Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 28, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Your Banking ?j
jj mutter how h in all
( ,io matter how largo , ft
will give it careful at-
tell. "mil. Thin HH'HHagO J
uppliert to tho men and 4
tho women alike.
r 1
Oregon City Hnterprise
IsTrmtrr or Om.ianizki) I.ahoh
(ieorge F.atea, C'tili ttu. president of
the I idled Brotherhood ol Itnilwuv Km
,v. address 'lie bjis-ring iwopla
of (Wm City el VIIImiit IihII neit
Monday eV-'.W. It i ri;lr.l llt
Ktat. UUr Commissioner , '
1 attendance l U'" """' "'' ''! Iv.r
,n addr. '. Tim meeting will be
held under the aopice "'(f"'"1
(rule, union, ol ihia city. Mr. hates In
making a tour ol the Wml In lbs linereat
of organised llMr.
TlIK Kl.lTolli AHKlNVITKII.-l'fl'l'"l
IWI ol the Multnomah Amateur Mb
letic Club, has emended a cordial Invl
UlM.n lo the new-.at.r men of lt.
toatiend the big Fall Carnival In Port
land, ri.-t.lwtMl.-r H to 2d. Inclusive and
kn.K them to make the club tbeir
.,l.,..a.trr. wblln In ! y. Tl'e
Miillt'uHiMh Club's home is the Land
nmeslon the coast, and the organisa
tion stands for pur. athletics It '
louyllml lit bl Fall Carnival will to
tliti brat civrr given In Portland.
loi-t 1 ak Pi.Ai ior Kit uxation -TI.e
allr.. llona at ( aneinali Park Hiiii.lay in
eluded a prouram by tlin l-adlea Hand,
ol Portland, and an eUvwi limn. ija.nH
oll,a.elall Utween I ha l'aii.iiiali and
Weat Side teama. It rraultad In Vic
tory fur Canrmali, the at-ore inK to i
auiUac on ol tl m"l lntfretini
maie.ir k-amc. that hna l-tn playfd
liere. Tl.erewt.it. no parlif ularlv bril
liant leal urt-a in Ibw Km "U,
all playrd ll.rouubout by both Iraina.
Thaall lane at the park Ku.iday waa
even laraer than ttver. raiiHtnah lurk
In hi-coimiikt nn of the moat popular re
011a in the utala for Sunday r.-cratlun.
CAtuiiT A PoKCt l-iNK-Willlatn Jen
ninna, who live, on alarm a abort tlm-U.i.-e
north of thia city, reporta having
killed one day Una ffk, a lull lryn
porrupine on Ida prt-inii-. The ammal
eilid about thirty pouiiiH. lb'"
tl,e lir.t porcupine that h bet-n killed
Inllilaa-ctionof the county In flfu-en
yeara. T heae animala are very rare In
llie Willamette Valley now allhoUKh
Jenniiiga reporta evidence of anollier
(wrnn-mo on Ida ranch. Hy
aln.iwt entirely on wild berru-a and lir
Imria. Tbe apecimen captured by Rir.
J.-nninit wan driven into a tree elamp
l.y a do where it waa clubbed to dealli.
Puor i or Hi Nkw .Vi aoon. Chrla
llartii.iiiin, Im-al reprem-ntallve for I he
Weinhard brewery, ja pntlinu on all
miila ol aira lately bt:t he la tlie'aHine
biK-heartetl Chria jual the aame. l.ai"t
week he ept-iit a lew daya at Aatoria
tiikinu in the aikhta incident lo the re
liiilta and wlien Iim returned be bronuhl
ith huii u brand new red wattoti ol ini-
Proved make mid etlrnclive pattern to
I.H ued in thatribuliiiK Ida company'a
beveniiro to local natrona. The wairon
U united to the iieeda of the aervice for
which it ia Intended and ia a durable ve
hicle. Chria baa every reaaon lo feel
proud of Ida new poaaeaaion.
