ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SE1TEM1WR -I, 1003 SOME OLD THEATERS. fla) noose That Flourished la A rlent tireeee- tl Home. You may wonder what tlu'tv could fie Injurious to pulillo morality In a theater made of stone. Con-oil V. Cor nelius Sclpio N a sola know, but history doesn't tell. Tin first iUtoniit to build a stone dealer In Koiuo was made A short titno before ho was elevated to his ollioo. It was anm-lioncd by the censors and was noarliig completion when Solplo persuaded the donate to command It to be pulled down, ad vancing as tils reason solicitude for public morality. The Romans did not posses a recti lar stone theater until a very late pe riod, and, although dramatic repre sentations were very popular in early times, It appears that a wooden stage was created when necessary and was afterward pulled down again, and the plays of Tlautus and Terence were performed on such temporary scaffold Ings. In the meanwhile many of the neighboring towns of Rome had their tone theaters, as the Introduction of Greek customs and manners was less trough opposed In them than In the City of Rome Itself. Wooden theaters. adorned with the most profuse mag nl licence, were erected at Rome even during the last period of the republic. magnificent wooden theater plan ned by M. .Eniillua Scaurus was built In his adlloshlp 58 B. C. Its scena consisted of three stories, and the low er of them was made of white marble. the middle one of glass and the upper one of gilt wood. The cavea contained 60.000 spectators. In 55 B. C. Cn. Pom pry built the first stone theater at Rome, near the Campus Martius. It was of great beauty and Is said to have been built after the model of that of Mytllene. It contained 40,000 specta tors. C. Curio built in 50 B. C. two magnif icent wooden theaters close by one an other, .which might be changed Into one amphitheater. After the time of rompey, however, other stone theaters were erected, as the theater of Mar cellus, which wa built by Augustus and called after his nephew Marcellus, and that of Baibus, whence Suetonius used the expression, Ter trlna thea tresCincinnati Commercial. APHORISMS. Patient waiting is ofteiy the highest way of doing God s will.-Colller. Both man and woman kind belie tbelr nature when they are not kind. Bai ley. ' Duty and today are ours; results and futurity belong to God.-IIorace Gree ley. The future destiny of the child Is al ways the work of the mother. Napo leon. ' The more you speak of yourself the more you are likely to lie. Zimmer man. . The wise are polite all the world overijfools are polite only at home. Bacon. A laugh to be joyous must flow from a joyous heart, for without kindness there can be no true Joy. Carlyle. A great deal of knowledge, which Is not capable of making a man wise, has a natural tendency to make him vain and arrogant Addison. Foar Way to Health. Hygienic living demands Imperative ly the absolute purity of the four fol lowing necessities: Air, water, food and thoughts. Granted these, you have the constituents out of which nature for mulates such a perfect creature that the Inward purity seems to lend a radi ance to the personality. It is not sim ply a few breaths of fresh air a half dozen times a day that a woman needs, but a continuous supply, and just as the greater part of women are half starved for fresh air, so they are also stinted, oftener from Ignorance than necessity, In the quantity of water the body re quires to keep It clean and healthy. Pleasure of a pure, elevating nature has come to be recognized as having a distinctly therapeutic office and hence to be one of those factors which merit the same consideration and attention ai ether necessaries in a well ordered Ufa. When Pen Were First Card. About the year COO A. D. pens made of quills were introduced. This Is shown by the fact that the word pen na, a quill, is not found, it Is claimed, in any work bearing an earlier date. Previous to that time the word cala mus, signifying a reed, was exclusive ly employed as a designation for the vehicle used in transferring the ink to the parchment or other surface se-. lected by the writers of that early age. Steel pens first came Into use In 1803, and about twenty-two years later those composed of gold made their appear ance. Preparations. "Is yoa got a razor you could