Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903 -Your Banking ? r No inatti -t no nmttor liow hiii all how largo, g THE BANK OF OREGON CITY r, i, ri t i 1 i will givo ' it careful at- fl . . .. mh : . fl If n l U III. JI1IH IIH'KHIlgO iij'lii'rt to tlx men ami tlin women alike. 8 Oregon City Kntcrprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Tiu lUnnKim Wkiik IIkiik Snnduv kiii barber' day Hi Canetniili I'aik. Tln ' ti,iiiMirUIIt of f r t lit tut IiiIi a picnic hI llu grounds uml there Hai the uxttal large SiiiiiU crowd In aMi-mlnnce. In t' i 1 1 ( ii n In dancing In llif Urge pavilion hoth alll'HIlMlll Mil, I CVI'tllllg, I III- Olcgon Cilv baseball Mill went tli Mg,iimt tlin All Sur nine nf Portland It wax rot ti n game, nil the part ( ll,n visitors, at leiixt, and ikmiIiimI in a victory lor the Oregon t'lly nine ( t lit score of 1'.' In 3. Anomikh CoMikmnaiium Si it. Tin Oregon Water Power .It luilway Com pany l,it week tu gn n viiiiili-iiuiHtion milt against Klin Willa-rii el ul fur tliH B.jriiriiitln ol 1.4H acrea in T. II S. H. i I.. iiiiili tliu payment of r-if(iiit)il-ln i n m !.' that inuy U allowed lln plalnl ill. 1 lut purpoxe of the mil ia io m-enre title to ccrtulii laud over which the I'lamMf company dcsircM to cuiiKlriii t a railway track. AmiIIIXO Wil l, in I'ii.ku The will of the late l.r A mliirrtcin was admitted to iimhalii in IIiim county tln Utter part of laxt week. Tim deceased Irlt in estate, conxisimg principally ol real estate, of (tin vitliui of 16UI uml Hum in ileviwd by a will to the surviving nephews ul Urn decedent, vtx : Fred ami Peter Ander xin, both ol this county. U. W. F.axt limn, of thin city, in the attorney fur tliu estate. ern.i.,,1 on II,.. pi.,,,erty f , Holdieia' Home at I: H.Bi.ur(f, iiMriiiUiiion will have 10 In. nil slued l,v Multtilvn enscln t l'J ' "UU" UglxU'll-e ul I'D ,.( Session. 11 Him peuoU-ioii H , K,Bn,.i, tl.,j,pfI. ,"' ' I ill iinil.oiize the pur. I'H-ot Unci upon which ,,, n, '"It )iCH. I A liimii l.i,i( HAT (). I), Kiev, tie H'louiey, !..,,,, It,., l,M, M, H I,,,,,,,, hi t.t.Uy, A iitru-r Ls, bunii, niU phy Imv. Mr. ;i,v xh v h llm i,,. r. rival i. a voter himI will Hi ,,,,., I inn fx, i, ,gtl , (ram-i, Hutl llm ai,,iovec lit m, lllH,iy )t.nrn Iimeil t,y In. (H,. Iiuini.oai. . ir c KKim.-A (.picilll Null, 1,,-ri, I'm iii,. !,,,, ,.,,.(.,, ' M-ei llnoutfli Oreuni 'if v Kalunlav 1 inurniiiK en r..,im i (hi. ;y,,p VH, ,,,, , IM .valley. TIim iiitiu i annul llv linmlreil l'lekHr liielii.liiiKiwoear lomUof (,'lilna I "'e'l. Mi wt o tin, iiirk.'ra Welti vuliitftii' 1 1 Kiel,, y.inl near lt o ,lix. M 1 oillily. I),,i, I tl ml r I tier'nn ioiiieil the i train al Mhh t. T, riVHr ,-,..,, i t. taxeii lu ai'i'i.iiiiiiiiilaiH ilic crnwila, al iiiovemen' of ,i, kra i i,.,l I, raily ax k .t a year airo I . ... . .1 ..... I I M. JuliiiV I'Hr.N'hial hiiiI llik'li Heliii.,1 will le oin-n i,n MoniUy, epl 7th. Kfuin j , Hie HppliealloiiH rei elve.l It in exi'frleil that the mill, r pn,,, ,ln year will , even Hir,H-K li e lx,te alien, I un n nf Uxl ! ileilii. I In. meiilx uf I liia xelinol art. he I 1 intf inure no I mole appierinleil ami eie' I hum il wi,l lie iierex-ury to liniviili. tieire' ruilili Io m l lilillll'iilille the Jlijl lllllll' i her of I i.piU The SiKter iii chari-e of ' ! the nitime ih'piiriiiieht will iilgo, rt-iiim. I j tliviott l,ei icg-uUr eit-iim. Inxlrii, tloim : will he kivi-ii un I lie piiiim, orHli, (illli,r, I nun, loin i an, I oilier xlriim