Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 28, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Hourly Ertrr Oaw In Tovra Contrlh-
ted Cord, wad Kltlrr John I.rlaad
, Bnased the Job Th Formal I'm
ratal ton at th Whtl lloaar.
The story of the grout cluvno made at
Cheshire In 1S01 and sent the following
Nrtnter to President Jefferson as
JN'ew Year' present has beeu many
times told In prose ami vrsc, but It
worthy of repetition as an interestlii);
bit of local history, showing, as it does,
the patriotic spirit by which the pood
people of Cheshire were move! and the
novel manner they chose for its expression.
, In those days Cheshire was famous
Tor three thins its exceptionally flue
dairying interests and products, the
well nigh universal adhesion of the
Toting population to the IVmooratle
party and Klder John Lelnnd, an able,
eccentric and witty KapUat divine,
whose fame is a part of the history of
Cheshire. Elder Leland and most of
the other people of the town were ar
dent admirers of Thomas Jefferson,
and when he was elected president of
tne tniteu states their joy was un
bounded. It was finally decided that
It would be proper to give to their es
teem a tangible expression in the form
of a mammoth cheese, which should
show to the president the quality of
their material resources and something
of the extent of their admiration for
The announcement of this plan ws
made by Elder Leland from his pulpit
cm Sunday morning and was received
with pleasure by the people. July 20,
TS01,- was the date set for the making
of the cheese, and the plan was to have
all the owners of cows in the town,
with the exception of the few federal
ists there were, to make their curd and
arry it to a central place for pressing.
Of course there was no choose press
large enough for the pressing of such a
cheese as was proposed, and Ellsha
Brown's cider press was consequently
selected for the work.
When the ibiy came fur making the
eheese the people gathennl from all J
Tarts of the town. Those who had curd !
to contribute brought It with them, !
some in large quantities and some l:i
email, but all extremely proud to con
tribute to the monster cheese thnt w:is
to be sent to the president lies Ides be
ing a busy day it was also a gala day
for the inhabitants of Cheshire. The
farmers and their wives and families
turned out en masse to witness the con
struction of what proved to be the
most famous cheese In all history, for.
though a still larger cheese was made
In the town at a later date, this was
the presidents cheese, and the great
Elder Leland, who in the estimation of
the people of Cheshire was second In
Importance "only to President Jefferson
Wtnself, was leading and directing the
enterprise. Most of those present were
arrayed in their Sunday best, though
the women who superintended the mix
ing of the curd were obliged to wear
protecting aprons.
The hoop In which the cheese was
pressed was made for the occasion. It
was four feet in diameter and eighteen
Inches deep and was secured with
strong bands of iron to enable It to
etand the pressure. When all of the
curd had been mixed and salted it wad
placed in this hoop, a follower which
tad also been made especially for the
jmrpose was placed upon it, and the
ponderous wooden screws of the old
cider mill were turned down on the
most precious body they had ever com
pressed. After all was done a hymn
lined off by Elder Leland was sung by
the assemblage, and the people sepa
rated for their homes, highly satisfied
with and very proud of their day's
work. Some days after it was made
the cheese was taken to Captain Dan
iel Brown's cheese house to be cured.
Its weight one month from the time it
The custom of serving pudding as fn
flrst course at dlnuer seems to hare In
terested a good many jvopl of our
day. A geutletuau from Maine In
forms the writer that It Is still the cus
tom In certain sections of bis state. In
the autobiography of the Adams fami
ly It Is meutloiied that at a dinner giv
en by the venerable ex-prosldent of the
fulled States, at which his grand
children were present, 'he flrst course
was Indian pudding, and the little
folks were told that the more pudding
they ate the more beef they could
have. So of course they gorged them
selves on the pudding, and as a con
sequence they had no appetite for beef
when It was nerved. Thus were main
tained the simple and economical meth
ods of the forefather. The hoy who
came to the city from the country and
later became the successful and
wealthy merchants of Boston were rais
ed In a most frugal manner. Their
breakfast the year round was of brown
llaylnaT a W it;
In I'gamla n man can buy t hand
some wife for four bulls, a box of car
fridges nnd six luvdlcH, and If bo hits
tho luck to go n wooing when womaii
In lh County Court of inn Stats of Ore
gon, lor tin" County of Clackamas.
In the Mat(r id Ih Noarilianalilp of
Irwin Leall Gordon, a Minor.
Now on tlila day ei Andrew llurilun,
t tir guardian ol tlx estate or Irwin Leslie
(Jiinrdlwit'a Male.
