe, sicken or weaken, but give
tone and strength to the tissues and or
gans involved. W. H. Hownll, of Hous
ton, Tex., says "No better pill can be
UBed than Little Early Risers for consti
pation, sick headache, etc." Sold by G.
A. Harding.
Subscribe for the Enterprise.
Mrs. L. V. Harrie, of Oregon City vis
ited with ber friend Mrs. E. J. McKit
trick over Sunday.
Mrs. Goodfellow and dauifhter, Miss
Magme, were guests at tbe Butler and
Shipley homes Tuesday.
The sympathy of theentire community
goes out to the Koplin family in their
sad bereavement.
A number of Grandma Gary's friends
tendered her a surprise party Saturday
afternoon, it being ber seventy-eighth
birthday. A very pleasant time was en
joyed by all.
Ernest Mass and family are camping
at tne state tair this week.
Sam Tolstinage, of Portland, visited
bis friend Sam Mihlstine on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bird Beavens are State
fair visitors.
Mrs. Cook and son Ralph, of Newberg,
returned home Thursday.
Mrs. Harry Holm, and children, of
Portland, and Mrs. Wm. Pollock and
baby Allie, of Oswego, visited at the
Shipley home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Batdorf and little
daughter and Grandma Batdorf are visit
ors at tbe State fair.
Mr. and Mrs Ernest Butler have sold
their home and are to move to Washing
ton. We regret to lose this estimable
Miss Rutb Shipley returned home after
an extended with friends in Portland and
and Oswego.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batdorf are enjoy
ing a visit from a sister from The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donney and son,
Everette and Mrs. Ida Fuller are visiting
tbe State tair this week.
For Infantt and Children.
The Kind Yen Have Always Bought
Bears the
There was an accident at the power
plant Saturday. The lunik tender in the
fogging department had the misfortune
to have both legs broken. The hook
came loose and the cable lmck him on
the legs. Sunday he was taken to Port
land to he treated at the hospital.
One of Frank Millard's little hoys had
two of his lingers blown oil w hile play
ing with a dynamite cap,
Mr. Moger has bought a part ot Mr.
Kedneawaya' tarm ot 35 acres Consid
eration. li.)0. We are very glad to re
tain Mr. Moger and family in our midst
as they are good citizens.
The Springwater people are looking
rattier blue. Rained all last week on
their grain that is out, and does not look
over favorable at this time. If the
weather will clear up (or a few days,
the people will look more cheerlul.
There are two threshing machines in the
Miss Li bWe Bard came home from
Portland where she has been at work.
Very pleasant to see her smiling face
Mrs. Charters came up from Portland
and stayed a few days hut hat gone to
Oregon City where she has rented a
The hop pickers w ill lie returning borne
this week.
A. Lacy has sold hia saw mill to Du
bois I! roe., which they will move and
put op in the near future.
Mur Kioto.
Disturbances of strikers are not nearly
as grave as an individual disorder of the
system. Overwork, 1om of sleep, nervous
tension will be followed by utter collapse
unless a reliable remedy is immediately
employed. There's nothing so etllcient
to cure disorders ol the Liver or Kidneys
as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderlul
tonic, and effective nervine and the great
est all around medicine (or run down
systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheu
matism and Neuralgia and expels Mala
ria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction
guaranteed by Charman A Co., druggists.
Rev. J. E. Smith, of Portland, will
preach in the Evangelical church at
Cams, September 1'U, at 8 p. m.
It Naved III" Leg.
P A Ttunfnrth nf I jiGrunirft. (ti . Dif
fered for six months with a frightful run
ning sore on his leg; but writes that
Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
in Hv. rlava Vnr Klora Wnnmlii. I'IIkh
it's the best salve in the world. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25cts. Sold by Char-
man & to., arnggisw.
Miss Emma Kleinsmith la preparing
to go to Monmouth where she will re
sume her studies in tbe Normal school.
Tbe farmers here who have not
threshed tneir grain yet are nsing ever
means to secure their crop while the
good weather lasts.
Mrs. Sam Peck is home from hop pick
ing to attend to some business matters
and then will rehire to Salem to join ber
husband and will reside there during
the winter.
Rev. L. M. Haworth, pastor of the M.
E. church at Clackamas preached two
very interesting sermons to tbe people
of this place on Sunday tbe 13th inst,
and on the 14 D. A. Matters, presiding
elder uf tbe Salem district, held the last
quarterly conference of the year and
preached a sermon which interested all
present even the moat indifferent.
Mr. and Mra.C. T. Howard, of Mulino,
attended the quarterly conference held
here on the 14th inst.
J. E. Peck has rented E. Mclntyre's
place for the ensuing year and will work
it in connection with bis own.
The farmers here who have cows are
sending their cream to tbe II a in I wood
creamery at Portland, and all are very
much pleased with that kind of farming,
and preparations will be made by many
of them to go into the business on a
larger and more scientific scale.