len' me to aliave mersef ?" asked Mr. Eras es Plnkley. Tze gwlne to de pahty tonight" "What" s de matter wlf yoh own ra aorr "Well, you see, I Jes got it stropped up fine this af tub noon, an' I hates to dull de edge." Washington Star. Load Talk. "Henry, what does It mean In this hMorical novel when It says 'Our grjDS talked back to the enemy?' " "Why, they bad Parrott guns In those iays, my love." Cleveland Tlain DeaS er. Complimentary. ne (at the art exhibition) Well, how do you like Brown's picture? She That one? Why, I thought it was yours! Very bad, isn't it? Punch. The safest principle through life, in stead of reforming others, is to set about perfecting yourself. Haydon. Ml UHEIMiVK. Many Oregon CI'J People KhII to Koul lic (lie Seriousness, Rackache is no deceptive. It comes ami goes-keeps urn guessing. Learn (he rouse then cure it. Nine times out of ten it comes from the ; kidneys That's w hv lVan's Kidnev Pills Cure it Cure every kidney ill from b okache to diabetes. Here's a cane to prove it: Mrs. P. Murphy, widow, who Ives at SA) Ivon Si., Portland, sys: "Years ago when living in Kansas, I was greatly ! doubled will) kidney complaint. At that time I was, I might say, perleetiy lieip lees for months, but in time it wore sway as mysteriously as it came. It did not bother me tain until last full, when there was every symptom of its return, and knowing what 1 had sull'ered for merly I began to look about for some thing to check it, and on looking over the paper I noticed Poan's Kidney Pills highly reoouiincndeii so I procured mem and took then) aa directed. It only re quired a few days' treatment to ward ff the attack. Since then 1 have reconi mended loan's Kidney Pills to a num ber ol my friends." Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call al C U. Hunt ley's drug store and ask what his cus tomers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Koster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the I'nited States. Remember the name Doan's anj take no substitute. REDUCED EXCI KM0S RATES. To the Seaside and Jlountaln Resorts for the Summer. The Southern Pacific Company boa plared on sale at very low rates round trip tickets to the various resorts along its lines, aud also, in connectiou with the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, to De troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good for return until Octo ber 10th. Three day tick -ta to Yaquina Bav, good going Saturdays, returning Moo- lays, are on sale at greatly reduced rates from all points Eugene and North on both East and West Side Lines, enabling people to spend Sunday al the seaside. Very low round trip rates are also made between Portland and same points on the Southern Pacific, good going Satur days, returning Sunday or Monday, al lowing Portland people to spend bunday in the country and the out of town people to have the day in Portland. Tickets from Portland to laqmna Hay good for return via Albany and East Side or Corvallis and West Side, at option of passenger. Baggage checked through to Newport. A ne feature at Newport this year will be an up to date Kinder garten in charge ol an experienced Chi cago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet dis- cribing the seaside resorts on Y'aquina By has been published by the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern Kail roads, and can be secured from any of their agents, or by addressing W. E. Co man, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. K. R., Albany, Oregon. Yours truly, W. E. Com an, Gen. Pass. Agent. Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the pnstofficeat Oregon City, Oregon Sept. 3, 1903: women's list. Fowlert Miss Elsie Tucker Mrs S A Summerfield Ella mkn's list. Adamson E Olinger 0 B Bean Tom Olson N A Cooper G B Powers T J (2) Gordon Geo Pursell O W (2) Keith Samuel J Holler Al B Kinney FC Wells LA Pkg. for Albert Senn. TOM P. RANDALL, PM. Tragedy Averted, "Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved," writes Mrs. W. Walking, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia bad laved sad havoc with him and a terrible cough had set in besides. Doctors treated hira bat he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, and our darling was paved. He's now sound, and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed' by Cbarman & Co., Druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles tree. Jlvre Itiotft. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse unless a reliable remedy is immediately employed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys sb Electric Bitters. It's a wonderlul tonic, and effective nervine and the great est all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheu matism and Neuralgia and expels Mala ria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction guaranteed by Cbarman & Co., druggists. It Waved III Leg. P. A. Danfortb of LaGrange, Ga., suf fered for six months with a frightful run ning sore on bis leg; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For L leers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25cts. Sold by Char man & Co., druggists. Don't fail to see Alice at Street Fair. Dimolotion of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Wm. Trimble and A. J. Ownbey has been this day dissolved, Mr. Trimble having pur chased the interest of Mr. Ownbey and will continue the business at the present stand. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm will please call at the shop immediately and settle their accounts as Mr. Ownbey is desirous of leaving the city soon. Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. 2, l'J03. I 1,1 -" L ML.V If IL Oflelt leads to pov erty. No real woman ever sold her heart for the I luxuries of life. But manv a woman who has gladly faced poverty for the man she loved, may well doubt her wisdom when pain becomes the mate of poverty. If aiie were rich, she thinks, she could find a way of cure. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ll within the reach of every one. It lifts the burden of pain which weighs down those who suffer from womanly diseases. It establishes regularity, drie weaken ing drains, heals inflammation and ul ceration and yirea frniule weakness. " Vo hate my heartfelt thanks for Tour kind advice to me," write Mr tieo, Klelcner. of ir Victoria Avenue. Call. Ontario. "Wm troubled with catarrh ol ulrnis lor over a Tear. Tin doctor aid t would hare to go through an on eratkin. tnil t commenced to use tr. ISerre Favorite I'resvniitlon and 'Colden Medical !! coverv,' ali Hi ' I.olioti TttMet"' and 'Anllaersic and llcutina Sll1MKlaltlcB., Now I am com pletely cured, atu-r U'tnj ix bStlei of lie pierce' medicine. I nt glad to ay hi medi cine ha made me a new woman Weak and sick women, especially those suffering from diseases of long Mamling, are invited to consult Ir. Pierce by let ter, fret. AH coirrsKinl nee is held as strictly private and sacredly confi dential. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets are eiwv and pleasant to take. A most efiertt; laxative. Th Revolalloa Im a Nalahell. The following contribution to hhtor c literature ou the AmerU au Hevoltitlon was made by a little lady to a ?brt sto ry competition In a Philadelphia new nater. The writer, a schoolgirl of ten years, epitomises the whole Valley Forge experience In the following terse sentences: "There was a Revolutionary war. The British revolutloiied Philadelphia. So Mr. Washington took a lot of soldier i to Valley Forge. Mr. -Washington baden't eny thing for the solders to eat, so they .had to go barefoot. Mr. Washington felt very bud, so lie atke.l Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Frank 11 n felt bad. to. so bs asked the king ol France. The king of France sent a lot of soldiers, so we licked the British." A Pamaas Bell. One of the biggest bells In the world Is in Cologne cathedral and Is known as the "Glorloea." It was cast from twenty-two French cannon captured In the Franco-Prussian war and waa pre sented to the cathedral by the kaliter. It bears the German arms and two 1u aciiptlons. One, In Latin, expresses the emperor's gratitude for the divine mer cy in granting him victory. The other. In German, declares: "I am the emper or's bell, and I proclaim his glory. I Oil a sacred post, and I pray heaven to grant peace and prosperity to the Ger man empire." Legal Notices. Notice of Final Mettlement. Mode la hereby given that the under signed has hied in th County Court of tue btate or Oregon for th County of Clacka mas his final account as executor of the es tat of James Healey, deceased, and tbat the ssid court