In llir matt nl the la( ol I'rarl Marl
HiiHiiagrl, a minor
Notice In hartley given that, pursuant In
mi order ol tho county onlirl el Hip slate nl
Or W"n. lor Clsikama county, mad ami
run red on ttiv '.'.Mil ilny ot Nnvvnilwr, I'm.',
happens to be a drug In the market he, Cordon, a minor, ami lllca Ida duty vcritlcd i,.,,,, Nll, (i,,r (lot 1 1 11 ti ,ny (l hen
cau buy suitable damsel for a pair ! ltillon in I he anovr t omi inn an nil mr a
. , , ,. ... ... . ' j liccus In sell tltii billowing described ri'Sl
of kIioo. A Katllr girl Is worth, ac- v,tn belonging to said ar.l. aitiinln.l In
cording to the rank of her family, from tin, state ol Oregon, sad described a lol-
four to ten cows, itiut In lartary no fa- low, to wit
thcr will suiTender bis daughter unless
he gets a good quantity of butter 111 're
turn, mid In certain parts of India no
girl can marry unless her father hni
been pacllled by a present of rice and a
few rupee.
Hon the Orient tlrte Ita l-'lour.
"Two women shall be grinding at the
mill." In the east the day's supply of
meal Is ground e.-uli morning by two
women. ho sit opimslte each other on
large, clean cloth, with tho small
millstones between them. They push
tho tipper stone u round and around by
II I, .d .f -(,.. I, ,,,!, .1,1 ll. A
brul and milk and the same for their , , . , .,
nun- iti iui- ptnr, imuii vioim-ii Homing
supper. The dinner was of baked
beans and pie, rarely any meat. Bos
ton Transcript.
A IMrtoreaqo Matrsmaa.
The El Dorado Kepubllcnn gives a pic
ture of an early statesman and his pie
turesque attire: When the lion. David
L. McCain? was elected to the legisla
ture from Butler county In 1S'" and
went to Topeka to be sworn in he as
tonished not only the natives, but ev
erybody else, as he was the most gor
geously dressed statesman that Kansas
bad ever produced. He was very dark,
with long black hair. On his head was
a coonskin cap, the tall of tlie coonskln
hanging gracefully down his back. Ills
coat was made of wolfskins nicely tan
ned and lined with red flannel. Six
handsome tails hung from his coat tails
and flapped In the breeze as he mean
dered up to the speaker's desk to take
the oath. He wore a spitted doeskin
vest, buckskin kuee breeches, hand
somely fringed; top lioots, gloves made
of beaver skin, a watch chain done In
beadwork, a flannel shirt with a flam
ing red bandanna pocket hnndkrvh'ef
around his mvk, and It Is needless to
say lie created a sensation.
It. They usually slug ns they grind.
Thr Trouble With II I m.
"Well, suh." said Brother Dickey, "I
frald Br'er Jinkiiis will never git
along In de wed'!"
"Why. what de matter with him?"
"Only dis: lie si; cored er thunder en
he can't dodge llglilnln'!" Atlauta
The l.nalcnl Woman.
Eupbeiula-Professor, 1 suppose yon
Would be afraid to marry a logical
Woma n?
Trofessor-(ih. no: If she was really
logical I could convlnit! her ouc Id
awhile. Exchange.
Klllaar It.
Wantanno Why did Mrs. Etitsvk
speak In such a rasping tone to her husband?
DUEiio-Stic was simply filing her on
Iwrer. Baltimore American.
An iin.livi.liil on third Internal In tli
liorthweal inrler nf lh southeast ipinrlnr
ol Section .'Hi, T, II, S It II W. of Ilia Will
amette Meridian in Tillamook Comity, Urn
iron, containing 10 acr. and aiitJrcl to ll
Ilia et( ale of lr. John (l.irilon.
An umlividi'il our I hint lulrreit in Ilia
norllira.it iiiiirttr ol lli mirlliwenl iiiarlr
el Section III. I . IJ. S. li. 7 W. l tlm Will
aim-UK Meridian, and containing ' scrra,
ml aulijecl to Ilia lif taints of Pr. John
An timlhiilrd ona tliiril Inlvrrat In l.ola
I, :'. .1. 4 and ft. In l, k:M, In IVnlnmUr
Addilioii No. '.' to tint City of 1'orllaml. In
Multnomali fount v, Orrk'ou, and iitiject
lo tli 1 1 If pntaia ot I r. Joliu tier. Ion
I lie Im IiIioii reiirraenla llinl It ! Iiacei-
aar, and rxredient thai Jhe InlereKl which
aaid minor ana In aald ri'al ealale I aobl
ami ll appraniiK thai John I iordoii, Caro
lina irwin (loruon ami John iiownns nor
don are the nrxi of km nl aald minor, and
Ilia Court helng (nllv aih laed, ll u or.lere.l
ami decreed thai said m il of kin, and all
persona iulcrealed in tlia ealnie of aald
minor, be and n venr in (he almva antnled
I'ourt on Ihe '.'.Mh duv nl Se.emler, l'U,
at Hie hour of HI o'clock A. M., then ami
theretoahowcauae.il any exiat. why ahl
liceuae ali.iuld not Iw Kraiiied.