Mohb KoAoa to nx Hiii.t. "The
building ol the Springwater branch of
the Oregon Water Power A lUilway
Company will neceaaitate the expendi
ture hy Clackamaa t-onnty of conaidei
able amount of money in the building ot
new roada in that auction," ald County
Judge Kyan who returned laat Friday
night from a road and bridge inepecting
trip to Poring anil vicinity. "P-efore the
building of thia branch of the electric,
railway, all roads led to Portland and
now with the eatablishing of trading
pointa along the company'a railway, the
people desire that highways be provided
by which tbcHe pointa may be. reached
from the old eatanlifilied roada. The
building of the roads in thia section will
neceaHiirily be e xpenaive since the coun
try through which they will pans W
heavily timbered." Some action look
ing to the building of thene roads will
likely he taken at the Heptember meet
ing of the county - court.
Uktimnki) With Skionu Monky.
Manager Kuconich, Captain Pope, and
the other members of the Oregon Ciiy
liOHe team returned Saturday evening
from Aatnria, where they wer.t to partic
ipate in the hose racea at the regatta.
In every event for which they contested,
the Oregon City boys received second
money vainouiiting in all to about f'-DO.
While of cotiro they would have heen
better plcaaed had they captured the
lar,.., . 1.. .uanta tllHV BaV
,tjiao 111 Ilium cv." j -
they did the beat they could tlo. In the
initial race of the tournament, the firat
money wua awarded the Aatoria team by
fifth of a second over the Oregon City
coiite-iitiiiH. This is considerably closer
''tiring than the local team had been
'cimtomed to. Hatber than declare for
the Astoria team by so close a margin, it
occurs to the averaga peraon that the
management of IIhi rcgutta could m ire
gracelully have dcchired the ro a tie,
mill caused the event to be given again.
At Htiy rule, I licm could have been little
satisfaction lu ihn Astoria I'mn in taking
the money uiiih-r the conditions. It 'S
I nm mii l'iiMnil,iiy tt.at iIih firemen ol
: this city may arrange to give a I on rnu
inmil In tins city next year.
I W11.1, Ckask Smavimj Otiikiis. Will
U111 linllilli Hinl nun, li. Iv (inflilli, of
III IH f 1 1 V , h rt vn ,old their Broadway
group olminca In the Hiili.'iiiU I tint rt-(.
tu the Oregon rMitety Coiupmiy It in
understood thst IIih consideration w
ilil.lMiO 'I'd imii'liMMPil iiot'.ly ad
juiiiiiil other mining claims owned by the
Oicgon Surely Company and lliin mii'ht
tlit. H.illlth iiiliii'H a desirable purchase.
i. '.. (iillliili Iinh for H nilinh'-r ol veura
cot mI 1 1 1 ml h Imrlii-r shop in tin" city tint
willi the competency lit. has realised
1 1 1x11 tin. unlit ill hla milling liileieala, lie
will 1 el mi hk 11 tuiiririitlim,
NhW TkAI IIKK Elkcth.. Miss Shay-
IIOII, Of tllM t'ulll'lllllll lilllllil' M'lllMll , Iihh
Ih-i-ii i-Iim-IciI H It'Mi lier in tlin ()ii ( ill
Cit)' NrliiuiU lo min-eeil Mikh Taylor, wlm
Iihh lenltflieil to ai pt iiirliin ill Cnli-
furiiiH. I lie Kclmol lioi.nl Ih Ikiviiik lliirty
Hew m-iiln IiihIhIIi-iI in tlin I'.iihIIiiiiii tillilil
Int! for tin. Hri'iiiiiinoilittion of tin. in-cieiiiu-il
MtleiiiluliCH Hint Ih exi.-)'tei Huh
lull. MiiiiiUn' coliilitioiiK lit liutli 'lie
Hiin liiy Mini KnUini liiiililiiiKi are lm
liill I in 1 ro veil hy lln. tnnkiliK of Nevier
coiiiiiM'tloiia Hint will coat tlin dlatrii'l
ii.-Hrly Kkio, I'lin Orimi Ciiy puhlic
m;IhioU will uien Moinliiy, S-pu-m tr
OllKl.OS Klhll AT HT. IyOI'lH. Hon-
Oeo. T. Meyera, the aiiierinienileiit of
the ItaherifH i-xlnl.lt Ht Hit-St. buna Kx
imailion, llna Hlr.-Hilv iiihiIh hi report on
apai . an lie Ih thuruiiif lily I .miliar with
Una line of wink, hut he imva it will hi.