has set Monday the llith dav of October, 1!J3, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the court room of aaid court as the time and place for hearing objections to said tin si account. E.O CACFIELD, Executor of the Kstate of James Healy, deceased. HEDGES & GRIFFITH, Attorneys lor Kxecutor. .fotlre of final Meulemeut. Notice Is hereby given tbat Mary Hcbarbt bas tiled her BriBl report as administratrix of the estate of Joliann F. Hchacbt, de ceased, wit the county clerk of Clackamas ocunty, Oregon, and the court has fixed Monday, the "th day of ttafdember, V.HS, as the time for bearing said report. Any and all persons having objections to the same can be beard at said time in the county court room at the court house in Oregon City, Oregon. Dated this 30th day of July, 1!i0.1. MARY HCHACHT, Administratrix of the estate of Joliann F. Scbacht, deceased. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney lor Estate. I FIREARMS Havvt tss-n tmmtn.it t -ra LMSkua- tJl Ihnfr ACCURACY, SAFETY, DURABILITY TV .r mai! lo Urg BanJerr nf atU-w tnJ (ilii-ra jlii'l" it 1 kit Am ai UmiAifg t -r both RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS k yy.r A.-.V 1"T th. ' KTJAKVH". 1 b At-t 'l r.s-p 1 ..u; ei I a-nf feipr (r-ll tan r '-ilf yrr. H i.ii im i,ltrf' l caulotf. J. Stevens Arras & Tool Co.. p. o. P.OX CHICOPHC FALLS. MASS. Ita kind Yon Han km Boitf ira kino n i (ITATIOT In His County t'ourl of His l"" or " iron, lr the I'oimly of t'l.''a. In the Matter .l the tliiarUlnlil ol rln l.elle (.ordon, a Minor. Sow mi this day eiiine Andrew (lonl.m, the itnsrdian ol liie elsis f Irwin l.'H tiordoti, a minor, and Ulr liH duly vended .elllion lo the shove Court ami akitil lora license lo wll lh folio"' dcm rihed real rotate brlonult'it to raid srd, situated in the State ol lregon, and described a fol lows, to-wtt : , . , . , ., An undivided on thirl Inlerenl In Ins northwest uiiarter nt tl southeast 'l"rler Section X T. , S K llW.ol lh Willamette- Meridian In Tillamook County, Ore von, containing 10 acres, and subject to U'S lite Mtaie III IT. JOIIII " An undivided one third interest to Ihs northeast tinsrtsr of the northweal itiarter ol Section Id, T. I'.'. S. K- 7 W. of the Will amette Meridian, and containing 40 acres. andmit'J.vt to Ilia Ills Mists ul Ir, John tlordon. . , . . , . An umllvlrltNl on third Interest In Lots '.' . i and ft. In Blm k 'JO. I" Peninsular Addition No. '. to lha City or Portland. In Multnomah County, Dragon, and subject lo tli lite ratals ol Dr. John tlordon. I h petition represents that It is liaee ear, and rxoaxllanl that th Internal which said minor ( In said real estate ba sold, and It appearing that John tlordon, Caro. link Irwin tlordon and John Dowllna tlor don art lb next ol kin of aid minor, ami Hit Conrl being fnllv advised, ll Is ordered and decreed that said next or kin, and all persona Interested in th alat of said minor, h and appear In lb atsiva entitled Court on the day of September. I '.Ml, at Hi hour ol 10 o'clock A. M., then and Iher lo how cause. If any xlsl, why said lieeiiM should not t granted. II personal servie of this order camu'l b I' id upon said next or kin. II Is furilier da creed that a copy ol this order b served on said next of kin bv publication In th Or( ton Cllt Knterpns. a newspaper published in Clackamas County, Dregon, lor llira uoreMlv weeks I elura said daUr. Tli "S. F. lit as, County Jmlg of Clackamas County. P. led Aug-I '-iH-ll K. Cross, Attorney for Uuardiaii. .utlre. ol riaatl Metlleiurnt. Notice Is hsrabr given that th under signed, th executor of th last will and testament ol O. K. Klliearaotl, dvrd, bas Hied mi th County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, bis Unal at'oounl a aucli eievufor, and that Monday to 7th day of September, l'H'l. at th hour nf U o'clock A. M. at Ui County Court house In Oregon City. Clackamas County, Dregon, ha been anointed as th tun and place) for bear ing aud diriuiiiiiu( any and all objections to said account. Aug. 7. Iia. PETKH KiNKAUHiiN. KxMiilor. .tlce ol Final reillrsaet. Nolle is hereby given that David Umg xeculor ol th tat nl Michael Long, de ceased, has II led bis tins! report a men execu or ol said eatatr, and th ooitnty court ba Hied the Urn of bearing said re port un Mo -day. lb "Hi day ol Hepteinher, at th hour ol