If peraonal service ol lha order rannol be
hail iimn aanl neit ol kin, ll la lurthnr !'
erred thai a ctipy ol thla order be served on
aald lirxl of kin'bv pnhlicatloii in ha (Ir
goil (itt Knterpriae. a nraaa-r oihhalird
in ('lackauiaa County, Oregon, lor I lire"
iiceesaiva weeka nelorr said dale.
Til oS. K. ItvaN,
County Jiiitgn nf (iackamaa County,
Bated Aug. '.'. Oil.
II K. Cruaa, Attorney for (Inardiaii.
.flrnot I'lnnl Melt Irmrnt.
Fill snort.
main inn. Ceorgle
Inapproprlitte (luotallona.
The following Is a good example of
Inappropriate quotations: A ciergym: n
Itppointed to nn East End living found
his parish church sadly In mvd of n1
palr and gave orders for its renovation.
While this was In hand the Idea oc
curred to him to visit the mission halls
In connection with It to see what might
be needed there. In 1410 of them which
was used as a mission cbacl he found
a state of indescribable filth from end
to end and an accompanying ellluvla.
In disgust he raised his eyes toward
the roof nnd could hardly repress a tit
of laughter on reading the text sten
ciled on the wall behind the pulpit.
"How dreadful Is this pluce!" Anoihei
story Is of an old Presbyterian clergy
man who, away on a preaching engage
ment, found nbove the bed on which In
was to sleep the singular ndvlce. 'Oc
cupy till I come." London Chronicle.
was pressed was 1.235 pounds. The
moving of the cheese from the cider
press to Captain Brown's was made a
great occasion. The people turned out
again, and the cheese was followed by
a big procession. Moses Wolcott, who
kept the "tavern," gave a feast to all
present and thereby linked his name to
this part of the town's history.
The following December the great
cheese was sent to Washington In
charge of Elder Leland and Darius
Brown. There were no railroad In
those days, and it was drawn on a sl d
to Hudson, X. V., and shipped from
there by water. The presentation of
the cheese to the president was an
event of moment in Washington.
presentation was made at the White
House In the presence of the cabinet,
foreign diplomats and other notables,
Elder Leland serving as spokesman
and assuring the president in suitable
terms of the great esteem in which lie
was held by the people from whom the
gift had come. Springfield Republican.
Lock and Labor.
If the boy who exclaims "Just rny
hickl" were truthful be would say
"Just my laziness.'" or "Just my Inat
tention!" Luck is waiting for something to turn
Labor, with keen eyes and strong
will, will turn up something.
Luck lies In bod and wishes the post
man would bring him news of a lega
cy. Labor turns out at C o'clock and with
a busy pen or ringing hammer lays tin
foundation of a competence.
Luck whines; labor whistles.
Luck relies on chances, labor on char
acter. Luck slips down to indigence; labor
strides upward to independence. Chris
tlan Advocate.
tie on the chin!"
"Why did he do th:it?"
"'Catiso lie couldn't reach my iiosv
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Notice la lierahr given that the iimlrr
signed, the teculor of tlia laat will and
testament ol C. K, Klnearaoit, deceased, has
tiled in the County Court of Clackamas
t'ouiiiy, Orfiton, his llual account a such
eiecutor, and lhal Mnndav tilt) Tlh (lay of
Srplenibrr, !U, at the hour of U o'clock
A. M. at tile Counlv Court house III Oregon
lily. ('Iackamaa County, Uri'k'on, bna U-en
appointed aa me tune ami lnre for lirar-
struck 1 ' eruiinlng any and all objections
to aald account.
Aug. 7, I'KI
I'KrKH KlNI'AP.sinS,
'rulii-l Hoik.
A Puisfe Kable.
An American heiress was wooed by a
foreign prince, who urgently besought
her to become his wife. In order t
test the sincerity of his love she asked.
"Will you still marry me If I give away
all my money for charity and become
as poor as yourself?"
The prince considered awhile, and
then responded, "Yes, provided you
will still marry me if I renounce my
title and become a plain republican per
son like yourself."
Query. Dili she agree to bis proposi
tion? Smart Set
Sealed hi, In will bo lecclveil bv tln
undersigned nl tlm ollice ul C, (i. Hunt
Icy until S.i t ti r, 1 .1 y 1 11 Atinu-t L"i. pai;;,
lor l.iDll cubic yards nl cm. bed rock, nl
good ipmlity, said hi la to include the
ilcliverinj and the rc ling of the same
upon Kilth and Seventh streets aa di
rected by tlia committee.
The right to reject uny and nil b, is
hereby reserved.
Wm. Siikaiia.v,
C. li. Hi .ri kv,
August 'JS Committee.
Legal Noticen.
He Worked On.
WifeGeorge, this burning of t,V-
Tiio j candle at both ends means an untimely
grave. It is nearly VI o'clock. Come to
George But I'm doing this night
work In order to Cud money enough to
buy you a birthday present
Wife-Weil, if you will persist Pi
working of course I can't stop it Good
eight, dear.
The Center of Olisri-Tatlon.