IiiiiioxhiIiIh to keep lanka with live Mi
nion, trout ami other uutive llah.-H In
them at St. iiia. lit. coiiteniiilKlea
keepii a luilcliery in the apHi- lid re
(iiirea, HliowiiiK I tie ftfK ami little aat
nion after it a hle to Inko fare of itrelf.
Mr. Mveratixik to OliiraiiD an Hi! tmiincl
aal11n.11, Irnr.en in a block of clear lew;
lint tlin lit. nii-lte.l ao raniillir that it mi
on cxhlhitiiiii lur only a few days, and
l! keepui and IrHnHporlHliuii coal
lltmrly tl.KMI. It will lie. Ult-i to pre-
erv Mitl111t.it in alcohol or atulf thtiiii.
Cannot Kkmain in Poiiti.anh The
K'lintioat Cohcord and Crtii't-r Marble-
bead, of the .North Pacific aipudron will
not remain in Portland dtiriuti the com
liiK Miiltnuumh Chili carnival. Dr. W.
K. Carll, ol tlm city, returned Mon.lav
from Portland and AHtoria where he bad
an interview with Rear Admiral tilaaa,
ol the North Pacillc aijnadn.n,. who In
formed bun that litM-aitae ol plana ami
arranuementa that have lieen made for
tne maiio.-uve.inK by the npiadron, it
will lie imiMMMihle for the two veawel to
remain in Portland for lunger (x-riod
than a few daya. Pet-aura ol the late
neaa of the reaaon, Admiral Olaaa aaya
It ia (xMitively eaaential thai the training
be bad and under the arrangement that
haa been made it will be impoaaible to
exenae the Iwo membera of the fleet from
participating therein.
May Hi-hn On. Too. If tbexperi-
llietit u( the Clown PiiH-r Milla ol thia
citv in auhatiltititiK oil for cordwood aa
fuel, piovea atu-ceaHful, the (reon
Ciiy MannlaelurinK Coiupauy cOnletn
plalea making the aame change in ita
woolen milla in llna citv. At the ptea
ent lime, the woolen mill people operate
the main part of tlwir factory by water
power, hut atcain ia employed to run the
lve room and llninhint: depurtnienla of
the mill. For tnia purpoae tho mill an
nually naea about LDOd corda of wood
that in purchased In the oen market.
TIm manaiitfiiifnt of the wtwlt-n milla
haa bad in mind the burning of oil for
aoine time, but haa herniated about mak
ing the ul.Htitutiori until ita tiae a a
fuel ia aatiAfitctorily demoiiHt rated. In
the replacing ol the bmldinga that were
recently dcittroyed by lire, the woolen
mill people may decide to inalall oil
burning machinery.
Looking kor CoKKKHi-oNi.aNTa. A
young man at the Huns Houae opened a
small sack of Pull Durham emoting to
bacco laat evening and found neatly
tucked in Hie doth suck tho following
note: "To the Ilnyer : (live thia to aome
pretty girl and teil her to write at once
to Frank llarward, Durham, N. 0 ,
July 2, PW- " The note wua copied and
several m.isHetigeia aliirted poet lianle
throughout the city, giving the address
to eveiy gill they met, as all the Oregon
ur.. i.n.iiv. Mr. llarward. we aitp-
p.ae, will imagine be bus been elected
aecre.aryof a Mormon immigration so
ciety wlien the dainty little notes com
mence to arrive at bis home away back
...:.l. II.- ...I.aeen fields ol "Old CarO-
lllllini t
liny." The girla will doubtless tell bun
of the beauties ol 1 lie neoiooi mine, m
if he can withstand their diplomacy and
tact he baa passed all hopes of redemp
tionAlbany Herald.