lextriiineiitx. AllTMANa To OlIxKNVK I. All , II lAV. f.ahur ll.iy will he uli-rvel l,v the I I'lille,! Allium l.iule of Die ntale hy I Kivinu a piriiie at t iiiieinah I'nrk. Aiti- una w ill hit in alien, Uni t, from nil mm tioiiB of tliH xlule anil it in fxpecteil li e iUv will provt-a red letter uo'i-ion jut thai oiKaii'X iti in. (i ivernor Cliamher hull w ill ihliv ei an Hit - In xa in the fore l.onii ait, I in the afleriKHiii Iheiu will he b ,iliii. ul l,afhnll lietweell the (JieK'Hi t'liy mi,l Vi,roiner Ii-hiii, There will hUo iir lUiii'iiia- hnth Hlti'itiiHiiiaiKl even in M III Hit. larjie pavilion. NERVES GAVE WAY- I PE-RU-NA CUREDJ UMM- Mi'j.::.bchneiderv HirtSchalTntr V Marx Hand Tailored Iikh I.t Wkik. .Mr. Annie He.1 In k d,e,l al her h,,mu at liieen I'oint, thiHt'ily, a. I) IK) ii'i Jut-k TIiiiiniUv even- liiK. Atik'ilxt Ti , ul a roinpli, kiioii ol ail- ! tli.'llla. The ili- ee, ) a iijp.,1 44 yedrx I ate I three inontha ami lia,l rexi,le'l in thix rliy 'ur nhout twenty yearn. Mien tnirviveil hy a litmlinmt nml tworhihlren, i .Minm liniae lCeililu k ami liny Ut-ililii k. j holh ul llil" l ily. Funeral aervii-ea were i hehl Mtinnlrtv aflernunii at St. I'aiil N Kinm'oinl rliiinli, romlm-teil hy Kev. I', K. lUiniiioml. linrial took place in .Moiinluin View cemetery. Mr. .S,:hncli!i;r,2l0;tTlilry-Bevo3tb i'luco, i;iilcn;:o, U., wrltcKi "Aftjr Ir.'.ilr. nvcr;J remcd'mt wtU-.fHit result, I b'."'.3n In January, V)!I2, to tal.o yevr vcluatte remedy, I'crun.n. I wes a corrplcto wfeck. Iluij paWtatMi cf t'.:o heart, cold fia.iL'i ar.i .'.(, v?.kacsn, no l.K-:;ts, . j.:..:.'.'.-..7, cl.tUa,t fueling fi:v.f t.'.c t.'n.c: Ycj Bld I wa fj.'tcrlrp, v.-'ih rysfen.'; cctarrh, and I tclljve t.:..t J i.'iw.Y. . your help In tlu i.'i.'i cf t'.r.-j. I f-.xy.jwcd your tire:'.: :r.t c" 'j: !y ar.J cr. 7 : y to-day that le.u v . I a:clr,. I s.:. : t thank you vr.')'. ; t . .: i::y v. re. I w'i.J alwayt f be ; n i.'C Lr.v: a -f neon inc. -J ,-J 'v'.--'.-J tt ay fr.srCi c.rl, Bt..:i.aau i... i i:i:-y an ii. i wt.-,h t'.: t nil t.:if.:rl.:i try It. I lortlfy thta vcccrX:.?to the tru!h.".r.r:. A. i : r... :.;r. Mtm. Fii'.ii:y ICIava,lils, her, of Hum-tiilt-;v;".u, N. Y., wrliw m f ,!!,iv, k: "J'or tl.rci) niunilia, I HUffr.xl with pnln l.i t!i- li:u-l: anil In the, ri-;;!on of t! o klilut-j'K, l:i l a (lull, prchhlni; aensa'.lo:! In !ho utHinmi-n, Rtid other nymploirm of pi lvi'! ciit.trrh. " 'lot after taU.jg two liottlca of 1-orn- na 1 mn entirely vul!, U-ttt-r thun I ever wa ." Sfrn. J-'uiiny KlavniliiUeln-r. Si-Ud for "lli-ulth aud JU-auty," wrifv- tt-a e-i-lally for women l,y I)r. H. B. 1I:,rt:imii, rn-Kldi-nt Ilurtuma Baiilttr- I u i ii, Culumhtu, Have You Seen the Latest? If you want foHMt Ui Ifi'xt things in Men's Wearing Apparel liive uh a call, ax we are now better prepared to meet the increawed demand for up-to-date tnerchandine. Our latent arrivalo are the neweHt creatioiiH and moHt up-to-date clothing and overcoats made by Hart,' Schaffner A Marx. one of the most reliable con cerns making hand-tailored clothes. Our new fall and winter line of th6 celebrated W. L. Douglas Shoes are here in all the latest shapes. One of our new additions to our immense stock of reliable mer chandise is the celebrated Hawe's $3.00 hats in the lat est blocks. They are guaran teed to bold their shape and color. By careful buying we are now prepaJed to give you better values than our com petitors, as all our goods are bought from the most reliable concerns in