Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERl'MSE, FRIDAY SKl'TEMI.El. 4, 1903 4 Oregon City Enterprise CITY AMI COl'STY (IFFU'ML PAl'EK. Published Every Fiiday. Subscription Pastes. One rear M Six months 1 W Trial (subscription, two months - A discount of 50 cents on all subscription? for one year, 25 cents for six months, if paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES OX APPLICATION. Subscribers will find the date of expiration stamjH'd on their papers following their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no tify us and the matter will receive our attention. at .11X1 yards G.3. Only forty-sin men can It mowed down by one bullet of the army's present Krag-Jor-irensen ritle. as against the fiftv-five which could l put to death at one trigger pull of the new arm, both' weapons being discharged at M feet away. Although PIT BUOW WOMEN. mirface nnd not down i.oiow. unco , uii'ii "ere employed In (ho conl sennit. ill In IM'.', In the fH'- 'f pvut 'PP- j Itloii from eolllerv owners, mi net wnn, Entered at the postoffice at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. A COUNTY FAIR. It has been suggested by an enterprising citizen that Clackamas county should hold an annual county fair. The suggestion is to be commended for the con sideration of the Oregon City Board of Trade and Un people of the entire county. An exhibition every year of the resources of the county would prove of great Value. In addition to the advantages that would follow such an exposition of the product of the county, there would be created a stimulus for the raising of better stock, truit of improved quality, and cereals second to none. The premiums for a county fair need not be large and the expenses attending the show shouid be limited, so that no objection could at tach to the proposition on thee grounds. It is a patent fact that too little attention is paid by the average farmer to the breeding of his stock and the quality of the grain, fruit and other produce that he markets. The competition along these lines that would be created by a fair, would do more to improve these conditions than possibly any other plan. It is only by a comparison that an improvement is many times suggested. There is need in this county for better stock and in many instances an improved method of farming. Out-dated methods are followed by many farmers to their own pecuniary disadvantage. Education along these lines is needed. And the county fair is a good place to school the farmer. The season is too far advanced to consider the giv of a fair this year but the subject should be given careful consideration. If conditions are considered favorable for such an undertaking next y$ar, steps should be taken early enough in the year to insure a successful fair that would include a complete exposi tion of all the resources of the county, which from an agricultural point of view, bears a favorable compari son with any other county in the state. Improved , conditions along agricultural lines, is one of the main objects of the Grange organization in Oregon. The many Granges in this county might take the initia tive in securing for Clackamas a county fair. ASSESSOR NELSON'S GOOD WORK. The action of Assessor Nelson of Clackamas county in assessing the property of all corporations and indi viduals this year at something near what he considers the true value, is meeting with the endorsement of all citizens. Although the county board of equalization is in session this week, none of the largest taxpayers have registered any complaint. The result will be that the aggregate of the assessment roll for Clacka mas county this year will be at least double that of a year ago, thus making a better showing for the county. By doubling the assessable values, the county will be enabled to make a lower tax levy by which the same amount of revenue may be raised, on if it is de cided to levy the same tax for another year, it will be possible to absorb the county's indebtedness or a large part of it and pave the way for placing the county once more on a cash basis. Much of the property in Ha, 4 . f ITn.nle Workers About KnutUtt ("( Mlur. , Pit hrow women nre unions" the inott roumrkiil'le women worker In tho -..ri.l Tliev work hh hard as men nn. I this rifle, will hurl a bullet five miles 2HX.) yards is the 1 ,ir.. nlmot like tliein. rive thousand greatest distance with which tho soldier with the: of tit.