It) o'clock In th (ore noon or said day in th county court at II court boils In Oregon City, Oregon. Any persons having objections lo said rorl srs hereby notilled lo present the same lo th court at said tune and place. July JO, !:. DA VIP I.DNO. Executor. UU It DON K. JIAVK8, Attorney for folate. police ( Final ieillrmeBt. Nolle Is hereby given tbat th under. Igned administratrix ol th estate ol K. rl. MoClincy, Deceased, bas llled 'tier final coo nt in ssid estal In th County Court ol lb Htate ol Oregon, for Clackamas County nd that the Jiuige ol laid Court bas a polntecl Monday, Heidember 7, I'.Stl, at 10 o'clock a, in. lor bearing objections to said account lor settling said estate. AMELIA M'CUSCY. Ail uilnlstratrlx. GEO. C. HROWSKIX. HOWARD M. HltiiW.NKI.L, Attyi, lor Kslate. Nl.MJl(N. In the Circuit Court of tli Stats of Ore gon lor th County ol Clackamas. M.S. Riley, I'laintill, vs. T. L. liwrence and Fannie E. I.swrence. Defendants. ToT I Lawrence and Fannie E. Law rence, Defendants: In th nam of th Htate of Oregon: You are hereby required to apear and answer the complaint llled against you in th abov entitled Court and cause on or cefore the 101b day of October, 111.1.- which is six weeks after August 2th, psi'l, the date ordered by the Court for the lirsl pub lication ol this notice, and if you fall to so appear and an-wei, the rialmiff will apply to the Court (or th relief prayed for in the Complaint, to-wit: For a judgment on a promissory note agsinst Deletidsuls for the um of Hi. 10 and an attorney's lee ofl.Vi.no and for a decree foreclosing a rertain mort gage, executed May 1Mb, lH!i7, by T. L. Lawrence and Fannie K. Lawrence to Moore Brother and assigntd by Mimre lirotheri lo I'laintill and covering th southeast ouarter of section five in town ship threes ol range seven K. of the Will amette Meridian in Clackamas County, Oregon, and lor the sale of said premises according to law, and the application of the proceeds to the payment of the amount ol such Judgment and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court seems meet and Just. This Summons is published by order of the Honorable T. F. Kysri, County Judge of said County, made and entered on the iilltb day of August, 1!KH, and the data of the first publication of this Summons is August 2lU, 1'Stt, and the date of the last publication will be October ll, lOO'l. E. F.AF. It. RILEY. Attorneys for i'laintill. .otlco lo Oetlllora. In the County Court nf the State of Ore gon, for and in Clackamas County. In the matter of theestate of John Alfred Strowbridge, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court ol the Htate of Oregon, for and in Clackamas County, administratrix of the estate of John Alfred H'rowbridge, lata ol Sandy Post Office, Clackamas County, State of Oregon. All persons bavinr, claims against, said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law re quired at my house and farm where I am arid have been residing about two miles East of Sandy Post Olllce, Clackamas County, Oregon, Tithin six months from the date thereof. Dated, Handy Post Ollice, August l'.K'i. i SADIE E. BTROWRRIDGK, Administratrix of the estate of John Al fred Slrowbrld?e, deceased. J. A. STROWI1KIDOE. Jr., Attorney for Administratrix, Portland, Oregon, Liquor l.irenae. KnticA is hereby triven that I -- j ply to the City Council at the regular epiemrs3r nieeiing ior a renewal ol my lienor license at my present place of busi nees on Main street between Fourth and Fifth streeta. E. A. Brady. 4aiinrllnil'a Nitl. In the matte' ol th eslnt of Pearl Marls ItnrlnnL'!. a minor Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant t'V an older ol lbs I'ouulv court of the stale of Or gon, lor Cl ksmas county, madeand mii-rvd on lb '.Wh day ol November, HT. I I will Iroio and after th Hull day ol Sep tember, I'-HU, pisieeed to sell at private sai to the IiIkIii-sI bidder at r. om HON, Chamber ol Commerce Ituildlng, Portland, Oregon, all lh rlKhl, title sod Interest of the said ward In ami loth Inlawing deserlbe.l par. c I ol real I'stste, alluaii'd lo Clackamas county, slate ol Oregon, lowlt: Heglunliig ftd chains east of lhuur ter section comer on lownshlii lln wel sl.leol section thirty (:IU, III I iwnslilp on tDsoulli.ol range Hire (.1) eal, ol the Willamette Meridian; Ihenc at 17 Ml chains to Acbrou's