the country. Give us a call and he convinced. j WE ARE j'. m. PRICE Haberdasher Clothier and cor. olh anil Main, Oietroii City O enpn WWOW,W,wwwwwwtw Kkal Khtatk Makkkt I.ivm.y -Ureaier activity In the leal -xtalB market of CUckMinax ix altown hy the re ceipm ol the i-llice if Connly Kecorder Slevena for the n.milli of Alliillxt. I'hey amotilitril to -'j(l 70, a aifiilnxl 10 for the corieK,ti,linu niunlli a year iikd. T l, in increaxe in the receipt of thix nlllce ai imlicatiliK more real etlate rranxleia la Hit. mine xiiiiiilli'aiit from the fact that II, ere Ii not heen plitt'i d on file in tliix ili-parlim.nt a miiyl hop contract during the in, mtli j . l - C ended, w Idle a Jear a no a ntlfiitier of Mich ilocniiifiila were rt-conled and mi a renlf I he aciiriiile of the re ceipti of the ollice were increaMed. Kaim Wii.i. iiu IIamai.k. The liiipeauf Clin kaniMx lounty lariueia for favorithle liarvexinnj wi alher were mkhiii hlaated SuinnUy hy reted xliuwerx. Khiii lor a lew iUvx mure will do tltonxamla of (lollura worth of damatiH to crnpa of all kiinlx in (.'laekamaa coiinty. C SchiiN-l, iiailori,eyol thii-iiy. reitirm-.l Kattn- , NT Kkkp Vrru Tbaiw.-A naitv ""V If I'l" Unu mar Heaver I. reck m i he iron City people that returned tin and tepurlaa remarkahle yield ol rain WI.K (t(,, ,,,, , tie ,,inlainx, of all kimU. W lieal It) that miction of , ri.,,,ia that the fore-t raiiKiTtt in Clacka the cniily la haivimt iin from IIU to 60 m,ia cotinl v are ncided inic their duly in Uixh.U tin arte while oat a are prodiii-inK lUv m,," extahlielilnif and inaintitin-1 InK trrtilx tlirouh the innliiituiliH. f)il fereiil conditions lire reported to exist in Marion county, wlit-rn the runni-in are i-oiiHtantly improving and extemluiK the tralU win, Ii are lar iiM-rior to thoxe foiiinl in tlui county. The tourixlx com plain that no attempt ia mndu to extend the pHaizewayii through the nioiuit miib Small Yikld But Good Hui-a J, W fx-w rv, w ho own an eiht acre hop yard near pnsrity, fitiiahed iiickinx .hit) crop ol the KiiiiIihIi Cluxter variety laxt Friday evenuw. From the eluht acres he liar vented 250 tioxea of Hrsl-claxa hops. The Maine yard laat year yielded 450 boxes ami the yield in tins county this year will he in ahout this proportion. The yard was located on tile hill-aide and the hops ripened more readily than thoxe in I the tHittuin lamU. I'ickinx in a inimher ; of ih- smaller yards in this county is tin I Uhed and the harvesting, of the cioi is iceiieral, ht-KiniiinK laHt Monday. The j prevailing price that ia tiein paid (or I iickuK ix forty tenia In Hum county. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. Iiotii .Ml lo HO liuxhelH i-t-r acre. Con tititied nun, aya Mr. Schuhel, will tin exli-iiNive ilaiiiatte to the gram crop in tiux county. Aim Oi'i-ohKD M tiik Wkih. The liniMitijf of a weir III the Willamette river near this city hy the Willamette l'ulp A l'iiNr Company, will prolmhly l,e enjoined hy intcrc xtcd property own erx. it-n. Krnwn, Mr. HoIIhihii, I,. Fer (inxon el ul htxt Thursday cititHed Sheriir Mniver to serve the follow ing notice on the paper company : "Ileum apprehen sive thai the iliini or weir that you are iiinletliikiiii; Id connrtit-t in the Willatn-i-lle rivet at Hock Inland w ill ul ordinary liih wnler ho all ohxtacln and seiioua in ('luckainaa entity, - while there apparently been imide no ellort to prove the pathwayt now travelled. Iihh ill! I'aHTOK OK roMTI.AM) Clll BVH KeV. A. A F.nm'lhart, who for neatly three yen's haH so fuithftilly and ncit-ptahly served mm paxtor nf the tierman conttre. italion of the Kvannclical cltiirch in tliix cilv, Iihh L'one to 1 oillainl, wlieri; he Iihh iiienin e tn ln properly inlerexts of the accepted the call lo the paxtorate of the un, let Kilned on the upper river, wn here-j Kirxl lieriiian Fvangeliral church of that by prolt-xt avauiHt the erection of aaidjcily. 