-. women Ami i ...n,.loymen( In h. ....... i.,iii, hhIiIiv. KiikIiiii.I. In tho nml mlni H. j sharpest eye, even wnen awed ty a teiescopo, can see W(1.k nv!i 0I1 , ,, ,iruw , ,, a human target with sufficient accuracy to aim. lhe new bullet has the same weight as that of the Krag Jorgensen ritle, but back of it is -l.'l.o grains of powder, whereas the charge of the piesent ritle is 157 grains.' pun..! prohlidtlim women and children) The new rifles will U turned out at the government's! f - emi-l"vl helow the j irsenals, at Springfield. Mass., and Rock Island, III. i "'p,.,.,,,',. it,,, duties f the pit lr..w ! the joint capacity of these two arsenals is t'.0 per j women eontWt In dentine wlih thoiimll dav; but on account of lack of funds for the purpose " P ' '" '" " ; ; ' ... . , , , , . ., ,. ' , ' , When the enlijo reaches the top they only .vr0 will be turned out each day. At that ratH lmu, mt , ,.,, which contain the entire armv can be armed within a vear, and the -vernl hundrodwcii;ht of conl each, National Guards of the various states within the sue-1 ' run the... on tho mils t., a of tipping ttinehllie. which shoots the eonl ceeding three or four years. 1(iwn Mow ta ,. wt.i-ii of the rid- i , I dllm; innehlno. Ainoiic the other tin- r 1,'T'C l-VT TO U'opr I ties of the women Is the levellm! of the U,l t l.M JU UUN. j r)i Iu vn(.(mH whu,h n(vlv The time is oniiortune for the n'generation of tho j It drop from the screen. ... ., i . -r- i i -i I Thev Nturt work nt tl o'clock In the Oregon City Loard of Trade. Commercial organi.a- . , ., , , f.r. tions in other Valley towns are alive to the situation nm,. riu-y m-wve '.' shUUnus or le-s n nn, I arp seonrimr tor their resoeet ivt Communities u Clnr. nn.l men Hint h the Niuue work . . 4 .i I. 1 set 4 slillllncs. Th-lr roMtiime e-mslHts , just quota ot the immigration to this state. By reason Jf (ron (.() 1M(, t,f.u ,.,.,, of the approaching Lewis and Clark fair, the J'acilio r,p( whl. U Ims nt one time lui-n Coast and more particularly Oregon, is receiving much worn hy a hrogier. When cohur tu j ' J , nn.l from work the clrls mid women, attention. ' enr petlhonts. wlil. h they nill up ! Some judicious advertising should be dono by the ' m-omnl the wnlst while -ml;mi;.1 on! enterprising people of Oregon Citv. Larger opimrtuni-! l' l'r,' ,,,,,fil" ' n, 1 . ' '. ' . b . " 11 . errd wllh n hiiii.lkerehlef. on top of; ties for manufacturing enterprises are not posesse,l hji.h H hft ,,, bv anv other point on the coast but if these natural; conditions are to 1-e utilized to the benefit of the com- , .1 There Is a valley In t"llv!u, South munity, some prominence must Is' made of tho fact-1 Ai,.rira. whl. h iuIkM well l enlled Among other enterprises that are needed in this i the Vulley of the ssimdow of lenth. It j ... . i it .i r i . iiuH i m a it t M Jin i.i i.'.i lor mi ii'i'- citv is a cannerv to band e the immense crops of nut ' " , , ' ' perlil of ji'iirs hy the Kalian 1 1. 1 1 :i 1 1 and vegetables that are grown here annually. Such a W, llr. Umlre.1 to the vnrl.on South ' factory would pay its ojterators and would prove 1 Am- ri.Mii trii. nn.l iHiinh. r n..w only ,i i i .i i e c . n rew i i. r.'.l minis, i n.ii mej wi n- spletu id acouisi'ion to the number of manufacturing , .i..n i . i.. n ...t . 1 1 1 n onee n very iwerfill trlt.e Is In, II, nt.'