west In; tbenc soulli chains to Acbrou's S4iuthwel tHirner; Ihenc east .'I chains lo the west side ol lh southeast ouarter ol section thirty Csi); Ihenc south 17 ohHH to Krltknio's laud; (hence wesl '.DM) chains; lliemti mirlli !W chain to the plac of beginning, contslii' lug forty ( 10) acres, more or leas, Th terms of lh sal lo ha as follows: Theenlir p irc has price to t raid I . rah, or one fourth In cash and the remain der In two or In Hire yearly Installments, secured bv niorlgsg ou III land. Dated August '.'I. IIHll. Six per rent In terest on dlerret payments. St'HAN JIAKTNAOKb. tliiantlau of th person and properly of I'tarl Mart llarlnagel. a minor. K. F. K II. UII.KV, Attorney lor Ouardlaii. August '.'I, l'.kt. Ml MTI1r In th Circuit Court for tb HlaUof Dra gon, lor Clackamas County. John A. ix)bUlst, Plaluliir.) vs. Husl Uifiiilsl, Defndant.l To Huil Uifipilsl, ileleiidanl. In th name ol th Slat of Oregon. You are hereby required lo appear and autwer lb complaint died agalnil you tu the ahov entitled Court and cause within six weeks from lb (Ui ol th first publication of llila summons, which Mm eil'lre on lh 2nd day of October, l'.H and 11 you (all Uisoai iwar and answer the plalntllt will apply to the Court for the rellel prsyl for in th complaint, lowlt; lur a deervo that lh bond of matrimony bereudorw and now existing bvtsreea plalulltt and defendant b iiniile4 and lorever vlolvd, and thai plaflillrf be decreed the rare and cualody nl the minor children Walter, Klsle and Mary, and for such oilier relief as th Court may deem Just and proper. Tina summon Is published by order of th Honorable Tho. K. Ilyan. Judge of he County Court lor lh County of Clackamas and Slat of Oregon, which order was duly made ami ilered on the Hib day of An gust, I'.Skl, In the above entitled Court, and th dat ol th llr.l publication hereol Is '.Mil ol August, Pan and lbs data of lh last liiitillcatlon thereof being '.'ud day ol Octo ber, l:u. JlYAN .V flAl.UlWAY. Attorneys lor I'laiulllt. Police, for Kralloai. Timber Land, Act Juii.1, K7H. I'nited Stales Land Olllce, Oregon City. Oregon, Aug. 9t. psil. Notice la hereby given that Incompliance with th provisions ol lh act ol Congres ol June .1, IH7H, (Milled "An act hirlhesale ol llmlxr lauds in lb H tales of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended lo all the Public lnd Stales hjr act ol August 4, Ixri. Dora E, Cides, ol Portland, comity of Multnomah, Slat of Oregon, baa Ibis day filed In this olllce bis sworn statement No. i'J., lor the purchase of the Northeast ol hectloii No. l.'l In Township No. 'i H. Itaug No. 7 E, aud will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lie timber or stone than for agricultural p irHi-es, ami to establish bis claim to said laud be lor th Register and Receiver of this olllce al Oreson City, Or , on Wednesday, lb stb dsy of Nuvember, Itsftt. She names at witnesses: Charles Smith, Charles Osborn, Frank O. Kelly, David 1,. Kelly, all nf Portland. Oregon. Any and all ersons claiming adversely the aoove-descrllied Ismls are requests.) lo Ills Ibeir claims In this utile on or belor said I "lb day of November. I'stl. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER. Register. tlre for lublleilion Department of th Interior.. Land Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, August N, I'stl. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of bis lutein, tlon to make linal proof in supiort of bis claim, and that said pr-sif will be made be lor lb Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Srptemlier at, l!fl, vlx: KUANK lll'SCll II. E. No. 1 11.(1 for th SE'' Sec. U, T ft S. R. 4 E. H names the following witnesses lo prove bis continuous resilience uhii and cultivation ol said laud, vit: Frank Hahelt. of Sprlngwater, Oregon; John T. Myers, ol Dodge, Oregon; George Itsars, of Oregon I lly. Oregon; William Mellien, of Dodge, Oregon. ALGERNON H. DRKSHEIt, Register. mi yi VIO4. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Or, gon, for Clackamas County. Stella A. McCord, I'laintill, ) vs. I Walter A. McCord, Defendant.) To Walter A. McCord, above named De fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint II I id against you In the alsive entitled suit, In the aliov named court, on or before Friday, Oct, Uth, l!i.s, the same being six week's -om the llrst publication of this summons, and you will take notice that ir you fail lo so sppesr and answer ssid complaint the Plslntill will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint, to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony existing between you and I'laintill be dissolved. This summons Is published by the order of the Hon, Tho. ft. Ryan, Judge of the County of Clackamas State of Oregon, hi the Oregon City Enterprise a Weekly news paper of general circulation In Clackamas County, for six successive weeks commenc ing Friday, Aug. 'in, and continuing to and Including October ft, I'ti'l GEO. C. HKOWNELL. HOWARD M. imoWNELI,, Attorneys for I'laintili. Police of (tale. In the matter of the Guardianship of R. S. Ileattie an Insane person. Notice is hereby giren that In pursuance of an order ol sale made and entered by the County Court of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, on the.'lrd dsy of August l!l. in i the matter of the Guardianship ol K n. Ileattie, an Insane person, the under signed Guardian ol said R. H. Ileattie will sell at public auction, subject to confirma tion by said court, the following described real properly to-wit: Uls eleven and twelve ol block lour Falls View addition to Oregon City. Clackamas County, Oregon, haul sa e will be made on Saturday, the Mb day ol September, l!i.1, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Court House door In said County and Htate. rerms of sale cash. ,. .. , , C. HCHCE1IEL, Guardian of the person and estate of R. B. Ileattie, an Insane person. Hee Alice at the Street Fair. Nlicrltfa Nnlei on lxeciid,,- In the Circuit Court ol lh, Hlsta r n gon, lor the County or Clackamas, " Thoiuaat hsrnian and K. It. I'barmau, colpartuers, as Tboinas Chsiiiiao A Sun, Plnlliilll va. Males K. llawley. Deieudanl Slate of Ori'goni County ul iVackainasf " II V virtue ol a udgineii'.rder, dn i an exe littou, duly Issued out ol anil 111,1 the sesl of lb abova entitled court ., abov enlitleil cause, to me duly ,'i,,,,"J ami dated the M day of Aug,,. ,, J? itiiit a loilirniMii I relolMrM,! . ... .... . ,,..-..... ... .,, eiuefwi . said court on lbs I lib dav of k.,.. ll, lit lavor ol said Thomas CI,,,,,,., 7 U.. ..I.I.Ollt .J.ln.l II..-. l. .! " hon, piaiuiiii ami against naie K. Ilswitr oi'ieooaui, ior im sum oi f sui .ii, ,. . terest thereon at lb rat ol N per wnt ,1, inniiiii Iroio th I lib day of Ffhrii.,, h!si, and a lorlber sum of IUnoil(ll( .' oosts Ukiii llil writ, commanding lh( ' of the personal properly ul said iteiemlanL and If aiilllcleul could not be louiul, u,, out ol th real properly beiooginK 0 M,j delemlanl on and after the dale o m,) i , t day ol February, IMSI, to sallsly taid ... :WiH'.ll, ami l0 co.is with lutereat and also the coal iihiii this Writ. Now, therefor, by virtue of saul iarn, lion, Judgment order and decree, and In oompliauc with th eoniniaudi of Mld writ, being unable lo Hod any ronl property ul said defendant's. I did an tli 3rd day ol August, pad duly ,! uhiii th billowing deecrliieil r prirly of said defetidaiil, lllutia and lieiug In th County of Clark, uiaa, and Stat of Oregon, to wit: Hlti,atl In th Donation Land claim of Tlmaiu Walerbury No. 3s In t.1a, rJ, ul Will. amtt nieridlaii and desi:rild as: begin, ulng al a point In lb north boumiary of said claim :tl lM chain from lha iiorthw) corner tbereol, the asiue being on ids aaat. erlyllneof a certain A sere tract ul land conveyed by Ell II llawley and wlf (a Hrlon O, Sarver and found reconied in ii.1, page 41.1 of lb record of deeds of Mld Ooiiuly ; thence east ou lb unfit, said claim A.'. si chalns iuor or Ir. ami u certain 41 IS acre lrac4 ul land Conveyed to Geo. A. Wbll by deed found recorded la book N, page 1.11 ol lb record nl deed a aald count" ; Ihenc south U.m chains lo laud ul Martin Tellrfoon; thnc ! X'.ll , Chains toor or lees an I lo lbs soniheut eorpsr of lh said Iran muvyel to Urtos O Server a abov descrlbesl ; Ibsnr norui I'J.ai chains lo the pla-e of beginning coo laming ;.Vj ai res more or I, and I will, on Saturday, lb Alb day ol bepleniber, I'UI. al the hour of I o'clock p. in., si th Iron! diMir ol lb counly court lions In lh City of Oregon City, In said County sis Slat, sell at publ.a auction, subject to re deinplloo, lo Ibe blghetl bidder, fur U.I. gold