! "Say, paw. was you ever the cynosure
kt all eyes?"
"Yes; the other day when I went run
ning down the middle of the street aft
er my hat I'll bet there wasn't a man,
woman or child in town who wasn't
there looking at me." Chicago Record-Herald.
Conceit of Modern Life.
' The conceit of modern life is self cen
tered almost wholly. Our purposes if
defined leave only the most Hellish and
artificial basis. Men and women by
countless thousands are steering their
lives without compass or definite guide.
Pittsburg Gazette.
Drinks and Dropa.
"Jenkins must be a pretty straight
fellow. Dobbins tells me he never
drinks a drop."
"So? You probably misunderstood
Dobbins. What he said must have
been that Jenkins never drops a drink.'
Baltimore News.
fs-ordsmanshf p.
"The lieutenant Is an expert swords
man, I am told."
"Oh, rory! I don't bellve there 1 a
dance which he can't dajice With his
word on.' Detroit Free Press.
Bare Remedr Kot Available.
Rev. Pastor Mrs. Wakely tells me
they have a great deal of trouble In get
ting their baby to sleep.
Mrs. Temple I suppose It is too
young to take to church. Stray Stork-s.
police or Kiile.
In the matter of the Guardianship of K.
S. lieattie an Inaane person.
Notice is hereby gi Pen that in pursuance
of an order of sale made and entered by the
County Court ol the County of Clackamas,
maie 01 Oregon, on me .iru nay or August,
I'm.'), In the matter of tbo'tiuanlisnHhip ol
K S. lieattie, an Insane person, the under
signed Guardian of said K. H. lieattie will
sell at public auction, subject to cmfiruia
tion by said court, the following described
real property lo-wit: Uts eleven ami
twelve ot block four Falls View addition to
Oregon City. Clackamas Count v. Creiron
Said sale will be made on Saturday, the Stli
day ol September, V.Hi, at 10 o'clock A. M.
at the Court House door in said County
aiiu oiaie, jerins 01 saie can.
C. hC'ill.KIlKL,
Guardian of the person ami estate of K
H. lieattie, an insane person.
of lee ol I'liiul Netilmicin.
Notice is hereby given that David 1mu
xeeutor ol the eaiaie ol .Michael Lontt, de
ceased, lias II led his Ileal report as inch
riecu or ol said estate, and the county
court has tiled the lime of bearing said re
port on Mo day, the "ih day ol Hrpieinher,
li, at the hour ol b) o'clock In the fore
noon of said day in the county rourt at ll e
court bouse in Oregon City, Oregon. Any
persons having objection! to said rciirl
are hereby notilied lo present the same to
tlie court at sunl Unit) and place.
July .'JO, P.i.I.
DAVID I.ONd, Kxerubir.
Attorney for Kstate.
.oll e ol I'lnnl Nelllciiii-nt
Notice Is hereby given that the under,
signed ailminialrnlrii of the. estate ol K. 8.
McC'lincy, Deceased, has tiled her final ac
count in said estate in the County Court uf
the' State of Oregon, for Clai-kamaa County
anil that the Juuge of satil C'ourt has a
pointed Muiiilav. Hentemher 7. lisit. i in
o'clock a, in. for bearing objections lo said
account ior nettling said en ale.
Attys, lor Kstate.
Percy My papa owns a newspaper
Jlinmle Dat's nuthin'. I buy an-!
sell sixty of 'era every day! New
York Times.
Did universal ehar.'ty prevail earth
would be a Leaven and bell a fable.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
Stella A. McCord, I'laintill, 1
vs. J
Walter A. McCord, Defendant.)
To Walter A. McCord. above named De.
In the name of the State of Oregon, von
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, in the above huukI
court, on or before Friday, Oct. 1Kb, V.H'-,
tne same ueing six weeks iroru the first
publication of this lurmorina, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so appear
and annwer said complaint the ?laintill
will apply to the court for the relief de
manded in eaid complaint, to-wit: that the
bond of matrimony existing between you
and i'laintill be dissolved.
Thi! summons is published by the order
of the Hon, Thos. K. Kyan, Judge of the
County of Clackamas State of Oregon in
the Orejori City Knterpnse a weekly news-
la.er oi general circulation in Clackamas
M MM .
In the Circuit Court id the HhI of Ore
icon lor the County ol Clackamas.