.l institutions in the city in that several hundred people "j,v ,. ron.liilon of the In ml whl.h '. woul find eniploynient. There is a flattering opening; they ns n triu. silll one enn J , e i.. ii f !. lioi no' no. uisuunt- iumiuku here for a butter and cheese factory that faculties , ,, . , , n,.i J lmiil without eotnlnj,' upon the 1. 1 nn.l might be provided for handling tho large product of forsaken imrial uroiimls of the Knmn: the dairv ranches in this section. The dairv business I-t-l- These phoes ennnot he enll. d , , . i . , , i Kt-avcvnr.K for the ImmIIos nre not has become one of th- principal industries of Llacka- , raltlnr ,, ,.,,.,.,. mas county and is expanding with each succeedig' cd platforms, wrapped in the Kannent year. These are onlv a few of many enterprises that 1 "f ""' erost.euuis .... . r ' , . . ., , ... I that they tuny not Im- should be sreured for this community. Laeh addi- ,,,,. ,lf .M,. ,.uril Kr..un.U ther tional one secured means a larger pay-roll and an in j will be prolmhly fifty liinh skeleton creased volume of business. . Iatfunns nml on en.n win lie rr-.m fl 1:4 Tho Klml Yoti Huvo Alwnjn Ttotiglit, nn.l wlil. h lms hwn in uso for over 'AO jenm, lmu liorno lu slu'iuitiiro of niul lias been init.l under Ms pr flr s ff-f wiimlmipcrvlHloii ulnro lis Innuiey. 4af7.CA4ti Allow iKMitiotiMlecolve you In this. All CoiuiterfeUs, Itnlfutlons nnl " JustiiM-KNHl"iir lint Kxporlinciits tliut trlllo villi nn.l riilaiiirr tho lieulih of Int'anU uiul thililrcu-l'xperlonco NKutust IhiM-rlincnU What is CASTORIA Cnstorlu Is iv liurinlosn stibstltnto for Castor Oil, I'tiro Korlc, Props unl Noothlnc Hjriips. It in Plcnmint. It rontalnsMU'ltlier Opliiin, fllorphlno lior ntlier Nareotlo milistuiico. Itsnk'ols Its iiunruiiteo. It destroys Wornm mid allays lVverlslmoss. It cures Plitrrlm u ami Wind Colic It relieves TiH'tlilujr Troubles, -urrs Coimtlpntloit niul Flatulency. It assimilates tho F.m.l, regulates tho UtomiK h nml IJowels, (lvliir lioaltliy ami nalurul sleep. The Children' l'atiaeea-Tlio Alolher' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho Signaturo of Tit . SKT7 f?L f at ir m rr "tt- The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. nt ct MYftiiM eeMNf, ft rnvmrn mw off rr$. THE ENTERPRISE AIL KINl'S :OMMI'.Ki:iAl. PRINTING U)NU IN Ul TO I'ATB STYLE INACTIVE CLD AGE. Hurt tooUml-ir lo DrrMrlnrata Tli Business men and citizens should see tg it that the ; nlr , mt , f ,1(lllvlll , V1.ry lllri, There fr more i,i-.,. e for i..i I..,.,..! ,.fT.,i n.i i ,i;i.u; , ',... U-f U .Ire,,rit.s f oi.i after i ' : l. . . 1 l t lilt'li'! til' it. .HUM nf f tti COfttlllfMlt. Ill- 11 wont oi wiai orpanizauon m int jkim n'nuim'u. io noi i " j; fr th ... . . ... i 1 t. 1 i li"sH IMtHI Mlliej jiisi ii line leave it all with the efheient officers of the Hoard, of i ,.,. . pi,,,,.,,,,-, traveler which Secretary Cross has always heen an active , punkIpi; thrui;!i timt Inn. I nt nltiht nml worker. Bv joining hands the work can 1-e apportioned i l?' U1";"'ll,'t "ul'1 ''" eHtrl. ken nt . I the Kl'n.iuy vision thoiMf Kraveynnls among many who have a common interest m the up- j ps,.,,,. huildinn of the community. Lets get to work and , then all will share in the henefits that will follow. NI-!XT. I An Affair of I.pttm. We nre unii li minirlsed nt niii-tlnu : little Polly Cont.wsel, fortnerlj- (if How- . ! ersville. In Kii-.-liiiiil, i "U'liv. I'ollv:" we nny. "Ilnw In It i Of all liars, t at Josephine county man should have we tin. I you lo re?" j medal. He claims that a fir tree on his timber claim 1 I"H.v ! repents, with . a illnnlty I , . . , . i , .1 i . e .i . I we never knew nlie ioesHeil. "Lmly has a petrified top while the lower part, of the tree is ; (,.,,,.,,, lf yim ,,,. .. alive and green. Kugene Guard. That's nothing.' An npoincy on our part ptnlINhe An inctance was this week reta.rted in fMaeknimm ' frlemlly relatlonn on.