Good Chop or Ai.kai.ka. Alfalfa is a
thrifty cp sgain this Beason on the
larm of Major James flruce, 10 or 12
miles south of town. An eight sere tract
from which three abundant crops were
cut last year haa heen given up entirely
to pasture, and as such, ia most prolific.
On other plats about the houae a second
iuui hiuh ia readv to Cllu
crop, now in, v -
The llrat crop from the aame ground was
. ' i - t.w ..... 1.1. .It Mmur
lour to lour ana a uau i -j
Bruce aays the roots penetrate the
ground to a depth of 1(1 feet or more. He
has no doubt that alfalfa can be grown
in almost any ground where there is not
a clay soil for the roots to penetrate.
What the plant would do in such ground
he does not pretend to say. On trie
Bruce farm the roots go to a layer of
gravel where there is abundant water.
Corvallis Times.
.Hot Orrr Wlaa.
There is an oh! allegorical picture of a
girl scared at a grass-hopper, but in the
act ot beedlesaly treading on a snake.
This ia paralleled by the man who spends
large sum of ..:oney building a cyclone
cellar, but neglects to provide his family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Col c,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy -as isafe-
irimrd against bowel compiaiina,
vid ns outnumber those of the cyclone
h mired to one. This remedy is every
w III e recognized as tl;e mos prompt
reliable "'t-r nABriardi, g'e
diseases, rorjalebyfa. A. Harding. ,
Bear in mind that at the Racket Store
tbey. reeling goods Mow cost while
they last.
4 Letter Fron. ii.ib rmnma White, l
, Ni.rtli I nnillmi. ,
r if
it . , ,
no:;. ;;.
;::;:: H. white. ;
Coiiur-- s.-.-.n O Ik" il.-riry White, of
lo Dr. Jt'ii tiii.ui in regard U. tho meriti
of tlie f n-:i t ciitnrh cure, I""runai
lluuii"' f I1' j r ; i-'itc'l ve, )
;i"li.t ;i"ji, i.'li. -i, lrtif).)
Peruna ' dlclno ".,( Vduin bus, O.t
(J j 'b:m".n -" I an more than salli
fled wi:fl i'enna, c.vl flrnt it to be fit
excellent rcn- 'Jy f-f tho gr'.p and ca
tarrh. I hive fchtJ In my family
and they nil loin me In recommending j
It an un vxtilctU remedy.
' Yciy respect fu'.'y,
C orse II. White.
Mrs. Knnnli V.'.-illac, Till ire, Cal,
Pri Hli'.ent of tli'- Wc.trn liaplUt Hit
tldii iry S'ik-Ii (;', vrlii -il
"I cui'. i. r 1"' ruua an irA'..rmT.Wf
artl'-lo i:t my i.h-Ui .-.o cl i-i It it
twenty un uii'ineii i:l one, ai.il I m to f ir
cured every sh-kniM thrt )::is wni iii
my hotiin for flvoycrrs. I c.::'-' !i r Hof
ui-rlal vuluo to we:ii;ly wjim-:i, o It
builds up tho general health, drivel O'.'t
dis'-iiKU and keeps you lit the bent of
health." Mra. Niinnlo Wullace.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory reaulla from tlio uso of Peruna,
w rite atoneoto Dr. Hartman, glvlne a
full statement of your case and he will
be ph'HM'd Uiglvoyou hi valuaulo ad
vise gratis.
Atldren Dr. Hartman, President of
The ilarUnaa Sanitarium, Columbua,
Rki-aiiis at Court Housk. Contrac
tora Johnson A Andrews have about
completed the re-modeling ol llie Clack
amas county court house. The fire and
burglar proof vault for the safe keeping
of the county records is finished and ex
tensive changes are neing mane to tne
interior of the county's capital building.
