Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 28, 1903, Image 3

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New To-Day.
Wanted onie K""'l tiity . liniilrc at
the KnlrprliM olllm.
T v i li li Tlirim or four uooil ttlnnk it
mavera l lii'. Addres KweM
(iraa Woolen Mill Conmaiiy, Win
Wluilinlil, iimiiftiti'r.llitf Timber, Mon
Villi KKNT A 7-room plartiueil houae,
lid'Uttn Vsnl III (inll I'oitit
Lnr'H'" ' "
Mm. Orave. Aiiif. H.
lint Welnhird Hulldlnit) have the choir
eat city, suburban and couiitrv prop
erty for iiilbl price.
ratim. IIKIxia iiHirriTii.
n in lTxiuii tl until iiiinn, September 5,
pHi.'l, lur i colli lorge building In
onvn City. Plans mil NMM'lilriiiioiiN
it Ham Marhiim oikx, i'wi
Inn. I. Annual -8- " HaIihih,
Hr ri'iit. Farm aoctirlty. U'IUn V
Hi huiki..
M 1 1 N K Y TO 1 .0 A N -1 1 1 A V K S V. V F.IIAL
mini ol money belonging to private
Individual which 1 mn authorUud to
loan, on long time it 0 unci 7 nt cent,
('out ol limn will I'M inmln very iiimiii
shla. 11. K. Clio, attorney ni lnw,
j Dr One llii(nri heifer, three year
old, branded "Kit" on left hip, "lit in
right ear, lighl rd In rulor, with hlt
,i,srtliaKl murk In forehead Kltil -ir
iiuti'y ! Hortilimii, Harlow, Clack
amas county, Oregon, who will pay all
expense ml a reiaotiablo rewird (or
the return ol tlm miltnnl.
August .
STKAYKl) From 1 1 premises ol tlm
, uudeialgned, about August 1, a cheat
nut mrrei inure, ID year olil, while
Rtripii In fai r, nmhllf mark, irnlnlil
with letter "M. W." in clu ln mi l(t
shoulder, and weigh about ltl.M)
pounds. A llhitml reward will l paid
f,.r infor niHtiot) Hut will lead to the
ri'ruvi'iv ol tin' horse. F. 8. linker,
Went Oregon City.
Personal Mention I
. .
Mi Grace Tower ha rotiinifJ from
Nea port.
J. M. Tmry, ol Logan, iu in the city
Ut SiitnnUy,
J. II. Westover spent Sunday with liia
Imnily ni Newport. '
1,. II. MeMhon,nttorni7 oJHlfin,
in in tliui lly Friday IrhI.
Pi. II. I. Mount lis gone for vitt
with Inn pHrnnlK at Silvcrion.
('. (i. If imtli'V him Kon to Kalinon
rivi-r lor ten ily' ItrhiiiK (rip.
Mr. Mini Mm. Whi-fli-r Church Imve
reluriifil Iroiu tin outlii ni KcKnidtt.
Mim KlimliWh WlKr Imt mliirniHl
from ft viMit with frinmln in Alhiiny.
Mr. mi. I Mm. John AiUmn unit Hon
r Hpi-inliiiK two weeki l NeWMirt.
A. F. Stokcii mnl fmnily, of Caneiimli,
ir t Ni'Kiit for their nnul outiiiK,
F. M. Smimon, of Ilulilmnl, whm
Imihiih-h vinilor to Orison I'ity TilfBiliiy.
Mih (irncn TilUril tmn ri-turneil to her
liium- in Kimtorii Ort'non fter a vUit in
tli in city.
Mink Murt(iirt Ifixlkin, of I'ortlnnil,
wan luNt wit'k tliu KiicHt of Minn Clara
Mm. J. II. Hhavpr am! fmnily Imve
ri'tiinicil from a live wi-cka' outina at
Nmw port.
Mr. ami Mm. C. 1. I.atonrettn am)
Mm. ('. W. 1'ope mwnt Innt Sumlay at
Mum Fililh Cheney I a rcturnnil from
a vihit with, relatives at Dayton, Yani
liill county.
MiHH Florence Trice, of Salem, Ih via
iting in tliia city, the uncut of her Binter,
Mth. Diir!iii.