coin, cash In band, all the right, lull and Interest which th within Mined de fendant, hail on the dale of said Judgment or since had In or tu lh abov Uevntwl real property or any pari thereof, to satlify aald Judgment order, decree, Interest, own nd all accruing cost. J. R. SIIAVK.lt, SberllT of Clackamas County, Oregon. Ily E. C. Ilackeli, Depuiy, Dated, Oregon Clly, Oregon, Aug, 7, lHA. H it t In tlx Circuit Court of lh Hlat of Ore gon, lor lb County ol Clackamas. K. C. Golden. Plaliilirr, I vs. V Carrl II. Golden, Defendant.) To the defendant Carrl It, Golden: I n lb nam ol lb Slat of Oregon, Y s ar hereby rnpi red lo appear and answer th con, plaoil llled again! you In the abort , entllleil oourt and cause on or belor tot I nil, day ol September, p'i.1. and If you li so lo appear or answer within said Unit, ilia plaintiff will apply lo th court for the relief preyed for In said ouniplaliil, lo wit: Thai lb bonds of imtrluiony existing be tween the plalntllt anil delemlanl be dis solved awarding to the plainliir the cart aud cualody of lb minor children ol ttii parties, and for genaial relief. This Sum mons Is published pursuant to an onltl made by Hon. Tbomae F. Ryan, Judge of Ibe County Court ol Oregon lor Clscksnitl County, made and filtered August 4, It'll, the lime prescribed by said order for ssid publication la one a week for six oonsseo llv weeks, lb first publication being Au gust p.m.1, and th last on September II, lisfl. II. K. SARGENT. Attorney lor Plaintiff. Nunsntona. In tb Circuit Court of th Stale of Ore gon, fur the County of Cltckamas. Ulll. ....... I -... .....u i V, limilirn .III. . fitl'Nlj, a Corporation, Plaluliir, vs. Frank A. Graves, Florence II. Gravs, hi wlf, and Charles. W. II awes, De fendants. .1 To Frank A. Graves. Florence II. Grant, his wife, and Charles W. Haaes defendant! aliov named. In th nam of the Stalt or Oregon: YoO and each ol you are hereby required totp iiear and answer the complaint filed against you in the aliov entitled Court and ctuN on or before th '.'illb day of Sept.; I'.W and If yon fall to so appear and answer, ih plalutlll will apply lo Ibe court for th rsliif demanded in the complaint, to-wlt: , For Judgment against the defendtnll Frank A. tiraves and Florence H. Orate) lor the sum of 0oo m), together with inter est thereon tt the rale ol 7 per cent pr trj iiiiiii from the .'list day of January, lsi (or the further sum of llon.Oll as attorner fees, and for Ibe costs and disbursement! ol this suit; that the mortgage given by w said defendants Frank A. Graves and MOT ence II. Graves to tha plaliitltT, and dttMl the ,fay of Kehrnarv. Irsm, ronveylM to plaintllf lllock No. li.r ol Prune IsnH, Clackamas County, Oregon, as security th pavment of three certain pronitssorf note) g'iven by the said defendants rrsm A Graves and Florence H. Graves to P'!"1" nil on January HI, Ihisi, each lor the sura i .KS).(K), and each bearing Interest at rate of 7 per cent per annum Irom lbs ! ,'llst day of January, 1WKI, be decree.! t DW valid ami complete lien upon th said r property; and that said morttfBg be lore closed, and the said real proierty sold 01"? execution, and the proceeds ol sues. sale be applied to the sallsfactlon ol plJ' fill's Judginent herein, including fees, oosts and disbursements and all accru ing costs and disbursements. That the proceeds of the crop of prune) iw growing unoii said premises applied upou saiii ludgment ; that you appneii upou said juiikiubmi j each of you be forever barred and l" ed or all rigid, title and Interest in anay the said premises and every par tlisrsw. saving only the statutory rinht ol rdiiDir tion; that plalntill be permllled to rwcorn a purnhasar at such sale ; and that plain have such other, further or dlllerent rel as to the court may seem meet and able in the premises. ( This suinn Is published by lb orf. of the Honorable T. F. Ryan, Con nty -""JJ of the County of Clackamas, and Oregon, made 'and entered therein on .'list dsy of July, 11103. which order requir publication thereof not less than ones week jor six weeks, and fixes the ""'Valid In which the defendant shall MPr 2S answer the complaint as September HEDGES a H'rIK1,TIfifT Attorneys lor Plaiiiti"' First publication Aug 7. Pn'. Last publication Sept. 25, IU03. If you don't get the Entkbpbibi ra don't got the news. f i