M.S. Kiley. I'laintill,
T. L. Lawrence and
Fannie K. Lawrence,
ToT L. Lawrence and Fannie K. Law
rence, Defendants:
in the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against yen in
the above entitled C'ourt and cnuse on or
r.efore the 10th day of October, V.Kf.i. which
is six weeks alter August HmH,. PhY! h.
date ordered by the Court lor Ihe first pub
lication ol this notice, ami if you bid to so
appear and an-wei, the I'laintill will apply
to the Court lor the relief prayed for in the
uompiaini, ui-wii: i-or a Juilguienl on a
promissory note ngaim-t Dclemimits fur n,
sum of fW.tO and an attorney'! lee off A'xi
anu ior a uecree lorecmsing a certain mort
gage, executed May lth, Ii7. by f. U
i.avirencB anu i-annie J' Lawrence to
.woore roiners anil assigned by Mom
oroiuera io riaiiniii and covering the
suuiiieasi ouarier oi section live in town-
snip niree n oi range seven K. of the Will
ameue flierniian in t;iackainas County
Oregon, and for Ihe sale of said premises
according to law, and the application of the
proceeda to the payment of the amount of
such juogmem anu lor sin h other and fur
ther relief ai to the Court
J in Hiininiona Is pun ished bir m-.l... ,.r
ll,a tl,,,...ul.l. T L O J . . .
,o a,i,,iai,ii3 i, J , J1VHII. l.flmilV III.
or said County, made nnd entered on the
ith day of August, V.H',, and the dale of
mo iirsi piioiii nnon oi una Hinnrnona is
August 2Hth, r).i, and the date ,,r il,
I'lioncaiion win oe Mcioneru, !K.).
Y.. v. it t. 11. KILKY,
Attorneys for I'laintill
leinhi r, VH, proceed to sell al prlvain sale
lo the blglieal bidder at r oui Hum, Chmnl.rr
ol t'ommercr Ituibllug, rnttiaud, Oregon
all Ihe rlKbl, lille and Inlereal of the said
ward In and lo lha billow In. describe I par
c.l ul real raiate, aliuated In CUckama
Counlv, stale id Oregon, towtt:
Heniiuilng .l chains east o( lliaiiuar
ler section corner on township Hue west
side ut ai-ctioii thirty (:IU, III t mnsblp on
( 1 1 aoiith, of range three (1) east, of the
V illaiuellM Meridian; thence rsat 17 .Ml
cbaim lo Achrou'i weal Ins, thence aonlli
;t rbalii lo A eh run a aouiliwrsi corner;
UoMii'e east :l chains 10 the aeal aide ul in
auiiihi-s.l iiiaiii-r id section thirty (.'In,;
thence soiitn 17 chain! to F.iirkaon'e laud;
thence weal .11 .ill chains ; Ihence iiorih ;M
clialua In the place nl lieiiliinliig, contain.
lug Inrtv ( l" acres, more or leaa,
I'll! leruia ol Ih sale lo Pa aa follows:
The enure p ircbaa price to be paid),
cash, or one fourth In cash and the remain
ileMn Iwn or in three yeaily Inalallinenla,
secureil bv luorlgnge on the ism!,
Paled August '.'I, put. Mix per cent In
lereal uu ilelerreii pavuieiila.
Sl'SAN IIAIllNAtil:!,.
tiilnrdlan of the prraou ami property of
I'rarl Marie llarlnngel, a minor.
K F. .v K II. K II.lv Y.
Attorneys lor tliiardiau,
AllKUal '.'I, I'ai.'l,
wi mios
In Ihe Circuit Conn fur the Hlalnof Ore
gon, fur CUckainaa Coimiy.
John A. Mifipilat, I'lalmUr i
Suilo .oliiiial, IVfeiolaut.l
Tu Hual lifiii, dcfemlanl.
In Ilia nam ul Ih! Note f Oregon, You
are liemhy required lo appear and ansaer
Ihe coiuplaiiil Hied agalnsl von In Ihe alniv
entitled Court and cauae within aix Weeka
from the date of the II rat pulill.-atliiii of this
Biiinniona. w Inch 'line eipln-a on Ilia Jn.l
day of Oclober, I'au and II you tall to o ai-
ear ami ausweriue piaiiiuu will apply lo
the Court for t ie rrilrl prated lor III the
complaint, to wi. lor a decree that Ihe
bomlaof matrimony lirreioluf and now
matin between pUililllt and drlendant be
annulled and forsvrr tlasiveit, and thai
plalnllll tw dci' reel the care and custody u
ttie minor children Waller, Ft. Is anil Maiy,
ml for aucli other relief aa in Court ciav
deem Jusl and proper.
I I. la uliltiiiitiiia la pllhllshe'l bv order of
the II latne Thus. F. I'.yan, Judge id l.
Cuiinty Court tor the County ot Clai kamaa
ami Male of I iregon, wbh li order was duly
nia.lea nl e -irri-d mi the I'Mi dnv ot Au
gust, P'l, in Ihe almve ei.lillrd Court, Mini
the daie ol t lie l!r-t pnl.ln mi. ni bnul i
.11 "I .iignsl, I 'ai', i., he , Isle nf Ihe l.i-l
I' i til ii ntiuii llii reol bring :':id ilav id in I
her, pail.
KYAN' A OA l.l.i I W A Y,
Aliornrya lur I'lniulll!
mi tinini,
In the I irctill I ourl of Ui State nf Ore
go I lur t Iackamaa I'ouiitv.