Torn Trciiibfltli ami Jon. Iteatiliau liave
retnriicil from a two weeks' iliuntirt
trii to New port.
Frank Newton, of Skomokawa, Wnnli
iiik'ton, vihileil in Orenon City several
iIiivh tliia week.
J. W. Hoot, a prominent liUHinenn
man ol lloriiiif, wan in the city on lm"i
Hem litut Sni unlay.
Conrail Kreha, a prominent liopijrower
ol llriMikn, Marion county, wan in Oro
lion City lal Friday.
Mr. ami Mm. D. W. Kinnainl retiuneil
tliia week from an outing at Welch's
"ear the Toll (iate.
Mayor Urant H. Dimlck viaiteil lant
fiimlay with Mra. Dimiik, who is at
Newport for the summer.
Hoy McAIpin, aalesman in Michael'
clotliiiiK atore, has Kone to Wilhoit
Hirinnn to spend a wee k.
Mra. D. L. I'aine ami daughter, Miss
Kilty, have returned from an outiiiK at
Nye creek, near Newport.
K. I,. Johnson apent several days this
week with Mm. Johnaon, who in vmitinK
lier old home at SilverUm.
Mort and J,nk Latourette have re
tuineil from week's outing at the Toll
ate on the Mt. Hood road.
Mm. . A. Sleight was amonir the
Oregon City people who attended the
1'iciiiu at Canby last fiaturday.
W. K. Marshall, who is employed at
Huntley Ilroa.' drun store, has gone to
fhn Dallea for a short vacation.
! C. Latourette and family have (jone
nP the Columbia to Wind Mountain
'here they w ill camp for a time.
onion Hull, clerk in the Charman
drun atore', has returned from a visit to
his home at Mehama, Marion county.
Mim Cora Griswold returned to Palem
Weill, emlgy- ftwr upending a number of
""ys In this city. If one may judtfe from
indications a social event of ureal inter-
est to at leant tw o persons will take place
aontt. The other party to the agreement
recently camii to thin city from 1 urnar.
Marlon county, and expects to engage
In hiiMimwa hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Catta left Monday
morning for Hih hot spring near I.a
Orainlii w here they w ill upend two week.
County Treasurer Knos Cahlll ha re
I'" I from Nan Francisco where he at
tended the national (j. A.' It encuinp
Win, Coaper, of Clark county, Wash
ington, ami Mabel haliln, of Clm'IcmnHH
comity, were granted marriuge liceiiae
Harry Woodward haa accepted a posi
tion h aNaintaul local freight agent for
tint Oregon Water Power A Hallway
Company. '
Fred Miller and family' and Mi One
Miller have relumed from Milk Creek
where they have been camped for about
two week.
Mr. and Mr. J. F. Nelson have re
turned from Kiin Francinco where they
attended the sesaiona ol the (i. A. It. en
campment. J. D. Cromer, of Crestnn, Washington,
who ha been veiling with hi relative
at Logan, returned Wedneaday to hi
home in Washington.
Mra. Anna Howard and Misa Ktliel
( Ira vea left the latter purl of laat week
fur Han Framisco, where they will
pml alxiut two week.
Dr. II. D. Mount, l.ivy Ktipp, Harry
Draper and Ted Oamuml have returned
from a two weeks' limiting and lUliing
trip in the Alsea, country.
F.niion CalifTha returned from North
llend, wliern he pitched a number of
game for the North llend team in the
Southern Oregon league.
I,ea Caulleld ha returned from a
week' outing at the Toll (late near. Mt.
Hood. Ilia aimer, Mia Marions, will
remain for another week.
Fd K. Taylor went to Astoria Monday
where be Joined Mr. Tav'or and dauuti-
ler and accompanied them home alter a
visit at the seaside town with friends.
Senator (ieo. C, Urownvll, Mayor 1.
It. fiimick, ieo. II. Young ami W. II.
Howell were among thu Oregon Cityite
who accompanied the local hose team to
the Astoria rcgnlta last week.
J. K. M'irr and W. W. II. Samson
lelt IbhI i iii-iliiy for Mt. Hood, where
they w ill upend several day hunting
and li"hiiig. Some good tiirgn clone
may he expected on their retain.