'J'he 1'oitldinl cuncreiialion is the iliini or wejr uml hereby notify you lo i Ur'next nf llux ilenniiiiriMlioii in the state, iIcsinI (ruin phicintt raid or any ohxtruc- Hml the church ix located at the corner tion in niid river." The remonstrance i (Jf Tenth and ('lay xtieela .Mem Iters of Whm ptexenteil hy C. 1. and 1). C. La- the ( IreKon t'lly coiiurt-kalion regret to touielte who uro the attorneys for the J rre their piiHtor leave lull are k'hnt to ri'inoiiMtriints. 1 note that he will enter a larger field of labor. A Kiiivesxur to the patn'iile of the Oregon City church may not he named until the annual meeting of the conlert-nce which will he held next Spring. Hack Fhom tiik Minkm. John Fair eloinih. of this cilv. who has just returned from Ogle Creek, on the tipper Molalla river, the scene of the recent gold discov ery in Clackamas county, reports that the mineral debits on the lands owned by himself and Portland parties contin ues uood and promises all that has been claimed for the property. The extent of the gold-charged deeonipeil ore has not been determined but in richness the de posits Increase as the tunnel is extended. Mr. Falrclough reports that many pros pect holes in the vicinity of the Fair clough mine, that have heretofore heen abandoned, are beinn worked again. Mefsrs. C. D. and 1). C. I.atourette, of this city, who own property neat the Faircloiigh claim, are causing their hold ings to he thoroughly prospected. Inter ested parties in the property are more encouraged as the work of developing the claim progresses. A I.aiioii I)av Picnic. The union or g'liii.aiiotis of this cilv and Portland ' planned and will hold a big l.ahnr I'ay picnic al (ilitdstone Park next Alon 'lay. The Carpenters and Painters utiioiiH have taken the initiative in ar ranging the picnic. Mr. Morgan prom inent labor leader of Portland and a SM-uker of considerable ability, will de liver an address in the forenoon. A Brand banket dinner at tho noon hour will he followed hy a programme of ath letic sports in the afternoon. Among olner features of the afternoon's pro Krnmme will he the match game of base hall between the Painters and Carpen ters. The brush artists say that the deep shade of blue that will decorate the (sees of their opponents at tho close of the content will be something remark able. On the other hand, llu) men with Jhe hummers expect to displace several "locks for their adversaries before tho KBine is ended. IIiimks kob Soldikkh' Famii.iks. Mrs. " in. (ialloway, of this city, chairman of ll'e joint committee appointed by the (i. A. Ii. and W. It. C. of this state to re ceive siiliMcripiinns for homes for families of depemient soldiers, reports that she Iihh received a considerable amount of money from tho various PoHtsand Keliel I -fH throughout the state. It is the jiirame of the (irand Army people, who 'hv initiated this movement, to erect f-t the Oregon Soldiers' Home at Kone- I.aid l'i For Kki'aikh. At laxt the fierce currents and strains to w hich the steamers are subject about the locks at Willamette Falls has