For Young Men and Young Women,
There is nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
mussy, their neat appearance is spoiled.
The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can be no better work than ia done
at the Troy. Leave your orders at John
son's barber shop.
Col ton-
Mrs. Lafferty and family and Mr.
Clark and family returned from the
bop yard last Friday.
Quite a number of people came out of
the mountains last week, lhey report
huckleberries very plentiful, but the
rain, wind and fog are something dread
ful. School will open at the Colton semin
ary the fore part of October, with Miss
Ginther, of Sliuble, at the helm.
Miaa Media Hubhard. fit Portland, ia
spending a few weeks visiting old friends
in Vonon.
The girls don't look forward for the
coming of the mail with delight as usual.
Johnnie is away to the hop fields and
bis father is carrying the mail.
Joe Arquette killed a bear in the berry
patch last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallace, of High
land, were visiting with Mrs. Wallace's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willson, here
last Sunday.
Cusic Arquette and wife returned from
hop picking last Friday. They contem
plate spending the winter here with bis
Mr. Willson lost a fine calf last week
witb the same disease complained of in
other localities. Mr. Putz also lost one.
It is claimed by parties in this part of
the world who have thoroughly tested
it that as a preventative against this in
curable disease, vaccination with garlick
is 0. K.
Tf fr-n Ann't oat tliA V.nTvtiPotam vnn
don't get tbe news.
Your Doctor Sends You
We Are Agents For Security Stock Remedies
WE aro putting up
(iuaranteed to contain
,"0 per coot Puro Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil,
a wonderful tonic and
fat producer.
Try a bottle today.
PAINT I-" o of tnr sitlo linos ami wo aro making nin-cial indticomoutn
to buyers at thin titno. Absolutely Puro Prepared Paint at $l..r0
per gallon. I'S.s in f gallon quantities. Special prices in pure Ix-ad and Oil.
Wo aro handling a material called "Laetpieret" for staining and varnishing, at
at a very moderate figure. (Jet a can and mako your old furniture good as new.
lluod View.
A very pretty wedding occurred at the
Hood View CongTfifntlonal church on
Wednesday evening Heptember 9, when
Miss Lily St-ely and Mr. William Hurler
were joined In matrimony. Kev. J. M.
HarU-r olliciated, aaxinted by Kev. 0. F.
Clapp and Kev. Daniel Slaver, of Forest
Grove. The Misses Kulli Harder and
Mabel St-ely acted as bridesmaids and
Messrs. Hherman Keely and (inorite Par
men as itrooniainun. -',H church was
beautifully decorated and waa filled with
a large crowd of invited guests. After
the ceremony the Immediate relatives
and friends repaired to the home of the
bride's parents, where a delicious repast
as served The young couple loll im
mediately (or Eugene, where the groom
is taking a course as electrician.
John Brohst and the Misses F.llen and
Lizzie ISrobst left for Forest drove Mon
day morning w here they expect to attend
Pacific University.
Mr. and Mrs. Engle expect to leave for
Newberg shortly to reside.
Mrs. Rose Htrey feller and son Percy
who have been viting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. llornschuh, have returned
to their home in Salem.
E. W. IlornHchnh and Henry Moldrum
and a few others leave tomorrow for the
mountains where they intend to hunt
and pick huckleberries.
Ed Schmidt has purchased a horse.
George Kurbyson has bought Emil
Hornschuh's farm.
Rev. Lucas preached an Interesting
sermon in the Evangelical church Hun
day. Loans.
Real property and chattel mortgage
loans. Abstracts furnished.
O. B. Dimick, Atty. at Law,
Oregon City, Or.
8. Evans attended the lair at Halem
Mrs. Andrews and son, of Canby, were
tbe guests of Mrs. J. Ogle, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Oregon City,
were visiting friends at Barlow Hunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ransness took in the fair
at Halem Wednesday.
H. T. Melvin was also Halem visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Hlataker were 8alem visi
tors Wednesday.
Edgar Judy took in the fair Wednes
day. Hover Olson is the proud possessor of a
new wheel.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the part-
noruliin liurntrifiirn f istinir tiftwwn Wm
Trimble and A. J. Ownbey has been this
day dissolved, Mr. Trimble having pur-
chased me iniereei oi mr. uwnoey and
Mill .nntiniiA ttia KtiainMfl at thn nraaAnf
stand. All persons knowing themselves
InHnVitarl in the firm will nlease call at
the shop immediately and epttle their
accounts as Mr. uwnbey ia aesirons ol
leaving the city soon.
Oregon City, Oregon, Bept.:, VMS.
IWnuso lio known you will grt your huhI
up ft! ho prosmlH's. H known also that our tlruj;H nro
Fresh. You like to romo hero lwcauno you aro treutcd
right. Wo liko to nio our custoinorn oven if tluy only want
a pontagu ntauip.