Ii.H Spencer, of Ciinemnh, who h
spending n few weeks it Newport, mnde
a heroic ulteiiipt to reM'iie (lie young
man nmiieil Kleemaii, w ho wis drowned
at that popular resort last week.
Mrs. A. V.. Moor ti ami boys visited
frienda in Portland and relative in Ore
gon City the lutter part of last week and
until Monday. All wis w ith them over
Sunday. New berg (iraphic.
Mr. M. Itollack, of Oregon City, Is
here attending the bedside of her father,
A. (ioldsmilh, who I very ill. Mis
Cell (ioldsnilth Is expected up tonight
or tomorrow. hugeiie Unard, August
W. II. Holmes, an attorney at Salem,
wis in the city the litter part of last
week en route to WHIioit hpriugs to ar
company home hi family, which has
heeii encamiH U at the spring lor sev
eral weeka.
Mr. ami Mr. A. W. Cheney have re
turned from an outing at Newitort. Mr.
Cheney was a member of the Oregon
City party that viaited Crater l.ake, ami
on hi return joined Mr. Cheney for a
few day at the seaside.
Judge and Mrs. Win. (ialloway and
Miss (ialloway went to Portland Wed
nesday evening to attend the wedding of
Mr. Arthur Pressv and Mix (ox. Mr.
I'rrssv is the son of Mrs. Win. Hohiuson
ami formerly resided in this city.
Mm. II. M. Davisaon left Thursday for
Salem to begin the removal of the family
household ellect to Oregon City, where
Mr. and Mm. Davisaon expect to take
np their residence in the autumn. She
is to return to spend several week more
at the Woods Creek farm, before taking
final departure from Ilenton. Corvallis
Time. Mr. Duvisson served com-
misxary at the Oregon state penitentiary
prior to the Chamberlain administration.
Dm. Healietfc Iteatie Dentiatfl. Rooms
1(1, 17, IS. Weihard building.
Social Events
Mis Mnry Conyers will give another
tier grand musical concerts in me
Ueilmen hall at Clatxkanie tomorrow.
Saturday evening, August 2!). Mihs
Convera will be assisted by Miss Veda
M. Williams, of Oregon City; Mias Anna
Kiielixh. of Portland ; Mm. Madge P.unce,
Miss Dora llodgkin, the Tlchenor or
clieatra and others of ClatHkiinie. After
the musical programme, a social dance
will be given.
Mixae Kelta and Vira Ktnart enter
tained a number of their friends on Hat
unlay afternoon in honor of Miss Lizzie
w .ii..,, iw.u.nn ritv. who has been
their guest. Albany Herald.
The Salvation Army,
t frA. rtremrln and Knsizn Mabee
from New York City are holding meet
ing on the coast. Oregon City corps
will be favored with a visit September
-nd and 3d Wednesday and Thursday in
the Salvation Army hall. Col. Itrengle
ha a national reputation as a holiness
teacher. Knslgn MaUee l a goou minim.
All who like singing should hear bun.
Major Dubbin, our divisional oflicer,
who has charge of the Salvation Army
work throughout Waahingtnn and Ore
gon will also help to make the meetings
interesting by being present on the above
date. lo not fail to hear.Col. Itrengle
a he i well worth hearing. All come
praying. Kneiun Crabtree.
Try Tillman's roaBted coffee. Its de
itiou. At Harris grocery. tf
fiair tli
E. J. McKlttrick leave Monday for a
tinea weeka' visit to how York on busi
ness, Hrlghtund Intelligent boy about 17
wanted a clerk in store. Oreat Ameri
can Tea Co., city.
A union Monday School picnic will he
held at (iladslone park on Saturday,
lake the I) o'clock cur at the Congrega
tional church,
Pastor Uolllnger of the Congregational
church ha returned from hi vacation.
All the regular services of the church
will lie reaumed on Sunday.
William Coaper and Mabel Sabin,
both from Vancouver, Washington, were
married at the Congregational manse,
Aug. 2i, He v. K. H. llollinger officiating.
' Jo. Purdoin, local agent for the Postal
Telegraph Company, lis removed hi
ollice to the building occupied by llol
man'a undertaking parlors on north
Main street.