Frederick D. Love, I'lnl'ntill, 1
va. '
Kiltals-tli A. Ixive, IlrfeiuUnl,
in in nattia oi ine Male or Oregon you
are herebv reipureil to apear ami answer
the complain! hied agalnal Mill In the aleive
entitled an it on or helore Ihe :'sth iv ul
Augual, I'ntl. which a the lime prea.-nl.
(or anaweruiK In the order of publication nl
this summons and if ymi lad in so apear
an i answer tne complaint the I'laintill
apply In the Court lor the relief demanded
therein, to ll :
For a judgment and decree lorever dia
solving in iHinila ol iiialrlmony imw exlat
ing neiweeii saiil plalnllll and ilefeniiant
ami lur audi other and further relief as uiav
D eitutahle ami Jos'.
I bis stun muiis la published by order of
the Honorable Thomas A, Vcllrlde,
made nn the loti, (ny u ,-,Vi
I he date of the Ural imhllcailon of Ibis
son, m. n, a lieing the July the I Vth, pari, and
the date the la-l puhll, all,,,. Uiereof he
lug the '.'Mlh dnv ul An. u-l. I'n'.'l.
FD XI FN DKN II il,L ami
Attorneya for I'laintill
(KhrrlfT. N-Uowi:,,,,,
III Ilia Circuit Court ul n,. u. .
mom, lor tbat'uiinly of C, ,,, On.
I noiiia i narmaii and I' . ,
Charnian, co-psrtnera, ,
'I liomaa Charnian A Himi
i'laluillt '
Hale! K. Ilawley,
Slate uf (lreg,
('1111111 of Clai-kam. I "
Ity virtue uf I judgment unl-r ,i
an e iilioii, duly isni., . '. ' ' H
the seal ol Ilia ahova miri) t, '.".
and dated Hi. 1. 1 day f a.,, '""a
upon ajiidguienl reii,lt, ,,, " " I'll,
aald einirt mi Ih llih ,,v ,., V '" '"I It
imai, lii Invorol aaul I lm,
Con, plaitiiilt and again. t ip, K "'!
llileiiilaiil, lor Ih ii in o uis " 'r,
leieal thereon at I he nil ul H per nl '"'
aunuiii iroin Ihe 1 1 tit day i l!',
Im... and a lurllier aim. of K. .,,.t. . ',',7'
cuala iiiHMt Ihlt writ, tn i,s,ii,... "'""Ill
of th peraonal properly nl s.i.i .1 . '".sit
and U aiiltlclent could m,l ,,"
:.:v:!,v:".'"L.!':,',,,:riy..,,"i.ni''''" t2
9 ,,,, as i c lla a . .. . .
day of February, .:si. ,,, " ' t
. and (Id cost, witr, tt!:"l
also the coal iihiii thla writ.
Now, IhervfoiR, by virtue id aaul
Hon, jiidgmenl order and ,ie,.re, .!r.'
coiupiianru with Ih cotnm,,,,!,
writ, neii.g iiualil to llml
Roller lur lil leal ion
Dfpartinenl of the Interior, Ijtmliilllci
ai i ingon ( ity, Oieg.m. Auguat , pm:i,
Police Is hereby given that Ihe Inilnwlng
nameii aet'ier uaa nieit milieu u bis liilen
tion to lunKe nnal pr.Hif in aupimrt of his
claim, ami that sanl pr.Mif will he made be
ior me i.egisier ami lleceiyer, at I ireguii
i-'iy, "reguii, on .K-piemiK-r ys, pm'l, v)l
H. K. No. 1 11.11 tor the SK1.' Sec. !! T
I, , L- ' l
-I r,.
ii- ., ...
iie names ine toiiowing witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cuiuinuoii oi sniu lami, viz.:
Frank llabelt. of .Hprlngwiitc r, Oregon
jonii i.iiiyers, oi Po.lge, Oregon; Oeurge
llHiirs, of Oregon I lly, Oregon; William
.iieineu, oi jiiiuge, iiregou.
Al.tiKil.NoN H. DKKSHF.K,
5 S,
.Police of I'IiihI MciHcineiil.
Notice is hereby given that Marv K.-i,i.i
has filed her final report as ailmuiisirairi t
of the estate of Johann F, Schncht de
ceased, wit , the county clerk of Clackamas
ocunty, Oregon, and the court has lixed
.Monday, the 7th day of Heptemher. I'm aa
the time for bearing said report. Auv.i
all persona having objections to the same
can be heard at aaid time in the county
court room at the court house in Oregon
voy, lyieou
County, for aix inccessiva weeks enmmene-1 Dated this 30th day of July. vm.
mg rnilay, Aug. zs, V.Hi, and continuing! MAKY SCHACHT
to and including October . V.H',.
Attorneys lor I'laintill
Administratrix of the estate uf Johann F.
Bchach t, deceased.
Attorney lor Kstate.
Aaialltnen'a police.
In the Circuit Court of tlie Hisn, ,,r iir
gou lor CI ickainas County.