Every package koM on a spot cash
euro, no pay." No "Hod Tapo" about it.
natinficil cotno lack ami get your money.
3 i:mmw-
-H t, ' ' 'r."vl-l ,
zj'fb ' 1
w?tim y
Bountiful weather for the state fair
and Multnomah carnival and ntinilwr
from this end of the county have decided
to attend one or both.
Threshing is nearly finished and the
ground Is not wet enough fur fall plow
ing, so farmers have a breathing spell.
Mia Whe title and sinter ('lara have
junt returnmt from the hop fields of (,',
Tooie, wtiere they gained hnalth, ex
perience and a good share of money.
Fred Baker is preparing to have the
Capt. Hayes place which is is It-axed for
a term of years to another party. We
hope Fred will proser wherever he goes.
P, A. Baker, an old reeideut of this
place, was baptised in the Tualatin
river last Hunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Flghthall ami two
danghtera, lale of Angeles, are visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Oagn and other
friends and looking the country over.
They may hx-ate hero. Mrs. Fighthall,
who Is a niece of Mrs. Gage, spent a year
here twenty-four yeara ago. Hhe notos
many changes.
John Hweek, of Burns Harney Co ,
spent a few riitys here and at Tualatin
visiting old friends on his way back to
Cor vail is college.
Mrs. Henry Rchattr. four pound baby
girl is growing nicely. It la now over a
month old. '
Mrs. Nemic, who has been visiting In
Nebraska a number of months, is ex
pected home soon. Her hiiHhand and
two little boys have l-en batching ami
will welcome the return of the mother
and little sisters.
Carl Ellegson, a boy of 12 yearsearnnd
$12 picking hops in nine days, and is
now ready (or school which begins next
Louisa Oldenstad, who cut her hand
so severely with glass, is getting along
They are drying prunes In their now
dryer at Wm. Hchattz.
Beaver Creek.
The rainy days are again over and
many have begun plowing. v
Hop pickers are all returning home. ,
Chas. Bluhm, of O. C, is visiting the
Rtaben family.
Robert Jones returned home from
Wardner, Idaho, this week.
Friend Cake, of Aurora, ia visiting the
Danials family.
A gray wolf has been disturbing the
slumbers of Wm. E. Jones during the
week and lived on young swine.
John E. Jones visited friends at Carua
last week.
Several of the B. C. voiing folks at
tended the dance at the Cams hop house.
Frlenda and IlrlallT.
"So the poor fellow's dendf
"Yes, and he left nil hia money to
Charity. Ilia funeral waa very largely
"Ah, yew, he had lots of frtends; 1
don't suppose he hrvd any enemk-s at
"Oh, yea, a rw; he bad several rIa-
vea."-fW;adelpbia Ledger.
guarantee). "No
If you aro not
Side Line
Wo have a full lino of
Tablet, l'apn, IViih, Pon-
oiln, Paper and Envoi-
i Ink' Ktc" al "lM'1
r,K'k" i,ri,TH-
are no higher than thorn In any other
trade, and onrs are no higher than ser
vice rendered demands.
What we undertake to do in a thorough
and satiafiictnry manner. There will
not he found after our workman get
through with a job any defective joints,
leaky piies, loose connections or othei
evidences of "scamped" work. Every
part will be perlect, and look porfect,
and when the bill comes in you'll not
ask for any deduction.
Tmos Mawta
CorvRioHva 4e.
anvnna m(lln a tkotrh and AmcrtvHrm mT
Qnlrklf arMam (mr iiimon rraa whahr
ltnilln lapnihalilf paimitahlo. ('..niniunlra.
tliinlMrliitlri-nnaAan'lal. HANDBOOK on Palanw
mil fr. IMilMt aiimirr fur riM-iinnf patn.
riui latin tlirouKh Mumi Cu. rocoirs
pwioinoIlM, without oliano, loth
Scientific American,
A tionitenmalr lllnrtrmtM wHt. I-m"
ralil"n ill anr k Mintinn Journal,
!! f.mr roiinlha, L Kola by all nawartjawrf,
Mraach Oflliw, OS r RU, Waahluiltua, U. (
Ely's Cream Balm
6Iih Rtlltt at ones.'
It clranora. aoothaa and
brail the (IioommI nwia
brana. It curaa Catarrh
and drlTi-a away a Cold
I.. (I.. ...... LI. It
la ilHiorlt llr.lt and Protrt tl) ,'"r"
Knuirn th femora of 1 'aata and HmrIL Full an
0c.: Trial Klwilnr.; at l;rutti or bf malL
JtLl UlUrUKitk, M V. airan Blrwt, J orI'
Boar. Ik. A Il Hmd YOl M W3B BMJ
i Ml
rtvu is I