Low railroad rate have been granted
by the road centering in Portland for
the big Carnival in that city, September
H to -0 inclusive, and many from thi
place will take advantage of thi oppor
tunity to make the trip.
II. W. Kreilz, catcher.and WillCallfT.
fielder, for the Oregon City baseball
nine, went to Portland Wednesday after
noon to join the Schiller and play a
aerie of games with the St. Helen
Harvey E. Crox, of this city, ha be
gun the picking of hi early Crawford
peauhcH of which lie ha only an average
crop. From three acre with 500 tre
he will gather about faX) bushels. The
crop will m disposed of in the local mar
ket. This same orchard ten year ago
yielded a crop that sold fur $1070,
The annual exodus of Oregon City
people to the hop yarda haa begun.
Several parties left thi week for yards
in the vicinity of Champoeg anil the
movement ol help w ill be on in earnest
nextwiek. Fully live hundred people
of ihia city annually liml employment in
the harvesting of tliia crop. A special
boat service will be provided next week
for the transposing of pickers.
Mix Jennie A. Itowen, an organizer
for the Ciiited Artisans, was in the city
hint Friday Irom Boring where she had
jiixt organize I a large lodge of that order,
lomoriow night under the auspice of
this lodge, Dr. J. li. Olmstead, of Port
land, will deliver a lecture on "The
Crimes of a (ireai City or New York
After Night." The lecture will be fol
lowed by a social dance.
'J. II. Howard, manager of the Oregon
City Street Fair and Carnival, has re
turned from a trip to Astoria and East
ern Oregon in the interest of the pro
posed street festival. He report that
he found numerous attraction that can
be secured for the Oregon City lete. It
i expected thai definite announcement
ol the diirercnt attractions will be made
I.. Ruc.onich, manager of the Oregon
City hose team, ha received an invita
tion from the management of the Mult
nomah Athletic Club to participate in
the hoee races that will lie held in Port
Ian, I rlnriiiir the Carnival in September.
The Invitation haa been accepted and
the local hosemen will compete in the
contests with team from all over the
state. The racea will be held September
ittmul 11 Second monev was taken in
every event by the Oregon City team at
the Astoria regatta and the same team
will participate in the race at Portland.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
T YV riratiur wtin Uvea nn the West
C.I,, lirmiirhl to Oreiron Citv a nnecimen
of the plum family of remarkable size
yestevday. Mr. I)raer does not know
the variety but it I of oval shape and
dark red in color. The specimen weighs
4 ounces and measures 7 inches one way
and S'.j another. Because o' the prolific
crop, limha are breaking- off the tree
daily on account of the weight of the
fruit. Mr. Draper expect to preserve a
number of ihe plums, many of which
are even laryer man me xampie ne wan
.imn-Hi., vaaiariluv unit nrespnt the
same to the immigration board m Port
the notable features of the Ar
gonaut for August 31, 1903, are "The
Treasure W l.aguna Cave: Hie story oi
I nil II in Hotelier's I. lick." bv CIlHlleS
VI.M.iimr VnihreP! "Kimr Edward at
Cowes," a London letter telling of a
royal croquet game ; "Mispicious aou.u
ll.ii. ,i, I " a tinielv article on the Sultan
.,r 'Cirirav a-tuiuM xnlilipra am now dev
astating the northern provinces with fire
and sword ; "I'.eautiful iiu.zaru a iay,-
in ...),;.. I, "Van Kll,.i" n-ritea of .Tosenh
Jefferson, Leonard Wood, and Cleveland ;
... . ...it .....
and a criticism oi uenry miner anu Mar
garet Anglin in Kichard Harding Davis's
nlav. "The Taming of Helen," by Jose
phine Hart PhelDS.
It. L. Holman, leading undertaker
Oregon City, Oregon. March 27-tf
Tla Women 'a I pu is and Clark club of
thi city will hold its regular meeting at
Willamette hall. Wednesday, September
2, at 2:30 p. ra. At this meeting a state
vice-president will be elected to succeed
the late Mr. 11. A. Miller.
bridge to carry tfit weakened aad
starved lystem along until it cn had
firm lupport in ordinary food.