In the Matter of the Fatal of J
OeorgeT. Howard Insolvent
Debtor. j
Notice is hereby given tlmt the under
signeu lias tiei-n uiiiy apxiiiiicil Assignee
... ,,,. ,r nu.iiii nnmeii insolvon'
Debtor under nnd bv virtue nf mi ,.i ,
I-.-K1SU1IHH Asseinmy oi Ihe Mittn of Oregon
eniiiieil "An ac lo secure lo c-edilors a Inst
ilivisO.n ,.l ll.,, m.i ..1 .I.., . . J
ciiiut-s in iieuiors wtio cuii
vey lo assignees lur the benelll of creditors'
approved October In, ln7H. and amend.
inents inercio. All persons h ivlng claims
against said estate are hereby uolilieil to
tirenrnt the same to me at my nlllce in the
1...1II. noiine in uregon t.ity, Oregon diilv
verihvil ms r,. ,!... I i... I .......... 1 . J
' " I "1 noil Wlllllll t ire
months from the il'ln bceol.
i-a.e. at uregnn i ity, UrcKoti, this Hill,
iajr hi rfllljf, A J, I IH!.,,
a . , T""M-r'.KYAN
Assignee of the Kstate of George T lf
ard, Insolvent Debinr.
Date of last publication, Aug. m.
iHolic-o or I'lnnl NrllleiHt-iif.
Noilceia hereby given that the under
signed has filed in the County Curt of tne
State ol Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas his final account is execulor or Ihe ra
tal nl James Healey, deceased, and that
the said court bus set .Moml
of October, l!ai:t, at the hour of IO:HOoVlocit
A. M. at the court loom of said court as the
tune and place for hearing objections to
aaid hnal account.
Kxeculor of the Fstate of Ii ,..
deceased. '
Attorneys lor Fxecun'ir.
Ilounl oi i:iiiii011
Notice is hereby given that the liB,( of
K.i.alla lion for Clackamas County will
meet on the last Monday in A .1 ...' .
uat ."d. In the county rouri :
court bouse at ) o'clock a. .., a, will con
tinue In session lor a week. All person,
desiring .0 have change, ,.; ,ilZ Z'
jesstneuts are reip.est.d to appear before
the board at this time.
Cour ty Assessor.
ni,. a
Auguat 28. iyo.i.
'"I Is
of la.,1
miv 1. :
pmprrty ol aal.l di'leiulaiil a, dl, n ,
,'lrd day ol August, V.Hi ,u,t.. ,""
Usiii lb loll.iwlng iliacrli,, ,'T,
pioprrly of aald ilefen,,l, ,1,,
and bring In l,a Couniy f n "J
ma, and Stat id Oregon, t..ii: Hu.,i
In Ih. Don., ..1M ,.,, ., JJ
Waiertitiry Nu. is In lp.ls.r le ..iu.,.
ainetl men. Han and .le.iiil,r, M.
nlnn al a pon, Hie iiurih Is,,,,,,,,," Jj
aid claim Ml HI rlialna frmii 11. n,.,,,'"
coriirr lliereul, Ih same lieing tlt '
erly Una of a certain a. r iract of ij
coiieyd by Kll II 1 1 a ley ,
II1I011 O. hrvr and found reconird u, 1.
.I. pag" 411 of th recur. la of Ueeils ol ...j
couniy , then,- ,s,i on h pom, n
aalil 111111 ...' SI clialm tiioi! or leaa .ii ... .
ceiUln (I Is 4, re trai t ol land conveys,, u
(ii. A. hll by iled I I reronleii 1
iMHik "S, page lii ol Ih record ol ile.tll or
said caHiiity ; llienc aoiith l.'.Jj i-l,in, to
laud ol Mariln Ullrlaun. ttia,,. . .., .. ..
chain inure r less an I lo the .niii,e,t
wiri.er ol the aald Iran ronveted to f,
Harvr as alsiv decrllw.l n.a.,,.. , k
l.'.'.' i 1 linlna ,i h pi.- hegiholi.ir !-,,.
Is uli.g ,.1 s.' ai rna iiinr or leaa. and I ,.i
nn Natur.la), Ih Mh day. uf hrpiemli-r'
Put. ai Ihe hour of I 01 U k n i .
Ir.nil ilmir ol Ihe coimiy court h ..,. t
City uf liie.-on In v. 111 aald Cn y ,,,4
Mate, si-1 1 a puhl.r miction, auiij.i t i t
leliipmiii, o Ihe hlgl, rat hul l, r, lur ', H,
;old coin, cash In hand, all the 'tyhl, tula
11.. I Inleiesi nlil. Ii toe Kill.. 1, n.,,,,.,1 ,i
li-mlai.ta, tin I on tlie lain ,, ,, 1 1 i ..,,,
or -lin e had in ur to llir a'.ow .li--.
real pmperiy of any psit their,. I, i ji,,;
a.ild jiclgin-i .1 ul, I, r, ile.-ie,., Ii.l. i, ,t, ,.,,
nd ml nn ruing i-iila
J . II. hll AVKII,
MiiTllI of Clai kamaa I .iiimy, nrr.n,,
ily K. C. Ilackrlt. Dei niy,
DsIrd.N irrgon Cil, uregon, Aug. 7, I a
In lb Circuit Court of Id Hlate ol dn
a"o, nr ine 1 ouuiy 01 1 lactam.