brought the natty N. K. I.aitg to the wavs for repairs. Steainbnatmen declare that nowhere in the river ia the wear and tear upon a steamer greater than in the vicinity o Oregon City, wl ere at all times there is a stiff current because of the falls, and craft plying between the mills and about the foot of the rMpids meet with strenuous opinion from the waters. The Lang is owned by the Willamette Pulp A Paper Company. She is a handsome, lie ing linely finixhed and very attractively painted, Her hull was constructed at the Olson yards about three years ago, and her cahlna were formerly upon the pioneer steamer Salem. YeHerday after noon the boat was pulled up on the ways at Supples' yards, where a complete overhauling w ill be given her. The hull will be entirely recaiilked and probably it will develop, after an examination, that a few plunks are needed. A new guard is to be placed about Iter and other repairs of a minor nature made. Telegram, The cniiliic Tit. Counterfeit. The genuine is always better than a counterfeit, but the truth of this state ment is never mure forcibly realized or more thoroughly appreciated than when von compare the genuine IeWilt's Witch llel Salve with the many counterfeits linri.' rnii,..,... i... ii. ...ii,,.r ' .n, l u-iirt IiIcks substitutes that are on the Hid widows of dependent soldiers. Con- market. W. 8. I.edbetter, of Slireve tributions Irom all charitablo persons I port. I.e.. says : "After using numerous will be gladly received bv the committee. I other remedies without benetit, one box It is expected that sulliuent money will of DeWlti's Witch Hazel Salve cured 'e raised that the work of building the me." For Mind, bleeding, itching and ""tages may begin next summer. It is i protrnding piles no remedy is etpu! to likely, however, that before any build- IH-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, hold by 'ngs of the kind contemplated, can be G. A. Harding. Women jas Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. k-wr Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born J afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. Jf the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty Is kldneyrouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to' a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both neel the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar f f" '" i-' sues. You may have afc:'; -J-i.hi sample bottle by mail -iiiiA tree, also pamphlet tell- Horn of swutnvRont. Ing all about it. Including many of th thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmei Sr. Co., Binghamton, M. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, hut remem ber tho name,Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's S'wamp-Root. and the address, Bitig- bamton, N. Y,, on every bottle. C I. ten, PIONEER tagfei1 and Epre, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE THE CANBY PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Watches, Clocks, Spectacles First Class Repairing All Uoods and Work Warranted E. I. SIAS Central House Phone CANBY, OR. OREGON CITY PLANING. MILL All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors Moulding,v Etc. - - OREGON CITY, ORE. F. S. BAKER PROP. Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2. ' : v ,. ,. .n . .,,. , . ..,,,. I. I. ,11. I I rfLi I 1 1 1 1 W T7 i ' L-" It I II VfVA I 1 burmeisterVd 9) ! V- A MrnErt-M . ! L . ft,,, ni l miiil 1 " - " kjrii ti Ii aa OREGON CITY JEYGLERS,