-e nmre, nn. , . , . . , , . . ! tells lis that she reiillv lms won nnd county of a tree that burned for eleven consecutive j 1(iril n , ,, ,, ,.r f,, months before it fell to the ground. Oregon City En- ther's dollars nre In-lnu' cxpemled In the terprise. Pshaw, you fellows know nothing about ' ri-furl.lslilnn of the oiedehts rantle. . , r, . r, . , . .1 "lint." we nay, "It was nnnored In timber. Come over to Central Oregon and we will Bow.-rsvlll.. that y.. were hesitntlnB show you thousands of acres of sage brush that ourtn your ehoh e hetween three hoiient dear Hitchcock has placed in a reserve that in a hall fim""r l:,,lM "" vl i".v. M..w wns ' It tl,..,i II,,, I v,.n , lilu I, ,r,ll, !,, .1 . ii , i. .. i ii - .i . i- i f u.i.eii yearn win gruw iiiui nee.i uuti win prouuee dia monds on every twig. Prineville Journal. The Com. missiiiers will probably reject this man's offer after learning that our I'rownsvi le friend is willing to do nate. Mr. James Calloway says he has n. tree on his place whieh is all petrified, and in the top of this stone tree 19 a'bird, petrified, and about three feet farther skyw rd is the poor little birdie's whistle, and it too is petrified. Brownsville Times. Thk Mkdfokd I.v.t ikku has suspended publication. Horace Mann was the editor of the paper and that it should cease nublication is not surprising. It was Mann through the In'mirer who abused President Roosevelt on the occasion of the President's visit to " r . l- i f fT a 1 t . l Clackamas county has heretofore been assessed at too "warran e i inso ence lowanis me cuiei executive win not, ne toierateu in any com low a figure and it is right that the advance in assess able valuations should be made munity and the withdrawal of support from the In quirer for its conduct hastened its demise. The In quirer was a Democratic paper. Ho.v.M. L. Chamhekmx, an honored citizen of Sa lem, died at the Capital City recently, after an illness of veral months. Ill health caused Mr. Chamber lin to resign the office of Clerk of the School Land Board last Spring. Mr. Chamherlin wan an early Oregon pioneer, comir,g to this state from Michigan. He served the people of Marion county for two years as clerk, represented his county once in the state sen ate and figured prominently in securing the re-establishing of the state reform school. He was one of the most prominent Odd Fellows in the state and was a highly respected citizen. EQUIPMENT OK AMERICAN SOLDIER. The American soldier is to he armed with a wonder ful rifle, which will hurl a bullet five miles into space. It a unique weapon and the most powerful one ever designed for the foot soldier. It will shoot a single bullet through the bodies of thirty-five men formed in a straight column, all facing its muzzle, the nearest man being thirty-five feet away. At a distance of 500 yards it can, with one of its little lead projectiles mow down thirty-three men; at 1000 yards thirteen men; at 1500 yards six and one third men. Accord- ! A 1 .1,-1 .11.- I' i A I i . t. mgio a iaw ueuueeuoy ordinance experts, uie m-Miy Ofhuai.s for the Southern Pacific Company re- part oi a man s noay, irorn front to back oilers the re-, cf;jve( ,ut little encouragement from the officers of eistance to a bullet as does a plank of white pine one 1 Clackamas county whom they interviewed last week inch thick. This has ken demonstrated by shooting 'in hopes of securing a reduction in the assessed valua- hullets through the corpses of men and through tar-! tion I'1' on H'," K"1"?7 ' c''rItion by As , : , . , . . ,. . ' i sessor Nelson. 