K. C. Golden, PUlntlir. 1
v. V
Carrie II. Golden, Defendant.!
To lb ilelei, Isnl C.rrl l. (inlden :
In llir name nl the Male uf Oregon, I oB
ar lierby rnpi red In appear and answer
lb complaint (lie, I against you in thal.t
eulllled court ami cans 1111 or belura Ilia
bib day of September, l i.l, and If you In!
an lo appear ur anaarr wliblu aald liii.a.
the plalnllll will apply In th rourt for Hit
relief prayed for In said complaint, to ait:
l hal Ihe honda of matrimony rllstlug b
Iween Ihe plalnllll and defendant Iwiht
solved awarding lo Ih plalnllll Ih ran
ami custody of the minor children of p,
parlies, and fur general relief. Thla Hum
moils la puhllahed piirauaul lo an oMtf
made by Hon. I horn. F. Ityan, Judge of
the Cuiinty Ciniri nl 1 iregoi, fur CUctamu
County, made and entered Auguat 4, J'.ail,
the time present, I by an lit order lor iJ
luiblicatloii Is once a week for aix eonaecu
llve weeka. Hie first piibllcalloti tiring Au
gust 7, pact ,,,! ii,, , 0 fiepleniher M.
II. K. SAItoF.N T,
Attorney lor I'laintill.
In the Circuit Court of Ih State of Dra
gon, for tti County of Clackamas.
nuiainriift i.ainl I oinpany,
i.rporaiion, I IsllillII,
Frank A. Graves, Florrnc!
II. Graves, hla wife, and
Charles, W, Jlawes. De-femlanla.
Tu Frank A. Grnvea. Klorenc II. Gravel.
bis wile, and Charles W. ilanea defcnilanU
alaive 11 ainrd.
In Ihe name of the Stateof Oregon: Yoil
and each of ymi are hereby reipilrnl lo a-a-ar
and answer Ih complaint tiled agaimt
ynu In the almve eulllled Court and causa
on ur belore the :"iiili day nl .Sept.; I'll!
and If you fail Into appear and answer, the
plulntil! will Bhiily 10 ibr court for the relief
demanded in the complaint, 10-wit:
For bullmailt aialnal the defendant!
Frank A. Grave and Florence II. Graves
ir the sum of :HI. together with inler-
ent thereon rt Ihe rale of 7 per rent per an
num mini tne ,11 at iIhv id January, li;
lur the limber sum of 'llim.no as attorneys
lees, 1111.I lur the coats and disbursement "t
tins suit; that the mortgage given by tli
said ileleiidiints Frank A. Grave! and Flor
ence II. Graves lo the plaitillM, and ilaiwi
the day of February. M!I. conveyinit
o plalnllll block No. I'i ul prune himi.
liickainiia ( nuntv. Oregon, as security l"f
the payment uf three certain promissory
note given bv the sal. I defendant Frank
A Graves and Florence II. Graves to plain
till on January .'II, l-csl, each for the sum uf
mono, and each lit-Hr tig nterest at th
raie nf 7 percent per annum from the said
list ilav of January. I m: f I. lie decreed a lirat.
valid and complete lien upon the said real
property ; and that said mortgage be fore'
closed, and the said real property sold upon
execution, and the proceeds ol audi
ale be applied lo the satisfaction ol plain
till'! Judgment herein, Including attorney!
leea, cost and disbursem- tits ami all accru
ing cost and disbursements.
That the proceed! of the crop of prune
now growing upon aald premise! In)
plied upon said lodgment: that you ami
each of you he forever barred and foreclos
ed ul all right, title and interest In and to
the said premises ami every par thereof,
saving only the statutory right of redemp
tion; that tdaiiitil! he Permitted to become .
nurcliasMr at aucb siilii: and that nlainlili
have such other, further or illllerent relief
to ihe court may acem meet and fiuit-
able In the premises.
This summons la tuililishad bv Ilia order
nf the Honorable T. F. Kvan, County Jmlg
of the County of Clackamas, and State nf
Oregon, made tand entered therein on tha
list day of July, I'm, which order require!
publication thereof not less than once
week lor aix weeks, and (Ixeslbe time with
in which tlie defendant ahall appear and
answer the comulalnt aa Hentcinber ,
Attorneva for PlaililllL
First publication Aug 7. Imt'l
Last publication Sept. i'), IlKCI.
If von don't unt tlm KuTKiii'Hing TOO
don't got tbe newt.