Send fcx tree ample
SCOTT ft BOWXE, Chtmiitt,
409-41 5 Furl .Street, N York,
jot and 1 1 .00 ; tit drngiu.
Where They Will Teach.
Superintendent Zinzer Is making out
list of the diatrlcta in the county, with
the teacher who will teach the different
cliool thi winter, lay the Telegram
correspondent. Following are some of
the near by school and their teachers:
F.J. Meindl and Alice Shannon have
been re engaged to teach the Canemah
school, trance Jul. 'ison will teach the
Upper Logan school. Last winter Mia
Logan taught in district No. 30, a joint
district , of Yamhill and Washington
couiii ie. Mr. Phema Dimick will
teach the Concord school. J F. M'tt
ha been elected principal of the Molalla
school. Gertrude Fisher will teach the
Stafford school. Howard Eckels ha
been engaged to teach an eiht-montha
school at Kiverside. V. A. Davi de
ditiea the reappointment a principal of
the Harmony school, and the director
are looking for a candidate. ItizaThomp
on, after teaching for a time in Wash
ington, come hack to thi comity to
teach the Hood View school. J. B Lent
will teach the Sycamore school agin
tliix ear, and will be furnished with an
axx 1st Hiit. AunaThompson ha been re
elected to the Tualatin school. Leonard
Merrill will teach the Orient school
again this winter, II.LieHinan has been
re-engaged to teach the Frog Pond
school, J.T. Skirvan and Yeva Knight
will suierinlend the Aurora school.
Travelled oOO Miles.
M. K. Mohler, I. Le.Mahieu and E. E.
Charman have returned from an extend
ed outing in the mountain. Among the
point of inU rest Included in the itiner
ary, were: Tab'e Kock, Clackimaa Hot
Sp'ringa, Collurwaah river, Breitenbuxh
Hot Springs, Mt. Jefferson and Elk
Lake. In the six weeks that was re
(jiiired to make the t:ip, the pany got
five deer anil the three angler are will
ing to make oath that they caught more
than 700 trout by actual count. Mr.
Mohler accomplished the difficult feat of
scaling Mt. Jefferson. Mr. Charman,
who made the trip'for the benefit ot hi
impaired health, returned home greatly
strengthened. The party secured a
great number of line photographic view.
More than 500 miles were covered in the
For Young Men nnd Young Women.
There i nothing that will arouse the
ire of a young man or woman aoquick a
to have inferior laundry work put off 011
tln iii. They muy drwsa ever bo well,
but if their ahirt front or shirt waist is
nuxxv, their neat appearance i spoiled.
The Troy Laundry make a specialty of
Indies and gentlemen fine work.
There can be no lietter work than is done
at the Troy. Leave your orders at John
sun's baiber shop.
Will llebuilil Woolen Mill.
The Oregon City Manufacturing Com
pany, Wednesday, awarded to Henry
Jones, a local contractor, the contract
for building four frame buildings to re
place the structure that were burned at
the company's woolen mill in this city
last month. The amount ot Mr. Jones'
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
Signature of
bid was not announced hut it is under
stood to have approximated $-'0,000. It
will require four months to erect the
.buildings but work will be sufficiently
advanced in sixty days that the opera
tion of the plant in all of its departments
may be resumed.
lioriiT .'a.vot i:isr
I YrNtlgnMon M ill O ly Strength
on the I'roof lie Give in
Orrgon Vlty.
How can doubt exist in the face of
such evidence? Read here the endorse
ment of a representative citizon.
James Peterson, emploved by G. C.
Havley of the O. R. & N. R; R. Co., at
Portland, and living at Woodstock, says:
"In my opinion, if any sufferer from
backacke fails to find relief in loan's
Kidney Pills, there is no relief for turn
on earth. However, I don't believe any
case exists which Doan's Kidney Pill
will not help. 1 had severe backache
and weakness of the kidneys for years.
My back ached so at times that I could
hardly get up from a couch and the kid
ney secretions presented a very unnat
ural appearance, and deposited a heavy
sediment if allowed to stand long enough.