1 mirier lands of the Southern Pacific gets of the wood-mentioned at various distances. A ; Colljpany tl)flt lj;ive Jien.tofore b,.n assessed for 1.2.', queer target was arranged for the test of the new rifle. !arl jf2.."0 per acre were this year listed at from 2.50 Some twenty or more squares made of one inch white to $0 and -fT an acre. It was against this raise in as pine were mounted vertically, one inch apart, at the ' sessed valuations that partic'uhu objection was regis- end of a field. Bullets shot from the improved car- T,"; of'" '1l a vacation on tl- se lands , . , ..i.,., v is not unreasonable when the company withholds most tndges of the new gun demonstrated that at a d.s- oflh,.. l;lIJIH frm . foark,.t arl js reported (ohave tance of fifty-three feet from the nearest square the r,;fu,-ed the sale- to anxioun inquirer who have offered, average penetration was through 5 1.7 of the boards; , as high as 1 1 5 an acre for the land. "Oh," she titters, "he eame to liow ersvllle on" day. Wln-n I nnv him I dropped my eye nnd he hepm dropping his Ii'h, an, I It wasn't lone until he In dueed inn to drop my J'h, mid now we nre hoth making papa drop Lis v'a and xV .tn'li'p. INCUADLE. .v.irk has h.-en laid nxld" lli.'in Hhort.-nliik' of life whlrli reult from the enfor.-.-tl Inaeth Ity. Two not nhle limlniieen and pi-rhup" fr--r fn-in (oiilit than niot iih to whether 11 I en nui n loin- that kill ami not the dW.-iioe of old ii'- or u more xpeoille inalml) j ire tlio-i- or .apoi-oii II rem niaj i I lilsmnr. k. 'lhe one lived l year lli St. Il.-leiin, the ither i-Ulit years m 1 frhilrlrlixl'ili. eioh "eatlni; out hl I h.-art " If evi-r there were men n 'to OII:-lit oi. the Hiiipimllloii lo have heeti ; kl'li-.l hy the tolul Hil-penHlijII of tln-lr uetlvitii-4, th.-ie o otiu-ht t' hni' l.ei-li, hilt It Would lie ettr. lliely lllllh , Clilt to kIiow that tin-) were. Thoticlj , Napol. on wnt la. inoro than llfty tlir"", ' yet It Wat llie Kpeellle dl"''iiHi' of eall.i'l ' of the n'oinn. h of lili h he ilii-d, ami the roiiii.-.-tloii Im-Ii .'1i hit elh-d lone. Ilni-tH and the .llr.-. t enilte of hl d.-atli I Joet no) heelil very apparent. Hn the' other hand, I'i-niar, k at the iik' of Mi-Vent.v tlV", uh"ii he wnt from Hie elialK elloinhlp, eoiild hot li;ie had a lik.-lihiHiil of more proloiiK'-.l years than he actually a.-hlevi cl mil of olll. e even If he had eontliun-.l In ollli-e until the end A wlte iiiiin If not ton dyspeptic Will never lute touch with iictual llf". Th.r" are old men w 1 1 !j Jounn lienrtK, and III" elder when Ii" j hat n ynuii- heart It perhaps the mott dcliejilfnl lp Inin.aiilly can Hhovv'ut I Saturday C vlew. HARPER ! Pin o & Mellow Rich & Delicale l FOR BALE BV j E. MATTHIAS n ooio rgrnty iui w t-p w . . w. . T DR. FENPiER'S KIDNEY and Backache CURE 'l lie li-uiiir' of I'.iiIIiie. 1.1kl.nn. nf Vl.lnxva I'ertoiiH piillerinif from iiidiu'.-Mlion, , Blu.ldxr. Urlnnrv Orxunn.' " I dVMa-ni.iii or (itlor Htomiiih troiihle will1 A '-'i Rlmuiiiftt Urn, Knrk . I ,;', I i- ., I. . ,,,,, .... ,. , , mrht. Hi-rtulrnn Gravel Thnt IB Wlmt lhe 1ooiib eay oi,"" " -."-i- e". Jrouy, i'ouitila Troulile. . ... , ... i ini ),iii nini iiimkch ino- pioiimi u Chrome hlJ 2"'! remedy never f Dnt d,.Cor. Th.r. U the new Itiltcn v.ompounl ,ine (or Inilinctmn nml )vipepi nml cure lor you. Ifi o-ury rll. It. I enn'' lluvcu Record of M",' of Nccov-; nil complniutp. nirecluiK the kIhii.Ih or!"" ,'",rl'" Jl' 11,,'Mwn n niii(ii, i, i iiii'm IVIJ ..... I .1 n.'liA. met. Whm rin lulu k'nlnl llva, i '''' Inonint lit n.-.l. in-ujr ..- ericH Amon Clirnic Chhck In curuble by AM Other Mcdloinco. Cure everythhi, t .Htten ;,..,,., .Tn V!' every hit of the nutriment t hut your food coikUim. it ntHimilnted nnd HppropriHled hv the hlood and tiMniiet. Hold by (i. A. Hunting. DniKKltt knnw that kldnf-y dlm tns tliut hug uutf oo eiKl. or U;n month lifts twcoujecl.roiilc iid thst It In tlinn rri(arili'd hi (ilijalcluiii u lucuribls nd that up U the ftdvnt of the ulton Compouudii that nuihtuKon thslr nhnlvi r would toucb It. It in ft proven fact that nearly Dlno-teuth ot all caaea are now eurahlo, ai.d trugglsta Ihonmclvr are taking the new Com pounds. One of the rcovorl':a was Ur. .-tl. bloiaelf, tbe ploiawr druKlt of fc3 Tat-ILo street, Ban Fi,olco, and lie (are It to ot n floznn othfrra who rcovrrd. Hire U another lulnrfttliiK rcovi'-y. (We C"PT from the tiucru tuisoto News of Nvvf ruber 10 I'J'U. 