The rooms heretofore occupied oy county
Clerk Sleight, have been partitioned and
will proviue quariera lor uiiuncu
Sbenir Shaver wboae ollice room i!l be
taken by Recorder Stevens for whose de
partment the new vault was provided.
Tim iimliiiii. of these changes in the
ollices mskes room for County Superin
tendent Zinser who will lake the oiiice
vaeatHil hv Recorder Stevens. Hereto
fore Superintendent Zinser lias been
liK ated on the second floor of the court
limine hnllilini,. All of the ollices are
King supplied with counters and other
up to-date ollice furniture.
Have Movid Into New Quarters.
baa a first class gun
and bicycle More. I-amb A Sawyer,
proprietors of the Oregon City Uun A
Bicycle shop, have removed their busi
ness Irom their old quarters to the store
., . i i it ..l- .... :.b
room recently vacaieu oy .uuiv.iii n.,
the shoei. dealer, in the Oregon City
ii .... i. L..O. i:... Tl.o linvii mireliHSeil
1.UI1H. UUIIillUK,. H'OJ r .
the stocks heretofore carried by Huntley
Bros, and isurmeieter Anuerouu aim
are better prepared than ever to serve
the trade. Bicycle, gun and general re-
... , .... ..... A....
pairing is a specialty witii me mui,
August 28.
vvvth a Divnat-B. Joanna McCar-
bery, of Portland, baa instituted divorce
,,r,...M,lii,if in the Clackamas COilntV
Knnri lfuinst V . A. McCarherV. whom
she charges with drunkenness, cruel
treatment and desertion. 1 lie parties
were married in rorllanil in April is:..
I!..ui,l..u u ileeree ol divorce, the woman
asks for the care ahd custody of one
minor child.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Aimnrf vrrvbndv who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
,1 ,i I cures maao cy ui.
IJ JhJ i Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
r the creat kidney, liver
l and bladder remedy.
I j. It Is the great medl
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis-
n covered aner years oi
J ""Kl scientific research by
rV3S8 Dr. Kilmer, the eml-
nent kidney and blad
"' der sDeclallst. and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouDle it win oe louna
Just the remedy you heed. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, in private
.rd.lr imnntf the hftlnlftSS too c-oor to our-
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case tnat a special arrangement n.j
been made by which all readers of this paper
arhn havft not already tried it. may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about wamp-rooi ana now to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
OUCr 111 11113 UALJCI HU
l! l 1 1. I -I -. ' '
enH vnnr arlilrAcs to
hamton. N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and nwn.of Swunp-Root,
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Don't make any mistake, but remem
her the mmp Swamo-Root. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the addrees, Bing-
bamton, IS. i on every Dome
rfT .-Bl.it...' -il
Have You
Seen the
If you want to bwi the latest things 'in Men's Wearing Apparel
(jivo tin a call, an wo arc better prepared to meet the increased
demand for up-to-date merchandise. Our latent arrivals are the
newewt creations and most up-to-date clothing and overcoats made
bv Hart. SchafTner it Marx.
W am SB srr.
we ARE
C. I. Mull
tagfef- and Epre,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of Repairing neatly done
and warranted.
I vl - m I m kkJ m v ajBaiap mm
f n cv
onn of the mot reliable con
cerns making hand-tailored
clothes. Our new fall and
winter line of the celebrated
V. L. Douglas Shoes are here
in all the latest shapes. One
of our new additions to our
immense stock of reliable mer
chandise is the celebrated
Howe's 3.00 hats in the lat
est blocks. They are guaran
teed to hold their shape and
color. By careful buying we
are now prepaJed to give you
better valueB than our com
petitors, as all our goods are
bought from the most reliable
concerns in the country. Give
us a call and be convinced.
Clothier and
Cor. 61b and Main Oregon City
huh )u ?im mil
F. S. BAKER i All kinds of Building
pROp I Material, oa.sh, Doors
t Moulding, Etc. --V
Enterprise and
I . RJTm, siHB
'glCz'' jL
U Mint
V. Oregonian $2.