I spont lota of money when living in the
east in trying to get something to effect
a cure. I came out here to Portland
twelve years ago thinking the change of
climate might Denefit me but the trouble
still clung to me. I paid one doctor $75
(or medicines, but I might just as well
have taken bo much water so far as any
benefit was concerned. I used five bot
tles of a well-known remedy manufact
ured in the east and received only tem
porary relief. I finally saw Doan's Kid
ney Pills advertised and one day I
bought a box and had used only a few
doses when I knew they bad gone to the
root of the trouble. I continued their
use until I had used three boxes and can
say cheerfully that they did more for me
than all the other medicines pat to
gether." Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. G. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what his cus
tomers report.
Foi;sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
I take no substitute.
Saloon I.lcenxe.
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply to the City Council at the regular
September meeting for a renewal of my
liquor license at my present place of
business Main aud Seventh Streets.
J. W. Colk.
Banth li8 Kind Yaa Hav Hlwar. Bacgli
Wis J ah
( tt 1 Ready
J (1 For
1 1 Baby,
The young mother thinks, when she has
completed the baby garment that are to
clothe the little form. But she is not all
ready for baby' coming, unless she ha
done something more for the baby than
merely to prepare his clothe. Many a
young mother who goes through hour
of pain and suffering wonders why it wa
not possible to prepare in some way for
the baby's advent, and to avoid the
aony that seemed almost unendurable,
lir. Pierce' J'avorite Prescription i the
one medicine for women which prepare
them perfectly, both for the burdens and
pleasure of maternity. It prevent the
morning sickness from which so many
women suffer. It strengthens the whole
body, o that there is no nervousness nor
anxiety. It promote a healthy appetite
and causes ref resiling sleep. It gives the
mother strength for her trial and makes
the baby's advent practically painless.
Healthy mothers have healthy children,
and it is the general testimony of those
who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription as a preparative for mother
hood, that the children were healthier
and happier than those bora after
months of mental misery and physical
anguish on the part of the prospective
Sick and ailing women are Invited to
consult Dr. Pierce by letter absolutely
without fee or charge. As chief consult
ing physician to the Invalid' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., Dr.
R. V. Pierce, assisted by his staff of
nearly a score of physicians, has in the
past thirty years and over treated and
cured more than half a million sick and
suffering women. The testimonials of
these cured women are on record. A
large mimljer of them were cured when
doctors had pronounced a cure impossi
ble and after enduring years of useless
Let no sick women hesitate to talce ad
vantage of Dr. Pierce's offer, but write
at once and so secure the professional
counsel of a specialist in the diseases of
women, entirely free. All correspond
ence strictly private and sacredly confi
dential. Address Dr. E V. Pierce, Buf
falo, N. Y.
Hoped for Death,
For the sake of poor iuffering women, I feel
H my duty to inform you of the great benefit
your medicine has (riven me, write Mrs. Callie
Bowles, of Watta. Iredell Co., N. C. "I wu in a
most miserable condition when 1 wrote to you.
I had uterine disease so bad I could scarcely
walk and suffered such dreadful misery I hoped
to be relieved by death. You wrote to me to
take your 4 Favorite Prescription ' and I have
taken eleven bottles of it, and two of your
' l'leasant Pellets. I am entirely well and feel
like a new woman. I feet thankful to God and
to Dr. Pierce for the blessings I now enjoy. I
have a fine bis; boy, two months old and neves
got along as well in my life. I can't praise voor
medicines enough.11
Very Thankful,
I will be very glad to say a few words for Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescriptioa. writes Mrs. P. B.
Douglas, of Mansonville. Bromc Co., Quebec.
"During the finK four months when I looked
forward to becoming a mother I sufftred very
much from nausea asulr vomiting and I felt so
terrible sick I could scarcely eat or drink any
thing. I hated all kind of food. At this time I
wrote to Dr. Pierce and he told me to get his
Favorite Prescription' and a bottle of 'Golden
Medical Discovery.' I got a bottle of each and
when I hsd taken them a few days. I felt much
better, and when I had taken hardly three parts
of each bottle I felt weU and could eat as well as
any one, and could do my work without any
trouble. ( I could not do any thing before). I feet
very thankful to Dr. Pierce for his medicine and
I tell all who tell me they are sick to get these
anedicincs or write to Dr. Pierce.'