'Afw a arlona lllneaa of ovrravear Jndve J. R. Allen of trile cliy has recovered and r- f anls bliuaelf moat fortunaie In ur, rfull j mtilliiK wltliwhai Is K'-neraliy ryrdid as a tvial uinlady, IIOKht's iJiHii,) of the kldne) h. In speaklruc of hi cam Judge Allen said: I lylleve that lhe treaiment lv,n Uie by w,y ptiyttlctan was In acconlunc-o with the tet Uieinoos nseu io ine reKour practice or metll- .,.. .1,1 .,:, i , t-iue, hut It afforded mo no relief. lleurlnK of r"lu,r eann priz-l nre Hie Fulton Compounds I went to 8n hraueinio SWardt'd to the best that are received f j fnvesiiKaiu "d s'a. eonvin.'-d i houid i HoiiHewives every where nre invited i,'. ouderi(0 lie treatment, it was three months ' , invuen n, ,. lrB I n'ltlcwl ae innirefor the Ix tter. 1 uw , i psrtu Ipnle In Hie eompetition. For full trie me, II, -Hie faithfully fur r.euriv a vear and ImrtieillHrs see the Vvieula l,.r . Ii...,n .1. can now nod no evidence of the dlneat-e and I onrtinent in the CI ii em.,, ll....,.,.l 11 . 1 . am aailalleU It It entirely . limlnnien. My a-1 I'"""1"11 "H H((ii Itei'Ord-1 Icrald. f, elite In go.Kj, i rnive Ki.oieu seventeen eouncs 11 welitit and will he usvl to defrll,e p y irpenenro to anyone who may call or write.' " hacrauiento News, Nov. l.i, liU. The editor nf the News hlmteir wai the friend srho UiUl JudKe Allen ,,f tl,e ult',ti .,n,Nundit. They ari too only IhiOKH known 11, hi tixn , acriotinn o 1 1 V. kidney dls.-a.e, after as well a, Nf.,re they ?' rl'',"r ' l,r tlio Weekly OreK.inmn Xr&iiua enrooie, whirh hptrjs at.'Ut o.e tenth looulri. r-..iially ellleient In drnpwy. j,ul, f ri'-tirnatlsni fmru uric aeld and l.lail'l' r IreuiileH nitiua Keri:,l ('cTnfifilirid Ittr ifrU-hl's Sidney I J'iha 1. Y ulo n ( o , W athir .'ion P. . ,.',.. J: d ;,:,',; - . ;;. ,.. !'V ".r ".'!" y"r ,n """ai":e wUl be mi iuku lu:-u l u, iu u. coy. 1 ' 1" i: raiiii! oiler. "What Shall He Knt !' Kvery day the same old (iieHtijn, What hall we e-t for hrenkftst, for luncheon, for dinner? atsailH with monotonous rei; ularity the patient huunewife wlio seeks to provide Kood living for the family aifreeahle variety at h luoderatR cott. There in a rtnily depnrtinent in the Chl cKO Heeord lleralil which in Intended lo answer this ijueHtion sntiHlactorily every day In the vear. It is entitled "MhhI'h for a Day," and provides inenut for the three meals every day, with the necessary recipes. These mentis and recipes are carefully delected hy the lieeurd-llernld'a OrKiiliin anil Enterprise. The reitular siiliHcriplimi price of The r-nierprise is i..,ii i ti,e reitular enl. is 1 1 f0. Anyone siil,eri!,iii j f,.r 11.. Knterprine and pnyinj one year in d Vance can yet hoth Ti, Kn,..ri ctr rni'fii . ".'.,... ii'.i.i... . -..,1.11.,. ISsea-s. tr , i; for lasiK ies, i wi. , " Bf ' J ' 'reoniun one vear for ' i ult-n 1 i) , i athir .'ion aireei. Sun All old SUllHl-rihert iiaviin lliuir ml.. I tion for one vear in ailvni,,.., .-,il i... .... ! tiers Kidney 11ml llii.-knch" l' re eiireil 1110 cornpli lely. II. VA l'l:KS, Hamlet. .V V." IiriiKiihlt. uu:, II. A.k forl'isik lh.k Free. ST.VITUSDANCE il.ii!:r? For Sale hy Charman & Co Huntley Brother! BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon haven't a rerilar, hsallhy movement of ttw teiwoll every dev. you're IU "r will be. Keep your bowH. i,ii,,l he well. Korce. In the aliele vl'.lent phyalo or pill daon. Is dauiemua. 1"e emoothe.t, eaaleit, nrat perfect way nt aeepuif the boweia clear and olean la to take CANDY CATHARTIC 5 CHAHMAN4CO..UUU(J(jI.ST8 I SubscriU for Hie Enterprii-e CAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Plant. Palatable, Potent, Ta.te O"0"'. J 0xl, Nv,-r Kl:k, n. Weaken or'lrlpei loo-ma perleis. WHte for lreeeauiple,aad rew" letonhealrh. Adilreaa Sterllno Remedy Company, Chicane f Hew To KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Sear. tl,e AM K'Pd YH w"'' Blgnatnre of