Dt, Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, sent free on receipt of stamp to
pay expense of mailing only. Send 2T.
one-cent stamp for book in paper cover,
or 31 stamps in cloth binding.
State j
Fair I
SEPTEMBER 14-19, 1903
The greatest Exposition and Live
Stock Show on the Pa
cific Coast.
High Class Racingevery afternoon
$12,000 in Cash Premiums
on live stock and farm
, products.
All exhibits hauled free over the
Southern Pacific
Reduced transportation rates on 1
all lines. 1
Live Stock Auction Sale
held in connection with fair.
Fine camping ground free and re
duced rates on camper's tickets
Come and bring your fam
ilies. For further in
formation, write
n. D. Wisdom, Secretary
Portland, Ore.
Oregon Short Line
and Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and Tour
ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago
Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to
Kansas City; through Pullman touris
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs(seats freeto the east daily.
From Portland
Dsn ar
Portland Hiecial
9:20 a. m.
Halt Lake. Denver. Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kan
4;30 p.
aa City, Ht. bouia,
Chicago and bast,
Er (1 reus
8:15 D. m
Halt Lake, Denver. Ft.
n orth.Oiiiaiia.kan
via Hant-
sas City, Ht. Louis,
Chicago and Laat.
Ht. Paul
Fast Mail
Walla Walla, Lewis
ton, Hpokane, Min
neapoli. Ht. Paul,
Duluth, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Es3t.
7:35 a. m.
Excellent Meals.
Best Servics.
For detailed information of rates,
berth reservation etc, call or write to
agent at warf.
General Offices, H. C. Campbell,
Portland, Ore. Manager.
Ocean and River Schedule
8 p. m. A" Sailing dates sub- if.
ject to change.
For -an Francisco
Sail every 5 day
Daily Ex
Siinilav Columbia Biver 4 p. m.
8 n ni Steamer Ex. Sun-
8aniriiay To Astoria, d Way- day.
10 p. n. Unduw.
- " ... " L-a
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars. Tickets east
via all rail, or boat and rail via Port
" :00 . m.
9 :22 a. m. (Albany Local)
6:10 p. m.
9:22 a. ui.
4:50 p. m. (Albany Local)
9:14 p. ui.
Daily River Excursions
- or
daily schedule:
Foot Taylor 8t,
8 30 A. M.
11 30 "
3 00 P, si:
Foot Eighth St.
7 00 A. M.
10 00
1 30 P. U.
4 30 "
Oregon City Transportation Co.
Return trip good on Electric Line.
L. Lewis, Comm'l Agt., 242 Alder St..
Pnrtlaml rira WritA for the novel and
catchy Seaside pamphlet, just issued,
telling all about summer inns, sea ser
pents and sunsets abeaswe.
I llrLjUIUhU
Portland and The Dalles
"Bailey Gatzert" "Dales City"
"Regulator" "Metlako"
Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with the'
Columbia River and Northern Ry. for
Nakkeasus, Daly, Centerville, Wolden
dale and all Clicketat Valley points.
Steamer leave Portland daily (except
Sunday) for The Dalles 7 a.m., arrives
The Dalle 6 :30 p. rn. ; steamer connect
with C. R. & N. train at Lyle for Gol
dendale. Steamer leave The Dale
daily (except Sunday) for Portland at
7:30 a. m., arrives Portland p. m. ;
C. R. & N. train leaving Uoldendale at
6:15 connect with the Bteamer for Port
land. Str "Metlako" make daily round
trip between Cascade Lock and The
Dalle; leave Locks 6 a. m., returns
6 p. m.
The Palitial Steamer "Bailay Gatzert"
leaves Po.tland daily (except Monday)
8:30 a. rn., Sunday 9 a. m., for Cascade
Lock and return, affording an excellent
opportunity to 'view the scenery af the
Cylnmoia River.
Excellent meals served on all steamer
Fine accommodations for team and
For detailed information, of rates,
berth reservations, railroad' and staee
connection write to or call upon S. Mc
donald, agent. Alder street wharf, or
H. C. CAMPBELL, Manager,
Portland, Ore.
Beantb Kind Yi Haw Unit Refft